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What to make runners for a snowmobile sled from. How to make a wooden sled with your own hands

Polymer pipes are a universal material that is perfect for installing water supply, sewerage and heating systems in a house or apartment. However, in the hands home handyman, who has a remarkable imagination and an insatiable desire to make something on his own, PVC parts can turn into quite intricate, but no less useful products. For example, in a snowmobile sled from plastic pipes, about the manufacturing process of which we'll talk below.

Types of sled trailers

It should be noted that you will not find a universal model.

There are many factors that influence which sled to use:

  • the specifics of the route to be overcome;
  • height and density of snow cover;
  • terrain features and so on.

Let's look at a few of the most common types.


The design of these sleds is quite complex. For sliding, skis are used, which can be connected to the frame using shock absorbers. There are varieties designed for transporting heavy and oversized cargo.

Sometimes a special box is placed on cargo sleds, with which you can go on long tourist trips.

The main advantage of cargo sleds is their large load capacity and excellent maneuverability. These parameters depend on the size of the frame (the wider, the more stable the sled will be) and the area of ​​the sliding surface (the type of runners used).

It is also desirable that the platform is high from the snow crust. This way the cargo was protected from getting wet. But you should not make the sled too high, otherwise it will often tip over when turning.


A very common type of sled. Their design is extremely simple. They are sold in all specialized travel stores and are relatively inexpensive.

Dragging trucks have one big drawback - due to their characteristics, their leading edge and coupling device are often damaged.

But there are also advantages:

  • little weight;
  • low center of gravity;
  • fast loading and unloading of luggage;
  • no freezing of the body;
  • the ability to transport small cargo by water.

Volokushis are absolutely not intended for transporting people. The entire surface of the body is in contact with snow, and therefore it is not possible to install shock absorbers. In addition, unlike models with skis, these sleds absorb the impacts of stones, snowdrifts and unevenness with the entire body, which undoubtedly affects comfort.


They are not very common in our country due to the lack of appropriate infrastructure (equipped snow trails and parking areas). Often such sleds are made independently by winter fishing enthusiasts.

They are a plastic or plywood body mounted on skids. The cabin can be equipped with a heater and lighting.

The disadvantage is the heavy weight, so for transportation you need to use powerful snowmobiles equipped with a four-stroke power unit.

Design features of the sled

Before you begin design work, you need to understand what basic elements the sled consists of. The fact is that the manufacturing process includes several stages, at each of which some key part is made.

It is necessary that you have a good understanding of the purpose of each of them:

  1. The main part of any sled is the frame, which is the basic supporting element for the entire structure.
    It must be as durable as possible, since it depends on:
    • safety of operation of homemade sleds;
    • duration of trouble-free operation;
    • reliability of the device as a whole.

Considering that the snowmobile sled will be used in difficult conditions, the frame must be able to withstand negative ambient temperatures, as well as the impacts that the sled is constantly exposed to when driving through forests or bushes.

Otherwise, you will be unpleasantly surprised when the loaded sleigh falls apart while riding and dumps all your belongings on the snow in the middle of a forest clearing.

  1. Second important element– runners. Strength is also very important here, however, another important detail is ease of control. This determines whether the sled will tip over when cornering or not.

The last point is the dimensions of the structure. This parameter is selected individually based on the tasks that are supposed to be solved with its help.

The sled may be small, but maneuverable and light. Either it will be durable reliable design, designed to move significant loads. You decide.

Making a sleigh

Tools and materials

Once you have decided on the sizes, you can start working.

In order to make a snowmobile sled from PVC pipes, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • (they are purchased at the store, but you can also use old ones left after repair or dismantling of an old water supply system);
  • a hacksaw or special scissors for cutting plastic pipes;
  • apparatus for welding pipes and fittings;
  • an industrial hair dryer that will be used to warm up, and;
  • sharp mechanic's knife;
  • sanding paper, file;
  • marker for marking parts;
  • bolts and nuts for securing parts;
  • metal corners that will strengthen the assembly points.

Operating procedure

It’s not difficult to make a sled from plastic pipes with your own hands. The price of the material is low, which will save a significant amount Money, which you would spend purchasing ready-made models, sold in specialized stores.

