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How to remove a stuck pump from a well - effective ways to solve the problem. What to do if the pump gets stuck in the well? What not to do and what to do

Wells are a mandatory element of water intake workings and autonomous water supply sources. A situation where a pump gets stuck in a well is a common failure. Pull it out of the barrel without damage - the main task in the process of renovation. The success of the work depends on whether the specific causes of failure, the parameters of the mechanism and the condition of the casing pipes are taken into account.

Wells and failure features

For water extraction, two types of wells are common: artesian or “limestone”, reaching deep horizons (for industrial scale) and shallow “sand”, found on personal plots for private use of owners of dachas and houses. They use deep submersible pumps various characteristics. The mechanism can be powerful with a complex design or simple, which can be pulled out by hand.

The space in which the equipment operates is limited - from its outer edge to the walls of the casing pipe, the distance is about 1 - 2 cm. For subsequent repairs or maintenance, it is important to pull it out without damaging either it or the casing pipe.

Typically, a breakdown occurs when you try to pull equipment to the surface to carry out any manipulations with it: maintenance, repair, replacement. A hopeless situation arises when the pump does not work and cannot be pulled out, so the water source is completely blocked.

Less commonly, the unit may get stuck when lowering into standalone source water intake, as a rule, this occurs due to incorrect selection of its size in relation to the diameter of the pipe or the presence of foreign objects in it.

Causes of jamming

There are several factors leading to failure. Here is their list:

  • the cable is sagging or broken
  • the sand well has silted up
  • sediments appeared in the artesian spring
  • casing walls are damaged
  • foreign objects inside the well
  • pump misalignment

Without special equipment, it is impossible to look into the pipe and find out why the pump is stuck in the well, but the cause can be determined by knowing the characteristic “symptoms” of each situation.

NOTE! Before starting repairs, it is necessary to stop the operation of the well completely, so as not to break the cables and not lose the mechanism at depth. All manipulations are carried out with moderate efforts - the thoughtless use of brute force is fraught with aggravation of the situation

Sagging, cable breaks

If the cable is stretching harder and harder and becomes fixed at a certain point, it is most likely slack and wrapped around the pump casing.


  1. The pump goes to the bottom
  2. Take out the slack in the cable, straighten the loop by slowly swinging it and pulling it up
  3. When lifting the unit only with a cable, take into account that in addition to it there is also an electric cable and a hose. All three elements need to be synchronized with each other, that is, pull them together, pulling them evenly - this way they will not sag and a loop will not form
  4. All three elements are tightened with clamps every 1 - 1.5 m
  5. Slowly raise the mechanism itself

To prevent sagging and breaks of cables, it is necessary to fix them with clamps so that a single power line is formed. The ties need to be changed every time they are pulled out/immersed.

Siltation, sediment accumulation

Excessive silt accumulation occurs when a sand-bottomed spring is infrequently or improperly exploited. In this case, all cables are pulled evenly, but the pump is tightly stuck in the well.

The problem can be solved simply: by gently rocking the pump in different directions, alternately tightening and loosening the cable, as well as periodically raising and lowering it. Water enters the lumen and deposits gradually dissolve. At the same time, an additional wash is applied.

If the mine has not been used for a long time, the sludge may harden. Then it is washed away using a fire hose or flexible hose. They sink to the bottom of the source, the water supply is turned on under pressure - deposits are washed away

Solid sediment on the walls of the casing pipes, as well as on the artesian pump itself, is much more difficult to remove. There are ways to remove a stuck pump in this case:

  • washing with water under high pressure. The method is appropriate if there are few deposits and they can be washed away;
  • pour cheap ones folk remedies anti-scale: vinegar, citric acid. They are diluted with water and poured into the pipe. It is advisable to use substances that are neutralized or washed away over time without harm to humans, like the two indicated liquids. The method is good to use if you plan to replace the pump, since there is a significant drawback: if you use concentrated acids for a long time, the parts may become unusable;
  • application chemicals against scale. Those that are used in everyday life to remove deposits on household utensils are suitable. Disadvantage: expensive, since a large amount of substance is required. The modern chemical industry can offer mixtures that are minimally harmful to humans and the environment, with a narrowly targeted effect only against scale.

