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How dildos are made. Homemade dildo - the most interesting thing in blogs What materials to make a dildo from

It happens that people are simply embarrassed to cross the threshold of a sex shop, and even more so - to buy anything there. It is for this reason that I will tell you how you can make sex toys with your own hands, with the help of which you can fulfill your wildest fantasies.


In general, a penny simulator of female reproductive organs made from kitchen sponges can also be classified as elementary, but it would be a sin not to mention it on this list. In addition, unlike a number of more complex models, this one has a temperature control option.

WHAT YOU NEED: two large sponges, a glass or Pringles can, lubricant, a condom

We take sponges, soak them in warm water (if we expect reciprocity from our partner, of course), and squeeze them out. Between them, as a kind of sandwich filling, we place a condom so that the entire open end sticks out. We put the sandwich into a glass (preferably a plastic one, we are for safe sex) with the open end of the condom facing out and pull the edges of the rubber product over the edges of the glass. Pour lubricant into the resulting cozy hole.

Popcorn with surprise

Not so much a sex toy as a starter. You should be careful and clearly understand the situation: not every girl will be happy to start a close acquaintance in this way. Young Mickey Rourke's charm doesn't hurt here.

WHAT YOU'LL NEED: popcorn bucket, toilet paper frame, rubber glove, scissors or utility knife

You already understood everything yourself. We make a round hole in the bottom of the bucket, insert a frame from toilet paper or a toilet towel into it. For greater convenience, it is better to wrap a rubber glove around the inside of the tube. We disguise the trap with popcorn and invite you to watch “A Nightmare on Elm Street” on the couch.

Glove of Love

A rubber glove is not only one of the main ingredients in the onanist's cookbook, but can serve almost any purpose. pure form. This is no longer the easiest device to use, but with proper skill it will reward home handyman decent volume.

WHAT YOU NEED: 2-3 rubber gloves, rubber band, scissors, lubricant

Honestly, it’s better to follow the video instructions here; the sequence of twisting the rubber base requires extreme concentration. But first, you need to put a rubber glove on your hand, and another one on it, and preferably another one on top, carefully tucking one finger into the other. Ultimately, we secure the open ends of the glove tightly with rubber bands, and make an incision for the treasured hole literally on one of the fingers. A little light work - and you get a lightweight copy of the female pelvis.

Vacuum assistant

If all the above-described constructors only make you yawn, it’s time to take up real job. You'll have to tinker with your dad's tools, but in the end you get something more than a machine for pleasure - the real pride of the inventor.

WHAT YOU'LL NEED: 50mm polypropylene plumbing pipe, adapter joint - 50mm at one end and 32mm at the other, 32mm socket, 5mm bolt (not yours, metal), a lock nut for it, a pair of rubber washers and a plumber's washer diameter 5–8 mm, inner tube from a bicycle wheel 26 x 2.5. Pay attention to the nipples - Dunlop and Presta will fit, but Schader definitely won't.

Since it's full step-by-step instruction It will take several A4 sheets, here are the video tutorials:


YOU WILL NEED: a large (how else) marker, a classic thick pad, electrical tape, a condom

We wrap a marker or any other suitable phallic object first with a feminine pad, and then with a thick layer of electrical tape. Further, depending on the circumstances: some craftsmen cover the structure with a layer of silicone or other plastic material and even paint it, while others are simply content with a colored condom.

Many people don’t even realize how many things they have in their home that can be an excellent alternative to sex toys. A little imagination - and intimate life New colors will be added.

People's imagination is limitless, which is manifested in the creation of various useful things. Do you think that products in a sex shop are too expensive? Then you can use available materials to create their analogues. It is important to experiment with caution and remember good hygiene.

1. Shower

Let's start with the most popular item that women use for self-gratification. Everything is very simple: take a shower head, turn on the water so that the pressure is stronger, the stream must be directed to the genitals, where the clitoris is located. Please note that the water should not be too hot.

2. Wax candle

A good dildo can be made by taking a large diameter wax candle and working a little on its shape to make a dildo. Please note that the device will not last long, since the candle will quickly become soft under the influence of body temperature.