The manufacturing instructions consist of several successive steps:

  1. The first step is to mark the lines on the pipes along which they will be cut. Need to pay Special attention to carefully observe the dimensions, otherwise the sled will turn out asymmetrical, and the work will need to be redone.
    The ends of the pipes should be fused or connected using fittings. If you are not going to do this, you can saw the ends of the parts at an angle of 45 degrees and fasten the frame using metal corners.

  1. Considering that the sled, as a rule, has a rectangular shape, the frame will need two long and two short parts. After marking and cutting, the ends must be thoroughly cleaned sandpaper or a file.
  2. After this, the frame is placed on a workbench or floor and checked again to ensure compliance with the design dimensions.. Then it is welded. If you do not have a special soldering iron, the connection can be made using bolts and nuts. In this case, metal corners are used to add strength.

Usage welding machine preferable.
With its help, stronger connections are obtained, and it will take less time to work.
If you don't want to buy specialized tools, you can rent them from a specialized hardware store.

  1. To give the frame strength (especially when you are making a cargo sled), it needs to be reinforced with additional cross members.
    For this purpose, you need to cut several pieces of pipes of suitable length and process their ends with a file, giving them an oval shape corresponding to the diameter of the pipe.
    Next, they are inserted into the frame in the form of spacers and melted or secured with metal corners. Remember, the strength of the sled will depend on the quality and thoroughness of the frame assembly.
  2. The next stage is the manufacture of racks. The height of the sled above the level of snow crust will depend on their length.
    In this case, it is advisable to take into account the following nuances:
    • a sled that is too tall will often flip over when turning due to its high center of gravity;
    • a platform on low racks will have difficulty passing through deep snow, and the cargo located on it will get wet.

The optimal height of the sled is from 20 to 30 cm.
The racks connecting the frame to the runners should be exactly this length.

  1. The number of supports depends on the length of the sled, but for strength and reliability they need to be made larger. It is advisable that 6-8 pieces are mounted on each side. They should also be processed with a file (round section) for a tighter fit to the frame. As you work, constantly try on the part to the place where it is welded.
    The lower part of the racks can be different:
    • flat - if you plan to use flat, wide runners (for example, from large cut polymer pipes);
    • semicircular - if the runners of the sled are round (from ordinary plastic parts small diameter).
  1. After adjusting the dimensions, the runner stands are attached to the frame using a soldering iron or corners. Make sure that they are all installed smoothly, without distortions.
  2. Now it's the runners' turn. To do this, you need to decide on their shape. The easiest way is to make round skis from ordinary pipes. However, this option is less comfortable to use, since the sled will often fall through the snow crust and turn poorly.

Homemade sleds made from plastic pipes with flat skis are more stable and maneuverable. When the snowmobile turns at high speed, it will not tip over sideways.

  1. To make flat skis from round pipes, they must be cut lengthwise and bent. A hair dryer is used for this. As a last resort, you can heat the part over an open fire, but this must be done carefully, as the plastic may melt.
    After heating the pipe with a hairdryer, place a board with a weight on top of it and leave until it cools completely. The fold in front is done in the same way.
  2. In order for the sled to pass through deep snow, the bend of the skis must be made large and the upper end must be secured to the frame, forming a semicircle.
    A seat, a box for transporting things and other accessories of your choice can be installed on top of the frame.

Don't forget to attach a drawbar, with which the sled will be secured to the snowmobile's towbar.

It is recommended to assemble and install a simple electrical circuit with a light bulb that is mounted on the dashboard.
When the sled is separated from the towbar, the circuit will open, which will be signaled by the light coming on.
This way, you won't lose your sled while driving through the forest.


In addition to a trailer for a snowmobile, children's sleds can be made in a similar way. You just need to choose the right sizes. For more details, see the video in this article.

As they say - prepare a sleigh in summer, a cart in winter!)

I rode the first winter, the snow was broken in, and for the next season it was decided to get a sled. I looked in stores and on websites, but I wanted something that was reliable and functional! Having never found anything ready-made, I decided to make it myself. I looked at the forums, various photographs, read and listened to the advice of experienced people, and thoughts began to boil in my head....