Sometimes it is necessary to repeat the procedure for using scale-corroding agents 2–3 times in order for all layers of deposits to be washed away. During operation, the equipment is turned on so that the movement of water erodes the sediment

Erosion of sediments takes from 2 hours to 2 days. During the process, you need to check whether the unit is free by rocking it. To prevent damage, the source and its filters are periodically cleaned.

Pipe damage

If the device rises easily to a certain point, and then it stops, the sound of an impact is heard and it becomes clear that some obstacle is preventing it from moving, perhaps the casing is damaged. Typical types of its malfunctions are:

  • dent
  • edge deformation
  • welds have dimensional irregularities and roughness
  • joint displacement

Example of a bad weld

The problem of how to pull the pump out of the well in this case is solved by turning it slightly, carefully changing its position while simultaneously slightly tilting it. An important point here there are moderate efforts: you need to move and tilt a little at a time, otherwise the cable may break and the structure will fall. It is not recommended to try to drag the unit through the problem segment using brute physical force, otherwise it may jam tightly. There are greater chances of success when the diameter of the structure is much smaller than the cross-section of the pipe - then the room for maneuvers inside increases.

It makes sense to try to pull out the pipe itself right down to the damaged link if the obstacle is close to the surface

Third Party Items

Various objects inside the excavation - tools, fastening elements, bolts, any debris - cause jamming. These objects fall into the gap between the pump and the shaft wall, stopping the equipment.

Often the hole becomes littered during the process of lifting the pump to the surface, so it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness around the workings

Solution to the problem:

  • carefully move the structure inside the well - the object will fall down, clearing the way for it
  • sometimes going down is possible, but going up is not. Then you need to lower the unit down and try to pull out the debris with a net, hook, wire, rope with a loop
  • try to push the object with a crowbar, stick or rigid cable. This is a dangerous operation as there is a risk of damage to the installation itself.

If the above measures do not help, you should stop trying and call specialists - this will save the equipment.

Distortion inside the pipe

Equipment may become distorted for the following reasons:

  • cable slack
  • strong jerk of the cable intended for lifting
  • lifting using an electric cable or hose, which created an uneven position of the structure

Signs of misalignment: upward movement occurs without delay, but at a certain point it becomes tighter and slows down completely, while there is no sound of knocking on an obstacle.

To remove the damage, before removing the pump from the well if it is stuck, you need to loosen the cord and lower the pump down a little so that it takes its original position. Then, pull it up again. It is necessary that all cables - electrical wire, hose, cable - be in the same position, since excessive tension in at least one of them leads to distortion. By manipulating them it is necessary to achieve the correct position of the device.

The described method is suitable if the equipment moves freely inside to a certain place and falls down. If it does not move, it is necessary to call specialists who will remove it using special tools.

Broken lifting cable

The most difficult case is a break in the cable intended for lifting equipment. You can try to lift the pump using only a hose or electric cable, if they are not broken, but keep in mind that they are weaker and can easily break.

Eat The best way, if other cables are intact, but you need to act quickly before the weight of the pump breaks them. You need to take a strong rope, tie a metal hook to its end, and try to hook the structure with it. When pulling out, the position must be adjusted with other cables; they will also serve as a safety net.

If all the cables break and the pump falls into the well, use the following method. A hook in the form of a corkscrew is welded to the end of the metal rod. It is lowered, screwed into the body of the unit and raised. This method is labor-intensive; its disadvantage is that the mechanism will be unusable after removal.

Critical situations

If the excavation has exhausted its resource, and attempts to remove the pump are unsuccessful, then it is appropriate to mothball it and drill a new well. The radical method is to crush the stuck pump with a special drilling rig and remove it in parts.

With independent repair work the following must be taken into account:

  • excessive force will break the cables;
  • You can pull out a stuck mechanism using “cats”, hooks, and other devices, but this poses a risk of the suspended structure breaking and falling during pulling out. If the pump falls into the well to the bottom, it can break all the cables or be fatally damaged due to the fall. After this it will be much more difficult to pull it out;
  • An attempt to move the pump with a suspended crowbar is the most common way to render the equipment unusable, as well as the entire production as a whole. A falling crowbar is guaranteed to render it inoperable. After this, it is extremely difficult to restore work. Should not be doing that.
  • after purchasing the pump, you need to replace the cable from the factory with a stronger steel one
  • fasten all cords to avoid distortions, use stainless steel clamps
  • the recommended pump diameter should be less than 2/3 of the pipe cross-section
  • using a multi-piece hose is risky
  • the head will protect the well from falling debris

