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Mikhail Yakovlevich Mironov, hero of the Soviet Union. Mironov, Mikhail Yakovlevich

Born on June 1, 1919 in the village of Gorodets, now Kolomensky district of the Moscow region, in a peasant family. Graduated from 9th grade. He worked at MTS, at a plant in the city of Kolomna. Since 1939 in the Red Army. Participant of the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939 - 1940.

Since 1941 on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Killed 223 enemy soldiers and officers with a sniper rifle. In 1942 he graduated from the Junior Lieutenants course.

On January 23, 1944, company commander of the 92nd Infantry Regiment (201st Infantry Division, 42nd Army, Leningrad Front) Senior Lieutenant M. Ya. Mironov, carrying out a combat mission, led 2 companies of fighters into an attack and threw the enemy off a railway embankment , turned into a defensive line on the approaches to the city of Gatchina (Leningrad Region). He was wounded twice, but did not leave the battlefield. On February 21, 1945, for the courage and military valor shown in battles with enemies, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

After the war he was transferred to the reserve. Lived and worked in Leningrad. In 1947 he graduated from law school, then from the Leningrad Law Institute. He worked as deputy chairman of the Leningrad City Court. Awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner, the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, and medals. Honorary soldier of a military unit.

* * *

It was very easy for the famous publicist A.V. Burov to record the story of Mikhail Yakovlevich Mironov. The usual questions in such cases were of no use this time. Mikhail Yakovlevich spoke very clearly. Apparently, his profession had an effect: after the war, Mironov graduated from law school.

1919? - asked Mikhail Yakovlevich. - And what? Good year. After all, I was born on the first summer day of that year. Thanks to him. And thanks to the land of Gorodets. For the first time, it came from her mother's hands.

Sometimes with humor, sometimes with sadness, and in general, in an everyday way, Mironov simply talked about his difficult life.

My father and mother were hereditary foresters. In our family, we were all drawn to the forest. And we, brothers, were like that. And then my father died. And there were five of us left on our mother’s neck: a few, a few, a few. I was 8 years old then. Like this...

Yes, that’s how fate decreed little Mikhail. Like all village boys, he grew up normally. I ran to school. He really loved it when his older brother Nikolai took him hunting with him. The brothers were experts in forest alphabet. The village did not remember a case where the Mironovs returned from a hunt without trophies. They were known in the area as excellent shooters.

At the age of 12, Misha picked up a gun. And after 3 years, he already shot down a duck on the fly without a miss, looked after a hare, and even a larger animal. By the age of 17, Mikhail was considered an experienced and lucky hunter.

At the end of 1937, Mikhail Mironov moved to Kolomna. There, at a machine-building plant, before being drafted into the Red Army, he worked as a marker. And, like all his peers, Komsomol member Misha Mironov went in for sports, became a “Voroshilov shooter” and proudly wore a badge on his chest.

The 20-year-old guy, in good health and not offended by force, was drafted into the Red Army in September 1939. In those years, many were attracted to service on the border. An example was the courageous Korobitsyn, the tracker Karatsupa. Stories about the Zaozernaya hill, Khalkhin-Gol and Khasan occupied youthful minds. Mikhail was delighted to hear from the military commissar:

Comrade Mironov, you will serve in the border troops.

The Soviet-Finnish War began. Mironov chased saboteurs, and sometimes even got into hand-to-hand combat.

In 1940, Mikhail Mironov was assigned to the 102nd border detachment, commanded by an experienced border guard Colonel S.I. Donskov. The detachment was sent to the border post. Patrols and secrets, ambushes and fights with border violators - the usual border service.

On June 26, 1941, war came to the Mironov outpost. She burst in with the bursts of enemy shells, along with the command of the duty officer: “Outpost, to battle!”

Young guys in green caps fought desperately, but the forces were too unequal... The fighting went on almost continuously. By July, the enemy had somewhat reduced its offensive ardor. What is he up to? The “language” could tell about this. The site commandant decided to conduct a deep reconnaissance. Volunteers went to the rear. Mironov was among them.

It was beautiful,” Mikhail Yakovlevich joked, remembering that reconnaissance. - We walked at night. That is, it was listed according to time. But in fact, it’s clear as during the day: it’s time for white nights.

The scouts went about a kilometer deep into the enemy's rear. We saw a sentry near a small house. It was possible to get to it by passing a ravine overgrown with tall bushes. The border guards quickly descended into the ravine, and there were two enemy officers and a dozen soldiers.

“They almost collided head-on,” Mironov recalled. “They probably considered us their prisoners.” But we quickly found our bearings.

The German officer shouted: “Rus, surrender!” - and immediately fell, struck by Mironov’s bullet. This enemy marked the beginning of Mironov’s combat record in the Great Patriotic War.

Taking advantage of the confusion caused by the death of the officer, the border guards began to retreat. But machine guns struck, cutting off the scouts’ path to the clearing. The Germans began to surround them in a semi-ring, leaving only one path open - to the minefield. The commander was seriously wounded.

