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Compatibility Libra (woman) - Aquarius (man). Aquarius man and Libra woman - compatibility from A to Z

An equal, respectful and friendly relationship develops between Libra and Aquarius.

In this union there is no hidden tension and dissatisfaction with each other. Partners do not put pressure on each other. But inner comfort and happiness also remain the own concern of each of them.

Libra-Aquarius compatibility: how to seduce an Aquarius man?

At the very beginning of dating, Aquarius will certainly be interested in such Libra traits as softness and external compliance. It is not immediately possible to discern that Libra is inferior only externally, internally maintaining their beliefs and their goals. Aquarius himself does not possess compliance in any form, so he will be very interested in a woman who is as intelligent and sociable as himself. But which has features that greatly facilitate relationships. Libra should not be embarrassed that Aquarius will not show signs of falling in love. These men are characterized by love and friendship. And if, out of all his interlocutors and friends, he chooses the company of Libra, then in agreement, this is a sign that he is not indifferent to them. But you shouldn’t expect passions and ardor from him. If Libra does not set a goal for a mandatory stamp in the passport, the job can be considered done. Aquarius will willingly accept Libra as his partner, and for this she will not have to make any special efforts. But if Libra needs firm guarantees, it will be very difficult to get them. Appeals to the fact that “it’s customary” and “everyone does it” won’t help here. Moreover, Aquarius is very stubborn, and if he says “no”, then it will be a firm “no” forever. Therefore, it is better not to put pressure on him, not to force him to voice his decision - then it will not be possible to rewind the situation and change his views. They recommend that Libra take advantage of their creative abilities and ability to create beauty. Aquarians are romantics. Create a romantic setting for him, a fairy tale at the end of which the hero and heroine get married, and he will happily accept this game. It is not without reason that most Libra and Aquarius couples register their relationships in unusual circumstances: on a ship during a romantic trip, abroad, on common holidays.

What does an ideal couple look like: a Libra woman and an Aquarius man?

These are wonderful, friendly and kind people who are very popular with others. It’s easy to be with them, they don’t reveal their personal worries and problems, they don’t throw out dissatisfaction and fatigue. You can meet them in a company or at some interesting event, both together and separately. Moreover, if a couple “went out into the world” together, then it is noticeable that they are together because joint leisure gives them pleasure, and not because “that’s how it’s supposed to be.” Now let's look at the couple's relationship from the inside. In this union, both partners retain internal freedom. Everyone has their own interests, hobbies and friends. The Libra woman and the Aquarius man keep their distance from each other. This makes Aquarius one of the most attractive partners for Libra. After all, Libra women never dissolve in their companion and do not like it when in a partnership people from two “halves” merge into one indivisible whole. In union with Aquarius, a woman finds the mutual understanding she needs, an intellectual partner-friend, and the opportunity to maintain her personal space.

What are the difficulties in a union between a Libra woman and an Aquarius man?

At one point, the Libra woman (as, indeed, a woman of any other sign) may discover that her beloved is drawn “to freedom, to the pampas.” Usually she does not limit his freedom and does not dictate what he should do. But what to do if one of her lover’s friends urgently needed a friendly Aquarius shoulder just when she needed to go to the dacha (an electrician was due, her mother-in-law was coming)? After several such situations, Libra may have the idea that there is no man nearby whom she can rely on, but Libra, like no other sign, needs a reliable partner. The second problem in the relationship between a Libra woman and an Aquarius man is that both do not know how to obey and give up their interests. Libra will not hesitate to do as they see fit, but if this hurts the interests of Aquarius, and he decides to respond in kind, then Aquarius will still win in the game of “Who will overrule whom.”

Unfortunately, friendship-partnership with Libra will not make Aquarius forget about all his other friends. At first, this may upset the woman. But remember - who else but your Aquarius came to you at night from another city because you were lonely? Who helped you out with money more than once before marriage? Who visited you in the hospital when more obliging friends were busy with their own affairs? Would you really like to extinguish this wonderful ability to make friends in Aquarius? Most likely, Libra will have to come to terms with the fact that at some point Aquarius will not be nearby. But there are many people ready to help Libra. Aquarius is not jealous at all, unless he catches his beloved in bed with another man. And Libra knows how to win people over. Ask a colleague, neighbor, or acquaintance to help you on those days when Aquarius is busy. After all, Libra knows how to build good relationships with others so that they won’t even think about continuing communication in an intimate setting. If Libra is faced with the second problem, then they should calmly talk to Aquarius. Not as a wife with a husband, but as one friend with another friend - openly and honestly. Together, the couple will definitely find a way to end the Cold War.

