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50 grace days on Sberbank credit. Three secrets to using your credit card grace period - experts

February 2, 2018 | 3:33 10 814

Grace period for Sberbank credit card

Today, every adult citizen of the country can get a credit card, but not everyone knows what potentially useful options this banking product has. Many people know what a credit limit is, because this is the first thing that a credit card holder learns upon receipt; most other concepts remain complex financial terminology in the mind. Knowing the hidden features of a credit card can save the holder from unnecessary expenses and help them receive additional bonuses.

Grace period (translated from English as thank you) is the period after which funds spent from the account are returned with the interest specified in the contract. If you repay the missing amount before the grace period expires, no interest will be charged for using the loan.

Every user is required to know what the credit card grace period is and what payments it applies to. This will help avoid late payments and overpayments. Each bank has its own system for calculating and setting this period; in the agreement between the client and the credit card issuer, these conditions are spelled out quite clearly, but few people bother to read it carefully. But even after reading these conditions, not everyone can understand the terms. Let's look at the basic elements of the concept of a card's grace period in simple words.

Considering the banking system of the Russian Federation, the grace period of most banks is up to 50 days. Although, there are credit cards with a grace period of up to 100 days or more, as well as installment cards: “”, “”, etc. Benefits usually apply to non-cash payments. For example: payment utilities or a purchase in a supermarket by bank transfer, but for withdrawing cash against the credit limit in an ATM, a percentage (commission) for the withdrawal may already be charged and the grace period may not apply to this transaction.

The grace period of a credit card may depend on its class and payment system. But do not forget that the annual fee for servicing premium cards is several times higher than the amount that is automatically charged for servicing ordinary non-privileged credit cards. If a bank employee offers to apply for a loan as a VIP client, that is, a card holder with exclusive opportunities, this will be beneficial only if there is a large cash turnover in the account (more than 300,000 thousand). Otherwise, you will simply pay extra to the bank for the status of an ordinary piece of plastic.

Benefits according to credit card depend on many factors, including the selected payment system and currency. This option is useful for those who travel a lot. A visa is more suitable for trips to American countries (as well as for making payments in dollars).

Visa is initially positioned as an American payment card, so in the USA you can count on the fact that during the grace period interest will not be charged for purchases and cash withdrawals. At the same time, you can count on certain bonuses; when buying air tickets from American companies, you can get “free miles”, paying at chain restaurants for free home delivery, etc. If you visit Europe more often, then it is more logical to use a Master card, the principle of benefits and bonuses is the same as for a visa, but calculated in euros and on the territory of the European Union. As for payments in rubles and on the territory of Russia, payment systems are not of particular importance, since the main preferential and bonus criteria are established by the issuing bank.

Grace period for Sberbank credit cards

Let's consider the possibilities of a grace period using the example of cards from the largest and most popular banking institution in Russia - Sberbank. Despite the fact that even in the most remote corners of our country there are branches, to get one, all you have to do is fill out the form, and bank managers will call you back in the near future and tell you how and where you can get your credit card.

Grace period of Sberbank credit cards is up to 50 days and is calculated depending on several factors, which include:

  • card activation date;
  • type of expenditure made.

Thus, according to the lending policy of Sberbank. The client has the right to make any payments using the card, without charging additional fees for using the credit limit, if the conditions of the grace period are met.

What transactions are not covered by the grace period on Sberbank credit cards?

Grace period does not apply to the following operations:

  • withdrawing cash from a credit card;
  • transactions performed in the casino;
  • purchase of foreign currency;
  • purchase of traveler's checks;
  • transfers to electronic wallets.

All other transactions are subject to the grace period on Sberbank credit cards.

Regarding transfers to electronic wallets, it should be noted that some such transactions may be subject to commission both from Sberbank and from the “electronic wallet”. Here's what a Sberbank support specialist answered about this:

“Yandex.Money, [email protected], VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Wellpay, 2Pay, Xsolla, Single Wallet (W1) - no commissions. QIWI - 1% of the amount, max 500 rubles.”

We withdraw cash from a Sberbank credit card without commission - proven methods!

