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DIY chimney cleaning

Clouds of steam rising above the chimney indicate that the house is warm and comfortable. But circumstances in which the smoke becomes black, draft significantly deteriorates, and combustion products spread throughout the room clearly indicate the need to clean the chimney system. It needs regular cleaning of soot, carbon deposits and checking the passage for debris that prevents smoke from escaping. Otherwise, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the room increases, which can lead not only to problems with the human respiratory system, but also to suffocation. This article will focus on devices for cleaning chimneys.

Frequency of chimney cleaning and methods for determining the degree of contamination

Regardless of the quality of installation of the combustion product removal system, cleaning procedures must be carried out regularly. But the question arises over what period of time the contamination of chimney systems occurs. If you adhere to all operating recommendations, you can clean the chimney once every 3 years.

  • The cause of clogging of chimney ducts can be the use of damp logs, as well as the burning of coniferous trees. This is due to the fact that the oils released during the combustion of resinous trees contribute to the deposit of soot on the walls of the chimney. In addition, it is worth remembering the main rule for using heating systems - do not burn plastic waste. This gross violation affects not only the rapid contamination of the chimney, but also the penetration of substances hazardous to health into the room.
  • A clear sign of a dirty chimney duct is a change in the color of the smoke. If the system operates correctly, its shade will be transparent or minimally darkened. As soon as the color turns black, this indicates that the chimney is clogged and the need to apply cleaning procedures.
  • In addition, the color of the flame can serve as an indicator of contamination. Similar to the shade of litmus paper, instead of the expected light orange, it clearly indicates the need to clean the chimney.

The feasibility of cleaning the chimney from soot

Despite the quality of modern materials that are used for laying the chimney pipe, any system needs timely, and most importantly, thorough cleaning.


  • The soot accumulated on the walls significantly reduces the clearance of the chimney and makes it difficult for smoke to escape.
  • Plaque prevents complete warming up and reduces traction. As a result, smoke enters the room and the efficiency of the heating device decreases.
  • Significant volumes of soot have a high flammability, which leads to the gradual destruction of the chimney masonry.
  • Lack of traction can cause carbon monoxide poisoning.

Chemical cleaning of chimneys

To clean the chimney system, you can use a wide range of commercially available chemicals. This method is the easiest to use, but requires frequent repetition of the procedure. Chemicals are used precisely at the time of heating. During the combustion process, active substances are released that contribute to the structural destruction of soot deposits and its further detachment from the surface of the chimney pipe.

Effective smoke duct cleaning products

  • PHC- a potent anti-carbon chemical. The chimney cleaning powder is burned along with the fuel without being removed from the packaging. The amount of product can be determined according to the attached instructions. The most common proportion: 200 grams per ton of fuel.
  • Kominichek- a chimney cleaner made in the Czech Republic. The package contains five sachets, each 14 grams. This amount must be applied within three months. Purpose of the product: removal of soot and soot. The layer thickness limit is no more than 2 mm. The substance, entering the chimney, triggers the reaction of converting plaque into oxide, which subsequently burns without forming a fire. The product is very easy to use: one sachet is immersed in the firebox along with the fuel.

  • Chimney cleaning log Available in the form of briquettes. Used during fuel combustion. Its effectiveness lies in the release of volatile substances that cause drying and separation of soot deposits. The product can also be used as a preventive measure. In this way, it is possible to extend the service life of chimney ducts by reducing the formation of creosote deposits and preventing soot from igniting. The product is most often used for smoke exhaust structures made of bricks.

DIY mechanical cleaning of chimneys

At one time, the profession of a chimney sweep was in great demand, since stove heating was available in almost every home. In the age of high technology and high-strength materials from which modern chimney systems are made, they most often require preventive maintenance rather than thorough cleaning. But, at the same time, if you have a certain skill, you can perform mechanical cleaning of the chimney system yourself.

To do this, you must adhere to the operating rules. Before starting cleaning, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work:

  • it is necessary to close all smoke exhaust openings as tightly as possible to prevent soot from penetrating into the room;
  • when cleaning the chimney, the vent and doors should be closed; it is recommended to cover the open fireplace opening with a damp and thick cloth;
  • in case of prolonged inactivity of the heating device, it is worth checking the chimney for debris and bird nests - you can remove them manually or using a long stick;

Tip: the most favorable weather for the procedure will be dry and windless. When working, you must always use safety ropes.

