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Watering through a tray description. Methods of watering violets for their successful development

The health of Uzambara violets depends on many factors, and one of the most important is proper watering. Violets are not watered from above, since moisture should not fall on the young leaves and the growing point. Some gardeners carefully pour water under the flower from a watering can with a thin spout, others prefer to pour water into a tray, and still others successfully use wick watering.

How often should violets be watered?

The essence of wick watering is quite simple: an ordinary strip of fabric or cord (wick) is lowered at one end into a glass or other container with water, and the other end is passed into the drainage hole of the pot, which stands on this container, without the bottom touching the surface of the water. Moisture in the required quantity rises due to the capillary effect from the container into the pot with the violet.

The main thing is to water the violets regularly at the same time

Wick watering of violets is good because when air humidity or temperature changes, the volume of water entering the soil also changes - the plant itself determines how much moisture it needs at the moment. However, this method also has its disadvantages:

  • wick watering is only suitable for violets in pots no larger than 8 cm in diameter - in a larger pot the flower becomes too large;
  • on windowsills in winter, water in containers can become very cold, and Saintpaulias do not like cold water;
  • Not all varieties of violets respond well to this method of watering.

Video about wick watering of violets

Therefore, we will consider in more detail how to properly water violets using a watering can or through a tray, and what water can be used for flowers.

Since violets undergo an active process of photosynthesis in daylight, in spring and summer they should be watered early in the morning; in the autumn and winter months, watering during the day is allowed. But if you grow Saintpaulia under artificial light, then you do not have to adhere to this rule. The main thing is to water the violets regularly at the same time.

It is difficult to say exactly how often to water violets, since many factors influence the frequency of watering:

  • air temperature in the apartment;
  • lighting intensity;
  • air humidity, which can vary depending on the weather and time of year;
  • composition of the substrate in the pot (dense dries slower than loose one);
  • violet bloom (flowering plants require more water);
  • age of Saintpaulia;
  • How developed is the violet’s root system (if the roots are completely entwined with a clod of earth, the soil dries out quickly;
  • the size of the pot and the material from which it is made (in plastic pots moisture is retained longer, while in clay pots it evaporates through the walls).

Using the same substrate for all Saintpaulias will help you learn to determine by eye the need for violets to be watered by the color of the substrate

When growing young violets, the soil in the pot must be constantly kept moist, while adult Saintpaulias should be watered when upper layer the soil is already dry. In any case, violets are more able to tolerate drying out of the soil than waterlogging.

Using the same substrate for all Saintpaulias will help you learn to determine by eye the need for watering of violets by the color of the substrate: if in one pot it is still dark, it means that this plant still has enough moisture; the lighter the substrate, the higher the violet’s need for watering. You can tell whether the substrate is wet or dry by the weight of the pot - hold it in your hand before and after watering to learn to feel the difference.

How to water violets correctly?

Watering violets from above is carried out with a thin stream of water into the edge of the pot so that the water does not erode the surface of the substrate, does not fall on young leaves and does not accumulate in the center of the rosette. It is most convenient to use a small watering can with a long spout or a large syringe for such watering. Water should be poured until it begins to drip from the drainage holes of the pot onto the tray.

Watering from above is preferable, even if it is more labor-intensive

When watering from below, you can pour into the pan such a volume of water that can absorb the soil. Another option is to place the pot of Saintpaulia in a container of water at one quarter of the height of the pot and wait until the soil is saturated with moisture and darkens. Just don’t put several pots in water at once - this will easily transfer from one plant to another.

Watering from above is preferable, even if it is more labor-intensive. Its advantage is that harmful salts are washed out of the soil along with water, but when watering through a tray, harmful salts, on the contrary, go into the top layer of soil or are retained in an earthen coma, which causes the violet to wither.

Whatever method you choose, remember that excess water from the pan must be drained about twenty minutes after watering so that the roots of the Saintpaulia do not rot. The leaves can be carefully washed to remove accumulated dust under warm water, trying to prevent it from getting into the pot.

If earlier it was useful to water violets with rain and melted snow water, now such watering can cause more harm to the plants

What water to use for watering violets

If previously it was useful to water violets with rain and melted snow water, now such watering can cause more harm to the plants due to the unfavorable environmental situation in cities. Another problem that urban gardeners have to face is high water hardness. You can verify the presence of salts in the water by a white coating on the soil and on the walls of the pot; this is harmful because the roots of violets, with an excess of calcium salts in the soil, cannot absorb the necessary nutrients from it.