Compatibility of Libra woman and Aquarius man at work

These two understand each other very well. They work in the same style and prefer to deal with the same field of activity. If they work in the field of intellectual work, their success will be impressive. But where a practical result is needed, it is better to work not in pairs, but in a team where among the employees there is one of the Earth signs.

Compatibility of a Libra woman and an Aquarius man - colleagues or partners

They work well together and find a common language easy for them. In addition, only Libra will be able to decipher the brilliant idea of ​​Aquarius to their superiors or colleagues. There will be no competition between them, as there could be between two such similar people of the same sex.

When a Libra woman is a boss and an Aquarius man is a subordinate

While the rest of the management would be racking their brains on how to call Aquarius to order, Libra will simply allow him to choose his own style of work and will not go wrong. Aquarius works great if they don't have someone over their soul. But in order to give Aquarius an assignment and not worry, you need to be a Libra - only they understand all stages of Aquarius’ work without explanation. Their trust does not come from blindness, but from the fact that Aquarius’ actions are obvious and understandable to them.

When a Libra woman is a subordinate and an Aquarius man is a boss

The Libra woman is responsible at work, does not conflict with employees and does not require increased attention. These traits will be very attractive to Aquarius, who does not like to deal with other people's personal problems or deal with employee conflicts instead of working. Over time, Aquarius will be convinced that Libra, like no one else, can explain Aquarius’ ideas to the rest of the employees. Therefore, Libra enjoys great confidence from the Aquarius boss.

Compatibility of Libra woman and Aquarius man in friendship

Between Libra and Aquarius, the most sincere and true friendship that you can imagine develops - a friendship based on common interests and freedom for each of the friends. When communicating with Aquarius, Libra may feel like they are back in school. After all, the rest of your male friends will resort to flirting, and your female friends will resort to competition. With Aquarius, everything is simple and clear: you behave in a friendly way, and he behaves in a friendly way in return. At first, they may hurt each other with careless words, but over time they understand that in the event of a quarrel, it will be difficult for both one and the other to reconcile. Therefore, they try not to once again test the strength of friendship and are very careful in their statements when communicating with each other.

The stars say that the compatibility of an Aquarius man and a Libra woman has every chance of a smooth transition of a beautiful relationship into a strong family. However, there are some nuances in this alliance that are better to know in advance: after all, forewarned means forearmed.

An Aquarius man and a Libra woman belong to the element of air and simply by definition cannot help but interest each other even at the first communication. People of these zodiac signs are incredibly sociable, open and very friendly. Moreover, they express these emotions completely sincerely, and not because it is customary.

They have every chance of liking each other at first sight. But remember: to please, not to fall in love. Neither the Aquarius guy, nor even the Libra girl likes to run ahead of the locomotive in amorous affairs, and they are not characterized by outbursts of passion from Mexican TV series. These two prefer to first study their partner from all sides, find out what skeletons he has in his closet, and at the same time have time to be charmed by his personal charm and quick, lively thinking, in which Aquarius and Libra will not yield to each other.

Their communication is very good and easy - in the first months it will generally seem as if they have found a real soul mate. Libras do not like to argue and are very compliant. It's all about their natural diplomacy, which does not allow them to speak harshly even in personal communication.

It’s just that Libra is an example of good manners and good manners. Sometimes one gets the impression that the girl graduated from the Institute of Noble Maidens with honors. But Aquarius, on the contrary, is also a debater. He loves when he is not only listened to, but also obeyed.

And by the way, he often does not mince words, especially when he is sure that his words are true. The result is a contradiction: from the phrase about sweet lies and bitter truth, Aquarius will choose the latter, and the girl of spring will definitely choose the former. It is for this reason that their compatibility in a love relationship can be seriously tested.

Behind the external impression of friendly, rather gentle people, there actually lies a union of two strong and difficult personalities. True, what saves the matter is that both Aquarius and Libra are still accommodating. It is only important for them to show each other that they really want to negotiate, and not just pretend.

Reconciliations in such a couple are similar to the beginning of a romance - they are always very tender, sweet and more reminiscent of a date than a conversation to say “I’m sorry.”

