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Dimensions a4 a5 a3. Paper formats and sizes

They were created so that printing equipment could be standardized. Now in the office sector the most popular format is A4. It is also the most common in publishing houses - books are most often printed on this paper. Other formats are used in for different purposes, which will be discussed in more detail below. To begin with, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table of sizes of common formats.

Paper sizes

In the international classification, marking A is most often used, defined by the ISO216 standard. They have a fixed aspect ratio of 1:√2, which is called the Lichtenberg ratio. The main format is A0, and each subsequent format is obtained by precisely cutting the previous sheet in half. So, if you cut an A0 sheet in half, you get an A1 format and so on. So, the exact sizes of paper formats are as follows:

  • A0 - has an area of ​​1 square meter, and the sides are 841 × 1189 mm.
  • A1 - sheet area is 0.5 square meters. m., and the sides are 594×841 mm.
  • A2 - the area is 25 decimeters, and the sides are 420x594 mm.
  • A3 - the sheet area is 12.5 decimeters, and the sides are 297x420 mm.
  • A4 is the most popular format with sides 210x297 mm.
  • A5 - has sides 210x148 mm.
  • A6 is even two times smaller - 148x105 mm.

Where are different paper sizes used?

The most common format to which all printers are adapted is . It is used for printing:

  • books;
  • documents;
  • contracts;
  • invoices and much more.

Some office printers support printing in . This is the size of standard newspapers. A0 and A1 are used for printing:

  • posters;
  • posters;
  • wall tables;
  • diagrams.

Small A5 and A6 formats are used for manufacturing:

  • pocket books;
  • notepads;
  • notebooks.

    What you should pay attention to when choosing

    When choosing a paper size, it is necessary to take into account the standard standards for the products on which it is planned to be used. So, if a small-circulation brochure is being produced, which is planned to be reproduced on a printer or copier, then it is worth choosing the A5 and A6 formats. If you are buying paper for printing documents, then you should choose the standard A4 option, since absolutely all office printer models are adapted for it.

    If you plan to print a poster, then you will definitely need a device for large-format printing. Large format can be taken after checking first specifications and the tolerances of your printer. Thus, the choice of sheet format must be made taking into account the technical tolerances of the existing printer, as well as taking into account which sheet will print best for specific purposes.

    In addition to the printer format, the following paper parameters are important:

    • density (best - 80-90g/m2);
    • opacity (especially important when performing double-sided printing);
    • humidity (the best is 4.5%, but small deviations are acceptable);
    • thickness (the thicker the sheet, the stiffer);
    • smoothness (affects the final image quality);
    • trimming (edges should remain smooth, without burrs);
    • electrification (strong leads to paper sticking and feeding failures).

    Why you shouldn't save on paper

    Saving on paper quality leads to rapid wear and tear of printers. And repairing them is already much more expensive than the prudent purchase of good paper that will save your equipment. So it is much more profitable to buy clean and high-quality sheets with optimal density. And of course, you need to choose the right format for your future image.

The most common sizes of consumer and specialty paper are A4, A3 and A5. They are used for the following purposes:

  • conducting business correspondence;
  • preparation of drawings;
  • preparation of design and technological documentation, diagrams and diagrams;
  • drawing, creating layouts, etc.;
  • print.

The principle of sheet size formation

The basis is the AO format, which has an area of ​​1 m2 and dimensions in cm of 118.9 x 84.1, and from it other basic and additional formats are installed. The remaining paper sizes are obtained by dividing by two. This is established in GOST 21.301-68 and the international standard ISO 216, which are used in Russia and other countries. The principle of formation is shown in Fig. 1:

AO (118.9x84.1) A2 (59.4x42.0) A4 (29.7x21.0) A5 (21.0x14.85) A5 (21.0x14.85) A3 (42.0x 29.7) A1 (84.1x59.4)

AO (118.9x84.1)

A2 (59.4x42.0)

A5 (21.0x14.85)

A5 (21.0x14.85)

A3 (42.0x 29.7)

A1 (84.1x59.4)

Fig. 1 - Formation of the most commonly used paper formats (sizes are indicated in centimeters)

A4 size in centimeters is 29.7 x 21.0. The second most commonly used size is A3 in cm, it has the following data - 29.7 x 42.0.

