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Who eats tomato seedlings? We fight caterpillars on tomatoes with folk remedies and the chemical industry


Hello, dear readers! Even if you invest all your time and effort into caring for tomatoes, you may miss something. We are not artificial storage devices! Each of us has our own business, favorite hobby, family, and finally. How can you manage everything here?

This seemingly harmless insect is capable of destroying the entire standing crop, biting into the juicy pulp of the fruit and eating tomatoes from the inside, without choosing whether they are green or red. This is the activity of a caterpillar called the cutworm.

The dark brown body of the armyworm grows up to three centimeters in length, these caterpillars are quite large. Light wavy lines stretch along their bodies, and this animal also likes to eat peppers, eggplants, cabbage, onions and many other crops.

In June, when the cutworm pupa turns into a butterfly, these winged creatures lay a mass of eggs, and already on the fourth day, a merciless caterpillar crawls out of each egg and settles on the plant. By the way, in just two weeks it will become an adult, which is aimed at destroying the future harvest, and will begin to cutworms from the leaves.

The armyworm is active, in any of its states - from pupa to caterpillar, only at night, and it is either leaf-gnawing or gnawing. In simple terms, this means that the first lives on the ground, and the second lives underground.

Fighting caterpillars

Experienced summer residents use different methods of controlling caterpillars, depending on the condition of the pest and its period of development, and in this article we will figure out which of them are more effective.

  • Moth owls are eliminated using traps. Pheromone baits are hung at approximately waist level and filled with sour, fermented kvass. You should ensure that there is always leaven liquid in the trap containers, and remove all weeds in time before they bloom, so as not to leave food for butterflies.
  • To get rid of pupae, you need to carefully dig up the ground in the fall and loosen all row spacing, selecting pupae by hand - they overwinter in the soil at a depth of 7-8 cm. If you start the correct crop rotation on the site, you can avoid the establishment of pupae.
  • Spraying the soil and vegetation in the spring with various insecticides will help get rid of caterpillars. Drugs such as Karate or Proteus have already proven their effectiveness. But in the summer, it is best to treat tomatoes with organic preparations containing phosphorus: Zolon or Dursban.

External treatment against caterpillars of already mature and flowering tomatoes should be carried out in the evening, and if the plants are in the fruiting phase, then the tomatoes should be sprayed a month before picking the fruits.

There should be no more than two such treatments per year with full compliance with all dosages. Among the drugs of biological origin, the most famous are Aktofit and Fitoverm.

  • An effective method of combating underground or gnawing cutworms is Bazudin, which is buried directly in the moist soil.

Basic Rules

  1. It is important to ensure that no plant debris remains on the site, as pupae can overwinter in them.
  2. It is also worth fighting weeds in early spring for the same reason.
  3. Constantly inspect plantings and greenhouses for pests.
  4. Carry out preventive work in a timely manner and repeat after 10 days, since the cutworm reproduces constantly.
  5. Do not allow the caterpillars to mature so as not to complicate your task.

Folk remedies

If you are against chemicals, or it is no longer possible to use extreme measures due to the ripeness of the crop, then in this case the following methods are quite applicable:

  • Celandine, wormwood, tobacco and garlic are infused in a bucket of hot water for 24 hours in equal proportions per bucket of water. Next, this solution is filtered and mixed with planed soap to fix it on the sheet.
  • Potato tops are infused in the same way, only it needs to stand for four hours. Insist on the ratio of a kilogram of tops to a bucket of water.
  • You can sprinkle the plants with salt. Or dissolve it in water and thoroughly spray it on the foliage. For better adhesion, also secure with soap.
  • A decoction of wormwood will also help against the scoop. It needs to be boiled for 15 minutes and applied twice every other week. You should take a kilogram of herbs and boil them in three liters.
  • Caterpillars are also afraid of burdock. For those who have time, you can use the following recipe: pour fresh leaves with water and leave for three days. Process according to foliage.

Anti-aphid products are also excellent in the fight against cutworms.

Fight fire with fire

There are other ways to exterminate caterpillars. For example, setting those who feed on them against pests.

The introduction of Trichogramma or Bracona is a well-known practice and is the main means of mass pest control. They are bred in laboratory conditions.

Trichogramma is an entomophagous insect. It is capable of destroying more than 160 species of caterpillars even in the egg phase. This predator is very effective at exterminating precisely those insects that are not so easy to detect, such as cutworms.

Thus, with the help of some insects you can successfully exterminate other insects that harm the crop. And do this at different stages of armyworm development.

This is especially true for the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system. And maybe for many of you this will be a discovery, but the functioning of the heart and blood vessels greatly depends on the health of the musculoskeletal system.

Therefore, now, during the autumn-winter dacha stagnation, I highly recommend the courses of Alexandra Bonina “Secrets of a healthy lower back” and “Secrets of a healthy neck”, a doctor and trainer who herself successfully overcame a disease such as osteochondrosis, and now helps others who crave it get rid of. I myself follow her lessons, and the effect is very noticeable!

And you, dear friends, have time to improve your health very well before the start of your dacha worries - you just need to purchase the course and do the recommended exercises!

Subscribe to my blog, dear friends, and you will learn many more interesting things.

Happy harvest and see you soon!

​Similar articles​

How to harvest tomatoes in a greenhouse?

​The next act of watering should be done only after 10 days (1 watering can for each bush). Then the seedlings can be left alone until the moment when the ovaries appear on it. There is no need to worry about lack of moisture. The mulch will reliably keep it in the ground and the tomatoes will have enough nutrition for high-quality and fast, full growth.​

Caring for tomatoes is not limited to proper irrigation; it is a whole range of activities from planting to harvesting fruits, aimed at obtaining a good quality harvest. By combining watering plants with fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, you will get excellent results. By following the above rules, you will learn how to water tomatoes correctly.​

Should I pick green tomatoes in a greenhouse?

​In a greenhouse, it is very important to maintain sufficiently dry air and moist soil. It is recommended to mulch the plants with a layer of grass clippings.​

You can protect tomatoes and other plants by spraying garlic infusion on the shoots. A bucket of cut garlic arrows should be filled with water and left for a week. sunny place for fermentation. Strain the resulting infusion, dilute with water (1:10) and spray on the tomatoes. If you add a matchbox of ammonium nitrate to 10 liters of solution, the effect will be enhanced, and additional foliar feeding will be obtained. The procedure should be repeated once every 2 weeks.​

Planting tomatoes in a greenhouse: little tricks

​Owl caterpillar​

What are the benefits of tomatoes?

​Using a fan. The switched-on device is carried between the plants, artificially creating wind.​

Advice. If you do not have the opportunity to constantly be on the site, install automatically opening windows in the greenhouse that respond to rising temperatures. Their price is not so high as to risk the harvest, besides simple automation you can assemble it yourself.​

This is facilitated by the wind and insects collecting nectar from flowers, carrying pollen on their legs. In closed ground conditions, these processes are also possible (see How to attract bees to grow a good harvest), since in the warm season, when flowering occurs, greenhouses are often opened for ventilation, and in hot weather they are not closed at all.​

​It is worth building a greenhouse in a sunnier place; darkening is undesirable, because tomatoes love the sun very much - it’s not for nothing that the Italians call this vegetable the “golden apple.”

