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Buy premises at auction. Public auctions for the sale of real estate

Perhaps for some, the archaic word “auction” is associated only with the century before last, the smell of mothballs, or with a vivid episode from the movie “12 Chairs”. But auctions still exist close to us today, moreover, they work successfully. Public sale of antiques, cars, and various things according to established rules is popular in Russia. Real estate auctions are also active. Every adult citizen of Russia has the right and opportunity to purchase an apartment at auction, and the transaction can be very successful.

Features of auction sales

Auctions are organized by large trading companies, seller associations, brokerage auction firms, but most often auctions are organized by banks and government agencies, for example the Federal Bailiff Service.

Each public auction is held individually according to strictly defined rules, for example, auctions announced by bailiffs are regulated by law.

Auction trading technology

There are two types of auctions based on the method of setting prices:

  1. With increasing prices (English type). The winner in such an auction is the person who offers the maximum price.
  2. With price reduction (Dutch type). The winner is the one who first agrees to pay the announced amount.

Both options are used at auctions for the sale of apartments. There is another type - online auction (Scandinavian type). It works to increase the price and the participant who made the last bid by the end of the auction wins. In such events, the opportunity to place a bet is usually paid.

Auctions can be open or closed. During open bidding, everyone sees the opponents' bids. In a closed auction, bids are submitted to the auctioneer (auction organizer) in envelopes; they are not publicly disclosed. At one time, privatization auctions were held in Russia using this type.

The auction method of selling real estate, or as it is also called the “quick sales method,” was developed by the American Bill Efros. In America, this method works great, playing on the passion for gambling of many people in the country. The property is put up for auction at a reduced price, which attracts the attention of potential buyers. As a result of skillfully conducted auctions, the price quickly rises, and those interested in purchasing actively increase the price. The buyer is the one who was able to beat the others and pay the highest price. In Russia, the population has a more practical mentality and this method is not very popular.

Among realtors there are supporters and opponents of the auction method of real estate trading. According to unofficial data, less than 1% of all apartments sold are sold in this way.

Which apartments are included in auctions?

Unfortunately, in recent years the number of people unable to service bank loans, credits, and mortgages has increased. Persons subject to bankruptcy proceedings also have to pay off creditors. In this regard, cases of apartment sales through auction have become more frequent.

Theoretically, an apartment at auction can be purchased at half the market price. It is possible that there is an increase in real estate prices on the market, but prices at the auction site remain the same. During auctions, it is allowed to attract mortgage loans and maternity capital. The terms of a home purchase agreement can be very attractive.

More often, apartments on the secondary housing market end up at auctions, but there are cases when brand new apartments in new buildings are also put up for auction. It is considered especially lucky if the house has already been commissioned by the builders and registered in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It.

Organization and holding of auctions

Information about the upcoming auction is published in local media, and, if required, in the federal media.

The first step of the auction is to determine the market value of the property put up for sale. Then a time is set for the auction, where the property must be sold. In addition to traditional open bidding with an auctioneer hitting a wooden mallet and declaring “Sold!”, there are electronic biddings.

It must be said that the “lion’s share” of auctions for the sale and profitable purchase of real estate are held on electronic trading platforms, the so-called ETP portals. Therefore, it is worth dwelling in more detail on this method of conducting auctions.

Electronic trading platforms

To participate in electronic trading, you must have a personal electronic signature of the EPC option. CEP (qualified electronic signature) is a strengthened version of EDS (electronic digital signature). It is issued in organizations authorized to issue it in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Electronic Signatures”.

The CEP is valid for one year, the cost is from 2000 to 4000 rubles. You can receive it either to participate in auctions on one auction site or several.

Having received the electronic signature, you can register on the resource that plans to hold the auction. After registration, each participant is given the right to use a personal account on this electronic platform. An application for participation in the auction is submitted from the LC.

