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There are not enough microelements in the body. Experts told us what microelements are missing for longevity in different regions of Russia

Microelements are active chemical particles. They are part of the cells of living organisms and participate in all processes. Micronutrients are needed to carry out special chemical reactions inside cells and ensure the high-quality functioning of the entire complex mechanism of the human body.

Each substance in the body has a special role. In combination with vitamins and macroelements, these micro-dosed particles trigger metabolic processes. People, animals, and plants have a physiological need for minerals of this type. The latter tend to lose vitality most quickly due to a lack of microelements. Gardeners know that cucumbers (or tomatoes), whose leaves become stained, wither, turn black or curl into tubes, suffer from diseases due to a lack of minerals.

With a lack of micronutrients, the human body also begins to malfunction: chronic diseases appear and worsen, general immunity decreases and deteriorates. appearance hair, skin and nails. And if a deficiency is visible in plants already in the first hours, then a person can fade away slowly. With the timely introduction of micronutrients into food, deficiencies are eliminated quickly. Long-term vitamin deficiency leads to the death of the body or disruption of its basic functions, because all cells to one degree or another consist of micronutrients.

  • Manganese

Microelements are vital substances

Microelements are vital substances. All of them come from the outside, since the body is unusual in synthesizing them on its own. A person is only capable of accumulating and distributing microparticles. That is why an excess or deficiency of micronutrients has a negative impact on living beings, disrupts the full functioning of organisms and can cause irreversible processes leading to death.

Microelements in the international classification are designated in English letters(Latin). Their names are completely identical to the names of substances in the periodic table.

In different sources you can find different numbers of “main” micronutrients, but most often they talk about 23, 33 and 40 different minerals and complex compounds. According to research by the World Health Organization, there are about seventy microelements in total, which for convenience are divided into groups. Many of the substances have not yet been fully studied, so there is little information about them.

Microelements do not include all elements, but only those particles that are found in the body in minimal quantities. While some macronutrients are found in the body in grams, micronutrients are found in tissues and fluids in micrograms (mcg) and milligrams (mg).

Until recently, very little was known about micronutrients, but science does not stand still. Research institutes conduct experiments that are closely related to biological developments in relation to studying the functioning of the human and any other living organism.

List of essential microelements

The list of essential microelements consists of large number chemical substances. They all belong to different groups and are found naturally in various types and conditions. A small part of the list of microelements is solid substances and enters the body in pure form. Most microparticles enter cells in a complex way during the decomposition of multicomponent salts.

The most studied substances, as well as short description their main properties are presented in the list below.

  1. Bromine. Liquid with a pungent odor. It dissolves well in water. It is practically never found in its pure form, as it easily enters into chemical reactions and becomes a component of salts. The presence of bromine in the diet improves appetite.
  2. Zinc. A crystalline mineral that occurs in nature in many combinations. It easily enters into an oxidation reaction, as a result of which zinc oxide appears - a white powdery substance that easily dissolves in water and penetrates the cell membranes of plants and living organisms.
  3. Chromium. IN natural form is a metal with a silvery tint. In nature, it exists in the form of ore, which easily crumbles and combines with liquids, and thanks to this it easily seeps into cells.
  4. It is a halogen gas. Reacts easily with oxygen and is found in water and air. Due to the fact that the substance is lighter than air and other gases, it easily penetrates into the alveoli of the lungs.
  5. Selenium. Sometimes called the beauty mineral. The substance rarely enters the body in its pure form, so it can be toxic. It is a conductor and companion of iodine and helps the latter to be absorbed by cells as completely as possible.
  6. Molybdenum. It is not found in free form, but is found in large quantities in ash, coal and oil deposits. It enters the body of living beings with salts and water.
  7. Copper. In the natural environment it is found in pure form and is present in compounds that form sedimentary rocks. It looks like metal with a characteristic reddish shine. It penetrates into cells in water and participates in oxidative processes in the liver. Absorbed in the digestive tract and does not accumulate in cells. That is why this substance must be supplied daily and in the required quantity.
  8. Manganese. In nature, it is most often found in the form of compounds. It is easily consumed by plants from the soil and accumulates in their cells. Plant fruits are able to retain the maximum amount of nutrients and then saturate animal cells with them.
  9. Silicon. It occurs in nature in the form of compounds that are quite easily soluble in water. Considered a biogenic substance.
  10. Cobalt. It is rarely found in its pure form, as it is an active substance that easily combines with other chemical elements.
  11. Iodine. It is in crystalline form and easily dissolves in water and other liquids. It is with water molecules that it penetrates into cells, where it neutralizes pathogenic organisms.
  12. Iron. One of the most common microelements. Enters into chemical reactions with oxygen. Participates in the formation of red blood cells and promotes their active work to saturate cells with oxygen. Incompatible with calcium, since both substances block the absorption of each other.
  13. Bor.
  14. Found in nature only in the form of salts. In the body it plays an important role in regulating the interaction of calcium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. Lithium. In the natural environment, the substance is almost never detected in its pure form. The most common micronutrient source is drinking water
  15. . That is why, compared to all other microelements, lithium penetrates cells most easily. Nickel. Long time the substance was considered harmful, because the product side effect

arsenic became. Today, scientists know that the substance is extremely important for the proper functioning of the body, although the need for it is small. Such substances are present in limited quantities in the organisms of living beings. like gold, platinum and silver. Microdoses, in which such nutrients are found in food, have a gentle effect on the body.