Rules for planting tomatoes in a greenhouse

​The soil for greenhouse tomatoes must be prepared in advance. Loosen, add organic fertilizers, check the acidity of the soil (it should be neutral). It is impossible to apply manure immediately before planting tomatoes, they will die!​

  • ​Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse is not an easy task, because the vegetable is quite capricious and instantly reacts to unfavorable conditions. And there are a lot of them! Nevertheless, this is one of the most common crops that our gardeners grow in greenhouses. In addition to knowledge about watering, fertilizing and pinching, it is important to know when to harvest tomatoes in a greenhouse.​
  • ​When the fruits on the tomatoes begin to set, the watering regime in the greenhouse will change somewhat. You will have to “water” the plants no more than once every 7-10 days (of course, if there is mulch that protects the soil from drying out). In this option, the fruits on the bushes will ripen juicy and record large.​
  • ​Tomato is a popular and widespread crop, suitable for growing in different latitudes, both open ground, and in glass, film or polycarbonate greenhouses. The vegetable is not very capricious, but it still requires some attention. To get a bountiful harvest of beautiful, large fruits on your plot, you can’t get by with fertilizing alone. It is very important to establish adequate, high-quality watering of tomatoes at all levels - from seedlings to adult plants - and to provide them with an environment comfortable for growth and fruiting.​
  • ​You need to water the plants at the roots so as not to erode the soil and expose the roots. You should also avoid getting moisture on the leaves and stems of tomatoes.​
  • ​Infusion of garlic arrows - effective remedy in the fight against scoops
  • ​Detecting the presence of cutworms is not difficult. To do this, you need to put fermented compote, beer, jam or kvass in some container. If the next morning there are dead butterflies in the improvised trap, then measures should be taken to protect the plants.​
  • ​Using a brush. The most primitive method that allows you to manually transfer pollen from flower to flower.​
  • ​Pollination of tomatoes in a greenhouse can be done naturally or artificially.​

  • ​It is worth changing the location of the greenhouse every year; you cannot plant tomatoes in one place from year to year, they can suffer from late blight because of this. Or it is worth replacing the soil and treating it with copper sulfate.​
  • ​Choose hybrid varieties of tomatoes for growing in a greenhouse. They are more resistant to local temperatures and conditions.​
  • ​Unlike vegetables growing in open ground, greenhouse tomatoes are recommended to be harvested slightly unripe. Such fruits are light, with a brown color. Thanks to this, tomatoes that are still completely green hanging on the branches will ripen faster on the bushes. Don’t worry, the fruits will not spoil and will delight you and your loved ones with great taste. Final ripening will occur in 10-15 days. But the container with fruits must be placed in a sunny room. And please note that for long-term storage, tomatoes should be carefully removed from the bushes along with the stalk. Thanks to this, the tomatoes will retain not only their elasticity, but also most of their vitamins.​
  • ​In a polycarbonate greenhouse, the overall internal temperature is always several degrees higher than in similar lightweight buildings made of glass or film. Therefore, the break between moisturizing procedures should be shorter and the water simply must be at a comfortable room temperature (about +20°C). Experienced gardeners do not recommend watering plants directly from a well, central water supply or well. You shouldn’t overuse water either, since in this case the plants’ leaves will begin to curl, and excessive dampness in the greenhouse will certainly lead to the appearance of late blight.​
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Little tricks for planting tomatoes

An important factor is the temperature of the water with which the tomatoes are watered. It should be no colder than greenhouse soil. Allowing hypothermia is simply unacceptable, as this will lead to increased humidity and the development of diseases dangerous to tomatoes such as late blight.​

​If there are no garlic arrows, then you can use the heads. 200 g of chopped garlic should be poured into 10 liters of water and boiled for 1 hour, cool, strain and spray on the tomatoes. It wouldn't hurt to add onion peel(100-200 g) and tobacco dust (200 g) to boiling.​

​Several days (3-7) after emergence, the female lays yellowish eggs with a diameter of about 0.5 mm on the underside of the leaves of both weeds and cultivated plants. A clutch can contain up to 70 eggs. From them appear caterpillars approximately 30 mm long, greenish or brownish in color.​

​Instead of a brush, you can use an electric toothbrush, which is turned on over the inflorescences. As a result of vibration, pollen is transferred to the stigma of the pistil.​

​These include creating the movement of air masses in the greenhouse and attracting insects:​

How to pollinate tomatoes in a greenhouse and is it necessary to do so?

​But if tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse in winter or in early spring when it is impossible natural ventilation and there are no insects, you will have to take care of the formation of ovaries yourself, by artificial means. They will not be superfluous in the summer, since the movement of air in enclosed spaces and the access of insects to them is still limited.​

​Do not forget about timely fertilizing (the first time on the 20th day after planting) and gartering the seedlings.​

Why pollinate tomatoes in greenhouses

​Treat the seedlings with a solution of potassium permanganate at the rate of 1 gram of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water.​​If we talk about when to harvest the first tomatoes in a greenhouse, then this, of course, depends on the time of planting the seedlings and the type of vegetable. Subject to proper agricultural technology The first harvest in the greenhouse is expected in early June.​
​To prevent the air inside from drying out too much, you can place a barrel of water among the tomato bushes. Just don't forget to cover it plastic film, otherwise the atmosphere will become too damp and provoke the development of mold diseases on plants.​

​When watering bushes with buckets, bottles or a hose, you need to direct the stream strictly to the root and be very careful that drops of water do not fall on the foliage and trunk. You should not moisten the soil too often. For greenhouses where the ground under the plantings is well mulched, one abundant watering per week is sufficient.​

​Immediately after irrigation, the polycarbonate greenhouse needs to be ventilated.​
An infusion of burdock leaves will also repel the cutworm. Fill a third of the bucket with crushed leaves, compact it, add water, and leave for 3 days. Strain, add liquid or planed soap, spray the plants.​

Temperature and humidity conditions

​Laying armyworm eggs​

  • ​In order for the pollen to wake up from the flower, you need to open the door in windy weather and those located on opposite side there are vents from it, creating a draft.​
  • ​The pollen produced by tomato flowers is suitable for both self-pollination and the fertilization of neighboring plants. But its quality depends on the conditions environment, which can be adjusted in the greenhouse with your own hands.​

Here are some little tricks. In order for the tomato to gain more strength, the seedlings are planted by “laying” the stem 5-7 centimeters into the hole and covering it with soil. You can feed the seedling with mineral fertilizer by pouring it directly into the hole.​

  • ​It is better to fertilize the soil with peat, sawdust, and spruce wood.​

​Unlike tomatoes in the open ground, where the fruits are fully harvested by mid-August, the vegetable can be kept in a greenhouse until the end of September, depending on what region you live in. You need to focus on the sudden cold snap. Regarding the temperature at which tomatoes are picked in a greenhouse, it is +8+10 ⁰С. It is not worth keeping fruits until lower air temperatures, even if they are green.​

Watering a tomato is a serious matter that needs to be approached very responsibly. It is almost impossible to determine a universal norm for the amount of water that is suitable for absolutely everyone. For proper hydration, it is necessary to take into account such items as:

