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Lucuma plant. Lucuma powder: beneficial properties, uses and contraindications

Lucuma is the fruit of the fruit tree of the same name. Its appearance is characterized by an oval or ellipsoidal shape and fairly large dimensions. Some specimens reach 10 cm in diameter. When ripe, they are characterized by a brown-green color of the peel, as well as an intense sweet taste and mealy texture of the yellow pulp. In turn, the few small seeds surrounding it are not eaten.


Peru, Chile and Ecuador are considered the birthplace of lucuma. These Latin American countries are the leaders in the production of these fruits. Lucuma is also actively cultivated in Bolivia, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Hawaii.

Calorie content

In 100 gr. Turkish delight contains about 300-360 kcal.


Lucuma is very rich in carbohydrates, fiber, beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, iron and lipids.

How to use and cook

Ripe lucuma fruits are most often eaten fresh. In cooking, the pulp of these fruits is more popular when dried and ground into a powder. In this form, Turkish delight is great for adding an original sweet taste to almost any food product, from milk to all kinds of drinks. Fresh, ripe fruits are often used in the production of confectionery and bakery products, as well as fruit soups and salads.

How to choose

Since mainly ripe fruits are eaten, lucuma should be chosen based on the color of the peel, which in ripe fruits has a brownish-green tint. In addition, you should pay attention to the absence of damage to its surface.


Unfortunately, fresh Turkish delight does not have a long shelf life. Therefore, it is best to store these fruits frozen.

Beneficial features

Lucuma is one of the best natural sugar substitutes. The powder prepared from the pulp of these fruits has a very low glycemic index of the effect of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels. Those. Lucuma will be extremely useful for diabetes and obesity. In addition, due to the high content of iron, carotene and niacin, these fruits help normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

See 752. Tree. P. lucuma (Ruiz et Pav.) O. Ktze. Lucuma Rev. Gen. III, 2 (1898) 125. Baehni (1942 1943) 397. S u n. Achras lucuma Ruiz et Pav. (Bois, 1928, 413); Lucuma bifera Mol.; L. obovata H.B.K.; L. turbinata Mol. (Bois 1. c.). M e s t n ... Plant Directory

POUTERIA RIVICOA (GAERTN.) DUCKE - KUTITIRIBA, LUKUMA- see 752. Shrub. Tree. P rivicoa (Gaertn.) Ducke Cutitiriba, Lucuma in Bull. Techn. Inst. Agron. Norte Para no. 8, I (1946) in Obs. S y n. Lucuma rivicoa Gaertn. Lecointe (1922) 512. Bois (1928) 414; Richardella rivicoa Pierre. M e s t n. naz... Plant Directory

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Turkish Delight- A variety of varieties of Turkish delight in the window of an Istanbul store. Pieces of Turkish delight Lokum, or Lokum (Turkish rahat lokum a convenient piece, from Arabic راحة الحلقوم‎‎ (raha(t) al holkum) pleasure for the throat) sweetness made from sugar ... Wikipedia

Turkish Delight- Ingredients: for syrup: 1 kg sugar 300 g water for starch milk: 100 g rice, wheat or corn starch 200 g cold boiled water for sprinkling Turkish delight: ... ... Great Encyclopedia of Culinary Arts

TURKISH DELIGHT- (eastern). A delicacy prepared in the Caucasus. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. TURKISH LOKUM is a delicacy borrowed from the east, prepared from starch, flour, gum and sugar with an admixture of nuts,... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Türkiye- (Turkey) History and political structure of the Turkish Republic, administrative division of Turkey Geographical location and climate of Turkey, religion and culture of Turkey, foreign policy of Turkey, tourism in Turkey Contents Contents Section 1. History ... Investor Encyclopedia

POUTERIA AUBL. - PUTERIA- 752. Pouteria Aubl. Puteria see... Plant Directory

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Photo: Lucuma (Pouteria lucuma)

General information about Turkish delight

Lucuma is an evergreen small tree that reaches a height of 10...15 meters, has a dense crown and brown bark. These trees grow in monsoon and rain forests, where they play a significant role. On the African continent they are dominant among mangroves and bamboo forests. The leathery leaves of this tree have an elliptical or oval shape. The top of the leaf is dark green, the bottom is pale green. The leaves reach 25 cm in length. The fruit of this tree is slightly flattened, has an elliptical or oval shape, and grows up to 7.5...10 cm in length. The skin that covers the flesh is tender, brownish-green, has a brownish-reddish blush, and is easily damaged. The pulp of the fruit is bright yellow, very sweet, has a strong, mealy structure, and is impregnated with latex until the final ripening phase. Inside there are from 1 to 5 oval, black-brown glossy seeds.

