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Everyone watch how they build. Great Christian Library

Have you met in your life people who are responsible, scrupulous and tactful in their work? I think yes.

And vice versa: with irresponsible, incompetent and careless people?

Guess which ones are easier and more fun to work with? Definitely with the first group of people. I wonder if they are born this way? Or are they still making some efforts? How to get there?

Let's figure it out and, naturally, start with the Bible: (1 Cor. 3:10-15) “According to the grace given to me by God, like a wise builder, I laid a foundation, and another builds on it; but each one watch how he builds. For no one can lay any other foundation than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Does anyone build on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw - everyone’s business is to show up; for the day will show, therefore it will be revealed in fire, and the fire will test everyone’s work, what kind it is. Whoever's work that he built survives will receive a reward. And whoever’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; However, he himself will be saved, but as if from fire.”

So, I would like to immediately say that here we are not talking about the people of this world at all, we are talking about you and me - about saved people, about the church, the foundation of which is Jesus Christ. And about some kind of work, the quality of which will later be revealed, and about six types of building material for this work, and about some kind of reward.

Unfortunately, within the scope of this article we will not be able to analyze everything, because... This verse is very deep and touches on various areas. But we will be able to touch some of them. And we will begin with the so-called “work”, about which the Apostle Paul writes: what is this work? It's about O purpose every Christian or about his deeds that he must do.

Moreover, it is precisely obligatory, that is, we are called upon not to sit back, but to do something specific. What exactly is the responsibility of each member of the body of Christ, that he, as we see above, must build something, and on the already laid foundation - Jesus Christ, i.e. to engage in a specific task that Christ entrusted to him.

And these matters are very different, even everyday ones; because not everyone is called to be shepherds, teachers, apostles, etc. But all people have a certain calling in life and it is very different.

Very often people demarcate their personal life, your profession, your work with life in the church, or rather with two or three hours on Sunday in church. These hours (they think) are for God, and from Monday to Saturday is my life. But this is not true; we don’t see this in the Bible; on the contrary, our whole life, with all its spheres, should be in Christ.

Moreover, a certain task that, as a person knows, Christ entrusted to him, i.e. God's work. Moreover, we see from this scripture that this work of God can be built from six types of building materials: three of which are precious (gold, silver, precious stones), and the other three are not heat-resistant (wood, hay, straw) - that is, on occasion they can burn out.

Look at the features of these materials: the first three, as a rule, are not on the surface, but in the bowels of the earth or reservoir; the other three you can find quickly, with virtually no effort, often even under your feet. The first three in their original state are not attractive - especially considering that they are extracted from the earth - often with a dirty, irregular, unsightly shape, with various impurities. Gold and silver need to be purified, melted down, and precious stones cut. And this is work, that is, it does not happen by itself, it needs to be done.

The other three require virtually no work, no special effort required. Straw is straw. Do you understand the difference in all this? Do you notice a connection between the quality of the building material and the business you are directly involved in?

Often, when reading this passage of Scripture, I personally ask myself this question and invite you to ask it: is this work (of God) that I am engaged in - (firstly!) Is it precious in my eyes or not? Do you treat this thing like a jewel or is it under your feet, do you often step on it, step over it, etc.?

Have you ever seen this picture: a man is walking along the road, and bars of gold, silver, and various precious stones are scattered on it, and this man simply walks along them, stepping and mixing them with dust. I think this picture is very unrealistic; on the contrary, they look for jewelry, and if they find it, they rejoice and take care of it: they clean it, cut it, give it a beautiful shape.

Let me ask you some other questions: What are you doing with your precious Godly work? Are you working on it? Are you making an effort? (And not your own, but God’s - after all, this is His work and He entrusted it to you and He will give you advice and direction on how to cleanse and refine it.)

By the way, we will give him an account of what and how we did in our lives. Please note one more important and fundamental detail - all our affairs will be directly related to our character, to our nature. If a person is unpunctual, sloppy, irresponsible by nature, then where will punctuality, accuracy, and responsibility suddenly come from? God's work? He will do God’s work unscrupulously and carelessly (not carefully).

Look what the prophet Jeremiah says (48:10) on this matter: "Cursed is he who does the Lord's work carelessly..." Why so categorical? Yes, because very often behind this are the destinies, the lives of people whom the Lord wants to save, free, restore, etc. through us.

