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Lose weight on chicken breasts and vegetables. Nourishing weight loss on a chicken diet

The chicken diet is a unique way to lose weight, with which you can lose about five extra pounds in a matter of days. 50% of this diet should be boiled chicken. The chicken breast diet includes not only chicken meat, but also cereals, vegetables, fruits, wine, juices, etc. If you carefully follow all the rules of this weight loss technique, then in one week you can get your body into ideal shape.

Dietary recipes that are based on chicken meat are not complicated in terms of preparation. Chicken meat can be cooked during the above diet different ways. The daily diet should be calculated so that half of the daily dose of food consists of chicken meat, and the other half - from all other permitted products.

As for the duration of the diet, it should not last longer than seven days. You can repeat the boiled chicken diet every two days, but you just need to carefully monitor the amount of food you eat. If a person begins to overeat, then the lost kilograms will return to him again.

Advantages and disadvantages of a chicken diet

The chicken diet, according to medical experts, provides the body with a full dosage of dietary fiber, complex carbohydrates and proteins, which allows a person to lose extra pounds while cleansing the body of many unnecessary accumulations and without endangering the muscular system. Large weight loss and minimal duration of the diet allows you to use this technique to quickly get rid of unnecessary pounds on the threshold of important events.

Another benefit of the chicken breast diet is that it contains a huge amount of minerals and vitamins. Chicken meat contains vitamins such as: PP, K, E, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, A, etc. As for minerals, this meat contains copper, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, iron and the like.

If we talk about the disadvantages of boiled chicken, then the diet is poor in fats, which are necessary for the normal functioning of our body. The disadvantages of the chicken diet also include the unpleasant taste of unsalted meat (not everyone can get used to this taste).

The chicken diet, according to doctors and nutritionists, cannot be called either unconditionally harmful or absolutely safe. This method of losing weight can be used from time to time, but it is not advisable to get carried away with it.

Basic rules of the chicken diet

Before going on this diet, you need to get acquainted with the main rules of its observance, the careful implementation of which will lead to the most positive results.

Rule No. 1 - The daily diet should be enriched with chicken breast (without skin). You can eat meat in any form - steamed, boiled, stewed (not fried).

Rule No. 2 - The total calorie content of the daily diet should not exceed 1200 calories. A person who is losing weight using this method of losing weight simply must count calories. If your physical activity is low, then the number of calories can be reduced to 900 per day.

Rule No. 3 - During the chicken diet, you are allowed to drink one glass of dry wine once a day.

Rule No. 4 - In addition to chicken breast, the diet menu can include foods such as: non-starchy vegetables, herbs, salads, cereals (except rice) and fruits (not including bananas and grapes).

Rule #5 – Chicken can be added to vegetable salads dressed with olive oil.

Rule No. 6 - Every person (even with normal weight) should drink from 1.5 to 2.5 liters per day clean water.

Varieties of diets based on chicken meat

Nowadays, there are many varieties of chicken diets, the most popular of which are:

  • Chicken-pineapple diet. This method weight loss is based on the consumption of fresh pineapples and chicken breast fillet. For the first three days, you should use exclusively chicken meat (boiled and without adding salt). For the next three days, you should only eat fresh pineapples. As for the last three days, during this period you can eat both chicken and pineapples. With this chicken diet (reviews from people who have lost weight also confirm this fact), you can lose about five kilograms excess weight.
  • The chicken mono-diet is designed for only three days, during which you need to consume about 700 grams of the most pure (without skin and fat) white chicken meat daily.
  • Three-day chicken diet. When using this diet, the daily diet should be divided into six parts. You are allowed to eat no more than 130 grams of chicken at a time. You can also drink a cup of green tea or a glass of natural juice.

Example of a chicken diet menu for one day

Breakfast: one chicken breast; one portion vegetable salad seasoned with a teaspoon of olive oil.

Lunch: one apple and 100 grams of chicken breast.

Lunch: porridge (millet, barley, buckwheat) without butter; one chicken breast.

Afternoon snack: vegetable salad; 100 grams of chicken breast.

Dinner: a portion of stewed vegetables; one cup chicken broth and 50 grams of chicken breast.

Examples of dietary recipes using chicken breast

"Vegetable stew with chicken." This dish is very simple and easy to prepare. Ingredients: chicken breast fillet (1-2 pcs.); broccoli cabbage (250 grams); white cabbage (250 grams); spinach (200 grams); Bell pepper(1 pc.) and a little salt. We cut all the products into strips (except for broccoli), put them in a fireproof, capacious pan and fill them with water. Simmer the stew over low heat for about 40 minutes.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is :)

Mar 9 2016


Chicken meat is an inexpensive and balanced product that is used in food systems for effective reduction weight. Thanks to the huge number of useful elements, such food quickly saturates without leaving fat deposits on the figure. In this short review you will learn why the chicken diet for weight loss is more beneficial than other diets. Find out what menus exist to effectively get rid of extra pounds. Chicken diets are used for effective weight loss within a few days.

Types and menus of chicken diets

The peculiarity of the human body is that it quickly gets bored with monotonous food. Therefore, even the most democratic food system after a few days is perceived as punishment or torture. Is there a way to lose weight and not deny yourself anything? Dietary chicken has gained popularity due to its excellent taste and energy properties. In the list of the lowest calorie foods, poultry dishes are among the leaders.

Nutritionists have developed several effective nutrition systems that have earned popularity among the losing weight population. Essentially these are mono-diets. Thanks to the large amount of proteins and connective tissue, such methods of losing weight take place without the feeling of hunger and loss of strength. Additional components help burn fat deposits.

Menu for the week:

Egg diet

Chicken diet for 7 days

Diet 3 days rice, 3 days chicken, 3 days vegetables

150 g boiled breast;

3 grapefruits;

salad with fresh vegetables;

water 1.5 l.

500 g boiled fillet;

350 rice porridge

500 boiled rice

3 egg omelette;

6 oranges;

150 g steamed fillet;

salad with fresh vegetables;

Cutlets from 700 g steamed chicken;

500 g pineapples

3 boiled eggs;

150 g steamed fillet;

1 grapefruit;

4 oranges;

Water 1.5 l.

500 g steamed fillet;

500 g vegetables

Omelette of 2 eggs;

150 g boiled breast;

1 boiled egg;

3 grapefruits;

salad with fresh vegetables;

water 1.5 l.

700 g boiled fillet;

50 g lettuce

500 boiled rice

3 boiled eggs;

150 g boiled breast;

3 grapefruits;

salad with fresh vegetables;

water 1.5 l.

500 g steamed fillet;

Salad: 2 carrots + 150 g cabbage;

500 g chicken fillet

3 egg omelette;

2 grapefruits;

4 oranges;

150 g steamed fillet;

a fresh vegetable salad;

drinks without carbon and sugar 1.5 l.

700 g boiled fillet;

50 g lettuce

500 g vegetables

3 boiled eggs;

150 g boiled breast;

3 grapefruits;

a fresh vegetable salad;

water 1.5 l.

700 g boiled fillet;

150 g cabbage

On chicken breast

Breast for weight loss is the most popular component in nutrition systems. How to cook chicken breast for a diet? The answer is very simple. They lose weight effectively only with a certain heat treatment of dishes - steaming or boiling in water. The daily norm is divided into at least 5 times, which will prevent the body from getting hungry and starting to “store” energy.