I started looking for materials in the spring, the main task was to find a HDPE pipe, there was iron in stock, there was plenty to choose from for cutting and “sewing.” When communicating on a spring hunt, the conversation turned to snowmobiles and sleighs.....and I said my thoughts out loud...

As they say, the world is not without good people, so after a few weeks 7 meters of 230 pipes with a wall thickness of 25 mm lay in the yard, happiness knew no bounds))) The beginning is here! And now summer has come, it’s time to prepare the sleigh!

The piece was cut lengthwise into runners with a jigsaw, into three equal parts, 3 meters long I cut cross members from short pipes, the width of the snowmobile skis. First I cut out a template from cardboard

and then it was not difficult to mark and cut out the crossbars, it turned out clearly and equally

The following picture was painted

Time passed and the summer flew away..... the sleigh had to be jew's harp, but there was sorely not enough time.... then a business trip, then porcini mushrooms came... then milk mushrooms, the opening for ducks was on the way, the berries in the warm were born... and it’s already September.... also everyday life, but everyone knows how it happens, it seems like summer, but it’s already autumn, and winter is right here! It’s not for nothing that the proverb says, prepare your sleigh in the summer! I’m a little distracted, but in fact it happened and I’m writing as if in spirit!

The blanks were prepared, the iron was cut, bolts were purchased, and of course the tools...electrodes, wheels for the grinder, etc. Krail sometimes during the day, sometimes at night. I even thought about taking part in a homemade competition, but I couldn’t meet the deadlines))), this didn’t upset me at all and I moved forward to the best of my ability, Dad supported me, sometimes with advice, sometimes with real help, it’s more fun together!

A lot was prepared, the base was assembled, the ends of the skis were bent... a little about the bends - I bent them with a hairdryer, this is the most sensible thing, a blowtorch in in this case no good, warmed it up, bent it, fixed it with bolts.

Well, the snowball has started to fly, and the fur coat is still missing its sleeve...

Dad, while I was rushing from one business trip to another, I bent a loop out of a rod, assembled a damper... all that remained was to assemble the drawbar into a pile, which is what we did

upon my arrival home. As a result, the base and drawbar looked like this:

Along the way, I welded the plates and tightened them with bolts, strengthening the weak points, because I’m not a good welder, but I want reliability

The result was a sled, although I didn’t have time to prepare it in the summer, but I wasn’t late for the season!

The tests were successful, and we removed the snow from the yard, went hunting, went fishing, and even brought a Christmas tree. Satisfied.

P/S The cross members were still trimmed during assembly, the rings and the jumper were slightly narrower. The rings at the junction with the runner are rounded “along the stream” and tightened with bolts. Furniture bolts with rounded heads are set into a runner from below by heating. The frame is welded from a corner, the shelf width is 25-30 mm, the bottom of the trough is made of aluminum, the sides are inch. The drawbar is attached using a solid rod with a diameter of 18 mm fixed in bushings; a spacer tube is placed on top of the shaft (if necessary, the drawbar can be easily removed).

Weight is approximately 75-80 kg, quite lifting. I won’t say the exact length, but I cut the runners to 3000 mm, the drawbar to about 1100 mm.

I tried to straighten one of the three runners to make the runner wider, using blowtorches and jacks..... I specially welded the device, I’ll say right away - I wasted my time! As a result, the runner was thrown out. I simply planed the other two, leveled the sharp edges with a plane, heated the ends in place with a hairdryer and bent them.

I wrote this blog with detailed photographs, because when I did it myself there was no place to look, but maybe someone will benefit from their constructor.

I will introduce modernization improvements as I use it.

Thank you for your attention!

About the pros and cons.

On the one hand, homemade sleds often break at the most inopportune moment, on the other hand, their production will cost much less. So decide what to choose: economy or reliability. Someone will definitely object to this, saying that everything depends on the hands, and store-bought goods themselves often come with defects. We answer: Yes, it is. But the plastic pipe is not initially best material for a sled, especially for a snowmobile. It is preferable to use good old wood, or aluminum.

Decide on your end goal

What functions should future sleds perform? Will they become child's play or serve practical purposes: transporting firewood and other goods? Or maybe you are going to go hunting with them? Start from this : plastic is good for entertainment, but not very suitable for transporting something serious.

What tool will you need?