Let's be conscientious and scrupulous! Just look at the meaning of the word "scrupulous" thorough, punctual, neat, filigree, precise, jewellery, attentive. After all, our God is like that! Do you imagine Him to be unpunctual, imprecise, sloppy, inattentive? I said I’d answer, but then I changed my mind, set a time, and didn’t show up! Can you imagine this? What kind of chaos would there be everywhere? What about His works? P

Can you imagine, for example, if there would be an inaccuracy in the day: either twenty-four hours, or twenty-five? Is it evening or day? I can't imagine this! Everything is clear with Him! This is how it should be with us.

Look how attentively and caringly He treats us people, and all because We - great jewel in His eyes (Ps. 8:4-9): “When I look at Your heavens - the work of Your fingers, at the moon and the stars that You have set, what is man that You remember him, and the son of man that You visit him? You made him a little lower than the Angels: You crowned him with glory and honor; You have made him ruler over the works of Your hands; He put everything under his feet: all the sheep and oxen, as well as the beasts of the field, the birds of the air and the fish of the sea, everything that passes along the paths of the sea.” Think about it. Bless you!

Tatiana Fedchik

For no one can lay any other foundation than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Who you are? You are one of the living stones in the grand spiritual structure called God's building. As a living stone, you are called to bear the unique ministry of a fellow worker in the Body of Christ, building on the foundation that Paul laid as the wise builder—the revelation of “Jesus Christ and him crucified” (1 Cor. 2:2).

But I cannot give you the anointing and the necessary spiritual equipment for your personal calling as a living stone in God's building. You will have to turn to God for what no man can give, that is, the Holy Spirit and His personal presence within you that gives growth.

It is impossible that when you pray in the Holy Spirit, you do not pray in accordance with God's plan and become better equipped to contribute to His building as a living stone.

My ministry ends with imparting knowledge to you. I can plant you in God's Kingdom and water you with instruction, but I cannot give you growth. Only God can do this.

This is why Paul told the Corinthians, “I have received from God the grace to be a master builder. God revealed the secret to me, and I laid the foundation of the crucified Jesus Christ.

You should also know that in responding to God's call and fulfilling your ministry, you stand on the foundation I have laid, because besides it, there is no other foundation and cannot be. As your life takes shape, you contribute to the Body and become an increment, the next level in God's building. But you must be careful how you build upon the foundation I have preached. Why perform your ministry in such a way that its results are only wood, hay and stubble (Cor. 3:12)? Why do you need this if you can turn to the Source?”

Finding the Source of Paul's Revelations

Paul would never call anyone carnal unless he then showed the way to get out of this carnal state.

It would have been no good if Paul had simply rebuked Christians for pursuing personalities instead of pursuing God, and then not shown them how to enter into God's presence to be transformed and receive divine growth.

Therefore, in the second chapter of First Corinthians, Paul reveals the source of his revelations and walk in God's power - the way of deliverance from carnal thinking, envy and strife.

Don't forget that the message is addressed to babes in the faith with a carnal mindset. Paul wants to teach these infant Christians to tap into the source of revelation that he has discovered for himself. He seeks to encourage Christians to move beyond the carnal, sense-based life and into a living relationship with God.

Paul says: “I can reveal to you the source from which I have drawn an understanding of these divine mysteries. If you can understand my teaching, you will not remain carnal.”

As for me, I personally don’t want to remain carnal. I want to be humble enough to have the opportunity to learn from Paul.

If I can jump into the same spiritual "river" from which he repeatedly drew revelation, I will certainly do so, because the ministers can only give me a part. They can't give me the anointing. They can't give me a calling. Of course, they can teach me about faith, joy and peace, but they cannot put these spiritual treasures inside me.

Jesus Christ is the One who gave all gifts through the power of the Holy Spirit, and He is all in all. Therefore, I intend to find the source that Paul resorted to and learn to give God the freedom to transform me according to the Word preached to me. So I go back to the second chapter of 1 Corinthians and dive into the well!

Paul's Source Discovered

SUBJECT: Gratitude for the harvest.

Scene 1

Start. The stage is empty. A voice is heard in the recording: “Everyone, watch how he builds. For no one can lay any other foundation than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Whether anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, everyone’s work will be revealed... (1 Cor. 3:10-12).

“We are all Christians, we all believe in God, and we are all a big family.”

1st: I will pray.
2nd: I will pray.
1st and 2nd (addressing 3rd): Will you pray?
3rd: Me too!

The 1st lowers his hands, opens his eyes, and begins to get up. Angel lightly tries to stop him, but 1st shakes off his hands and stands up. The first one eats, then sleeps.