With vegetables

On this light diet, be sure to eat a large number of vegetables, which correct side effects from high doses of proteins - stress on the kidneys and impaired intestinal motility. Vegetable fiber makes up 50% of the menu, the rest is taken up by chicken. Authorized products:

  • greenery;
  • vegetables (except potatoes);
  • fruits (exclude bananas, grapes);
  • pure water, sugar-free drinks (kefir).

This diet is designed for one week, during which 3 to 5 extra kilograms are lost. Salt retains fluid in the body, so it is recommended to exclude it from the diet while losing weight. Be sure to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water and drinks (without sugar and substitutes) during the day. Spices and flavor enhancers provoke appetite, so you should avoid them.

With rice

Mono-diets are nutritional systems that allow you to effectively lose weight on one type of product. However, the body quickly adapts to the restrictions, and weight loss stops. Therefore, small programs have been invented to diversify the daily menu. The result is achieved after a three-fold cycle. If you follow all the rules, you can lose 7 kg without any problems. Menu:

  • first day – 500 g of boiled rice;
  • second day - half a kilo of chicken;
  • third day – vegetables (no potatoes and hot spices).

With eggs

The effectiveness of the egg diet is achieved due to the large amount of protein, which prevents you from getting hungry. The combination of products reduces daily caloric intake without compromising health. An exception is an allergy to components, so you should consult your doctor. During the week you can:

  • dishes made from eggs with yolk (boiled, omelettes);
  • fillet;
  • citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits);
  • fresh vegetables;
  • greenery.

On broth

This is the most stringent of all the diets presented. Nutrition for 5-7 days is limited to the consumption of broth, water, and unsweetened drinks. If you adhere to all the restrictions, then in a week you will lose up to 10 kg of excess weight. To get out of the diet without problems, you need to gradually add new foods to your diet - this will not allow the body to start gaining back lost pounds and will not be stressful for the gastrointestinal system.

It is recommended to cook dietary broth from poultry. Store-bought products are subjected to thorough heat treatment: after boiling, the liquid is drained twice. To make the result more noticeable, you need to avoid adding salt to the dish. Therefore, to improve the taste, celery root is added. During the day you are allowed to drink water and broth.

On chicken liver

Liver is a dietary product that is used to stimulate brain activity and thyroid function. A large amount of iron helps with anemia and anemia. The inclusion of the product in the nutritional system enriches the diet with the necessary microelements, so protein diets must include this low-calorie product in the menu.

On chicken legs

If you are tired of lean fillets (stomachs and hearts), then you can diversify the chicken light diet menu with delicious leg meat. To reduce the calorie content of the product, it is recommended to remove the skin. There are not only dietary chicken fillet recipes. Nutrition systems for weight loss allow you to boil hams in water or steam them with buckwheat. A serving of meat should not exceed 100 g.

Nutritionist trainer, sports nutritionist, honored author of Evehealth


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

With the arrival of the summer season, constant problems with excess weight arise, and the desire to quickly and effectively get rid of it increases. Fortunately, today there are many different diets that will help make the most daring result a reality, but few people know that not all diets have a good effect on the body. Many of them help hidden diseases begin to progress and develop into a more complex form. Especially often, the gastrointestinal tract is the first to suffer, which is very difficult to treat and causes a lot of trouble.

Almost all diets consist of eating low-calorie foods and plenty of water, but few people know that you can keep yourself in excellent shape by introducing tasty meat into your diet.

Everyone knows from school that white chicken meat, or rather its breast, is considered dietary. And when you eat it, there is no weight gain! But this only happens if you follow a few basic rules of the chicken diet.

The chicken breast diet is suitable for almost everyone who wants to lose weight or maintain their shape without harm to health. After all, when following many weight loss systems, eating meat is strictly prohibited, but what to do with the beneficial substances that enter our body with this product. You can, of course, buy and, which will partially compensate for the loss, but it is best to consume healthy ones in their natural form.

Everyone thinks that meat contains a lot of calories and it is impossible to maintain your weight, much less lose weight, by eating it. But this is not so; you can introduce chicken breast into your diet using dietary recipes, the daily intake of which should not exceed.

Compared to pork, chicken meat is much healthier and contains many different useful substances. It is low-calorie and is popularly called dietary. There are other types of meat that are not inferior in their characteristics to chicken breast, such as rabbit or duck meat, but, unfortunately, they are not always available to buyers, and their cost leaves much to be desired.

But don’t despair, chicken can be used to make such delicacies that are finger-licking good!!!

Maybe we shouldn't think about food every day anymore?

The chicken breast diet is designed for amateurs. While following it, there will be no nervous shock and irritability, especially from a constant feeling of hunger. The duration of the chicken diet cannot exceed ten days. It belongs to the group of mono-diets. After properly following the weight loss system, the human body can easily and without harm to health get rid of five or six kilograms of excess weight. And this is not so little, considering that the feeling of hunger did not arise during the entire time of its observance!

The biggest benefit of this diet was that there was no need to prepare for the diet itself. There is no need to gather your courage and prepare for the uncomfortable sensations of the body’s condition. Just took a chicken breast, enjoyed it deliciously, and be healthy. Both useful and effective!

The chicken breast diet is very simple, based on calorie counting, no more than 1200 units per day, and when eating chicken meat it is easy to do, and most importantly - satisfying. The second half of the diet can consist of many ingredients, such as fruits, vegetables, herbs or a variety of cereals. To improve your health and achieve faster results from your diet, it is recommended to visit the gym or do lung exercises at home. It will also be useful to attend yoga classes to relax and clear your thoughts. negative influence environment.

Light jogging in the morning will help restore body elasticity, normalize breathing and pump up the muscles of the legs and abdomen.

The use of white chicken meat is very common in many diet recipes, due to its composition, it is rich in protein and has a minimal amount of calories.

How to properly use diets based on chicken white meat to get the maximum effect? This question puzzles many people who want to start getting their weight in order. As with any diet, there are rules or even just tips that can be used with individual adjustments.

  1. During a diet, food should be taken as often as possible; this will not only relieve you of hunger, but will also allow the body to digest it more thoroughly, while receiving as many useful substances as possible. It is also advisable to distribute your food intake so that you do not eat before bed, but limit yourself to only a glass of water or kefir. Meals should be at least 6 times a day in equal portions to avoid stress at any time of the day. If the schedule or amount of food is not constant, then the diet may give minimal results.
  2. The distribution of fluid throughout the day can be done not only during meals, but also between them. It is recommended to drink no more than 2 liters of water; you can also replace water with tea or iced coffee without sugar. It is also allowed to consume various freshly squeezed juices, only without sugar, honey and other sweeteners. The chicken diet allows you to take dry wine in small quantities after eating food or on time, because it’s no secret that dry wine goes well with chicken meat and promotes its improved absorption.
  3. The main pleasant feature of this diet is that white meat can take up half of the daily diet. This allows you to feel constantly full and always in good shape. The second half of the diet should consist of various vegetables, cereals, and fruits. Boiled cabbage is welcome as a side dish. It is not only healthy, but also contains a minimal amount of calories, so it can be consumed in large quantities.
  4. White chicken meat should only be steamed or boiled. Only with this type of preparation can you be sure that all the beneficial substances for the body are preserved and there will be no shortage of vitamins.
  5. The main rule throughout the entire diet is a ban on salty foods, fried, smoked, bakery, confectionery products, and salads can only be seasoned with lemon juice, without salt and herbs and spices, and especially without ketchup and mayonnaise.
  6. Drinks can be varied: still mineral water, herbal infusions, unsweetened juices, green and black tea without sugar.