In small volumes in the bodies of people, animals and plant tissues there are elements such as germanium, vanadium, bismuth, titanium and others, which can be called relatively new and poorly studied.

It should be noted that all of the above microelements are used in agriculture, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine. Substances are introduced into animal feed in the form of glycinates and other active and easily digestible compounds for the purpose of proper development and prevention of diseases and the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms. According to GOST, microelements are also added to nutrient mixtures for feeding vegetable plants and trees in the garden.

Classification of trace elements

Microelements can be classified according to several criteria, including:

  • vital substances;
  • toxic;
  • irreplaceable;
  • partially replenished.

Scientists also classify into separate groups little-studied microelements and substances that do not take part in life support processes.

Vital substances include micronutrients, the specific gravity of which in cells is maximum. The weight of such substances is calculated in micrograms. This group includes:

  • fluorine (F);
  • copper (Cu);
  • bromine (Br);
  • molybdenum (Mo).

Partially replenishable substances are usually called substances whose action is replaced by combinations of other macro- and microelements.

The essential substances in the cells of people and all other living organisms include:

  • zinc (Zn);
  • manganese (Mn);
  • iron (Fe);

Relatively recently, a group of scientists made adjustments to the classification of micronutrients. Scientific research has shown that it is often the essential substances that quickly turn into toxic ones. This is primarily due to big amount of these minerals in cells and the influence of the external environment. Toxic micronutrients also include cadmium, lead, tin, strontium and other substances contained in the periodic table. All such substances occur in nature and in the human body in microdoses. Toxic micronutrients can enter the blood and cells from medicines and vaccines, as well as in violation of production technology at ferrous metallurgy plants.

Another way to classify and organize microelements necessary for humans and living beings is to divide them according to the criterion of possible deficiency. Thus to:

  • essential (deficiency of which can occur without sufficient replenishment of needs) include iron, copper, manganese, zinc, cobalt, chromium, molybdenum, iodine and selenium;
  • All other micronutrients are conventionally considered essential.

Also, in light of recent discoveries in bioengineering, scientists have discovered that none of the known microelements accumulate in the body, as nutrients (oxygen, hydrogen and all macronutrients without exception) do, provided that waste removal systems from the body function correctly.

Daily norms

Daily norms (needs) for micronutrients depend on a large list of factors, among which are not only:

  • age,
  • human lifestyle,

but also indicators of general physical health.

Modern biomedicine has several hundred methods for calculating the daily norm of macro-, microelements and ultramicroelements in the bodies of people, domestic animals and plants. Indicators of substances vary in most countries, which is associated not only with the territorial and climatic characteristics of the regions, but also with the usual way of eating.

In post-Soviet countries, the following standards for daily consumption of microelements are most often used:

Doctors place pregnant women in a separate category, because it is expectant mothers who need the most balanced diet. In particular, women carrying a baby in the womb or breastfeeding a baby need to reduce the macronutrient sodium and increase iron in their diet. The daily intake of an element such as calcium in young women should be one and a half times higher than the average norm.

In the USA and other countries, standard indicators differ from those adopted as a basis here. Difference in percentage or specific gravity depends entirely on the habitual diet of people and on what food products are available in the region.

Compatibility with minerals and vitamins

The compatibility of microelements with certain vitamins and minerals is important information for every person. In an effort to saturate the body with useful substances at all costs, few people think about such features of substances as the presence of synergists and antagonists. In order to have useful information about how they interact with each other, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the information in the table.

Mineral (trace element)

Mineral or vitamin

The essence of interaction

Vitamin A

Helps rationally use iron reserves.

Vitamin B2

The absorption of zinc improves.

Vitamin B6

Promotes the accumulation of zinc in cells.

Ascorbic acid

The distribution of substances is optimized and the harmful accumulation of vitamin C in cells is reduced. Ascorbic acid, in turn, helps iron to be absorbed and increases its activity in blood cells.

Strengthen useful action each other. In the presence of one microelement, the second is absorbed many times more efficiently.

Vitamin B9

Reduces the concentration of vitamin in cells, which can play a negative role in the body of pregnant women.

They negatively affect the accumulation and expenditure of each other. Excess calcium can cause anemia, and excess iron can cause bone tissue destruction, causing caries and osteoporosis.


Calcium or iron

Any of the two substances from the second column are neutralized beneficial features manganese

As a result of biochemical processes occurring in living organisms, trace elements react with all other substances in cells: proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as water- and fat-soluble vitamins.

You need to know and understand that such important micronutrients as zinc, manganese and selenium tend to enter into special types relationships that result in complex antioxidant processes and toxin removal. That is why it is important to properly plan your diet and saturate it with essential nutrients that can remove excess from the body. Thanks to this, the human body has the opportunity to cleanse itself.