Boiling, as a result of which most of the harmful salts precipitate, does not completely solve the problem in large cities. Additionally, you have to acidify boiled water with citric acid (5 crystals per liter of water are enough) or vinegar (1 tsp per liter of water). However, violets should not be watered with acidified water constantly; once a month is enough.

Video about wick watering

In small populated areas where tap water is more acceptable for indoor plants, it is enough to leave it for a couple of days in an open container so that the chlorine evaporates and the lime settles, and only then use it for watering violets. In the spring, when the concentration of chlorine in water is increased in order to disinfect it during floods, it is advisable, in addition, to pass the water through conventional water purifiers (but without silver content). Also, well, river and lake water should be passed through the water purifier. It is better not to water violets with magnetized water, since such watering may subsequently have a negative effect on the plants.

Do not forget that the water for irrigation must be warm enough, room temperature, regardless of whether you water Saintpaulia from above, through a tray, or prefer wick watering of violets. Cold water can lead to, or even the root system will rot, and the plant will completely wither. Follow the given watering rules so that your violets feel great, delighting you with beautiful flowers!

November - dark, cold, uncomfortable. There is still little snow, and the short day ends in dusk. What can you do to lift your spirits at this time of year? For flower lovers there is a wonderful solution - to plant flowering plants. With its delicate buds and bright flowers they will brighten up gloomy days.

Most plants that bloom in late autumn and winter are quite capricious. As a rule, they need a cool period of rest in a bright room, and it is difficult to create such conditions in a city apartment.

A pleasant exception are violets. They rest only three to four months a year and grow well in the room. If you have several violets at home of different ages, flowering can continue all year round.

The difficulties with care that are sometimes talked about are rather far-fetched. It is enough to plant the plants in special soil for Saintpaulias, in a pot with a diameter of 8-10 cm. The main issues arise with watering. Olga Bochkareva, a collector of violets and gloxinias, answers them.

How many times a week should violets be watered?

It is impossible to give a definite answer. Firstly, it depends on the composition of the soil - looser soil, with a higher peat content, dries out faster; secondly, on the temperature - if the apartment is cool, then you have to water less often; thirdly, on the volume of the pot.

The main rule when watering is to water only when the top layer of soil has dried (the soil is warm to the touch). Excessive watering, especially during cool periods, can lead to the death of violets. In the cold season, the window sill must be carefully sealed against drafts so that the wet soil in the pot does not overcool. In the fall, it is enough to water once a week, and with the beginning of the heating season, when the room gets warmer, twice a week.

How to water: in the pan or from above?

This is not of fundamental importance; it is important that excess water does not stagnate at the roots. When watering from above, make sure that water does not get on the flowers, leaves, and especially in the center of the rosette. Moisture can cause unsightly yellow spots on the leaves. If water gets into the rosette, the central growing point may die. This will slow down growth and deform the bush, as new side rosettes will begin to form. They will have to be removed, leaving one growth point closest to the center, in order to restore the correct shape of the plant.

If you water in a tray, be sure to drain the excess water after the soil is saturated with moisture. Do not leave water in the tray for more than an hour.

It is very convenient to water from a watering can with a narrow long spout or from a medicinal bulb to the edge of the pot. I water my violets from above using this device: in the lid from plastic bottle A hole is made with a hot object, into which a cap from a ballpoint pen with a hole is inserted. It is more convenient to screw such a cap onto a small half-liter bottle. This allows you to bypass the leaves, water to the edge of the pot without fear of getting on the plant and control the amount of water.

In any case, in order to prevent water from stagnating at the roots, drainage must be provided in the pots, preferably at least 1/3 of the volume of the pot. Expanded clay or pieces of foam can be used as drainage.

It is a mistaken belief that hairy leaves cannot be washed. Violet loves water procedures; in a warm apartment they can be carried out at any time of the year. The water should be neither hot nor cold, approximately body temperature.

Place the leaves one at a time under a soft stream of water, tilting the pot so as not to wash away the soil. Water will wash away dust and give plants a fresh and healthy appearance. After showering, make sure that large drops drain from the leaves.

You can find this article in the newspaper "Magic Bed" 2007 No. 22.