An example of a method for mounting a submersible pump

Acceptable force manipulations:

  • in a situation where deposits interfere, the cable is selected, fixed in a tense position, and tapped periodically. Next, they wait a while until it weakens and pick up the slack. The procedure is repeated many times;
  • An “ear” is welded to a piece of steel pipe, to which a reliable rope is attached. Then, all the pump cables are passed through the pipe. The structure, the weight of which can reach 50 kg, is lowered down in order to push the unit down under its weight. After that everything is pulled out. The idea is to pull all the cables evenly, tightening them if any are sagging or letting them go too tight.

Excessive force will damage the pump or deform the pipe. First of all, craftsmen recommend tugging the cable a little, lowering and pulling it out. This is done several times. This method helps, even if it seems that the mechanism is stuck tightly. When the cable sag, the structure is lowered to the bottom, then, shaking it, the loop is removed.

Working with equipment can sometimes be complicated due to reasons beyond our control. So, when using a submersible pump to draw water, you are likely to encounter an unpleasant obstacle: it may get stuck in the trunk. In this situation, there are certain risks: you can cause significant damage to the equipment and spend a lot of time and effort to eliminate the troubles that have arisen. That is why you need to know what to do if the pump gets stuck in the well. A few simple rules and simple tips will help with this. But first of all, you need to figure out when it needs to be taken out and why it might get stuck.

Situations and reasons

There are many reasons that provoke difficulties. Most often, the pump is unloaded to the surface when it has already worked for a certain period of time underground and the following is required:

  • carry out the necessary checks as part of maintenance;
  • change the unit to a more efficient and productive one;
  • carry out repair work.

However, there are times when the device gets stuck even when loaded to depth. This can happen if its size was incorrectly selected for the diameter of the pipe, or if a foreign body gets into the funnel and interferes with the descent. It is important to remember that the pump must be two-thirds smaller than the diameter of the pipe.

Equipment jams on the descent very rarely, because all measurements are made long before the work is carried out, and the likelihood of error is practically reduced to zero, and foreign objects can be easily reached or, on the contrary, lowered lower.

When carrying out this operation, you need to be aware of several rules.

  • It is necessary to conduct a detailed inspection of the pump to ensure the serviceability of its components.
  • Control the absence of unnecessary items that can easily get into the pipe (these can be bags, small boxes, packaging and stones).
  • Work only with reliable materials: the cable and clamps should not raise doubts about their strength.

If you ignore these postulates, you can suffer significant damage. Both material and psychological.

Now you need to illuminate possible problems when lifting the unit, which happen much more often than the above moments. Let's look at the most common reasons why equipment can jam.

Casing pipe walls damaged

The walls of the casing pipe were hit, and the seams and other parts of the weld were damaged, dents appeared or the edges were flattened. This can be identified by characteristic dull knocks. Most often, you can get the pump out yourself by slowly rocking it. But this is only if the damage is minor. Otherwise, you will need the help of specialists. To avoid this problem, you need to take a responsible approach to the design of casing columns and the choice of device dimensions.

It's better to spend more attention and Money at the initial stage, rather than correcting deficiencies later.

The cable is sagging

This annoying situation leads to the fact that the pump will be pulled to the surface more and more tightly, until at a certain level it gets stuck completely, because the cable wraps around its body and literally blocks it.

If this happens, you need to follow simple steps.

  • Lower the device to the bottom and eliminate the resulting loop by measuredly swinging the cable from side to side and gradually moving it upward. It is necessary to remember to be careful and avoid sudden and rough movements.
  • Monitor the condition of the remaining cords and hoses to prevent the appearance of additional knots, which can significantly complicate the situation.
  • Secure all elements with special clamps at a certain distance (most often this is a range from one to one and a half meters).
  • Carefully remove stuck equipment.

This is a very common case, so don’t worry: everything can be resolved quickly and easily. However, it would be better to prevent it in advance: when sinking the unit to the bottom, tie it in the pipe at intervals of about three meters. This will ensure constant tension and help avoid loops.

Foreign objects have entered

Their arsenal is very extensive. It could be a nut, a piece of cable, stones, bags, or packaging. Here you need to try to remove any excess elements by rocking the pump or trying to get them out with a stick or hook. They can also be pushed down with a stick or other oblong object, but remember the safety rules and the fact that this can easily damage the pump.