Types of paper

First of all, depending on the application, all industry-produced formats are divided into the following series:

  • A – for documentation;
  • B – for printing use;
  • C – for envelopes.

Series A includes formats from A0 to A10 with sheet lengths in cm from 118.9 to 3.76 and widths from 84.1 to 2.6 cm.

Series B includes formats from B0 to B10 with sheet lengths in cm from 141.4 to 4.4 and widths from 100.0 to 3.1 cm. This standard is used in Canada and the USA.

The C series includes formats from C0 to C10 with sheet lengths in cm from 129.7 to 4.0 and widths from 97.1 to 2.8 cm.

The most used size for documents is A4 format, measuring 29.7 x 21.0 in centimeters.

Attention! In the age of computerization, the size of an image is judged by the file size in megabytes. The A4 sheet size is 33.2 MB (CMYK 300dpi).

Paper is also divided according to application. There are 10 groups:

  • for printing, including self-copying and self-adhesive;
  • decorative;
  • for writing, drawing, typing and other similar works;
  • packaging;
  • electrical engineering;
  • smoking;
  • photosensitive;
  • absorbent;
  • base paper;
  • industrial and technical.

Paper is also distinguished according to the following parameters:

  • whiteness;
  • density;
  • color;
  • transparency;
  • type of surface (coated, matte, glossy, coated).

A4 size in cm, which is indicated above, is considered office paper, because... Most often used as a consumable material for copiers and printers, for business correspondence, production of catalogues, advertising materials, drawings.

Hello to all those who care about the life of the blog site and, of course, to the people who stopped by for information. I'm glad to see you all on this blog. Today I want to tell you everything I know about paper sizes What sizes are there and their standards. Agree, any person needs to know the paper size and format; I’m already silent about artists and designers.

Let's first figure out what they are paper sizes. The most common ISO 216 standard format in the world according to GOST 5773-90.
All paper sizes according to the ISO 216 standard they have the same aspect ratio. If you say in simple words, then the length of an A1 sheet is equal to half the width of an A0 sheet, and if it’s even simpler to explain, then look at the picture below and you will understand everything that I was trying to explain.

I propose to consider where and what paper formats are often used:

Sheet A0 and A1- drawings, posters and banners.
Sheet A3, B4 and A2- drawings, diagrams, newspapers
Sheet A4- office paper, documents, letters, forms, magazines, catalogues, in advertising materials, Consumables for printers and copiers.
Sheet A5 - Greeting Cards, identification cards, notebooks, notepads, leaflets, forms, promotional materials.
SheetB5, A5, B6, A6- books, booklets, brochures, postcards.
Formats C4, C5, C6- envelopes for letters on a sheet of A4 paper: unfolded (C4), folded in half (C5), folded in three (C6).
C series formats- This size was designed for mailing envelopes to accommodate A-size paper.

Paper size and dimensions

Paper sizes ISO 216
width x length,
width x length
in (mm.)
size (mm.)
A0 841x1189 B0 1000x1414 C0 1297x917
A1 594x841 IN 1 707x1000 C1 917x648
A2 420x594 AT 2 500x707 C2 648x458
A3 297x420 AT 3 353x500 C3 458x324
A4 210x297 AT 4 250x353 C4 324x229
A5 148x210 AT 5 176x250 C5 229x162

Standard Newspaper Size:
A4 - 210x297 mm.
Berliner format - 470 x 315 mm.
A3 - 297x420 mm.
A2 - 594x420 mm.

Standard Envelope Sizes:
C4 format envelope - 324x229 mm.
C5 format envelope - 229x162 mm.
C6 format envelope - 114x162 mm. - basic mail format

Standard business card size:
The standard of Russia and Ukraine is 90x50 mm.
Euro business card 85x55 mm.

