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Conspiracies for a lunar eclipse. The magic of solar and lunar eclipses Conspiracies during a lunar eclipse

Humanity has long observed such a phenomenon as an eclipse of the moon, but before people did not understand why this could happen, many myths and mystical assumptions arose. People believed that this phenomenon happens for a reason, you need to be able to interact with it correctly, which is why a lot of signs and rituals appeared. Although science has explained what a lunar eclipse is, long-standing rituals and signs associated with this process do not lose their relevance and power.

Lunar eclipse is a regular occurrence

The meaning of the phenomenon

The temporary disappearance of the night luminary has great importance. Many signs about a lunar eclipse are known. The week before this event has great karmic power. It needs to be done as best as possible. You cannot be angry, offend other people and do bad things. It is better to help everyone, live according to conscience and honor, and tell only the truth. Such a week can bring various kinds of temptations, but you should not give in to them. A future happy life depends on this.

Often a lunar eclipse affects people's health. The psycho-emotional state worsens, panic and unreasonable fear begin, the level of stress in some people can increase several times. Latent and chronic diseases worsen, pressure surges, migraines and headaches, weakness and lethargy are possible, the desire to work disappears, even to the point of apathy.

Don't panic in advance. These symptoms are not typical for everyone. Usually, an eclipse is calmly tolerated by many people. People who have chronic diseases. In this case, you should very carefully monitor your health and well-being, and on the day of the lunar eclipse, do not burden yourself, allow yourself to take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle.

During a lunar eclipse, new facets of previously unknown life may open up; the energy of the moon can push you to solve important problems and guide you on the path of truth. You should not ignore various signs; they can help decide your fate and determine the future course of life. It's worth listening to inner world, reveal yourself, express yourself, only then will there be a chance to comprehend yourself and your purpose.


There are a number of activities that you should not do on the day of an eclipse due to the special energy that can be not only positive.

  • What is better not to do:
  • it is advisable not to drive, because at this time the level of possible injuries increases;
  • do not start new businesses, do not launch new processes;
  • do not drink alcoholic beverages;
  • do not waste money and do not make large and expensive purchases: it is better to postpone this until a more favorable day;
  • not to marry;
  • do not make fateful decisions;
  • It is better not to meet new people during this period;
  • do not put yourself at risk, this could be fraught with tragedy; you can’t eat before an eclipse, go outside and look at a lunar eclipse, this intensifies negative impact

strong energy of the Moon upon the beholder.

  • What you can do:
  • during the period of a total lunar eclipse it is much easier to quit drinking and smoking, so it’s worth starting to fight the habit;
  • throw out all the trash from your apartment, your head and your life;

engage in introspection, understand how and where to move on.

Variety of rituals

The days immediately before the eclipse should be devoted to cleansing the soul. To do this, you can use prayers or confession in church. It would be good to stick to fasting. These days it is worth remembering and praying for deceased relatives. All this is needed to throw off the shackles of the past. Let the eclipse become the starting point for a new life with a clean slate, without past grievances and negativity.

Meditation is a wonderful ritual for strengthening the spirit, finding peace and getting rid of thoughts about failure. To carry it out, it is necessary to create a calm, quiet environment so that no one disturbs. Sit on the bed in a comfortable way, close your eyes and concentrate on the problem that is bothering you.

Imagine that this problem is a soap bubble that you easily catch, squeeze in your palms, and it disappears. The problem no longer exists, you have crushed it.


During a total lunar eclipse, you need to light a candle and say a spell: “Give me strength, Mother Nature, so that I can gain freedom from fear, so that my eyes can see clearly and so that my illnesses leave me.”

Then you need to say what you want to get rid of, for example: “I want to stop drinking, smoking, being afraid of the dark” or “I don’t want to be afraid of being alone,” etc.

Then you should turn around and leave the place where you left your desire. You can write it on a piece of paper, set it on fire, and throw the ashes as far as possible.

During a lunar eclipse, you can perform a cleansing ritual

It is carried out as a meditation, using self-hypnosis.

  1. The ritual lasts 20 minutes: 10 minutes before the eclipse and 10 after.
  2. At this time, you need to make wishes, because at the moment of an eclipse, the connection with the Universe is especially strong, so your requests will be fulfilled sooner. You can just close your eyes and imagine yourself in a new beautiful house or in a rich car, in the dean’s office in hand with a grade book in which everything was passed as “excellent”, with children in her arms.
  3. Mentally repeat to yourself: “I am beautiful, successful, rich! The money itself is looking for a way into my wallet!”
  4. You can look at a photo of a dream, imagining it already come true. The main thing here is faith and hope that the dream will come true, and that it will find the path to its fulfillment on its own.