Biology of the Lucuma plant

Like all sapota lucumas, it prefers to grow in damp forests, on sea coasts, and on the spurs of mountains. Reproduction occurs by seeds, as well as by vegetative means. The tree enters the fruiting stage at 5...7 years of its life. Flowers open at night, so pollination occurs with the participation of nocturnal insects. Have a strong. A peculiar smell that resembles the smell of a fox. But this smell is short-lived and disappears before the flowers fall off. Fruiting occurs almost all year round.

Chemical composition of Turkish delight

The fruits of Turkish delight contain a lot of B vitamins, they also contain carotene, iron, magnesium, potassium and various macro and microelements. The medicinal properties of this tree have not yet been well studied, but local residents use the fruits to treat paralysis, beriberi and other diseases.

Uses of the lucuma plant

Fresh Turkish delight fruits are used as food by local residents; they are also used to make compotes and preserves. The fruits are stewed in syrup, added when baking pies, canned and dried. The seeds contain a lot of fat. It is used in the cosmetics industry. These trees have very heavy and hard wood; it is used in the construction of sea vessels to construct the deck and other parts of the ship. Local residents also use lucuma wood to heat their homes; when burned, it releases a large amount of heat. This tree has no other practical use.

Organic powder from subtropical fruits is obtained by drying them in the sun and further grinding them to a flour-like state. Thanks to this processing, the powder retains all the benefits of fresh fruits. A cream or yellow powder with a pleasant aroma and taste reminiscent of creme brulee is an excellent alternative to refined sugar. Raw and dried lucuma in moderate quantities is allowed for people suffering from diabetes, young children, pregnant women and those losing weight.

Composition and characteristics

Raw lucuma powder is a source of vitamins, microelements, dietary fiber and carbohydrates. The product contains phosphorus, iron, niacin and calcium in large quantities. In addition, the powder is rich in the following substances:

  • vitamins C and B,
  • beta carotene,
  • sugars of natural origin,
  • fiber,
  • antioxidants.

The vitamin C content in tropical dried fruit is not much less than in citrus fruits - about 12 mg per 100 g. In addition, the powder has a low glycemic index, so it can be included in the menu for diabetes. The calorie content of the product is quite high - about 330 kcal, so during the diet you should consume lucuma in moderation. The nutritional value:

  • fats – about 1 g,
  • proteins – 1.5 g,
  • carbohydrates – more than 80.

Carbohydrates in the composition are represented by sugars such as sucrose, fructose and glucose. Thanks to the vitamin B3 content, it can reduce blood cholesterol levels, the cell helps improve digestion, and niacin prevents the formation of blood clots. Eating lucuma has a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth, bones, digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Beneficial features

The benefits of regular use are as follows:

  • accelerating wound healing and eliminating inflammatory processes;
  • regeneration of blood cells and their enrichment with oxygen;
  • stabilizing the functioning of the digestive system, quickly relieving constipation and bloating;
  • reducing the level of triglycerides, sugar and bad cholesterol to normal levels;
  • antiviral and antibacterial effects;
  • weight normalization;
  • lowering blood pressure, which is especially important for hypertensive patients;
  • slowing down the natural aging process, smoothing out wrinkles, giving the skin elasticity;
  • improving well-being and getting rid of drowsiness.

By taking lucuma regularly, you can avoid the fear of flu, colds and other respiratory diseases. Thanks to the iron contained in the product, oxygen transport is improved in all tissues and cells, which has a positive effect on a woman’s condition during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Despite the fact that the powder is quite high in calories, it is recommended for those who want to get rid of extra pounds. A small amount of product per day will help you get rid of hunger for a long time. In addition, lucuma improves metabolism and quickly removes toxins.

Use in cooking

Due to its valuable properties, sweetish taste and low glycemic index, lucuma powder is widely used in cooking. It can be added to fruit salads, cold desserts, muesli, yoghurts, cottage cheese or ice cream. Any dish, including hot drinks, acquires a pleasant exotic taste and becomes healthier. It is lucuma that is preferred by those who do not like the taste.