Everyone leave! “I’ll cover you,” Mironov shouted and threw a grenade at the approaching enemies.

One after another, grenades flew towards the enemy. For some time they managed to detain the pursuers. Turning around, Mikhail saw that his comrades were no longer in danger. Now you can leave on your own. He threw the last grenade and ran, catching up with his own.

A black column of rupture rose from the barely noticeable wire. Mines. Mikhail was thrown to the side and his hand was severely burned. I tried to get up, but I couldn’t: my legs were numb from the blow. My comrades ran up and helped me gather my strength. And Mikhail crawled to a low spot with a small swamp. And the comrades carried away the wounded commander.

Every meter of the path was given with great difficulty. The wounded hand ached.

Stop! Who goes?

Guys, it’s me,” Mironov wheezed. The border guards ran up. They lifted him up and helped him to the commandant's office.

- They couldn’t take the “language.” We obtained documents from a German officer,” Mironov, straining his last strength, reported to the commandant of the station.

Mironov was sent to the hospital. Soon Mikhail was again in Sestroretsk, where in August 1941, from the remnants of several border detachments that had moved away from the border in battle, and units of the 13th separate NKVD brigade guarding industrial enterprises, the 1st separate brigade of border troops of the Leningrad Front was formed. Mironov came to her after the hospital.

In the sector of the front defended by the 1st Border Brigade, German snipers committed atrocities. To bring them to their senses, good firemen were needed. One of these was Mikhail Mironov. They knew it. And when Mikhail returned from the hospital, he was sent to short-term courses. The commander who accompanied the snipers to the 1st Border Brigade said:

Pay attention to this guy. He never "smears"...

For the first time, Mikhail with his well-aimed rifle entered a firing position near Beloostrov. And then, having destroyed 3 enemies, he opened a sniper account. A few days later I doubled it. And it was like this.

3 carts were moving along a narrow forest road. The riders chatted carelessly among themselves. The forest became thinner, and Mironov clearly saw the head of the first cart driver, took him at gunpoint, and still shot at the horse’s head. The horse began to fall to the ground, blocking the road. The carriage driver jumped up in fright and shouted something, but the next sniper bullet silenced him forever. The rest of the cart drivers, sensing something bad, began to wrap up the horses. This is not easy to do on a narrow road. Mironov, gritting his teeth, hit one target after another...

In those days a letter arrived from home. Mother wrote. It was short, but every line of it seemed to be saturated with tears and blood: older brother Nikolai was killed. My sister's husband also died. Four children were left orphans...

No, Mikhail Mironov did not moan, did not cry, he only clutched his rifle tighter.

A hunter since childhood, I became a sniper. “I track down and beat the most terrible beast that humanity has ever known,” said Mikhail Yakovlevich.

Having killed the 10th enemy, Mikhail wrote to the party bureau: “I ask you to accept me into the ranks of the Bolshevik party. I will defend my beloved Motherland to the last drop of blood, I swear not to spare my strength and my very life to destroy the enemy.”

In October, the young communist already had 37 enemy soldiers and officers killed. Often several entries appeared in his sniper book at once. Once, for example, he killed 7 enemies during the day.

The harsh winter of 1941 arrived. As before, Mironov went out on a mission. He fired at the messengers, at the crews of guns and machine guns, at cars and carts.

Enemy snipers began to hunt for Mironov. These were experienced and merciless enemies. One day around noon, Mikhail cleaned his rifle and lay down to rest. The telephone rang in the dugout. The platoon commander answered the phone:

Lieutenant Roshchupkin is listening... Yes! - he answered and, turning to the fighters, said: “The neighbors on the right went on reconnaissance.” They ask you to support with a light. Who's ready to go?

“I’m ready,” Mironov jumped up.

You haven't rested for three days!

Nothing, Comrade Lieutenant. Allow me...

Fine. Go!

German heavy machine guns fired from the flanks. Our tame ones hurriedly and sharply tapped. But in the noise of the battle, Mironov, with his experienced ear, also caught single shots. It was enemy snipers who were shooting.

He discovered the first one immediately and spent 2 rounds on it. But somewhere the second one hid and shot. Mikhail saw enemy carriers of cartridges scurrying through the small passages. Challenging the enemy sniper, he opened fire. He shot quickly, not forgetting, however, to observe the battlefield.

A German bullet whistled right next to Mikhail’s ear, then another hit the shield installed in the trench. It was necessary to change the position. Mikhail quickly crawled to the spare.

Not noticing his departure, the German continued to shoot at the embrasure of the shield. Finally Mikhail spotted him. He waited for a long time, then fired, but didn’t hit. The duel continued. And when finally the enemy sniper, unable to resist, raised his head from the ground, Mironov pulled the trigger...

But fights with snipers did not always end happily. It happened that German bullets found him too. This happened on November 23, 1941, when, having destroyed the 101st enemy, he was about to return to his trench. A German sniper's bullet hit him in the right arm.