A prerequisite for mechanical cleaning is the formation of a soot thickness of more than 2 mm. The following methods are used in the work:

  • Metal brush for cleaning chimneys- is an effective item. It is worth considering that its diameter should be 1.5 times the size of the pipe. For square or rectangular chimneys, it is most appropriate to use a brush of a similar contour with stiff metal bristles. When cleaning with a brush, a long strong cable is used. When working with a brush, flexible holders are used, which are connected to each other as it moves along the chimney.

  • Core- used to remove obstacles that have arisen in the chimney pipe when large debris or bricks have fallen from the masonry. In addition to the existence of a standard size of 80 mm, other options are used today that cover 2/3 of the pipe. If the soot deposit is quite dense, a special scraper is attached to it. The core is secured to a thick and durable cable using an iron carabiner. Then it must be lowered deep into the chimney at a minimum speed sufficient to remove congestion and soot, but without destroying the masonry. The core can be used as a weighting agent for a brush or brush.
  • Metal brushes with curved handle. Used to clean the chimney from the room side.

Advice: to clean the smoke exhaust system, it is strictly forbidden to use non-professional weighting agents, such as sports equipment. A shift in the center of gravity during operation can cause a situation in which an object becomes firmly stuck in the pipe. And then the only way to get it out is to completely dismantle the chimney.

Upon completion of the work, it is necessary to open all the dampers and doors of the heating device and carefully remove all debris and soot using a broom. Then the remaining dust should be removed using a vacuum cleaner.

Methods for cleaning a chimney using folk remedies

The choice of a folk remedy for cleaning a chimney is often associated with the availability of materials and products, high efficiency and environmental friendliness.

The most common means

  • Salt. Sprinkling generous amounts of rock salt on the fuel is the most popular method. But, it should be considered only as a preventive measure for cleaning heating systems. Salt has the property of preventing the formation of soot.
  • Potato peeling. To clean a chimney pipe in this way, you must perform the following steps step by step:
    • the heating device must be thoroughly heated;
    • potato peelings, weighing about five kilograms, must first be dried and then placed in the oven or fireplace. The starch released during combustion destroys soot and deposits. In a few days, the plaque will fall off the walls of the chimney. After that, using a brush with a curved handle, you need to clean the system.

  • Burning aluminum cans. A rather unusual method of cleaning a chimney, but nevertheless with proven effectiveness. To remove contaminants, it is necessary to carry out the procedure of burning cans - once every ten heating processes. The procedure is carried out only for devices operating on the basis of solid fuel.
  • Watering hose. To carry out the cleaning procedure using a hose, it is necessary to remove the glass located at the bottom of the chimney. Then, position the water pump as high as possible. For this purpose, a tight hose or a connection option with a strong and flexible wire is used. Strong water pressure washes away all plaque from the chimney walls.
  • Aspen firewood. When burning firewood from this type of wood, the maximum combustion temperature is reached. When the flame hits the chimney pipe, soot and plaque on its walls are burned. The process is not as safe as it seems. Ignition of soot can lead to damage to the integrity of smoke exhaust ducts and a fire. This method should be used with caution and only for a durable chimney system.

  • How to control the quality of cleaning. After completing all work on cleaning the smoke exhaust ducts, carried out independently, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination for possible defects and places in need of repair. For this purpose, special magnifying mirrors can be used. But compact video cameras with backlight are considered a more modern method. True, such equipment is not cheap, but if a stove or fireplace is used on an ongoing basis, it makes sense to purchase it.

Preventing chimney clogging

To maintain the constant operability of chimney systems, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures to prevent the formation of soot deposits:

  • Do not use coniferous wood for heating a stove or fireplace. Due to the large amount of tar compounds included in the composition, such firewood causes significant formation of soot and tar deposits on the brickwork of the chimney pipe.
  • It is not recommended to use unseasoned wood or freshly cut trees. Increased moisture content in fuel promotes the formation of soot and water vapor. Which over time leads to the destruction of the chimney masonry.
  • To avoid the formation of carbon deposits, you should absolutely not burn the following in the heating system: household waste, plastic and bags. In addition, toxic fumes from burning synthetic materials enter the room and poison the air.
  • If possible, complete the heating process by adding several aspen firewood, as a preventive measure and to eliminate a small soot deposit on the walls of the chimney.

Chimney cleaning video

Periodic cleaning of the chimney during active operation of heating systems is a necessary procedure that extends the life of its use. Having information on cleaning and prevention methods, you can easily independently eliminate defects in the chimney masonry design, remove carbon deposits and soot, as well as unwanted debris. Remembering to take precautions when working with heating appliances.

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