The participant transfers a deposit to the account of the auction organizer; as a rule, it is no more than 20% of the market value of the object put up for sale. This amount is not returned to the winning bidder, but goes toward payment for the purchased apartment. The remaining amount must be immediately transferred to the seller, after which a sales contract is drawn up. Less successful participants can return the deposit or use it in the next auction.

Auction stages

Real estate auctions are held in stages. Typically, the first and second stages involve increasing prices. Moreover, the starting price is set slightly lower than the market price, at the first stage by 10%, and the auction step is 5-10% of the lot price. There are usually no people willing to buy an apartment under such conditions.

At the second stage, the price of the property being sold is reduced by 30%, but the principle does not change and the bidding step remains the same. In this situation, you can benefit from the purchase, but this is very doubtful.

The third stage is considered the most interesting and effective - the principle of price reduction is included. A certain price for the apartment, an auction step (usually the same 5-10%) and a duration, for example a month, are set. The price decreases until one of the bidders expresses a desire to buy it for that amount. The reduction can occur multiple times and reach the stated level (“cut-off price”). The price does not drop further. Thus, an apartment can be purchased at 2-3 times lower than the market value.

But you also need to know how to buy an apartment at an auction and not get into a difficult situation.

How to avoid unpleasant surprises

Experienced professionals, such as auction organizers, are not able to protect bidders from the problems that they may encounter after purchasing real estate. The apartment for sale may have encumbrances that will not interfere with its sale. The most common are:

  • unpaid debts for utilities. The amount of debt can reach gigantic amounts, literally hundreds of thousands of rubles. To eliminate this problem, you will have to go through many instances, including the court;
  • refusal to evict tenants living in the apartment. The eviction procedure can be very long and complicated, and if it contains minor children, disabled people, or is the only place to live, it can be almost impossible.

In this case, experienced lawyers advise filing a vindication claim against the cunning tenants who do not want to leave someone else’s apartment, i.e. a claim by an owner to seize his property from someone else's use. In this situation, the illegal owner is given five days by court decision to evict. Otherwise, the forceful option of forced legal eviction is used.

To avoid sticky situations and financial losses, before purchasing an apartment at auction, it must be thoroughly and very carefully studied. If you have such an opportunity and a lot of free time, it’s possible to do this. But it's better to turn to a professional. Paying for his services will pay off many times over with a profitable transaction, and you will free yourself from the encumbrances of a problem apartment, checking its legal purity, possible machinations of auction organizers, and delving into the intricacies of auction trading. It is also not easy for a non-specialist to determine the exact market and liquid value of an apartment.

At least 80% of apartments at auctions are purchased by realtors for further resale. But why not take part in the auction yourself? There is a high probability that Fortune will be on your side.

16.07.18 173 513 31

How I bought an apartment from the state

And saved money on a realtor

In Moscow, “Mossotsgarantiya” has existed for almost 25 years, an institution that takes care of single pensioners.

Liliya Dolgova

bought an apartment from the state

Pensioners can enter into a life annuity agreement and exchange their apartment for an increase in pension. Its size is from 1 to 2 living wages, depending on the age of the owner and the value of the property. After the owner's death, his home is sold at auction. In May 2016, my husband and I bought one of these apartments.

The starting price is usually lower than the market price, although it may rise during the auction. The real estate is checked by Mossotsgarantiya lawyers: even at the stage of concluding a rent agreement, they look to see whether the apartment is legally privatized and whether there are direct heirs. The risk of buying a problem apartment is low, which means you can save money on a realtor.

If you want to follow my path, here are step-by-step instructions.

How to choose an apartment

How to apply for your lot

As soon as the money is in the trading platform account, it will appear in your personal account.

From now on, you can submit an application for the selected apartment: to do this, you need to find your lot on the auction page and click the “Submit Application” button.

In order not to get confused in the sequence of actions, it is better to have the applicant’s instructions at hand: the platform’s interface is described in the most bureaucratic language and is extremely unfriendly to the casual user. For example, five applications were submitted for our apartment, but only two of them were verified.

If everything is in order with the documents and deposit, before the start of the auction the system will send a notification of admission to trading by email.