All movements must be smooth and as careful as possible.

Pump misalignment

This is a serious problem with many causes. This can happen, for example, due to sagging or sudden jerks of the cable. The signs are as follows: up to a certain point the rise is carried out unhindered, and at one moment it slows down, but there is no impact. Here you just need to make the cable tension weaker and try to turn the pump over.

In severe cases, you can seek the help of professionals.

Appearance of limestone deposits

In the worst case, they can form layers up to five centimeters thick. This occurs due to the reaction between oxygen and metals contained in the well water. This problem can be solved by cleaning.

  • Cleaning the well with plain water directed inward under increased pressure. This will only work if the formations are small.
  • Using a solution of water and acetic/citric acid. It is important to note that this is only suitable if the pump has already served its purpose, because this method can harm the equipment.
  • A mixture of anti-scale chemicals and hot water

Siltation of wells

This can happen if the pump is rarely used or if operating instructions are not followed. In this way, a kind of “trap” of silt is created. You can release the pump from it by alternately tensioning and loosening the cable and parallelly rocking the pump from side to side.

The material may also harden, which creates additional difficulties. In this case, it will need to be washed off first with a hose or fire hose. This is a rather time-consuming process that can take from several hours to two days. You can also check whether the equipment is “freed” by trying to get it to the surface by swinging. If you can’t do this, then you need to continue to wait.

To avoid such problems, you need to regularly spend time cleaning the well and filter.

The cable broke

This is probably one of the most unpleasant and difficult to fix cases, because here the device falls to the very bottom and gets jammed in the pipe. We need to act quickly. First of all, use a hose and an electrical cable to stabilize the pump. If its size and weight are not impressive, you can try to unload it upstairs. Otherwise, you need to use a very strong rope with a metal hook. Having hooked the unit with it, lift it up.

If it falls, “pulling” all the cables with it, you need to act as follows:

  • take an oblong object (a metal rod is best) long enough to reach the fallen pump;
  • attach a hook or corkscrew attachment to it;
  • Place a metal rod on the free end of the rod (with its help the structure will rotate);
  • lower the constructed mechanism down;
  • try to screw the hook into the pump body;
  • Carefully and slowly pick up fallen equipment.

It is necessary to understand that this will be possible only at shallow depths. In this case, the operation of the pump unloaded using this method is permanently stopped.

Unfortunately, there are times when it is not possible to lift equipment even with the help of professionals. Don't despair. It is necessary to seal this well and begin the construction of a new one, without repeating previous mistakes and observing all the necessary rules.

Of course, if the equipment still gets stuck, the best thing to do is to immediately contact professionals. After all, they have necessary knowledge and skills to quickly and efficiently remove the pump. However, this does not mean that you will not be able to act on your own. Here, as in any other matter, it is necessary to approach the solution of the problem in detail, to correctly and timely identify and eliminate its “causative agents.”

How to prevent the pump lifting problem?

Pulling a deep well pump out of a well with your own hands if it comes off is not at all difficult if you follow all the recommendations of specialists.

The catchphrase is: “Forewarned is forearmed.” To prevent unpleasant situations from occurring, you need to follow a number of simple rules that can save equipment, time and money.

  1. Work only with strong cables. You can't skimp on this item. Choose quality products and fasteners.
  2. The hose must be intact. Buy one of sufficient length, even if the one included in the kit does not meet the required parameters. This will reduce the risk of breakage significantly.
  3. Choose the right size. The unit should be one third of the diameter of the pipe. Otherwise, congestion during lifting cannot be avoided.
  4. Set the header. This will ensure “protection” of the well from unwanted “guests”: garbage, bottles, stones, boxes.

The situation when a pump is stuck in a well and it is impossible to lift it happens quite often. This is exactly one of the disadvantages of borehole pumps: the equipment operates at depth, and every time for its prevention, repair or maintenance, the unit must be lifted.

What if he gets stuck there? After all, then you won’t be able to use the pump for preventive maintenance, and you won’t be able to use the water. It is clear that in any case the equipment must be pulled out, but at the same time, do not panic. The depth of the well is usually not that great, and it is quite easy to find out what exactly happened to the pump, how to get it out, and at the same time determine whether drilling is necessary.