The standard commission for withdrawing cash from Sberbank credit cards is 3% of the withdrawal amount, minimum 390 rubles, at a Sberbank ATM and 4% of the withdrawal amount, minimum 390 rubles, through ATMs of other banks. In addition to the commission, a significant disadvantage is also the fact that this transaction is not subject to a grace period.

However, there are other ways to receive cash from a Sberbank credit card, with much more favorable commission costs, or no commission at all and maintaining the grace period for completed transactions!

Let's look at 2 proven ways to receive credit money from Sberbank cards without commission

Method No. 1. We use the service from Tinkoff Bank “Card to Card - cardtocard”

Few people know, but using this service you can transfer money from a Sberbank credit card to a card of any bank. Moreover, there is no commission for the transfer from Sberbank. The commission from the Tinkoff service is 1.5% of the transfer amount, but! If the transfer is made from a Sberbank credit card to a Tinkoff Black debit card, no commission is charged at all! *this statement is true up to an amount of 300,000 rubles/month (since the Tinkoff debit card has interest-free replenishment limits).

This service sets a maximum limit online translation in the amount of 75,000 rubles, but as for Sberbank cards, the maximum allowable amount for transfer is 30,000 rubles. - apparently this is a restriction on the part of Sberbank, at least our attempts to transfer large amounts at a time ended in failure.

It should also be noted that Such transfers cannot be received on Sberbank cards of the MasterCard payment system., with VISA cards - no such problems were observed.

It is allowed to make no more than 5 transfers of 30,000 rubles per day. Limits and tariffs are presented in more detail in the photo below:

As you know, transfers from Sberbank credit cards to cards are prohibited, but this transaction takes place “as a payment” and therefore is subject to a grace period! This method is proven and valid at the time of writing! We hope that it will remain available and will delight us all for a long time.

Method No. 2. We use a debit card and mobile application from Post Bank

If you don’t have a Post Banak debit card, you can get an instant non-personalized card at any Post Bank branch in literally 20 minutes. Next, you should install the Post Bank mobile application (available for Android and iOS).

Using this mobile application you can top up your Post Bank debit card from cards of other banks, including from a Sberbank credit card! This transfer will not be subject to commission from Post Bank if the transfer amount exceeds RUB 3,000. (if less, there will be a commission of 20 rubles per operation). There is also no commission from Sberbank and the transfer operation in Sberbank it is reflected as a “purchase transaction” that is subject to a grace period.

We use a Sberbank credit card without interest - free and indefinitely!

If you have read the above-described 2 methods of free cash withdrawal from Sberbank credit cards, it should be clear to you that you can use credit funds from a Sberbank card for free indefinitely. But for those who have a vague idea or misunderstand, we will use an example to describe a possible scheme for using a loan from Sberbank for free.

The scheme is quite simple:

  1. We withdraw cash from a Sberbank credit card using any of the methods described above.
  2. We use cash during the grace period (up to 50 days).
  3. Before the grace period expires, we deposit the amount of money necessary to pay off the debt onto the Sberbank credit card.
  4. The next day, the scheme for using cash described in paragraphs 1-3 is again available to us.

Start and end of the grace period on a Sberbank credit card

In order to correctly understand the duration of the grace period, you should clearly understand the PERIODS that make it up, there are two of them:

  1. Reporting period on a Sberbank credit card - 30 days, according to the information presented on the Sberbank pages (you can see the start/completion date of the report in the credit card report).
  2. Payment period on a Sberbank credit card - 20 days, according to the information presented on the Sberbank pages.

Grace period= Reporting period + Payment period

Thus, the duration of the grace period cannot be less than 20 days and more than 50 days.

How much must be repaid for the grace period to apply? The entire debt as of the maturity date or the amount indicated in the Card Report?

In order not to pay interest and take advantage of the grace period, it is enough to repay the full amount of debt indicated in the Card Report, even if you know that today your debt is greater than indicated there. This can happen because all the operations that you did after generating the report (that is, already in the new Reporting period) will fall into the new Report. The new Statement will also indicate the deadline for repayment and the full amount of debt that will need to be repaid in order to avoid paying interest.