3. Bead necklace

An unexpected thing for sexual pleasures that will help a girl diversify the sensations of her partner. Beads can be used to caress the body and penis. To enhance the sensations and make them more vivid, it is recommended to pre-cool the beads in the refrigerator. Women can also use a beaded necklace for self-satisfaction.

4. Massager

Many people have a “Goosebumps Anti-Stress” massager at home, which they use to work out active points on the head. Few people know that if you walk it on the buttocks or pubic area, you can get incredible pleasure. If you have such a massager, then be sure to try it.

5. Nylon tights

If you don’t have handcuffs at home, you can use other things to cuff your partner. Fans of experiments claim that it is better to take nylon tights instead of rope - they are softer and will not dig into the skin, will not leave behind unsightly marks and will not cause painful sensations.

6. Bubble wrap

Another unusual thing that can also be used to obtain satisfaction is cellophane film stuffed with air “pills”. You need to cut out a square measuring 25x25 cm, wrap it around your palm and secure the edges with tape. Lubricate the film with lubricant on top and begin stroking your lover’s genitals.

7. Dust brush

The soft panicle can be made from synthetic fibers or feathers. This is a great device to use during foreplay. You can stroke your partner's body with it to evoke pleasant feelings in him. It is important that it is clean.

8. Vegetables and fruits

Women can use cucumbers, carrots, eggplant, banana or corn for self-satisfaction. The fruits must be washed well, and a condom must be put on top of them.

9. Clips and clothespins

Interest in BDSM has grown significantly since the appearance of the book and movie “50 Shades of Gray.” Do you want to practice and get new sensations? Then use stationery clips or clothespins as an alternative to nipple clamps from a sex shop.

10. Sponges

A vaginal simulator can be made from two dishwashing sponges, which must be soaked in water and wrung out well. Place a condom between them and insert the whole thing into the glass. After this, pull the ends of the condom over the edges of the glass. The satisfaction device is ready.

11. Belt

Another thing for tying your partner to the bed or simply tying his hands. Like tights, the belt will not dig into the skin and cause pain.

12. Electric toothbrush

It is believed that this particular item is the best replacement for a vibrator. It's best to buy a new brush. It is clear that it will no longer be suitable for brushing teeth.

13. Telephone

You won't be able to use a smartphone as a vibrator, but a small push-button phone is ideal. To protect yourself from germs, it is recommended to put a condom on your mobile phone and turn on the vibration mode.

14. Silicone spatula

To add some spice to their sex life, many men like to spank their partner. Instead of a special whip from a sex shop, you can use a silicone spatula, which will not create strong impacts.

15. Hair tie

The most common hair ties can be an alternative to a cock ring. It is important that there are no sharp elements on it, and the elastic band should not squeeze the organ too much.

The time when goods offered by intimate stores were considered something obscene and shameful is a thing of the past. Today, many women have a vibrator, and this is an indicator that she is sensual and not devoid of imagination. Of course, a female vibrator does not replace a man, but it can serve as an additional source of pleasure and a variety of new sensations. It is quite possible to make such a sex toy with your own hands.

You will need

  • - elastic tube of the desired length and thickness;
  • - gauze or bandage;
  • - small motor;
  • - batteries;
  • - liquid silicone;
  • - scented candle;
  • - wood;
  • - varnish;
  • - sandpaper;
  • - non-toxic sealant;
  • - clay or sculpture plasticine.


First, prepare the necessary things: an elastic tube, gauze or bandage, a motor (for example, from an old toy), batteries and harmless liquid silicone used when installing aquariums. Place the motor together with the batteries and secure it inside the tube, and wrap it with gauze generously greased with silicone on top. As soon as the silicone dries, your sex toy is ready.

If you don’t want to bother with silicone, you can use some other oblong-shaped product. For example, a scented candle (of the required size) is quite suitable as a housing for a homemade vibrator. All you need to do is make a small hole in the bottom of it and then place the motor in it. Such a vibrator with your own hands will cost you, one might say, pennies, and your chosen one will delight even more for a long time. If you have extra time and desire, sculpt folds and a head from melted wax on the candle. It is advisable to use this toy with a condom.