​Vegetables growing in an open garden require more frequent water treatments. During hot, dry summers, you will have to pour one standard bucket of water under each bush every 2-3 days. It is better to do this in the evening, so that the life-giving moisture is absorbed into the ground, and does not dry out under the bright and scorching sun.​

Pollination methods

​An automatic watering system in a greenhouse will greatly simplify the care of tomatoes.​

​Timely measures taken are the key good harvest

  • ​The caterpillars spend daylight hours in the soil, and at dusk they crawl out of their shelter to feed thoroughly. Each of them is capable of eating up to 20 young leaves or damaging several (or 1) unripe fruits. Armyworm caterpillars overwinter in the soil at a depth of 10-25 cm. They can withstand cold temperatures down to – 10 °C. Pupation occurs in spring. Approximately in May, butterflies fly out. Then the cycle repeats.​
  • ​For pollen to germinate, the instructions require increasing air humidity immediately after pollination. To do this, water (see How to water tomatoes in a greenhouse and maintain normal air humidity) or spray the tomatoes with a hand sprayer, but after a couple of hours, as after each watering, the greenhouse should be ventilated to avoid air humidity harmful to plants.​
    To attract insects, honey plants are planted between the rows of tomatoes, which will serve as an additional bait for bumblebees and bees. You can simply bring pots of flowers into the greenhouse during the flowering period.​

​For pollination of tomatoes to occur normally in a greenhouse, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature and humidity.​

​And you can, when planting tomatoes, and also peppers, put one small, capelin-type, fresh fish in each hole. She will give more necessary substances than any chemistry.​

Artificial pollination

​It is recommended not to plant tomatoes next to potatoes! It is better to plant tomatoes in the soil after harvesting legumes, onions, and carrots.​
Otherwise, late blight may develop in the beds. And then you will be completely left without a harvest, because the tomatoes will turn black and rot. Place the collected unripe fruits in a warm room where the temperature is +12+16⁰С, and where the relative humidity reaches 80%. We recommend sorting through the crop to weed out those damaged by late blight. The disease is manifested by the appearance of brown-black spots. By the way, stored fruits should be ventilated. If these conditions are met, green tomatoes collected in a greenhouse will turn red and ripen in a month and a half. If you want to speed up the ripening of tomatoes, place them in a room where it will be warmer, for example +20+25 ⁰С.​
​growing conditions;​

  • In order for the bush to develop properly and form strong ovaries, it is recommended to feed the young seedlings a little and water them once with a nutrient solution of iodine and water. But a mixture of milk and iodine will help protect the plant from common pests. The liquid should be sprayed on top of the bushes in late May or early June. After this treatment, a thin film will appear on the tomatoes, preventing larvae and pathogens of various diseases from penetrating into the foliage.
  • ​A few weeks before harvesting, watering should be stopped or reduced in intensity.​
  • ​You can fight younger caterpillars with the help of biological products Bitoxibacillin, Fitoverm, Lepidotsid, Agrovertin, diluted according to the instructions. The advisability of using chemicals depends on the degree of maturity of the fruit and the number of pests. They usually have a long waiting period before eating the fruit. Decis, Zeta, Arrivo, Inta-Vir, Sherpa have a detrimental effect on cutworm caterpillars.
    ​Owl pupa​

​There is another secret that increases the yield of tomatoes. This is spraying them with a solution of boric acid during flowering.

​If it is marigolds or basil, then their presence will improve the taste of the ripened fruits.​
​This is one of the advantages of growing tomatoes indoors - it is simply impossible to do it outdoors:​
​There is one more feature: you should not water the tomatoes for the first days after planting; they have already received enough moisture for the fruit to set. Planted tomato bushes should be watered at the root. Do not overuse watering. It is optimal to do this once a week.​


​It is very important to position the greenhouse correctly. The correct location is from east to west, then the greenhouse will warm up sufficiently during the day.​

Holes in tomatoes: who damages them and how to deal with them

​Tomatoes are honored residents of our garden plots. Their fruits are tasty and healthy: one standard fruit provides daily requirement human vitamins, both fresh and canned.​

​specific characteristics of the variety;​

​Yeast is an organic product and is often used as a fertilizer for vegetable crops. To prepare a healing mixture for watering tomatoes in the soil, take 1 kilogram of briquette yeast and dissolve it in 5 liters of pleasant water room temperature. Then the young tomato bushes are watered with the active liquid. This is usually done at the end of May, when the weather is warm outside and frosts no longer appear on the soil even at night.​

The most popular watering methods are:

​Butterfly and cutworm caterpillar, as well as the result of their activities​

The body length of the butterfly is about 1 cm, the wingspan is from 33 mm to 45. The color of the front pair of wings is brownish-gray, spotted. The rear pair of wings is lighter; stripes running from the body to the edges, as well as a dark wide border, are clearly visible on it. Females can be distinguished from males by their antennae; in females they are setae-shaped, and in males they are comb-like. Owl pupae are brown-brown in color, up to 2 cm long, with a spine on the last segment.​

Noctuid development cycle

​The drug is prepared by dissolving 10 g of powder in a bucket of hot water.​

​For reference. In cases where tomatoes are grown in greenhouses on an industrial scale for sale, it makes sense to keep bee or bumblebee hives in them.​

At temperatures below 13-15 degrees, the quality of pollen decreases due to deformation of the anthers;

​In the greenhouse, place dark stones between the beds - this way they create a balance of heat. When the fruits ripen, it is worth tearing off the lower leaves on the stem; it is better to do this during the day in sunny weather.​

What is a garden cutworm?

​Do not plant cucumbers and tomatoes in the same greenhouse, because there is a risk of disease, and besides, these crops have different requirements for light and moisture.​

The benefits of tomatoes for the body are undeniable. They are recommended for people on a diet - in salads, in soups; tomatoes are also necessary for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart diseases, and liver diseases. This vegetable is an excellent antioxidant and even an antidepressant due to the trace elements it contains. Even with heat treatment, this crop does not lose its beneficial properties.​

Basic methods of struggle

  • ​seasonal weather conditions.​
  • ​Iodine promotes the formation of ovaries in tomatoes and has a beneficial effect on fruiting. Young seedlings are watered once with a weak solution (2 drops per 4 liters of warm water) shortly before planting in the ground. After this treatment, the bushes develop faster and form neat inflorescences with a good branched structure.​

​watering with a hose. With this method of watering, it is quite difficult to dose the amount of moisture. The water pressure should be moderate. In addition, when dragging the hose, plants can be damaged;​

Protecting tomatoes from cutworms

  • ​We hope that we have made it clear who damages tomato fruits and how to deal with pests.​
  • ​Owl in the butterfly stage​

    ​Knowing how tomatoes are pollinated in a greenhouse and what conditions need to be created for this, you can achieve excellent results: compared to growing in open ground, the yield increases by 2-3 times. Watch the video suggested in this article and you will easily cope with this task.​

  • ​When the temperature rises above 30 degrees, the viability of pollen decreases, and at 35 degrees and above it becomes sterile;​

​Have a good harvest and good luck!​

Biological and chemical treatments

The dates for planting tomatoes in a greenhouse are set for April - early May. It is during this period that the daytime sun will warm the greenhouse enough to maintain the required temperature throughout the night. It's better to do this in the evening.​

​In addition to the benefits, it is also an aesthetically pleasing sight. Tomatoes look beautiful on garden plot, although planting tomatoes in a greenhouse does not allow guests of the site to admire the blooming tomatoes, foreshadowing a rich harvest, or the “lights” ripening on the vine.