Mikhail remained in the hospital until mid-December. I wanted to return to my border brigade, but it didn’t work out. He was sent to guard a long-distance telephone exchange. Having arrived there, he did not give up hope of returning to his native brigade.

“I’m a border guard and a sniper,” he persuaded the commanders.

In response, he was reminded of his injury, of the need to serve where he was sent. And then Mikhail, having once again stood in uniform, cleaned the carbine, carefully placed it in the pyramid, handed over the ammunition, put on his well-worn front overcoat and... voluntarily went to the border brigade.

The brigade commander, Colonel Bunkov, to whom the duty officer reported about Mironov, invited the brigade commissar Ovchinnikov and the head of the special department to his place. We talked and then called Mironov.

Tell us, Mikhail Yakovlevich, how you “deserted” from the security of the intercity station,” Colonel Bunkov demanded.

“I’m a border guard,” Mironov justified himself. - And he deserted not to the rear, but to the front line...

Colonel Bunkov called the duty officer, ordered Mironov to be fed and sent by passing transport to his company.

Why are you silent, sniper? - he asked Mironov. - Exterminate the fascist evil spirits. And we'll tell security where you are.

And again Mikhail destroyed his enemies. His battle score continued to grow. The fame of the experienced sniper also increased.

The neighboring unit suffered heavy losses from enemy artillery fire. It was enough for several fighters to come together or drive up to the field kitchen, and the shelling began.

The battery must have a well-camouflaged observer, thought Mironov, who was sent to this section of the front. And the commander told how his snipers and scouts died from mysterious enemy shots.

Apparently, the observer is not working alone, but in tandem with a sniper,” Mironov continued to analyze.

He decided to set up a firing position in a shell crater. At night I brought an armored shield there, secured it, and camouflaged it. Mikhail’s partner was located fifteen meters away.

2 days passed of intense observation and thorough examination of the enemy’s front line. There was no result. The front line of the enemies seemed to have died out. The snow-covered crowns of the pine trees did not move. But Mikhail had no doubt that somewhere in the dense crown of one of them an observer was hiding. After all, only from a height could a German view our position to a significant depth.

The evening came on the 5th day of this incredibly difficult duty. The breeze dispersed the clouds for a short time, and in the rays of the setting sun a double glare suddenly flashed in the crown of a tall spruce tree.

Yeah! Finally! - Mironov whispered. - Where is the “assistant of death” and the “guardian angel”? After all, communication is not maintained by telephone, is it?

Without ceasing to watch, Mikhail took off his helmet and carefully stuck it out over the edge of the visor. And almost immediately a bullet rang, and a barely noticeable stream of snow rolled down from the top of the spruce tree.

“Here is the assistant,” Mironov whispered and aimed the crosshairs of the optical sight at the hidden enemy...

Knocking off caps of snow from the spruce paws, the rifle fell to the ground, and after it, its owner fell heavily. After a few more seconds, the observer - the spotter - was finished.

A man is a man everywhere. And there was just a minute of respite - a song, a ditty, a joke, or even a salty soldier’s anecdote began to sound. And the cold and the proximity of the enemy have already faded into the background, forgotten. The amateur artist was held in high esteem in the brigade. He deftly portrayed such scenes that the fighters roared with laughter. Mikhail looked closely at him for a long time. And one day he came up with a question:

Can you draw Hitler?

Why the hell do I need him!

I need!

If it’s necessary, I’ll do it,” the artist promised.

By nightfall, the shield featured two caustic caricatures of Hitler and his henchman Mannerheim. It turned out great. The commander approved. He praised the artist and ordered to install a shield on the Rusty Ditch (there is such a place near Leningrad).

The shield was installed right in the middle of the neutral strip. Two snipers, two Mikhails, settled down not far from the shield. It was clear that the Germans would not leave a shield with such drawings.

When dawn broke, the shield, as expected, immediately attracted the attention of the enemies. “Will they try to drag you away right away or will they wait until the evening?” - the border guards reasoned.

The Germans made no attempts for about an hour, and then opened artillery and machine-gun fire on our positions. Under his cover, the enemy soldiers went to the shield. But the Germans did not assume that there were Soviet snipers in the neutral zone. Several well-aimed shots killed the enemy daredevils.

Will they really send other soldiers? - the border guards thought. But, apparently, the order from the authorities was categorical - 3 more soldiers appeared in neutral. And they suffered the same fate.

However, the German authorities could not leave the seditious shield in front of their soldiers and decided to destroy it with mortar fire. Mines exploded all around, tearing holes in the shield with shrapnel. And finally one of them smashed him to smithereens. And by evening our snipers returned to their location safe and sound.

Once in a battle a machine gunner was killed and the machine gun was damaged. Taking advantage of this, the enemies came very close. Mironov jumped up to the machine gun and, placing a stone under the broken frame, began to shoot. He shot while lying next to his murdered friend Andrei Popov. He shot despite the explosions of mines and the whistling of bullets and shrapnel. He shot until the lowland along which the enemies were advancing was empty. Then the barely alive, shell-shocked Mironov was taken to the hospital.