Photo format and dimensions

I have everything on the topic of paper format sizes. If you missed something, add it in the comments.

Best regards webmasterok2009

Standard Paper Sizes

(GOST 5773-76)

Row A Row B Row C
Designation mm Designation mm Designation mm
A0 841x1189 B0 1000x1414 C0 917x1297
A1 594x841 B1 707x1000 C1 648x917
A2 420x594 B2 500x707 C2 458x648
A3 297x420 B3 353x500 C3 324x458
A4 210x297 B4 250x353 C4 229x324
A5 148x210 B5 176x250 C5 162x229
A6 105x148 B6 125x176 C6 114x162
A7 74x105 B7 88x125 C7 81x114
A8 52x74 B8 62x88 C8 57x81
A9 37x52 B9 44x62 - -
A10 26x37 B10 31x44 - -
A11 18x26 B11 22x31 - -
A12 13x18 B12 15x22 - -
A13 9x13 - - - -

North American standard

Popular name ANSI classification mm inches Aspect Ratio Similar ISO format
Letter ANSI A 216x279 8.5x11 1:1,2941 A4
Legal 216x356 8.5x14 1:1,6471
Ledger ANSI B 432x279 17x11 1,5455:1 A3
Tabloid ANSI B 279x432 11x17 1:1,5455 A3
ANSI C 432x559 17x22 1:1,2941 A2
ANSI D 559x864 22x34 1:5455 A1
ANSI E 864x1118 34x44 1:1,2941 A0

Serie A

The largest standard size, A0, has an area of ​​one square meter and an aspect ratio of 1:√2. The long side of the sheet has a length of approximately 1.189 m, the length of the short side is the inverse of this value, approximately 0.841 m, the product of these two lengths gives an area of ​​1 m².

Size A1 is obtained by cutting sheet A0 along the short side into two equal parts, resulting in the same aspect ratio. This allows one standard paper size to be produced from another, which was not possible with traditional sizes. Preserving the aspect ratio also means that when scaling an image from one format to another, the proportions of the image are preserved.

Serie B

In addition to the A series of formats, there are also less common B series formats. B series sheets have the same aspect ratio as A series. Only B0 has a width of 1 m. The area of ​​B series sheets is the geometric average of the two subsequent A series sheets. For example, B1 The size is between A0 and A1, with an area of ​​0.71 m². As a result, B0 has dimensions of 1000 × 1414 mm. Series B is almost never used in the office; there are a number of special applications, for example, many posters are published in these formats, B5 is often used for books, and these formats are also used for envelopes and passports.

Series C

Series C is used for envelopes only and is defined in ISO 269. The area of ​​series C sheets is equal to the geometric average of series A and B sheets of the same number. For example, the area of ​​C4 is the geometric average of the area of ​​sheets A4 and B, with C4 slightly larger than A4, and B4 slightly larger than C4. The practical meaning of this is that an A4 sheet can be placed in a C4 envelope, and a C4 envelope can be placed in a thick B4 envelope.
C6 162 x 114 mm - the main postal envelope format of the Soviet period.

North American standard

Currently used American sizes are based on traditionally used sizes, and are defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The most commonly used formats in daily activities are “Letter”, “Legal” and “Ledger” / “Tabloid”. The source of the "Letter" format (8.5 × 11 inches or 216 × 279 mm) goes back to tradition and is not exactly known.
North American paper sizes are government standards in the United States and the Philippines (however, Philippine "legal" is 8.5 x 13 inches, which is different from American "legal"), and are also widely used in Canada, Mexico and some South American countries.
Unlike standard A4 paper, which is a geometric subset of a range of paper sizes based on the standard International organization According to standardization (ISO), the origin of Letter paper sizes is lost in tradition and is not clearly documented. The American Forest and Paper Association states that the dimensions originate from the days of hand-made paper, and that the 11-inch page length is a quarter of the "average maximum arm length of a skilled worker." However, this does not explain the width or aspect ratio.

