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The meaning of the runic symbols of the Slavs. Meanings of Slavic runes-amulets

The first arguments in favor of the existence of Slavic runic writing were put forward at the beginning of the last century; Some of the evidence presented then is now attributed to the Glagolitic alphabet, and not to the “pynitsa” alphabet, some turned out to be simply untenable, but a number of arguments remain valid to this day. Thus, it is impossible to argue with the testimony of Thietmar, who, describing the Slavic temple of Retra, located in the lands of the Lutichians, points to the fact that the idols of this temple were inscribed with inscriptions made by “special” non-German runes. It would be completely absurd to assume that Thietmar, being an educated person, could not recognize the standard minor Scandinavian runes if the names of the gods on the idols were inscribed by them.

Massydi, describing one of the Slavic temples, mentions certain signs carved on stones. Ibn Fodlan, speaking about the Slavs at the end of the 1st millennium, points to the existence of grave inscriptions on pillars among them. Ibn El Hedim speaks about the existence of Slavic pre-Cyrillic writing and even gives in his treatise a drawing of an inscription carved on a piece of wood (the famous Nedimov inscription). The Czech song “The Court of Lyubysha,” preserved in a 9th-century copy, mentions “tables of truth”—laws written on wooden boards in some kind of writing.

G, K



Slavic silver amulets with ancient symbols are usually intended to protect and protect their owner, but still different symbols on amulet runes have different magical powers. Therefore, when choosing a Slavic amulet, pay attention to the specific properties of each of them.

Many archaeological data also indicate the existence of runic writing among the ancient Slavs. The oldest of them are finds of ceramics with fragments of inscriptions belonging to the Chernyakhov archaeological culture, clearly associated with the Slavs and dating back to the 1st-4th centuries AD. Already thirty years ago, the signs on these finds were identified as traces of writing. An example of “Chernyakhov” Slavic runic writing can be fragments of ceramics from excavations near the village of Lepesovka (southern Volyn) or a clay shard from Ripnev, belonging to the same Chernyakhov culture and probably representing a fragment of a vessel. The signs visible on the shard leave no doubt that this is an inscription. Unfortunately, the fragment is too small to make deciphering the inscription possible.

In general, the ceramics of the Chernyakhov culture provide very interesting, but too meager material for decoding. Thus, an extremely interesting Slavic clay vessel was discovered in 1967 during excavations near the village of Voiskovoe (on the Dnieper). An inscription containing 12 positions and using 6 characters is applied to its surface. The inscription cannot be translated or read, despite the fact that attempts to decipher it have been made. However, it should be noted that there is a certain similarity between the graphics of this inscription and the runic graphics. There are similarities, and not only similarities - half of the signs (three out of six) coincide with the Futhark runes (Scandinavia). These are the Dagaz, Gebo runes and a minor version of the Ingyz rune - a rhombus placed on the top.

Another - later - group of evidence of the use of runic writing by the Slavs is formed by monuments associated with the Wends, the Baltic Slavs. Of these monuments, we will first of all point out the so-called Mikorzhinsky stones, discovered in 1771 in Poland. Another – truly unique – monument of the “Baltic” Slavic pynic is the inscriptions on cult objects from the Slavic temple of Radegast in Retra, destroyed in the mid-11th century during the German conquest.

Runic alphabet
Like the runes of the Scandinavian and continental Germans, the Slavic runes go back, apparently, to the North Italian (Alpine) alphabets. Several main variants of Alpine writing are known, which were owned, in addition to the northern Etruscans, by the Slavic and Celtic tribes living in the neighborhood. The question of exactly how the Italic script was brought to the late Slavic regions remains completely open at the moment, as well as the question of the mutual influence of the Slavic and Germanic pynics.
It should be noted that runic culture should be understood much more broadly than basic writing skills - it is a whole cultural layer, covering mythology, religion, and certain aspects of magical art. Already in Epyria and Venice (the lands of the Etruscans and Wends), the alphabet was treated as an object of divine origin and capable of exerting a magical effect. This is evidenced, for example, by finds in Etruscan burials of tablets listing alphabetic characters. This is the simplest type of runic magic, widespread in North-West Europe.
Thus, speaking about the ancient Slavic runic writing, one cannot help but touch upon the question of the existence of the ancient Slavic runic culture as a whole. This culture was owned by the Slavs of pagan times; It was preserved, apparently, in the era of “dual faith” (the simultaneous existence of Christianity and paganism in Russia - 10-16 centuries).

An excellent example is the widespread use of the Freyr-Inguz rune by the Slavs. Another example is one of the remarkable Vyatic temple rings of the 12th century. Signs are engraved on its blades - this is another rune. The third blades from the edges bear the image of the Algiz rune, and the central blade is a double image of the same rune. Like the Freyr rune, the Algiz rune first appeared as part of Futhark; it existed without changes for about a millennium and was included in all runic alphabets, except for the later Swedish-Norwegian ones, which were not used for magical purposes (around the 10th century). The image of this rune on the temporal ring is not accidental. Rune Algiz is a rune of protection, one of its magical properties is protection from other people's witchcraft and the evil will of others. The use of the Algiz rune by the Slavs and their ancestors has a very ancient history. In ancient times, the four Algiz runes were often connected so that a twelve-pointed cross was formed, which apparently had the same functions as the rune itself.

