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Window shutters - main types and options for making them yourself (65 photos). Wooden window shutters: traditional designs in modern home design DIY window shutters

What are shutters? The answer to this question will puzzle many. On the one hand, this subject is familiar to everyone, but on the other, it is incomprehensible. Most often, to find out the meaning of a word, people turn to dictionaries.

Explanatory dictionaries, those that explain the essence of the word, say that shutters are panels that cover a window or any opening for a specific purpose. For example, window shutters that seal off rooms from cold, light or intrusion, or dam shutters that hold water pressure until a certain time.

Etymological dictionaries, those that explain the origin of the word, highlight the ST part of the word - a state of immobility. The words pillar, table, chair contain it. All these objects are stable and unchangeable in space. In the word, the STAV part of the word put is highlighted.

As a result, we have a shutter for a summer house - a fixed part of the structure, which is necessary to protect the interior. They may object: “Why motionless? She moves, which means she’s mobile!” In this particular case, immobility relative to the entire house is implied.

The shutters are firmly attached to the wall; moving them from place to place is problematic. Some dictionaries say that the meanings of the words eyes and glasses are similar to the meaning of the word shutters.

What are the benefits of window shutters for a country house?

Shutters have several purposes. Initially, in Rus', shutters protected the house from cold and rain. That's why they were made of wood. Before the invention of glass, small windows were covered with a bull's bladder (stomach), plates of mica or parchment.

To make the protection of the house as reliable as possible, they adapted to closing the shutters from the inside.

To protect heat, which was difficult to obtain, shutters were used, otherwise in the harsh winter one could freeze. And in the rain, windows made from an ox's stomach could quickly deteriorate. There is evidence from historians that the inside of the shutters was covered with felt or fur. But in this article you can see a description.

Later, the purpose of shutters expanded: they began to protect houses from enemies who could break into the house.

The southern regions could not do without protection from the heat and scorching sun, so lattice shutters were invented that let in daylight, but protected from direct sunlight and rain.

At all times, people wanted to admire their homes, so even the most run-down house was decorated with shutters: painted, carved with ornaments or figures, cut out with windows.

Not so long ago, louvered shutters or roller shutters appeared in Russia, which are very convenient with their mechanisms.

If you say that shutters are a useless thing these days, you could be deeply mistaken. They will be relevant for hundreds of years to come. Maybe they will just change their shape or appearance.

Who knows what will be invented in another 20 years? The popularity of interior shutters is gaining momentum. This is already a piece of furniture with the function of shutters. They change the light and warmth in the house, dampen sounds, and keep out heat and cold. Most often wooden and ennobled. The sashes can be anything from solid smooth to adjustable embossed.

Interior shutters transform the house beyond recognition.

A modern dacha is a special life outside the city, with its own rhythm and needs. No matter what construction technologies are invented, the owners of the dacha will in any case strive for unity with nature and difference from life in the metropolis. And shutters are a very striking detail of a house to be forgotten.

Types for dachas - what are they: single-leaf, double-leaf swing, folding, roller or blinds

Shutters can be varied in terms of design. The choice is determined, as always, by rationality.

The simplest ones are single-leaf. They are mounted on a small window. The mounting side is chosen at the discretion of the owner.

Single-leaf and double-leaf shutters close the shutter like a door, the lock is installed inside the house.

The most common are bicuspid. They are the most beautiful. Symmetry is relevant at all times; it allows you to create a window design in any style, from rustic to postmodern. These shutters have 2 locks: for connecting and fixing.

The most extraordinary ones are folding ones. The peculiarity is that they consist of separate sashes, fold like a children's accordion book and are able to open the window as much as necessary. Such shutters can be single- or double-sided, with an equal or unequal number of shutters on the sides.

The most fashionable - blinds. They look very prestigious and can be lowered and raised. Easily mechanized or automated. They have the ability to open the necessary part of the window. The material of the blinds allows us to provide a high degree of guarantee against penetration into the home.
The shape of shutters is acceptable from classic rectangular to curly. It depends on the shape of the window and the imagination of the owners.