Publication formats

GOST (5773-76)

Large Average Small Miniature Little ones
84x108/8 70x100/16 70x100/32 70x90/64 60x90/512
70x108/8 60x100/16 70x90/32 60x90/64 60x84/512
70x100/8 75x90/16 75x90/32 60x84/64 84x108/1024
60x90/8 70x90/16 60x90/32 60x70/64 70x108/1024
60x84/6 60x90/16 60x84/32 84x108/128 70x100/1024
84x108/16 60x84/16 60x108/32 70x108/128 70x90/1024
84x108/16 70x84/16 70x100/32 70x100/128 60x90/1024
90x100/16 70x75/16 84x108/64 70x90/128 60x84/1024
84x100/16 60x108/16 70x108/64 60x90/128
70x108/16 60x70/16 100x84/64 60x84/128
80x100/16 84x108/32 84x108/256
84x90/16 70x108/32 70x108/256
84x100/32 70x100/256
80x100/32 70x90/256
84x90/32 60x90/256

To determine the format of a book block, it is necessary to decompose the value of the sheet fraction (/16, /32, etc.) into two largest factors (16 = 4x4, 32 = 4x8), then divide the larger side of the sheet by a larger factor, the smaller side by a smaller factor .
For example: 84x108/32 => 32=4x8 => x => 21x13.5
If we now subtract 1 cm from greater value, and 0.5 cm from the smaller one - we get the block format after trimming (for publications with landscape imposition, subtract 1 cm from the smaller value, and 0.5 from the larger one).

Vintage book and writing paper formats

check folio paper size 43.2x61 cm
crown folio book or paper format 25x38 cm
demy folio paper size 28.5x44 cm
double folio paper size 55.9x86.4 cm
double-double folio paper size 83.8x111.8 cm
double imperial folio paper size 38x56 cm
elephant folio paper size 35.5x58 cm
extra-size folio paper size 48.3x61 cm
foolscap folio book or paper format 21.5x34 cm
foolscap long folio writing paper format 16.5x40.6 cm
imperial folio paper size 38x56 cm

crown quarto book format 19x25 cm
demy quarto book format 22x28.5 cm
double imperial quarto printed paper format 73.7x114 cm
foolscap quarto book format 17x21.5 cm

crown octavo book format 13x19 cm; book format 14x20 cm;
book height 20-25 cm
demy octavo book format 14x22 cm
imperial octavo book format: British 19x25 cm; Amer. 21x29 cm
large post octavo book format 13x21 cm

The publication format is the size of the book block (in length and width) after three-sided trimming.
The format is determined by the type and type of publication, its volume, circulation, the nature of the illustrative material contained in it, the reader's purpose, terms of use, etc.
The term “book format” apparently arose in the era of machine production, when there was a need to unify book sizes for its mass production and commodity exchange.
The results of measurements of dozens of Russian books of the 11th-13th centuries showed that they did not have stable sizes. The format of the future book was chosen by the copyist based on its purpose, as well as in accordance with the tastes of the customer and his own desires. Altar gospels, richly illustrated and large books (prologues, collections, etc.) were made, as a rule, of large size (the height of the book block is more than 30 cm). These are, for example, the oldest handwritten books: the Ostromir Gospel (1056-1057), Izbornik Svyatoslav (1073), twelve volumes of the “Great Menaion of the Readings” (1547-1563), written on the initiative of Metropolitan Macarius, and others. Books intended for everyday use , had relatively small formats, and were distinguished by their simplicity of external and internal appearance. An example of this kind of book is the Archangel Gospel (1092) - a cheap book, apparently rewritten by order of the parish church of a peasant churchyard (small four format).
With the beginning of the use of paper for making books, their formats were based on the size (share) of a paper sheet. However, there were still no firmly established paper sizes, since they depended on the mesh dimensions of the paper sheet, which were set arbitrarily by the paper manufacturer. Over time, papermakers settled on two main sizes: the smaller one - 30x50 cm; the larger one is 50x70, which, however, was not strictly observed.
To indicate the format of Russian handwritten books, a conventional unit of measurement was used - dest (Persian dest - right hand).