Number of impressions: 8693

Violets are one of the most beautiful indoor plants in the world. There are about 700 species amazing flower. Collectors and flower growers collect flower beds on windowsills. Not everyone knows how to water violets at home correctly, which is why many people fail to enjoy their beauty. Proper watering is one of the main conditions

Violets or Saintpaulias belong to the violet genus. They grow mainly in areas with temperate climates. They are common in areas located in the northern part of the equator. There are varieties that have a limited habitat. For example, species found only in the South African Andes, Brazil, New Zealand.

Information! The name Saintpaulia was given by the German soldier Saint-Paul, who brought the seeds of the plant from Africa and then grew it in his homeland.

Violets are perennial herbaceous plants, rare ones are of the bush type. Indoor views have basic similarities:

  1. The leaves have different shapes, depending on the variety. Can be round or oval. The color varies from dark green to green with shades of silver. They can be painted in different colors along the edges of the plate. Reach 8 cm in length.
  2. The stems are of 2 types: shortened or branched, forming many rosettes.
  3. The roots are poorly developed, the type of system is fibrous.
  4. Violet flowers are amazing. Thanks to selective selection, types of unique beauty have appeared; sizes vary from small to large and unusual. The inflorescences form the appearance of a small lush bouquet.

Saintpaulias come in indoor, garden and wild varieties.

Information! Garden violets are in demand in landscape design.


Violets are classified according to several criteria:

  • leaf edge – rounded, jagged, wavy, torn, corrugated;
  • leaf shape - oval, circle, semicircle, wedge, elongated;
  • socket volume – micro, miniature, standard, medium-large, large.
  • coloring – one-color, two-color, multi-color.

These are the main characteristics, but there are many nuances that are used to determine the species. A separate classification is considered according to the type of flower, which is explained by the variety of species:

  • shape – classic, pansy, star, bell, wasp;
  • terry - simple, scalloped, terry or semi-double;
  • petals - fringed, wavy, two-color.

The diversity of plants is striking in its beauty even in photographs. It is impossible to confuse them with others if you see them at least once in a photo or video.

Types of indoor and wild violets

The most common indoor varieties are:

Name Characteristic
Currant sorbet The leaves are velvety, rich green in color, the flowers are small in diameter, purple, with a dark currant hue along the edge of the petal.
Zemfira The petals are arranged in a separate pattern, the rosette is of medium size, the leaves are light green, covered with short fluff, the color of the petals is bright purple with white splashes.
Magdalena The flowers have double inflorescences of a pink hue, the density of the inflorescences creates the feeling of a fluffy bouquet, the leaves are green and not glossy.
Quinn Sabrina The species is distinguished by the fact that the petal has fuzzy stripes, which are several shades darker than the color of the petal itself, the rosette is small, and the leaves are dark green.
Smile of winter The most beautiful view. The flowers are an unusual light pink shade with a golden border, the rosettes are small and green.
The bride's bouquet Large white double flowers are combined with rich green ruffled leaves.
Marshmallow The name speaks for itself, this type has pink or white-pink shades of petals, creating a feeling of splendor.
Pauline Viardot So named by breeders. Large flowers in the shade of burgundy wine, variegated, semi-oval rosette.

The most famous wild representatives:

  1. Swamp - a grass that comes from fairy tales, has medium leaves, small flowers muted shades of blue and purple.
  2. Canine - common in forests and meadows. Serves as food for butterflies.
  3. Vitrocca is the name given to the garden type, better known as pansy. A hybrid form that combines many groups.

Information! Pansies are used for medicinal purposes as a diuretic or antipyretic.

Beginning flower growers are afraid of causing harm and often make mistakes, so they recommend unpretentious varieties that are easy to handle:

  1. Chanson. They say about it that it can bloom under any circumstances. It is unpretentious, requiring only regular watering and fertilizing once during each season. The appearance of this variety is beautiful. It blooms with large, star-type flowers. Most often of a bright purple hue, the flowers are double, the edges are wavy.
  2. Pink Panther. Requires keeping in dark conditions, blooms with pink flowers with a white border.
  3. Spring. It has simple wavy white buds, with spots scattered throughout the petal area. different shades. The leaves are large, dark green.

Representatives of the family are least susceptible to diseases, are patient with systematic drying of the soil, forgive the lack of watering, but do not like excess moisture.

Caring for violets at home

For growing indoor plants important point is correct . To determine the location of the flower, the following conditions are taken into account:

  • presence of diffused soft light;
  • avoid direct sunlight.

The leaves, like those of many other indoor plants, are sensitive to sunlight; direct contact causes burns, which undermine the plant's defenses.

Information! If Saintpaulia does not bloom for a long time, it is recommended to change the location. Changing the lighting angle will provoke budding.