List of products containing

The list of foods that contain microelements is extensive. Micronutrients are found in any animal and plant foods, as well as multivitamin complexes and biologically active food supplements, which can be purchased at pharmacies or in network marketing companies specializing in sports, healthy and dietary nutrition (usually low-calorie and protein-rich).

The most balanced amount useful substances found in energy vitamin and mineral cocktails for athletes and men involved in bodybuilding or weightlifting. It is in such complexes that minerals interact with carotenoids and the most complete set of substances necessary to maintain health.

Most microelements are found in plant foods, because plants accumulate minerals most easily and spend the least of them on the needs of their own body. The list of products of plant and animal origin, which may contain certain micronutrients, is presented below in table form.


Plant food

Animal products

Food, flavoring additives, other products, including medicinal ones

Sprouted wheat, rye, barley and other grains, peas and beans, flour, pasta, peanuts, forest and walnuts, seaweed.

Cod and its liver, mackerel, capelin, shrimp, cow's milk and dishes made from it, cheese, sour cream, whey, feta cheese and cottage cheese.

Sea water, complex salts.

Cereals (cereals and porridges from them: buckwheat, millet, ornovka, pearl barley, oatmeal), legumes, seaweed, cherries, dogwoods, parsley, dill, persimmons, honeysuckle, spinach, arugula, lettuce, apricots, apples, pears, oatmeal , pomegranates, beets, avocados, carrots, plums and prunes, cherries, horse sorrel, strawberries, lemon.

Livers of animals and birds, quail eggs, in particular egg yolk, beef kidneys, beef, udder, turkey heart, tongue, lamb and wild game meat.

Mineral water, cinnamon, apricot and almond kernels, coffee.

Peach, nectarine, sauerkraut, radish, horseradish, mustard.

Milk and dairy products

Sea salt, drinking mineral water.

Black and red currants, wild mushrooms, carrots, onions and green onions.

Sea fish (pollock, hake, notothenia) and delicacies, milk, sour cream, cream, butter, cattle by-products.

Kelp, brewer's and baker's yeast, champignons, hops, pickles and other pickles, sauerkraut, pine nuts, onions and garlic.

Fish and seafood (squid, mussels, oysters), black caviar, milk.

Sea salt, mineral water.

Vegetables whose fruits are above the ground, fireweed (fireweed) and honey from its pollen, cranberries, black currants, serviceberry, pomegranate, rowan.

Meat of sea animals, river oily fish, milk, kefir, chicken liver, rabbit meat, kidneys and other offal.

Naturally enriched water.


Blueberries, lingonberries, garlic, wild mushrooms, rose hips, blueberries, grapes and raisins, cabbage, lettuce, wheat sprouts, banana, strawberries, raspberries.

Chicken and beef liver, turkey meat.

Mineral water, turmeric

Eggplants, beets, turnips, radishes, asparagus, carrots, blackberries, peas and legumes, sesame seeds, halva, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, canned corn, cashews, hazelnuts, nettles.

Seafood, wild game meat, pig brains and hearts.

Chocolate, mineral water.


Peas, soybeans, lentils, corn, pasta, mushrooms.

By-products, milk, quail and chicken eggs, sea ​​fish(mackerel, salmon, trout, herring, horse mackerel, tuna), white chicken breast, pork and lard.

Table salt.

Seaweed, cabbage (white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), bell pepper, tomatoes and their juice, cucumbers, wheat bran, mango, aloe, Brazil nuts, sunflower and flax seed oil.

Seafood (squid, octopus), chicken stomachs, liver, kidneys, udder, brains.

Oranges, grapefruits and other citrus fruits, seaweed, cereals and products made from them, potatoes, turnips, loose leaf tea, basil.

Beef and veal, liver, fish and seafood (oysters, lobsters), crayfish.

Corn and corn oil, pumpkin, zucchini, watermelon, sea buckthorn, melon, brewer's yeast.

Beef liver, chicken meat.

Wheat, spelt, semolina, apricot, dried apricots, peach, pear, pistachios, olive oil, arugula.

Pork, fatty meat, beef liver.

Mountain wax (white mumiyo, stone oil).

Gooseberries, kiwi, ginger, figs, viburnum, nuts.

Seafood and valuable varieties of fish.

Coconut flakes, peas, beans, mushrooms, parsley, celery root, spinach, rhubarb, radish, radish, beets, cabbage, dates.

Seafood and fish.

Eggshells, alkaline mineral waters.

Brown rice and bulgur, wheat, oats and other grains, bread, raw potatoes, mushrooms, onion, beets, cocoa beans, hemp seed, quinoa.

Sea fish and delicacies, milk.

Some of the most versatile food products are honey and bee products: pollen, propolis, beebread and wax. Natural treats produced by bees are not only rich in minerals, but also contain a record amount of substances and enzymes vital for a person of any age. It's not for nothing that all these healthy foods called a storehouse of health! Products produced by bees are able to replenish reserves and eliminate the shortage of almost all useful substances, subject to daily consumption within the limits established by doctors (endocrinologists, nutritionists and gastroenterologists) doses.