At the same time, it should be noted that such magical symbols can appear among different peoples and independently of each other. An example of this can be, for example, a bronze Mordovian plaque from the end of the 1st millennium AD. from the Armyevsky burial ground. One of the so-called non-alphabetic runic signs is the swastika, both four- and three-branched. Images of the swastika are found everywhere in the Slavic world, although not often. This is natural - the swastika, a symbol of fire and, in certain cases, fertility, is a sign too “powerful” and too significant for widespread use. Like the twelve-pointed cross, the swastika can also be found among the Sarmatians and Scythians.

Of extreme interest is the one-of-a-kind temporal ring, again Vyatic. Several different signs are engraved on its blades at once - this is a whole collection of symbols of ancient Slavic magic. The central blade bears a slightly modified Ingyz rune, the first petals from the center are an image that is not yet completely clear. On the second petals from the center there is a twelve-pointed cross, which is most likely a modification of the cross from the four Algiz runes. And finally, the outer petals bear the image of a swastika. Well, the master who worked on this ring created a powerful talisman.

The shape of the World rune is the image of the Tree of the World, the Universe. It also symbolizes the inner self of a person, the centripetal forces striving the World towards Order. In a magical sense, the World rune represents protection and patronage of the gods.

In contrast to the Peace rune, the Chernobog rune represents the forces pushing the world toward Chaos. The magical content of the rune: destruction of old connections, breakthrough of the magic circle, exit from any closed system.

The Alatyr rune is the rune of the center of the Universe, the rune of the beginning and end of all things. This is what the struggle between the forces of Order and Chaos revolves around; the stone that lies at the foundation of the World; This is the law of balance and returning to square one. The eternal circulation of events and their immovable center. The magical altar on which the sacrifice is performed is a reflection of the Alatyr stone. This is the sacred image that is contained in this rune.

Rune of the road, the endless path to Alatyr; a path determined by the unity and struggle of the forces of Order and Chaos, Water and Fire. A road is more than just movement in space and time. The road is a special state, equally different from vanity and peace; a state of movement between Order and Chaos. The Road has neither beginning nor end, but there is a source and there is a result... The ancient formula: “Do what you want, and come what may” could serve as the motto of this rune. The magical meaning of the rune: stabilization of movement, assistance in travel, favorable outcome of difficult situations.

Rune Viy - the god of Navi, the Lower World. This is the rune of fate, which cannot be avoided, darkness, death. Rune of constraint, constraint and coercion. This is a magical prohibition on performing this or that action, and material constraints, and those bonds that fetter a person’s consciousness.

The Slavic word "Krada" means sacrificial fire. This is the rune of Fire, the rune of aspiration and embodiment of aspirations. But the embodiment of any plan is always the revelation of this plan to the World, and therefore the rune of Krad is also the rune of disclosure, the rune of the loss of the external, superficial - that which burns in the fire of sacrifice. The magical meaning of the Krada rune is purification; releasing intention; embodiment and implementation.

Rune of the Warrior of the Spirit. The meaning of the Slavic word “Treba” is sacrifice, without which the embodiment of intention on the Road is impossible. This is the sacred content of this rune. But sacrifice is not a simple gift to the gods; the idea of ​​sacrifice implies sacrificing oneself.

Strength is the asset of a Warrior. This is not only the ability to change the World and oneself in it, but also the ability to follow the Road, freedom from the shackles of consciousness. The Rune of Strength is at the same time the rune of unity, integrity, the achievement of which is one of the results of movement along the Road. And this is also the rune of Victory, for the Warrior of the Spirit gains Strength only by defeating himself, only by sacrificing his outer self for the sake of freeing his inner self. The magical meaning of this rune is directly related to its definitions as the rune of victory, the rune of power and the rune of integrity. The Rune of Strength can direct a person or situation towards Victory and gaining integrity, it can help clarify an unclear situation and push towards the right decision.

The rune of Life, mobility and natural variability of Existence, for immobility is dead. The Rune Is symbolizes renewal, movement, growth, Life itself. This rune represents those divine forces that make grass grow, the juices of the earth flow through tree trunks, and blood run faster in the spring in human veins. This is the rune of light and bright vitality and the natural desire for movement for all living things.

This is the rune of the Spirit, the rune of Knowledge and ascent to the top; rune of will and inspiration; image of a spiritualized magical power associated with the element of air. At the level of magic, the Wind rune symbolizes Wind-Power, inspiration, and creative impulse.

Bereginya in Slavic tradition– a female image associated with protection and motherhood. Therefore, the Beregini rune is the rune of the Mother Goddess, who is in charge of both earthly fertility and the destinies of all living things. The Mother Goddess gives life to souls who come to incarnate on Earth, and she takes life away when the time comes. Therefore, the Beregini rune can be called both the rune of Life and the rune of Death. This same rune is the rune of Fate.

In all branches of the Indo-European tradition, without exception, the symbol of the male penis ( Slavic word"Oud") is associated with the fertile creative force that transforms Chaos. This fiery force was called Eros by the Greeks, and Yar by the Slavs. This is not only the power of love, but also a passion for life in general, a force that unites opposites, fertilizes the emptiness of Chaos.

The rune is associated with the element of water, and specifically - Living, flowing water in springs and streams. In magic, the Lelya rune is the rune of intuition, Knowledge beyond Reason, as well as spring awakening and fertility, flowering and joy.