  1. Directly plastic pipes (diameter from 30 to 45mm);
  2. Bolts and nuts (M8-M10 thread);
  3. Hacksaw for metal;
  4. Industrial hair dryer or burner for heating pipes;
  5. Marker for marking;
  6. metal corners;
  7. Shoe knife;
  8. A pipe welding machine is extremely useful;
  9. Wood file or sandpaper;
  10. plywood (thickness 10mm)

If you make a drawbar, you will additionally need a spring shock absorber (suitable from a used car) + bushing, 25mm section.

Manufacturing process. Option 1.

Let's consider the first method self-made snowmobile sled: main material: plastic frost-resistant pipes. Time to work 5-8 hours. Leading elements: frame, body, drawbar and skis.

  1. The inside of the body is lined with plywood. The shape is classic rectangular, dimensions 1900*900*300mm. To improve gliding, the frame of the sled must be given a rounded shape. If additional strength is needed, then additional reinforcements are welded at the rounding points.
  2. Metal hitch - when braking or for smoother movement from a standstill, we recommend equipping the drawbar with a spring. It is secured with a bushing and reinforced with two crossbars. It is better to attach it not to the body itself, but to an additional rack that plays the role of a kind of adapter.
  3. About skiing. Don't forget about the stiffeners (additional bends, about 20mm long). They are attached to the common frame using racks (8 of them will be needed). The stand is U-shaped metal structure, height ~125-130mm.

Click on the photo to open in large size.

Do-it-yourself sled for a snowmobile - METHOD No. 2.

The process is divided into steps, the order of execution is not critical:

  1. The sled has a rectangular shape, so you will need two long pieces of pipe (~1800mm) and two slightly shorter ones (~750mm, for a cross connection);
  2. Make markings. Mark the locations of future cuts with a marker. And after cutting, do not forget to clean them with a scraper or sandpaper.
  3. Eliminate all possible distortions. To do this, lay the frame on a flat horizontal surface and measure all the values ​​again.
  4. Now connect all the parts of the future sled using metal corners or welding. (the second is preferable, but more difficult).
  5. Decide on the height. Too high ones will turn over more often, and driving low ones is simply not convenient. The optimal height is within 25-30cm.
  6. Manufacturing of racks (8-10 pcs). Remember: the fewer there are, the weaker the structure. Adjust the final size with a file, you need to achieve the tightest possible fit to the frame.
  7. We make skis. Flat runners will provide more stability when turning, such sleds are easier to control, and they won’t fall through in loose snow. What if the plastic pipe is exclusively round? Answer: cut into two equal halves, heat, straighten. The ends of both skis must be bent 150-160 degrees. Maintain symmetry, otherwise the sled's maneuverability will be significantly reduced. When working with your own hands, this is one of the most difficult stages; if you successfully complete it, then consider that the snowmobile sled is already ready.
  8. Adding accessories: back and seat for the sled, fasteners, holders, decorative elements, luggage rack, etc.

This completes the process, congratulations! Having spent from 700 to 1000 rubles on plastic pipes, you made a sled for a snowmobile with your own hands, the price of which (if you buy it in a regular store) is about 8000 thousand!

A snowmobile sled is a must-have attribute comfortable winter travel over long distances. Having loaded all the necessary luggage into them, you can go hunting or fishing or on any other trip.

A sled is a great addition to a pannier that can hold all the essentials, but cannot pack large, heavy items. Thanks to their use, the capabilities of the snowmobile owner are significantly expanded.

If you want to become the happy owner of such a design, you don’t have to buy them at all - you can make it quite easily with your own hands.

Snowmobile sleds - types of structures and the principle of their operation

There are several main types of snowmobile sleds, and each of them has Advantages and disadvantages. The sled is very versatile in its design. They easily attach to all types of snowmobiles. For example, for a Yamaha snowmobile, Russian Mechanics, Ermak, Viking 540, Dingo 150, BRP and Varyag 550.

In order to choose the type that suits you, you need to consider several factors:

  • the routes and trails you need to navigate, features of snow cover and terrain;
  • type of cargo transported;
  • driving style.

For more information about snowmobile sleds, watch the video:

Volokushi - description and dimensions of plastic snowmobile sleds

Sleigh-drags are the most simple option.