Summoning the betrothed

If you have a young man, but you doubt whether he is your destiny, it is worth performing the following ritual: before going to bed on the night of the full moon, take a photo of your loved one and any of his things, put them under the pillow.

If you are still single, then draw a diagram of your future lover and put under the pillow a new thing that was bought for your future husband without bargaining, at full price.

After this, go to bed and say 3 times an appeal to God or an angel, in which you ask them to tell you whether this is your destiny (or when you will meet your destiny). After 3 days, wait for the result, to do this, pay attention to the signs from above, do not ignore them.

Beauty spell

You need to pour boiled water into a glass at midnight, place it so that the moonlight falls on it, throw in a pinch of salt and, while it dissolves, say: “Moon water, like a girl’s tear, may I be young, white-faced, carefree, may The one I love will love me for my beauty, for my complaisance.”

You need to leave the glass to stand all night. In the morning, wash your face with this water and drink a sip on an empty stomach with the words: “Water is in me, beauty is on me!” You need to do this every morning until the water in the glass runs out.


A lunar eclipse is a time when signs have special meaning. If you don’t notice any unusual things around you, but would like to get answers to your questions, perform simple rituals. They will tell you which direction you should go.

The full moon is the most appropriate and effective time for many important rituals. And if it coincides with a lunar eclipse, then the effect of such rituals increases many times over. Don't miss this magical time!

The night of the full moon is known for its beauty, healing powers and fantastic energy for magic.

The energy of the full moon is a very powerful magical energy. There are many rituals for the days of the full moon in different cultures and beliefs.

The Full Moon is a time you can use for healing and beauty, fortune telling, attracting love, good luck and enhancing all your desires. Magic rituals full moons can be performed on the night of full moons and lunar eclipses, as well as during the day before the exact phase and the day after it, i.e. they can be done over three days.

The full moon is a favorable time of the month for cleansing rituals. Since the light of the Moon highlights everything that hinders progress along spiritual path. A moment to release limiting beliefs about money, relationships, your path...
The energies of the full moon begin to be felt three days in advance and their influence lasts three days after and this is a good time for the Ritual of Harmonization of Opposites.

How to do it?
Imagine a round shining disk of the full moon above you, pouring light and energy of protection and support onto you.
Your energy field responds to the flow of lunar energy, begins to vibrate, the space around you is transformed and filled with purity of spirit.
Stand up and raise your arms above your head. Your palms are opposite each other, facing the Mother Moon.
Imagine that you are a sacred cup, drawing the power of Mother Moon, which penetrates every cell of your physical body- from the feet, knees, stomach, chest, face, eyes...
Feel the vibration of power within you. The strength to give, receive, accept, support and care, to manifest whatever you need at the moment.
Now put your hands on your heart. Massage this area.
Imagine that you have become a Full Moon Goddess, able to balance the earth and harmonize opposing forces. At the moment, you are aligning yourself with the energies of those zodiac signs that are active during this full moon.
Usually these are opposite signs, but together they create balance, because it is the Full Moon that provides the opportunity to balance and harmonize opposite signs.
As you continue the ritual, imagine the powers of these signs appearing in their archetypal form - the Warrior and the Goddess.
Take a deep breath, inhaling the weaker traits of each archetype. Exhale - and you exhale healing power sign. This way you balance these energies within yourself and throughout the planet. You have this power. Believe in her!
Find your comfortable rhythm of inhalation and exhalation and say the following phrases until you feel that transformation is taking place:

Inhale - The warrior raises his sword. The goddess swears at the warrior.
Exhale - The Goddess smiles as the Warrior lowers his sword and they embrace.
Inhale - The warrior is angry, feels lonely and betrayed.
Exhale - The Gentle Goddess calms the Warrior with her touch.
Inhale - The Goddess feels ineffective, indecisive, tired.
Exhale - The Warrior protects and guides her.

Imagine the world bathed in the cleansing light of your gift: sleepy kids, debating politicians, starving people children , liars and thieves. Imagine that the world is transformed under the influence of this light, finding peace and tranquility.
When you're ready, lower your arms down your sides with your palms facing the ground. Send divine light to the earth. Imagine that this energy forms a ball in the center of the planet.
Now slowly return back to your body. Spend a few minutes in silence until you are ready to return to the reality of your life.

Rituals that are especially effective during the Full Moon.

Here are some of them:

Removes the evil eye and cleanses of negative energies accumulated due to other people's envy.

2-4 days before the full moon, place four bay leaves on the windowsill so that they are illuminated by the sun during the day. On a full moon, light a wax candle, preferably red, and, crushing bay leaves in a mortar by candlelight, repeat 36 times: “Protect from the gaze of an envious person, from evil, unkind thoughts, send envy back. My word is strong!” Place the crushed leaves into a small red cloth bag and sew it up with red thread from a new spool. Hide the bag in the bedroom. Wash your hands well under running water.

