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18 aquarium is a small artificial ecosystem. An aquarium is a small artificial ecosystem

An aquarium is a small artificial ecosystem.

But she also obeys the laws

nature. You forgot to place one of the most important people there

inhabitants of the ecosystem.

Why do I have to constantly blow

air and change the water in my aquarium often?

Which inhabitants of the aquarium did Lena forget about?

What question will you be looking for the answer to?

What living organisms inhabit an aquarium?

Lesson topic: "Aquarium is a small artificial ecosystem."

What parts does an ecosystem consist of?




The soil




What is an artificial ecosystem?

Collaborative discovery of knowledge

Name all the parts of the ecosystem that we can find in an aquarium.

Living organisms of what “professions” we will meet there.




Collaborative discovery of knowledge

Using text and pictures, find out who lives in the aquarium (pp. 75-77).

Aquatic plants (producers)




Collaborative discovery of knowledge





sword bearer


Warm water aquarium fish

Collaborative discovery of knowledge

Main types of aquarium fish.

crucian carp

Common goldfish




Cold water aquarium fish

Collaborative discovery of knowledge

Inhabitants of the aquarium.

Why are crayfish and turtles kept in aquariums?

much less often?



Collaborative discovery of knowledge

An aquarium is a small artificial ecosystem inhabited by plants and animals.

If you seriously want to make your little

artificial ecosystem,

then find a book about aquariums and read it carefully.

Then your underwater world will turn out for real

stable and will please you for a long time.

Applying knowledge

Execute in workbook task 1 (N) p.35. Test yourself.






soil (rocks)

One summer, Lena scooped up a whole jar of water from the lake, planted crucian carp in it and began to observe. The water had to be changed every day, otherwise it would become cloudy and the fish could not breathe. Lena did not understand why her small aquarium required constant attention, and she asked Misha about it.

The brother reminded Lena that aquariumit is a small artificial ecosystem. An ecosystem is stable only if the laws of nature apply in it. Misha advised Lena to remember everything she knows about ecosystems.

Let's try to follow the role of various aquarium inhabitants in the cycle of substances.

Green plants(“breadwinners”) produce organic food and oxygen from simple substances in the light for themselves and for all the inhabitants of the aquarium. Small crustaceans(daphnia and cyclops), mollusks and fish use oxygen (dissolved in water) for respiration and release carbon dioxide, which is reabsorbed by plants.

But making an aquarium a real ecological system—one that could exist without human intervention—is very difficult. To do this, plants and animals in the aquarium must be selected competently.

Let's get acquainted with the ordinary inhabitants of aquariums. All aquarium plants often incorrectly called algae. In fact, in addition to algae, some flowering plants With beautiful leaves. They bloom very rarely, but live in the aquarium for a long time.

The most common inhabitants of aquariums are: fish. Get to know the main types of aquarium fish. Most of them come from the tropics, so the water in the aquarium should be warm - from 20 to 27 ° C. Most Popular guppy And swordtails, as they are very unpretentious and easy to maintain.

Of course, not all fish kept in an aquarium come from the tropics. Once upon a time in China from goldfish, a relative of our crucian carp, was taken out goldfish. Because the crucian carp live in a temperate climate, goldfish are kept in more cold water.Material from the site

In addition to fish, others are sometimes placed in the aquarium animals: shellfish, crayfish, turtles. The most common of them are the inhabitants of the aquarium - shellfish coils. Larger ones are less common snailsampularia.

Very often, the illuminated glass of aquariums becomes overgrown with green mud- tiny algae. They release life-giving oxygen, but block the light. They come to the rescue coil snails, which clean algae from glass.

Rakov And turtles can be seen in aquariums much less often. After all, they are predators and eat fish, often gnaw and tear out plants. Therefore, it is better to keep crayfish and turtles separately from fish.

If you seriously want to have your own little artificial eco-system at home, follow first good advice. Find a book about aquariums and read it carefully. Then your underwater world will be truly stable and will delight you for a long time.

On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • Conclusion about the sustainability of an artificial ecosystem (aquarium)

  • An aquarium is an artificial ecosystem. inhabitants of the aquarium why did you choose this topic?

  • Laboratory work aquarium ecosystem

  • What is an aquarium ecosystem

  • Report of fish in an aquarium

Questions about this material:

1. Write what non-living parts of the ecosystem and “professions” of living organisms we find in the aquarium.

1 - soil - rocks, 2 - water, 3 - plants - producers, 4 - crustaceans - consumers, 5 - fish - consumers, 6 - snails - destroyers, 7 - microbes - destroyers.

2. Fill out the table.

3. Make an outline of the text from the textbook.

Aquarium plants. Fish. Shellfish Crayfish and turtles.

4. Look at the pictures. Think about why you can’t keep fish this way. Correct their living conditions using colored pencils. What are the rules of an aquarist?

1) There must be water in the aquarium. We need to finish drawing the plants. There are too many fish in the aquarium.

2) The aquarium must be inaccessible to other pets.

5. Determine in which parts of the world the homeland of aquarium fish is located. Write the names of the fish.

Testing your ability to understand text

Read the text "Aquarium - a small artificial ecosystem" on pages 75-77 of the textbook. Complete the tasks.

A. We learn to understand the text and find facts.

1. What is the text mainly about? Choose only one answer and mark it.

To the inhabitants of the aquarium.