They have several advantages:

  • compactness and low weight;
  • simplicity and speed of loading and unloading luggage;
  • The drag body body does not freeze.

However, drags have a serious drawback - due to the design features, their front part is often damaged. This type of sled is inexpensive, and making it yourself is impractical.

Passenger sleighs can be found infrequently. They usually consist of a housing made of plastic or plywood mounted on skids.

For greater passenger comfort, the design of the passenger sleigh can be sprung, and lighting and heating can be installed in the cabin.

They are not easy to find on sale, but such designs are sometimes made by winter fishermen and other outdoor recreation enthusiasts during the cold season.

A passenger sleigh can carry one or even several passengers, therefore, having only one snowmobile, the owner of this design can take a large company out into the snowy nature.

The main disadvantages are the large dimensions and weight of the structure. Because of this, passenger sleds can only be attached to powerful, high-powered snowmobiles.

Cargo sleds are the most versatile and practical option. They are designed more complexly than drags, but at the same time much simpler than passenger ones. These sleds have a large load capacity with small dimensions.

Due to the relatively small contact area with the surface, cargo sleds have a smoother ride than drag sleds - such structures easily slide on their runners, easily overcoming obstacles.

The luggage in them is protected much better. Below are photos of a homemade snowmobile sled.

Due to the fact that their skis are located at a great distance from each other, cargo sleds can also boast much greater stability than drag sleds.

Every spring, plot owners sow various crops. You can get acquainted with the precision seeder.

Cultivators have become very popular among summer residents. By clicking on the link you will learn how to choose a cultivator for your garden.

To grind grain, a special device is used - a grain crusher. With the Cyclone grain crusher this can be done quickly and efficiently.

A standard cargo sled consists of three main elements:

  • frame;
  • runners;
  • flooring

The frame is the basis of the entire structure. The runners are attached to the bottom of the frame using racks. There is a flooring on top, on which the loads will be placed.

For greater convenience and functionality, the frame of the cargo trolley must be equipped with railings and a covered structure placed on it.

In such a box, cargo will be reliably protected from snow and wind.

Necessary materials

What are skis for a snowmobile sled made of? Let's consider the structure simple option snowmobile sled from metal pipe. In order to make such a design, you will need:

  • profiled metal pipe 20×20, wall thickness - 2-3 mm;
  • round plastic pipes for making skis;
  • Metal sheet;
  • plywood sheets 10-15 or more millimeters thick.

A sled with a metal frame is much more reliable and durable than structures made from plastic pipes.

Their disadvantage is their greater weight, but they will serve for a long time and without failure. The only thing that may be needed when operating such a design is periodic replacement of plastic skis, which will wear out over time or may be damaged when hitting rocks and roots.

Making a homemade sled for a snowmobile with your own hands

  • Weld from four pipes rectangular metal frame.
  • If you want to provide the structure with high strength and make it possible to transport heavy loads, make several additional crossbars.
  • Weld vertical posts to the frame, their number depends on the length of the sled, best option- from 2 to 5 racks on each side. The more of them there are, the more reliable the design will be.

  • Make out tube skis. It is better if they are flat - in this case the sled will fall under the snow much less. To straighten the pipes, you need to use a hair dryer.
  • If such a tool is not at hand, the pipes can be heated over an open fire to level them, but this must be done with caution. After heating, the pipe must be placed under the board, a weight placed on top and left until it cools. After this, you need to make an upward bend in front of each pipe.
  • Secure the runners on the frame. In order for the sled to move through the snow as easily as possible, the top of each ski should extend directly to the level of the frame and be attached to the front of the frame.
  • Also secure the drawbar in the front part of the frame. To do this, reinforce the mounting location metal sheet and cut the bushing into it.
  • After this, you need to fix it on the frame. plywood flooring- and the sled is ready for use.


Since a homemade sled for a snowmobile with your own hands will be used in winter, you need to carefully select materials and components that should withstand the lowest temperatures well.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the structure will be subject to shock quite often, therefore, they must also be very durable.

If you choose materials and components not carefully enough, the sled may simply fall apart on the move after a few months of use, or even earlier.