Let's look at a sample diet throughout the chicken diet. This menu is not a clear rule, but just a recommendation.

The first day is the beginning.

It is necessary to prepare at least half a kilogram of boiled or steamed chicken fillet, as well as boil 350 - 400 grams of rice and divide into several servings (about 6). Then take it in equal portions throughout the day with a glass of natural juice, without sugar, and at night drink tea or low-fat kefir.

The second day - the beginning has been made.

Now you need to prepare 700 grams of chicken and 500 grams of pineapples. Divide the menu for the whole day, and drink a glass of kefir at night. It will help restore acidity after eating pineapples. Although pineapple promotes the breakdown of fats, it can also unbalance the acidity in the stomach, which can lead to an unpleasant heaviness of the digestive tract. Pineapples can be replaced with oranges or grapefruit. The value of such products, together with chicken breast, increases significantly.

Day three - we begin to introduce variety into the diet.

Prepare 500 grams of white chicken meat, 200 grams of cabbage, carrots and 4 apples. When consuming these products, you can use your imagination, make salads, or simply eat everything one by one in equal portions throughout the day.

Fourth and fifth days- we repeat the third, and most importantly, do not forget about drinking plenty of water.

Sixth day - add greens to the diet.

Take 700 grams of fillet and leafy lettuce.

Any greens are very difficult to digest, so it is recommended to cut them from the salad and season them with lemon juice. On this day you can drink tea and water, as well as juices without restrictions.

The seventh day is the final one.

This day can be called free, you are allowed to use any list of products from previous days and, most importantly, do not forget about fluids in order to prevent dehydration of the body.

Congratulations, you now no longer have 5-6 kilograms of excess weight, you feel great and have improved appearance.

What are the advantages of such a diet?

The most important thing about the chicken diet is the lack of a clear menu. The main preparatory stage is the first day, and even then there are no special rules. This indicates that everyone who is losing weight has the right to create an individual menu and eat the way they want, not forgetting about the basic tenets of the diet and the number of calories consumed per day.

Also, white chicken meat is the most affordable product and has a low price. So losing weight on chicken breast is pleasant, inexpensive and effective.

When consumed correctly, chicken meat is very well digested, and the body receives a large amount of natural proteins and vitamins. You can make a huge number of dishes from chicken that will appeal not only during a diet, but also during everyday nutrition.

Losing weight is tasty and healthy! Join us!!!

Video with chicken diet recipes

Video on how to cook chicken breasts

Diet salad recipe video

Good day, my friends. There are many fasting programs that allow you to eat chicken. It just so happens that this meat has gained a reputation as an ideal product for sports, therapeutic and dietary nutrition. Therefore, I will tell you about what the chicken breast diet is and provide reviews.

Why are doctors, nutritionists and those losing weight attracted to this protein product? With its amazing composition. The energy value of breast is 137 kcal per 100 g of product. There is very little fat (only 1.8 g) and carbohydrates (0.5 g). But this meat is rich in proteins - there are 29.8 g of them.

It also contains a whole range of different chemical elements:

  • Useful vitamins of groups , , , , and others;
  • iron, magnesium, chromium, cobalt, zinc, phosphorus, iodine and other mineral compounds;

Fiber from boiled chicken reduces the acidity of gastric juice, so this product is recommended for those suffering from gastritis. It is also useful for other gastrointestinal diseases.

I also want to dwell separately on vitamins and B12. So, these substances are considered “female” vitamins. The well-being of the expectant mother and the development of the baby largely depend on them. Therefore, it is not surprising that doctors recommend consumption of chicken breast during pregnancy.

Potassium, iron and magnesium present in chicken normalize the activity of the cardiovascular system. These elements are also important for the nervous system.

Benefits of the Chicken Diet

One of the main advantages of this fasting food system is that it is financially affordable. After all, you must agree that chicken costs a little less than beef or rabbit. And additional components of the basic fasting menu are inexpensive. Therefore, losing weight on chicken breast does not require large material costs.

But financial accessibility is not the only advantage of such a nutrition program. It has many other advantages:

  • Satiety dietary dishes. Due to the high protein content in the main product, the feeling of hunger is quickly satisfied. And the feeling of satiety remains for a long time.
  • This weight loss system burns fat tissue. In this case, the muscle tissue remains in its original size. Or it increases in volume due to improved metabolism.
  • With such weight loss, there is a decrease not only in weight, but also in body volume.
  • The achieved result lasts for a long time.
  • Since the diet is non-starvation, various physical activities are encouraged.

Reviews and results

How effective this or that unloading system is can be judged by the reviews of those who have lost weight. Well, here they are, as a matter of fact.

Lucy: I read somewhere that this weight loss is called the astronaut diet. I like her very much. But the main advantage is that I myself lose weight on it, but my breasts don’t))) Moreover, on squirrel it seems even more voluminous.

Lizaveta: I just love this diet. I don't feel hungry at all on it. I’ve even gotten used to it... As soon as I feel like I’m starting to gain weight, I immediately turn to salads. I make them from boiled breast and raw vegetables. Tested - up to 2 kilos evaporate in 4-5 days.

Ninel: I'm not against low carb programs at all. You just need to remember that if you lose 5 kg in a week, it’s not just fat. Therefore, I think that the weight can quickly return to your favorite body.))

Alya: I lost weight for a month - I lost almost 15 kg. I leaned heavily on vegetables, and periodically replaced the chicken with boiled, lean fish. Only fish and meat need to be boiled without salt. I also ate oatmeal cooked in water with fresh berries. And she even allowed herself a small piece of cheese. But it was a little hard without sweets, and I have such a sweet tooth.

Anya: I just replaced the meat with chicken breast. I’ve been eating this way for probably about 3 months now. The results are amazing. No effort or exhausting diets for you and you’ll lose as much as 10 kilos.

I also prepared a photo for you of those who lost weight on chicken breast. Admire the results. Are they really impressive?

Disadvantages of the diet

Among the disadvantages that are inherent in this fasting program is that it is very difficult for some people losing weight to get used to the specific taste of fresh chicken. But, if you get creative and season the chicken with spices or lemon juice, it turns out quite tasty. I tried it myself :)

Another disadvantage of such a system is its poverty in fats. But they are so important for the normal functioning of our body. But here everything can be fixed - there are many variations of the diet. And some of them allow the use of a small amount of oil during cooking. It’s better to add healthier unrefined ones, of which there are a great variety (pumpkin, olive, flaxseed, etc.).

Diet options

Before starting such a nutrition program, I advise you to carefully read the basic rules:

    1. Chicken breast eaten should be without skin and fat. It can be eaten boiled, stewed or steamed.
    2. Simple carbohydrates should be excluded from the diet. A complete taboo on sweets, smoked foods and canned food. But complex carbohydrates must be obtained from foods of plant origin.
    3. The maximum daily caloric intake is 1200 kcal. And with low physical activity, the number of calories consumed should be reduced to 900 kcal. Therefore, those losing weight need to calculate the calorie content of the dishes they consume.
    4. Protein foods should make up half of the daily diet.
    5. You need to eat in portions - 5-6 times a day.

