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Painted veneer. Technology of painting veneered wood products

At first glance, painting plywood, chipboard and other furniture materials is not so difficult. However, this procedure has its own subtleties. These materials have the same wooden base, but each of them has its own characteristics, which are important to consider when painting furniture.

How to paint plywood and veneer?

Before you move on to painting plywood, you should understand what it is. this material. Plywood is a multilayer material that consists of veneer, the layers of which are glued together. Veneer is a thin layer of wood, mainly pine or birch. There are sanded and untreated plywood. Depending on the grade, plywood has certain properties. Most premium– this is class “E” plywood, which means “elite”. This plywood is sanded on both sides and is completely free of knots and roughness.

Other types of plywood also have their own designations in the form of Arabic or Roman numerals from 1 to 4. This number is indicated for both sides of the plywood sheet. For example, the designation 2/4 indicates that the front sheet (2) is often covered with a small number of knots and has minor cracks up to 2 mm. The wrong side (4) has big number knots and open cracks up to 1 cm. There may also be voids on this side. Such plywood is mainly used where it will not be visible (for example, to build a subfloor).

When buying plywood for painting on one side, pay attention to sheets marked 2/4. If you are going to paint the sheet on both sides, it is better to choose 2/2 or 1/1 markings.

If you have a sheet of plywood not very High Quality, before painting it is better to sand it well sandpaper.

Dry the plywood before painting, especially if it has been stored in high humidity conditions. You can leave the sheets indoors at room temperature for a couple of days.

Plywood can be painted with either paint or varnish. Perfect option for this material - alkyd-based paints. You can varnish plywood without preliminary preparation, using a soft brush or roller. When painting plywood with enamel, you must first prepare the sheets. GF-021 primer of brown or gray shade is often used. After the primer has completely dried, you can apply paint. Pay attention to the ends of the plywood: they need to be carefully painted several times.
Similar requirements for painting apply to furniture covered with veneer. But veneer is mainly varnished rather than painted. Before applying the varnish, the old layer is carefully removed using sandpaper. It is preferable to do this manually so as not to damage the surface. The best option there will be stain on water based. It must be applied in several layers. You can, of course, paint the veneer with alkyd enamel or paint, but they will completely hide its texture and color. For painting, choose a soft roller.

Chipboard is based on compressed wood chips, which are glued with a special resin. The resin contains formaldehyde, which is harmful to health. To minimize the damage caused by resin fumes, it is recommended to paint the chipboard. Chipboard can be treated not only with paint, but also with natural drying oil on both sides. Don't forget the ends.

If you are dealing with laminated chipboard (chipboard), then the painting technology will be a little more complicated. First you need to take fine-grained sandpaper and carefully clean the surface with it. After this, carefully remove the dust. Next, the surface is treated with a primer, and then processed again with sandpaper. Chipboard can be painted with alkyd enamel in several layers. It is better to paint laminated chipboard with a soft velor roller, which does not leave streaks.

How to paint fiberboard?

Fiberboard is a wood-fiber board, the painting of which has some nuances. Fiberboard or hardboard is formed from compressed wood fibers, resulting in porous material. This increases paint consumption. To reduce the amount of paint, the surface is pre-treated. Natural drying oil heated to 50 degrees and GF-021 primer are well suited for this. For good adhesion, it is recommended to thoroughly sand the surface before priming. Fiberboard is painted only on the front side; the back side is difficult to process.

After the primer or drying oil has completely dried, you can begin painting. In this case, any paint will do, be it alkyd or oil-based. Use a soft roller because... The brush may cause streaks and hair sticking. A good option is spray paint. It leaves no streaks and evenly covers the entire surface.


Using the above tips and recommendations for painting furniture materials, you can easily give an updated look. appearance familiar and slightly boring furniture and “breathe” into it new life. Some pattern will also add originality and uniqueness to your furniture - here you can realize your creative fantasies to the maximum.


Veneer is a thin cut of valuable wood that is used for finishing surfaces interior door and boxes. IN in this case it becomes possible to preserve the texture and color of natural wood. But a non-professional cannot distinguish doors covered with veneer from natural products. The similarity is one hundred percent. And you will find out the answer to why this happens after studying the technology for creating such a door.

Veneer interior door

Painting the surface of a veneer door is simple, but in this case it is important to choose the right composition for painting. So, you can use the following building materials:

  • polyurethane paints;
  • water-based compositions that are practical;
  • glyphthalic substances, which are usually used for painting interior veneer doors in rooms with high humidity;
  • other compounds, of which there are a lot on the building materials market today.

Important! There is no need to use nitro paints to paint veneered doors, because if there is excess moisture, matte spots will appear on the surface. Moreover, this paint is toxic and contributes to allergic reactions.