For a plant to fully develop both in a greenhouse and in open ground, soil moisture should be about 85-90%, and air humidity should be from 45 to 50%. Under such conditions, tomatoes will grow well and ultimately produce a bountiful harvest.​

How to water tomatoes in a greenhouse so as not to flood them

​Milk has a unique composition, rich in all kinds of beneficial substances. Together with water and iodine, it is used as an effective fertilizer for tomatoes. To prepare, mix 4 liters of water with 1 liter of raw milk and add 15 drops of iodine at the end. The solution is sprayed on the bushes in early June. If there is late blight on the site, the milk component is replaced with whey and the tomatoes are treated with this mixture.

​watering from a bucket. This way you can accurately dose water, however, this method of watering requires a lot of labor; carrying water in buckets is quite difficult;​

​Tomatoes are demanding to changes in climatic conditions, so growing this vegetable crop requires special preparation and maintenance of conditions for capricious plants, especially constant microclimate control. In closed ground it is much easier to create comfortable conditions for tomatoes and achieve a good harvest. In a polycarbonate greenhouse, you can regulate the climatic conditions yourself and avoid diseases, withering of plants, and the shrinkage of their fruits.​

​An important factor in the fight against cutworms is digging the soil (in autumn and early spring). This action destroys the pupae.

Features of irrigating tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse

​For the second year in a row I have lost part of my harvest due to caterpillars burrowing into my tomatoes. Last year this pest was only on some plants in the open ground, but this year it was in the greenhouse too. I can’t call myself a novice in gardening science, but I haven’t had this problem before. It is very unpleasant to look at unripe tomatoes and see holes, and sometimes “windows with green caterpillars looking out” from there. Damaged fruits do not ripen, begin to turn brown and fall off. What kind of pest is active, how to fight it and is it possible to prevent the invasion?​

​The petals of a pollinated flower are bent back. If this is not the case, and a few days after the measures taken for natural pollination, ovaries have not formed on the plants, you will have to start the process manually.​

​Attention! Even a short-term increase in temperature to 35-40 degrees during the flowering period can lead to falling flowers and loss of yield.​

Before planting, you need to prepare holes for tomato seedlings. They are made in rows, the distance between which should be about half a meter or a little more. The optimal distance between holes in one row is about 30 centimeters. Remember that the planting should not be dense under any circumstances. Naturally, it is best to arrange the holes in rows in a checkerboard pattern.​

​Yes, tomatoes are grown in open ground, but only those who live in warm regions of our country are so lucky. The rest, more northern residents, have to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse in order to get a harvest of this vegetable, but it should be noted that the taste qualities of greenhouse tomatoes are somewhat worse. How to properly plant tomatoes in a greenhouse?

Methods of watering tomatoes

​Regardless of how watering is carried out (from a watering can, with a hose or bottles), water should be directed only under the roots of plants or into the grooves between the bushes. Not a single drop should fall on the leaves, fruits and stems, otherwise the plants may get burned in these places under the sun's rays. In addition, with overhead irrigation or drip irrigation, air humidity increases significantly, and this contributes to the development of all kinds of fungal diseases, which significantly reduce the yield of nightshade crops.​

  • ​How often to water tomatoes to get sweet, juicy fruits with fleshy, elastic flesh? The answer to this question is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. Experienced gardeners say that bushes need to be moistened abundantly, but rarely. Constant watering in small doses will only harm the plant and will certainly slow down the growth of seedlings and their normal development.​
  • ​drip watering of plants. With this method, unlike the previous two, the surface structure of the soil is preserved and there is no excessive evaporation of moisture, leading to an increase in humidity in a polycarbonate greenhouse. In this way, you can achieve uniform soil moisture without allowing it to become waterlogged or dry out. You can build a drip irrigation system with your own hands, saving a lot of money.​
  • ​Tomatoes are moisture-loving plants, but they are resistant to dry conditions for a short time. They tolerate arid environments well, but in this case the seedlings develop much more slowly. The peculiarities of moisture consumption of heat-loving vegetables are associated with their root system. The absorption by plants depends on how correctly watering is carried out. nutrients, and consequently, the yield of vegetable crops.​

​During the growing season of plants, it is necessary to promptly pull out weeds, especially flowering ones, which are a source of food for butterflies, and loosen the rows.​

Watering frequency

Tomato damaged by cutworm caterpillars

​Tomato pollination in a greenhouse is carried out in the morning, as pollen ripens at night.​

Watering tomatoes in the greenhouse and in the ground. How to water tomatoes correctly and how often

​When air humidity exceeds 70%, pollen sticks together and loses its ability to fly away. But too dry air is also harmful to it.

How to properly water tomatoes in open ground and greenhouses

​Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse gives excellent results only if certain mandatory procedures are followed. One of them is flower pollination, without which the formation of ovaries is impossible.​

​The greenhouse must be treated against fungus, mold, and pests. To do this, a few days before planting tomatoes, you can use preventative agents purchased in specialized stores or remember folk recipes for such treatment.​

​There are basic rules and little tricks for this.​

How to water tomatoes to feed them

​Tomatoes cannot often be watered either in the greenhouse or in the garden bed. You should be especially careful with hydration when the weather outside is cool, cloudy and damp. At this time, it is necessary to reduce water procedures to a minimum until consistently sunny, clear days are established.​

Scoop with folded wings

​This pest is a cutworm caterpillar that feeds on leaf tissue, and later on the fruits of cultivated plants, in particular tomatoes. You can find many different cutworms on our sites, because... This family is extremely numerous (more than 1,000 genera and 11,000 species are known). Not only tomatoes, but also other vegetable crops (peppers, eggplants, potatoes, etc.) suffer from their invasion.

Watering tomatoes in a greenhouse: how to water tomatoes correctly

​This should be done every other day throughout the entire flowering period, using one of the methods below:​

​As you can see, it is important for tomatoes to provide optimal conditions for pollination, and for this, the greenhouse must be equipped with a ventilation system - a sufficient number of correctly positioned windows (see Window for a polycarbonate greenhouse - doing it right).​

​For fruit to form, it is necessary that pollen from the flower anthers land on the stigma.​

Watering a tomato in a polycarbonate greenhouse

​Be sure to ventilate the greenhouse, especially during flowering, so that there is no condensation on the film - to facilitate the process of pollination of tomato flowers. Initially, it is desirable to have windows in the greenhouse.