On April 11, 1942, in besieged Leningrad, the first issue of the newspaper of the Leningrad border guards was published. It was then called "Leningrad Border Guard". In this issue it was printed: “The best sniper of the unit, Mikhail Mironov, destroyed 200 fascists by April 1.” In the same issue, Mironov’s appeal to all snipers and fighters of the Leningrad Front was published.

Sniper Mironov was known among the troops. Front-line poets and composers wrote poems and songs about him. Here is one of the poems published in print:

"For the expanse of fields, for the greenness of maples, for the joy of wives, for the laughter of children,
For our happiness, Mironov beats the executioners with a hot bullet.
And you, like him, fearlessly go into battle with the presumptuous enemy.
We will tell our grandchildren about you and sing a song to our great-great-grandchildren!”

I also remember the ditties that Mironov’s fellow soldiers sang:

“Our fighter Mironov does not waste cartridges in vain.
His eye is extremely sharp. Beats the fascists on the fly.
He has two hundred and forty vile creatures on his account!..”

Probably, it would have been so, and Mironov’s advance would have been justified, but in May of the same year, Mikhail, who had destroyed 223 enemies by that time, was sent by the command of the border brigade to a 6-month course for Junior Lieutenants. In December 1943, he was awarded the rank of Lieutenant and appointed platoon commander in the 201st Infantry Division of Colonel V.P. Yakutovich. He soon became a company commander.

Many times already, Senior Lieutenant Mironov led his company into attacks. He also led it on January 22, 1944, when his 92nd regiment broke through the enemy’s defenses in the Krasnogvardeisky direction. There, after capturing Voronya Gora, units of the 201st Division were introduced into the breakthrough. Pursuing the retreating enemy, the 7th and 9th companies of Senior Lieutenants Kuzmenko and Mironov reached the small village of Romanovka. The further path of the companies was blocked by a railway embankment, which the Germans turned into a well-fortified defensive line. The enemy shot through all approaches to it.

Kuzmenko crawled up to Mironov. He wanted to say something, but a machine gun burst hit him. And Mikhail Mironov took command of both companies. I gathered the platoon commanders and set the task:

We'll take the embankment. Such are the things!

The soldiers crawled forward. The Germans opened mortar fire. While running, Mironov’s helmet was torn off by shrapnel. Momentarily stunned, he stumbled and fell face first into the snow.

The commander was killed! - he heard the cry of his orderly Ivan Baev.

Do not be noisy! I'm alive, damn it! - Mironov reprimanded him sternly.

But a few minutes later, an explosive bullet hit the left leg, and another hit the right thigh, cutting off a nerve. Mikhail became weak from loss of blood, but there was no time to bandage him: the Germans counterattacked. The commands were given in a low voice. Ivan Baev dubbed them. The companies fought. Someone said to Mironov:

Commander, we need to send you to the rear. You will bleed!

There was no time to explain that he could not leave the battlefield now. He croaked the usual:

Stop talking!..

And only when night darkness fell over the ground again and reserves arrived, he allowed himself to be taken to the hospital. And then he lost consciousness.

On February 22, 1944, at about 8 o'clock in the morning, the door to the ward suddenly opened and a soldier entered, whom all the wounded called Vanya - the postman. The thinness of the blockade and his wound made him much younger than 17 years old. Vanya held a newspaper in his hands.

Senior lieutenant, what is your name and patronymic? - he asked.

Mikhail Yakovlevich. And what?

Congratulations! You were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Here's the newspaper...

An hour later the whole hospital knew about it. There was no end to congratulations. The head of the hospital, Major of the Medical Service Kravets, came to congratulate the hero. And the award was presented, already in May of the same year, by Lieutenant General D.N. Kholostyakov. He attached the Gold Star and the Order of Lenin to Mikhail’s blue hospital gown and said:

Thank you, soldier, for your courage. I know: it hurts. I believe that you can bear this too...

And then, to the 14 awards of the Soviet Union, the US award was added, presented to him for courage on behalf of the President.

The American Order of the Cross of Military Merit is also dear to me,” said Mikhail Yakovlevich. - It’s only bitter to realize that the United States administration came out against the Soviet Union soon after the war. War is grief for all peoples.

For 14 long months, Mikhail Yakovlevich healed his wounds. The skill of the doctors put him back on his feet, but 4 wounds and 2 concussions could not help but take their toll. The verdict was final: disability of the 2nd group. There was no question of returning to duty.

The main thing is not to give up, not to whine. And Mironov, with the direction of the Dzerzhinsky district party committee, went to law school. In 1947 he graduated with honors, worked and studied in absentia at the Leningrad Law Institute. After 7 years, he is a lawyer with work experience and higher education.