This is the rune of the transcendental unmanifested Spirit, which is the beginning and end of everything. In magic, the Doom rune can be used to dedicate an object or situation to the Unknowable.

This is the rune of the foundations of the Universe, the rune of the gods. The support is a shamanic pole, or tree, along which the shaman travels to heaven.

The Dazhdbog rune symbolizes Good in every sense of the word: from material wealth to the joy that accompanies love. The most important attribute of this god is the cornucopia, or, in a more ancient form, a cauldron of inexhaustible goods. The flow of gifts flowing like an inexhaustible river is represented by the Dazhdbog rune. The rune means the gifts of the gods, the acquisition, receipt or addition of something, the emergence of new connections or acquaintances, well-being in general, as well as the successful completion of any business.

Rune of Perun - the thunder god, protecting the worlds of gods and people from the onset of the forces of Chaos. Symbolizes power and vitality. The rune can mean the emergence of powerful, but heavy, forces that can move the situation from a dead point or give it additional energy for development. It also symbolizes personal power, but, in some negative situations, power not burdened by wisdom. This is also the direct protection provided by the gods from the forces of Chaos, from the destructive effects of mental, material or any other destructive forces.

For a correct understanding of this rune, one should remember that Ice is one of the creative primordial elements, symbolizing Power at rest, potentiality, movement in stillness. The Rune of Source, the Rune of Ice means stagnation, a crisis in business or in the development of a situation. However, it should be remembered that the state of frozenness, lack of movement, contains the potential power of movement and development (signified by the rune Is) - just as movement contains the potential for stagnation and freezing.

The ancient Slavs used amulets and amulets in all areas of their lives. They were used to increase wealth, attract the forces of nature to their side, and make a successful trade deal. Runes were often used in creating amulets, in rituals, fortune telling and for other magical purposes. But unlike the well-known Western runes, these were originally Slavic, Russian runes. The meaning, description and their interpretation differed from the runic writing of the Scandinavians and other peoples.

History of appearance

Historians do not have a common opinion about the time of the appearance of Slavic runic writing. However, they all agree on one thing: it is as ancient as Etruscan and Celtic symbols.

The famous German chronicler Thietmar of Merseburg, when describing a Slavic temple in the land of the Lutich (early 11th century), mentions pagan idols with incomprehensible signs on them. If these were Scandinavian or Germanic runes, he most likely recognized them.

Similar images were described by Ibn el-Nedim, an Arab writer of the same years. He mentions pre-Christian writing found on Slavic gravestones.

Based on this, it can be argued that ancient Slavic symbols were the most ancient alphabet of distant ancestors. Archaeological finds indicate that the most ancient craftsmen painted rune symbols on household utensils. For example, a clay pot discovered near the village of Voiskovoe on the Dnieper is decorated with an inscription of 12 words consisting of six characters. Three of them are similar to Scandinavian runic signs. It was believed that this was the alphabet of deities, with the help of which one could communicate with them.

Russian (Slavic) runes depicted on amulets and tattoos resembled Germanic ones. Therefore, some researchers believe that the Slavic runes are the original source, and the Germanic ones are already borrowed. There are no reliable sources or evidence, but it is likely that both came from the Proto-Aryan language, a simplified form of which today is represented in the form of runes.

Today, along with the runes of Odin, they are used as amulets, amulets, and also for fortune telling.

Each rune carries a certain energy and has its own meaning. This Vedic knowledge can be useful in various cases.

To achieve the desired result, you can apply a temporary tattoo with a rune to your body or make a talisman (taking into account its designation) and additionally charge yourself.

When choosing a rune, you need to be very careful and careful. Having studied its decoding, you should not rely only on the description. First you need to try wearing the amulet and listen to how it feels.

All ancient peoples believed that the world was ruled by evil and good forces. Old Russian runes also have good and evil ones. These runes are symbols of protection.

Symbols of evil

People, regardless of their beliefs and level of civilization, have always been afraid of death. The unknown hiding behind it terrifies a person. The ancient Slavs had their own myths associated with the afterlife.

Runes associated with death or with fate from which one cannot escape include the following.

Amulets with runes

Today, rune experts do not fully possess knowledge of the meanings runic symbols, as was typical of the magicians and shamans. At that time, faith in their power was extremely high. Particularly popular were amulets in the form of runes, which were made from silver, stone, gold and wood. Signs were also embroidered on shirts and ribbons that women wove into their braids. The strongest of them were these.

  • Dazhdbog- a symbol of good, in the form of a cornucopia in the hands of Dazhdbog. The rune generously endows people with health, wealth, happiness, luck and success.
  • Lelya associated with the element of water. The symbol means life awakening again and again. In the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, the goddess Lelya was a symbol of spring, the daughter of Beregini. The rune was used when they wanted to reveal their intuition and gain knowledge.
  • Support means the axis of the universe, the help of the Gods. Its symbols are a circle encircling the tree of Life and a stake. This rune is one of the most powerful, as it is believed that it has a connection with all the Gods at once.
  • Rock has many meanings. On the one hand, it has a clearly negative interpretation. However, it is important to consider its position (inverted or upright) and position in the layout.

Protecting family, home and property

The ancient Slavs gave great importance honoring the memory of ancestors and knowledge of one’s family. People used natural energies to protect newborns and repose the dead.