How the auction works

Auctions are held on weekdays only and usually start at 9am. To take part in the auction, on the day of the auction you need to open the “Unified trading floor” section on the Sberbank-AST website and select the lot for which you applied.

Then there are several options. First, you were lucky and your application was the only one. This happens in about one out of three apartments. In this case, the system will automatically declare you the winner, and you will be able to buy the property at the starting price. The second option is that there are several contenders for your lot, then bidding will begin.

Participants typically have an hour to submit their first proposal. With each bid, the price of the lot increases by one percent of the initial amount. When someone raises the bid, everyone else has 30 minutes to outbid. If no one does this, the auction ends.

Only two participants competed for our lot: we were the first to bid, raising the price of the apartment from 4,220,000 to 4,262,200 rubles. The second participant did not bargain, and half an hour later the system declared us the winners of the auction.

After the end of the auction you will receive a protocol by mail. This paper confirms that you have a priority right to purchase an apartment at the price that was approved at the auction. From this moment on, you can negotiate with Mossotsgarantiya employees on concluding a purchase and sale agreement.

How to conclude an agreement with Mossotsgarantiya

Our auction took place on May 20th. Three days later I received the protocol, and on June 9 we signed the purchase and sale agreement. You can pay for the apartment either with your own money or with the help of a mortgage, but with it everything is not so simple.

According to the terms of the auction, you must pay for the apartment using an unaccepted, irrevocable letter of credit. This is a form of payment in which the bank acts as an intermediary between you and the seller: the bank takes the money from you and puts it in a special account. The seller will receive the full amount only 30 days after signing the apartment acceptance certificate. This way you will be sure that the seller will not abscond with your money, and the seller will be sure that you will not change your mind about paying after receiving the keys to the apartment.

An unaccepted irrevocable letter of credit is a rare form of payment, so not all banks work with it. We didn’t know about this, and therefore we first contacted one large bank and only a week before the auction we found out that it does not use letters of credit for payments between organizations and individuals. We had to rush to another bank and accept a mortgage with a higher interest rate than we expected.

If you plan to use a mortgage when purchasing, it is worth checking the list of suitable banks in Mossotsgarantiya in advance. They will tell you where it is better to go and even where they can give you a small discount. This way we saved 0.2% per annum. After finishing transaction, all that remains is to sign the transfer deed and receive the keys to the apartment.

How long will it take to buy an apartment?

In our case, a little over a month passed from viewing the apartment to purchasing it.

Who is this purchase suitable for?

If you are looking for an apartment in a residential area and you are not afraid of buying a resale apartment and the prospect of major renovations, Mossotsgarantiya auctions are an excellent option.

Despite the unfriendly interface, the purchasing procedure is simple and housing prices are attractive. All lots are published on the website only after a serious legal review - you do not have to pay a realtor either for it or for searching for options.

But if you are too gambling or want to know the exact price of the apartment, this purchase may not be for you. The cost of lots changes unpredictably: sometimes during the auction it rises by five hundred thousand or even a million. In the practice of Mossotsgarantiya, there were cases when people won auctions by thoughtlessly raising the bid, and then refused to buy: losing the deposit was cheaper than buying an apartment at the auction price.

There is another ambiguous point - it will scare some people away, but for others it will be an additional advantage. Some of the auction apartments are located in buildings that were included in the renovation program. If you do not plan to improve your living conditions at the expense of the state, before purchasing, make sure that your lot is not available

Today, almost everything can be bought without leaving home. Real estate in this case is no exception. One way is to participate in trades or auctions.

There are three types of apartments available for electronic auctions:

  • municipal property(which local authorities implement to increase budget replenishment);
  • property that was on the balance sheet of liquidated companies;
  • apartments that were pledged to the bank for mortgage lending(the one for which banks issued, but the borrower for some reason stopped fulfilling its financial obligations);
  • real estate auction when an apartment is put up for sale and an auction is held between several interested parties.
The starting price for the sale of real estate put up for auction is an order of magnitude cheaper than on the free market. So, here you can find an apartment in Moscow at a price starting from 3.5 million rubles.

