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Rating of biological supplements for enhancing potency - the best drugs without side effects with prices. The best supplements for male potency Male strength supplement from the very beginning

Dietary supplements for potency are a safe and effective way to improve men's health. They are not medicinal products and contain only vitamins and healthy food additives, including plant extracts. Dietary supplements are used to improve potency, but for erectile dysfunction due to problems in the genitourinary system, they are ineffective.

A dietary supplement or biologically active food supplement is a complex of vitamins and other beneficial substances that improve health. They are not medicines, therefore they are not used in the treatment of severe forms of impotence.

  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • decreased immunity;
  • heavy physical activity.

Dietary supplements for potency can be used for diseases of the genitourinary system in addition to drug treatment. Some drugs are recommended for prostatitis to speed up the recovery of the prostate gland.

The advantage of dietary supplements is their natural and safe composition.

The advantage of dietary supplements is their safety. They have virtually no side effects or contraindications, so they can be used independently, and not as prescribed by a doctor. Here, a man faced with the problem of weakened potency has two options - undergo examination and cure the main cause of decreased potency, supplementing therapy with dietary supplements, or independently choose the drug he likes at the pharmacy to increase potency, hoping for a quick result. The first option is preferable, because only a specialist will be able to determine the cause of the problem and prescribe adequate therapy.

It is important to remember that dietary supplements do not cure impotence. They are effective only in cases where the problem is caused by a general weakening of the body.

Anyone can take dietary supplements for male potency, since dietary supplements are also used for prevention. They are recommended in the following cases:

  • weakening of potency due to stress;
  • decreased libido;
  • general deterioration in health and constant fatigue;
  • decreased potency due to prostatitis.

Natural food supplements containing vitamins and essential microelements for men can be taken if fertility is declining.

Advantages and disadvantages of dietary supplements

Benefits of dietary supplements for men for potency:

  • natural composition;
  • without a prescription;
  • no contraindications;
  • minimum side effects.

Dietary supplements are safe, affordable and available everywhere. You can purchase them at a pharmacy, on specialized websites, or even in health stores. They really increase potency, but only if the problem is caused by general fatigue, and not by pathologies of the genitourinary system. Otherwise, the use of dietary supplements will only worsen the situation. In case of impotence caused by vascular disorders and other pathological processes in the genitourinary system, the use of dietary supplements is ineffective, which is the main disadvantage of such drugs.

Other disadvantages include:

  • no proven therapeutic effect;
  • the need for long-term use;
  • the composition is not always clear.

The main problem is that many dietary supplements are dummies. That is, the tablet or powder does not contain anything that could have a positive effect on male potency. Unfortunately, there are a majority of such dietary supplements, so choosing a truly effective drug can be very difficult. This leads to the most important advice for men who decide to purchase dietary supplements - you need to choose only proven drugs from well-known manufacturers.

In order for a medicine to bring maximum health benefits, you need to pay attention to the composition. What components are necessary to strengthen potency - this issue is worth elucidating in more detail.

What should be included in a dietary supplement?

Choosing the best dietary supplements for potency is a rather complicated question. For the product to be truly beneficial, the composition must contain:

  • aphrodisiacs;
  • prostate protectors;
  • vitamins;
  • microelements;
  • antioxidants.

Aphrodisiacs are substances that increase sexual desire. They have a stimulating effect, increasing libido and improving erection. Dietary supplements for increasing potency in men may contain plant extracts with a stimulating effect - ginseng, golden root, yohinbe tree bark extract, Peruvian maca. A unisex dietary supplement includes Spanish Fly, a stimulating drug to enhance libido, which is suitable for both men and women.

One of the most common causes of decreased potency in men is various disorders of the prostate gland. In the vast majority of cases, we are talking about congestive prostatitis, which occurs in 30% of men over 40 years of age. Normalizing the functioning of the prostate gland leads to an increase in potency, so many dietary supplements for men contain prostate protectors - cinquefoil extract, pumpkin seeds or seed oil, palm extracts. Such components reduce the inflammatory process, improve metabolism, and protect against the development of prostate hyperplasia.

The vitamins in dietary supplements are most often tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) and vitamin A. Both substances have a positive effect on the male reproductive system, improve hormone production, and increase testosterone levels. Dietary supplements aimed at combating stress or psychological impotence may contain B vitamins.