Properly charged Old Slavic runes had magical properties. They harmonized the internal and external space. Some were used to protect family well-being, others - to protect the hearth, the possibility of procreation, and the birth of healthy and beautiful children. Here is their description:

  1. The Oud rune is interpreted as: strength, fire, masculinity. She is associated with the god Yarovit and harmonizes male energy. To a woman who wore such a symbol, he attracted suitors and helped get rid of infertility.
  2. Bereginya is a symbol that helps pregnant women. It was used to protect oneself and the fetus from the evil eye.
  3. The Dazhdbog rune has a beneficial effect on a woman’s health. She is a sign of all that is most precious and bright.
  4. Alatyr symbolizes the existence of a beginning and an end in every matter.

From damage and the evil eye

Ancient Slavic magicians used runes not only to create amulets, but also to protect against damage and the evil eye. A correctly made amulet can neutralize the negativity sent to a person. The following runes were used for protection:

Slavic runes have dense energy. Vital energy humanity is built on a constant balance of good and evil. A reflection of this can be found in runes. It is very important before using them to study the meaning and influence of each, so as not to harm yourself.

Attention, TODAY only!

The ancient magic of the Slavs, based on pagan beliefs and deities, has not lost its power in modern world. One of the most powerful magic items that our ancestors used are Slavic runes amulets. Runes were endowed with special esoteric properties and called upon for help in all areas of life. Runic signs were used to decorate household items, clothing, and jewelry; they were drawn on magical talismans and amulets.

What are runes and how to use magical signs in modern life - we suggest you figure it out.

Origin of Slavic runes

Runes represent a certain number of special symbols. Their outline is unique, as you can see in the photo. Each sign has a separate name and denotes a specific syllable. Initially, runic symbols were used as an alphabet by the ancient peoples who inhabited the North of Europe.

Over time, runic writing was replaced by the Latin alphabet, but the runes were not completely forgotten. They received a radically different category, becoming a magical instrument. Although ancient symbols were endowed with mystical properties long before that. Even the name of the runes in translation meant “secret, mystery.” With the help of magical signs they told fortunes, sorcerers created powerful amulets and amulets that not only protected from dark forces, but even controlled natural elements. According to legends, shamans could call on rain or raise the wind with the help of these signs.

Runic symbols were common among Slavic magicians, who very actively used their meanings in Everyday life. With their help, the Slavs called on higher powers for help in order to successfully conclude a deal, sell or buy profitably, heal from an illness, attract good luck or wealth. Magic signs attracted military victories and glory, love and family well-being. Amulets with fancy symbols protected housing and household property. But they could also provoke destruction (for example, the Old Slavic amulet Black Sun).

Quite often, when excavating ancient Slavic settlements, scientists find household items with runes inscribed on them. Decorations with magical writings are also often found. They are mainly made of silver, since the Slavs endowed this metal with special esoteric properties. However, golden runic amulets were also popular.

You can still use ancient Slavic magic today. Everyone wants to attract finance or love into their lives, improve relationships or get what they want. You can buy ready-made jewelry with a drawn magic symbol in the store. But making a talisman or talisman with your own hands is also quite simple. The main thing is to choose the right runic symbol. To do this, you need to carefully understand their meanings.

Meanings of ancient runes

The runic alphabet of the ancient Slavs consists of eighteen characters. Each of them is designed to solve problems of a specific order. However, the specificity of the entire Slavic culture is based on the eternal confrontation between the forces of good and evil, light and darkness, good and chaos. People were active participants in this struggle, and often their instruments. Perun, Dazhdbog, and Mir are called upon to protect people from destructive dark forces.

Some magical symbols, on the contrary, served the forces of darkness: for example, Chernobog, Need. They were actively used in their rituals by adherents of black magic, sorcerers and shamans. However, they are not the only ones. It is a mistake to consider these sacred symbols as the embodiment of evil forces. Just as shadow and light are inseparable and are the basis of everything in the world, so good and bad runes interact together. Chaos runes serve to destroy in order to then build something new. Their purpose and meaning is to get rid of the unnecessary, unhealthy, exhausted.

Knowing what kind of energy each rune has, you can skillfully select assistants for yourself in a given situation. It is enough to choose a suitable Slavic symbol so that it shares its energy with the owner.