  1. To normalize the digestive process, protein dishes should be combined with foods rich in plant fiber. These include fruits and berries, as well as non-starchy vegetables and herbs.
  2. During such weight loss, you can drink a glass of good dry wine once a day. This is to raise the “fighting spirit” :)
  3. Salt should be completely avoided. But you can flavor the taste of the meat with spices.
  4. The daily norm of liquid that should be drunk per day is 1.5-2 liters. This includes drinking water and unsweetened tea. To speed up metabolism, nutritionists recommend drinking water 20-30 minutes before meals.
  5. The daily diet may contain various whole grain porridges (the exception is wheat).

I only advise you to start this weight loss program after a preliminary consultation with your doctor. If you have chronic gastrointestinal diseases, they may get worse.

For 3 days

This fasting food system lasts 3 days. During this period you can lose 2 kilos.

Every day you need to consume about 700 g of boiled meat. Naturally, this amount of chicken needs to be divided into 5-6 meals.

By the way, my friends, Laima Vaikule often resorts to a mono-diet if she needs to quickly lose weight. The singer sits on rice for 3 days, then on chicken breasts for 3 days. And another 3 days on green apples. She says that such an express program never fails her.

On breast and vegetables

One option for this fasting food system is the chicken broth diet. To prepare this dish you will need 1 breast (without skin and fat) and 1.5 liters of water. Fill the chicken with water and boil until done. Then remove the breast from the broth and add a few diced potatoes. The broth should also be enriched with a small amount of cabbage and a few tomatoes.

After which we continue to cook the soup for another 15 minutes over low heat. About 2 minutes before turning off the heat, add the chopped chicken to the pan.

The breast and vegetable soup prepared according to this recipe should be eaten daily for a week. One serving is 200 g, and you need to eat 3-4 servings of the dish per day. It is desirable that the broth be fresh, so you will have to prepare it every day.

This unloading program is very effective: weight -5 kg ​​per week

But after such weight loss, you can quickly gain weight. To prevent this from happening, you need the right way out of the diet. For example, on the 8th day, continue to eat broth and include in your diet stewed cabbage. And also enrich the menu with the protein of a boiled egg. On the 9th day, add a couple more spoons of porridge to the 8th day menu. And on the 10th day we eat the same as on the 9th day. And add an apple and an orange. And, starting from the 11th day, you need to exclude broth from the diet.

There is also a more gentle version of this diet. During such weight loss, in addition to broth, you can also eat fresh vegetables (100-150 g). You are also allowed to consume several unsweetened fruits per day. A mandatory component of the fasting menu is 1 tbsp. bran (they can be added to the soup). With this kind of unloading, the extra kilos go away more slowly, but the result is more stable.

With chicken breast and kefir

This weight loss program is essentially a type of mono-diet. It is designed for 6-7 days. And her diet looks like this:

  • 1-2 days You only need to eat green apples (1.5-2 kg per day);
  • 3-4 days you need to eat boiled white meat (kg of chicken per day);
  • 5-6 days You can only drink kefir (the daily allowance for fermented milk product is 2 liters);
  • Day 7 - 4-5 times a day you need to eat chicken broth (one serving - 200 ml).

Such a menu is a serious stress for the body. Therefore, if you feel unwell during it, you will have to stop losing weight.

On chicken breast and eggs

This weight loss program is not fasting at all. And although her main products are breast and eggs, additional ones are included in the diet. For your convenience, I presented the diet for such weight loss in a table. Catch it 😉

Although the menu for this fasting program is designed for a week, you can follow such a diet for 2-3 weeks. Contraindications to this weight loss are allergies to one of the components of the diet, pregnancy and lactation.

On chicken breast and buckwheat

This fasting nutrition system involves the consumption of green buckwheat. This product, unlike brown buckwheat, does not require heat treatment. Therefore, such buckwheat retains a larger amount of vitamins and other valuable substances.

This fasting nutrition system provides gradual weight loss. The basic menu is as follows:

  • Breakfast– a portion of steamed green buckwheat + a cup of unsweetened green tea.
  • Snack- a glass of kefir.
  • For lunch– 150 g of boiled chicken + leafy vegetable salad + green buckwheat.
  • Afternoon snack– a glass of yogurt without sugar
  • In the evening– a portion of steamed green buckwheat and a cup of unsweetened green tea.

Please note that you need to have dinner 3-4 hours before you go to bed. Also, during such weight loss, in addition to green tea, you also need to drink non-carbonated mineral water. Daily norm– 1.5-2 liters of liquid.

You can sit on such a system for no more than a week. During this period, you can lose up to 3 kilos. If you introduce fish, vegetables and fruits into the basic diet, the diet can last a couple of weeks.

Well, now, my friends, you are real experts in the field of losing weight on chicken breast. And you can even show off your knowledge in front of your friends. Believe me, you will immediately become a professor in their eyes :) And in order not to lose your “qualification”, subscribe to updates - there are still so many interesting things ahead. And that’s all for today – for now.

The chicken diet is a quick, inexpensive, simple and quite satisfying method of losing excess weight and getting your figure into proper shape.

The chicken diet is classified as a fast protein diet regimen for weight loss, the effectiveness of which is based on eating mainly poultry meat with a minimum fat content and a high concentration of proteins. Thanks to the precise implementation of all the rules of the chicken diet diet, you can lose 4-6 kilograms of excess body fat in 7 days of following it.

The essence of the chicken diet

The effectiveness of the method of losing weight using chicken meat, like other protein diets, is based on limiting the intake of carbohydrates and saturating it with proteins. This redistribution nutrients forces the human body to burn its own fat reserves in order to obtain energy, which leads to weight loss without loss of muscle mass.

Basic principles of a chicken diet

When following any chicken diet, you should be guided by the following basic principles:

  • The duration of the diet should be limited to a maximum of 7 days (the duration of the mono-diet is limited to 3 days).
  • The daily calorie content of the entire nutritious diet should vary around 1200 kcal (some sources give a figure of 1500 kcal).
  • The percentage of consumption of chicken meat (fillet) and other acceptable food products must be within 50/50%.
  • You should eat at least 5 meals a day.
  • The final meal should be taken no later than 18:00.
  • Chicken meat must be steamed or boiled (it should be borne in mind that when boiling chicken meat, its calorie content and a significant part of the beneficial ingredients go into the broth).
  • Throughout the diet, you should avoid eating junk food (fast food, smoked foods, sweets, etc.), as well as sugar and salt.
  • Every day you should drink at least 2 liters of fluid.

Dietary chicken meat

The most dietary meat of a chicken carcass is its fillet (breast without skin), which is recommended to be used as the main ingredient in a chicken diet. The calorie content of 100 grams of this part of the bird is 113 kcal, while this amount of meat includes more than 23 g of proteins, less than 2 g of fat (including 10 mg), 0.4 g of carbohydrates and contains absolutely no dietary fiber.

In addition, the composition chicken fillet includes:

  • fatty acids (including omega-3 And omega-6 );
  • B vitamins (, niacin , );
  • macroelements (potassium, chlorine, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium);
  • essential amino acids ( tryptophan , arginine , lysine , methionine );
  • trace elements (iodine, iron, zinc, cobalt, chromium, manganese, fluorine, copper, molybdenum);
  • nonessential amino acids ( glutamine , aspartic , alanine , tyrosine , glycine );
  • saturated fatty acids ( Rachinaceae , myristic , stearic , palmitic );
  • fatty polyunsaturated acids ( linolenic , arachidonic , linoleic );
  • monounsaturated fatty acids ( heptadecene , palmitoleic , oleic ).