Another serious risk for relationships is a different outlook on the beauty of life. The fact is that an Aquarius can easily wear old pants for 3 seasons in a row, but a Libra won’t wear anything even when going to a local store. It is important to understand that this girl is a real esthete, she loves everything beautiful and will not sit at the table if there is even one small spot on it. She demands the same from her partner: impeccable observance of external beauty, harmony of the body and, of course, the soul. For Libras, believe me, this is not an empty phrase.

A girl may agree with many things regarding the views of an Aquarius, but not with the fact that he sometimes denies almost everything: from traditional foundations to standards of appearance that are self-evident to her.

And Libra is clearly not satisfied with the directness of Aquarius, who, if desired, will express anything to his partner directly. One piece of advice: show him that you are hurt. Pity for others and feelings of guilt greatly sober up Aquarius. Do you know why? Because in reality he does not wish harm to anyone. It's just that a person screams when he's in pain, isn't it?

Therefore, the compatibility in love between an Aquarius man and a Libra woman is quite favorable: the similarity in the energy of these people can withstand a lot. The main thing is to look for approaches, but otherwise the stars give a favorable forecast.

Marriage compatibility: bohemian couple

Aquarius is the most freedom-loving sign of the zodiac. And any woman who will date him will understand this almost on the first date. And Libras themselves often do not seek to burden themselves with official relationships. Therefore, such couples often get along with each other freely, without attaching much importance to the fact that the passport does not have a corresponding note.

From this point of view, the compatibility of partners in marriage develops harmoniously: they give each other a portion of freedom, and such a sip is important for any relationship, isn’t it?

However, growing up next to each other, the couple may get bored and need something more. This is especially true for the Libra girl, who, as already mentioned, loves all the most beautiful things. Do you think she didn’t dream of a wedding dress and a carriage that would definitely come for her along with her beloved?

Of course, she wants to have her own celebration. And at some point she will begin to hint to the Aquarius guy that it’s time to think about something more than just a relationship and tea together. Here a woman may face a wall of misunderstanding. The only way is to charm, lure, and get your way. If you managed to do this, and Aquarius has now truly become your husband, consider that all other life obstacles will seem to you only minor obstacles.

The couple will be able to succeed in family relationships, since the stars guarantee their intellectual and sexual compatibility. When both people are, as they say, on the same wavelength, building relationships is much easier. Conflicts can begin against the backdrop of money problems: Aquarius does not care too much about the financial sphere, and for Libra, money is pleasure, and shopping is therapy. This is why temporary troubles can cause serious damage to their relationship.

In this sense, astrology recommends that Libra tune their beloved Aquarius well. Use the right buttons: if an Aquarius feels that you need him, that you believe in him, he will definitely achieve a lot. This is just one of those rare men on whom a whole mountain of despondency can fall. Sometimes he feels extremely insecure. If you can support him in these moments, your husband will be grateful to you from the bottom of his heart and will give much more.

In general, Aquarius and Libra will be incredibly interested in just being together: these are people who keep the freshness of their feelings for a long time. They will be happy to appear at creative events and go to theaters. In general, their ideal is the life of an aristocrat. Wake up at 10 am and start your day with breakfast in a restaurant. Visit the exhibition during the day, and be sure to go to the premiere in the evening. In terms of cultural level, Aquarius and Libra have similar potential and will definitely create an interesting tandem.

As for mutual fidelity, it is impossible to guarantee that both will not take sides. It’s just that Libras love pleasure, bright emotions, and Aquarius sometimes simply cannot refuse. The sociability of both partners almost always leads to the fact that they have a bunch of friends, acquaintances and just good people. This is where the risks of betrayal appear.

The truth is worth understanding: representatives of air signs really do not like to offend people. Even if thunder strikes, they will try to make sure that their partner never finds out about anything like that. But they maintain spiritual loyalty unconditionally - if you need moral support, you can rest assured that your spouse will be there.

Sexual compatibility: arousal by intellect

Aquarius and Libra see each other primarily as an interesting personality, and not as a set of height/weight parameters. They really can get excited about how interesting their partner is. They are attracted by intelligence, excellent communication, which in the right environment can easily be transformed into an interesting night continuation.