In order to remove the pump, you need to find out what caused it to get stuck. Then it will be easier to fix this problem. For example, a pump cannot be pulled out of a well due to the effect of reverse silting.

It is observed where the well was built in limestone soil. In this case, as the well operates, a sedimentary layer begins to form above the pump installation site. After some period of time, there will naturally be a traffic jam. This process can be stopped by cleaning the well every few years.

Limestone deposits are considered quite dense; it is most likely impossible to deal with them on your own; you need to call in specialists. Professionals can deal with such deposits using two methods: chemical and mechanical. In the first case, special reagents are applied to the sediment plug to dissolve it.

But here you need to clarify whether the chemicals will damage the quality of the water in the well. As for the mechanical method, there is only 1 option - the plug is exposed to a fairly strong stream of compressed air under high pressure, which contributes to its destruction.

Due to prolonged downtime, severe silting of the well may occur. It is the sediment layer that becomes a plug that prevents the pump from being pulled out of the well. In this situation, it is recommended to rock the pump slightly, either raising it or lowering it. Why is this necessary?

Under the influence of water, the mud plug will gradually rise - this will clear the way, and the pump can be removed. It is very important to act carefully here. It is clear that the owner of the site is in a hurry and wants to pull out the stuck pump, but if you show excessive activity and swing the equipment too much, it can become tightly jammed.

There is also a non-standard method that will help if the pump is stuck in the well due to silt deposits. You need to turn to the firefighters for help: they have special equipment, a durable hose that can be lowered into the mine to quickly wash away the silty deposits. The pump will release and go up smoothly. And to prevent the situation from repeating itself, it is necessary to clean the well or borehole for preventive purposes.

Solid obstacle: what to do?

It happens that the pump cannot be removed from the well for other reasons, for example, some solid, which plays the role of a wedge. Moreover, for quite serious problems to arise, it does not have to be large. In addition, sometimes the role of a barrier is played by defects that arose during the construction of a well.

For example, the soil moved, and because of this, a dent formed in the pipe or its edge was flattened. It may be that the weld turned out to be sloppy, “burrs” appeared there, and they now act as a barrier. This also applies to the situation with defects that arose during the assembly of the sedimentary column. Sometimes pipes are fastened by welding rather than through threaded connection, so there may be errors due to which axial displacement will occur and it will create an obstacle.

How can you tell if something is stuck in the well? In this case, a characteristic hard knock occurs when the pump encounters such an obstacle. But it moves down freely. How to remove the pump from the well in this case? You need to act very carefully.

If the obstacle is small, you can try to go around it by rotating the mechanism around its axis. However, this does not guarantee the desired result. Even if it helps, it still won’t solve the problem—the solid-state interference will have to be removed from the well. In such cases, it is advisable to seek help from specialists.

It also happens that some tool or fastener element gets into the well during work. In such cases, the pump stops very abruptly and becomes completely jammed. This becomes noticeable when climbing. Downward movement is easy. When lifting, jamming occurs, and its height can vary depending on how tightly the cable is selected.

This happens because the gap between the well wall and the pump is too narrow for the tool to fall lower. In this case, you cannot remove the pump from the well yourself; this can only worsen the situation. It is necessary to stop work and call specialists who are engaged in the construction and maintenance of wells. As a rule, they have at their disposal special equipment designed for such cases and helping to remove interference.

A sagging electrical cable is a fairly common cause of a pump getting stuck in a well. It turns out that in a situation where the wire sags, it seems to be jammed in a loop tightened around the pump body. The situation in itself is unpleasant, but it can damage the equipment if you do not take it seriously enough.

Under no circumstances should you pull out the pump yourself; it is simply unsafe. Moreover, you should not pull the equipment upward with maximum force. You can try to lower the pump down, very carefully, so that the cable gives some slack. But there are no guarantees that this will be possible.

It is easier to prevent such cases than to try to fix something later. And to do this, you need to fasten the cable using special clamps to the hose or pipe when installing the equipment. You should not attach the cord to the cable itself, since it will become tense, and at this moment the clamps may fly off, which will not give the desired effect. The hose and power cable are connected to each other with clamps at a certain pitch - 50-100 cm, depending on the depth of the well. Subsequently, such a precaution will make life much easier.

You need to lift the pump very carefully, making sure that both the hose and electrical cable moved evenly towards the surface.