To eliminate negative energy that has accumulated as a result of human envy.

For the ritual you will need one purple candle, 30 centimeters of blue cotton (or other natural) thread, and a metal tray.

Take the candle in both palms and hold it for a minute, charging it with positive energy. You can use the spell:

“I charge you with the forces of fire, water, air and earth, I charge you with the forces of the East, South, West and North, I charge you with the forces of law, love, wisdom and constancy, Cleanse me from all evil and protect me from all evil. Let it be so!"

After this, place the candle on the tray. Now take the thread with both hands and feel how the energy flows between your hands. Wrap the thread around the candle at about half its height, tying it tightly so that the thread does not move, with three knots. As you tie each knot, say: “The thread is tied, a change is coming. Let it be so!" Now light the candle and let it burn until the tied thread burns out. While the candle is burning, imagine how the black threads that previously bound you are falling from your body. Bury the candle stub and ashes in an uninhabited place, preferably in the forest, away from home. Repeat the ritual at the next full moon with a different candle.

For the case when you know who wants to harm you or wishes harm.

For the ritual you will need a pink or blue candle, olive oil, and one black olive. The ritual is best performed not only on the day of the New Moon, but precisely at the hour of the New Moon.

So, precisely at the hour of the New Moon, lubricate the candle with olive oil, visualizing at the same time the person about whom we're talking about. Send only positive thoughts in this person's direction. Light a candle and place a plate with an olive next to it. The candle should burn for approximately 30 minutes. Try to find as many good, positive qualities as possible in your ill-wisher. After 30 minutes, the candle should be extinguished (remember, it cannot be blown out). You can save the candle for the ritual again if it relates to the same person. You should eat the olive. However, the magical part of the ritual does not end there.

Important: the next day you need to treat this person with something.

Money ritual for nine knots:

  • Waxing moon, full moon.
    Take a green silk ribbon about 30 cm long.
    Tie 9 knots on it, sequentially saying to each knot:
    The first node begins witchcraft.
    The second node is done.
    With the third node, the money comes to me.
    With the fourth node, new opportunities are knocking on my door.
    With the fifth node, my business is thriving.
    The sixth node secures witchcraft.
    With the seventh node I was given success.
    With the eighth node the income is multiplied.
    With the ninth knot, it's all mine now!
    Keep the ribbon with you as a talisman

Spell for good trading:

  • They say salt, they sprinkle it right hand backhand
    over the left shoulder at the “workplace”:
    Those on foot, those traveling, come here, here is a place for you, food and water.
    Money for me, goods for you.

Spell for good luck in trading:

When washing before trading, they read, wiping themselves with a handkerchief, and take the handkerchief with them to the trade:

  • You can’t count the stars, you can’t knead the plowing with your hands,
    my word cannot be taken away from me.
    I am a merchant, my crown is with me.
    Just as bees fly to honey, so everyone goes to my product.
    they look. They want to take it. Amen.

To make money:

Go to the forest on the Full Moon, find a pile of ants, throw some change there, and the ants will start running over the money, immediately read:

Like there are a lot of ants in this heap, so that the money will not be transferred to me. Amen.

  • Every full moon, place a completely empty, open wallet on the window (preferably so that moonlight falls into it) all three nights of the full moon (the first day, the culmination - what is actually called the full moon in calendars, and the day following the culmination). The wallet should be the one in which you carry money every day. At three nights of the new moon, on the contrary, place a wallet with money on the window.
  • On a full moon, there is one proven way to deal with vampire loved ones: clearly imagine, instead of blood, flowing through your vessels, a very bright white-violet light (imagine electric welding), and as soon as a vampire relative appears behind your blood, let him try the “updated version” light“...
  • The traditional love drink served on the full moon consisted of wine, tea or water and was flavored with herbs or potions (razmarin, nutmeg, white acacia, lily...). To achieve better results, according to sources, the love potion should be prepared only by a Master.
  • For example, Chinese monks prepared potions from 13 substances of plant, animal and mineral origin that could restore health and evoke love, hatred, and passion.

Soap bubbles on the full moon

Feng Shui ritual to attract love into your life.

It is believed that the God of Love lives on the Moon. And it is on the full moon that you can establish contact with him. On the night of the full moon, you need to blow soap bubbles, which will inform the Universe about your desire. Best time to perform this ritual - early evening, when sunlight hasn't died out yet. It is very good if a light breeze blows at this time: you need it in order to deliver your desires to the Moon. You need to visualize a little and imagine yourself with the person you want to be. If there is no such thing at the moment, then let it be the image of an ideal partner.