Slavic runes have the following properties

  • Alatyr - symbolizes all the thrones and altars that have ever existed, standing at the basis of the universe. A certain pillar around which there is an ongoing opposition between dark and light forces. Helps to find harmony.
  • Bereginya - radiates feminine energy, conducive to creation and protection. This symbol gives a woman sexuality, femininity, and increases the ability to bear children. However, this same rune is also capable of taking life, so it must be used wisely.
  • Wind - contains energy for the spiritual search for oneself, the internal development of a person. Using this symbol you can get closer to inner strength, spirituality, sedateness and wisdom. It is also a symbol of creative inspiration; it gives energy for new achievements and helps to realize plans.
  • Dazhdbog is a symbol of fertility, wealth, good luck. Increases benefits, both material and spiritual
  • There is - the embodiment of the physical half of existence, eternal movement forward, development, growth. Its power helps in healing from various diseases, as well as in restoring strength and vitality.
  • Source - the meaning of this symbol is contradictory. It simultaneously denotes both stagnation and active development. By analogy, you can imagine ice and water. Water is the source of all living things and active activity. And ice is its frozen particle, which is also capable of starting a new life, but later. The source helps you become calmer, more peaceful, and bring order to your thoughts and life.
  • Stealing - helps to achieve what you want in a short time, but in return it will require a sacrifice, retribution. Krada is a symbol of sacrificial fire.
  • Lelya is a symbol of the vitality of water; with its help, a person becomes more confident in himself, gets rid of complexes, and seems more attractive and interesting. Sharpenes intuition and inner sense.
  • Peace – symbolizes peace, balance. Its second name is Belobog. It works well in situations where a person’s internal balance is disturbed. Helps to find harmony and tranquility, brings a person under the protection of higher powers.
  • Need belongs to the symbols of destruction. Their main meaning is to remind us that we are not eternal. The rune limits spiritual and financial development, increases caution, and entangles a person’s will with strong bonds.
  • Support – calls for the help of higher powers, which at the right moment will become support and protection for a person. One of the most powerful Slavic amulets.
  • Perun is a sign with the masculine energy of a protector. It makes a person more resilient, more decisive, helps to develop physically, and attracts change.
  • Rainbow - marks the movement towards the source of universal prosperity, protects on the road and travel, helps on the way to the goal.
  • Rock - symbolizes the cyclical nature of everything, its end and beginning, and provides support for spirits.
  • Strength – helps you move towards your goal, overcoming all obstacles. With its help, a person becomes more persistent, militant and purposeful, gains power and strength
  • Treba - symbolizes sacrifice for a higher goal. With its help you can get whatever you want, but in return the rune will require a sacrifice.
  • Oud – carries the masculine energy of creation, creativity, sexuality. It can help a man with dysfunctions of the reproductive system, aggravating his passion.
  • Chernobog - the destructive energy of this rune is compensated by the Peace rune. Together they represent the balance of higher powers on which our world is based. In everyday life, Chernobog should be used very sparingly. She will perform well in situations where it is necessary to destroy outdated connections, relationships, and rid herself of unnecessary habits.

How to use the power of runes

Having understood the runes and their meanings, you can use the energy of ancient signs for your own purposes. Our ancestors embroidered magic signs on clothes. We don't have to do this. The most simple option is the purchase of jewelry with inscribed runes. This could be, for example, gold or silver earrings, a bracelet pendant, or a pendant. This decoration looks stylish and modern, and meanwhile its energy will work for you with the same force as in ancient times.

You can draw a suitable rune in the bedroom or study on the wall. But this must be done in such a way that the rune is not visible to prying eyes. For example, Oud will help make nights in the bedroom more intense and passionate. Strength and Wind located in the work corner will help you become more focused and purposeful. You can protect your child with the help of the Bereginya rune, placing it in the children's bedroom. The rune will protect the baby from restless dreams and childhood fears. You can put a pendant with Bereginya on a child’s neck so that she will constantly protect him.

Rune energy can be used to charge food. To do this, hold them for some time over the prepared dish, mentally turning to higher powers for support and favor. After the food is eaten, thank the spirits.

The rune can be drawn on the right wrist. It is believed that the wrist is the most vulnerable place in the human aura, through which negative energy entities strive to penetrate. Slavic symbol will close this portal and help a person maintain vitality. You can draw a rune with henna or an ordinary felt-tip pen. Just choose the signs more carefully; their meanings are not always positive for a person.

Slavic Amulets: What is it, why and how to do it correctly

Slavic amulets - symbols and their meaning

WITH reverse side Draw a rune on a piece of paper. This can be one sign or a combination of several, if their meanings interact well and together help achieve the desired goal.

When you are done with drawing, take the finished amulet in your hands and mentally turn to the higher spirits for help and support. Hold the talisman in your palms, charging it with your warmth and imagining how the talisman absorbs energy from your hands. Put the finished magical attribute in your purse or wallet and carry it with you. But make sure that no stranger can see, much less touch, your magical protector.

The second option to enlist the help of runes is to make Slavic amulet made of wood or stone. To do this, take a small wooden plank or pebble of a suitable size. Make a hole for a cord or chain. Polish sharp edges and corners. In a calm atmosphere, completely alone, draw signs on the future talisman. Choose their meaning very carefully. Runes can be burned or carved on a wooden talisman, or drawn on a stone with ocher or henna, or scratched.

When the future magical assistant is almost ready, you need to say out loud the name of each rune that is drawn on the talisman. This way you will call on them for help and awaken their energy. Always carry the finished Slavic amulet with you.

The existence of such writing has not been proven by historians; this technique was invented by modern followers of the native Russian gods. Everything about Slavic runes: meaning, description and their interpretation. This method of fortune telling, although modern and not ancient, as it might seem, really works. Slavic runes will help protect yourself, your family, and loved ones with the help of magic. Protect from what? From a bad look, from the evil eye, from unkind people who can slander or spoil a person, from difficult life situations- in a word, from everything that no normal person would wish for himself. What is the power of Slavic runes and how can it help protect yourself and loved ones?

The runic alphabet is a set of symbols, each of which has its own magical meaning.

A runic series is a set of specific symbols that in ancient times were common as an alphabet and a tool of magic. Later, the writing of the peoples of Europe was supplanted by the Latin alphabet, but runic signs are still used to carry out rituals, create amulets and amulets. There are quite a few varieties of runes, and among them the most famous is the Scandinavian version.

Our Russian ancestors did not have their own runic alphabet. But the system built by modern Rodnovers really works as a mantic and magical instrument. It is based on a deep knowledge of Slavic culture and mythology and the heritage of the related people of the Scandinavians (Varangians).