And no matter what you decide to paint your veneered interior door with, the main thing is that the work is done correctly.

Rules for painting interior veneer doors yourself

Please note that regardless of the paint and varnish materials, there are some unwritten rules for painting veneer doors:

  • To begin with, it is recommended to remove the door structure from its hinges;
  • remove the fittings altogether;
  • cover decorating elements with a special protective film;
  • removal of old coating.

In fact, veneer, as a building material, is capricious and whimsical, unlike laminate. Experts recommend that before you start painting the door leaf, bring the product into the room for at least a few days. This is done so that veneer products become accustomed to the microclimate of the room.

Actions in case of minor errors in operation

You can eliminate small “errors” that may appear during the process of painting interior veneer structures yourself. To do this, you need to select the desired composition of transparent varnish for painting furniture. Although, if you have furniture wax polish, this composition is also suitable for use. It will hide minor damage and scratches.

Errors on veneer doors

If the resulting damage in area is not too large, you can paint this part with a layer of paint. If the damaged area is noticeable from a distance of more than a meter, you will have to paint the entire surface of the veneer door. Only in this case will you eliminate the formation of shine, which will be distributed unevenly across the canvas.

Stages of painting a veneer door yourself

The surface of a veneered door is painted with your own hands in several stages. So:

  1. Preparation. Involves preparing the door surface for painting. To begin with, it is recommended to clean the fabric of the product from contaminants, including old varnish and paint. This is important if the color of the future paint is not similar to the old one. When did you purchase new door made of veneer, then the remnants of the old varnish can not be removed, but new paint of the desired color can be applied on top.

Preparatory work

It is recommended to remove old paint or varnish from an interior veneer door using special means for washing or fine-grained sandpaper.

Important! It is prohibited to use a grinding turbine at the preliminary stage. It can cause dents and cracks on the surface, which are completely unnecessary and will only add unnecessary work. The reason for this is the high speed of the device.

If polishing is planned in the future, the preparation becomes more complicated. Indeed, in this case it is necessary to perform zonal treatment with a construction hairdryer.

  1. And only after completing the preparatory stage do they begin painting the veneer interior door panel. And this stage will be final only if the first stage of surface treatment is completed flawlessly.

Veneer door painting

Small nuances of the process of painting a veneer door

* please note that it is better to use less concentrated paint for coating veneer doors. Otherwise you will hide the grain of the wood;

  • the use of colored varnishes is an opportunity to leave the door untouched with its own pattern and texture. And to add richness and brightness to the veneer structure, you can use the desired stain;
  • The door surface is treated in a horizontal position. Only in this case can you guarantee the even distribution of paint and varnish over the canvas;
  • it is permissible and even recommended to paint the surface of a veneer structure in different shades;
  • and even taking into account the fact that the range of paints and varnishes today is extensive, if desired, you can give a special look to the surface of a veneered door. And in this case, stain will come to the rescue. From a professional point of view, suitable option Applying stain is considered to be a spray bottle. Although you can use a standard brush or sponge.

Painting artificial veneered products

To reduce the cost of a natural door, it is customary to replace structures with veneer models. And it is impossible to distinguish between artificial and natural fabrics. Especially if it concerns non-professionals. After all, the design completely replicates the natural analogue, both in color and texture.

Veneered door

But it is worth paying attention to the fact that painting the surface of such a structure is much more difficult. And this difficulty lies in the constant flow of paint from the door leaf. And the painting process will take longer.

In this case, the choice of the right paint deserves special attention. Any composition will not work here. And in general, if you have not carried out such work yourself, then it is better to transfer it to the shoulders of specialists. Timely contact with professionals will allow you to save interior doors from poor-quality painting and unnecessary financial costs.

Interior doors can long time maintain its attractive appearance with proper use. Exist certain rules caring for the veneer surface - do not clean it with abrasive substances, do not use cleaners with chemically active components. But what to do if scratches appear on the door, or you want to change its color so that it matches the modernized interior?

Painting a door made of natural veneer

You can paint doors or arches in an apartment made of veneer with colored varnish or paint. If a scratch appears on the door leaf, first of all, evaluate its extent. Small scratches can be painted over using varnish of the recommended shade. Damage that can be seen from a distance of one meter requires painting the entire canvas. Due to the fact that natural veneer has a very small thickness, working with it requires caution and extreme care.

Before starting work, it is necessary to remove the door from its hinges and prepare the surface for painting: remove the remains of old varnish, dust, and dirt. The varnish is easily removed with fine-grained sandpaper or a remover specially made for this purpose. Deep cracks it needs to be primed and then leveled with wood putty. Clean the dried surface with sandpaper.

When choosing paint, remember that natural veneer surface has a unique wood cut pattern. If you want to preserve it, use less concentrated paints. By using paint with good hiding power, you can forever forget about the structure and color of natural veneer.