Apartments are mainly sold through auctions; developers rarely use this sales scheme, preferring direct ones.

Trading usually takes place in three stages:

  1. At the first stage, the apartment is offered at market value with an increase in increments of 5-10% of the property.
  2. If it was not possible to sell the apartment at the first stage, a second stage is assigned, at which the initial price of the lot is reduced by 10%.
  3. At the third stage, the price decreases even more, and the increase step drops to 5-10 thousand rubles.

The procedure for purchasing an apartment through bidding or auction

If you want to purchase real estate at auction, you must adhere to the following plan:

  1. Collect the required amount to buy an apartment.
  2. Find electronic platforms, at which auctions for the sale of real estate take place and register for them. You can find out about upcoming auctions in official sources - the Kommersant newspaper or the Federal Register, on the aggregators’ website.
  3. Study the offers of real estate sites. These include the Russian Auction House, MosTenderGroup, Unified Electronic Trading Platform, Electronic Property Trading System, B2B Center, Auction Tender Center, RUSSIA Online, etc.
  4. Get digital signature, which is required to participate in the auction.
  5. Register as a member bidding on lots for your favorite apartments.
  6. Introduce a security measure for participation in the auction in the form of. Its size is determined at the discretion of the auction organizers; by law it should not exceed 20% of the cost of the apartment.
  7. On the appointed day, take part in the auction: offer your price for an apartment that meets the financial capabilities of the party.
  8. If you win the auction, you need the entire amount for the apartment within the established time frame. If the participant loses, the deposit is returned to him.

List of required documents for participation in the auction

In order to take part in electronic trading, a minimum set of documents is required. Thus, it is mandatory to obtain an EDS (electronic digital signature) in one of the certified centers. Such a signature has a limited validity period (about 1 year) and is made at the request of the applicant for a fee (its cost is about 1,500 rubles).

To participate in the auction, a person will need:

  • Russian passport;
  • SNILS.
Do not forget that already at the stage of submitting an application for participation, a citizen will be required to submit interim measures. The amount of the deposit when buying an apartment is usually 100-200 thousand rubles.

Risks when buying an apartment at auction

The main incentive for many people to bid is the attractive price of the real estate presented here. But you shouldn’t always focus solely on a low price, because buying at auction always involves increased risks. Among them:

  1. Risk of overvaluation of real estate. The real market value of the apartment you like should be clarified in advance, since there is a high risk that during the bidding process with a large number of participants, the price may increase significantly. Often, according to the results of trading, deviations from the market value can reach 100-150%.
  2. Risks of buying an apartment in critical condition, requiring considerable investment. When participating in electronic auctions, interested parties do not have the opportunity to inspect the apartment in person. They have to focus only on the characteristics indicated in the lot (footage, number of floors of the house, number of rooms, etc.). Such apartments are often sold with huge utility bills and are even disconnected from electricity, gas, etc.
  3. Risks of delay in transferring the apartment for use. They usually arise due to the reluctance of the former owners. The buyer needs to go to court, and this is a lengthy procedure.
  4. Risks of challenging auction results. Often former owners whose apartment was sold through auction do not agree with this and try to challenge the results of the auction. Often they manage to get the results of the auction reversed.

Purchasing an apartment through auction 44-FZ

Typically, real estate sellers have a choice of which method is preferable for purchasing an apartment. They may use auctions or other forms of sale. But if we are talking about the sale of apartments from the state or municipal fund, then there is a requirement for the mandatory sale of the apartment in electronic format.

This is necessary to increase the openness of sales of municipal property and prevent abuse by officials. Such a transaction must meet the requirements of 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, and services to meet state and municipal needs.” This law quite strictly defines the rules for conducting auctions.

According to the norms of 44-FZ, apartments are purchased for municipal employees, judges, heads of municipal organizations, orphans resettled from dilapidated and emergency housing, migrants from the Far North and other categories of citizens.