In ancient times, symbols were often used by people who endowed them with special meaning and power. In all countries, magicians, priests, and shamans used them to protect them from evil spells, from bad influences, from everything that brought trouble. Also, amulets were used to attract good luck in all matters.

Runes were applied different ways: extrusion, chasing, drawing. They were applied to clothes, embroidering these signs, on household utensils made of clay, on doors in the house, in the stable, so that various evil spirits could not penetrate there. Even the sacred idols were inscribed with runes, they signified the names as well as the powers of this deity.

These symbols are conductors of energy, the most powerful energy, which, unknowingly, can be used not for benefit, but to harm oneself. What do you still need to know about runes, so that they are for the good, and not vice versa?

Rune amulets

Any runic series strives to describe the world with a set of symbols. Read on the website

In ancient times, runes were used for amulets, which were made from various materials - leather, wood, bone.

The number of symbols used depends on the complexity of the task that is assigned to the amulet, and it can perform a variety of missions.

Modern pagans make themselves various rune tattoos that symbolize the inner world of a person, his goals and desires, and are also amulets.

For example, the wind symbol helps to move to the top, achieving any goal. The Perun rune applied to the body protects against dark forces. A tattoo with a rainbow symbol represents the road leading to the center of the universe, and a tattoo with the rune of peace represents a person’s desire for a quiet life.

Of course, Orthodox priests do not approve of such body decorations, as well as tattoos on any other topic. But supporters of pagan rituals are not at all bothered by this behavior, and runic tattoos are becoming increasingly popular.

If you want to get yourself a tattoo with magical symbols, be it Slavic runes or Chinese characters— thoroughly study their meanings according to several authors, so as not to accidentally ruin your life


In this section we will consider in detail the description of Slavic runes, their meaning and combination in interpretation with each other. Anyone who is just learning the magic of runes should not take on making amulets and amulets with complex symbolism.

Dark runes

The runes Need and Chernobog are signs of Darkness and Chaos. Together with the symbols of Light, they underlie the existence of all living and nonliving things on Earth.

However, the main mission of “dark” runes is to destroy everything that is sick and unnecessary to make room for something new. Most religions of the world agree that creation is impossible without destruction.


The center of the Universe, the end and beginning of life on Earth.

The rune denotes the cycle of light and dark forces, or Belbog and Chernobog. This is the very center of the Universe, the end and beginning of life on Earth. Alatyr also symbolizes the law of Balance, the circulation of events and phenomena in the world and the return of everything to its original position.

According to Slavic mythology, Alatyr is a stone that stands on the island of Buyan and is the navel of the earth, all roads begin under it and all rivers begin their flow from it. At the same time, Alatyr serves as a throne for the gods and a magical stone on which sacrifices are made to higher powers.


Traditionally, the gods were perceived by the Slavs as pillars, supports; in the ancient languages ​​of the northern peoples, even the words god and pillar sounded the same. Also, a pillar is a pole, a shaman’s tree, along which he climbs straight to heaven. It turns out that the poles are also gods, giving shamans the strength to travel.

In fortune telling, the fallen rune of Support is most often interpreted as support provided by the gods. It is also a symbol of the fact that a person is given the opportunity to gain strength of spirit, strong support, and an unshakable position, which will allow him to cope with any obstacles in life.

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Cold rune, meaning “freezing” everything - diseases, social phenomena, attacks of rage and aggression. However, "freezing" in in this case does not mean elimination. This is only a temporary stop of some negative processes and events, giving a respite.

The rune also protects from external processes and internal thoughts and torment. It creates a so-called shell that does not allow you to feel negativity.

The magical meaning of the rune is stagnant phenomena and processes, the onset of a crisis in personal relationships or in the business sphere.

If you get the Source rune during fortune telling, it should be considered a good sign. The frozen state will not last forever. It carries within itself the powerful force of further thawing, development, and movement forward, which is symbolized by the rune Is.


The rune of Life itself and movement, the naturalness of being - as opposed to dead immobility. It is also a symbol of divine forces, by whose will trees grow and life juices are carried through their trunks. The Rune Is makes blood run through a person’s veins.

In magical terms, the rune Is symbolizes movement, development, growth, renewal of a situation or process. All of this follows the temporary freeze that the Source brings. It is the rune Is that ensures the life process on Earth, through the harmonious combination of the runes of Krad and Dazhdbog, although they are in an eternal struggle.


The Rainbow Rune is a road that is predetermined by the unity and confrontation of the forces of Belbog and Chernobog. In turn, the path means something more significant than movement in time and space. This is at the same time a state that is neither like vanity nor like peace. It is somewhere in the middle between Chaos and divine Order.

When doing fortune telling, the Rainbow rune symbolizes stable movement forward, assistance in travel, positive resolution of difficult and confusing life situations. In general, the rune can be characterized by the formula “do what you must, and let what will be be.”

The Rainbow rune was also borrowed from the Scandinavians. In the original it is called “Raido”, which translates as “road”.


Rune Rock is a symbol of the unmanifested divine Spirit, which is both the beginning and the end of all things on Earth. The symbol is similar to the Eastern Tao and can be illustrated by the words of Herodotus: “What is destined by fate, even God cannot avoid it.”