Useful properties of chicken

Since ancient times, boiled chicken meat and broth based on it have been highly valued for their healing qualities, helping to restore the strength of physically exhausted and sick people. These products are still often prescribed as the first food to patients who have undergone serious operations or infectious diseases, and are also included in the menu of various diets.

Due to its composition, eating properly prepared dietary chicken has a beneficial effect on the vascular system and the functioning of the heart muscle.

Chicken fillet will be useful for hyperacidity (with high acidity) and other gastrointestinal diseases of a similar etiology.

The vitamin composition of such meat has a positive effect on metabolic processes (protein, carbohydrate, fat) in the human body, the functionality of the central nervous system (prevention and), hematopoiesis, as well as on the appearance of the skin, hair and nail plates.

Chicken meat helps heal wounds, improve memory, restore strength and strengthen health.

Selection and storage of chicken fillet

In principle, any chicken breast without skin is suitable for dietary nutrition, but it is recommended to give preference poultry, fed with natural feed that does not contain and other potentially harmful substances to human health.

As a rule, chicken fillet reaches store shelves in two versions - frozen or chilled. Naturally, it is preferable to purchase this part of a poultry carcass in a chilled version, when organoleptic (visual, tactile, olfactory) analysis of the freshness of such a product is available in a more complete manner.

When choosing chilled chicken fillet, you should pay attention to:

  • color of meat (fillet should be pale pink with uniform coloring);
  • tactile sensations (when you press on the fillet, the depression on its surface should instantly disappear);
  • smell (fresh fillet must have a uniform aroma of poultry meat without foreign inclusions unpleasant to the sense of smell);
  • fillet size (large pieces of meat speak in favor of hormonal rearing of poultry);
  • shelf life (in the refrigerator, all the beneficial qualities of fresh chilled poultry meat are preserved for a maximum of 5 days);
  • availability of a quality certificate (this document must indicate all conditions for growing and storing poultry).

Preparing dietary chicken fillet

The effectiveness of this diet depends to some extent on the method of preparing its main ingredient, namely skinless chicken breast. As mentioned earlier, the most low-calorie product in this case there will be boiled poultry fillet. Although during the cooking process it will lose some of its minerals, vitamins and other nutrients, they can, in principle, be neglected due to the short duration of the diet itself.

For proper preparation the basic meat component of the chicken diet, you must first purchase in the store fillet or breast of this bird in a mass portion corresponding daily requirement(including all meals). If using chicken breast, it should first be cleaned of the outer skin and accompanying subcutaneous fat (poultry fillet requires only the removal of residual fat fibers), rinsed thoroughly under running water, and only then begin heat treatment.

Cleaned and washed chicken fillet must be placed in a pan with clean cold water, bring it to a boil and cook the meat for 20-40 minutes, depending on the origin of the purchased part of the bird carcass (homemade or store-bought). It is prohibited to add salt to the water, as this will reduce the effectiveness of the diet. In order to add flavor to the chicken meat, a small amount of celery can be added to the broth.

After preparing the main ingredient of the diet, you should divide the chicken fillet into the parts needed for each daily meal and consume them according to the developed menu.


In fact, there are quite a lot of dietary regimes, the menu of which includes chicken meat in one form or another, however, the basic options for the chicken diet are considered to be the “hard” 3-day mono-diet on chicken and its lightweight 7-day variety, the basis of which is chicken breast and vegetables.

Mono-diet on chicken

A quick version of the mono-diet on chicken breast, due to the lack of nutritional balance, is observed for only three days and is most reminiscent of the popular fasting days , in which the diet includes one main ingredient consumed throughout the diet.

Thus, during all three days of a mono-diet of solid food, you can only take boiled chicken fillet. In addition, this “hard” type of diet must be accompanied by sufficient consumption of unsweetened liquid (1.5-2 liters per day), preferably clean water without gas and tea without sugar. Over the entire period of such a chicken mono-diet, you can free your body from 2-3 extra kilograms of weight, which is confirmed by numerous positive reviews about the effectiveness of such dietary nutrition.

Light chicken diet

The chicken diet menu for 7 days is more fully balanced and involves eating, in addition to boiled poultry fillets, other food products, among which preference should be given primarily to vegetables and herbs. In addition, unsweetened fruits, non-starchy cereals and some other ingredients can be used as additional food products.

Throughout this dietary regimen, the amount of chicken meat and other products taken can vary and be selected independently using calorie tables, however, such selection should be made based on the basic principles of the diet described above. The daily volume of fluid consumed, as well as its choice, should correspond to the previous version of the mono-diet. Reviews about this dietary regimen indicate that in seven days of strict adherence to it, you can reduce body fat mass by 3-4 kilograms.

Authorized Products

Mono-diet on chicken

The definition itself, the chicken mono-diet, implies that the only allowed solid food throughout its observance, of course, will be the meat of this bird. IN in this case You should eat only steamed or boiled chicken fillet (breast without skin and subcutaneous fat), without replacing it with other parts of the poultry carcass.

As for liquid products, it is permissible to consume still mineral water and unsweetened tea (green, red, black) throughout the diet.

Light chicken diet

Since the regimen of this version of the chicken diet is calculated for seven days, it cannot be limited to only one meat component and must include other related food products.

As before, the main ingredient of a light chicken diet remains boiled or steamed fillet of this bird, which cannot be replaced with other parts of the carcass and even the meat of its legs.

It is allowed to use the following as side dishes and additional products for meat under this nutritional regime:

  • non-starchy vegetables and herbs (cucumbers, dill, cabbage, arugula, bell peppers, cilantro, tomatoes, parsley, beets, lettuce, carrots);
  • diet bread, bran bread;
  • cereal porridges with a small amount of starch (barley, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice);
  • unsweetened berries and fruits (grapefruits, currants, pineapples, strawberries, apples, raspberries, pears, cherries, plums, oranges, cherries);
  • minimally fatty fermented milk products (kefir, natural yogurt);
  • drinks without added sugar (natural juices, mineral water, various decoctions and teas);
  • lemon juice and olive oil.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

eggplant1,2 0,1 4,5 24
zucchini0,6 0,3 4,6 24
cabbage1,8 0,1 4,7 27
cilantro2,1 0,5 1,9 23
green onion1,3 0,0 4,6 19
bulb onions1,4 0,0 10,4 41
carrot1,3 0,1 6,9 32
cucumbers0,8 0,1 2,8 15
squash0,6 0,1 4,3 19
salad pepper1,3 0,0 5,3 27
parsley3,7 0,4 7,6 47
arugula2,6 0,7 2,1 25
salad1,2 0,3 1,3 12
beet1,5 0,1 8,8 40
celery0,9 0,1 2,1 12
asparagus1,9 0,1 3,1 20
tomatoes0,6 0,2 4,2 20
pumpkin1,3 0,3 7,7 28
dill2,5 0,5 6,3 38
garlic6,5 0,5 29,9 143
spinach2,9 0,3 2,0 22


avocado2,0 20,0 7,4 208
pineapples0,4 0,2 10,6 49
oranges0,9 0,2 8,1 36
cherry0,8 0,5 11,3 52
grapefruit0,7 0,2 6,5 29
pears0,4 0,3 10,9 42
kiwi1,0 0,6 10,3 48
mango0,5 0,3 11,5 67
tangerines0,8 0,2 7,5 33
pomelo0,6 0,2 6,7 32
plums0,8 0,3 9,6 42
apples0,4 0,4 9,8 47


blackberry2,0 0,0 6,4 31
strawberries0,8 0,4 7,5 41
strawberry0,8 0,4 7,5 41
raspberries0,8 0,5 8,3 46
blueberry1,1 0,4 7,6 44