All micronutrients are retained in sources during long-term storage of vegetables, berries and fruits in their pure form, but their concentration decreases along with the evaporation of moisture from the fiber. The same can be said about dried fruits.

When consuming animal products along with micronutrients, the body receives the amino acids necessary in the process of life. From cooked foods, the body usually consumes microelements in a more concentrated form. Due to the fact that intercellular fluid is lost in such raw materials, 100 grams of a raw product and one hundred grams of a finished product have different caloric content and nutrient content. All of the above also applies to products that have undergone pasteurization or short-term cooking.

In addition to those listed above, many cultural and medicinal herbs, as well as plants related to spices: chicory roots, milk thistle meal, spirulina, horsetail, thyme, mint, clover, black cumin, chaga mushroom. Herbs are used to prepare nutritious or energy-rich drinks to optimize metabolic processes. That is why decoctions and infusions of herbs help in the treatment of many diseases.

Symptoms of deficiency and excess

Symptoms and signs of deficiency and excess of microelements are listed in the table.


Lack (lack, absence)

Excess (hypersaturation, overdose)

Nervousness and mental disorders, poor appetite, insomnia, anemia, elevated temperature body, increased frequency of seizures in epilepsy.

Excessive fatigue, lethargy, lack of sexual desire, apathy. The toxic properties of the substance are observed when consuming medications, including cough syrups.

Low hemoglobin level, hematopoiesis problems, gastrointestinal disorders (gastritis, enteritis, cholecystitis).

Acute heart failure, problems with the gallbladder, liver failure and problems with the spleen, cirrhosis of the liver (especially if you have bad habits), heavy menstrual bleeding, hemorrhoids.

Aggression and instability mental state(panic attacks, depression), memory loss.

Loss of coordination of movements, dry mouth, trembling hands.

Thyroid diseases such as hypothyroidism. It provokes the development of fetal pathologies starting from the first trimester. Manifested by convulsions and metabolic disorders.

Hyperthyroidism, the formation of tumors in the thyroid gland that degenerate into cancer.

Affects heart rhythm and provokes the development of anemia.

Deterioration of hearing, increased blood pressure, skin diseases due to the appearance of microcracks on it and the entry of pathogens, pulmonary failure.


Reduces cholesterol metabolism, provokes atherosclerosis, and causes dermatitis and skin rashes.

It provokes disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system, is a common cause of apathy, causes drowsiness and is the main cause of decreased learning ability. The accumulation of 40 mg of this substance per day by cells is considered toxic.

Bone diseases, joint dissection and decreased quality of joint fluid, blood cancer.

Bone growth slows down and metabolism in the body is disrupted, resulting in constipation.


It provokes an increase in meteonine in the blood, which becomes the cause of gout. With a chronic deficiency of the substance, bone tissue becomes excessively strong, and a decrease is noted. general immunity and the risk of developing oncological diseases(usually breast and blood).

Unreasonable loss of body weight, muscle rigidity, weakness, liver and hematopoietic system diseases, as well as problems with conceiving and bearing a child.

Atherosclerosis, slowdown in protein-lipid metabolism, causeless weight gain due to a proper daily routine and good nutrition, diabetes and pancreatitis, decreased testosterone levels, sweating, impotence, loss of sexual desire, female infertility and low sperm motility.

Mental disorders, depression and frequent mood swings, dry skin and mucous membranes, deterioration of hair condition, decreased range and clarity of vision, hypertension, insomnia.

Weakness of tooth enamel, caries and periodontal disease, problems of the musculoskeletal system, pain in bones and joints.

Deposition of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract, blockage of blood vessels in the circulatory system.

Joint and muscle pain when there is no load, problems with the spine, a general decrease in the body's resistance.

Vomiting and dizziness, excessive urine discharge, loose stools due to indigestion.

Insulin resistance, which leads to the development diabetes.

Asthmatic attacks, allergies.

Falling blood sugar (glucose) levels, cardiovascular pathologies.

The delay is simple in children, thinning of the walls of blood vessels, hemorrhages.

Cardiovascular pathology, stroke, psoriasis.

Cough and bronchospasms, accumulation of stones and sand in the renal pelvis, mental instability, asthma.

Dermatitis and other skin problems, weakness, dullness and brittle hair, weakening and loss of hair follicles, leading to focal baldness, intestinal dysfunction, thinning of the retina. With a lack of micronutrients, patients complain that they constantly want sweets.

Toxic damage to organs and tissues, causing headaches, nausea, loss of coordination and loss of orientation in space, loss of vitality and energy.

Lack or excess of microelements in the human body is the main cause of dysfunction of the endocrine system, which in turn provokes the development of diseases such as diabetes, pancreatitis, and infertility. In especially severe cases, the nervous or cardiovascular system is affected, which in a short time leads to irreversible consequences.

Causes of deficiency and excess

The reasons for the lack or excess of micronutrients in the cells and tissues of living organisms may be problems with digestibility or a small amount of substances coming from outside.

Also, low levels of trace elements and other substances in the body can be noted when a person has bad habits: abuses alcohol, smokes tobacco. In addition, a decrease or critical excess can provoke:

  • problems in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • oncological diseases in the stage of development or remission;
  • poisoning by toxic substances from the air;
  • non-compliance with the daily routine;
  • improper (irregular) nutrition and strict diets.