More extreme versions of homemade vibrators can be made from tougher materials - metal, wood and clay. To make a sex toy from wood, you will need a knot of the required size, batteries and a motor, and varnish. After cleaning the wood, polish it sandpaper. At the bottom of the product, make a recess for the batteries and motor, then secure them securely using non-toxic sealant. Then varnish your masterpiece.

You can make a vibrator with your own hands from clay or special sculptural plasticine. And here children's plasticine not suitable for such crafts - when heated, it quickly loses its shape. Fashion a life-size phallus, making a recess for the motor in advance. In the case of clay, you will need to bake it and then place the motor inside. If desired, you can coat the product with special enamel. Then the homemade vibrator will have a structure that is pleasant to the touch and will easily penetrate inside.

In addition, among the available tools that can replace a vibrator, an electric toothbrush can be used. Its fairly strong vibration will allow you to stimulate both the clitoris and various erogenous zones. Which option you choose depends solely on your and your partner’s preferences.

Try to choose silicone that is not black, but some bright and cheerful color, then your partner will certainly not remain indifferent to the flight of your imagination.

Today, many women have a vibrator, but this is not an indicator of loneliness or the degree of luck in choosing a partner. On the contrary, often the presence of such a tool indicates that a woman loves sex, she is liberated and strives for new sensations. In fact, a female vibrator is not a substitute for a man, but a device that allows you to get completely new sensations. To understand what can replace a vibrator, it’s worth considering several common options.

When sexual desire increases, but there is no intimate toy at hand, you urgently want to replace it with something else. However, in order not to waste all the “fuse” in vain, you should approach the choice of the subject of self-satisfaction correctly.

When is it necessary to replace a dildo?

How and with what to replace a vibrator at home immediately after the desire arises?

There are many reasons why you will have to remember manual labor and engage in self-satisfaction with improvised means:

In addition, a man can give such a piquant gift to a woman if he himself is going on a long business trip. Such a gift will be a lifesaver for those who don’t know what to replace a vibrator with.

What comes to mind

  1. The first thing women try to try for vaginal pleasure are tubes from various cosmetics, which in shape and size resemble a male unit. However, when operating such objects, there is no vibration effect. This can not only “spoil” the sensations, but also completely nullify them.
  2. Such improvised means often include ordinary candles. For achievement the desired shape they are turned and polished. However, to start using a candle, you will need to spend some time doing non-stimulating activities. Such means are not suitable when you want to know how to replace a clitoral vibrator for “external” pleasures.
  3. The means at hand that have the property of vibrating will help you get truly scorching pleasure. Vibration is the basis female orgasm. This is how the vaginal muscles contract when a woman is at the peak of pleasure. Items that can satisfy this request do not need to be prepared or purchased in advance. So, what can you replace a vibrator with at home?

Selecting a suitable replacement

If replacing a vibrator is a one-time measure, you can use a lot of available tools that can satisfy a woman’s desire.

Without even straining your imagination, you can build a satisfaction tool with your own hands:

Using these available means, a woman can get quite strong pleasure. Such methods of self-satisfaction help to get rid of sexual tension, restore psychological balance and “put your thoughts in order.” Now, knowing how you can quickly replace a vibrator at home, you can start experimenting.

  • If a man is on a long business trip, he should go to the bathroom and see what kind of razor he uses. Device with vibration fits perfectly. All you have to do is remove the head with the blades and start massaging the intimate area. It is important not to forget about the condom.
  • When you have time for creative experiments, you can make a dildo from a wax candle. It needs to be heated and then allowed to cool slightly (without waiting for it to harden). Now is the time to use your imagination and creativity.

Common Mistakes

  • Trying to quickly get maximum pleasure, many girls strive to use objects that are shaped like the male genital organ. These include fruits and vegetables.

However, often these self-gratification items turn out to be short-lived, too hard or soft, not large enough, or of the “wrong” shape.

  • When thinking about how to replace a vibrator at home, many women first think about food. Traditional bananas and cucumbers are not recommended. In this case, you can get irritation of the mucous membrane (if you do not use a condom), but the pleasure you get is very relative.