Practice blowing beautiful soap bubbles. When you feel that you have created not a ball, but a masterpiece, mentally place yourself and the image of your loved one in this shiny ball. Release the ball along with happy couple to freedom. Let the wind and the forces of nature do their job and take your desire straight to the moon. To be sure, you can make several of these “filled” soap bubbles. At that moment when the iridescent ball flies, send after it your most beautiful thoughts about happy love and fulfilled hopes.

Wallet and Moon.

Follow the lunar calendar. Every full moon, place a completely empty, open wallet on the window (preferably so that moonlight falls into it) all three nights of the full moon, the first day, the culmination - what is actually called the full moon in calendars, and the day following the culmination). The wallet should be the one in which you carry money every day. At three nights of the new moon, on the contrary, place a wallet with money on the window. That's all too.

Money shower.

On the full moon, collect all the small items around the house. I mean, coins. After you have taken a shower, carefully “water” yourself with a shower of coins. It works best for one-time receipts of money when you really need it. However, it also slightly increases your permanent income if you do it regularly. It even works on children - there is a known case of “washing” a child who, the very next day, found a five-hundred-dollar bill on the street.

  • The most simple ways don’t even deserve separate paragraphs: jangling change in your pocket for the new month; all for the same new month (you need the first day of the appearance of a thin sickle in clear weather)
    throw a handful of pennies (collect pennies) over your left shoulder in the direction where the month is, with the words “ take it and return it“and leave without looking back;
    pour a pinch of mustard seeds (sold in seasoning departments) into your wallet.

But there is one more very important point:

  • show respect for money!
    Organize your wallet into compartments (well, buy a wallet with multiple compartments!)
    so that bills of different denominations are not mixed,
    and the small change was generally lying separately,
    and never allow yourself to throw money in there at random.
    In the store we always have time,
    to put bills into the right pockets,
    if we stop worrying about detaining someone.
    You are not detaining anyone
    and if you delay, then it’s none of your business, not your problem.
    Never put bills in a lump in your pocket - money has a home, your wallet. That's where they should stay, in comfort and order.
    Smooth out pieces of paper that someone has carefully crumpled.
    Believe me, if you start treating money this way, they will like it!

Taoist ritual to attract money

On the night of the full moon, go outside or onto the balcony. It is better to face the moon or, if it is not visible, then to the south.

  • Looking at the full moon, imagine
    that its light penetrates your head and fills it.
    Feel the pure glow of the moon in your head,
    and then shine the moon back.
    Imagine your head is a miniature moon
    and you send light back to the big moon.
    Then fill your heart with the light of the moon,
    hold her light in your heart,
    and then let that light fly back to the source.
    Repeat this 3 times.
    Then take a silver (or just five-ruble) coin and say: “ Silver coin, silver moon,
    bring me riches, bring me in full”,
    Lucky coin, lucky moon, bring me luck, bring me plenty. That's the way I want it and that's the way it is
    Repeat this 3 times.
    At the end, kiss the coin and thank the moon for its help and beauty.

Ritual to attract money on the full moon

Among the people there are many magical means and rituals to attract monetary luck.
One of the well-known rituals is attracting money. To do this, we need three green candles, because green color symbolizes prosperity and well-being. In addition, we will need any banknote. The ritual is performed only at midnight on a full moon or a waxing moon. This is due to the need to increase money supply. Remember, if you do the same thing on a new moon or a waning moon, the process will be reversed - money will be washed out of the house.
At midnight, place green candles in the living room of your home. You need to arrange them in the form of a triangle, and put a banknote in the middle. Place a mirror behind each candle. Turn the mirrors slightly towards the center, you should get a mirror triangle with a number of reflections. Look in the mirror that is located opposite you and say three times: “I tie and bind, fasten and fasten, from one to three, from three to nine. Do not take it out, do not take it away, to bad person you won't get there. Be in the darkness, attract everything to me. Not away from me, not up or down, not by the enemy, not by the court. Teeth are a lock, the word is a tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen." After pronouncing the conspiracy, the bill must be attached to the inner surface of the table using the wax of a green candle that participated in the ritual.

Another popular ritual for money: on a full moon, you should pour change from hand to hand several times or shake your wallet with change so that the ringing can be heard. The same can be done during the first spring thunderstorm. They say that after such actions the whole year should be financial.

Ritual with talismans

Fill a bowl with water and place it overnight under the light of the full moon. The next day, use this water to cleanse your talismans and revitalize them with the energy of the Moon. This water not only cleanses the talismans, you can wash your face with it so that the moon water refreshes and charges you with its magical magical energy.

If you want to enhance the energy of your talismans, you can place them on the windowsill under the light of the moon overnight or place them in a crystal bowl of water to charge them with the energy of the full moon.