It is the latter that most often becomes a prerequisite for vitamin deficiency or a surplus of substances that are antagonists of certain minerals, including micronutrients.

Also, often an excess of micronutrients can be associated with:

  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • poor absorption in the intestines;
  • using drugs without a doctor's prescription.

Due to physical activity at work or playing sports, losses of micronutrients are recorded. Most often, beneficial substances are released through sweat and urine. Long-term deficiency of nutrients, in turn, affects physical fitness.

Living in environmentally unfavorable areas, as well as megacities, can provoke an oversaturation of the body with micronutrients (or, on the contrary, an acute shortage of micronutrients). Salts of aluminum, mercury and lead, which are the most common pollutants environment, displace not only macro- and microelements from cells, but also most vitamins. In women, an imbalance of minerals can be provoked by taking oral hormonal contraceptives and pills for “quick” protection from unwanted pregnancy, as well as uncontrolled use of multivitamins “for hair, skin and youth.”

Trace elements and other minerals are part of natural and very expensive cosmetics. But if used incorrectly, you can easily oversaturate the body with active substances contained in:

  • creams;
  • lipsticks;
  • masks;
  • blue clay;
  • gels;
  • shampoos and other products used in the beauty industry.

Proper nutrition, rich in substances that can neutralize the harmful effects of an environment saturated with zinc, chlorine, sulfur, fluorine, lead or aluminum, makes it possible to restore only a small part of the lost functions. Often, the loss of nutrients can only be replenished through medication, taking tablets or administering medications from ampoules.

Modern medicine has the ability to determine the amount of substances in blood cells. There is spectral analysis for this. It is carried out by studying plasma. Today you can donate blood for analysis in almost any regional center, because many modern clinics and diagnostic laboratories can carry out the test.

After determining which mineral (macro- or microelement) is missing in the body, you can calculate the balance and adjust the need for the deficient substance. This kind of screening should only be done on the direction of a doctor, because it is impossible to decipher the indicators on your own and make the right decision.

Description of the benefits and harms of microelements

A description of the benefits and harms of microelements should be considered for each organism separately, so it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question.

In order to understand the relationship and effect of micronutrients and other nutrients, it will not be enough to read a book or attend lectures that have become very popular lately. The concept of benefit or harm of microelements is directly related to general condition each individual organism. It happens that a person feels unwell, finds similar symptoms from reviews and decides to take vitamins and minerals to eliminate health problems.

In practice, everything is much more complicated, because without a clear answer to the question of what element is missing in the body right now, it is impossible to get the desired result. That is why doctors and nutritionists, as well as scientists studying the work complex systems living organisms, always consider the benefits and harms of microelements only in conjunction with other nutrients.

Balanced nutrition in all living organisms is extremely important, as it:

  • promotes proper skeletal growth;
  • preserves the strength of blood vessels;
  • resists bone tissue destruction;
  • supports heart muscle health;
  • helps maintain an optimal level of metabolic processes;
  • promotes the appearance of healthy and full-fledged offspring.

The most an important condition What must be observed in order for micronutrients not to harm cells is compliance with the rules and the ability to calculate the approximate (smallest and greatest) needs for substances. It should also be noted that there is no separate mineral for weight loss, for gray hair, for women over 50, for the prevention of diseases or for the growth of children. All substances “work” only in conjunction with each other, and abuse of one component and even taking in increased doses can sometimes lead to fatal consequences! That is why, before you begin to eliminate a deficiency or suppress an excess of micronutrients in the body, you should find out reliably how high the probability is that the cause of the illness is an imbalance of microelements.

It is important to note that harm is caused to a greater extent by substances that enter the body from artificial mineral complexes. Using medical supplies, it is important to strictly follow the instructions supplied with the medicine by the manufacturer. With regular consumption of balanced food, microelements, macronutrients and vitamins bring only benefits.

We hope that the article was useful, and after reading it there will be no questions left about why this or that microdosed substance is needed, which of them are included in the microelements, how substances differ from each other and how micronutrients act in the body.

Lack of microelements in the human body leads to health problems. The condition of hair, nails, and skin deteriorates, and metabolism deteriorates. It is important to compensate for the deficiency of macro and microelements by changing the diet. What macro-microelements does the human body need for normal functioning, as well as their compatibility?

What does a lack of valuable substances lead to?

In the autumn and spring seasons, it is important to replenish macro and microelements in the human body, since these substances play a big role for beauty and health.

When there is a deficiency of macro and microelements in the body, the nails and skin suffer the most. For beauty, it is important to saturate the body with protein, which is called keratin.

Healthy nails have a pink coating. A deficiency of macro and microelements leads to the fact that they begin to change their color and structure. They become brittle, yellow, peel and fall off.