Soil is important as a source of obtaining nutrients, growing conditions, proper watering and ventilation of the root system. A mixture of peat, leaf soil, and river sand (1:3:1) is considered suitable for these requirements. The composition makes the soil light and loose. For the first layer, high-quality drainage is used, which plays an important role in ventilation and watering.

Saintpaulia is replanted once annually, as it grows, that is, when the flower requires more space. For an adult plant, a pot with a diameter of no more than 13 cm is sufficient. When replanting, the side rosettes are removed; the principle helps active growth and further flowering. The temperature that creates comfort is +18-20° C. In this case, fertilizers are applied once a month. They don't like Saintpaulia:

  • drafts;
  • temperature changes;
  • lack of light.

Methods of watering violets

The main feature of care is proper care. Flower growers recommend following not only special instructions, but also paying attention to appearance Saintpaulia, home conditions and other nuances.

Thus, they promote photosynthesis. There are several ways to water:

  • wick watering;
  • root watering;
  • watering through a tray.

All options have their own features. Wick watering and watering through a tray are recommended for young plants; root watering is suitable for adult violets.

Important! Violets are not sprayed with sprayers; they do not tolerate moisture on the leaves and buds, especially double varieties.

How often, how many times a week are violets watered, what kind of water to water correctly

The frequency depends on the time of year and the condition of the flower itself. It is recommended to water Saintpaulia 1 or 2 times a week on average.
The water should sit in the room for 2 days. The water should not be too hard. Some time ago, flower growers recommended using melted snow or rainwater, but in recent decades, due to the deterioration of the environmental situation, these recommendations have been forgotten.

Important! When watering, it is necessary to prevent moisture from getting on the leaves or petiole, as it can cause further rotting.

In a pot

Root watering is carried out from small watering cans with long elongated noses so that water does not get on the leaves. The elongated shape of the nose of the watering can is necessary for a convenient approach, since the violet pot has a small diameter, and access is partially hidden by rosettes. When watering, make sure that the water does not go over the edges.

Wick watering

An interesting approach to saturating the soil with water. The process is organized using a suitable container into which water is poured, then the pot is placed. The meaning of the design is that the pot does not fit completely, but 2/3 of the height of the container.

Important! For regular wick watering, choose lightweight plastic pots.

A wick or cord made of synthetic fibers is placed in water on one side and in a pot on the other. This method of watering includes the necessary combination of monitoring the conditions of maintenance and the need of the flower. The material for making the wick can be parts of nylon tights; they retain moisture well and are able to conduct it from the container to the soil.

Advantages of the method:

  • saving time;
  • lack of ability to dry or pour.
  • the need to carefully select the container and control the thickness of the wick;
  • high soil moisture;
  • The structure is installed only upon landing.

Information! A thick wick will cause damage and may lead to excess moisture.

Watering through a tray

The method allows you to significantly save time. Fill the tray with water, place the pot there, and wait until the soil darkens and becomes moist. The water in the pan should cover the pot by a quarter. This method should not water several plants at the same time, so that they cannot exchange their diseases or ailments with each other. Many collectors water all their plants this way, but this can be a mistake if any of the plants are not in perfect condition.

After transplant

Transplantation is carried out annually. According to the rules, moistened soil is used for this so as not to damage the root system. Dry soil damages roots due to its fragile structure. After transplantation, the flower needs rest. The first watering is carried out a day later, when the soil dries.

in winter

IN different time Saintpaulia behaves differently throughout the year; in winter it often begins to dry out and become lethargic. Many owners of a flower try to feed it and actively water it, believing that in winter it does not receive additional nutrition or moisture. This is not entirely true.

In winter, violets need less water, but more moisture due to the dry air, which is artificially created by heating devices. The way out of this situation is quite simple. You can safely limit the frequency of watering, but still ensure the quality of moistening. On the windowsill next to the pot, place a sponge soaked in water or place a filled container. Sometimes they cover the batteries with wet rags, this saves the plants from the dry air and they come to life again.

In summer

Flowers can easily survive the hot summer months on the balcony or in glass loggia. The only condition is not to place it in the sun; it will be more comfortable on a darkened floor. Watering is carried out as the soil dries, 1-2-3 times weekly.

Spring and autumn

These periods are used for feeding, watering is carried out 1-2 times a week.