On video of shutters for windows in the country:

Which material to choose

The choice of material depends on the house and the owner’s requirements. For wooden ones, wooden shutters will look natural, they will give a rustic and eco-friendly look or plastic ones. For stone or cast buildings of modern construction - metal or plastic. Roller shutters will fit well into modern buildings.


So dear to the heart of a Russian person! They have existed for centuries and will continue to exist for centuries to come. When we hear the word shutters, everyone has the same association: carved frames, bright paint, a joyful mood. The technology for their manufacture has changed little. Identical boards are pulled together in a certain way and secured with bars.

The individuality of the owners is clearly expressed through the seemingly simple elements of the house.

Then they are decorated with applied ornaments or carvings, and covered with varnish, stain or paint. They are hung on hinges that are mounted nearby on the wall. You can install them under a wall with such shutters.

Metal or iron

They will not save you from heat and cold. But they will be a very reliable piece of furniture to protect against tampering from the outside. The execution of metal shutters can be designed very elegantly, and those made according to a sketch will add a special zest to the exterior of the house, especially when. Models of recent years come complete with safe locks and latches that prevent slamming.


Plastic shutters are similar to blinds and are now fashionable. The spread is explained not only by this, but also by its versatility. This material can be given any look, equipped with a control system, use the colors you like, and select fittings to suit your taste. In addition, they are easy to install, can be installed on any surface and fit perfectly under any surface. The shutter frame is inserted inside the window opening and secured. The doors fit snugly against the wall on the outside, and metal trims add security.

Roller shutters or sliding

At the peak of popularity on a global scale. The most suitable material for windows is aluminum. The peculiarity of roller shutters is that they are rolled up and placed in a box when opened.

In the photo there are shutters on the windows:

Multifunctional: they will reduce noise and muffle sunlight, and protect from strangers. They last a long time.

How to install it yourself

First you need to decide what the shutters will look like and what they will be made of. Then you should draw a sketch, perhaps even experiment. After a solution is found, you need to measure all the window parameters. If the windows do not meet the standards, the order will be individual.

Whatever shutters are ordered, they are equipped with all the necessary fastenings, locks, and decorative elements.

  • You can purchase the accessories yourself.
  • Prepare a drill and drill bits for work.
  • Drill holes with the diameter for the anchors.
  • Attach the entire shutter structure or frame.
  • Grind the bolt heads with a grinder so that they cannot be unscrewed by strangers.
  • Hang the shutters, secure them to the frame and install locks and decorative elements.

Video of do-it-yourself wooden shutters for windows:

In order for the shutters to be reliable in security quality, high-quality material (no matter boards or metal), fittings (hinges and bolts), and fastenings (strong and correctly installed) are required. But the work will not be completed if you do not illuminate the shutters from the street with lanterns; you can find out everything about a lantern for lighting the yard in.

Regarding constipation, we can say the following: their installation depends only on the wishes of the owners. Will it be convenient to open the shutters when going outside or to open the windows without opening the shutters? Decide for yourself. Let us remind you that fire safety requirements dictate that the lock be located inside the house.

Just recently, no one thought about installing such a rare decorative element of a country house as shutters. However, recently the fashion for old or even classic ones has begun to return, as a result of which shutters have again ceased to be a rarity. Next, we will look at what function shutters perform for windows in a country house and how to choose them correctly for a country house.

General information

Each of us remembers shutters from old village houses, where many once visited their grandparents. And those who have not been to the villages have seen them in children's films and fairy tales.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that shutters are a very nice decoration that gives the house a special flavor. In addition, they perform a practical function. Therefore, it is not surprising that recently decorating country houses in this way has become fashionable again.

Why are shutters needed?

While everything is clear about the decorative function, not everyone knows what practical benefits shutters provide. Therefore, first of all, let’s look at why they are needed, in addition to decorating the house:

Insulation Closed shutters can limit the access of cold and wind to the windows. For example, they can be closed at night when there is severe frost outside, and thereby reduce energy costs for heating the room. The effect will be especially noticeable if this decorative element is hermetically sealed.
Safety Doors on the windows protect the house from unauthorized access when you are away from the country house. If safety comes first for you, then you should install metal shutters on your garden windows.
Sun protection This feature will be useful for night owls who go to bed late and wake up much later than sunrise. Shutters darken a room much better than curtains or blinds.