​You should adhere to the following rules:​

To ensure that the bushes feel good, develop evenly and are not damaged by diseases and insects, you can add natural components to the water (iodine, yeast, milk, etc.) and water the tomatoes with this nutrient mixture. It acts on plants much better than industrial and chemical products and does not cause any harm to the quality of ripening fruits.​

  • Watering tomatoes in a greenhouse requires a correct and balanced approach. At the time of planting the seedlings, it is necessary to thoroughly soak the prepared holes with moisture (1 large watering can in each), and then thoroughly water the young bushes directly under the root (1/2 watering can). The optimal water temperature is +18…+22°C. After moisturizing procedures, you need to mulch fresh plantings with dry straw, hay or any other natural material, available at hand.​
  • Tomato seedlings in greenhouse conditions must be watered as the surface layer of soil dries out. This ensures the growth of still young tomatoes. Tomatoes are watered especially generously when planted in greenhouse soil. After this, the plants are not watered for 10 days. In the period before fruit set, the vegetable crop is watered as needed, several times a week, but abundantly. Moisture should penetrate 20 cm into the soil.
  • ​The seedlings will develop correctly when the soil moisture does not exceed 90%. The degree of soil moisture is determined as follows: at a depth of about 10 cm, you need to take a lump of soil and squeeze it in your hand. If the form molds easily and then falls apart just as easily, then the soil is sufficiently moist. Another feature: in different periods growth, the abundance and frequency of watering vary. After planting in greenhouse soil, seedlings need to be watered moderately, but often, and during the fruiting period, plants are watered abundantly, but not so often. When watering tomato seedlings, you need to add a small amount of manganese solution to the water.​

​Planting cutworm-repellent plants (for example, calendula) along the perimeter of crops is effective.

​In many regions, the pest can produce two generations per season. The first generation of butterflies flies from May to the third ten days of July, and the second generation - from mid-July to mid-September, it turns out that they are active throughout the season. They are predominantly nocturnal, starting at dusk.​

​Shaking. You can shake each plant lightly, gently holding it by the trunk. If the tomatoes are tied to trellises, lightly tapping the ropes is enough to cause the pollen to fall down.

​Even schoolchildren know how pollination occurs under natural conditions.​

The cutworm butterfly is a polyphagous pest; there are about 100 species. Appearing in suburban areas and damaging plants, they cause a lot of trouble for gardeners.

There are various methods and techniques for controlling pests (larvae, caterpillars and cutworms). Having spent a lot of time and effort on growing seedlings and then it is very annoying to find holes in tomatoes.

Who hurts and how to deal with it? And adult cutworms do this by making huge holes in the tomatoes and eating away the pulp from the inside.

What does it look like

Externally, the cutworm is a rather inconspicuous butterfly that bears a slight resemblance to a moth. She lays her eggs on the back of the leaf, making it very difficult to notice newly hatched larvae.

Caterpillars are born within 3 days. The color depends on the species, they are gray-green, green or dark brown with wavy lines on the sides of the body and light stripes. The body is covered with hairs. Over the next 22 days, development into an adult occurs.


There are a large number of varieties of cutworms, the most famous of them:

  1. Cabbage cutworm, which damages Shrovetide, fruit, leguminous and vegetable crops.
  2. A garden cutworm that attacks cabbage, rutabaga, tomatoes, and legumes.
  3. which damages field cereal plants.
  4. Pine owl. It harms coniferous plants.
  5. The gamma armyworm breeds where flax, potatoes, beets, corn and legumes are grown.

How to deal with pests in the garden? Caterpillar on tomatoes, caterpillars on tomatoes in a greenhouse

To combat the cutworm, all sorts of methods are used, which depend on its condition: larva, caterpillar, butterfly.

In order to fight cutworms, it is necessary to hang containers with the smell of pheromones, molasses or fermented kvass at a meter height.

To combat caterpillars and larvae you need:

  • In the last month of autumn, dig up all the soil, as they overwinter in the soil. As a result, a significant proportion of pests will die. At the beginning of the new season, it is also recommended to dig up the soil in order to reduce the number of overwintering insects.
  • Collect larvae by hand.
  • Carefully destroy flowering weeds, since cutworms feed on nectar, and its lack leads to weakening of the individual.
  • Observe alternating planting of different plant crops.
  • It is necessary to remove weeds, as they serve as the initial food supply.
  • Spray with insecticides one month before harvesting.

In the spring, use “Decis”, “Karate”, “Fury”; and in the summer season “Fufanon”, “Zolon”, “Danadim”. Apply them according to the instructions, carry out no more than 2 treatments per year. Spray with biological products, for example, Agrovertin, Actofit, Fitoverm.

Fighting caterpillars: general rules

Caterpillars on tomatoes in a greenhouse: how to deal with them? To combat it, it is necessary to apply an integrated approach, which contains the following measures:

  • In the spring, constantly destroy weeds. This will help reduce the number of larvae and butterflies.
  • Inspect greenhouses regularly, especially during the flowering period.
  • Spray with chemicals “Iskra” and “Leptotsid”. Repeat spraying after a week, since the caterpillars do not all appear at once. Then only biological substances can be used, because the period of ripening and harvesting does not tolerate chemicals. Repeat treatment 2-3 times.
  • Do not allow the caterpillar to form to large sizes.
  • In the autumn, it is necessary to destroy all remnants of plants that have been damaged by the caterpillar and dig up the bed.
  • During the summer season, it is recommended to loosen the soil from time to time.

Folk remedies

If caterpillars appear on tomatoes in a greenhouse, how to fight it using folk remedies? If you notice late that there are caterpillars in the tomatoes, then you can no longer use chemicals.

  • From herbs. To prepare the infusion, you will need 10 liters of hot water, to which you need to add 400 g of celandine, tobacco, wormwood and 200 g of garlic. After a day, add 40 grams of soap.
  • From wormwood. Add 1 kg of wormwood to 3 liters of water, then boil for 15 minutes. Treat the plants twice, then take a week break and you can repeat the procedure.
  • From burdocks. Cut half a bucket of burdock leaves, then add water and leave for 3 days.

You can spray tomatoes with saline solution directly on the plant.

Caterpillars on tomatoes in a greenhouse: how to deal with cutworms?

The following products are used to treat tomatoes against pests.

  1. Mix lime, wood ash and tobacco powder thoroughly in equal proportions and pollinate the affected plants.
  2. In a container with cold water pour 2 cups of ash and pour out 2 small spoons of liquid soap. Spray the plants with the resulting solution.
  3. Treating plants with a solution of potassium permanganate is very beneficial, firstly, it helps in counteracting armyworms, secondly, it is a fertilizer, and thirdly, it is a means that disinfects and kills bacteria and viruses. To treat seedlings, you need to pour a glass of a saturated solution of potassium permanganate into a bucket filled with water and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Dilute 5 g of potassium and 10 g of superphosphate in a bucket of water and leave for 24 hours. Apply several times with an interval of 8 days, up to 3 times per season. In addition, this solution can help against aphids.
  5. Add 400 grams of laundry soap to 1 liter of hot water, then carefully pour in 800 ml of kerosene and add 9 liters of water. Mix everything and use immediately for processing.

Caterpillars on tomatoes in a greenhouse: how to deal with them using the advice of experienced summer residents? Baits for caterpillars and cutworms are made from sweet drinks, syrups, kvass, beer, and juices that can ferment. Place the bait in small jars. It is necessary to remove caterpillars that have caught the bait.

To repel butterflies, eggshells are used, which are placed between plants. Birds, especially tits and sparrows, love to feast on larvae and caterpillars, they will help reduce the number of pests. You can hang feeders for birds.

Plant cilantro and basil next to the tomatoes; cutworms cannot tolerate the aroma of these herbs, so they will fly around your plantings.

Biological methods

Caterpillars on tomatoes in a greenhouse: how to fight using biological methods? To destroy pests, you can use Trichogramma - these are small insects that lay eggs inside the eggs of cutworm butterflies. This method used twice a season.