Mikhail Yakovlevich worked extensively and successfully as a people's judge, a member of the city court, deputy chairman of the Leningrad Regional Court, and then head of the department of the Ministry of Justice of the RSFSR in the Kaluga Region. Since 1963, Mironov has been the head of the legal consultation office in the Moskovsky district of Leningrad.

The security officer, having become a lawyer, devoted a lot of effort to strengthening law and order. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated June 7, 1972, he was awarded the honorary title “Honored Lawyer of the RSFSR.”

Three times he was elected as a deputy of the Dzerzhinsky district and Leningrad city Councils of People's Deputies, a candidate and member of the Dzerzhinsky district party committee. Mikhail Yakovlevich - participant of the All-Union Conference of Peace Supporters.

“Restless Mironov,” as his fellow soldiers called him, was always in the whirlpool of public life. He did truly great work with Komsomol members and youth in schools, vocational schools and dormitories of city enterprises. He permanently headed the Council of Veterans of the 201st Gatchina Red Banner Rifle Division.

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Additional information about M. Ya. Mironov can be found in the book:

Kuzovkin A.I., Belyaev A.T. - "Eagle Tribe of Kolomna". Moscow, 1985.

M Ironov Mikhail Yakovlevich - company commander of the 92nd Infantry Regiment of the 201st Gatchina Red Banner Rifle Division of the 42nd Army of the Leningrad Front, senior lieutenant.

Born on June 1, 1919 in the village of Gorodets, now Kolomensky district, Moscow region, into a peasant family. Russian. He graduated from the 9th grade of the Dedinovo secondary school in the Lukhovitsky district. He worked at MTS, as a marker at a plant in the city of Kolomna.

In the Red Army since 1939. From Leningrad he was sent to Beloostrov, to the training center of the 5th Sestroretsk border detachment of the NKVD of the USSR. Participant in the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-40.

For active, skillful actions during the battles with the White Finns, border guard of the 102nd border detachment Mikhail Mironov received gratitude from the command - leave to travel to his native land.

At the front during the Great Patriotic War since 1941. He was wounded, after which he mastered the military profession of a sniper. On the combat account of the sniper of the 27th separate brigade of the NKVD troops of the Leningrad Front, M.Ya. Mironov - two hundred and twenty-three fascists killed. This revenge score would certainly be increased. But the fate of a soldier at the front is unpredictable. The command decided to send M.Ya. Mironov for a six-month course for lieutenants.

He celebrated the New Year 1943 in a new position - commander of a rifle platoon. After some time he already commanded a company. Member of the CPSU(b)/CPSU since 1942.

The company commander of the 92nd Infantry Regiment (201st Infantry Division, 42nd Army, Leningrad Front), Senior Lieutenant Mikhail Mironov, fulfilling the combat mission assigned by the command, on January 23, 1944, personally led two companies into the attack, throwing the Nazis from the railway embankment, which they turned into a defensive line on the approaches to the city of Gatchina, Leningrad Region. Having been wounded twice, the brave officer did not leave the battlefield.

U of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on February 21, 1944 for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown to the senior lieutenant Mikhail Yakovlevich Mironov awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 895).

Six months later, another good news reached officer Mironov: by Decree of the President of the United States of America F.D. Roosevelt, he was awarded the Order of the Cross of Military Merit.

After the war M.Ya. Mironov is in reserve. Lived in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). In 1947 he graduated from law school, then from the Leningrad Law Institute. He worked as deputy chairman of the Leningrad City Court. Died on March 12, 1993. He was buried in the village of Pelgora, Tosnensky district, Leningrad region.

Honored Lawyer of the RSFSR (1972). He was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner, the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, medals, and the US Order of the Cross of Military Merit. Honorary soldier of a military unit.

Mikhail Mironov, whose biography is presented in the article, was born on the first summer day of 1919 in the village. Gorodets, Moscow region. His parents were ordinary peasants. He himself graduated from the 9th grade of high school and before the war worked at a factory in the city of Kolomna.

During the war years

In the fall of 1939, Mikhail Yakovlevich was called up to serve in the Red Army. There he underwent combat training and was enlisted in the Border Troops. In 1939-1940, Mikhail Mironov took an active part in the Soviet-Finnish war.

At the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, a soldier went to the front. During his entire service he was wounded three times.

In two years, Mikhail Mironov became a professional sniper. He took part in the battles on the Leningrad Front as a soldier of the 27th brigade of the NKVD troops. During this time he managed to destroy 23 enemies.

Victories at the rank of senior lieutenant

And already in the summer of 1942, Mikhail Yakovlevich was sent to courses to obtain the rank of lieutenant, which he was awarded in January 1943. After this, as a senior lieutenant and commander of two companies of a rifle regiment, on January 23, on the outskirts of the city of Gatchina, Leningrad region. carried out a serious military operation and destroyed the German defensive line. During the battle, the soldier was wounded twice, but he did not give up his positions and did not leave the battlefield. For his courage and bravery, on February 21, 1944, Mikhail Mironov was awarded the honorary title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

And already in August 1944 in the United States of America, by decree of then President F. D. Roosevelt, the officer was awarded the Order of the Cross of Military Merit.