The administration of the Moscow Region posts information about the purchase of an apartment on a specialized resource. If the purchase cost is less than 3 million rubles. The application is placed at least 7 days before the end of participation in the auction. With a property value of more than 3 million rubles. – at least 15 days in advance.

If for some reason the customer decides to refuse the auction, then he must post his decision no later than 5 days before the deadline for submitting applications.

After the auction, a protocol is posted within 30 minutes. It displays all bids and actions of bidders. The protocol must be posted even if the auction is declared invalid.

The draft contract () must be posted on the site within 5 days after the winner is determined. The citizen who wins the auction must familiarize himself with it and put his signature within a period of up to a month.

Thus, before deciding to participate in bidding, you need to weigh the pros and cons of this method. With a competent approach to the auction, you can buy an apartment at an attractive price. But the “payment” for the low price will be additional ones, for which the buyer must be prepared in the form of additional legal proceedings based on the results of the auction, and the reluctance of the former owners to leave the living space.

Auctions for the sale of real estate are a common practice in Western countries. In the USA and Europe, such auctions are held regularly and buying housing under this scheme is quite simple and will not be difficult for the buyer. For the Russian market, this practice is quite exotic.

Despite the fact that sales auctions in Russia are held quite often, many Russians have no idea how to purchase real estate in such a case. So, where and how are real estate auctions held in our country?

In the early 90s, after the collapse of the USSR, the practice of selling houses through auctions was quite common, since the cost of housing had not yet formed and prices were constantly rising. One of the disadvantages of such auctions was that few people knew about them.

Despite the fact that information about such events spread quite quickly, people do not really remember them. When there was no Internet yet, trading was carried out in a standard way, and today they are still carried out this way.

There are two systems for conducting such auctions:

  1. in one case, the maximum value of the lot is set, and during the auction the value is reduced;
  2. in the second case, during the bidding process the value of the property increases.

The advent of the Internet made it possible to conduct auctions electronically. Today, real estate auctions are most often held in this form. Such auctions have many advantages, first of all, this is due to the organization of such an event, and secondly, the likelihood of collusion between participants is reduced.

Attention! Often, before the auction, its participants can come to an agreement among themselves. Conducting a real estate auction via the Internet is almost always confidential, so the bidding will be fair.

Thus, today there are two types of real estate auctions:

  • live trading;
  • selling real estate via the Internet.

Electronic real estate auctions are the best option for purchasing a home.

What kind of housing can be bought at auction?

Using an auction, you can purchase both secondary or primary housing, as well as mortgage housing. Mortgage apartments are sold by banks, which previously belonged to citizens who were unable to pay the mortgage.

So, the items most often presented at auctions are:

  1. Municipal authorities. Apartments in new buildings or on the secondary market are sometimes owned by the state; to sell such housing, these institutions organize auctions in order to obtain maximum profit.
  2. Banking institutions. are one of the bank's main problems. It is worth noting that auctions organized by the bank have their own characteristics.
  3. Realtors and real estate companies. Most often, they put up only one apartment at auction, which, in their opinion, is quite in demand among buyers. In rare cases, several apartments or houses are put up for sale at such events.

Based on the above, buying a home at auction can be quite profitable. At the same time, if you are not sure about a certain company or realtor, you can always get to know him during the auction or in the annotation for the auction.

Sale of apartments in new buildings through auctions

Selling housing through auctions is a common phenomenon in large Russian cities, for example, Moscow or St. Petersburg. In these cities, apartments in new buildings are most often put up for auction.

It is worth noting that, for example, in Moscow, apartments and other real estate that belong directly to the government are put up for auction. The law establishes that it is possible to sell apartments and real estate that belong to the state only through an auction.

Attention! In total, there are 6 sites in Russia where the sale of municipal and state property is carried out.

It is worth noting that these sites operate only electronically. In addition, these sites are protected by the state and approved by relevant regulations.