A new veneer door, which does not match the color of the interior, can be repainted with a different color of varnish without removing the old coating.

Painting faux veneer doors

It is theoretically possible to paint a door leaf made of artificial veneer. However, be prepared that the result may disappoint you. You have to find a paint that can be applied to a smooth canvas and that will stick to it later. Priming the surface for painting will deprive the door of the natural effect.

Painting a veneer door requires consultation with a specialist. It is necessary to resolve a number of issues: what to buy in a particular situation, varnish or paint, and whether the environmental friendliness of the product will deteriorate in the process of change chemical composition surface layer of the door leaf.

If the furniture has lost its attractiveness or is tired of its appearance, then this is not a reason to get rid of it, because everything can be easily fixed by repainting. With the right approach, you can change its appearance beyond recognition. For example, you can either paint furniture in Provence style or give it a vintage or classic look.

There is nothing overly complicated in this operation, the main thing is to know the technology and apply a little diligence and imagination. To help in this matter, next we will look at the basic principles of painting furniture at home.

General information

Of course, before you get acquainted with the technology, first of all you should figure out what paint to paint the furniture with, because the result of the work will largely depend on the choice of paint composition. True, it’s impossible to name just one type of paint coating, since it all depends on the furniture itself and what you want it to look like in the end.

First of all, the paint must be selected in accordance with the type of coating, i.e. For wooden furniture coatings are needed for wood, for metal products - for metal. In some cases, the paint also has requirements such as water resistance, frost resistance, etc.

For the rest, you should rely on your own preferences, for example, the coverage could be:

  • Glyantsev;
  • Matt;
  • Transparent (varnish compositions).

Sometimes passive fire protection of furniture is required, in which case its surfaces are coated with fire-retardant paints. Moreover, it is necessary to treat with a fire retardant composition not only wooden ones, but also metal parts, for which fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil or their analogues can be used.

If we're talking about about painting metal garden furniture, then the most important requirement for paint is protection against corrosion.
In this case, a proven product is electrically conductive paint Zinga, which provides two-level protection - barrier (passive) and cathodic (active), as with cold galvanizing.

It should also be said that for different types furniture, not only different coloring compositions are used, but also different technologies painting. Moreover, many of them have fundamental differences.

As a rule, in our houses and apartments there are the following types furniture:

  • Veneered;
  • Laminated;
  • Lacquered;
  • Polished;
  • Rattan.

Now let’s take a closer look at the technology of painting each of these types of furniture.

Veneered furniture

As a rule, veneered furniture is made of chipboards, covered with a layer of veneer, which usually has a beautiful natural texture. Therefore, before painting veneer furniture, you should decide whether you want to leave the solid wood in sight or want to hide it with a layer of paint.

Regardless of the type of coating, the work is performed as follows:

  • First of all, you need to disassemble the furniture and remove all the fittings from it (this procedure applies to any furniture, so we will not mention it further).
  • Then you need to remove the old varnish using fine-grained sandpaper. Moreover, it is advisable to do the work yourself, since using a machine can damage a thin layer of veneer.
  • Then you should carefully inspect the structure for scratches and chips. If they are found, all defects must be repaired with wood putty. After it dries, the treated areas should be sanded with fine-grained sandpaper.
  • Next, the base is thoroughly cleaned of dust.
  • After this, the surface to be treated must be coated with a primer, which acts as a primer.
  • The final stage is to coat the product with colored varnish or paint. As a rule, polyurethane, water-based or glypthal coatings are used for veneered furniture.

There is another, more radical way to update the veneer surface - tear off the old veneer and glue a new one.
This option is suitable in cases where the old coating is severely damaged.


The technology for painting varnished products is not much different from repainting veneered ones, however, there are still some differences.

The instructions look like this:

  • First of all, as in the previous case, you need to remove the old varnish. Since in this case there is no veneer that can peel off when heated, the varnish can be removed using a construction varnish. In this case, use a hairdryer to warm up small areas surfaces that are immediately scraped off with a spatula.
  • Before painting lacquered furniture, be sure to sand it using fine sandpaper. With its help, the remnants of the old coating are eliminated and minor irregularities are removed. This procedure is carried out until the surface becomes rough, uniform and matte.
  • Next, the product must be cleaned of dust and degreased.
  • If necessary, the surface must be treated with an antiseptic.
  • All existing damage, as in the previous case, must be puttied.
  • After this, varnish or paint is applied to the surface, usually in two layers.


Restoring polished items is as easy as painting lacquered furniture. Moreover, you don’t even have to remove the old varnish, due to its absence.