Conflicting information about the grace period for Sberbank credit cards

When carefully studying the issue of using the grace period, you can pay attention to the different interpretations in the methodology for determining the duration of the grace period.

According to the information provided by the Sberbank support service employee, the reporting period is always 30 days.

However, information on the Sberbank website indicates that if the reporting period begins on February 1 (short month), then the grace period will be shorter than 28 or 29 days of the REPORTING PERIOD + 20 days of payment.

As can be seen from the following screenshots, Sberbank employees themselves are poorly oriented in the current conditions...

Let us clarify the following question: “What will be the duration of the grace period for Sberbank cards if the reporting period begins not on the 1st, but for example on the 5th of February (short month)?

Bank representative’s response from chat: “also 50 days”

Calculation of the grace period for a Sberbank credit card (example)

It is quite simple to carry out independent calculations of the grace period, provided that we are not talking about February (a short month), or provided that the conflicting information (described in the screenshots above) was clearly determined by the bank itself.

The logic of the calculation boils down to the fact that all expense transactions falling and (not falling, taking into account accrued interest) under the terms of the grace period made in the “Reporting period (up to 30 days)” must be repaid in the “Payment period (20 days)”.

Example #1: the reporting period for the card began on May 9, on the same day you made a purchase, then you have 50 days to repay the debt at 0% - until June 28. If the purchase was made on May 23, there are 35 days left until June 28 to repay the full amount of debt at 0% (15 days of the reporting period and 20 days of the payment period).

Example #2: the reporting period for the card began on May 9, on the same day you made a purchase for 10,000 rubles. and withdrew cash using a credit limit of RUB 15,000. (this amount will need to be repaid taking into account the accrued commission for cash withdrawal and interest for using this amount of borrowed funds), you have 50 days to repay the debt without accruing interest on the purchase transaction - until June 28.

Calculation of the grace period for a credit card (Sberbank calculator)

Sberbank, for the convenience and convenience of customers, has developed an interactive service that shows the principle of the grace period for Sberbank credit cards, you can find it at this link.

However, at the time of writing this article, Sberbank’s “interactive service” has a number of disadvantages.

Firstly. The ability to indicate the current % rates currently in effect on Sberbank credit cards has not been implemented.

Secondly. It is not possible to set the date of purchase equal to the date of the report.

Third. Calculations for February (short month) MAY be carried out incorrectly - it is indicated that the duration of the grace period in February cannot be more than 47-48 days.

A Sberbank representative in a chat suggested that the calculator incorrectly calculates:

The representative of Sberbank assured that he will send the appropriate requests to correct the situations described above, so that perhaps by the time you read this material everything will be correctly indicated and working :)

A little about numbers

When examining the issue of the grace period, one cannot help but mention interest rates and how they change after it expires. Sberbank is one of the most client-friendly banking structures in Russia; accordingly, lending here occurs on relatively acceptable terms. Thus, when making the minimum payments on the card, the rate will correspond to that established at the time you received the card, however, if you pay off the debt before the grace period expires, you may not pay interest at all. And only in case of complete delay, the bank will impose a mandatory penalty in the amount of 36% per annum of the entire amount of debt under the credit limit.

From all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion. Sberbank credit card is convenient and effective remedy, if you need to replenish your budget without unnecessary paperwork and always have a certain amount of loan in reserve, expressed in the form of a credit limit.

Use the card when paying in stores, participate in promotions and receive bonuses. If necessary, increase your credit limit, this can be done without certificates, just fulfill your obligations to the bank in a timely manner.

The financial portal “Our Banks” writes how the grace period works for bank cards, how to avoid overpayment and when is the best time to use credit funds.

Often, when choosing a credit card, the most important thing for bank clients is the length of the grace period. It seems that the higher it is, the more preferable the card. And although this is not the only important characteristic in the card, the order of this mechanism is really important to understand. So let's figure out what a grace period is.

What is a grace period

(grace period) is a period during which a client of a financial institution, in particular a bank, has the opportunity to use borrowed funds for free at a zero rate or a rate significantly lower than the annual percentage of a given financial product (usually a credit card).