The magical meaning of the symbol: unknown higher forces begin to influence the current situation, so its outcome, like the future in general, cannot be predicted. The Rock rune is also used to dedicate something - an object, a situation, a phenomenon - to the Unknowable.


The pantheon of Slavic gods is represented in the system by the symbols of Perun, Dazhdbog, Krad, Belbog and Chernobog. The Perun rune symbolizes the thunderer, who protects both gods and mere mortals from the forces of Darkness. It is a sign of masculinity, strength, power and straightforwardness.

In fortune telling, Perun can mean the emergence of a powerful force that can move the situation forward or provide additional energy. Also, the rune of the thunderer can indicate personal power and divine power, protecting against mental or physical destruction.


The meaning of this rune is Good, in every sense. This is both material - money, things, and spiritual - joy, love, prosperity. The main attribute of Dazhdbog is the horn of plenty, in other variations it is an inexhaustible cauldron of all kinds of benefits. The Scandinavians call him Freira, the Celts call him Dagda.

The Dazhdbog symbol indicates a quick improvement in your financial or spiritual condition.

During fortune telling, the appearance of the Dazhdbog symbol indicates an imminent improvement in your financial or spiritual condition. This could be the acquisition of something, the development of new relationships and connections, making new acquaintances, as well as a favorable outcome of some important actions.


The word "krada" has Slavic roots and means sacrificial fire. Thus, Krada is a rune of fire, close to the German Gebo and Kano. According to pagan beliefs, fire is a divine gift and the power that embodies the manifestation of the divine in the Middle World.

Krada is the rune of speech, because northern peoples always believed in the power of the word, its correspondence to the plan. Also, Krada symbolizes the loss of everything superficial, alluvial, since fire symbolizes purification, embodiment and realization of all intentions.


One of the most difficult runes to interpret. From the point of view of the ancient pagans, Belbog represents an ordinary person in the form of a god. At the same time, God personifies the entire world around us. This means that mere mortals are a reflection of this world, or macrocosms.

The World rune indicates the divine nature of the inner world of man and symbolizes the forces that direct the World to the absolute Order established by the gods. In fortune telling, the Belbog rune means patronage and protection from the forces of light.


The rune of Chernobog symbolizes a deity who is in constant conflict with Belbog. If Belbog seeks to bring the World to ideal order, then Chernobog is aimed at destruction, Chaos. However, defining them as “good” and “evil” is wrong, since only when these gods confront each other is Balance maintained.

Chernobog represents a trinity: the trickster god, the jester god and the clown god; all of them are in an eternal struggle with the Guardian of the Order established by other gods and constantly violate the boundaries of this Order. Also, the Chernobog rune symbolizes the unconscious. Its magical interpretation is the breaking of a vicious circle, the destruction of outdated connections.

Runic amulets of the Slavs

For long rune service, it is important to choose the right material. The simplest is stone, metal or wood. They recommend making them from wood, stone, and metal. The lightest and most amenable to processing is wood, so most runes are most often made from wood. The selected wood is cut into small pieces; an oval shape is best used. The pieces are processed, then symbols are applied to them. Each rune is varnished and placed in a fabric bag.

Stone and metal are difficult to process, so these runes are quite difficult to make at home. Although a rune made of stone has more power than a metal rune, a rune made of metal has more power than a rune made of wood.

You can order the production from a master, but the runes will be better connected to you. Especially applying symbols to runes is important stage. This is when the combination of runes with your energy begins. And you should not neglect this in the initial stages of creation. Runes must be stored in a bag made of soft and always natural fabric. It can be cotton or linen fabric.

How to activate a rune - place the rune in your palm, hold it, close your eyes and think about good things. Imagine what you want and what goals you want to achieve. This eliminates all negative effects if the rune was not made by you.


Don’t forget, before you start practicing, telling fortunes with runes, creating amulets and amulets, be sure to study the theory, and carefully, and not superficially. You need to know it thoroughly, every sign, every combination, otherwise you can harm yourself and those who receive your amulets. The formula must be composed correctly, because even positive symbols in an incorrectly composed formula will give a negative result. The effect will not be at all what is expected.

Video “Amulets, runes”

Interest in the culture and life of our ancestors is only growing. Many people study with great pleasure the traditions of the Drevlyans, Lyutichs and other nationalities.

Slavs on energy level were connected with the nature around them, which helped them live in harmony. This is now in many ways enough for a person.

Symbols are considered one of the features of Slavic culture. They performed an educational function. Slavic runes could provide good protection to the owner.

It is impossible to give an exact conclusion about the period of appearance of the runes; their age is similar to the amulets of the Celts.

The mention of unusual signs dates back to the 10th - 11th centuries when describing the church among the Lutichians. The German and Scandinavian runes are discussed in the works of Thietmar of Merseburg. In Ibn El Nedim you can find a description ancient writing, seen at burials among the Slavs.

These facts confirm that the most ancient methods of transmitting information.

During archaeological searches they were found on household items. Images of Slavic runes were also found during excavations in the Radegarst temple, which was considered the property of the Baltic Slavs.

The rune cannot be perceived only as a symbol for conveying important information. They believed in them magical properties, this sign is like a protective talisman. The rune was depicted on stone, kitchen utensils, animals and even on the body.

Runic alphabet

Territorial proximity to the Etruscan and Celtic peoples led to the emergence of Slavic people writing. Each rune is sent from heaven, so there was a cult of worship of these symbols.