On one of the above sites you can purchase both new housing and secondary market real estate. It is worth noting that in Moscow a specific platform has been established for the sale of such apartments. Bidding at such an auction is held periodically: from 8 to 10 times a year. You can find out about the next auction on the city page.

Order of conduct

As for the auction procedure, it is quite simple:

  • Step 1

The buyer must choose one of the housing options that belongs to the state. This can be done using special resources or contacting a municipal agency or court directly. As a rule, the judicial institution maintains special registers in which real estate objects are put up for auction.

  • Step 2

After this, the citizen has the opportunity to familiarize himself with the object in more detail, look at the identification card of the house or apartment.

Note! The identification card contains all the information regarding a particular object, starting with the technical passport and ending with all information about debts and estimated value. You can visually familiarize yourself with the object with the help of the person responsible for this property.

  • Step 3

Once the buyer has read all the documents and personally viewed the building, he can submit an application to participate in the auction. To complete this task, you must fill out a special form at the institution that conducts such auctions.

Next, it will be necessary to contribute 25% of the cost of the object, if the applicant is lucky enough to buy this particular object - these funds will cover all the costs of taxes and other expenses. If it is not possible to purchase housing at such an auction, the amount paid as an advance payment will be fully refunded.

Advice! When submitting an application for bidding, the participant must indicate what the minimum bid he can make.

After the auction is completed, the judge announces the potential buyer. Such a buyer will be able to receive documents for real estate or complete a transaction only in a few days.

The legislation of the Russian Federation states that if a buyer is identified who is ready to offer the same amount for a particular object, the auction can be repeated, only among 2 potential buyers. If other buyers do not show up, the institution begins to draw up purchase and sale documents. Commercial real estate auctions follow the same rules.

Purchasing real estate from owners

The sale of real estate at auction can take place both from government agencies and from private ones. One of the advantages of such auctions is transparency and accessibility for all buyers.

In this case, the seller must indicate all the features, defects and advantages of the property he is selling. Thus, real estate auctions are a great way to purchase your favorite home on favorable terms.

  • I bought real estate for 1 ruble, and then woke up...
  • How is the winning bidder determined at the third stage of bankruptcy auctions?
  • 8 Steps to Winning Bankruptcy Electronic Bidding
  • Where to find information about upcoming auctions and bankruptcy auctions
  • Search services for bankruptcy auction lots
  • Examples of purchase and resale of bankrupt property - residential real estate
  • How to profitably sell non-residential premises in a small town
  • 2 strategies for investing in bankrupt property
  • Where to start learning bankruptcy trading
  • Passive strategy for investing in bankrupt property
  • Scheme of working with intermediaries at bankruptcy auctions
  • Bankruptcy trading has pitfalls and the danger of running into scammers
  • Insolvency and Bankruptcy Laws
  • New bankruptcy law in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol

Bankruptcy trades and auctions are one of the most popular topics related to investing money today. And she interests everyone. Plus, the law on bankruptcy of individuals came into force on October 1, 2015, and now not only the property of organizations, but also ordinary people who cannot pay their debts will be sold under this scheme.

In this section we will look at How realistic are the advertising promises of the courses that after training you will be able to buy bankrupt property at auctions for pennies?.

I bought real estate for 1 ruble, and then woke up...

To begin with, I would like to say right away that it is unlikely that you will be able to purchase, for example, a two-room apartment in Moscow for 100,000 rubles or a Land Cruiser SUV for 3,000 rubles. You need to be realistic and understand that besides you, there are other people at the auction with their own interests: arbitration managers, as well as professional companies for whom obtaining the most profitable lots is their daily work.

In addition, liquid objects most often leave the auction even before the public offering (see below). But let’s still figure out how to buy property at a bankruptcy auction step by step.

Bidding at bankruptcy auctions is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. The first stage is upward trading. The bankrupt's property is sold at market price. Further bidding is underway to increase prices.
  2. The second stage – the price is reduced by 10-30%, and a second round of bidding for an increase is organized. If the winner has not been determined, then a public offer comes next.
  3. Public offer– the most interesting stage of trading for an investor. If during the first two stages a buyer has not been found, the property is put up for auction in increments of decreasing value. The procedure for reducing the price is determined by the arbitration manager for each auction and is indicated in the description of the public offer.