Cereals and porridges

buckwheat4,5 2,3 25,0 132
oatmeal3,2 4,1 14,2 102
pearl barley porridge3,1 0,4 22,2 109
rice6,7 0,7 78,9 344

Bakery products

rye bread11,0 2,7 58,0 310
whole grain bread10,1 2,3 57,1 295


kefir 1%2,8 1,0 4,0 40
Ryazhenka 1%3,0 1,0 4,2 40
acidophilus 1%3,0 1,0 4,0 40
natural yogurt 2%4,3 2,0 6,2 60

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese 0.6% (low fat)18,0 0,6 1,8 88
cottage cheese 1.8% (low-fat)18,0 1,8 3,3 101


boiled chicken breast29,8 1,8 0,5 137
boiled chicken fillet30,4 3,5 0,0 153

Oils and fats

olive oil0,0 99,8 0,0 898

Non-alcoholic drinks

mineral water0,0 0,0 0,0 -
green tea0,0 0,0 0,0 -
black tea20,0 5,1 6,9 152

Juices and compotes

Pineapple juice0,3 0,1 11,4 48
Orange juice0,9 0,2 8,1 36
Cherry juice0,7 0,0 10,2 47
lemon juice0,9 0,1 3,0 16
Apple juice0,4 0,4 9,8 42

Fully or partially limited products

Mono-diet on chicken

Naturally, when following a mono-diet, a complete ban is imposed on the consumption of all existing food products except for a fairly short permitted list, which includes only steamed or boiled chicken fillet and acceptable drinks (herbal infusions, mineral water, tea).

Light chicken diet

The chicken diet for weight loss for 7 days naturally has a much smaller list of prohibited foods, but even in this case you will have to exclude a fairly large number of them from your diet, including:

  • any food related to fast food;
  • any desserts and other sweets;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fatty, smoked, fried and spicy foods;
  • canned food and pickles (store-bought and homemade);
  • berries and fruits high in sugar;
  • baked goods and flour products;
  • highly starchy grains and vegetables;
  • sauces, marinades, gravies;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • any fish and meat products;
  • industrial nectars, sweet compotes;
  • salt, sugar and other food additives (gelatin, starch, stabilizers, sweeteners, flavor enhancers).

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

potato2,0 0,4 18,1 80


tropical fruits1,3 0,3 12,6 65
canned fruits0,5 0,1 9,5 40
figs0,7 0,2 13,7 49
persimmon0,5 0,3 15,3 66


grape0,6 0,2 16,8 65

Nuts and dried fruits

raisin2,9 0,6 66,0 264
dried apricots5,2 0,3 51,0 215
dried apricots5,0 0,4 50,6 213
dates2,5 0,5 69,2 274
prunes2,3 0,7 57,5 231


potato chips5,5 30,0 53,0 520
caramel popcorn5,3 8,7 76,1 401
salted popcorn7,3 13,5 62,7 407

Cereals and porridges

semolina3,0 3,2 15,3 98
millet porridge4,7 1,1 26,1 135

Flour and pasta

wheat flour9,2 1,2 74,9 342
pasta10,4 1,1 69,7 337
noodles12,0 3,7 60,1 322
ravioli15,5 8,0 29,7 245
paste10,0 1,1 71,5 344
pancakes6,1 12,3 26,0 233
vareniki7,6 2,3 18,7 155
pancakes6,3 7,3 51,4 294
dumplings11,9 12,4 29,0 275

Bakery products

loaf7,5 2,9 50,9 264
buns7,2 6,2 51,0 317
kalach7,9 0,8 51,6 249
bun7,6 8,8 56,4 334
donut5,6 13,0 38,8 296
bagel7,9 10,8 57,2 357
bread7,5 2,1 46,4 227


jam0,3 0,2 63,0 263
jam0,3 0,1 56,0 238
marshmallows0,8 0,0 78,5 304
candies4,3 19,8 67,5 453
paste0,5 0,0 80,8 310
cookie7,5 11,8 74,9 417
cake3,8 22,6 47,0 397
jam0,4 0,2 58,6 233
halva11,6 29,7 54,0 523

Ice cream

ice cream3,7 6,9 22,1 189


cake4,4 23,4 45,2 407


chocolate5,4 35,3 56,5 544

Raw materials and seasonings

seasonings7,0 1,9 26,0 149
ketchup1,8 1,0 22,2 93
mayonnaise2,4 67,0 3,9 627
honey0,8 0,0 81,5 329
syrup0,0 0,3 78,3 296
sugar0,0 0,0 99,7 398
salt0,0 0,0 0,0 -


milk3,2 3,6 4,8 64
kefir 3.2%2,8 3,2 4,1 56
cream 35% (fat)2,5 35,0 3,0 337
sour cream 40% (fat)2,4 40,0 2,6 381
fruit yogurt 3.2%5,0 3,2 8,5 85

Meat products

pork16,0 21,6 0,0 259
salo2,4 89,0 0,0 797
beef18,9 19,4 0,0 187
veal19,7 1,2 0,0 90
bacon23,0 45,0 0,0 500
cutlets16,6 20,0 11,8 282
steak27,8 29,6 1,7 384


boiled sausage13,7 22,8 0,0 260
smoked sausage28,2 27,5 0,0 360
smoked sausage16,2 44,6 0,0 466
dry-cured sausage24,1 38,3 1,0 455
smoked sausage9,9 63,2 0,3 608
sausages10,1 31,6 1,9 332
sausages12,3 25,3 0,0 277
pork chops10,0 33,0 0,0 337


fried chicken26,0 12,0 0,0 210
smoked chicken27,5 8,2 0,0 184
roasted turkey28,0 6,0 - 165
smoked duck19,0 28,4 0,0 337
roast duck22,6 19,5 0,0 266

Fish and seafood

fried fish19,5 11,7 6,2 206
dried fish17,5 4,6 0,0 139
smoked fish26,8 9,9 0,0 196
salted fish19,2 2,0 0,0 190

Oils and fats

butter0,5 82,5 0,8 748
animal fat0,0 99,7 0,0 897
cooking fat0,0 99,7 0,0 897

Alcoholic drinks

brandy0,0 0,0 0,5 225
whiskey0,0 0,0 0,4 235
vodka0,0 0,0 0,1 235
gin0,0 0,0 0,0 220
cognac0,0 0,0 0,1 239
liquor0,3 1,1 17,2 242
beer0,3 0,0 4,6 42
champagne0,2 0,0 5,0 88

Non-alcoholic drinks

cola0,0 0,0 10,4 42
lemonade0,0 0,0 6,4 26
sprite0,1 0,0 7,0 29
Fanta0,0 0,0 11,7 48

Juices and compotes

orange nectar0,3 0,0 10,1 43
grape compote0,5 0,0 19,7 77
cherry nectar0,1 0,0 12,0 50
jelly0,2 0,0 16,7 68
nectarine nectar0,1 0,0 12,8 53
peach nectar0,2 0,0 9,0 38
* data is per 100 g of product

Menu (Meal Schedule)

Mono-diet on chicken

The dietary ration of this type of chicken diet is very simple and involves eating exclusively steamed or boiled chicken fillet for 3 days in a mass portion of 500-700 grams, depending on your lifestyle in terms of physical activity. At the same time, one serving of poultry meat should not exceed 100 grams, which means that the number of meals should be divided into 5-7 times a day. In addition to poultry, you need to drink approximately 2 liters of unsweetened liquid every day, most of which should be still mineral water.