Benefit of banks

It is naive to assume that the bank wants to operate at a loss or, much worse, at a loss. The logic of banks in providing inexpensive and sometimes free plastic cards with a grace period is as follows.

First of all, financial institutions expect that the client, for some reason, immediately or certain moment will exceed the grace period. After this, he will be forced to pay increased interest for using credit funds. This percentage can often exceed the percentage that is set on cards without the coveted grace period.

Secondly, banks receive a commission from merchants when you use the card for purchases. Therefore, don’t worry, lenders are definitely not depriving themselves.

Grace period: how to avoid overpayment

As long as you pay the required monthly payment on time, it is also beneficial for you. And in order not to overpay, you need to know exactly , What operations are covered by the benefit?(usually only for non-cash payments), and also When does your grace period start and end?. It is the confusion with its duration that is the main subject of conflict.

Another incident that happens very often and causes great irritation among clients is error when paying the required loan payment amount. In this case, it may turn out that if you underpaid only a little, then you were charged interest on the entire amount of the debt, and not on the difference.

Therefore, when applying for a card, do not forget to ask a bank employee when the grace period begins and what operations it applies to. And closer to its end - exactly what amount you must pay.

What is the difference between an accounting period and a payment period (repayment period)

What is the difference between the reporting period and the payment period, that is, what is the difference between them, is often confused or deliberately identified even by bank employees. But everything is actually very simple.

Reporting period– this is a period determined by the bank from 1 to 31 days, during which you are charged interest for using loan funds. And no matter what you pay, you have time until the end of the payment period.

Thus, payment period- this is the period during which you are asked to pay the full amount of debt calculated for the reporting period in order not to pay interest on using the bank’s money.

The maximum number of days for these two periods in total constitutes the concept of a “grace period” (for example, “up to 55 days”).

MoneyRadar infographic

When does the grace period begin: types and principles of calculation

The grace period statement can be calculated:

  • by the sum of all transactions of the reporting period
  • for each operation separately

It is less common to count each operation separately. That is, you have a certain number of days, starting from the day of the transaction, to return the money to the bank without interest. This system is practiced in Ukraine, for example.

As a rule, a statement is generated based on all transactions for a calendar month (for example, from the 1st to the 30th of the month or from the 10th to the 10th). After that, you have a few more weeks to pay off. This type of calculation is called honest grace (honest grace period).

Infographics Save money

If the statement is generated on the basis of both the reporting and payment periods, then this is already dishonest grace (unfair grace period). In other words, if you pay both in the first month and in the next - before the repayment deadline, then the real grace period will be the period of time from the last time you used the loan funds until the repayment deadline (for example, until the 25th of the month). And if you make purchases using bank money from the 25th to the 31st of the month, then you will have to pay within a month. At the same time, your grace is reduced from a maximum of 55 to 30 days.

Infographics Save money

Lifehack: to make an “honest” Grace out of a “dishonest” one If you have two credit cards, use them alternately. For example, pay off one in February (repayment on it will be in March), and the second in March (repayment on this credit card will be in April.) And in April you can use the first credit card again - and so on in a circle.

Banks declare only 3 options for when the grace period begins:

  • from the date of card issue/activation
  • from the start date of the bank's reporting period
  • from the moment you start using credit funds

How to calculate the number of days of the grace period: examples

Often, misunderstandings regarding the length of the grace period give rise to a lot of disputes and customer resentment towards banks. In pursuit of the client, they set such grace periods, which, although longer than those of other banks, are also riskier if the client plans to pay at the last moment.

For clarity, let's look at examples.

How to calculate the number of days of the grace period in Idea Bank

Among the partners of the Our Banks portal, it offers the longest grace period - up to 92 days. But users of the portal resource often complain that the bank is allegedly cheating with the conditions.

We hasten to note two important nuances:

  • a maximum grace period of 92 days is available in exceptional cases;
  • it is only available once, subsequent grace periods will be up to 62 days.

The specifics of the 1st grace period at Idea Bank depend on several factors: when you issued the card, how many calendar days there are in the month, and whether the settlement day falls on a weekend.