If you decide to make not cargo, but passenger sled, the issue must be approached very carefully. Safety must come first - this applies both to the choice of materials and to the care with which all parts must be connected.

Speeds when traveling on a snowmobile can be high, and encounters with obstacles usually occur unexpectedly, so you need to think through everything important points so that the design of your passenger sled is as reliable as possible.

The presence of a sled provides many additional opportunities, and making such a structure with your own hands is not so difficult. Its construction will not require large expenses and will not take much time.

It is important to take into account that there is no universal sled for all occasions - which means that ideally you should have a set of several different designs, which will be sufficient for any situation.

If you make them yourself, carefully approach the choice of materials and the work process itself. In this case, the sled you make will be reliable and durable and will serve you for many years.

The well-known saying: “Prepare the sleigh in summer and the cart in winter” fits the topic of this article perfectly.

Snow has fallen, we want to enjoy all the winter pleasures, and the first thing we do is go to the store for equipment.

Difficulty of choice

Skis, skates, sleds - these are the main things we purchase first. However, with all the abundance of goods offered in stores, it often happens that we leave there with nothing.

And this happens because we didn’t like the design, or the product seemed inconvenient and not functional.

After all, everyone has different tastes and preferences. Considering the original Russian ingenuity and skillful hands, we can recommend one effective way to satisfy your needs.

Make a sled from plastic pipes, for example, with your own hands. This is what our distant ancestors did, so why don’t we try our strengths and skills?

Moreover, having done something yourself, you will definitely respect yourself and be proud that you can do something that someone else could not or simply did not dare to do.

What are sleds made of?

  1. Durable and reliable frame. The basis is above all in any vehicle. The frame must be comfortable and strong, otherwise the entire structure will fall apart at the most inopportune moment.
  2. Strong runners that not only glide well. The runners should be easy to control, because the safety of the rider also depends on this.
  3. The size of the fund matters too. A sled that is too small and short, as well as one that is too large and heavy, will be less maneuverable.


Having decided to make a sled yourself, first of all, decide for what purpose you need it.

Either it will be a children's sled for entertainment, or you yourself want to remember your childhood and go for a ride, having fun with friends or family.

Or maybe you need a cargo sled to transport anything - from firewood or building materials to hunting equipment? According to the size and purpose, the product will look like.

Metal sled

Industrially they are usually made from aluminum. This classic version, familiar to everyone from childhood. A seat made of multi-colored wooden planks, a removable backrest and a painted frame that peeled off in the first season of use.

The predecessors of aluminum sleds can be called heavy, powerful and clumsy structures welded from cast iron or steel. The modern generation no longer used them, but older people may well remember.

Wooden analogues

The roots of their invention go back to those distant times when our ancestors could not imagine their life without this transport. As a rule, such sleds were made of hard wood - oak or beech. They are externally attractive, but have one drawback - they are too heavy and are more suitable for transporting goods.

Inflatable sleigh

They began to be produced relatively recently, and mainly for children. Light and soft, but almost uncontrollable, they drive on their own, and there is no need to talk about high speeds and safety of the trip. At any turn it skids, and the rider simply flies out of them.

Plastic sled

Their first specimens looked very much like a plastic trough or basin. Children love to ride on them, however, they are quite fragile, hard and difficult to control.

They are good for small, safe slides, but they are unlikely to be useful for long-distance transport.

So, there are quite a lot of varieties and types. But choosing is often quite difficult. If you have small children, then you can buy a simple option for them, light and quite safe.

But for economic purposes or for professional skating, choosing equipment is not easy. Therefore, try making it yourself. Very well suited for this purpose.


Moreover, it is quite possible to use already used ones.

Cheap, as they say, and cheerful. Moreover, such material is very easy to process and give it any shape.

We make the sleigh ourselves

What will you need for this?

Having decided on the size and shape of the sled, stock up on pipes and a minimum of tools.

You will need:

  1. New or old plastic pipes.
  2. Saw or hacksaw for metal.
  3. A device for welding pipes (popularly called an “iron”).
  4. Industrial hair dryer for heating pipes.
  5. A sharp knife, even better a special one, a shoe knife.
  6. Emery cloth or file.
  7. Marker or pencil.
  8. Bolts with nuts.
  9. Metal corners.

Manufacturing process

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