Hygienic shower

This type of watering is recommended to be done once every 2 months, in summer and spring, and not more often. After the shower, leave the water to drain, then wipe the leaves dry so that no moisture remains. Many gardeners view this procedure with distrust, because violets do not like leaf spraying, but the shower mechanism is different. The measure is preventive in nature; in this way, plants are rid of bacteria and microbes. Leaf rotting will not begin if you thoroughly wipe the leaves after wrapping.

Watering during flowering

The period of bud formation is accompanied by the fact that the process takes more moisture from the soil, so it is watered more often. The soil should not dry out, otherwise the buds may dry out.

Application of potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate solution is a product containing manganese and potassium. These chemical substances responsible for growth and development. The solution is used during the formation of the shoot, and it is also used to treat damaged roots before transplantation.

Important! If the socket begins to rot, this indicates an overflow.

Frequent use of potassium permanganate can negatively affect the condition of Saintpaulia; the main criterion for determining the need for feeding is the appearance of the flower.

Basic mistakes

Watering is not only the main and most important condition content, but also a territory where many mistakes are made. Beginning collectors are afraid to overwater, but instead they dry it out. After receiving a disappointing result, in an attempt to correct the situation, many overwater the plants, and this becomes another mistake.

If the tips of the leaves of Saintpaulia are dried out or the soil has become too dry and hard, then the best solution is to use watering in a tray. The procedure will gradually replenish the lack of moisture in the volumes that it needs. Signs that Saintpaulia is dried out:

  • the soil is dry;
  • water does not leave the pan for too long (due to loss of ability to absorb);
  • the appearance of drooping, limp leaves.

Signs of a flooded plant:

  • the violet stopped growing;
  • the soil is always moist;
  • the leaves turn yellow, the petals rot at the edges.

How to avoid them

Maintenance mistakes can be avoided. The basic rule for watering Saintpaulias is not to strictly follow the instructions, but to assess the condition of the flower on a daily basis. Important! Covering the leaves with yellow spots indicates an overdose of fertilizers.


Violets are delicate and beautiful flowers. They say about them: “even though they are silent, they know how to say a lot.” This is true. With their beauty and diversity of species, they seem to tell about how different and amazing life can be. Violets can turn a room into a fabulous place if you know exactly how to water them correctly and how to care for them at home.

Video: how to water violets correctly at home

The growth and flowering of Saintpaulia depends on the quality of watering. We will tell you how to properly water indoor violets, how to choose the frequency of watering, and prepare water for irrigation.

How to determine that a violet needs watering

There are differences in how to water a baby violet and an adult plant. Young shoots need constant soil moisture. And mature bushes are irrigated when the surface of the earth is completely dry.

Saintpaulias tolerate the drying out of the substrate more easily than its waterlogging. If the same soil composition was used in the pots, you can learn to determine by eye when to water the bushes and when to hold off on watering. If the soil is dark in color, then it has enough moisture. Light colored soil indicates a lack of fluid.

The weight of the pot can also determine the condition of the soil. Soil with enough moisture will be heavier. The weight can be checked by lifting the pots in your hands one at a time.

Watering frequency

How often to water violets depends on many factors:

  1. Illumination. As the length of daylight decreases, all processes in the plant are inhibited and the need for moisture decreases.
  2. Air temperature. The higher the temperature, the more often the irrigation procedure needs to be carried out.
  3. An indicator of humidity that varies depending on the time of year and the weather outside the window. It must be maintained at 50%.
  4. Plant age. Young shoots especially need frequent watering.
  5. Development of the Saintpaulia root system. If the roots completely entwined the soil in the pot, then such a substrate will dry faster.
  6. Presence of buds. Violet in period active flowering requires a lot more water.
  7. Dimensions and material for making the pot. In plastic containers, moisture lingers longer, but in clay containers it evaporates through the walls. Place enough soil in a large pot to long time nourish the root system.
  8. Soil characteristics. Dense substrate does not dry well. Liquid evaporates faster from the surface of breathable soil.

Methods for watering violets

The choice of liquid application method depends on the age of the plants and parameters environment. Young plants should not be sprayed from above with a spray bottle; if water gets on the leaves, then under the influence of sunlight it will leave burns on the surface of the bush. In addition, the liquid can provoke the spread of putrefactive processes. There is no single way to properly water a violet. There are several methods, which you can choose from at your discretion.


A piece of rope or a long strip of cloth is used as a wick. One end is inserted into the drainage hole, and the other is lowered into a container of water. The Saintpaulia pot should be placed above the container with liquid so that its bottom does not touch the water. Gradually, the moisture will rise through the wick, as if through a capillary, saturating the soil.