Please note that the grace period does not begin from the moment you receive the card at the bank branch. It is calculated from the 1st calendar day of the month in which the card is opened and continues until the last working day of the third month of the grace period.

That is, if you issued a card on December 15, then your grace period is calculated from December 1. Thus, in order to extend it to the 3rd month, you need to pay the minimum monthly payment in the second month (as of 02/07/2018 - this is 6% if the contract includes insurance, and if it does not, then 5%). And in the 3rd month, you would need to pay the entire amount of debt before February 28 at the Idea Bank cash desk or on February 23 in another way (transfer from card to card, replenishing the card in the terminal, depositing the amount through the cash desk of another bank, etc. ). In other words, this must be done no later than three business days before the end of the payment period.

So, the maximum period of the first grace period of 92 days is possible in several exceptional cases:

  • you issued a card on the 1st of the month;
  • the months covered by the grace period consist of 31, 31 and 30 days;
  • you paid the minimum monthly payment in the second month;
  • The 92nd day of the grace period (30th or 31st day of the month) falls on a working day;
  • on this working day you are going to pay at the Idea Bank cash desk within its opening hours (the cash desk closes before the branch).

How to calculate the number of days of the grace period in Privatbank

Infographics Privatbank

Table Our Banks

Previously, the financial portal “Our Banks” wrote:

Banks strive to issue as much as possible large quantity loans to their clients, while trying to reduce the risks that someone will not return the funds. There are many credit cards, they are divided by levels, types of payment systems connected to the card affiliate programs. The grace period for a Sberbank credit card is certain period, during which the client who has borrowed a certain amount does not receive additional interest for using the borrowed money. The bank offers its clients to use loan funds and return them within 50 days without interest. To use this service, you must have a Visa or MasterCard bank card different levels.

Sberbank credit cards with grace period

Banking institutions offer their customers a variety of plastic cards - credit cards have become one of the most popular types of plastic. It's all about convenience - if there are no funds in your accounts, and you need money urgently, you can always pay for the purchase with a credit card or withdraw cash from an ATM. To attract customers, banks use a variety of methods: expanding the range of services, coming up with new bonus programs, simplifying the conditions for obtaining cards and further use.

Sberbank adheres to the policy of attracting customers by providing them with a large selection of plastic. For various categories of the population, the institution provides credit cards with a grace period of 50 days. Sberbank cares not only about ordinary working citizens, but also about students and pensioners. Among all the existing maps, several can be distinguished: good conditions:

  1. Visa Gold - terms of use are developed taking into account the wishes of clients, a bonus cashback program is also included.
  2. Momentum cards - such plastic can be obtained at the branch at any time; after submitting an application, the card is immediately issued to the owner.
  3. The “Gift of Life” card is plastic with a built-in charity program inside. With each non-cash payment, Sberbank transfers 0.3% of the amount to charity.
  4. Visa Classic - owners of such plastic can take part in all bonus programs offered by the bank.

If a banking institution provides borrowers with preferential conditions, then there is one rule - the money must be returned to the account within a short period of time.

What is a grace period on a Sberbank card?

Many bank clients, receiving any plastic card, do not think about what additional conditions and bonuses there are. This often happens with the grace period.

Obtaining a loan for purchases without paying interest is a frequently arising question in the minds of many clients of banking institutions, because a problem such as a lack of money at a certain moment often arises. The grace period from Sberbank is a loan that allows the borrower to return the money to the bank in 50 days and not pay anything on top. For the most part, it resembles an installment plan rather than a loan.

It is important to remember that this offer does not apply to cash withdrawals. And there is a commission for transfers between cards.

Sberbank credit card reporting period: how to find out when it starts

In order to take advantage of the payment period on a Sberbank credit card, you need to figure out when it starts and when it ends. You can use a loan without further interest, which is provided by the bank for 50 days, in two main stages:

  • reporting period – the first period lasts exactly 30 days, during which time the client can use credit funds when paying for purchases by bank transfer. It's important to remember that this period starts on the day the card was activated, and not from the moment the payment is made. Each month the period starts on the same day;
  • payment – ​​after 30 days, the client receives a notification about all debts on the card and the second period begins, lasting 20 days, for which all debts must be paid so that interest does not accrue.