The 2nd and 3rd are on their knees. The 2nd tries to get up, but succumbs to the influence of the angel and remains on his knees. Then the 1st one wakes up and pushes the 2nd one in the side. The angel tries to stop the 2nd, but now he can’t. The 1st and 2nd are playing ball, trying to involve the 3rd in the game, but he remains on his knees. The music stops. The character freezes, and the Angel puts some straw in front of the 1st, some branches in front of the 2nd, and a stone or brick in front of the 3rd.

Scene 2

The music intensifies, the characters again approach each other and sing their song again, but the ending changes to the following:

1st: I’ll read it.
2nd: I’ll read it.
1st and 2nd: Do you read?
3rd: Me too!

The scheme of actions is the same as in the 1st scene. That is, the characters sit down to read the Bible, an Angel enters. The first gets up earlier than everyone else, the third reads the longest.

1st: I will glorify God.
2nd: I will glorify God.
1st and 2nd together: Will you glorify God?
3rd: Me too.

Scene 4

Be sure to enter cell phones here.

1st: I am a minister in the Church.
2nd: I am a minister in the Church.
1st and 2nd together: Are you a minister in the Church?
3rd: Me too.

More people will be needed here. You can take a basket as a symbol of prayer ministry. Maracas as a symbol of glorification. Ribbons as a symbol of order service. Several people, as a symbol of the ministry of counseling.

Here the Angel hands each one some object of service.

3rd - As he took his object, he holds it.
2nd - He takes his object and then holds it, then puts it down, then picks it up again. In the end, the Angel gives him another item, but the 2nd treats him the same way.
1st - Treats all objects as toys. The angel first tries to change objects, but then gives a complete choice of all, the first one behaves extremely frivolously.

This time Angel places the last material in front of the characters and leaves.

Scene 5

The characters pay attention to the material and “build” their houses (the houses are drawn on sheets of whatman paper), then they sing the song for the last time, the ending is different again….

1st: I am a preacher.
2nd: I am a preacher.
1st and 2nd: Are you a preacher?
3rd: Me too!

1st: You want to have no problems in life and never know poverty, then this is news for you. God is love. He took upon himself your illnesses, your difficulties and sorrows. All you have to do is come and reap the benefits.

Some people approach the 1st, and they sit down, as it were, in a house.

2nd and 3rd - line up together.
2nd: Life is what it is: with joys and troubles...
3rd: With victories and vanity.
2nd: But we know the One who can fill it, remove the emptiness from your heart.
3rd: This is God. He doesn't promise you an easy life. He promises you only life with Him. The rest of the people come up to them and sit between them.

Music. Then, against the backdrop of music, a voice: “For when they say, ‘Peace and safety,’ then destruction will suddenly come upon them, just as the pain of childbirth comes upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, for the day to overtake you as a thief. For you are all sons of light and sons of day: we are not sons of night nor of darkness." (1 Thessalonians 5:2-3)

Then the Tempter appears. He approaches the 1st and his house. He takes the house from the first one and whispers something in people’s ears.

1st and his men approach the steps. 1st - in the center, the Tempter raises a house above his head.

1st person from home: You say Jesus took our illnesses upon himself, but my daughter is sick, how do you explain this?

2nd person from home: You say that God will take all our burdens, but the problems will not become less.

1st (helplessly): But God is love...

People: We know this love.

People from the first house leave, some into the hall, some behind the stage. 1st falls to his knees. The tempter tears his house over him.

2nd and 3rd on the edges. People in the middle. The tempter is in the center, he whispers something in people's ears. Then, during the answers, he approaches the 2nd, then the 3rd, and again to the people in the center. The tempter whispers to the people who ask questions, acts as if through them, and when people leave the 2nd house, they sit down, covering their faces with their hands, showing defeat with all their appearance, then they move on to the 3rd hero, who acts correctly, i.e. .e. his case is preserved. When all the people leave the 2nd house, the Tempter throws his house to the floor.

Man: You teach, God dwells in the heart, but my heart is still empty...

2nd: My brother, maybe you make little effort, that’s why your heart is empty.

3rd: Check whether you have allowed God into your heart, whether He is still standing at the door.

Man: In the church there are only continuous deprivations: one thing is forbidden, another is forbidden...

2nd: God is the Lord of everything, so that everything is possible for him who believes.

3rd: Everything is possible, but not everything is useful. And one more thing: do not love the world and what is in the world.

Person: There is so little love between brothers and sisters.

2nd: They are just people. We all sin from time to time.

