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NLP methods in tough negotiations. Negotiations using NLP techniques

In today's information- and knowledge-driven world, traditional rules of negotiation are of little use. We need new, systematic approaches to the art of negotiation. No man can act as if he lives alone. There are always people who play an important role in our lives and in our affairs.

We will not be fully successful until we learn to manage our relationships in a direction that will help us move towards our goals. And other people, of course, have their own goals. Obviously, one of the keys to effective relationships is to explore opportunities to create situations that benefit all parties.


According to Saint-Exupéry, “communication is the highest pleasure.” But about 70% of people fail in business only because they do not know how to present themselves correctly at business meetings and take a leading position during the conversation.

Negotiations are a process of bilateral exchange of information aimed at reaching an agreement in conditions of partial coincidence of interests of the parties.

Professional negotiation skills and knowledge of technology will help achieve the desired result. Negotiations are reminiscent of a game when all participants are intently calculating each other’s moves. Success accompanies those who maneuver better and are willing to give in, implementing a well-thought-out strategy.

From a psychological point of view, business negotiations are a struggle, a competition. And one has only to demonstrate weakness, emotional imbalance, and the other side will certainly take advantage of the situation to insist on its own.

People who are successful in negotiations always try to adhere to the winning style of behavior. They are assertive rather than aggressive, and oppose hostility even when others are unwilling to cooperate.

Gestures can be used to set the right tone for a conversation. It is quite possible to learn to manage your anxiety and emotions, as well as to prepare psychologically for negotiations.


Be flexible. Start your negotiations by setting specific goals. Be prepared to change the rules of the game depending on your knowledge of the desires of your interlocutor.

Be clear about your goals. Ask people to describe their wishes for the final outcome of the negotiations. This is the deciding factor if you want to win. But an idea alone will not achieve your or their intentions. Winning a negotiation is when both you and your opponent, working together, discover methods to achieve both your goals and the goals of the client (opponent).

Focus on the reasons, not the positions themselves. If you and the client have different opinions, find out the reason for these differences. If you think so, then there is a reason why you made this decision.

Look for options. Focus on creatively generating alternative solutions, ideas, and opportunities that best meet the goals of both parties. One head it's good, but two better.

Take your time. Don't respond to pressure or urgency by making a snap decision. Pause to give yourself time to think about your next steps.

As a negotiator, you need to be aware that other people's views on the importance of issues may differ from your own. All people see things differently. Understanding how much your interlocutor values ​​each item will allow you to respond effectively.

Surprisingly, but true: in personal relationships, the ability to negotiate is the key to long, stable, interesting relationships (tested in practice!).

In NLP, many models of effective influence on the interlocutor have been created; Knowledge, understanding and application of NLP skills is extremely important for successful negotiations. Therefore, NLP models and techniques are used very actively and fruitfully in negotiation trainings.

Respect your partners - learn techniques for successful negotiations.

Your appearance and appearance is the first step in neurolinguistics. It is worth remembering that when preparing for negotiations, it is recommended to choose the appropriate image for each specific case. Your appearance is one of the main components of success. You can save one common ground, but are required to change parts.

Clothing as an element of influence

In NLP, the color of your clothes depends on the purpose of negotiations; for example, if you have to convince your interlocutor, then black colors should predominate in your clothes. Black is the color of authoritarianism; it does not accept other people’s opinions, much less imposition. The color red subconsciously means aggressiveness; its use is appropriate if you need to influence the human psyche.

But if, on the contrary, you have to withstand a psychological attack, then be sure to wear gray. White color– the most innocent and pure, it is recommended to include it in your wardrobe if you need to convince your interlocutor of something and adapt to him. Remember that clothes are very important point in negotiations.

Influence by voice

The next no less significant element of influence in NLP is voice timbre. Using different voice modes, you can covertly psychological impact manage the progress of negotiations. It is important to take into account the factors of human perception. 40% of it is aimed at the person’s appearance, 40% at the manner of speech and only 20 at the very content of this speech. The main technique for conducting business negotiations in neurolinguistics is the use of hidden programs.

Watch out: when talking, you can lower the timbre of your voice, thereby seizing the initiative and forcing the interlocutor to also lower the timbre. You can almost immediately notice that he will take over your position in the conversation.

If the interlocutor followed your invisible signals, rest assured: he is already tamed and ready to continue following you. It is not difficult to verify this: make a movement as if you want to get up from the table. You will see that the interlocutor reflexively made the same movement so as not to be left alone at the table.

Sit back and repeat the procedure again. If you have this reflex of your interlocutor under control, you can continue the conversation, you will see that your opponent easily changes under your influence.