Speaking about mandatory prevention, it should also be noted that in no case should you skimp on the quality of the cable, electrical cable and the same clamps. A small amount saved when installing a pump can result in huge costs for repair work in the future.

It is advisable to use the cable from of stainless steel. This also applies to the fastenings to it. And you should never use pieces of cable or hose that have been spliced ​​together during installation, even if it seems that they are quite reliable. Usually these are the weakest points of the entire structure.

There is one more necessary recommendation. It is necessary to design the well in advance and select a pump in accordance with its diameter, leaving a minimum gap. Then the electrical cable will not give way, and there is less chance that solid objects will fall into the gap. This is very important rule, which owners often forget about, trying to save money first on the services of an engineer, and then when purchasing the equipment itself.

It is also recommended to install additional protection on top of the well to prevent small debris from entering. It is desirable that such a head be manufactured in a factory from a material that is resistant to corrosion and negative atmospheric conditions. It must fit tightly to the walls of the pipe, only then will the desired effect be achieved.

There are other, fairly common situations for which folk craftsmen have already come up with universal “recipes”. Let's say a pump gets stuck in a well because its cable breaks due to excessive loads. In this case, it is worth looking for a tool that in everyday life is called a “cat” - this is a device with characteristic-looking pins made of metal. What should I do to remove the pump?

You have to try to catch him. Unfortunately, rarely does anyone manage to pick up and lift the pump the first time and without effort. But you can try to hook the end of the hose or cable: this is much easier to do. If you grab the broken cable, all the equipment can be pulled out.

Experts, however, do not recommend using “cats” and similar tools, since this requires certain skills. And if such a device is used for the first time, then a person may inadvertently pull too hard, and then the “cat” will also get stuck.

An interesting method is used when the pump is stuck, but it is not pulled up, but pushed down. Some craftsmen use a special crowbar for these purposes, which is tied to a cable. It must be secured very carefully, as securely as possible, because there is always a risk of leaving this tool in the well as well.

This method is quite effective if the well is not too deep and no one is going to use the old pump. You just need to pull it to the surface to replace it with new equipment.

You can take a section of pipe about 1 m long and weld an “ear” to it. A cable, cable and hose are passed through this structure. It weighs quite a lot, and under its weight the pump is able to slide down a little, remaining hanging on only one cable, by which it can be pulled. Total weight The structure weighs about 50 kg, so the site owner alone cannot cope here; he will need help.

There is a method that will take several days and require fixing the suspension in a tense manner. Periodically tap it to check for slack, and then tighten it again. It is possible that after a few days the pump will be lowered or raised, and then pulled out. But it will still be more effective to call a team of craftsmen.

Errors when pulling the pump

When equipment that was about to be pulled out gets stuck in a well, people often begin to get nervous and make mistakes, rush, pull too quickly and harshly, fuss and act thoughtlessly in order to free the unit faster. As a result, the damage from these actions is greater than from getting stuck itself.

What mistakes are made most often? Firstly, this is an excessively sharp and strong tension on the cable. There are known cases when he was generally tied to a car or other vehicles. As a result, the cable broke and the pump got stuck even more.

Secondly, it would be a mistake to throw heavy objects into the well. This can lead to the problem described above, when the equipment jams due to an obstacle getting between the pump itself and the well wall.

One of the following requires special caution. traditional methods associated with lowering the pipe. It can weigh quite a lot, and if the device is released from your hands, it can fall and leave a fairly large dent in the equipment.

If the examination shows that the pump has fallen, you should not try to get it out yourself. This is fraught with equipment failure and is unsafe for human health. It’s better to call specialists right away.

It should also be noted that most of the listed problems, due to which pumps get stuck in wells, are associated with the characteristics of vibration-type devices. Centrifugal and screw pumps get stuck in wells much less often due to the features of their designs. They cost more, but if you take into account the costs of lifting the equipment, the difference in price will not be so noticeable.

From time to time there is a need for replacement/repair well pump. Many homeowners who operate wells face this problem. The procedure is accompanied by one common problem - the pump is stuck in the well. Often at this point people try to get equipment on their own. In the absence of the necessary skills and experience, this only leads to equipment damage. Another negative factor is damage to the well structure and failure. What to do, ifpump stuck in well or did it break? The answer is simple - contact the Istok company!