How is the winning bidder determined at the third stage of bankruptcy auctions?

Previously, at this stage, it was not the price that decided (it was fixed), but rather the speed of submitting the application. Therefore, automatic systems were used that performed the necessary actions for the participant immediately as soon as the next stage of price reduction in the public offering opened. The participant only had to decide what price would suit him and configure the robot to work.

An example of systems that were used to apply for participation in bankruptcy auctions is the Auction robot for ETP - AuSe. But we did not test it; below we will describe the method we used.

However, since June 22, 2015, amendments were made to federal law No. 127-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2014 N432, clause 4, article 139 of the Bankruptcy Law) regarding the criteria for determining the winner of the auction through a public offer. And as a result, a message of this kind could be found on bankruptcy auction sites:

As you can see, now the organizers can choose their own criteria for determining the winner of the auction (using the old method - who first submitted an application or using the new method - who offered the highest price). Therefore, it is urgent I recommend that you first clarify how the winning bidder will be selected so that there are no unpleasant surprises later. And also read these changes more carefully to know all the subtleties.

8 Steps to Winning Bankruptcy Electronic Bidding

But what still needs to be done? Everything is described in stages:

  1. To issue an electronic signature to participate in the auction - about 5000-6000 rubles, depending on the number of sites and the manufacturer.
  2. Find a property or other property you want to purchase.
  3. Be accredited on the electronic platform on which this property is put up for auction. The procedure is quite simple - you fill out an application, submit copies of your documents and sign them with the electronic signature obtained in the first step.
  4. After accreditation, it is necessary to study in detail the documents for the object that are attached to the lot.
  5. Next, you need to contact the arbitration manager and go to view the property (highly desirable if the value of the property is high).
  6. Then you need to transfer a deposit (10-20% of the value of the property) to the account of the auction organizer.
  7. When the next stage of bidding opens, submit an application, and if you win, transfer the remaining purchase price.
  8. At the final stage, prepare the purchase and sale documents.

Where to find information about upcoming auctions and bankruptcy auctions

Finding the information you are interested in is easier than it might seem. So, the search for objects (lots) can be divided into three groups:

  1. Official sources that publish information about all auctions.
  2. Specific sites where bankruptcy auctions are organized (see below).
  3. Aggregator services that collect information from the first two and present it in a more convenient and systematized form.

Let's take a closer look at each of these points. In fact, everything is quite simple here.

Official sources of information on bankruptcy auctions:

  • "Kommersant" (very inconvenient search). There is all the information about bankruptcy, which is required by law to be published there;
  • Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information (Fedresurs).

If you are afraid of missing something, you can check the data both here and there. But in general there is no point in this.

TOP-10 largest platforms where bankruptcy auctions are held:

  • Russian auction house (lot-online);
  • Implementation Center;
  • Sberbank AST;
  • Interregional electronic trading system;
  • "Manufacturer";
  • B2B center;
  • electronic platform “Auctions of Siberia”;
  • Auction tender center;
  • RUSSIA Online.

You can see for yourself how the flow of property is distributed. Based on this, you can choose which sites to pay the most attention to.

Search services for bankruptcy auction lots

List of aggregator services for selecting lots:


A real case from my practice: an interesting apartment in the Moscow region, apartments in the same building cost 5,000,000 rubles, and an apartment was put up for public auction for 1,000,000. My eyes lit up, and I started calling.

It was stated in the conditions that viewing of the object and documents (!) is carried out on Wednesday from 10:00 to 11:00. Inquiries by e-mail received ready-made replies saying, come and take a look, the procedure for familiarization is described in the public offer.

When I got through to the manager, they told me something like this: you know, 40 people have already submitted an application before you, you don’t have to waste your time.