Periods of lunar eclipses do not last long, but greatly influence our lives. Therefore, on the eve of the next lunar eclipse, you can turn to astrological forecasts.

There are three lunar and three solar eclipses a year. Follow lunar calendars, to know the dates when you should be more careful and attentive to everything that happens around you. The question of what awaits a person born during a lunar eclipse deserves a separate discussion. It is believed that the fate of such people is unique in many ways.

What is a lunar eclipse

From an astronomy point of view, everything is extremely simple. Imagine that you are in dark room- this is space. At one end of the room there is one globe - this is the Moon, in the middle of the room there is another globe - this is our Earth, on which the Sun flashlight shines. The result is a line Moon-Earth-Sun. When the flashlight is turned on, the distant globe, the Moon, will be in the shadow of the Earth. This is a lunar eclipse. It can be full, it can be partial or penumbral. Watching an eclipse, we stand on the middle globe and see how the Earth obscures the Moon.

The maximum number of lunar eclipses per year is three. They may also not exist at all. The rarest eclipses occur during a full moon, when the entire visible full Moon is obscured by the shadow of our planet. This is a beautiful, mesmerizing sight.

Eclipse astrology and rituals

Astrologers say that during these periods people behave extremely strange and unusual. Eclipses can disrupt your plans, change your attitude towards something or someone, which sometimes threatens with unpredictable or negative consequences.

Seers, clairvoyants and astrologers say: thanks to special rites or rituals, you can get rid of debts, complexes and other troubles. This is a time of cleansing and a time of change.

During an eclipse it is very good to get rid of bad habits. You can safely look your fears and complexes in the face. The same applies to love problems - if you want to end a relationship with a person or get rid of unrequited feelings, this can be done most easily during an eclipse.

Rituals will help you get rid of unnecessary thoughts, complexes and troubles.

Rituals for a lunar eclipse

Directly during the eclipse itself, you need to light a candle and say the following spell:

Give me strength, Mother Nature, so that I can gain freedom from fear, so that my eyes can see clearly and so that my illnesses can leave me.

After this, say out loud everything that you want to leave in this day and not take with you into the new future. For example:

I want to stop drinking alcohol, get rid of debts, stop being attached to a person, I want to stop being afraid of loneliness.

You can leave everything that torments you and move on. You can also write all this on a piece of paper and burn it, and wash the ashes down the sink. Whichever option is closer to you, do so.

The second rite is meditation. If the eclipse occurs during the day, make the room dark. Solitude and complete concentration will be required, so it is better to close the windows both at night and during the day so that not a single sound reaches you.

Lie down or sit as you will need complete relaxation. Determine for yourself the most serious trouble at the moment. Close your eyes and imagine that you are standing in front of the entrance to a dark cave in which your fear, enemy or unresolved problem lives. You slowly walk in there and see complete darkness. Then you distinguish sounds or images associated with your problem. Then she slowly moves away from you, the darkness absorbs sounds, images, thoughts. The problem is gone, now you are free, but you just have to get out. You turn around and, without looking back, walk towards the exit of the cave, forgetting about all the troubles.

This meditation can be used not only during a lunar eclipse, but on this day the strength of your energy will be much higher, so it is strongly recommended to meditate during an eclipse.

Fortune telling ritual “Card fate”

Take a deck of cards and shuffle it. Determine for yourself the most pressing problem at the moment - financial debts, troubles at work or in love, complexes. Lay out the cards one at a time. Wait for a queen, king or ace to appear. A black king or queen means that you will meet a man or woman who will help solve the problem. The red king or queen promises the imminent appearance of a man or woman who can give you the strength to solve the problem. The Aces will tell you about the reasons for the problem. Black is a curse, an evil eye, the enemy’s revenge. Red - you yourself are to blame for the current circumstances, and your fate is only in your hands.

Every lunar eclipse is a time of secrets and signs from above. Sometimes everything seems to turn upside down. Take advantage of this to transform your life and make it more enjoyable.

Work on your own energy, lifting your spirits and setting the right goals and objectives. Use affirmations every day to program yourself for success. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.08.2016 04:20

IN modern world There are many ways to combat this destructive disease, but they are not always effective. Encoded...

In the middle of summer there was a rather intense period of life, when, with the help of online fortune telling and appeals to clairvoyants attract favorable changes and changes in fate.

Magic rituals during the lunar eclipse of 2019 carry powerful energy for the transformation of space and consciousness. If you make a wish correctly during a lunar eclipse, there will be many interesting meetings in the future, a money channel will open, and the prospect of business expansion will appear.

How to use a lunar eclipse

All rituals for money and love spells performed during the summer eclipse corridor carry triple power and very quickly become reality. For those who are interested in how to use a lunar eclipse, let’s say that first of all you need to do a triple cleansing of your home from accumulated negativity using blessed water, lit candles and positively charged salt.