In 1945, Mikhail Mironov was transferred to reserve officer with the status of an honorary soldier of his military unit.

About the achievements of the post-war period

After the war, the hero moved to Leningrad, where he found a job and entered law school, from which he graduated with honors. After that, he received higher education at the Law Institute of Leningrad. The skills he acquired gave him the opportunity to obtain the position of deputy chairman of the city court. In 1972, for his high professionalism and deep knowledge of jurisprudence, Mikhail Mironov was awarded the title “Honored Lawyer of the RSFSR.” For his sharp mind and merits, the officer was elected three times as a deputy of the Soviets of People's Deputies from the Leningrad Region. Over the years of work, he managed to hold the positions of people's judge, head of the department of the Ministry of Justice of the city of Kaluga and the region, and head of a legal consultation in the city of St. Petersburg.

The hero died on April 27, 1993. But he will forever remain in the hearts of those for whom he fought.

Mironov N

(1918,---1920.05.27) Infantry ensign. In the Armed Forces of the South of Russia in cavalry units, then seconded to the division of the Crimean Cavalry Regiment (1920.02 transferred to the regiment). Cornet (since summer 1919). Killed on 05/1920/27 in the village of Novo-Mikhailovka [Volkov S.V. Officers of the Armed Cavalry M., 2002]

Mironov N

(1938) resident: Krasnoyarsk region, Yenisei district, Yeniseisk city. Convicted 1938.05.07 troika under the NKVD of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Obv. Counter-revolutionary group, organization Execution of Rehab. 1958.02.08 Krasnoyarsk Regional Court [Database of the Krasnoyarsk Society]

Mironov Abram Sergeevich

(1882, Kaluga region, Kozelsky district, ur. and resident of the village of Pronino -, 1931) b/p, Collective farmer, resident: Kaluga region, Kozelsky district, ur. and a resident of the village of Pronino. Convicted 1931.12.02 Special meeting of the OGPU. Obv. according to Art. 58 clauses 8, 10, 11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR Sentence: 3 years in labor camp. [Book of memory of the Kaluga region]

Mironov Avtonom Alekseevich

(1892, Saratov region, Turkovsky district, Lyakhovka village, 1937) individual peasant, resident: Saratov region, Turkovsky district, state farm Arrest: 11/1937/20 Arrested by RO UNKVD. Convicted 1937.11.29 troika under the NKVD in the Saratov region. Obv. for anti-Soviet agitation Sentence: 10 years. Reab. 1958.12.22 Saratov Regional Court, reason: rehabilitated [Materials for the book of memory of the Saratov region]

Mironov Adam Nikolaevich

(1895, Mogilev region, Belarus - 1933) Russian, Worked as a fireman in the depot at the station. Erofey Pavlovich Skovorodinsky district. Arrest: 10/1933/28 Convicted. 1933.12.15 ODTO OGPU. Obv. according to Art. 58-10, 169-2. Verdict: case dismissed. [Book of Memory of the Amur Region]

Mironov Alexander

(1897---1941/45) Red Army soldier died in Vel.Otech. war

Mironov Alexander Alexandrovich

(1916.10.20, Tatarstan, Laishevsky district, Teteevo village - 1995.09.23) resident: Kazan, Gipsovaya St., D.5

Mironov Alexander Alekseevich

(1806.11.21--1866.02.28,†s. Novo-Voskre-senskoye Yuryevets.-u.) active state councilor, former Kostroma provincial leader of the nobility Pokh. with his wife E. N. Mironova [Sheremetevsky V. Russian provincial necropolis. T.1. M., 1914]

Mironov Alexander Andreevich

(1884--,1894) Cornet. Evacuated from Odessa to Thessaloniki by ship. Wife Evgenia Konstantinovna 1894 [Volkov S.V. Officers of the Armed Cavalry M., 2002]

Mironov Alexander Andreevich

(1899, Smolensk region, Dzerzhinsky district, and resident of the village of Polotnyany Zavod - 1941) b/p, worked as the head of the department of the Howardovsky crushed stone plant, resident: Smolensk region, Dzerzhinsky district, ur. and a resident of Polotnyany Zavod. Convicted 1941.07.17 Military Tribunal of M. Kyiv Railway. Obv. according to Art. 58 clause 10 part 2 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR Sentence: 10 years l/s. 1946.11.04 the sentence was reduced to 5 years l/s by decision of the military. D. Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR. [Book of memory of the Kaluga region]

Mironov Alexander Andreevich

(1911.12.21--, 2001) for 2001 resident: Samara Orositelnaya St., 21, apt. 1

Mironov Alexander Antonovich

(1873, Velsky district, village of Vysokusha - 1921) Peasant, resident: Velsky district, village of Vysokusha. Convicted 1921.04.14 Vologda Revolutionary Tribunal. Obv. for Sentence: 5 years. Reab. 2000.01.12 [Pomeranian Memorial: Book of Memory of the Arkhangelsk Region]