This method of irrigation has its contraindications for use:

  1. It is not suitable for all varieties of Saintpaulia.
  2. The method is not considered a winter method - in winter the water on the windowsills cools down sharply, and violets do not tolerate cold liquid.
  3. is relevant only for young plants planted in containers with a diameter of up to 8 cm. In large pots, the bushes themselves are more spreading, and their root system is overgrown.

To pallet

It is better to water violets after transplanting into a tray. This method will help prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged. Indeed, with excess moisture, the fragile root system of plants runs the risk of rotting.

To water Saintpaulia, water is poured into the tray of the pot. The plant will absorb the required amount of liquid through the drainage holes. The remaining water should be poured out after 25-30 minutes.

Immersion method or Texas method

When watering using the immersion method, place the flower pot in a large container of water and wait until the soil absorbs the liquid. Then the container with the flower is taken out and sent to its place.

The method in which a pot is placed in a pot is used quite rarely, since there is a high risk of the substrate becoming waterlogged. In addition, when watering in a tray or by immersion, compounds harmful to Saintpaulia rise to the roots of the plant. Their excess can lead to wilting of the bushes.

The Texas method is considered more advanced. Through holes are drilled in the pot on both sides at a height of 4-5 cm from the bottom. Pour drainage mixture into the container up to the level of the holes. Perlite is perfect for this purpose. Substrate is poured on top. The pot is placed in a high tray or cuvette and water is poured. The liquid level should reach the height of the holes, but not fill them, to allow air to freely reach the roots.

If the water becomes cold after 30-60 minutes, it needs to be drained.

This method is best suited for Saintpaulia both when grown from leaves and as a watering method for violets when planting. The Texas method will allow the soil to always remain moist, which is important for the formation of the root system of sprouts.


To water Saintpaulia from above, you need to use a small hand-held watering can. It is recommended to pour water in a thin stream onto the edge of the pot. Liquid should not get on the leaves or in the middle of the rosettes. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the stream does not erode the soil in the pot.

Watering is carried out until drops of moisture begin to appear from the drainage holes. After 15 minutes, drain the remaining water from the pan to prevent rotting of the roots.

This method is more preferable for use. If water is poured from above, the liquid will gradually wash away harmful salts from the soil.


Capillary irrigation methods include immersion, Texas or pan methods. In addition, moisturizing on mats also falls into this category. To implement this, take a large container of rectangular or square shape. It should be enough for several pots of flowers. Special mats are placed at the bottom of the container, which can be purchased at any flower shop. Water is poured onto them and covered with a film with holes. Pots with Saintpaulia are placed on top.

With this method, it is impossible to prevent waterlogging, since the perforated film will not allow the soil to absorb excess liquid. Water should be added from time to time. It is advisable to do this when the soil surface becomes dry.

When choosing any of these options, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. When using the capillary irrigation method, the soil is selected with a special composition. It should contain large quantities of perlite, fibrous peat, vermiculite and fine charcoal. These additives help achieve capillary effect. Plain soil is not suitable due to its high moisture capacity and low air permeability.
  2. With capillary irrigation, water is never poured from above. When combining the two methods, small drainage particles will be washed out of the soil and will settle at the bottom.

If you don’t have time to regularly moisten the soil, you can purchase pots for violets with automatic watering. The products consist of 2 containers that are inserted into one another.

Water is poured into the tank of the automatic flowerpot. It slowly reaches the roots of the flower in the required quantity. The soil will absorb the liquid until it runs out. You need to add water to the tank every 1-4 weeks. It all depends on the volume of the container and the size and age of the plant planted in the pot.


For drip irrigation, you will have to purchase a syringe at the pharmacy. With its help, liquid is applied drop by drop to the soil surface. When using this method, you need to ensure that moisture does not get on the surface of the leaves and flowers.

To automate drip irrigation, you can purchase a special system for its implementation. When using it, water will flow drop by drop to the plant through special tubes with tips.

How to water at different times of the year

Violets need daily watering during spring and summer; in summer, irrigation is recommended in the morning. At this time, the process of photosynthesis in plants is activated.