Significant benefits come from ichneumon insects, whose females, by puncture, introduce a toxin into the caterpillar, which stops digestion and leads to its death.

Caterpillars on tomatoes in a greenhouse; the reasons for their appearance directly depend on their timely detection. It is not always possible to determine the time of occurrence of pests in order to determine the timing of the start of treatment. If spraying is not done in a timely manner, the treatment will not give any result. It is possible to detect a massive insect infestation thanks to pheromone traps.

In conclusion, I would like to note that after reading the article, everyone will be able to answer the question: how to get rid of caterpillars on tomatoes in a greenhouse.

The appearance of caterpillars on tomato seedlings in a greenhouse indicates the need for immediate treatment of the vegetable crop. Before using one method or another, a detailed inspection is carried out. Its goal is to determine what exactly caused the appearance of pests. The starting point is negative external factors, for example, the activation of pests in a neighboring area, or the gardener’s mistakes associated with improper care.

External manifestations of pest activity


Cutworms are actively breeding. During 1 season, 1 individual hatches 500 eggs or more on the surface of buds, leaves and flowers. The masonry can be identified by its external features. The egg has a pronounced convex top and a flat base. The rate of egg development depends on external conditions. With a stable temperature background and humidity level, the young animals will appear within 3-6 days, and with unfavorable conditions– within 4-10 days.

The young growth, whose development period is 18-20 days, first attacks the leaves of tomatoes, and then the buds and flowers. If the gardener leaves the situation without proper attention, then within a few weeks the caterpillars will destroy the fruits. Regular preventive inspection of seedlings is the only effective way to notice the pest at an early stage.

Various pest control methods

Chemical active substances are rightly called the most effective way to destroy caterpillars. Their disadvantages include an increased risk of introducing a significant amount of toxic substances into the future harvest, so treatment is carried out in 2 cases - before the flowers begin to set or in the event of a massive pest invasion. Before spraying tomatoes with special preparations, you need to look at the calendar. Chemicals are removed from seedlings within 30 days, so there is no need to process the crop on the eve of harvest. When choosing insecticides, preference is given to those substances that equally affect caterpillars and butterflies, otherwise the treatment will not be effective enough.



Drugs of class IV hazard, called biologically active substances, have become more widespread. Their components are removed from tomatoes within 2-3 days. The list of such drugs is as follows:

Folk methods of struggle

You need to resort to them, the sooner the better. In cases where there is massive damage to tomato plantings, popular recommendations are useless. The first recipe looks like this:

  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • 2 bunches of medium-sized garlic arrows;
  • 1 jar, the capacity of which is 1 liter;
  • put the ingredients in a container and add water;
  • Infuse for 72 hours;
  • strain;
  • Add ½ cup to 1 bucket of water;

Treatment is carried out 2 times per season. Second folk way Caterpillar control includes the following ingredients:

  • 1 bucket;
  • fill it 1/3 with fresh wormwood;
  • fill with cold water;
  • bring to a boil over low heat for 30 minutes;
  • Infuse for 48 hours;
  • strain;
  • dilute with fresh water in a ratio of 1:10
  • add ½ bar of laundry soap, which has been previously crushed.

The list of folk recipes ends with a mixture of boiling water and tobacco dust. To prepare the mixture, 300 g of product and 2 liters of hot water are required. The solution is infused with the lid closed for 24 hours. The next step is to add ½ part of a crushed bar of laundry soap. The mixture is brought to a homogeneous state. Treatment is carried out 2 times per season. In the case where we are talking about the average degree of pest damage to plantings, the following recommendations will come to the rescue:

Substance Description of action
Cold water This technique is used only in the early morning, until the surface of the leaf is heated by the sun. Otherwise, the gardener’s actions will provoke a shock. Water is supplied under low pressure. With its help, you can wash off larvae and caterpillars from the surface of the leaf and stem.
Lather If we are talking about a small greenhouse, then green or laundry soap will come to the rescue. It is enough to beat it into a stable foam, which is then carefully applied to the outside and inside of the sheet.
Water-salt solution 1 package of table salt is diluted in 10 liters of water. Spraying is carried out once every 5 weeks. Under the influence of salt, the caterpillars die. The disadvantages of the described technique include 2 factors. First, if the specified dosage is exceeded, the risk of fruit damage increases. Second, salt has virtually no effect on butterflies.
Garlic arrows Take 1 kg of dry product and pour 2.5 liters of boiling water over it. The mixture is infused with the lid closed for 14 days. As soon as the solution has fermented, it is filtered. The resulting liquid is diluted with cold water in a ratio of 1:10. Total spraying is allowed only in dry weather.
Potato tops To prepare the tincture, you need 1.5 kg of tops, which are filled with water in a ratio of 1:10. Over the next 24 hours, the mixture is infused and filtered. Add ½ bar of laundry soap to the resulting solution. Spraying is carried out every 5 weeks only in warm and dry weather. At high level humidity, potato tops lose their effectiveness.

Preventive actions

A common form of infection of tomatoes in a greenhouse is the entry of a butterfly through an open window. On the one hand, regular ventilation ensures the full development of the tomato, but on the other hand, you need to constantly ensure that pests do not enter the room. A mesh with small cells will help reduce the likelihood of such a development of events, through which pests will not penetrate inside. The list of preventive measures will continue with the tips listed below:

  • constantly remove weeds;
  • prevent the accumulation of rotten fruits and fallen leaves in the beds;
  • before planting, the soil is treated using a solution of potassium permanganate (concentration 2:1), which destroys even those pests that survived the cold;
  • Spray the seedlings with Citcor or Decis at least once every 3 weeks to increase immunity;
  • do not use chemical substances after fruit set begins;
  • It is easier to destroy young animals than adults;
  • After harvesting, all plant residues are collected and burned, otherwise the reappearance of the pest will not be long in coming.

In the summer, the beds are regularly loosened, due to which the masonry is destroyed. For preventive purposes, twigs should be placed at 5-7 points inside the greenhouse. Pieces of yellow paper soaked in honey or Vaseline are attached to them. Scientists have proven that the pest actively strives for such a trap. It must be updated every 6 days. The list of useful preventative tips continues with the recommendations below:

Plant Nature of impact
Celery or coriander Planted between rows of tomatoes. The smell of the crop is so unpleasant to butterflies and caterpillars that they physically cannot get close to the seedlings.
Celandine It is mixed with 100 g of wormwood, 500 g of tobacco, 50 g of shag and 250 g of garlic feathers. Everyone pour 11 liters of boiling water and leave for 30 hours. The finished mixture is filtered and ½ bar of laundry soap is added. The resulting solution is used to spray seedlings at least once every 6 weeks.
White mustard It is planted in early spring, after it has sprouted a little. The closer it is to the tomatoes, the less chance the caterpillars have. Another option for using it is creating a solution. For every 1 liter of water take 100 g of dry matter. The resulting solution is sprayed onto the plants once every 5 weeks.


It is easier to prevent a problem than to try to eliminate its consequences. Before planting tomatoes in prepared holes, they are pre-treated with the drug “Prestige”. You can purchase it in a dispenser syringe.