Knowledge of influence techniques will help in protecting against influences

There are many similar techniques in NLP. Also, NLP often uses techniques that are almost invisible to the average person, but at the same time they are extremely effective, with their help you can control the situation and influence the consciousness of your interlocutor. By starting to introduce methods that are not very obvious, you gain control over your interlocutor during negotiations.

Remember that you yourself need psychological protection, because during the negotiations, pressure may also be put on you. This happens if your interlocutor tries to impose something on you or demand something from you. Be extremely careful, otherwise you yourself can easily fall under the influence of others. Usually, people going to negotiations are carefully prepared with all sorts of psychological training.

However, often in practice they turn out to be unable to exert psychological pressure on their opponents. You also need to be able to carefully defend yourself against such attacks by amateurs. The main essence of protection in NLP techniques is as follows: try to refocus the interlocutor’s attention from attempts at manipulation and influence on abstract, extraneous actions. Then enter the psychological state you need and thwart any attempts by your interlocutor to exert psychological pressure on you.

In today's information- and knowledge-driven world, traditional rules of negotiation are of little use. We need new, systematic approaches to the art of negotiation. No man can act as if he lives alone. There are always people who play an important role in our lives and in our affairs.

We will not be fully successful until we learn to manage our relationships in a direction that will help us move towards our goals. And other people, of course, have their own goals. Obviously, one of the keys to effective relationships is to explore opportunities to create situations that benefit all parties.
How not to succumb to your partner’s tricks and negotiate profitably?

According to Saint-Exupéry, “communication is the highest pleasure.” But about 70% of people fail in business only because they do not know how to present themselves correctly at business meetings and take a leading position during the conversation.
Negotiations are a process of bilateral exchange of information aimed at reaching an agreement in conditions of partial coincidence of interests of the parties.

Professional negotiation skills and knowledge of technology will help achieve the desired result. Negotiations are reminiscent of a game when all participants are intently calculating each other’s moves. Success accompanies those who maneuver better and are willing to give in, implementing a well-thought-out strategy.

From a psychological point of view, business negotiations are a struggle, a competition. And one has only to demonstrate weakness, emotional imbalance, and the other side will certainly take advantage of the situation to insist on its own.

People who are successful in negotiations always try to adhere to the winning style of behavior. They are assertive rather than aggressive, and oppose hostility even when others are unwilling to cooperate.

Gestures can be used to set the right tone for a conversation. It is quite possible to learn to manage your anxiety and emotions, as well as to prepare psychologically for negotiations.
Key Behaviors Required for Successful Negotiations

    Be flexible. Start your negotiations by setting specific goals. Be prepared to change the rules of the game depending on your knowledge of the desires of your interlocutor.

    Be clear about your goals. Ask people to describe their wishes for the final outcome of the negotiations. This is the deciding factor if you want to win. But an idea alone will not achieve your or their intentions. Winning a negotiation is when both you and your opponent, working together, discover methods to achieve both your goals and the goals of the client (opponent).

    Focus on the reasons, not the positions themselves. If you and the client have different opinions, find out the reason for these differences. If you think so, then there is a reason why you made this decision.

    Look for options. Focus on creatively generating alternative solutions, ideas, and opportunities that best meet the goals of both parties. One head it's good, but two better.

    Take your time. Don't respond to pressure or urgency by making a snap decision. Pause to give yourself time to think about your next steps.

As a negotiator, you need to be aware that other people's views on the importance of issues may differ from your own. All people see things differently. Understanding how much your interlocutor values ​​each item will allow you to respond effectively.

Surprisingly, but true: in personal relationships, the ability to negotiate is the key to long, stable, interesting relationships (tested in practice!). In NLP, many models of effective influence on the interlocutor have been created; Knowledge, understanding and application of NLP skills is extremely important for successful negotiations. Therefore, NLP models and techniques are used very actively and fruitfully in negotiation trainings.

Respect your partners - learn techniques for successful negotiations.

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Alex/ 03/11/2019 These trainers themselves know nothing about NLP and sales. They should learn on their own)) the book sucks. It's because of writers like this that people consider NLP nonsense.

Maksim/ 09/15/2018 I read the book.
To be honest, this is not a book - but a training manual.
Banal, well-known phrases and paragraphs. Very similar to the fact that they were rewritten in snatches from other sources

Vadim/ 08/23/2018 NLP is nonsense, the inventions of narrow-minded people, there is nothing useful, much less scientific, in them.