In winter, autumn, and cold early spring, violets are best watered during the daytime. If, in addition to natural lighting, artificial lighting is used fluorescent lamps, the flower can be irrigated at any time of the day, except at night. The main thing is to decide on the watering hours and strictly adhere to them.

in winter

IN winter time Saintpaulias need to reduce the amount of irrigation every year only if they grow on a windowsill. Whatever the temperature in the house, it is always lower near the window. The length of daylight hours also decreases significantly. During this period, the roots do not absorb moisture well. Watering should be rare and with a minimum amount of fertilizer.

If the Saintpaulia pots are under constant artificial lighting, you don't have to change anything. You just need to monitor the air humidity. When you turn on the heating, its parameter will certainly decrease, and the requirements for care and watering will change. At this time, the plant requires frequent and abundant irrigation.

In summer

In summer, violets actively grow and bloom. They absorb water much large quantities than in winter.

You need to make sure that when watering in the hot season, the flower is not in direct sunlight. In addition to increasing moisture consumption, the plant needs feeding once a month.

What should the water be like?

Not only can improper watering of violets harm the plants, low-quality water often leads to the death of flowers. The liquid for irrigation of Saintpaulia should be pre-settled. It is good to take melted or rainwater.

Tap water is also suitable, but first you need to reduce its hardness. A high concentration of salts in such water leads to the deposition of a white coating on the walls of the pot and the surface of the soil itself.

To reduce hardness, you can use the following method: take 2 tsp per 2 liters of water. vinegar or citric acid, mix and let settle. After some time, the Saintpaulias are watered using the chosen method.

Can i tap water let sit for 2-3 days. Then it should be boiled, cooled to room temperature and proceed to moisten the soil. Cold water It is strictly prohibited to use Saintpaulia for irrigation, as this will lead to the death of the flower.

Why is potassium permanganate added to water for irrigation?

Previously, flower growers actively used potassium permanganate to fertilize and treat Saintpaulia. Nowadays, special complex preparations are most often used for feeding. But potassium permanganate remains an excellent means for soil disinfection and a method of preventing various diseases.

It must be remembered that a concentrated solution cannot be used to water violets. They can destroy the plant. It is enough to add 2-3 drops of liquid potassium permanganate to 1 liter of water.

They can be classified as sissies, however, they respond with gratitude to proper care and, especially, watering. Breeders have been able to develop many varieties of violets, each of which has its own distinctive characteristics and care features.

Despite its capriciousness, the flower is very popular among amateur gardeners all over the world, and breeders strive to develop more decorative and larger varieties.

When choosing a variety to grow a flower at home, you need to rely on flowering characteristics. For beginners, it is not recommended to purchase new products; it is better to focus on proven plants.

Due to the huge varietal diversity, violets are usually classified into species groups:

  • Collectible - distinguished by large flowers 5-7 cm in diameter. The flower petals are larger than those of other species and have a rich palette of shades: from snow-white to inky. A special feature of such flowers is the structure of the flowers, which have wavy, lush and double shapes. Collectible violets are grown for exhibitions or personal collections due to their decorative value.
  • Variegated. These flowers deserve their name due to the variegated color of their leaves. Inclusions can be spontaneous or sequential. Leaf fringing along the edge is often observed. Variegated species have not only decorative look foliage, but also spectacular during flowering. Flowers of different shades can be simple or double, large and small.
  • Industrial or commercial. This includes varieties that are grown on plantations for the purpose of sale. These are the most common plants that have a simple flower shape and are used in interior decoration for various events. Such violets are characterized by a long flowering period and ease of care, so they can often be seen on windowsills. The disadvantage of this group can be considered ineffectiveness, because varietal characteristics are not transmitted to the offspring.
  • Ampelous. These violets are distinguished by their miniature bushes and flowers, which often have a uniform color. There are creeping varieties of this group, which quickly form a blanket of flexible shoots up to 50 cm and abundantly strewn with flowers. These violets are convenient and practical for decorating balconies and gazebos, planting plants in hanging pots. Violets of the ampelous group are unpretentious in care and easy to breed.

For a novice gardener, knowledge of these groups will make it easier to choose the right plant.

Experienced flower growers believe that the most the best varieties Saintpaulium for home grown are ordinary European ones, because the history of their selection goes back many years, during which their characteristics have been developed and strengthened.