Deficiency of macro and microelements affects the condition of nails as follows:

  • lack of vitamin A causes the nail plate to become dry and brittle and thicken at the edges;
  • deficiency of B vitamins leads to the appearance of grooves and slow growth of nails;
  • lack of vitamin C leads to the appearance of pinpoint depressions and compactions, lamination and bending of the nails;
  • vitamin E deficiency leads to hangnails and fragility of the nail plate;
  • if there is a lack of vitamin PP, the nails lose their shine, become grayish-yellow, and become covered with longitudinal and transverse grooves;
  • If the human body is low in iron and zinc, the nails become covered.

If macro and microelements enter the human body in the required quantities, but the nail plate breaks and is constantly dry, it means that it does not have enough water. In this case, it is important to try to drink enough fluids per day.

More about macro and microelements

For a person to be healthy, his body must be enriched with macro and microelements. Only proper balanced nutrition can saturate the human body with useful substances, as well as improve metabolism.

Macro and microelements enter the body along with food, water and air. All minerals in the human body are divided as follows:

  1. Substances that exceed 0.01 percent of a person's body weight are called macronutrients.
  2. Substances whose concentration in the human body is less than 0.01 percent of body weight are called microelements.

12 macroelements and 8 microelements are considered vital.

About zinc

Zinc deficiency leads to diseases of the central nervous system, the development of depression, nervousness, dry skin, brittle nails, and frequent colds.

To protect and strengthen immune system To determine if you have a zinc deficiency, you can take a special test. Based on its results, it will be known whether you need to take additional zinc tablets.

Zinc can be obtained from seafood, beef, egg yolk, and seeds. It is also found in nuts, buckwheat, mushrooms, bran, vegetables, yeast, cheeses and dairy products. It is useful to eat apples and medicinal plants.

If tests confirm zinc deficiency in the body, it is necessary to check the liver, thyroid gland, and gastrointestinal tract.

Since diseases of these organs, especially in chronic form, lead to inability to absorb zinc.

If the human body receives the required amount of zinc, vision, performance, and mood improve.

An adult needs to eat 12–30 milligrams of zinc per day.

Compatibility: zinc is well compatible with vitamin A. Vitamin B6 slows down the excretion of the microelement from the body. Zinc is not compatible with calcium and copper. It is not recommended to combine it with iron.

About hardware

A hemoglobin blood test will show the level of iron in a person's blood. Its deficiency leads to the following consequences:

  • iron deficiency anemia develops: the patient complains of headache, weakness, the skin turns pale, the heart begins to beat rapidly, the mucous membranes become dry, depression and shortness of breath occur;
  • When hemoglobin synthesis in the blood is disrupted, iron-containing enzymes begin to form more slowly.

Iron deficiency is often observed during menstruation, with too much physical activity. Mental abilities decrease.

An adult needs to eat 10–30 milligrams of iron per day.

Very good compatibility with C and chrome. Cannot be combined with vitamin E.

About iodine

Iodine maintains hormonal balance in the human body, strengthens the immune system, and helps to successfully resist infectious diseases.

Iodine deficiency leads to the following situations:

  • thyroid diseases occur;
  • a person begins to gain weight very quickly;
  • the patient becomes drowsy, weak, and suffers from headaches;
  • vision, hearing and memory deteriorate;
  • violated menstrual cycle and metabolism.

To check whether there is a lack of iodine in the body, the doctor recommends taking a special test. To replenish the loss of microelements, it is important to add iodized salt to your dishes.

But it is important to control the intake of iodine, since its excess leads to a disease such as hypothyroidism.

You can replenish iodine reserves by eating chokeberry, milk, vegetables, meat, eggs, and sea fish.

The daily iodine requirement for an adult is 150 – 200 mcg.

About manganese

This microelement is necessary for normal fat and protein metabolism, to boost immunity, strengthen the nervous system, and regulate blood sugar levels.

If a blood test confirms manganese deficiency in the body, the following symptoms are also observed:

  1. The central nervous system begins to work poorly.
  2. Immunity weakens.
  3. Tissue respiration is disrupted.
  4. The skeleton develops poorly.

Apples, apricots, and wine grapes will help replenish the loss of manganese. And also ginseng, strawberries, figs, vegetables, liver, kidneys, and baked goods.

The daily requirement of manganese for an adult is 2 – 5 milligrams.

About copper

Copper deficiency leads to the following situations:

  1. Anemia develops.
  2. Mental development is impaired.
  3. The nervous system and joints suffer.
  4. Depression occurs.
  5. Breathing and metabolism are disrupted.

Inflammatory processes, epilepsy, anemia, leukemia, cirrhosis of the liver, infectious disease require careful diagnosis of the patient. Based on the tests, the specialist checks the amount of copper and other macro-microelements found in the blood.

Good compatibility of copper and zinc. They complement each other.

The lack of copper can be compensated by eating quince, rowan, apples, as well as apricots, pineapples, and persimmons.

The daily requirement of copper is 1 – 3 milligrams.

About selenium

The microelement preserves the structure of hair and nails. leads to sagging and dullness of the skin, hair loss, yellowness and brittleness of the nails. Immunity decreases, fungus appears.

You can replenish your body with sulfur by eating eggs, cabbage, onions, and greens.

The daily intake of selenium is 500 milligrams.

About molybdenum

The microelement removes harmful substances from the human body - aldehydes and uric acid.