But, of course, they install it. For example, wooden carved shutters can transform any country house. And if it is also made of logs or timber, then such decor can give the dacha a Russian style.

Advice! To give the doors more color, they can be painted. True, for this you need to involve a specialist in the work, or have the makings of an artist.

In the photo - painted carved double-leaf shutters

Types of shutters


Before choosing shutters, you should familiarize yourself with their types. They may differ in the type of design and materials from which they are made.

By type of construction they are:

  • Single leaf– used for small windows. Such doors are installed on one side of the window opening. As a rule, they are locked with a special locking element, which is screwed into a threaded cartridge located in the wall.

  • Double-leaf– consist of two halves, which are installed on both sides of the window opening. It must be said that this design looks more attractive, since symmetry is maintained when open. Therefore, double-leaf shutters are the most common.

The locking element of such shutters fastens the doors in the middle; it can be located both outside and inside the house.

  • Folding or collapsible– such structures are usually installed on large windows. The doors consist of several parts, which allows them to be closed not completely, but, for example, by a third or half.
  • Combined– this design is a type of blinds. They can close like regular solid doors and perform a protective function.

If necessary, you can raise the slats using a special mechanism, which allows you to let light into the house without opening the doors. In this case, they do not stop performing a protective function. I must say that this design looks more modern, and it can also be used for windows of any size.

  • Removable - this design is intended solely to perform a protective function. As you can easily guess from the name, removable shutters can be easily removed from windows when they are not needed.


Today you can purchase shutters made from a variety of materials.

Let's look at the most popular options:

  • Wood is a classic material. Wooden shutters for windows in a country house look most attractive. However, the cost of such products is the highest, since most often they are sold carved, fired, with forged elements or made in another design form.
  • Metal – designed primarily to perform a protective function. However, forging elements or figured cutting allow them to look very attractive. The price of metal products is usually average.
  • Plastic - perform more of a decorative function than a protective one. They look more modern; for example, such a decorative element can be used to decorate country houses made from block containers, which themselves look modern.

Thus, the choice primarily depends on the tasks assigned to this decorative element, as well as on the size of the window openings and the style in which the country house is decorated.

Installation features

So, we’ve figured out the choice of shutters, now we’ll look at how to install them on windows with our own hands. There is nothing complicated in this work, the only thing is that you need to follow a certain sequence of actions. In addition, of course, the sashes must be made according to the size of the window openings.

So, the installation instructions look like this:

  • First of all, the frame should be attached to the wall and holes in the wall for anchors should be marked.
  • Next, holes are drilled and anchor cartridges are inserted into them.
  • Then the frame is again applied to its location and secured with anchors.
  • After this, the bolt heads should be ground with a grinder to prevent them from being unscrewed with a screwdriver.

This completes the installation process. As we can see, for this work you only need an electric drill or hammer drill, a hammer and a screwdriver. In addition, it is advisable to have a building level to position the structure horizontally.

Advice! If the site is not connected to the power grid, you can solve the problem of power supply to the house by renting a diesel generator for the cottage.


Shutters are an eye-catching decorative element as well as a way to add extra protection to your home. Moreover, contrary to popular belief, they can be used not only in buildings decorated in antique style, but also in modern cottages.

The only thing is that you just need to choose the right design and the material from which they are made.

You can get more information on this topic from the video in this article.

Having come up with the proverb about a fortified house, the British did not know about the Russian method of protecting windows. Powerful oak shutters, blocking the access of dashing people to the owner's goods, turn the log house into an impregnable bastion. The Russians' love for beauty and harmony is reflected in this element of home protection. Carved shutters became the calling card of the skilled owner, completing the external decor of the hut.

Nowadays, window shutters for dachas are experiencing a rebirth.

Metal-plastic roller shutters with electric drive are not affordable for everyone. But anyone who knows how to hold a simple tool in their hands can install steel or wooden panels on windows.