Format Size Format Size Format Size Format Size Format Size
A0 841x1189 B0 1000x1414 C0 916x1296 K5 145x215 C54 185x260
A1 594x841 B1 707x1000 C1 648x916 K6 125x125 C65 114x229
A2 420x594 B2 500x707 C2 458x648 K7 90x140 K65 125x189
A3 297x420 B3 354x500 C3 324x458 K8 150x150 DL (E 65) 110x220
A4 210x297 B4 250x353 C4 229x324 K9 225x225 E4 220x320
A5 148x210 B5 177x250 C5 162x229 K10 175x175
A6 105x148 B6 125x177 C6 114x162
A7 74x105 B7 88x125 C7 81x114
A8 52x74 B8 62x88 C8 57x81
A9 37x52 B9 44x62 C9 40x57
A10 26x37 B10 31x44 C10 28x40

DIN formats (metric)

Format Width x length in mm
1A 1189x1682
A0 841x1189
A1 594x841
A2 420x594
A3+ 305x457
A3 297x420
A4 210x297
A5 148x210
A6 105x148


1. The area of ​​A0 format is 1 sq.m.

2. The “+” sign in the format designation indicates the presence of an allowance compared to standard sizes. The amount of allowance may vary.

3. For roll paper, the width corresponds to the narrow edge of the format, i.e. A1 means 594mm wide roll. The length of a standard roll for copying machines is 175 meters.

Anglo-American standards formats

Format Width x length in mm Width x length in inches Analogue DIN standard
A 228x305 9x12 A4
B 305x457 12x18 A3
C 457x610 18x24 A2
D 610x914 24x36 A1
E 914x1219 36x48 A0

Formats of other international standards.

Format Width x length in mm Width x length in inches
B4 (German format) 250x353 9.8x13.9
B5 176x250 6.9x9.8
B3 353x500 13.9x19.7
B4 (Japanese format) 257x364 10.1x14.3
B4 (American standard) 254x356 10.0x14.0
Draft 254x406 10.0x16.0
Folio 210x330 8.3x13.0
Foolscap 216x356 8.5x13.0
Foolscap (UK) 203x330 8.0x13.0
Legal 216x356 8.5x14.0
Gov. Legal 203x330 8.0x13.0
Legal (Argentinian) 220x340 8.7x13.4
Letter/US Quatro 216x279 8.5x11.0
Gov. Letter 203x267 8.0x10.5
Officio 216x317 8.5x12.5

Most of the standard printing products are printed in standard formats: A6, A5, A4, A3, A2, DL “Euro format” - 99x210 mm (1/3 A4) or in sizes that fit comfortably onto the sheet format.


US sizes 4A0 2A0 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 B format C format V mm cm inches =

The most common ISO 216 standard format in the world according to GOST 5773-90.

All paper sizes according to the ISO 216 standard they have the same aspect ratio. To put it in simple words, the length of a sheet of format A1 equal to half the width of the sheet A0, and if it’s even easier to explain, then look at the picture below and you will understand everything that I tried to explain.

I propose to consider where and what paper formats are often used:

  • Sheet A0 and A1— drawings, posters and posters
  • Sheet A3, B4 and A2- drawings, diagrams, newspapers
  • Sheet A4— office paper, documents, letters, forms, magazines, catalogs, in advertising materials, consumables for printers and copiers
  • Sheet A5- greeting cards, identification cards, notebooks, notepads, leaflets, forms, promotional materials
  • SheetB5, A5, B6, A6- books, booklets, brochures, postcards
  • Formats C4, C5, C6— envelopes for letters on a sheet of A4 paper: unfolded (C4), folded in half (C5), folded in three (C6)
  • C series formats- this size was designed for mailing envelopes to accommodate A-size paper

Paper size and dimensions

Paper sizes ISO 216
width x length,
width x length
in (mm.)
size (mm.)
A0 841x1189 B0 1000x1414 C0 1297x917
A1 594x841 IN 1 707x1000 C1 917x648
A2 420x594 AT 2 500x707 C2 648x458
A3 297x420 AT 3 353x500 C3 458x324
A4 210x297 AT 4 250x353 C4 324x229
A5 148x210 AT 5 176x250 C5 229x162

Standard Newspaper Size:

  • A4 - 210x297 mm.
  • Berliner format - 470 x 315 mm.
  • A3 - 297x420 mm.
  • A2 - 594x420 mm.