A lack of molybdenum leads to the following situations:

  1. The person becomes irritable and highly excitable.
  2. Vision decreases.
  3. The heart rhythm is disturbed.
  4. Esophageal cancer may develop due to metabolic disorders.

A special analysis can show a lack of a microelement in the body. You can make up for its loss with liver, legumes, leafy vegetables, seeds, milk, pork, eggs.

The daily norm of molybdenum for an adult is 70 – 300 mcg.

Compatibility of molybdenum: an increase in its amount occurs with a lack of copper and iron in the body. High sodium content leads to a decrease in molybdenum.

About chrome

Lack of chromium in the body leads to strong constant thirst, impaired muscle coordination, neuralgia, insomnia, fatigue, memory impairment, and anxiety.

Metabolism is also disrupted, diabetes mellitus develops, children's growth slows down, and cholesterol increases.

To avoid undesirable consequences due to a lack of chromium, it is recommended to consume cabbage, potatoes, garlic, beef, orange and grape juices, turkey, apples, bananas and other foods.

The daily intake of chromium is 50 – 200 mcg.

About magnesium

A lack of magnesium in the human body leads to insomnia, decreased memory, dizziness, headaches, depression, and tearfulness. Arrhythmia and chest tenderness may also occur.

Due to a lack of magnesium, teeth, hair, and nails begin to deteriorate.

Internal organs begin to function poorly, metabolism is disrupted.

To determine how much magnesium is in the blood, it is recommended to take a special test. You can make up for its loss by eating buckwheat or millet porridge, legumes, watermelon, salad, milk, and nuts. It is also useful to enjoy dark chocolate and dried fruits; Sprinkle the baked goods with sesame seeds.

The daily dose for adults is 400 mg.

Compatibility of magnesium with other macro and microelements:

  • vitamin B6 helps magnesium to be better absorbed;
  • calcium, on the contrary, reduces the absorption of the microelement;
  • Magnesium is poorly absorbed together with iron.

To ensure that different vitamins are fully absorbed, it is recommended to take them at intervals of three hours.

About calcium

Lack of calcium in the body is also determined by tests and symptoms:

  1. The person becomes excitable, irritable, and suffers from insomnia.
  2. Blood pressure rises.
  3. Limbs go numb and tingle.
  4. Gums and joints hurt.
  5. Menstruation occurs with heavy bleeding.
  6. Metabolism in the body is disrupted.

Lack of calcium also leads to weakening of bone tissue, which is why bone fractures often occur.

You can replenish calcium reserves by eating processed cheese and feta cheese. And also almonds, pistachios, cottage cheese, sour cream, oatmeal, walnuts, cream.

Calcium compatibility: magnesium and phosphorus in large quantities lead to a decrease in calcium in the body. Phosphorus in large quantities together with calcium form salts that are difficult to break down. For better absorption of calcium, it is recommended to take additional vitamin D.

A little about macronutrients

Phosphorus is necessary for the normal formation of bones, teeth and nails.

Its deficiency leads to the destruction of bone tissue, tooth loss, and damage to the structure of the nail plate.

Chlorine and sodium excite the body's cells.

Potassium retains water in the required amount in the body's cells. Participates in the functioning of enzymes.

Sulfur is included in the composition of nucleic acids.

To determine how balanced the human body is with macro and microelements, you need to take a special blood test. Based on its results, it will become clear which macro and microelements are high and which are low.

Now you know what macro-microelements are. How their content influences the functioning of the entire human body, including metabolism, their compatibility with each other. If there is a shortage of any valuable substance, it is important to replenish it by changing the diet or taking additional vitamin complexes.

BLEEDING GUM- This is a sign of a lack of vitamin C in the body. You need to pay attention to your diet, eat more onions, garlic, fruits, and vegetables. It is useful to drink an infusion of rosehip, a decoction of pine needles. You can normalize your gums by rinsing your mouth with a mixture of alcoholic tincture of calamus and propolis.

GOOSE SKIN ON ELBOWS- This is a sign of a lack of vitamin C and A in the body. There is a lot of vitamin A in all orange-colored vegetables and fruits: carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, apricots, dried apricots, etc. It should be noted that vitamin A is absorbed only in combination with fats - vegetable or animal.

DRY BODY SKIN– lack of vitamin E. There is a lot of it in nuts, fatty fish, and vegetable oils.

BRITTLE NAILS AND BAD HAIR- the body lacks vitamins B and. There are a lot of B vitamins in whole grain porridges and whole bread.

IRRITABILITYAND BAD SLEEP- this indicates that the body lacks Mg and K. Eat more dried apricots, apricot pastille, prunes, and beets.
A LOT OF SALT IN THE DIET(salted tomatoes, cucumbers, herring) - this is a sign of an infection in the body, or has worsened inflammatory processes, and, above all, in the genitourinary system.

IF YOU HAVE LEG CRAMPS AT NIGHT- a sign of a lack of potassium and magnesium in the body. When eating, you need to pay attention to foods that contain these mineral elements.