2. Choose from the sentences below the one that tells you what role catfish play in the aquarium. Tag him.

Catfish are real “scavengers”: they swim near the bottom and clean the aquarium of food debris.

3. Which aquarium fish breathe atmospheric air? Choose only one answer and mark it.

4. Write what animals are kept in aquariums.

Fish, crayfish, turtles, snails.

5. Write in which country the goldfish was bred from crucian carp.

6. Which of the pictures depicted is spoken of in the text? Circle them.

B. We learn to understand the text, compare information and draw conclusions.

7. Why are goldfish kept in colder water? Choose only one answer and mark it.

Because they come from temperate climates.

8. Why do they put spool snails in an aquarium? Choose only one answer and mark it.

They clean algae off the glass.

9. Why in this text, of all the inhabitants of the aquarium ecosystem, are mainly described fish?

A person buys an aquarium to breed fish, so he must have information about them.

10. Write why goldfish are not kept together with guppies and swordtails. Choose only one answer and mark it.

They prefer colder water.

11. Write why crayfish and turtles are not kept together with fish.

Crayfish and turtles eat fish and gnaw plants.

12. Write why not all plants in aquariums are correctly called algae.

Because Flowering plants can also grow in aquariums.

Learning to understand main idea text.

To start an aquarium, you need to know about its inhabitants.

14. If the text had one more paragraph, what would it talk about?

About the nutrition of fish or about the devices that are needed to care for the inhabitants of the aquarium.

15. Which of the headings best suits the entire text? Choose only one answer and mark it.

Who inhabits the aquarium?

16. Which sentence best helps you understand the main idea of ​​the text? Choose only one answer and mark it.

If you seriously want to make your own small artificial ecosystem, then find a book about aquariums and read it carefully.

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from hazard classes 1 to 5

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An aquarium is a small ecosystem that has all the characteristics of an ecosystem. Despite the fact that it is artificial, that is, created with the help of man, it is easy to trace the basic biological and environmental patterns using its example. An aquarium as an ecosystem is a simple and understandable model. It is often used for explanation in schools and colleges.

Often in biology lessons you can hear the question: why can an aquarium be called a model of an ecosystem? Name or list the main ones environmental groups animals and plants? Let's figure out what's really going on behind the glass, and how living organisms manage to self-organize into an ecosystem.

An ecosystem, by definition, is a unity of habitat and living organisms. Within the ecosystem, each organism performs its biological role, maintaining the overall balance of the system and participating in the cycle of substances.

Ecological groups of organisms

There are three main groups of organisms:

  • Producers are producers.
  • Consumers are consumers.
  • Decomposers are destroyers.

Producers are mainly plant organisms. This also includes some types of cyanobacteria. Manufacturers create organic matter. How do they do it? Using photosynthesis. In plants, sludge of mineral substances is formed organic matter, which the plant uses for growth and development. Therefore, the ecosystem in the aquarium is not left without food. You can notice that even with a sufficient amount of food, the fish still eat the algae - because this is their natural behavior.

The second group is consumers. This includes virtually all animals that eat plants or other animals. Those who eat plant foods are called first-order consumers. They are eaten by second-order consumers, and so on. Typically, aquarists do not keep second-order consumers together with herbivores - few people want fish to eat each other.

Destroyers are mostly fungi and bacteria. In addition to them, snails and catfish that clean the walls can be considered destroyers in the aquarium. Destroyers are needed to process waste and dead organic matter. If they did not exist, the water would quickly become polluted.

Thus, within the aquarium, the artificial ecosystem is organized in accordance with basic ecological rules. The closed aquarium ecosystem is imperfect and therefore requires human support.

Aquarium Features

Sizes and shapes vary depending on its purpose. In houses, rectangular or bowl-shaped vessels are most often installed - fish are better visible in them.

There are several types according to their purpose:

  • For raising fry. Afterwards they are transplanted into aquariums for adult fish.
  • Decorative – designed for installation in in public places and residential premises. They can be of different shapes and sizes.
  • Quarantine – for keeping sick fish until recovery. Experienced breeders also place newly acquired fish in them to make sure that they are not sick.
  • Spawning areas - fish spawn in them. The fry are then transferred to a special aquarium.

There are other varieties - for example, breeding aquariums and jigging aquariums.

As for the form, the choice depends on the purpose. The round vessel is great for decorative design– but its volume is small, and the number of species available for maintenance is limited. You can keep swordtails, molynesias, and guppies in it. Other species will survive, but most likely will not breed in close quarters. In addition, it is difficult to install additional equipment in a round bowl. Another problem is light distortion, which negatively affects the behavior and health of fish.

The most popular is rectangular. The volume depends on the number and types of fish. Before purchasing, it is better to consult with an experienced aquarist.

Impact on humans

An aquarium, as a small artificial ecosystem, is very easy to maintain, which is why aquariums, called anti-stress aquariums, are often installed in long-term waiting areas. A closed ecosystem behind glass is an excellent way to calm down and relax.

Psychologists advise installing aquariums for anyone who is prone to anxiety. Calm contemplation allows you to quickly restore your performance and relieves emotional stress.

There are also more obvious physiological effects - evaporating water humidifies the air, which means it makes it easier to fall asleep. In children, caring for aquarium fish awakens a sense of responsibility, and watching them helps creative development.

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