Similar to installation, replacement or repair procedures require special training and experience in the process. For company specialists who constantly work in the field, it will take a couple of hours toremove the stuck pump, conduct an examination and make a verdict on the possibility of further operation. The equipment is being put into operation at a similar speed. During preparation for dismantling, video diagnostics of wells is carried out and all present features are studied.

There are several reasons for a stuck pump in a casing pipe. Usually the story begins with its failure, a violation of the water supply. Often, owners try to solve the problem on their own, without having information about the exact characteristics of the equipment, the size of the well itself, and the type of soil. Everything starts well, but immediately a problem arises -pump stuck in wellor broke off completely.

The problem of stuck pumping equipment is frustrating every time. However, when contacting the Istok company, you can count on a successful outcome. The company’s specialists have already solved dozens of similar problems and are well aware of all the nuances of removing fallen and stuck equipment. Having ordered the service, you only need to wait a couple of hours and the situation will be successfully resolved.

Why is the pump stuck in the well?

It is necessary to understand that there are many reasons why pumping equipment can jam/fall in a well.

Wrong selection

Manufacturers recommend using the appropriate size of equipment for a certain size of well. Choosing larger sizes than required will result in jamming during removal. The situation can be aggravated by possible misalignment during installation.

The solution would be to pay attention to the manufacturers' recommendations regarding the dimensions of the well. Installation requirements should not be overlooked.

Sagging electrical cable

Is a common problem. The wire sags and wraps around the walls of the device, preventing it from moving further. It’s not worth trying to pull it out on your own, because... this will cause it to break.

A solution may be to fix the wire to the pipeline at certain intervals. However, you should not use a holding cable for this - this may complicate the situation.

Siltation of the well

Occurs when the well is rarely used. Situations occur when the sludge layer rises above the pump level.

It is not recommended to decide on your own in this situation. Without the appropriate extraction skill, this will definitely lead to a break. And ifpump fell into wellThis is a complication of the original situation. It is better to contact the specialists of the Istok company. They will carry out the extraction quickly and without any hassle.

A foreign object has fallen

Another common problem with stalling is the ingress of foreign objects. An unpleasant situation that can rarely be resolved through one’s own efforts. Such attempts often lead to breaks.

A pump fell into a well - problem and solution

As you can see, jammed equipment can lead to another problem - a break. What to do, ifthe pump broke inwell? First of all, don't panic. The problem is solvable. First you need to call the masters of the Istok company. Then they will do their job.

Ifpump fell into well, then its removal will require the use of a video diagnostic system. With its help, the location, integrity of casing pipes and pumping equipment, as well as the presence of foreign objects are determined. All this information will be needed to assess the situation and develop a recovery plan. Naturally, it is necessary to find out and correlate the diameters of the pump and casing pipe.

Further actions and the tool used will depend on the complexity of the situation. Single-horned, multi-horned or pipe traps can be used. With their help, pieces of cable, foreign objects and the pump itself are removed.

Services of the company "Istok"

Lifting, replacing and repairing pumping equipment, as well as servicing wells, requires a professional approach, certain experience and special tools, which are rarely available to owners. The professional activities of the company are aimed at solving such problems. Therefore, we have qualified personnel and a complete technical base.

06.06.2019 Pyotr Andreevich 1

How to get a pump out of a well if it is stuck: help from professionals

If your pump gets stuck in a well or falls into it, then read our instructions. Work on lifting pumps should be carried out carefully, as there is a high probability of making a mistake and damaging expensive equipment.

5 reasons why pumps get stuck in wells

Before you pull the pump out of the well, you need to determine the exact reason why it is stuck. This will make it possible to choose the most effective option troubleshooting, which will reduce the risk of failure of pumping equipment.

There are 5 main reasons for the problem:

  1. Sagging power cable. This is the most common situation faced by every third owner of an autonomous water supply system. The main signs of the problem are not only sagging of the cable when lifting the pump from the shaft, but also its wrapping around the equipment body. In this case, even applying great force will not allow the device to move.
  2. Getting stuck in limestone. Rare maintenance of the mine causes water stagnation. Because of this, metal salts form limescale. It securely fixes the pump and makes it impossible to pull it up.
  3. Silting of the well. Using the pump for several years and not wanting to carry out cleaning activities leads to a large amount of sludge accumulating at the bottom. It completely covers the case and makes it impossible to lift the device up.
  4. Mechanical damage. The most common occurrence is that the pump gets stuck in the casing pipe, which was damaged as a result of a heavy object falling into the mine or careless human actions during cleaning activities.
  5. Hit by a foreign object. If it gets stuck in the pipe, it will not be possible to pull the pump out of it.