Next, I searched the bidding history in Kommersant using the object number for information about how the bidding took place previously. It turned out that this is not the first public offer for this property, and over the past year at least 3 winning bidders refused to purchase it. It became obvious that there were pitfalls there.

Examples of purchase and resale of bankrupt property - residential real estate

Oleg Selifanov is an experienced investor who searches, purchases and resells bankrupt property.

How to profitably sell non-residential premises in a small town

A fragment of a video from the All-Russian investor conference “Real Estate Investing - 2016”

2 strategies for investing in bankrupt property

The most important thing: you must understand that if you do everything personally, then this is more work than real estate investing. That is, the process itself has little resemblance to receiving passive income.

In order to be able to count on a good profit, of course, It's worth taking a course on working with auctions and in practice carry out several transactions. Now the bankrupt property market is growing, but along with it the number of its participants is also increasing.

Where to start learning bankruptcy trading

We regularly organize online seminars with various vetted trading training experts. First of all, study this free course from our expert. Unlike many theoretical trainers, he himself constantly wins very interesting lots due to his proprietary method of searching for undervalued real estate assets.

Passive strategy for investing in bankrupt property

Perhaps the passive strategy of investing in bankruptcy auctions will be more interesting for you. If, like me, reading legal junk paper makes your eyes glaze over and makes you sleepy, I recommend considering working through intermediaries. They charge a commission for bidding on bankruptcy for others.

Yes, you get less. But you save a lot of time and can focus on attract additional investments to purchase bankrupt property.

Scheme of working with intermediaries at bankruptcy auctions

There are many professional (and not so professional) teams, who not only teach you how to buy property at a bankruptcy auction, but can also purchase the property for you. In this case, you pay a commission of about 20%.

We would recommend thinking over a work plan in which it would be beneficial for the intermediary to buy the property cheaper. For example, pay a fixed plus% of the difference in the optimal price of the lot and the achieved one. However, it is worth remembering that in bidding to reduce the price, the one who was the first to bid at the next stage will not always win.

Information updated!

Since we receive requests to recommend someone almost every day, we agreed with a company that has been in the auction market for a long time. She not only teaches, but also actively participates in trading with a professional team of lawyers and other specialists, and knows all the tricks and tricks of arbitration managers.

If you are considering investing in turnkey bankruptcy auctions and are ready to invest from 1 million rubles, write to us at vip@site for the following points:

  1. What would you like to buy (commercial real estate, residential or other assets).
  2. Region(s) in which you are considering purchasing. Several are possible.
  3. The amount you have available to invest in bankruptcy auctions at the moment.
  4. Your contact information, where to call you. Other methods of communication will also come in handy.
  5. If you have an understanding of what the minimum return on a transaction is for you, please also indicate (transaction period is 2-3 months or more, depending on the type of property).

If you do not want to correspond, but want to talk to a real person, call the office. Your information will be recorded and, along with your wishes, passed on to someone who works in this area.

Bankruptcy trading has pitfalls and the danger of running into scammers

Leonid Vasiliev is compiling a database of liquid objects from bankruptcy auctions and knows what pitfalls may be hidden when searching for real estate. He also knows how to identify and combat fraudulent schemes. You can learn more about the experience of this specialist in our course.

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Laws

Finally, we recommend studying the legislation that regulates bankruptcy auctions. Let us remind you that from October 1, 2015, for legal entities, the procedure for selling property at bankruptcy auctions is regulated by the law “ On insolvency (bankruptcy)" in the Russian Federation No. 127-FZ dated October 26, 2002. It's worth studying first.

In the event of bankruptcy of a legal entity, by a court decision, its property (real estate, special equipment, materials and equipment, as well as accounts receivable) is transferred to the insolvency administrator. And he organizes bankruptcy auctions.

New bankruptcy law in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol

There is also a separate federal law dated June 29, 2015 N 154-FZ “On the regulation of the peculiarities of insolvency (bankruptcy) in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.” The text of the law can be read here. . Also keep track of all amendments, this is very important.

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