YOU CAN'T RESIST FROM SWEET, It is possible that your nervous system is working hard, and you need a quick energy boost - glucose. Well, if you don’t have diabetes, then it’s not forbidden. In this case, you just need to eat honey and dark chocolate to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

IF YOU ARE PUSHING FOR BITTER, then you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. A very gentle, reasonable cleansing of the body is suitable here.

I WANT SPICY, consume a little - it stimulates digestion. But too much - irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa. Do not take on an empty stomach. Just like too cold water on an empty stomach, suppresses the digestive process. So think and be reasonable.

NEED FOR FRESH FOOD– you have gastritis, liver problems. Help your body, as fresh alkaline food relieves cramps and calms the stomach.

IF THE FOOD SEEMS BLESD, then this indicates depression.

IF YOU WANT TO CHEW A SEED You may be lacking in antioxidants. Gnaw to your health, you just need to remember that they must be washed and slightly dried. And your hands must be clean.

IF YOU ARE CRAVING SEAFOOD, more likely, we're talking about about iodine deficiency in the body. Eat, you can pay attention to walnuts, iodized salt.

IF YOU LOVE SOUR TOO MUCH, you stimulate the liver, gall bladder. The body itself requires these products. Eat lemon and cranberries. In addition, when you have a cold, you need a lot of vitamin C, which contains a lot of it.

Take care of yourself and be beautiful!

Minerals are more important for our existence than vitamins, for some reason they are unfair

less attention is paid. Check what applies to you.

Symptoms of mineral deficiency in the human body


Poor bone growth; Osteoporosis.

Crumpling teeth.

Joint pain.

Painful cramps in the feet.

Tingling in the hands or feet.

Nervous tics or twitching.

Brittle fingernails.

Tooth decay, toothache.

Cramps during sleep or exercise.

Pain in the forearms or biceps.

Numbness or stiffness.


Heavy menstruation.


Hypoglycemia (sweet cravings)

Alcohol intolerance.

Symptoms similar to diabetes.


Chronic fatigue.

Poor mental performance.

Enlarged thyroid gland; goiter.

Weight gain.


High blood cholesterol levels.

Brittle nails.

Dry hair.


Flat or spoon-shaped nails.

Rapid pulse.

Craving for ice.

Paleness of the inner side of the lower eyelid.

General apathy.

Lack of stamina and vitality.

Inability to concentrate.

Severe menstrual pain.


Loss of appetite.

Painful and cold hands and feet.

Irregular heart rhythm.

Anxiety, confusion, irritability.

Poor coordination.

Processes on bones.

Muscle spasms and seizures.

High blood pressure.

Loose or sensitive teeth.

Nausea or dizziness.

Increased sensitivity to noise.

Insomnia; hyperactivity.


Loss of ligament tone or strength.

Heart rhythm disturbance.

Prone to sports injuries.

Decreased strength.

Weight loss.


Unusual thirst.

Swelling of the ankles or hands.

Irregular heart rhythm, palpitations.

Muscle pain after exercise.


Muscle degeneration.



Increased risk of cancer.

Cystic fibrosis.


Slow healing of cuts and wounds.

Loss of smell and taste.

Brittle nails.

Sterility or impotence.

Sleep disturbance.

Pernicious anemia.

Hair loss.

Susceptibility to infections.

Stretch marks.

White spots on nails.

Loss of appetite.

Prostate diseases.

To effectively compensate for the deficiency of minerals and vitamins in the body, select the complex that contains the most vitamins and minerals that you lack. Perhaps it will be two, three or more separate vitamins. In case of deficiency, it is necessary to take a dosage twice as high as that indicated on the package for the first 2 weeks, and then return to the recommended dosage thereafter.

Poor digestion– even if you eat good food, ineffective digestion limits the body's absorption of minerals

Injuries– physical damage to the skin and bones increases the need for zinc, vitamin E, and other nutrients involved in the cell building mechanism.

Antibiotics, necessary for dangerous bacteria, destroy beneficial intestinal bacteria that synthesize substances such as vitamin K and folacin ( folic acid). They reduce the level of vitamin B, so you should not take B vitamins during antibiotic therapy, since the latter negates their therapeutic effect.

Stress(chemical, physical, emotional, mental) increases the need for vitamins B2, B5, B6 and C. Air pollution increases the need for vitamin E.

Over-processed food, i.e. Long-term cooking and reheating lead to oxidation and destruction of vitamins A, B-group, C and E.

Smoking suppresses vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene.

Permanent drinking liquids that are too hot or excess irritants such as coffee, tea or spices reduce the secretion of digestive fluids, which leads to poor extraction of vitamins and minerals from food.

Over the past 30 years, due to poor soil, cabbage has lost 85% of vitamin C, 81% of iron, Apples have lost 40% of iron, 42.5% of vitamin C, Vitamin A has completely disappeared in beef, PUFAs have decreased by 68%, and PUFAs have decreased by 36%. iron. It is impossible to provide the body with everything necessary using conventional means; then it is necessary to increase the amount of food by 2-3 times, but processing this amount of food requires a lot of energy.

Do not wait until the deficiency of vitamins and minerals begins to manifest itself in symptoms of diseases, start preventive courses with natural preparations.

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