5 ways to get a pump out of a well

Experts recommend using several proven methods that can quickly fix the problem. To remove a stuck pump, do not use excessive force, which can only damage the device and render it inoperable.

How to remove a stuck pump

To quickly get rid of the problem, you need to know how to get the pump out of the well if it is stuck and does not move. For each reason there is a solution.

This is how a vibration pump can get stuck in a casing pipe

Available methods:

  1. Cable slack. If this situation occurs, you must lower the device slowly and carefully. As soon as it is at the bottom, loosen the cable and try to lift again. At the same time, they move slowly, trying to avoid sagging of the electrical wire and other structural elements (cable, hose).
  2. Siltation. With this problem, it will be difficult to lift the stuck device. To correct the situation, silt deposits must first be washed away. To do this, carefully swing the cable, while simultaneously trying to lift the stuck device. Gradually, the “grip” of the sludge will weaken and after a few minutes of such work it will be possible to lift the equipment to the surface.
  3. Buried in limestone. If such a problem occurs, you should perform all the same actions as for silting. Slow rocking will gradually destroy deposits near the body and allow the device to be lifted from the bottom.
  4. Pipe damage. Rotational movements that need to be applied to its body will help you get stuck equipment. You need to lift the device slowly, as one careless movement will be enough to damage its outer part.
  5. Foreign object stuck in the shaft. In such a situation, you need to take the help of professionals, since it will be difficult to get this item with your own hands. This is due to the risk of it falling to the bottom of the well or damaging the housing.

What to do to prevent the pump from getting stuck

It is difficult to get a stuck pump out, so experts recommend taking all necessary measures to reduce the likelihood of a problem occurring. To do this, you need to perform several activities.

These include the following:

  1. Attaching the electrical cable to the hose. This simple action will help prevent the wire from sagging and wrapping around the body of the pumping equipment. Fixation is carried out using special clamps, which must be regularly replaced with new ones.
  2. Place the pump above the filter. This installation option will avoid sludge sticking to the body, which often causes the device to get stuck.
  3. Annual cleaning. Carrying out this activity regularly will prevent silt and sand from accumulating at the bottom of the well.
  4. Preventive treatment. In this case, professionals recommend using citric acid to remove limescale deposits. It will quickly deal with the problem and eliminate the possibility of the device getting stuck.
  5. When installing an autonomous water supply system, only pipes should be used High Quality. Thanks to this, there will be less risk of their breakage as a result of mechanical stress.

How to get a pump that has fallen into a well

If the cable breaks and the pump falls into the well, it will be difficult to get it from the bottom. Even if you manage to complete this work, you will have to change the device to a new one.


  1. Find a rod made of any durable metal. Its size should be enough to reach the bottom.
  2. A special screw attachment is attached to one edge, which is shaped like a corkscrew with a pointed end.
  3. A rod is fixed at the second end of the rod, allowing the homemade structure to be rotated.
  4. They lower the finished product and find the fallen equipment.
  5. Using force, screw the screw attachment into the device body.
  6. As soon as it deepens half its length, the pump slowly begins to rise.

What needs to be done to prevent the pump from falling

Lifting a pump from a well is considered a difficult undertaking, so you need to try to prevent it from falling to the bottom. To do this, you need to take several steps. Among them are the following:

  • use the most rigid and durable cable;
  • use a single long hose, rather than one assembled from several small pieces;
  • the pipe diameter should be selected in a ratio of 3:2 with the dimensions of the pump;
  • install a cap on the well to prevent objects from falling.

How to get a pump out of a well

Removing pumping equipment that is stuck or has fallen to the bottom of a well is carried out in exactly the same way as for a well. They use a homemade anchor.

If the depth of the mine is more than 10 m, then it is recommended to contact companies involved in cleaning wells. Their workers have special equipment at their disposal, thanks to which they can quickly fix the problem.

If pumping equipment gets stuck in a well or ends up at the bottom of a well, you need to know what to do correctly in such a situation. It is important to quickly take all necessary measures to reduce Negative consequences and fix the problem.

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