To return the money, you don’t have to wait for the end of the month and the start of the payment period - you can cover all your expenses without interest at any time before the expiration of the appointed period.

How to find out the date of the report on a Sberbank credit card

In order to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation with an erroneous understanding of the payment deadline, you need to find out from the bank exactly when the card was activated. You can find out the date of the first period in one of the following ways:

  1. If you still have a pin envelope from the card, you can find out the activation date of the plastic card from it.
  2. Contact the department staff for help and get answers to all your questions.
  3. You can call the bank's hotline at 8 800-555-5550.
  4. To use online banking - go to your personal account on the website, find the “cards” section and select the desired plastic card, after which all the information will be displayed on the screen.
  5. Use a Sberbank ATM - to do this, you will need to insert a credit card into the ATM, select the “service” section in the menu that appears, then click on the “card information” item. Then you can choose how to view the information - on the screen or in the form of a receipt.

For the convenience of clients who often use credit funds, managers may advise applying for a card at the very beginning of the month, so that it is clearer when the countdown begins.

Clients using a credit card from Sberbank are often faced with the fact that they do not remember when the interest-free loan period on the card begins and ends. In order not to get confused, you need to understand how to correctly calculate this period. Having calculated the days, you can make purchases with maximum benefit without overpaying anything.

It is easiest to make purchases at the beginning of the 50-day period, because in the future it will be much easier to pay off debts in a month and a half than for the balance of 20 days. Let's look at an example of calculating a grace period with maximum benefit. The first days of the 50-day period will be optimal time to make purchases - in this case, there are many days left to repay the debt.

For example, if the card activation period begins on the second day of each month, then the debt must be repaid before the 20th day of the next month inclusive. You can cover debts throughout the month - from your salary, advance payment or personal funds. The transfer can be made from a debit, salary or other credit card. Clients who have several credit cards can pay off the debts of one loan by making another, thereby using the funds offered with maximum benefit.

In cases where there are few days left until the next update of the grace period, it is worth postponing the purchase and making it after the update - in this case, the borrower will have a full period.

Loan calculators are created for the convenience of bank clients, because with their help you can calculate the balance on a loan account, the amount of differentiated or monthly transfers, and calculate interest.

To carry out calculations, you need to know information about the size and deadlines of payments - this can be found in the reports that Sberbank sends to clients at the end of the month.

Sberbank credit card grace period: how to get a spending report

Another pressing issue that interests Sberbank clients who use credit cards is how to obtain information about spending and account status for the month. This report can be obtained in two ways:

  • when the borrower personally contacts a bank branch, it is necessary to contact exactly where the plastic card was opened;
  • by using email to the previously specified postal address.

Each client, upon receiving the plastic in his hands, indicates to the manager how he would like to receive such information. In cases where the card is not used, that is, no transactions occur, the report is not generated and is not sent to the borrower.

Reports are automatically generated by bank employees and sent by clients. You can expect such information at the end of 30 days. You need to count from the day the card is activated. It is at the end of this period that if the client used plastic and made transactions, he will be sent or given a report on all actions.

Rules for using a Sberbank credit card during the grace period

To take advantage of Sberbank's grace period, the client must study and comply with the basic rules established by the bank. To manage loan funds without interest, you must follow the following conditions:

  1. Timely repayment of account debt – within 50 days, otherwise interest will be charged.
  2. If the minimum payment on the bill is made and it does not cover the amount that was spent, then interest will also be charged.
  3. To avoid unpleasant situations, it is necessary to monitor the reporting information and the remaining period of the preferential loan.

It must be remembered that if you cannot transfer funds and repay the debt, then interest will be charged on the amount used, which will need to be paid in the future. Borrowers who have a Sberbank card can open a credit account with different conditions and interest rates - from 19 to 35% per annum.

If the borrower is not a bank client, then he will be given a standard credit interest rate for such situations - 33.9% per annum.