Partners feel each other well in physical matters, so their compatibility in bed is no less favorable than in relationships. Aquarius and Libra do not like passion, heat and haste. They are characterized by long, beautiful foreplay, a thirst for experimentation and, of course, the quality of the process. That's why we can say that the stars give the couple another bonus - you will have fun not only in conversation.

Compatibility at work: IQ is everything

The working tandem of an Aquarius man and a Libra woman brings great success in matters related to communicating with people, as well as in creative projects. They have wide erudition and endless inner charm, thanks to which the bosses do not even doubt who to entrust with establishing important connections or developing a script for a fun event.

Interestingly, Aquarius will begin to compete with Libra, fighting for their exclusive right to bring original ideas to light and generate priceless thoughts. However, this competition will only benefit the cause. The reason is that the partners are very friendly to each other, and there is practically no risk of conflict.

Aquarius and Libra: they are different, but on the same wavelength - that is why the stars give the couple many chances to create real, sincere relationships.

Aquarius man Libra woman compatibility. An Aquarius man and a Libra woman do not need unnecessary explanations to understand each other; this couple’s understanding is at the highest level. He and she quickly find a common language without hesitation. After radiant understanding, strong torrential rains of misunderstanding come, even lightning flashes somewhere in the distance. Then a truce comes, everything blooms again, a complete idyll sets in, which will soon be replaced by cloudy weather. The first reason for all quarrels between an Aquarius man and a Libra woman can arise due to her dissatisfaction and claims. They communicated so well, he took her home, said a sweet goodbye, and the next day she told him that he was not decisive in his actions. The Aquarius man thought about it, analyzing yesterday; as it turned out, according to her, he did not take her hand or kiss her. The thing is that the Libra woman lives by feelings, and the Aquarius man is an intellectual genius, his erogenous zone is the brain, but at the same time he is just as crazy a romantic as she is. That evening he wanted to talk about high things, and she wanted him to just shut up and kiss her. The Libra woman rather hints to the Aquarius man that “you are not decisive,” and the Aquarius man must understand this to himself: “be decisive.”

The Aquarius man is the real man who is under the auspices of the male planet Uranus. And in order not to go into details for a long time, the Aquarius man suddenly buys a bouquet of daisies and unexpectedly meets her near the house. Instantly, all the accusations against him are blown away by the wind, she blossoms. Although the Libra woman can often pretend to be hard to touch, in her heart she wants the Aquarius man to hug her and gently touch her refined lips. And if he still whispers tender words in her ear, she will melt like butter in a frying pan, and another book about Romeo and Juliet can be written about this couple.

Aquarius man Libra woman compatibility. The Libra woman will try more than once to convince the Aquarius man. Someone else could listen to the Libra woman, but not this know-it-all who pours water. This water will quench the thirst of the most knowledgeable and knowledgeable person in any matter. The Aquarius man does not tolerate it when his opinion is not taken into account or agreed upon. The thing is that the Libra woman has more power according to astrological signs, but the Aquarius man only stands for equality. The Aquarius man is sometimes very stubborn, which means it will be very difficult to convince him on some issues. Then the smart, charming Libra woman will prevail over their intellectual debates with her sweet, beaming smile.

Aquarius man Libra woman compatibility. The Aquarius man and the Libra woman must understand that it doesn’t matter who is first or who goes one step ahead, but what is more important is that their thoughts about raising children, relaxing, and spending time together are very similar. The Libra woman may try to set up or put the Aquarius man in a framework. The Aquarius man can do everything in a way that others don’t, he’s quirky. It is enough for a Libra woman to say in a calm voice: “Darling, let’s replant your palm tree, which grows in the middle of our room outside.” How will an Aquarius man instantly listen to a Libra woman if she doesn’t ask why he planted this palm tree and what went into his head. Believe me, an Aquarius man will not even think of such things.

An Aquarius man and a Libra woman are connected by an unearthly understanding. After a stormy quarrel, a stormy reconciliation will follow. An Aquarius man and a Libra woman can be called masters of words and thought. They build the chain of understanding from durable metal that will not bend or rust. It is rare when couples enjoy verbal battles, and the Aquarius man and Libra woman only admire each other.

After stormy discussions, the Aquarius man will hug the Libra woman, and the stars will shine in the sky again. They will feel that they have never met a dearer person on their journey. We can talk about sexual attraction and attraction for a long time; it is as stormy as their battles.