A natural sweetener is used in children's, diabetic, sports and dietary nutrition. The powder is often added to infant formula as a safe sweetener. If you replace refined sugar with lucuma in home baking, it will acquire a unique flavor and will also be safer for your figure. A nutritious breakfast for those losing weight is porridge or cottage cheese with the addition of ground exotic fruit. The healthy powder will allow you to not feel hungry for a long time, give you strength and energize you. Athletes can prepare delicious smoothies and cocktails using lucuma. The recommended daily dose for an adult is from 5 to 15 g.


  • in case of individual intolerance to the product,
  • if you often have an upset stomach,
  • if you are allergic to most exotic fruits.

People suffering from obesity and diabetes should include lucuma in their diet with caution. The product contains quite a lot of sugars, so in large quantities it can harm the body. It is best to consult with your doctor about the possibility of taking the powder and optimal dosages. To avoid caries, you should thoroughly rinse your mouth after each intake of sweet fruits. For those losing weight, 1 or 2 teaspoons of powder will not cause harm. If used correctly, the product will, on the contrary, help you lose excess weight.

Selection and storage

In order for a product to bring maximum benefit, it is important to choose it correctly. High-quality powder is produced only in South America, so the corresponding country must be indicated on the packaging. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the integrity of the container. Most often, the powder is sold in vacuum bags. The composition should not contain any foreign substances, including flavor enhancers and flavorings. The price of the product should not be low, because the cultivation and production of sweet fruits takes place on another continent. In addition, to obtain high-quality, tasty powder, it is processed manually.

Store lucuma in a tightly closed container. Some manufacturers package the product in convenient Zip-Lock bags. The powder should be kept at normal temperatures and humidity, away from exposure to sunlight. Under such conditions, crumbly lucuma will not lose its beneficial qualities for about 2 years.

Lucuma- a plant of the Sapotaceae family. For the first time, residents of Peru, Chile and Ecuador learned about this fruit. Today, this plant can be found in Bolivia, Mexico, Hawaii and Costa Rica.

The flattened fruits can be oval or elliptical in shape, the length of which can vary from 7.5 to 10 cm (see photo). The fruit is covered with a fairly delicate thin peel, which is green with a brown tint, and may also have a reddish blush. Beneath it is a yellow, powdery pulp that is distinguished by its dryness and strength. By the way, the pulp is impregnated with latex, which disappears after overripening. Inside there are glossy oval-shaped seeds, the number of which varies from 1 to 5 pieces.

During the ripening period, the fruits fall to the ground, but they can only be consumed when the fruit becomes soft.

Storage and transportation

The fruits can be transported over long distances, since lucuma ripens on the way. In addition, frozen fruits are exported. It is better to eat soft fruits immediately, as they do not last long in this form.

Beneficial features

Lucuma contains many substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body. The fruits contain vitamin B1, which is necessary for the normal functioning of metabolic processes. In addition, it takes an active part in the work of the heart muscle and in the digestion process. Turkish delight also contains vitamin B2, which is an essential substance for the human body. It is involved in hematopoiesis and has a positive effect on the reproductive function of the body. Thereby the fruit is recommended to be included in the diet of people who have problems with wound healing.

Turkish delight also contains vitamin B3, which allows the fruit to be used as a prophylaxis, as well as for the treatment of atherosclerosis. In addition, vitamin B3 helps reduce blood cholesterol levels. The fruit also contains fiber, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal activity and helps prevent or get rid of constipation. In addition, there are other substances that have a positive effect on the immune system and protect brain cells from damage.

Turkish delight also contains carotene, which has a beneficial effect on vision and reduces the risk of certain eye problems. Thanks to the iron content, the growth of new blood cells is activated, which transport oxygen throughout the body. Lucuma also contains calcium, which strengthens bones, nails and hair.

The seeds of the fruit contain quite a lot of fat, which allows them to be used for cosmetic purposes.

Use in cooking

Lucuma is edible, both raw and processed. The fruits are stewed in syrup and used as a separate dessert. The pulp is suitable for filling in a variety of baked goods. Delicious ice cream is made from fresh fruits.

The fruits are dried, crushed, and the resulting powder is used to make various dishes. It is used as a sweetener, which is added to desserts, cocktails, puddings, etc. In addition, lucuma is used in the manufacture of food for children, yogurt, cocktails, etc. To be able to use the fruits all year round, they are canned and frozen.

Benefits of lucuma and treatment

The benefits of lucuma are due to its rich composition of nutrients. Traditional healers use the fruits during the treatment of paralysis and other diseases.

Harm of lucuma and contraindications

Turkish delight can be harmful to people with individual intolerance to the product. If you have diabetes, you should avoid eating fruit.

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