It happens that, due to various life circumstances, a client is simply unable to repay the debt that he took on. But even in a situation where the grace period has expired, you shouldn’t despair and be nervous - you need to make a minimum transfer (5% of total amount). If you do not take at least these steps, the bank will charge the borrower a fee of 38% and a penalty of 0.1%, which will be added to the account for each overdue day.

Sberbank credit card: cash withdrawal during the grace period

Cash withdrawal from a credit or other bank card is not provided as a free service. The only thing that can be done is to reduce future costs. This is not difficult to do; you just need to transfer the required amount from your credit card to your e-wallet account, and then withdraw money from an ATM. Thus, it will be possible to reduce the percentage to 1.75%.

Also, do not forget about the commission that awaits each client who decides to withdraw cash from an ATM. The minimum commission amount is 390 rubles or 3% of the total withdrawal amount. If money is withdrawn from an ATM owned by another bank, the commission will be 4%.

Sberbank credit card grace period 50: in what cases does it not work

Do not forget that not all possible banking transactions are eligible for the grace period. A credit account may be charged if the account is used for:

  • transferring money from a credit account to another;
  • withdrawing cash from an ATM or cash desk.

If there is an urgent need for money, then you should think about registering consumer loan in a bank - this approach is the best way out, allowing you to save on commissions, penalties, high percentages.

Interest-free period of a Sberbank credit card: pros and cons

Any bonus programs, credit cards and other promotions offered by banks have their advantages and disadvantages. Preferential card Sberbank has the following advantages:

  • no interest will be accrued during the specified period (50 days);
  • Card service can be obtained at ATMs, bank branches or using online banking;
  • card information can be provided free of charge in the form of SMS messages;
  • a variety of types of credit cards - they are available for different categories of the population;
  • using the 50-day program does not prohibit using other bank offers;
  • large starting loan amount available to the client.

But, as in any other cases, there are some disadvantages:

  • the program is not suitable for storing personal funds - it is not profitable;
  • it is not possible to make transfers between cards or withdraw cash - such operations are paid;
  • Difficulties often arise in calculating the grace period;
  • high interest rate - higher than in the case of a consumer loan.

Sberbank credit card for 50 days is a unique offer, under the terms of which the client can freely manage borrowed funds for a specified time, without accruing additional interest. Such cards are in great demand among those who urgently need money, which can be returned in a short time, while receiving the conditions.

Conditions for obtaining a credit card

Before we begin to analyze the conditions for obtaining a card, you need to understand that 50 days is a grace period during which the holder can use borrowed money from the card without paying additional interest for late payment. To date, all loan products issued by Sbarbank have this period. But in order to get a credit card for 50 days, you must meet the following bank requirements:
  • be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • have at least six months of work experience;
  • be at least 21 years of age and not more than 65 years of age;
  • have a positive credit history;
  • work in one place of work for at least six months.

Required documents to obtain a credit card

In order to receive a credit card for 50 days from Sberbank, you need to provide the following documents:
  • passport indicating the place of registration (at the place of residence);
  • TIN (if you don’t have it, you should contact the tax office);
  • if the loan amount is more than 100,000 rubles, you will need a certificate of income;
  • if you don’t have a salary account with Sberbank, you need to take a 2-NDFL certificate.

Common questions and answers

Before applying for a 50-day card, a number of questions often arise. Here are the most common ones.

What is the credit limit amount?

As a rule, the loan amount for individuals varies from 300,000 to 600,000 rubles, depending on the personal offer. If this is not the first time you have applied to Sberbank for a loan, and there are no comments on previously taken out debt obligations, the bank may increase limit value.

There are several ways to check your credit card limit:

  1. Via SMS message with the word BALANCE XXXX (XXXX- last numbers on the card);
  2. Via and mobile application;
  3. Via a self-service device by submitting a credit card balance request.

How are interest rates calculated?

Interest on the loan is accrued only for cash, which were withdrawn from the card. The size of the rate will depend on the conditions under which the agreement was signed with the bank. If the loan is issued in rubles, the rate can vary from 23.9 to 36% per annum, depending on the type of card, repayment time and pre-approved offer.
Interest rate on Sberbank credit cards, almost the same as on offers from other banks, for example, on (but the advantage of Tinkoff Bank cards is the absence of requirements for proof of income and the presence of a bad credit history).