For every 100 ml of the drug, take 50 ml of water. The seed is placed in the resulting solution for 25-30 minutes. As soon as the specified time period is over, future tomatoes are sent to the prepared holes. In most cases, a single application is sufficient to reduce the likelihood of fall armyworms and Colorado potato beetles throughout the season.

Caterpillar activity is observed with the onset of consistently hot and dry weather. Pests are leaving the dungeons where they spent the winter. Within a few days, they form pupae on the inside of the leaf, from which butterflies emerge. The latter lay several hundred eggs per season, after which they die. A gardener who regularly inspects his crops will immediately notice something is wrong. At the initial stage, traditional methods and biologically active substances are effective. As soon as the problem has become acute - butterflies have appeared, dosed use of insecticides is required.

​Similar articles​​5. Remember that the caterpillar is easy to kill with drugs at a young age. When it grows up to five centimeters or more, it is not so easy to kill it with poisons.​

Scoops - who are they and what is their harm?

Why can't she be defeated?

Effective means against this pest are some ammonia fertilizers, the use of ash, chalk or lime, as well as the removal of wheatgrass from the area, the roots of which the wireworm feeds on.

  • ​"Tsitkor";​
  • ​One of the most dangerous pests for tomatoes is the mole cricket - an insect with small elytra and powerful digging paws, with which it makes deep nests and lays a large number of eggs there. The pest lives in the soil and therefore gnaws mainly on the roots and lower part of the stems of tomatoes.

​Various methods are used to combat this pest:​

Potato scoop

​All of these measures are really very good. But, nevertheless, experts are developing new ways to combat this harmful insect, since every year the armyworm adapts to existing drugs.​

But fortunately, there are methods to combat this insect:

​Eggs are laid in small groups on the leaves of weeds, sometimes just on the soil. The viability of the caterpillars occurs within a week.

How to destroy

​Both species are active only at night. Both butterflies and larvae hide during the day and remain in a stationary phase until dark. Let's take a closer look at each pest separately.​

exclamation scoop

​Back in 1969, the moth was brought to the American continent for industrial purposes for breeding silkworms. But attempts to develop this area failed, and the delivered insect eventually became a major pest in most of the United States and Canada.​

​6. Be sure to destroy in the fall all plant debris and fruits damaged by the cotton bollworm, and thoroughly dig up the area occupied by nightshade vegetable crops in order to reduce the number of wintering pupae. In the summer, be sure to carry out loosening, preferably with a cultivator between the rows - this way you will destroy many hidden “partisans.”

​To understand how to cope with a pest, you need to know its biology. The armyworm overwinters in the soil in the pupal stage. In early June, butterflies hatch from the pupae, and after 3-4 days they lay scattered pale yellow eggs on the leaves, stems and other parts of tomatoes or other cultivated plants. Depending on the temperature, the caterpillars can hatch as early as the third day. The development of the caterpillar lasts from 13 to 22 days. First they damage leaves, buds, and flowers. They cause especially great harm to tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants by penetrating into their fruits. In beans, they eat the leaves and seeds in the beans; in corn, they eat the cob. What makes the fight more difficult is that usually the emergence of bollworm moths lasts for a month or more. Therefore, the appearance of one generation subsequently overlaps with another, and summer continues without interruption until October - until frost kills the tomatoes.

​It is important to remember that tomatoes in a greenhouse cannot be protected from pests by using one method - comprehensive measures to prevent harmful insects from causing damage to tomatoes are the most effective.

  • ​"Leptotsid";​
  • There are several ways to deal with mole crickets - you can try to either destroy it or expel it from the site. To repel insects, stretched strips of fabric soaked in kerosene are used, since its smell repels the creature. Vinegar or ammonia are also suitable for these purposes. Do not forget that over time the smell disappears and the fabric should be replaced. Another way is to place chrysanthemum branches next to the tomatoes: the mole cricket does not like this plant, and therefore is highly likely to leave the area.

Cabbage scoop

​Catching butterflies with bait.​

​One of the most popular pests that affects both root crops and plants that bear fruit on the surface is the common cutworm. Potatoes, tomatoes, rhubarb and about three dozen other plants that are affected by this type of pest. The butterfly has a bright and two-color wing color of rusty yellow and brownish purple. Its caterpillar is large in size, reaching up to 0.5 cm, and has a yellow, sometimes off-white color.​

How to destroy?

To avoid damage to the crop by the armyworm, early planting of seedlings is recommended.

  • ​At first they lead an open lifestyle, and then they hide, but with the onset of darkness they crawl out for reinforcements. Young insects gnaw out the juicy green leaves of plants right down to the veins, then bite into root crops, roots, and eat embryos and seed sprouts right in the soil. During the summer period, only one generation of this pest manages to reproduce.
  • This insect breeds on ordinary non-chernozem soil. This species leads to colossal yield losses of potatoes, onions, rhubarb, sorrel and other plants. I would especially like to note the breeding of cutworms on tomatoes. Its appearance on tomato plantations is very common and leads to almost 100% yield loss. A butterfly of this species is characterized by large grayish-yellow wings with a red or brown tint. Its caterpillar is bright yellow or red in color with a longitudinal stripe on its back and reaches a size of half a centimeter.​
  • Every year new methods of dealing with this problem appear. Similar pests include the cutworm, which causes significant harm to gardeners every year.​
  • ​Electronic newspaper: "economy"​
  • ​How to fight the armyworm​
  • ​It’s interesting that pests’ tastes change noticeably. So, Coloradoan last years began to avoid planting tomatoes and even eggplants.​


Heart owl

​Another fairly effective way is to create manure traps in a greenhouse with tomatoes: since the mole cricket loves manured soil, you can make holes with humus for it, and insects are highly likely to concentrate in them.​

Collecting caterpillars during harvest.

​Eggs successfully survive winter at the base of plants, as well as at elderberry bushes. Young caterpillars in the active phase are especially dangerous. They invade the stems and gnaw them from the inside. Such plants no longer have a chance to recover; they break and simply dry out. At the beginning of summer, mature caterpillars descend along the passages made in the stems and gnaw holes for the butterflies to emerge, after which they successfully pupate. One plant can be affected simultaneously by several caterpillars.​


​As an option, collect caterpillars and eggs of the pest by hand.​

​Methods of dealing with the exclamation scoop are as follows:​
​The laid eggs of the potato cutworm successfully survive the winter, and already in May they begin their revival.​

How to destroy?