Use the information from the article to understand exactly how a unique event will affect your destiny.

If possible, plan a vacation or break from routine work for the period from July 17 to August 1, 2019, then the lunar eclipse will bring a reboot before the start of new projects and business negotiations.

How to attract good luck during a lunar eclipse

On the waxing Moon, seven days before the Full Moon, you can do a simple but effective money ritual that really works. Collect all unnecessary junk and things that you no longer use in your house, bake or buy sweet cookies and candies at the store. Take all this to people in need and distribute it, mentally saying the spell: “For you - bread and alms, and for me - luck, money and prosperity.”

Three days before the lunar eclipse on the Full Moon on July 17, 2019, you need to go to the market and buy a new broom without haggling. Carefully mark all the corners towards the threshold with it, sweep all the debris into a paper sheet, wrap it carefully and place it under the rug at the threshold.

Each time, stepping over this hidden bundle, say: “Litter and poverty, swearing and tossing - away from my threshold, go away, scatter forever!” Three days later, the garbage is taken to an intersection located in the cemetery area and thrown out there, reading the plot: “Straw, straw, bring trouble out of the house, sweep it over the threshold, but I won’t know grief. A dead man needs nothing, neither for the body nor for the parade. He will take away trouble, grief and melancholy. His pocket is empty, and I - be full and happy. Amen!"

Black magic during a lunar eclipse

The Full Moon in July 2019 will most strongly affect people who celebrate their birthday from June 28 to July 25, and these are Cancers and Leos according to the horoscope. Black magic during a lunar eclipse will allow you to transform negative energy into a positive direction, get rid of bad habits or excess weight. It is best to turn to a clairvoyant during a lunar eclipse for help, who will quickly remove the damage, evil eye, curse or love spell, and carry out powerful purges of negativity.

It makes sense to get rid of slander on your own, negative programs using water, fire and salt. It is enough to take your photograph and three days before the lunar eclipse, place it in a container with salt, covering the entire surface of the image with crystals. On the day of a lunar eclipse, salt is flushed down the toilet with the words: “The Sun and the Moon came together, the bad salt took away, cleansed me, and gave me wealth, happiness and health in return. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now, next to your photo, place everything that you associate with the word “well-being” - it could be money, a photo of your beloved man, new things. Very soon changes will occur in your destiny and you will get everything you dreamed of.

How to get rid of unnecessary things during a lunar eclipse

The cleansing properties of the energy of a lunar eclipse were already known to our ancestors, who, on the eve of this event, performed a ritual to cleanse them of old destructive programs. On the day of the Full Moon, when there will be a lunar eclipse 2019, on the night of July 16-17, 2019, take a stone in your hands and, warming it with the warmth of your hands, think about what you would like to get rid of.

These could be quarrels, illnesses, financial problems and debts. Go out to an open place where there is a river with a good flow. Stand with your back to the pond, squeeze the stone in the palm of your right hand and say the spell: “Just as this water will not return here again, so the old problems are closed to entry into my life.”

After this, throw the stone with your right hand over your left shoulder into the waters of the river so that it flies as far away from you as possible. Go home without looking back, the river has taken away everything bad and bad from you, in return you will receive quick changes for the better.

Make a wish during a lunar eclipse

On the night of the special full moon from July 16 to 17, 2019, you need to take a contrast shower and wear previously prepared clean clothes in dark colors.

There should be two glasses on the table with clean water, over which you cast a spell: “The energy of water, the energy of fire, the energy of earth and the energy of air - come to me, bring everything you plan to life!”

At exactly midnight, place a lit candle in the center of the table, close your eyes and visualize what you want as if it had already come true.

Now you need to drink the first glass of water to the bottom and say: “It is fulfilled.”

After that, write down on a blank sheet of paper everything you dream about, indicating the exact dates, amounts and place where what you are thinking about should happen.

Fold the message to the Higher Powers in the form of a quadrangle and light the candle over the flame, shaking off the ashes onto a small white saucer.

It must be dispelled from the balcony or through the window with the words: “Fly to the sky, all my wishes come true!”

You can’t talk to anyone after this, you need to go to bed, and let the candle burn out completely on the table so that there is no cinder left.

In a dream, a Guardian Angel will definitely come to you, who will show you the path to fulfilling your dreams and tell you how to act in order to achieve your plans. Starting from the day of the Full Moon, no more than 14 days will pass and you will receive everything that was wished for on a magical night, if the desire was pure, sincere and aimed exclusively at the positive.

In contact with

Every person who is at least a little interested in magic and astrology is well aware that an eclipse is a significant event. When it comes, many people try to get rid of unnecessary connections, outdated relationships, unwanted thoughts, as well as forget about failures and solve deferred problems. And they often perform rituals.