In our review, we will get acquainted with the types, structure and main functions of shutters, and also give practical advice on making them yourself.

Put the shutters on the windows. Designs and functions

There are several designs of window shutters:

  • Single leaf;
  • Double-leaf;
  • Folding
  • Combined (shutters-blinds);
  • Roller shutters (roll);
  • Internal shutters.

Single-leaf shutters are installed on small windows. On one side, their canvas has a hinged fastening. Closing is done using a lock or locking latches installed on the inside of the sashes.

Single leaf wooden shutters

Double-leaf metal and wooden shutters for windows are the most common. Thanks to the symmetrical arrangement of the canvases, these structures look better than single-leaf ones. They are locked from the inside (on casement windows) or from the outside with a lock (on fixed windows).

Double-leaf wooden shutters - “classics of the genre”

Folding structures are used to protect large window openings. They consist of several doors that turn on hinges when closing and opening.

Folding shutters - an option for a large window

Blind shutters protect windows well, but do not allow sunlight into the room. Therefore, in recent years, combined designs (blinds) have become popular. The rotating mechanism of the slats allows you to adjust the light flux without opening the sash. This solves two problems: natural lighting of the premises without compromising the protective function of the shutters.

Shutters with rotating slats

More often than adjustable designs on the market, there are options whose plates do not rotate.

Shutters with fixed-rotating shutters

Roller-type structures (roller shutters) came to us from Europe. Today they are extremely popular not only among owners of shops, warehouses and offices, but also among summer residents.

Compactness, reliability and aesthetics. These three factors attract the attention of homeowners to roller shutters. A significant disadvantage is the price of these structures. It is higher than that of swing ones.

Relatively recently, internal shutters appeared on the market. They are used to decorate the interior and regulate lighting. The level of protection of the premises from penetration of these structures is minimal.

Let's say a few words about the main functions of shutters. There are several of them:

  • Protective;
  • Decorative;
  • Energy saving.

The first priority is to protect the building from intruders. In this regard, shutters are more reliable than grilles. If installed correctly and using quality materials, they are much more difficult to break than cutting off window grille anchor pins. In addition, the shutters completely block the view of the room. The lattice, on the contrary, does not interfere with viewing the contents of the country house. It is also important that the shutters protect the window glass from direct impact with a hard object. The efficiency of the grid in this regard is much lower.

The decorative functions of shutters cannot be questioned. They are especially pronounced in wooden structures decorated with intricate carvings and figured ornaments.

Wooden carved shutters will not leave anyone indifferent

Not every person is skilled in wood carving. But any home craftsman can make beautiful sashes using an ordinary board and a jigsaw.

A minimum of materials, a little imagination, effort and original shutters are ready

Metal window shutters are not as expressive as wooden ones. However, when using forged decor they look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.

Energy-saving features also cannot be ignored. It is no secret that the main heat loss from premises occurs through windows and doors. Closed shutters significantly reduce heat loss. The level of energy saving of these structures can be increased by insulating the doors with mineral wool or polystyrene foam.

There are two materials used to make window shutters - wood and metal.

These days, decorative shutters are made not only from metal and wood, but also from metal-plastic. This material reigns supreme in the field of door and window systems.

Metal-plastic shutters - reliable, beautiful, durable

Unlike wood, metal-plastic withstands weather conditions. At the same time, we are practically indistinguishable from it in appearance.

How to make window shutters with your own hands?

You can make simple security shutters yourself. We will consider two options for homemade structures: wooden and metal.

A tongue-and-groove floorboard is optimal for assembling wooden sashes. Using it, you can do without the complex joining of shield elements, the work with which requires carpentry skills.

The first step is to measure the window opening and transfer its dimensions to the sketch. You immediately need to decide on the design of the sash hinges.

There are two types of hinged hinge:

  • The rotary unit is driven at one end into a hole drilled in a concrete or brick wall;
  • The hinge is attached to the window frame.

1. Regular loop for hanging; 2. Adjustable hinge support (used to attach the shutter to a brick or concrete wall); 3. Hinged part of the loop.