The compatibility of the couple is conducive to building a harmonious and long-lasting relationship that will satisfy both zodiac signs. The Libra woman and the Aquarius man have many common points in building love relationships and families.

Libra girl in love will place special emphasis on freedom and personal time. She will treat her partner with full understanding. The insecure Aquarius guy is always faced with a choice... He never knows where to go and how it will be better - he lives only for today. The Libra woman is full of wisdom and will be able to make sure that all her decisions, which, by the way, are not easy for her either, will be passed off as his. Will Aquarius accept this?

Compatibility of Libra woman and Aquarius man will give great chances for these partners to become not only lovers, but also husband and wife.

Both zodiac signs will not tolerate injustice towards anyone; they are always ready to help someone in need.

The only stumbling block may be the financial issue. The Libra woman loves luxury, and the Aquarius man is not used to pleasing himself and spending money on it.

Are passionate relationships the basis of a happy marriage?

Yes it is

I can't agree

How will marriage turn out for a couple of Libra woman and Aquarius man?

They are always ready to take a step forward and compromise. Aquarius husband and Libra wife have fantastic patience with each other. This is what will become the basis of their ideal family relationship.

It will also be built on self-sacrifice on the part of the wife. A freedom-loving husband will sometimes desire to spend time outside the home. But this will not be a reason for a quarrel or showdown. Libra's wife will spend this time in the company of people she finds interesting within the walls of her home. She is very patient.

If they have children, then this will be an additional anchor for the Aquarius husband to tie to his heirs. An attentive and responsible Aquarius father can become the best educator for a child. He will cope with all responsibilities perfectly.

Libra's wife is also a good mother who will spend all her free time raising a child. She will do everything so that her child does not need anything and, when he grows up, can be proud of his parents.

Can one parent raise a child?

Find out what kind of colleagues the Libra woman and Aquarius man will be

Aquarius submissive- This is the ideal employee for many bosses. He is reliable and honest. His justice knows no bounds. Pedantic Libra leader will enjoy communicating with Aquarius.

If Aquarius leader, then executive and meticulous Libra subordinate will be an ideal employee for Aquarius. Aquarius leader He really loves his job and his position in the team. He will select a team of his own kind. He will not tolerate laziness and upstarts.

Can an office romance have a serious continuation?

Nothing will work out

The relationship will be successful

Can a Libra woman and an Aquarius man hope for compatibility in friendship?

Friendship compatibility between Libra and Aquarius to an interesting friendship that can last for a long time. They are like a complement to each other. Libras, who know how to make concessions and listen to other people's opinions, will attract Aquarius.

Compatibility between an Aquarius man and a Libra woman is based on a wonderful combination of spiritual and physical. It is very important at the beginning of the relationship that the Libra girl recognizes her lover Aquarius as the main one, otherwise they will face an endless search for who is in charge of the process. She can carefully try to put this man in a dependent position, quietly rearranging their lives in accordance with her own program. Captivated by her charm, smile, dimples, he will follow her. But after a while he will stall and stop following the lead, refusing to move even an inch.


No external influence can confuse an Aquarius man if he is completely confident in the fidelity and correctness of his actions. The main reason for disputes is often fairness. What she will consider quite fair, may cause indignation in him. However, if they can come to a common sense of justice and friendship, they will find a golden thread of understanding.

But they may disagree on philosophical and mental levels. She simply adores comfort, beauty and luxury and is able to turn a blind eye to the unsightly aspects of life, which are completely at odds with the humanistic impulses of Aquarius. He may even accuse her of self-indulgence and selfishness, although this is not entirely true. The Libra girl is worried about any form of injustice, just so as not to overload her nervous system, she prefers not to notice everything that is far from harmony and beauty.


The Aquarius man considers the Libra girl incredibly attractive - this is a special gift from Venus, which endows its charges with dazzling smiles and beautiful eyes. She believes that this eccentric man is the wittiest of all those she knows. True, sometimes his mind baffles her, but who can access the unlimited fantasies of a true genius? His reasoning is not always logical, but her lively mind allows her to find a foothold and explain his unpredictable inspiration.

He is also able to appreciate her excellent intelligence and ability to discuss any topic with him, so he was attracted not only by her charm and dazzling smile. Additionally, he can tactfully help her apply her sense of justice instead of giving her the nasty labels of "spoiled brat" or "lazy."

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