Mironov Alexander Borisovich

(1899, Saratov region, Cherkassy district, village of Erikla, 1930) individual peasant, resident: Saratov region, Cherkassy district, village of Erikla Arrest: 10/1930/10 Arrested by the OGPU under the NVK. Convicted 12/1930/09 by the troika of OGPU PP for the NVK. Obv. for anti-Soviet agitation Sentence: 5 years. Reab. 1988.11.01 Saratov regional court., reason: rehabilitated [Materials for the book of memory of the Saratov region]

Mironov Alexander Vasilievich

(1898---1943.11.14) Red Army soldier died in Vel.Otech. war

Mironov Alexander Veniaminovich

(1901--,2002) as of 2002 resident: Moscow region. district, Yegoryevsk, st. Military unit 71536, building. Sq.

Mironov Alexander Viktorovich

(1901--,2002) as of 2002 resident: Moscow region. Domodedovo district, Domodedovo, st. Kolkhozny Ave. 6 Apt. 14

(1895, Tomsk --- 1937) Leninsk-Kuznetsky, trust, beginning. construction offices, resident: Leninsk-Kuznetsky, lane. Komsomolsky, 3-8 Arrest: 1937.09.29 Conviction. 1937.12.07 troika under the NKVD for the NSO. Obv. according to Art. 58-2-10-11 Criminal Code of the RSFSR Execution [Book of Memory of the Kemerovo Region]

Mironov Alexander Vladimirovich

(1900--,2002) as of 2002 resident: Moscow region. Mytishchi district, Dolgoprudny, st. Moskovskoe Sh. D. 57 Apt. 94

Mironov Alexander Gavrilovich

(Altai region - 1930) Conviction. 1931.05.05. Obv. waders. Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Executive Committee of the USSR dated 1930.02.01 Verdict: special settlement in the Tomsk region. [Data from the Tomsk Region ATC]

Mironov Alexander Gerasimovich

(1928) resident: Novgorod region, Borovichi district, territory of the Knyazevsky village council. Convicted 1928. Verdict: deprived of voting rights [Book of Memory of the Novgorod Region]

Mironov Alexander Grigorievich

(1889, Samara province, Lipovka - 1921) Russian, education: spiritual, resident: Kuibyshev region, Lipovka. Arrest: 11/1921/06 Arrest, Semipalatinsk province. Cheka OPO 5. Convict. 1922.07.31 Semipal. Lip.Rev. tribunal. Obv. 58-2 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. Sentence: 1 year ITL Reab. 1997.08.25 Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, basis: Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 1993.04.14 [Information from the Department of National Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Almaty]

Mironov Alexander Grigorievich

(1891, Tula.--, 1921) Russian, education: secondary specialized, resident: Tula region, Tula. Arrest: 11/1921/06 Arrest, Semipalatinsk province. Cheka OPO 5. Convict. 1922.07.31 Semipal. Lip.Rev. tribunal. Obv. 58-2 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. Sentence: 1 year ITL Reab. 1997.08.25 Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, basis: Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 1993.04.14 [Information from the Department of National Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Almaty]

Mironov Alexander Grigorievich

(1898, UASSR, village of Zavyalovo - 1937) Udmurt, education: primary, collective farmer. Arrest: 11/1937/01 Conviction. 1937.11.07. Verdict: case dismissed Reab. 2000.03.07, basis: rehabilitated [Book of Memory of the Republic of Udmurtia]

Mironov Alexander Dimitrievich

(1908.07.23, Zhytomyr region, Malinsk district, Malin--, 2000) as of 2000.08.15 resident: Ukraine Zaporozhye region, Pologovsk region

Mironov Alexander Dmitrievich

(1900, Mordovia, Ardatovsky district, Kurakino village - -, 1940) Collective farmer, resident: Mordovia, Ardatovsky district, Kurakino village. Convicted 1940.10.03 Supreme Court of the MASSR. Obv. according to Art. 58-10 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR Sentence: 5 years Rehab. 1991.05.08 [Book of Memory of the Republic of Mordovia]

Mironov Alexander Dmitrievich

(1902, Kaluga region, Detchinsky district, ur. and resident of the village of Detchino - 1938) b/p, worked as deputy. accountant of the Zagotzerno office, resident: Kaluga region, Detchinsky district, ur. and a resident of Detchino. Convicted 1938.06.28 Special meeting of the NKVD. Obv. according to Art. 58 clause 10 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR Sentence: 8 years in labor camp. [Book of memory of the Kaluga region]

Mironov Alexander Egorovich

(1911, Yaroslavl, Leninsk district --- 1942.02.) kr-ts. In Vel.Otech. disappeared during the war. [CPNA, volume 1, page 439.]