Among the most common varieties are:

  • Belley Snowcon. During flowering, a spherical inflorescence of snow-white flowers forms on a miniature bush.
  • Arctic Frost. A varietal, but unpretentious variety that will bloom in almost any conditions. There are flowers various forms and colors.
  • Apache Midnight. Flowers of inky color and faint white edging will not leave any connoisseur of violets indifferent.
  • Winter Parasol. This variety is deservedly called royal, thanks to its delicate cream double flowers of enormous size.
  • Max Southern Springtime. The plant forms a miniature bush, abundantly strewn with burgundy-white flowers.
  • Ruffled Skyes. It is distinguished by large double flowers with petals wavy at the edges, which have a deep dark blue color.
  • Ablons Rose. Violet got its name because of the similarity of flowers with roses, delicate pastel shades. The tips of the petals are decorated with a wavy, soft green border.
  • Aarons Westcoast Pig. Petals of lavender flowers with lilac or purple splashes border a yellow center.

When choosing a plant, you need to take into account their characteristics: some are unpretentious in care, while others will require increased attention and special conditions.

Their health, flowering and even life depend on proper watering of Saintpaulias. A whole method of watering these beauties has been developed:

  1. Do not water violets from above or with cold tap water.
  2. Before each watering, you need to check the soil. And if it is wet, then irrigation should be postponed.
  3. Watering should be carried out regularly, but moderately. Do not over-water the plants or allow water to get on the leaves.
  4. Violets can let you know about the time of watering by lowering their lower leaves.
  5. It is best to water at the same time, maintaining the regime. But if the plant grows on outdoors, then you should adhere to seasonal temperature fluctuations.

The water quality must be high. You can use distilled tap water at room temperature. It is better to clean it in advance using a filter and it is important that the irrigation water does not contain harmful impurities and bleach. Also, experts do not recommend using melt and rain water due to poor ecology.

A small amount of citric or oxalic acid will help reduce water hardness.

However, you can water the plant with this water no more than once a month. The rest of the time you can use slightly boiled water.

There are three ways to water Saintpaulias:

  1. watering from above - water is poured in a thin stream along the edge of the pot so as not to erode the top layer of soil and not to wet the leaves and, especially, the growing point of the plant. When water appears in the pan, irrigation is completed.
  2. watering through a pan - liquid is poured into the pan in such an amount that the soil can absorb. When the soil above is moistened, excess water is drained
  3. wick watering - a fabric tape (wick) is passed through a hole in the flowerpot, the free end of which is dipped into water when watering. Through the wick, moisture in the required dose will enter the flowerpot with the flower.

The dormant period of Saintpaulia usually occurs in winter. During this period, the plant does not require a large amount of moisture, so watering is noticeably reduced. In winter, it is recommended to water when the soil dries well, but do not allow the earthen clod to dry out excessively.

Failure to properly water violets can lead to damage. First, the root hairs, through which the plant draws in moisture, suffer, and then all the roots become diseased. This can lead to flower disease and death.

Signs of improper watering:

  • stems, leaves and flowers have a drooping appearance
  • the plant sheds buds and flowers
  • young leaves have an irregular shape
  • the flower becomes ill with chlorosis, some of the leaves die
  • the whole flower becomes sluggish, the leaves fall off
  • a space is formed between the soil and the wall of the pot
  • the ground is covered with greenery and smells of mold
  • Rotten roots come out through the drainage into the pan

Plant resuscitation:

  • Carefully remove the plant from the pot and carefully examine the roots.
  • Remove dead roots to healthy tissue and treat with a solution and root former.
  • Plant the flower in a smaller pot.
  • Produce a bush in proportion to the roots pruned. Initially, flowers, fruits and those parts of the plant that have not had time to develop should be removed.
  • Provide the right conditions taking into account previous mistakes.
  • The first is carried out after the violet begins to develop.

  • location - the light should be abundant, but diffused. Direct sunlight can burn violets
  • The size of the landing container should be small. The violet should be a little cramped in the pot
  • soil mixture and drainage. The soil should be light, well permeable to water and air. You can add a little charcoal. At least a third of the pot is occupied by expanded clay drainage
  • carried out during flowering of the plant once every two weeks, and during the dormant period no more than once a month
  • plants are carried out annually to renew the land
  • hygiene - if dust accumulates on the leaves of violets, it is recommended to wash them with a warm, gentle shower and leave them to dry completely in a dark place
  • To make the plant decorative, faded buds, yellowed and damaged leaves should be removed in time

Although violets are considered capricious, they can still be grown in any home. To do this, you should follow simple rules, and most importantly, organize proper watering of the plant. To achieve success in growing, it is enough to choose the right place once, select the soil and develop your own regime and method of watering. And then grateful violets will happily delight the eye with beautiful and abundant flowering.

More information can be found in the video:

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