Gabriel/ 04/25/2018 Ahahaha)) I imagined this picture - you come somewhere and they publicly rub something into your ass)) Ahahaha)) Do they even change their gloves?

am/ 02/1/2018 An excellent organization - the NLP Institute - helped me improve my sales through systematic training. They were developed by Mikhail Pelekhaty and his colleagues. By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to read the free tutorial from Mikhail. You can download it on the official website.

Maria/ 10.30.2017 Honestly, I’m tired. Tired of fighting for a place in the sun. This business has become boring. I just lost the desire to achieve something more, I want to stop in this race for the best place. A friend took me to the Combat NLP training by Mikhail Pelekhaty. I even really liked it. An interesting systematic approach to the problem. You look at all unresolved problems from a completely different perspective. Everything becomes clear and understandable. There are a lot of different solutions emerging. Once again you feel a surge of strength and energy. Every time I want to achieve even greater results.

Egor/ 10.24.2017 Recently, our team was sent to the ongoing training of NLP Practitioner “Manipulation and Leadership” by Mikhail Pelekhaty. I really liked the systematic approach to the problem. Thanks to this, the work process in our institution has improved, conflicts and misunderstandings have disappeared. There was inspiration and a desire to get the desired result. I feel new strength in my work. We began to work efficiently, and this resulted in increased profit growth. These are really useful trainings that will help you not only improve your work, but also learn how to achieve the desired results.

Andrey/ 09/13/2017 I would like to say thank you to Mikhail Pelekhatom and his NLP Practitioner training “Manipulation and Leadership”. Systematic presentation of information helped to adjust the work of the business and improve the morale in the team. Employees began to work more harmoniously, confidently and with greater interest. Accordingly, the business began to develop positively and receive the necessary income. This is Smart NLP, which clearly helps you move towards achieving your goals.

Anastasia/ 09.12.2017 Our organization recently hosted a training session by Mikhail Pelekhaty “Managing Emotions in Negotiations.” Each of the team members found a lot of interesting and educational things for themselves. Thanks to the systematic presentation of information by Mikhail Pelekhaty, his knowledge of human behavior in a given situation allows everyone to understand how to properly control their emotions in negotiations. Feel calmer and more confident in various conflict situations.

Maksim/ 08/11/2017 I am very glad that I attended the training of Mikhail Pelekhaty NLP Practitioner “Manipulation and Leadership”. Previously, at work I was reserved and shy. And I always wanted to break out of my complexes. Thanks to the systematic approach of coach Mikhail Pelekhaty, I became more confident and communicative. New friends have appeared. And the work became more interesting and effective.

Olga/ 08/09/2017 They say correctly, NLP is for those who are ready to think. Thanks to the training of NLP Practitioner Mikhail Pelekhaty, I felt more confident. The structured presentation of the material helped me understand how to correctly achieve my goal and achieve better results. Now I know where and how to start my own business, and get the maximum benefit from it.

Egor/ 07/13/2017 I didn’t like it

Ilya / 11.07.2017 For a long time worked in an investment company as an ordinary programmer. Of course, this is a position where you are not seen or heard much; you came, fixed the computer and left. All the isolation of my work showed me a lack of self-confidence. I don't know how to deal with my uncertainty. I decided to go to the training of Mikhail Pelekhaty NLP Practitioner “Manipulation and Leadership”. Systems approach Mikhail Pelekhaty is very interesting. Clearly explains the ways to solve the problem. Helps you get rid of complexes, be more confident in life, and move towards new goals. After the training, my life seriously changed. I became more confident, I appeared personal life, communication with colleagues improved. Thanks to Mikhail Pelekhaty.

Diana/ 07/08/2017 I am very glad that I attended the training of Mikhail Pelekhaty NLP Practitioner “Manipulation and Leadership”. The trainer's systematic presentation of information allows you to develop your thinking in the right direction. I used all the information received with interest in developing my business plan. And after some time I saw the result, things moved forward. At the same time, my attitude towards business development changed, and confidence in the future appeared.

Yaroslav/ 06/25/2017 A month ago I attended a training on NLP conducted by Mikhail Pelekhaty, I listened to him with pleasure. With his systematic presentation of information, she learned the skills of manipulating people’s consciousness, directing a person’s decision in her direction in case of any disagreement.

Christina/ 06/17/2017 Finally, I attended the training of Mikhail Pelekhaty. I had long dreamed of visiting, I was passing through Moscow and did not miss the opportunity to visit it. There were a lot of people, everything was organized, with a systematic presentation of information, the entire training went in an instant, everything was clear and the questions that arose during the process were discussed in detail.

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