There are many rituals for a lunar eclipse. They say they help get rid of the burden negative energy, damage, evil eye, cleanse the aura. Therefore, now we will talk about those rituals that are considered the most effective.

During a lunar eclipse, you can perform a cleansing ritual

The most popular ritual for a lunar eclipse is associated with it. Fulfillment of desires is the dream of all people. Rituals aimed at this have been performed from time immemorial.

The steps are as simple as possible. Need to prepare Blank sheet paper and pen, then sit down and wait for the eclipse to occur. As soon as the phenomenon begins, you need to write down your most cherished desire, clearly formulated in advance. It is very important that the idea is presented simply and clearly, without ambiguity.

You need to write down your desire not with the words “I want,” but as if the dream has already come true. It is important. Not “I want to be rich,” but “I am wealthy and financially secure.” They say that this formulation is a message from the Universe. The Almighty forces must understand that a person takes responsibility for his desire and has serious intentions.

For financial well-being

During a lunar eclipse it is no less popular than the above. To implement the most simple ritual You will need... just a personal wallet.

From the very morning on the day when the eclipse is supposed to happen, you need to take out all the money, cards, business cards, and memos from it. The wallet should remain empty and open. Then you need to leave it in a place from where it will “look” at the sky - for example, on a windowsill.

During the day on which the phenomenon occurs, the wallet cannot be touched. They say that during this day he will give away all the negativity accumulated in him parallel to the fall of lunar energy.

When the eclipse is over, you will need to fill your wallet with money again. If you have time, you can perform a ritual of cleansing the apartment the day before - this will help strengthen the effect of the ritual.

The more coins the better

There is one nuance related to the notorious money ritual, and it is recommended to take it into account.

While the wallet is cleared of negative energy, you need to replace the maximum amount of change. Not the entire salary, of course, but as much as will fit in it. By filling your wallet with pennies at the end of the ritual, you will be able to enhance the effect of the ritual. The coins are round, and their shape carries sacred meaning in the ritual. Which one?

The circle is a symbol of perfection and infinity, an absolute, the personification of integrity. In alchemy, it even means gold, which is one of the most expensive and valuable metals, which cannot be ignored when we are talking about a ritual for financial well-being.

Ritual to change fate

Eclipse days, as mentioned earlier, are karmic. Therefore, everything that happens to a person at this time leads to fundamental life changes of a positive nature.

It is recommended to do this ritual twice - for a lunar and solar eclipse. The action will be intensified. It is believed that on the day of a lunar eclipse, a person’s internal complexes and fears leave, bad habits and anxiety, resentment and anger. His subconscious is also cleansed. In a day solar eclipse external circumstances change directly.


So, now about the ritual itself. In the morning, afternoon and evening you will need to take a contrast shower, alternating hot water with cold six times. It is important. Before a lunar eclipse, you need to start with cold water. Before the sun - with a hot one.

An hour before it starts to get dark, you need to drink a glass of holy water in small sips. Then lay a clean blanket on the floor and place church candles along both sides of it (an odd number). Go to the mirror, sit opposite and focus on your own image. When there are 10 minutes left before the eclipse, you can go lie down on the blanket with your arms crossed. First you need to light the candles.

You need to close your eyes and imagine yourself as you were reflected in the mirror. This is a double. Mentally, you need to “hang” on him everything that worries you in life - from your character traits to circumstances, people and events. After this, you need to start “squeezing” the double. As soon as it decreases to a point, you should blow on it well so that it flies away.

This is where the ceremony practically ends. All that remains is to get up, put out the candles, and go take the last contrast shower. Then - sleep. Over the next three days, changes in the body are possible. This is adaptation to a new state. It passes quickly and is replaced by extraordinary lightness, both spiritual and physical.

Attracting love

Many rituals during a lunar eclipse are focused on this. There are many rituals for love and its attraction. To do the simplest thing you will need:

  • Positive attitude.
  • Scissors.
  • 2 bottles of mineral water.
  • Several sheets of red paper.

The steps are simple. The bottles should be wrapped in paper and left overnight on the windowsill so that they are charged with light from the Moon. The next day you need to cut out hearts from the remaining leaves small sizes. They will need to be laid out on the floor in a circle, and 10 minutes before the start of the eclipse, stand in it.

You need to close your eyes and imagine that love is floating around. It is important to feel lightness and euphoria. And as soon as the feeling comes, say three times: “Love is around me!” After this, you need to go to the shower, taking one of the bottles with you - it is from this that you will have to water yourself, starting from the very top of your head. And imagine in parallel, as if it were not water flowing through the body, but love. The notorious phrase also needs to be repeated three times.