Having chosen a suitable hinge design, you can begin assembling the sashes. Having cut the floorboard to the dimensions of the sketch, its parts are connected using a tongue-and-groove pattern. To ensure that the boards do not come apart, two transverse fixing pads and one inclined one – the jib – are screwed onto the top of the assembled sash.

Two bolts and lugs are attached to the linings with screws, securing the locking bolt.

Hinges are placed on the reverse side of the sashes. Having placed the shutters in the opening, the hinges are screwed to the frame with screws. It is better to install platbands on the window at the top and bottom. When installed to the right and left of the frame, they will interfere with the opening of the sashes.

Now let's see how you can make window shutters with your own hands using metal. The simplest option is to make a sash frame from a 10x20 or 20x40 mm profile pipe and attach 1.0-1.5 mm thick sheet steel to it.

The supporting frame on which the shutters will hang can be made from a 50x50 mm corner. It is more convenient to attach it to the opening using dowels.

After measuring the window opening and preparing a sketch, you can begin cutting the profile pipe to make shutter frames. The pipe sections are laid on a workbench, fixed to it with clamps and joined end-to-end using electric welding. The next step is to cut the sheet metal and weld it onto the frames. To protect the junction of the sashes, a steel strip (flashing) must be welded onto one of them.

Having made both doors, you can begin making a supporting frame from the corner and installing hinges. Having attached the leaf panels to the frame, a steel bolt and an eyelet into which the bolt will fit are welded to the middle edge of the frame.

After making sure that the shutters rotate freely and without distortion on the frame and close tightly, you can install the shutters in the opening. To do this, you need to drill two holes in the side corners of the frame for mounting dowels, and drill holes in the wall for installing plastic sleeves.

September 18, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior finishing, construction of summer houses, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

Until recently, window shutters were perceived as a decorative element of the rustic style of architecture, so they were installed extremely rarely. However, recently the fashion for this element of the facade has begun to return, as a result of which shutters can now be seen on modern houses. Moreover, a large assortment of these products has appeared on sale, which differ not only in design, but also in performance, as well as the functions that they perform.

Why are shutters needed?

As you know, windows are the most vulnerable place in the house in terms of security, since the glass is easy to break in order to get inside the room. Of course, to increase security, you can install bars, however, they do not protect windows from vandals.

Therefore, if you leave your home for a long time, then the most reliable way of protection is shutters. Accordingly, first of all, we can recommend using shutters for windows in the country. However, even if you live in the house permanently, they will also not be superfluous.

The fact is that shutters can perform other functions:

  • allow you to limit the view through the windows at night, and are also able to protect the room from intense sunlight, i.e. they can be used instead of curtains or blinds;
  • can additionally protect from the cold on frosty days, in addition, they serve as additional sound insulation;
  • often used as a decorative element decorating the facade of a building. In particular, they can emphasize the belonging of a house to one or another.

Thus, shutters are a truly useful and practical element of the facade, so it is not surprising that they are back in fashion.

One of the main differences between shutters is the material they are made from.. According to this parameter, they are divided into the following types:


Wooden shutters can be called a classic option, since they are what we imagine when it comes to this element of window protection. It should be noted that wooden shutters for windows can be used both internally and externally.

Internal ones, as a rule, perform a decorative function and also protect the room from the sun. External ones cope well with protective and decorative functions.

Depending on the type of construction, wooden shutters are divided into several types:

  • single-leaf hinged - consist of one door, respectively, suitable for small windows;

  • double-leaf hinged - have two doors, as a result of which they can be used with both narrow and wide windows;
  • folding multi-leaf - consist of several doors that fold like an accordion. The advantage of this design is that the window can not be closed completely, but only by a third or half;

  • louvered - are a swing or folding structure, inside of which slats are located. A special mechanism allows you to change the angle of the slats, as in conventional blinds. In this way, you can regulate the amount of sunlight entering the room.

If the house is small and low, then it is more advisable to use internal shutters, since from the outside they will seem too massive.