This family has about 100 species. They are butterflies of various colors - gray, brown, often dark. Cutworm butterflies do absolutely no harm to the plant, since they feed exclusively on their nectar. But their offspring - caterpillars, eat everything that gets in their way.​

  • ​1. It is necessary to regularly destroy weeds, starting in spring, to reduce the food base of butterflies and caterpillars.​

​All of them are quite effective against cutworms, but they need to be applied at the right time: in early June, when tomato fruit sets. In addition, it is recommended to do this systematically - be sure to re-spray after a week. By the time tomatoes ripen, the use of insecticides is not recommended; it is better to use biological agents, also several times, and do not delay it. In addition, be sure to remove damaged fruits, stems and leaves of tomatoes from the area in order to get rid of the pupae that will winter in them.​

​And after September, when the cold weather sets in, you just need to dig them up, and then lay them on the ground in a thin layer, and the mole crickets will die from the cold.​

Who eats tomatoes in a greenhouse / Caterpillars eat tomato fruits, photos and videos

​Destruction of all weeds, especially nettles, quinoa, and white goosefoot, on which the armyworm especially likes to lay its eggs.​


​The methods used to combat this cutworm are the same as those used to destroy the potato cutworm.​

​Foliar feeding of plants with potassium chloride and superphosphate.​

Careful destruction of all weeds that serve as food for young caterpillars;

​The initial food for young caterpillars are leaves and stems of cereals. Already adult insects move to larger plants, damaging the stems and root system in their path. The period of transformation of caterpillars into pupae takes place at the beginning of summer directly in the soil near the affected plants. The mature adult butterflies fly out and lay new eggs on wild plants such as timothy and wheatgrass until mid-autumn. Eggs can also be laid on potato and rhubarb leaves. This species reproduces only one generation.​


​Depending on their feeding method, these insects were divided into two groups:​

They were taken to some kind of laboratory and immediately destroyed! The control sample devoured two caterpillars and one laboratory assistant.​

​2. Observe the timing of chemical treatments: inspect the beds with tomatoes during the period of mass flowering and at the beginning of fruit set; If eggs or caterpillars are found, spray with one of the following drugs: Citcor, Decis, Inta-Vir, Iskra, Leptotsid, Kinmiks, Confidor.​

  • ​At one time, the biggest concern in tomato plots was the potato aphid. Now the main enemy of tomatoes is the cotton bollworm, which makes holes in the fruit. Moreover, the caterpillars themselves act like real guerrillas - they eat fruits at night, and in the morning they hide in the soil at the base of the bushes, where they can be found by carefully raking the soil. This tactic explains the enormous harm - one caterpillar can make holes in almost all the fruits on the bush, which immediately rot!
  • ​Despite the fact that the wireworm is a beetle, the main damage to vegetable crops, including tomatoes, is caused by its larvae, which are more like caterpillars or worms. The period of their formation into adults is up to two years, and during this time they can cause serious damage to tomatoes in a greenhouse.​
  • ​Recently, the cutworm caterpillar has been significantly damaging the tomato crop in the greenhouse. This is a rather voracious pest, the beginning of the development cycle of which coincides with the ovary of tomato fruits, so its presence on the site can be determined by the perforated and rotten tomato fruits, which it actively eats.

​Spraying with compounds used to destroy cabbage cutworm.​


​The most dangerous for almost all cultivated crops is the fall armyworm. It is widespread throughout almost the entire territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union. The list of plants affected by it includes about 40 crops. But most of all she prefers rutabaga, tomatoes, cabbage and radishes. The butterfly has bicolor wings of brown and red with two spots of yellow and gray on the surface. Caterpillars come in both green and brown colors.​

​Very effective method spraying cabbage with insecticidal infusions based on burdock, wormwood, and potato tops.​

​Treatment of crops with lepidocide solution. It is necessary to dilute 2-3 grams of the substance in 1 liter of water.​

​Methods of combating this pest are the destruction of all plant residues after harvesting, as well as the disposal of all weeds belonging to cereal varieties. Such measures are often used to destroy many other pests.​

​Gnawing armyworm feeding on underground fruits of plants. Its species include: potato, exclamation and winter cutworms.​

How to deal with cutworms, or who makes holes in tomatoes

​I'll ask my dad... he knows​

​3. Be sure to repeat spraying with one of the above-mentioned insecticides after 7 days, since the hatching period of the caterpillars is extended, and the waiting period must be observed.

​Broad orientation​
It is quite difficult to get rid of wireworms, and therefore comprehensive measures should be used to combat it. First of all, you need to plant a special plant among the tomatoes that is incompatible with the pest. White mustard or radish are suitable for these purposes; they can repel insects from tomatoes. On the other hand, you can plant barley or oats, which the wireworm actively gnaws. After it infects these crops, they will need to be removed from the plantation and destroyed, since they will contain a lot of larvae.​

​The fight against the caterpillar is difficult because individuals appear continuously and in large numbers. At the caterpillar stage, they can live up to 22 days, so even a small number of them can cause significant damage. Pest populations usually die in September, when the first cold weather sets in.​
​All these measures to combat the armyworm are very effective, the main thing is that they must be carried out in a timely manner and according to instructions. Then the plants will be healthy and give you a wonderful harvest.​

The garden cutworm can produce two generations in the southern regions and one in the northern regions. Corn, millet, and sugar beets are the first crops that young caterpillars begin to infect. Then they move to cereals and melons.​

​Not a single application of lepidocide, phytoverm 5 days before the start of harvest.​

​Another harmful insect, widespread almost everywhere, is the cabbage cutworm. Her preference is the following crops: cabbage, peas, beets, lettuce and onions. This is a butterfly that has brown wings with a kidney-shaped gray spot on the surface. Initially, its caterpillar has a lush green color, then it changes to a brownish-brown shade with lines on the back.​
The screech owl reproduces very successfully and is distributed almost everywhere. This species attacks the root crops of the crop. The insect got its name due to the presence of a coloration in the form of an exclamation mark on the surface of the wings. The caterpillar has a gray-brown color with a yellowish tint and reaches a size of half a centimeter. Mature caterpillars tolerate cold well and overwinter in the soil at a depth of about 30 cm, where the pupation process occurs in the spring.​
The leaf-eating armyworm eats fruits and plants located on the surface of the ground and leads a terrestrial lifestyle. This species includes: alfalfa, cabbage and garden cutworm.​
​try to eat such a bastard)))​
​4. During the period of ripening and harvesting, you can and should only use biological drugs. Carry out at least two or three treatments at weekly intervals.​
It’s hard to say what caused the “change of orientation” of this scoop. Another thing is that its caterpillars do not have much choice: the appearance of butterflies coincides with the flowering of tomatoes, and the caterpillars emerge just when a green ovary appears, which will quickly begin to ripen as soon as holes are made in it. However, the cotton bollworm is a real indiscriminate pest. He eats more than 120 types of crops: in addition to tomatoes and cotton - peppers, eggplants, beans, sunflowers, even tobacco and many others. This year, cutworm caterpillars also tried to eat corn cobs, despite frequent treatments. In particular, they treated the beetle, which stuck to the panicles and spoiled the stigmas of the cobs. But then, during the collection, they discovered a lot of caterpillars, which from the side of the stigmas were biting into the cobs, but, never reaching the grain, they died from the action of the Regent and Confidor.​
In addition to those described above, measures to mechanically destroy the pest can be effective: piles of manure are placed between the tomato beds, in which the wireworm larvae feel comfortable, and in September these piles are burned, and thus the insect is destroyed. In addition, after harvesting, you can dig up the soil to a depth of twenty centimeters, and the larvae lying in it will die from the cold.

​The first and simplest measure to reduce the number of cutworm caterpillars will be timely removal of weeds from the greenhouse, as this will limit their feeding. Next, the tomatoes should be subjected to chemical treatment. The following drugs are suitable for this:

Caterpillars have gotten into the habit of eating tomatoes - is there a type of tomato that eats caterpillars?


​You can determine who is eating tomatoes in a greenhouse by the nature of the damage to the vegetables.​

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