Do you need a man?

In search of comfortable self-satisfaction, women often forget that using improvised means allows them to experience only a small range of sexual sensations. Some even wonder if a vibrator can replace a man. Such sentiments do not at all contribute to the emergence of sexual “autonomy”.

Thanks to the sexual revolution in the society of almost all countries, the topic of sex and pleasure from sex is no longer taboo. Intimate goods stores are expanding their networks, and now it’s no longer so embarrassing to shop in them. IN recent years The problem of women achieving orgasm is openly discussed. Hence the invention of many special accessories for this matter. Thematic journals publish educational articles on these topics. Therefore, while studying them, ordinary women often think about purchasing a vibrator. But if you can’t buy a vibrator, what can you replace it with? After all, not every woman can afford to spend a substantial amount of money on a device of dubious effectiveness.

A little history

Vibrators appeared in the 18th century in England. At that time it was believed that tears, hysterics and fainting in women were caused by an overly diseased uterus. To treat this organ, a special massage was prescribed. That's why vibrators were invented. As a result, the toy received greater recognition among the female population.

Today, medicine recommends the use of artificial penises to relieve pain during menstruation, since orgasms allow the blood vessels to dilate. After childbirth, using a vibrator, you can improve the tone of the vagina and heal scars.

How can you replace a vibrator at home? Available materials

If a woman wants to independently explore the facets of her sexuality, intimate toys will help discover erogenous zones. And vibrators serve precisely to achieve orgasm. You can use... the contents of the refrigerator as improvised means.

For example, bananas. Before use, rinse it thoroughly in warm water, put a condom on top and turn on an erotic film. Using a banana for deep penetration can help you achieve orgasm.

Items in the bathroom can also help in finding the answer to the question of what can replace a vibrator. Take a close look at the shelves. If there is one, it can easily replace a sex object. Since it has several switching speeds, it can easily be used for vaginal sex and clitoral stimulation, as well as for massage of erogenous zones.

Making a vibrator with your own hands

If you don’t know what you can replace a vibrator with, photos of finished products may suggest the answer. After all, by and large, it consists of a body and a motor. The latter can be easily purchased at a radio equipment store. But you'll have to tinker with the rest.

First option: sculptural plasticine. With its help you can sculpt a penis of any thickness and height. The main thing is to leave room for the motor. Next, follow the instructions on the material packaging and bake the unit. Then attach the remaining parts and use the device. This option can easily replace a purchased vibrator. What can I substitute if I don’t have it on hand? Don't rush to use regular children's plasticine. As it heats up, it will begin to melt and lose its properties.

Durable copy

Products made of ceramics and plasticine are fragile and short-lived. Therefore, it is better to choose other materials. For example, if you need to make an “eternal” vibrator, what can you replace the body with? A good option- tree. You can cut a penis of any thickness and height from it. It is important to polish it thoroughly with sandpaper to remove any splinters. Don't forget to make room inside for the motor and batteries. Afterwards the product can be painted and varnished. The hole for the parts can be closed with sealant. What else could a vibrator be like instead of wood? The answer is simple: any durable material - clay or metal.

A more difficult option is to collect some materials and make a store-bought copy. For example, you can use liquid silicone. It is used for the construction of aquariums. You can use a condom, elastic tube or metal pipe, hose, etc. The motor can be pulled out of an old toy. It will need to be placed inside the “mold” together with the batteries and filled with silicone. All you have to do is wait for the silicone to dry, and you can safely use the device.

Operating rules

If you want to have a vibrator in your home, what can you replace it with at home, you know, be careful. Many people forget about the safety of the materials they use. For example, long, but sensitive microflora in the vagina can be used as the body of a vibrator and the use of such material can cause Negative consequences- allergies or irritation. Therefore, be careful when choosing a “home” vibrator.

Do not forget about caring for your device, even if it is made by yourself. Wash it in warm water, dry it and use it with a condom. Carefully inspect the item for cracks, chips, etc. Check the item for an allergic reaction before use.

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