  • Chernobog. The rune is considered the complete opposite of the runes responsible for order and calm. Chernobog fought with Belbog. The rune is identified with the shadow that covers the whole world. The prototype of this rune was called the Scandinavian god Loki.
  • Need leads to isolation of a person from the outside world. The mind becomes clouded, the understanding of what is happening around suffers. God Viy, associated with Need, had a stern gaze that incinerated all living things. When a rune appears during fortune telling, it can predict big troubles or death.
  • The symbol of the Source is considered to be ice that is completely motionless. Such runes predict a stop in the development of affairs and troubles.

There was a division of runes into strong and weak. By repeating the sign many times, you can increase its influence several times.

The most powerful runes

Even with the most detailed study of runes, it is difficult to achieve the mastery characteristic of Slavic sorcerers. Magic was then given great importance, and amulets were used very often.

Used by many. Gold, silver, wood, and embroidery were used to create them.

The runes that brought prosperity, wealth, and mutual understanding to the home were considered the most popular.

The following runes were known:

  • Dazhdbog. All the best things in life were in the cornucopia that Dazhdbog had at his disposal. This deity is revered as he shared wealth, luck and prosperity with great generosity.
  • With Support you can earn the help of the gods. A circle or stake symbolized support. This rune has a strong impact, as it was interconnected with all the gods.
  • Lelya, associated with the water element, symbolized constantly emerging life. This talisman was highly valued by those who wanted to learn secret knowledge beyond the control of man.

By borrowing symbols, people received protectors capable of attracting positivity.

Protection of the hearth and family

The family occupied a leading place. They knew their ancestors and bequeathed this knowledge to their descendants. The energy of nature was used both at the birth of a child and in burial rituals. Like the Chinese, they tried to properly distribute energy, for which runes were used. They charged, acquiring the ability to influence humanity. Signs were used to preserve family hearth, appearance of offspring and achievements good relations in family.

Here are a few of them:

  • Oud, meaning strength and masculinity. She harmonized male energy, becoming a husband and father. This talisman was also used by women, as it helped to meet their betrothed and relieved infertility.
  • Dazhdbog. Women could hope for an easy pregnancy and childbirth.
  • I take care of women. It helps pregnant women and protects the baby from the evil eye.
  • from negativity from the outside.

The runes are multifaceted, which is why they deserve such human love.

Charms against the evil eye and damage

Slavic healers used runes for protection; they cast spells that gave the symbols power. Envy and anger directed at a person can lead to bad consequences, so they used magical help. If the symbols are made correctly, they will neutralize any negativity sent by ill-wishers.

Slavic magicians usually used amulets:

  • . The amulet is very strong. He neutralizes psychological impact and struggles with its consequences. Symbols are characterized by uncontrollable energy, it is difficult to subordinate it to the human mind, so they tried to use it under conditions of very great danger.
  • Force. Contributed to returning to a normal state, helped to cope with the evil eye. The strength that the amulet gave was enough to fight evil.
  • World. Thanks to the patronage of the Heavenly Forces, she helped to get out of any difficult situation.

The Slavs have a cult of ancestors. They sincerely believed that their deceased relatives were able to come to the rescue in a difficult situation. By wisely combining signs, you can increase their strength at once. By studying their culture and applying your knowledge, you have a chance to significantly influence your own life.

Runes for Slavic fortune telling

Nowadays, it is difficult to find a person who can correctly make a prediction using a rune, but ancient magicians succeeded. Such fortune-telling helped to make the right decision in a difficult situation and get answers to questions that arise.

It is quite difficult to interpret amulets, since their meaning changes depending on how the Slavic sign is laid. The sorcerers warned against troubles and warned in advance of impending danger.

To date, the meaning of only a few runes is known:

  • . The symbols spoke of a new stage in a person’s life and predicted the path.
  • Rainbow. The outcome of the plan will be successful.
  • Need promised adversity and grief, plans were not destined to come true.
  • Steal. In order for your plans to come true, change your views on the world.
  • Force. The right solution will definitely be found and everything will end well.
  • Wind. You should devote more time to self-development and creativity.

Interpreting runes is quite difficult. Even the sequence can affect their meaning.

The pagans believed that treasures were under spells, so runes should be used to find them. Special spells and special combinations of symbols led seekers to their goal without harm to themselves.

Talismans for tattoos

Tattoos with images of symbols are being made more and more often. You need to treat this with great caution, since in the absence of a clear understanding of the meaning of the amulet and the combination of signs, you can, at best, not get the expected effect, and at worst, bring disaster upon yourself.

They choose a rune for the tattoo whose power they trust and need its magical influence:

  • The wind was identified with Veles, who helped the dead move to another kingdom.
  • Bereginya was associated with the earth and the harvest;

Only faith in the power of divine patrons could endow the talisman with magical energy.

People created drawings to decorate the body, believing in protection from otherworldly forces and attracting good luck. Study the meaning of the design before applying it to the skin, then its effectiveness will increase.

DIY amulets runes

It is better to make the amulet yourself. If this is not possible, you can purchase a ready-made talisman. Get it right, you will get a powerful defender.

Initially, the purchased amulet is washed under running water and then held over the fire of a lit candle. At the next stage of cleansing, you need to put this amulet in salt for a day, and then fumigate it with incense. The four elements will give part of their energy to the talisman.

For energy, contact the deity who is the patron of these symbols. Read the prayer and ask for help and protection.

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