Light chicken diet

The chicken diet menu for the week is more varied, rich and nutritious. In this case, the main dishes must be prepared from boiled or steamed chicken fillet and recommended vegetables in appropriate quantities, which should be supplemented with fruits, cereals and other acceptable products in order to expand the nutritious diet.

During daily cooking, you should focus on 2 basic principles, the first of which limits energy value of all consumed dishes is 1200 (sometimes 1500) calories, and the second divides the amount of poultry meat and related products eaten in an approximate proportion of 1:1 (calories or volume).

Each day of such a diet must be divided into at least 5 meals, the final of which is best completed before 6 pm. Immediately before bed, you can drink 200-250 grams of low-fat fermented milk product. Within every 24 hours it is necessary to drink still mineral water, herbal decoctions and teas without sugar in a volume of about 2 liters.

In order to increase the effectiveness of a 7-day diet based on vegetables and chicken, it is recommended to initially spend a fasting day on chicken breast, the menu of which is identical to the mono-diet.

Example of a light chicken diet menu for a week

  • raw vegetable salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper and herbs, flavored with natural yogurt;
  • 350 grams of boiled buckwheat without any seasonings;
  • natural fruit compote without sugar.
  • 500 grams of fresh pineapple pulp;
  • tea (green, black).
  • 500 grams of steamed or boiled chicken fillet;
  • fresh apple, cabbage and carrot salad, seasoned with a little olive oil and lemon juice;
  • 350 grams of boiled unsalted rice;
  • natural juice.
  • 500 grams of vegetable salad (except potatoes), baked in the oven without adding spices;
  • a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • still mineral water.
  • 700 grams of steamed or boiled chicken fillet;
  • basil, lettuce and favorite vegetables, seasoned with a little olive oil;
  • unsweetened fruit drink/mineral water.
  • 250 grams of steamed or boiled chicken fillet;
  • steamed vegetables (without potatoes), seasoned with lemon juice;
  • a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • Herb tea.
  • 500 grams of steamed or boiled chicken fillet;
  • a salad of raw favorite vegetables, seasoned with a little olive oil and lemon juice;
  • mineral water/natural juice.

Recipes for dietary chicken dishes

When the question arises about what to prepare that is absolutely dietary, but at the same time tasty, from meat dishes, many housewives often think about such a popular food product as chicken. Indeed, virtually all parts of the chicken carcass (thighs, fillets, wings, legs) and its internal organs(hearts, liver, stomachs) fall under the concept “ proper nutrition", and the variety of dishes prepared from them will satisfy any demanding taste. For example, chicken boiled in a double boiler, baked in foil or stewed in the oven will be an excellent meat base for a daily diet, accompanied by a variety of vegetables, cereals (in particular rice and buckwheat), beans and even pasta. From chicken meat you can make healing broth, puree soup, casserole, pilaf and even shish kebab, and from the minced meat of this bird you can make delicious dietary steamed chicken cutlets and meatballs with mushrooms or other fillings.

Below we will consider some popular recipes for dietary dishes from chicken breast and other parts of the bird carcass, which, although not included in the menu of the diets described above, can be useful for a daily healthy diet.

Dietary chicken breast cutlets

Required ingredients:

  • chicken fillet – 500 g;
  • low-fat sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • butter – 1 tsp;
  • salt/pepper - to taste.

Cut the poultry fillet into pieces and grind using a meat grinder or blender (the recipe for dietary chicken cutlets allows alternative use just finely chopped meat). Add garlic, sour cream, spices passed through the garlic cloves to the minced meat, break eggs into it and thicken the resulting mass with starch. With wet hands, form oval or round cutlets, place them on a greased baking sheet and place in the oven at 180°C for about 30 minutes.

Dietary recipes for chicken fillet dishes will turn out to be less high in calories and more healthy if you choose steaming as the heat treatment for this product (for example, steamed cutlets).

Diet chicken soup

Required ingredients:

  • filtered water – 2 l;
  • chicken breast – 400-500 g;
  • medium-sized potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • celery stalk – 1-2 pcs.;
  • medium-sized carrots – 3 pcs.;
  • large onion – 1 pc.;
  • vermicelli – 50 g;
  • dill/parsley – 1 bunch;
  • salt/spices - to taste.

From a chicken breast, previously peeled of skin and remaining cartilage and thoroughly washed in running water, you must first cook the broth, for which you need to boil the poultry meat in salted water for about 20 minutes. After this, remove the dirty foam from the broth, remove the cooked fillet from the boiling water, cut it into small pieces and set aside for a while on a plate.

Next, you have to cook the soup itself using chicken broth. To do this, initially add finely chopped celery, onions and carrots to boiling water, and after a while, potatoes cut into small cubes. A couple of minutes before the potatoes are ready, add vermicelli, chopped herbs, poultry and your favorite spices to the broth. Move all the ingredients, cover the pan with a lid and give the soup time to brew.

Chicken breast with oranges in a slow cooker

Required ingredients:

  • chicken breast – 300 g;
  • large orange – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 1 tooth;
  • honey – 1 tsp;
  • olive oil – 1 tsp;
  • salt, paprika, pepper, thyme, turmeric - to taste.

Before preparing a diet chicken breast in a slow cooker, it should first be marinated in a seasoning mixture of honey, olive oil, chopped garlic, paprika, pepper, turmeric, thyme, orange juice (use half the fruit) and salt.

To thoroughly soak the chicken meat, pierce it in several places with a thin knife, thoroughly rub with the marinade mixed until smooth and leave to brew for 15 minutes (for the marinade, in principle, you can use any spices and seasonings you like).

After this, place the marinated chicken fillet on foil and cover it with orange slices in the skin. Wrap the poultry meat tightly in foil and place it in the multicooker bowl. Bake the breast in foil in the “Baking” mode for 45 minutes, then carefully unfold the foil and cut the meat into portions.

Dietary chicken soufflé

Required ingredients:

  • milk – 200 ml;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • broccoli – 150 g;
  • chicken fillet – 2 pcs.;
  • zucchini – 2 pcs.;
  • pistachios – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • lettuce leaves – 4-5 pcs.;
  • favorite greens - 1 bunch;
  • salt/pepper - to taste.

First of all, separate the egg yolks from the whites and place the latter in the refrigerator for a while. Slice raw chicken fillet onion and grind them using a blender. Sequentially add warm milk, yolks, vegetable oil and chopped pistachios. Bring the minced meat to a homogeneous consistency and place it in a deep dish.

Beat the chilled egg whites thoroughly and add them to the minced meat, then add finely chopped raw zucchini, herbs, boiled broccoli and spices. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly, fill small heat-resistant molds with it and bake for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 °C.