After finishing your ablution, you should get dressed. The ritual ends with three sips from the second bottle, during which you need to mentally repeat the phrase: “Love is inside me!”

For beauty

Girls perform many rituals and ceremonies during a lunar eclipse in order to increase their attractiveness.

For such an event you will need boiled water, salt and a glass. You need to start immediately before the phenomenon begins - so you have to sit and wait for some time.

What are the actions themselves? Pour boiled water into a glass and throw in a pinch of salt with your left hand. Place the vessel on the windowsill, directly under the light of the Moon, and read the plot. It sounds like this: “Moon water, like a girl’s tear, may I be young, white-faced, carefree, may the one I love love me, for my beauty, for my complaisance!” Repeat these words until the salt dissolves completely.

What's next? The glass should be left in the same place and go to bed. The next day, when you wake up, wash your face and drink a sip of this water on an empty stomach, saying in your thoughts: “Water into me!” Kpaca - on me! And so - every morning. Until the water runs out. It’s a rather lengthy ritual for a lunar eclipse, but, according to people, it’s effective.

Clearing karma

We also need to talk about it, talking about what rituals are best performed during a lunar eclipse. Karma cleansing is a good ritual, but it cannot be performed more than three times a year.

It begins 10 days before the eclipse, in the dead of night, at a time when Space is free. On ten pieces of paper you need to write the same text: “I forgive...” - and then the names of all the people who have ever caused offense. After mentioning the last person, the text ends with the phrase: “... everyone whom Fate gives me in the past, present and future path, I free with my love.”

Next you need to light the candle. Looking at her fire, read your text, visualizing each person mentioned. It is important not just to say what is written - but to really forgive these people. Sincerely, with all my heart. Upon completion, one leaf is burned over a candle flame and the ashes are thrown out the window. And so - every night. The last ritual is on the day of the lunar eclipse.

There will be a reaction from the Higher Powers. It is different for everyone, but everyone, without exception, understands that this is a response to the connection established with the Cosmos.

"Money Drink"

Sounds nice! "Money drink" is a liquid that must be prepared during the full moon. The process is considered a very effective ritual for attracting wealth and ever-improving prosperity. After all, during the preparation of the “drink,” you manage to charge it not only with your desires, but also with the power of the Moon itself. So here's the sequence:

  • Pour clean water into the bottle.
  • Mentally imagine a “money” picture. For example, the process of bathing in the rain of gold.
  • Firmly fix this image on the subconscious, take a deep breath.
  • With a powerful exhalation, you need to “throw” the picture into a bottle of water, and then put it on the windowsill, illuminated by the moon.
  • Wait 2-3 hours.
  • Remove to dark place- where the sun's rays do not penetrate.
  • Once a day, take out a bottle and take a couple of sips from it, remembering that very “money” image invested in the water.

This, of course, is not a ritual or ceremony for a lunar eclipse, but many people love and practice it.

Full Moon Meditation

It’s also worth saying a few words about her. Since the opportunity to perform a ritual during a lunar eclipse will not soon arise (it happened in August, that is, a month and a half ago), since it will be a long time to wait for the next one, you can also use meditation. This is also a good option, as it is done on a full moon. Here's how the process works:

  • You need to sit in the moonlight and take money out of your wallet. You can ignore the denomination - the condition of the bill is much more important. The newer it is, the better.
  • Taking a bill, you need to imagine how the light of the Moon spreads onto it.
  • You need to meditate until the moment it begins to seem that the banknote is glowing and as if dissolving.
  • It is necessary to imagine that the bill disappearing in the moonlight is joined by other streams of it, as if woven from money. You need to try to force yourself to hear the rustle of banknotes.

At the end of the ceremony, the bill must either be exchanged or spent.

Love spell ritual

These are, perhaps, the most popular rituals during a lunar eclipse, full moon, all sorts of holidays, etc. Because from time immemorial, girls have dreamed of “the one” that most often passed by. And about them - finally.

So, if you want to get a very specific person, you need to wait for the full moon and act. It's simple:

  • A clean glass should be filled halfway with clear water, symbolizing love.
  • Take it with your left hand. Gently move your right fingers along the edge, making 7 circles. As you pass the next one, you need to say the name of your lover.
  • Place the glass on the window. The energy of love will absorb the light of the Moon.
  • Wait until dawn, put the glass in a dark place.
  • Starting the day after the full moon, add a couple of drops of liquid to your lover’s drink.

This ritual is suitable both for those who want to make a person fall in love with them, and for those who want to “keep” their already cooled soulmate near them.

Well, everyone has their own opinion about the effect of rituals. There are many skeptics, and everyone knows this. But the topic is interesting, as are the rituals presented above. Which, by the way, are very harmless, positive and help people set themselves up for success through self-hypnosis. So why not?

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