Among the advantages of wooden products, the following points can be highlighted:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • attractive appearance - often wooden shutters are even decorated with carvings;
  • durability, the only thing is that these products require periodic maintenance;
  • can be durable and reliable.

Therefore, wooden shutters are most popular. Their cost starts from 2000-3000 thousand rubles per square meter. The most expensive are carved products - the price of such shutters can reach 8,000-10,000 rubles per square meter.

Of steel

Steel shutters are the most durable, so they are used primarily as protective ones. However, you shouldn’t think that they won’t be able to decorate the facade of a building. For example, products with forged elements look very beautiful and are in no way inferior in aesthetics to their wooden counterparts.

As for the design, iron shutters most often come in single-leaf or double-leaf swing types. In addition, there are louvered models.

Separately, it should be said about this type of product such as roller shutters. They are a canvas consisting of lamellas. When lifted, the canvas is rolled into a roll.

As a rule, such a design is equipped with an electric drive, which simplifies their operation, since you do not need to open and close the shutters with your own hands. Some models even come with a remote control.

These products cannot be called decorative, so they are rather anti-vandal. Of course, they can also be used for sun protection. Moreover, the canvas can be fixed in any position, which allows you to partially close the windows.

Metal shutter models come with external and internal safe locks, which can only be opened from inside the house. For a summer house that you leave unattended for a long time, it is more advisable to use products with an internal lock.

Among the advantages of these products are the following points:

  • high strength;
  • do not swell from moisture and do not dry out, unlike wooden analogues;
  • long service life, the only thing is that they also need to be looked after periodically.

Conventional swing metal shutters for windows cost an average of 3,500 rubles per square meter. Products decorated with forging are, of course, much more expensive.

If you have a welding machine, you can make simple metal shutters with your own hands. They consist of a frame, which is usually welded from a profile pipe or angle, as well as casing in the form of a steel sheet, i.e. The design is quite simple.

Made of aluminum

Aluminum shutters come in the following types:

  • louvered-folding;
  • swing louvres;
  • roller shutters

It should be noted that aluminum products have an attractive appearance. Often they even imitate wooden shutters. Therefore, they can be purchased as decorative, as well as for sun protection.

As for the protective function, aluminum models cannot fully cope with this task, since they are inferior in strength to some wooden and, especially, metal analogues. However, in any case, it is much more difficult to penetrate a window covered with such shutters than an unprotected one, and they also protect against vandals. Therefore, aluminum models are great for houses in which someone constantly lives.

In addition, these products have other advantages:

  • They are lightweight, which simplifies their transportation and installation;
  • are not subject to corrosion and negative environmental influences. True, over time they may be required.
  • can have not only a rectangular, but also an arched shape.

The cost of these products starts from 3,000 rubles per square meter. True, there are expensive models from European manufacturers, the cost of which is several times higher than the price of metal analogues.

Made of plastic

Finally, let's look at plastic shutters. These products have an attractive appearance, and there is a fairly large assortment of their designs. There are wood-look models that imitate wood texture, as well as single-color products.

As you might guess, the main task of plastic shutters is to decorate the facade and protect the room from the sun. In terms of strength, they are, of course, inferior to all the products described above, so they are not suitable for protecting homes from penetration.

However, their popularity does not suffer from this, due to the following advantages:

  • low cost - from 1500-2000 rubles per square meter;
  • not exposed to environmental influences:
  • They are lightweight, so they can be mounted both on walls and directly on plastic windows or wooden frames;
  • do not require care;
  • Simple installation instructions, so you can install them yourself.

Here, in fact, are all the types of shutters that I wanted to tell you about.


As we have found out, there are now many types of shutters that are designed to perform different tasks. Therefore, when choosing, you need to decide on the functions that are important to you.

If decorative shutters for windows are required to decorate the facade, then you can use products made of aluminum or even plastic, but if you need to protect your home from penetration, then it is definitely better to give preference to steel products with a lock that opens from the inside.

The video in this article contains some additional information. If you have any questions regarding the choice of shutters or their performance, please leave a comment and I will be happy to answer you.

September 18, 2016

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