As in all previous cases, there are two finishing options:

  • Add color to the coating. For example, you can paint the product matte white or light gray to decorate it in the aforementioned Provence style. True, to achieve a greater effect, after painting it is advisable to slightly age the surface.
  • Preserve the natural texture of the wood by painting it with varnish.

Before painting polished furniture White color, you should make sure that the paint does not fade in the sun, otherwise the product will quickly turn yellow and take on an unpresentable appearance.
Therefore, it is better to give preference to formulations from trusted manufacturers.

In the photo - a painted chest of drawers in Provence style


When restoring furniture, home craftsmen have the most questions about laminated surfaces, since painting laminated furniture is quite difficult. This process contains many nuances, which lie, first of all, in the choice of paint. For example, water-based formulations cannot be used, so best choice there will be polyurethane or alkyd enamel.

Before painting, the laminated surface must be treated with fine sandpaper to make it rough. In addition, the peculiarities lie in the painting itself - the coloring composition must be applied with some force, pressing or rubbing it into the surface. This is the only way to ensure the quality and durability of the coating.

It must be said that many experts do not recommend this operation at all, since it is not always guaranteed positive result, and the price of new laminated products is quite affordable.


Wicker, or as it is also called, rattan furniture is not difficult to paint and any wood paint will do. Moreover, the process is no different from surfaces.

Vod, perhaps, and all the points that you need to know when repainting and restoring furniture.


We looked at the main points on how to paint furniture yourself. Of course, in the process of work, some other nuances and difficulties may arise, however, every home craftsman can overcome them. The most important thing is not to violate technology and do the work carefully and slowly.

For more information on this topic, watch the video in this article.

Our advantages:

Painting veneer doors

It often happens that when purchasing a secondary home, you have to do general renovations. This includes such a creative process as painting interior veneer doors. It does not require special construction skills from the owners, but at the same time, they need to be extremely careful and have certain knowledge.

What is veneer

Before painting it is necessary to carry out a series preparatory work. If we are talking about a door made of veneer, then it is necessary to find out in detail the properties of this building material.

Veneer is a very thin section of wood that is glued to the door leaf. This makes the door surface similar to natural wood, which helps create a cozy atmosphere in the room. When using veneer, you need to take into account the fact that under the influence of direct sunlight he burns out. To prevent this, the veneer surface is coated with several layers of special varnish.

Preparatory work

There are two situations when there is a need to paint interior veneer doors:

  • The door was just purchased at the store;
  • The old door needs painting.

The door is new

When purchasing new doors, it often happens that door manufacturers save money by applying only 1 coat of varnish to their products. In this case, the buyer must independently apply several additional layers of the facing material and prevent damage to the product.

This is quite easy to do. Must be purchased at any hardware store special varnish for wood and using a brush, carefully apply layers to the surface of the veneer. After the varnish has completely dried, the surface is thoroughly sanded. From fine particles can be easily removed with a dry brush or vacuum cleaner. After completing this process, the surface of the door must be covered with a second varnished layer. It is very important to take into account that the process of sanding the door must be repeated each time before the next layer of varnish is applied.

The door is old

But what to do in a situation where the door already has old paint or its remnants. In this case, the product should be painted according to the following rules.

To ensure maximum comfort, it is better to carefully remove the veneer interior door from its hinges and place it on a flat surface as stable as possible. The most effective way to remove old layers of paint is with a simple metal spatula.

After complete removal of paint residues, the veneer surface must be thoroughly sanded. During this work, you should pay attention Special attention all kinds of recesses. You can effectively level the surface using a special putty designed for wood. It fills the holes, eliminating their detrimental effect on aesthetics. After the putty has dried, the veneer surface must be sanded a second time.

These processes are accompanied by the appearance of a huge number of small particles of paint, dust and other debris on the door. You can easily remove it with a simple vacuum cleaner or dry brush.

Paint selection

The choice of the right paint suitable for the veneer should be chosen based on whether you want to leave the natural wood texture of the interior door or want to create unique style with a pattern and other similar decorations.

If the color needs to be completely changed, then a number of additional works need to be done. In this case, if there is a varnish coating, it should be carefully removed. Any manipulations with veneer should be performed with extreme caution and care. The fact is that veneer is a very thin material and susceptible to damage.

The following types of paints are suitable for painting such building materials:

  • Polyurethane;
  • Water;
  • Glyphthalic.

A specialist is recommended to use water-based paint. It fits well on the surface and does not damage it. The use of nitro paints is highly discouraged. Over time, they leave matte stains on the surface of the veneer, which significantly spoil the appearance of the interior door.

The paint you choose for the door can be applied in one layer with a special sprayer or roller. If there is a need to apply a second layer, then you need to wait until the first one has completely dried. Please remember that your safety and the safety of your loved ones must come first. It is for this reason that choose natural paint compositions that are environmentally friendly.

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