Mironov Alexander Zinovievich

(1897, Ural district, Karsh village --- 1929) individual peasant, resident: Ural district, Solomikha district, village. Yalov Arrest: 09/1929/01 Arrested by the Pugachevsky OO OGPU. Convicted 1929.11.24 Troika under the NKVD for the Saratov region OGPU for the NVK. Obv. Execution for anti-Soviet activities. Place of execution: in the Saratov prison. Reab. 1994.01.25 Saratov Regional Prosecutor's Office, reason: rehabilitated [Materials for the book of memory of the Saratov region]

Mironov Alexander Ivanovich

(1860--) individual peasant, miller, resident: D-Konstantinovsky district, village of Vyazovki Obv. 58-10 Sentence: 1 month [Book of Memory of the Nizhny Novgorod Region]

Mironov Alexander Ivanovich

(1888, Ryazan region, Dankovsky district, Streshnevo village, 1946) Russian, did not work, until 1946 - head. warehouse, resident: Gorky Arrest: 1948.09.04 Conviction. 1948.03.29 regional court. Obv. 58-13 Sentence: to 10 labor camps, 5 penal sentences [Book of Memory of the Nizhny Novgorod Region]

Mironov Alexander Ivanovich

(1895, Gorky district, village of Izmailovka --- 1938.10.03) Russian, Khabarovsk ship repair plant, Construction technician, resident: Khabarovsk. Arrest: 1938.08.02 Arrest. UGB UNKVD Convict. 1938.09.23 troika under the NKVD for the DVK. Obv. according to Art. 58-13 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. Upset 1938.10.03. Place of execution: Khabarovsk Reab. 1989.06.21 According to the conclusion of the Prosecutor's Office of the Khabarovsk Territory, basis: according to the Decree of the PVS of the USSR dated 1989.01.16 [Book of Memory of the Khabarovsk Territory]

Mironov Alexander Ivanovich

(1898---1942.05.) Red Army soldier died in Vel.Otech. war

Mironov Alexander Ivanovich

(1898---1944.09.) private died in Vel. Otech. war

Mironov Alexander Ivanovich

(1899---1944.12.) Private died in Vel.Otech. war

Mironov Alexander Ivanovich

(1904, Perm region, Voroshilovsky district, village of Bygel - -, 1942) Russian, resident: Perm region, Voroshilovsky district, village of Bygel Arrest: 1942.09.08 Conviction. 1942.10.05. Obv. Charge: ASA. Sentence: 8 years in prison. [Book of Memory of the Perm Region]

Mironov Alexander Ivanovich

(1907.05.26--, 2002) as of 2002 resident: Moscow region. Sergiev Posad district, Sergiev Posad of the Red Army 3-165

Mironov Alexander Ivanovich

(1913.11.11--, 2003) as of 2003 resident: Yaroslavl st. Bluchera 42, apt. 30

Mironov Alexander Ignatievich

(1895, village of Lebedevka, Sursky district --- 1941/45) Astradamovsky RVK-1941 Ulyanovsk region, Red Army soldier died in Vel. Otech. war

Mironov Alexander Ilyich

(1891, Kuibyshev region, Maysky district, village of Erzavo, Novo---, 1937) No specific occupation, resident: Saratov region, Engels Arrest: 11/1937/03 Arrested by the NKVD ASSR NP. Convicted 1937.11.08 troika of the NKVD ASSR NP. Obv. for anti-Soviet agitation Sentence: 10 years. Reab. 1989.06.30 Saratov Regional Prosecutor's Office, basis: rehabilitated [Materials for the book of memory of the Saratov region]

Mironov Alexander Ilyich

(1911, Irkutsk region, Irkutsk district, Kuyada village - 1938) Russian, education: 5 classes, b/p, worked as a garage driver in Irkutsk, resident: Irkutsk Arrest: 1938.03.05 Conviction . 1938.03.23 troika under the NKVD of the Irkutsk region. Obv. according to Art. Art. 58-8, 58-9, 58-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR Sentence: 10 years in prison Reab. 1956.03.31 by resolution of the commission of the Irkutsk region for the review of criminal cases against those convicted of counter-revolutionary crimes, basis: rehabilitated [Book of Memory of the Irkutsk Region]

Mironov Alexander Ipatovich

(1916, Oryol region, Novosilsky district, village Igumnovo, 1940) radio operator of a submarine of the Northern Fleet. Arrest: 1940 Sentence: 4 years of labor camp and 2 years of disqualification. [Book of Memory of the Oryol Region]

(1910, Novoselsky village council, Yarosl region, Bolsheselsky district --- 1942.03.) In Vel.Otech. disappeared during the war. [CPNA, volume 2, page 51.]

Mironov Alexander Konstantinovich

(Yaroslavl, Leninsk district --- 1941.11.) kr-ts. In Vel.Otech. disappeared during the war. [CPNA, volume 1, page 439.]

Mironov Alexander Kuzmich

(1889, Perm region, Lysva -, 1938) Russian, resident: Perm region, Lysva Arrest: 04/1938/10 Verdict: The case was dismissed for lack of evidence of a crime. Released 12/1938/22. [Book of Memory of the Perm Region]

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