How is the grace period calculated at Sberbank?

The grace period is divided into 30 days of the reporting period (the time during which the borrower pays for purchases with a credit card) and 20 days of the payment period. For example, if the reporting period started on May 8, and purchases were made on the same day, payment must be made before June 27 to repay the debt without interest. But, if the purchase is paid on May 22, then until June 27 there are 35 days left to repay the full amount of debt at 0% (15 days of the reporting period and 20 days of the payment period).

The duration of the grace period is calculated using.

What is mandatory payment

Mandatory payment is the amount that must be returned for using money withdrawn from a credit card. This is a minimum payment equal to 5% of the spent portion of the loan, which must be repaid within 50 days. As a rule, this payment must be made every 20-25 days. The amount of interest charged depends on the type of credit card the holder has.

If at the end of the grace period the debt amount is not fully paid, then interest will be charged on the remaining debt. And if the obligatory payment is late, then a fine will be added to this amount, and an additional penalty for each day of delay from Sberbank.

Attention! The minimum monthly payment on a credit card must be 150 rubles.

In order not to overpay additional interest, the borrower must pay the loan responsibly, and also monitor the amount of the accrued amount and the monthly payment schedule. It is better to make payments for the use of borrowed funds several days before the due date, as the money may arrive with a delay.

As mentioned earlier, the borrower must repay at least 5% of the amount used. This is only part of the amount of the loan debt; you need to add to it: the interest rate for using borrowed money; fines and penalties for late payments; commission for cash withdrawals from ATMs; commission for money transfers.

When repaying part of the used loan, Sberbank distributes them in the following order:

  1. Penalty, fine,
  2. Commissions (internet transfers, cash withdrawals).
  3. Interest for using a loan.
  4. Additional charges.
  5. Principal amount of debt.
This repayment procedure is considered main problem for credit card holders, since some borrowers make monthly payments, and the amount of debt does not decrease, since the debt itself is not paid all these months. To avoid getting into such situations, you need to take an account statement.

Loan repayment methods

There are several options for repaying credit card debt for 50 days from Sberbank:
  1. Using cash at the bank or self-service devices;
  2. By bank transfer;
  3. Using a debit card (via Personal Area) or .

You can repay a loan from Sberbank either in full or in parts.

Advantages and disadvantages of Sberbank credit cards

Credit cards, like other Sberbank card products, have their own advantages depending on the offer. So, for example, a Sberbank debit card holder can count on free credit card service, free credit card service, and the opportunity to enjoy preferential interest rates.

Advantages of a credit card:

  • You can withdraw money throughout Russia, as well as anywhere else in the world.
  • It is possible to apply for a card online, having previously left an application for its receipt.
  • participation in bonus program And .
Disadvantages of a credit card:
  • if the borrower is at an ATM, he pays about 3-4% commission on the amount of money withdrawn;
  • if the loan amount exceeds 100,000 rubles, the bank will necessarily require a certificate of income;
  • a prerequisite is a good credit history;
  • Written confirmation of the borrower's employment is required.

Sberbank credit cards and terms of use

  • Visa Classic and MasterCard Standard are a universal card that provides many opportunities to its owner. The maximum amount is 600,000 rubles. Interest rate 23.9 - 25.9%. Commission level – 3% (not less than 390 rubles). You can cash out no more than 50,000 rubles per day through an ATM, and no more than 150,000 rubles through a bank cash desk. There is no service charge.
  • Visa and MasterCard Gold are premium cards that provide access to special offers. Credit limit – 600,000 rubles. The minimum rate is 23.9 - 25.9%. Service price from 0 to 3000 rubles per year. You can cash out a maximum of 100,000 rubles through an ATM, and 300,000 rubles through a cash register.
  • – credit cards with increased savings. Maximum loan– up to 3,000,000 rubles. Interest rate from 21.9%. The cost of banking services per year is 12,000 and 4,900 rubles per year, respectively.

Credit card grace period (video)

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