3rd: God is love, and gradually puts love into the hearts of people. Then the voice: “Whoever’s work that he built endures will receive a reward. But whoever’s work is burned will suffer loss” (1 Cor. 3:14-15).

All the people gathered in house 3.

Awards scene.

Paul himself was the builder of the Corinthian project. Builder is Greek for "architect", from which our word "architect" comes. But in Paul's day the word had two meanings: it meant both the person who supervised the construction and the one who drew the plans for the future building. The builder was both an architect and a general contractor rolled into one.

For many years after his conversion to Christianity, Paul was used by the Lord to establish and establish many churches in Asia Minor, Macedonia and Greece. But lest anyone think that he was boasting, Paul began by making it clear that his calling and his activities were possible only by grace from God and were given to him because he was good. wise builder, - God's merit, not his own. He already stated above that “both he who plants and he who waters are nothing, but God makes everything grow” (3:7). The same truth applies to those who lay the foundation and build upon it. A few years later, Paul writes, addressing the Roman believers: “I dare not say anything that Christ has not done through me” (Rom. 15:18). His great successes in building the church were entirely due to God. “By the grace of God I am what I am; and His grace in me was not in vain, but I labored more than all of them: not I, however, but the grace of God which was with me” (1 Cor. 15:10). He labored and strived in God's power (Col. 1:29) and declared that he had no reason to boast except in the Lord (1 Cor. 1:31). He did not choose himself to be a builder, much less he did not make himself a builder. He “became a the gift of God’s grace” and considered himself “the least of all saints” (Eph. 3:7-8). He asked those around him not to exalt him (1 Cor. 9:15-16), but rather to pray for him (Eph. 6:19).

During those eighteen months that he stayed among the Corinthians (Acts 18:11), he faithfully preached the Gospel to them, taught them the Gospel - and nothing more (1 Cor. 2.2). Thus, he showed himself to be a wise builder. The word wise (sophos) in this context refers not only to spiritual wisdom, but also to practical wisdom, to the ability to conduct business intelligently. Paul knew why he was sent to Corinth. He was sent to lay the foundation of the church, and this was a work which he did carefully and skilfully. He had the right motive, preached the right message, and had true power.

Moreover, he had the right approach to business; he was a master strategist. Although he was primarily an apostle to the Gentiles (Acts 9:15), when he came to Corinth, he first went to preach in the synagogue, because the gospel was “first” intended for the Jews (Rom. 1:16). He also knew that the Jews would listen to him as one of their own, and that those of them whom he succeeded in converting would help him establish contact with the pagans. For him, the Jews were the best of the open doors and the passion of his heart (cf. Rom. 9 1-3; 10.1). After he was able to convert some from the synagogue (from which he was often thrown out), he began preaching and ministering among the Gentiles in the community (Acts 17:1-4, 18:4-7). He planned carefully and diligently and laid a solid foundation. The support was deep and was supposed to support the future building.

Laying the foundation is only the first part of the construction process. Paul's task was to lay the right foundation - the gospel, to establish the doctrines, principles of faith and practical life, revealed to him by God (1 Cor. 2:12-3). This was the task of establishing the principles of the New Testament (cf. Eph. 3:1-9). After he left Corinth, he began to build another on this foundation. In Ephesus it was Timothy (1 Tim. 1:3), in Corinth it was Apollos. Paul did not envy those who took on ministry in the churches he founded. He knew that whoever lays a foundation must be followed by other builders. For example, in Corinth, most of the believers were baptized by the pastor who served after him. Paul was pleased with this because it gave less cause for earthly attachment to him among the Corinthians (1:14-15).

However, he was very concerned that those who would come after him would build on the foundation he had laid as faithfully and wisely as himself. But everyone watch how they build. IN Greek the verb "builds" is in the present tense, in active voice indicative mood, which indicates an action that is constantly ongoing. All believers continue to build on one foundation - Jesus Christ. The word every one primarily refers to the evangelists, pastors and teachers who continued to build on the foundation laid by the apostles. They had a special responsibility to teach Christian doctrine. Paul later taught Timothy that he who builds must be faithful and capable (2 Tim. 2:2),

But the context makes it clear that Paul also had a more comprehensive application of these words in mind. The numerous references to "every one" and "anyone" (vv. 10-18) indicate that this principle applies to every believer. All of us, just by what we say and do, teach others the Gospel to some extent. No Christian has the right to be careless about how he presents the Lord and His Word to others. Every believer must be a careful builder. We all have the same responsibility.

Founding: Jesus Christ

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