Standard Envelope Sizes:

  • C4 format envelope - 324x229 mm.
  • C5 format envelope - 229x162 mm.
  • C6 format envelope - 114x162 mm. - basic mail format

Standard business card size:

  • The standard of Russia and Ukraine is 90x50 mm.
  • Euro business card 85x55 mm.

Photo format and dimensions

photo format Linear dimensions for digital printing Photo size in pixels
(for printing 300 dpi)
9x13 89x127 1051x1500
10x15 102x152 1205x1795
13x18 127x178 1500x2102
15x20 152x203 1795x2398
15x21 152x216 1795x2551
20x30 203x305 2398x3602

Sizes A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0 in millimeters and megabytes

Any image file format carries information about the width and height of the file in pixels, as well as the file resolution you specified. Depending on these three numbers, image editors and layout programs calculate the physical dimensions that will be obtained when printing the image and display them as background information You, in any coordinate system you choose (cm, inches, picas, etc.).
It is more convenient to judge the size of an image by the file size in megabytes. Below is a table of the required file sizes (tif without compression) in megabytes for printing standard formats

Size, mm

Grayscale 300dpi


To obtain paper dimensions in centimeters, convert from mm to cm by dividing by 10; to convert from inches to feet, divide inch by 12.

4A0 and 2A0 - DIN 476 high-dimensional formats

There are also paper sizes larger than A0 - these are 4A0 and 2A0. These sizes are not covered by the ISO 216 standard, but are typically used for large format paper. The origin of these formats comes from the German standard DIN 476, on the basis of which ISO 216 was created.

Size A paper size tolerances and errors

      ISO 216 allows production tolerances for A-size paper up to the following values:
  • ± 1.5 mm (0.06 in) for sizes up to 150 mm (5.9 in)
  • ±2 mm (0.08 in) for sizes ranging from 150 to 600 mm (5.9 to 23.6 in)
  • ± 3 mm (0.12 in) for any dimension above 600 mm (23.6 in)

A series of formats characteristics and properties

      ISO 216 characterizes this paper size with the following parameters:
  • The length divided by the width of the sheet is equal to the value 1.4142
  • Each subsequent dimension A(N) is defined as A(N-1) cut in half parallel to its short side.
  • A0 format has an area of ​​1 square meter.
  • The standard length and width of each size are rounded to the nearest millimeter.

Note: The last point is there because the square root of 2 in the aspect ratio does not always give integers.

International implementation and use of the sheet format

A paper sizes are now widely used throughout the world except the United States, Canada and parts of Mexico. A4 format has become standard size business letter in speaking countries English language, such as Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain, which are accustomed to using the imperial number system everywhere. In Europe, paper sizes were adopted as a formal standard in the mid-20th century, and from there they spread throughout the world.

The main sizes of paper sheets produced at all factories in the country are:

  • A1 (594841 mm): Used in professional layout and design;
  • A2 (420594 mm): A professional option for artistic works by masters from different fields of art. Used most often in printing houses for printing banners, by students for diploma and coursework. DPI lovers will also like this format: it is quite extensive and will fit harmoniously into the surroundings;
  • A3 (297420 mm.): A4 sheet format increased by 2 times; optimal for professional student work assigned in educational institutions. Paintings, floristry, decorative panels, collages made in this size look elegant, miniature, and are a universal holiday gift
  • A4 (210297 mm.): universal option for creative people, especially children starting to learn to draw. The A4 sheet format is suitable for small sketches with ink, felt-tip pens, pencils, gel pen, as well as for printed materials. Widely and often used in printing houses.

In accordance with ISO standards, which are international, paper is divided into a number of series (A, B, C). Below is a table with these series, format and sizes.

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