Serve the finished dietary chicken soufflé, garnishing it with pistachios and lettuce.

Dietary chicken pilaf

Required ingredients:

  • filtered water – 400 ml;
  • chicken breast – 200 g;
  • medium-sized carrots – 1 pc.;
  • steamed rice – 200 g;
  • salt/pepper - to taste.

Before cooking the pilaf itself, you need to make a fillet from the chicken breast, for which you need to clean it from the skin, subcutaneous fat and remnants of cartilage tissue. Next, the fillet should be thoroughly washed and cut into small pieces. Rice also needs to be rinsed and sorted. Cut the onion into small half rings, and the carrots into thin bars.

Place the chopped fillet in the prepared pan, fill it with water and bring to a boil. Skim off the resulting foam, reduce heat, add salt to the water and cook the fillet for approximately 10 minutes.

Add chopped onions and carrots to the broth and, stirring occasionally, cook for another 5-8 minutes. After this time, pour the rice into the pan, bring the water to a boil again and cook the pilaf over low heat for about 20 minutes.

Chicken liver pate

Required ingredients:

  • filtered water – as needed;
  • chicken liver – 1 kg;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • lean ham – 3 slices;
  • medium-sized onion – 1 pc.;
  • dill/parsley – 1 bunch;
  • black pepper (peas) – 4-5 pcs.;
  • salt/spices - to taste.

Before preparing the diet chicken liver in the form of pate, it is necessary to accurately calculate the volume of water, which can vary depending on the quality of the acquired liver from 200 to 600 ml. Unfortunately, water calculations can only be done by trial and error, and therefore the only advice in this case would be to fill the liver completely with a thin surface layer.

So, place the liver in a saucepan, fill it with water and simmer until done. After this, transfer the finished liver to a blender (as a rule, there is no need to drain the water) and add slices of ham, peppercorns and your favorite spices to it.

Beat all ingredients until smooth and viscous and place in the freezer for 30-40 minutes. Insufficient viscosity of the pate can, in principle, be adjusted by adding more ham, although in this case the dietary chicken liver recipe can be turned into a dish with another main ingredient.

Dietary chicken in the oven

Required ingredients:

  • chicken carcass – 1 pc.;
  • a set of spices to choose from - to taste;
  • garlic – 3-4 cloves;
  • salt – minimal amount.

In order to cook dietary chicken in the oven faster and with better roasting, it is better to divide the bird carcass lengthwise into two equal parts, then rinse them thoroughly and remove any remaining feathers from the surface of the skin, and organ fragments from the inside. Then you should carefully rub both parts of the chicken with the selected set of spices, garlic and salt and leave it like that for 15-20 minutes.

Place two pieces of food foil in several layers on a deep baking sheet, place half a chicken carcass on each of them and tightly wrap the edges of the foil without leaving a single hole.

Preheat the oven to 200°C and bake the chicken in it for approximately 40-50 minutes.

Quitting the diet

In the event of a sudden resumption of the usual nutritional diet after the end of the chicken diet, there is a high chance of returning to the original weight indicators and therefore exit from such a diet should occur gradually.

To consolidate the results of losing weight, you need to accustom yourself, at least for the first time, to drink coffee and tea without adding sugar to them, and to eat as little flour products and sweets as possible. Also, do not immediately switch to eating fried, fatty and smoked foods. Try to get into the habit of drinking a glass of water after sleep, and eating oatmeal or low-fat cottage cheese for breakfast. During the lunch break, you should give preference to low-fat first courses, and cook meat or fish products using steam, grill or oven. Leave as many vegetables as possible in your diet in any form (excluding frying), but do not get carried away with potatoes and other starchy foods. And finally, do not forget to eat 4-5 small meals during daylight hours.


Any protein-based diet regimens for weight loss, which certainly includes the chicken diet, should not be practiced if:

Since all diets based on chicken meat are still not sufficiently balanced and can potentially negatively affect the body of the mother, the developing fetus or newborn child, they are not recommended for women.

Advantages and disadvantages

pros Minuses
  • The cost of any type of chicken diet, including main and secondary products, is available to almost every person.
  • Preparing all diet dishes does not require much time, special skills or special kitchen devices.
  • Both dietary options are quite effective in terms of weight loss, and are actually not accompanied by a feeling of hunger.
  • Chicken meat is rich in various useful and simply necessary substances for the human body (, fatty acids , micro - And macronutrients etc.).
  • Following a chicken diet can improve processes, while the main energy costs fall on fat reserves and practically do not affect the muscle corset.
  • Eating poultry meat has a positive effect on the external condition of the skin/hair and nails.
  • A diet based on chicken meat is suitable and is even often recommended for athletes.
  • The nutritional diet of a 3-day mono-diet is monotonous and unbalanced, which could potentially negatively affect overall well-being or exacerbation of chronic pathologies.
  • Poultry meat, like other minor products, cooked without adding salt and other spices may seem unappetizing.
  • Wrong exit from diets can cause a rapid gain of the initial weight and even its increase.
  • Both versions of the chicken diet (especially the mono-diet) have a number of contraindications for health reasons.

As mentioned earlier, based on chicken meat, due to the enormous popularity of chicken as a food product, many dietary regimes have been developed to eliminate human body from excess fat deposits or, on the contrary, build muscle mass. Below are several of the most common diets, the menu of which includes meat or other organs of this bird as one of the basic ingredients.

Chicken liver diet

As an alternative to chicken fillet in a protein diet, some nutritionists recommend eating the liver of this bird, citing its richer composition of micro- and macroelements, vitamins and other useful substances. At the same time, the calorie content of 100 grams of this part of a chicken carcass is less than 140 kcal, and the BZHU is 20.4/5.9/0.7 g, respectively, so the question of whether it is possible to eat chicken liver on a diet can, in principle, be resolved positively , and the effectiveness of such dietary nutrition should be similar.

Chicken broth diet

A popular diet due to its impressive effectiveness (7-10 kg per week) is a strict 7-day mono-diet, based on eating exclusively chicken broth. Such a “hunger” diet regimen is not suitable for every person for health reasons, especially since in order to maintain the achieved weight loss results, for at least the next week you will need to adhere to, in fact, another diet with the careful addition of a minimum amount of other products to the broth.

Chicken-pineapple diet

Also one of the well-known diets with a loss of up to 6 kilograms of weight, designed for 9 days, during which it is permissible to eat only chicken fillet and pineapple pulp. The menu for this diet suggests that in the first 3 days you eat only white chicken meat, cooked without salt, in the second 3 days you eat only pineapple pulp, and in the final “three-day” you combine chicken with pineapple. By the way, without losing any effectiveness of this diet, pineapples can be replaced with oranges or even apples.

Chicken-buckwheat diet

This weekly diet makes the main products consumed steamed or boiled chicken fillet and green buckwheat, which does not require mandatory heat treatment and can be consumed raw, retaining all the substances beneficial to the human body. 7 days of a chicken-buckwheat diet can rid your body of 3 extra pounds.

Chicken-kefira diet

This method of losing weight is considered a fasting method and therefore lasts only 48 hours, during which you can lose 2-3 kilograms of excess body weight. The menu for these two days is not very diverse and consists of daily consumption of 500 grams of dietary chicken meat and 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir.

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