Microelements necessary to maintain male strength are zinc and selenium. They are almost always present in dietary supplements, either in pure form or as part of plant extracts. These substances normalize the functioning of the prostate gland, take part in the synthesis of testosterone, improve blood supply to the penis, thereby ensuring a strong erection.

Antioxidants and other beneficial substances that are often contained in nutritional supplements to increase potency are coenzyme Q10, ginkgo biloba extract, maral antlers extract, and ginseng root. These substances have a tonic effect, give a charge of vigor and strength, and protect against the negative effects of the environment. All this has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and the production of sex hormones, increases sexual desire and strengthens erection.

The best dietary supplements

The rating of the best products will help you understand how to choose an effective dietary supplement for potency. It was compiled based on reviews of men who took the drug for potency, but at the same time, the catalog of pharmaceutical dietary supplements is very large, so not all drugs are included in the rating. The most popular dietary supplements for male potency:

  • Opti-Men;
  • Yohimbine;
  • Yohimbe Forte;
  • Impaza;
  • Golden Horse;
  • Peruvian Maca.

A separate category consists of dietary supplements from China - Chinese potency products contain only natural ingredients and are highly effective. The only disadvantage of such drugs is that they are difficult to find on sale. Nevertheless, Chinese dietary supplements for potency, which increase male energy, can also be purchased in large pharmacies.


Opti-Men is the best active supplement or dietary supplement for male potency. The product is a wide complex of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. The ideally balanced composition of the drug is designed specifically for men's health. Vitamins recommended:

  • professional athletes;
  • with an unbalanced diet;
  • to strengthen the immune system;
  • to increase potency.

The composition of the drug is very impressive: more than 25 vitamins and minerals, 7 amino acids necessary for the body, a special algae complex for potency, 4 enzymes and 20 plant extracts with antioxidant effects.

The extracts of cinquefoil, ginseng, pumpkin seeds and oyster concentrate are responsible for increasing potency. The vitamin supplement strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the nervous system, normalizes metabolic processes, increases potency and protects against the development of age-related diseases of the male genitourinary system.

Release form: tablets in a polymer jar, 120 or 240 tablets per package.

How to take: one tablet three times a day.

Cost of the drug: 1400-2600 rubles per package.


Dietary supplements are sold under various names

The product contains yohimbe tree bark extract. It is a powerful aphrodisiac. Properties of the drug:

  • improves potency;
  • increases libido;
  • improves sleep quality;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • stimulates metabolism.

The supplement has a fat-burning effect, so it is often used by professional athletes. In addition to the positive effect on potency, the product improves the mental and physical performance of a man.

Yohimbine or yohimbine hydrochloride is the name of the active substance. The commercial name of the dietary supplement may differ. The product is available in tablets and capsules in different packages.

In pharmacies you can find the domestic medicine Yohimbine hydrochloride. The drug is available in tablets packaged in small jars.

Cost: from 200 to 800 rubles, depending on packaging.

How to take: 1-3 tablets per day.

Who is it for: athletes, overweight people, men over 40 with a sedentary lifestyle.

Yohimbe Forte

Yohimbe Forte - domestic version of Yohimbine

Dietary supplements for increasing potency based on yohimbine hydrochloride are one of the most popular drugs. Their advantage is their rapid action and absence of side effects.

A popular Russian drug is the supplement Yohimbe Forte. The product contains:

  • yohimbe bark extract;
  • ginseng root extract;
  • zinc;
  • selenium.

The product is designed specifically to improve potency in men. It has a tonic, restorative and stimulating effect. Improves blood supply to the pelvic organs and increases libido, since yohimbe bark is a potent aphrodisiac.

This product is available in all major pharmacies and is available without a prescription. Preparations containing yohimbine should not be taken if you have hypertension, renal or liver failure.

Release form: tablets and capsules, 30 pcs. packaged.

Who is it indicated for: all men over 40 years old, with congestive prostatitis, with decreased potency due to prostate adenoma.

How to take: 1 tablet per day, can be taken an hour before sexual intercourse.

Cost: about 280 rubles per package.


Impaza is a one-of-a-kind homeopathic drug for potency, which has a rapid stimulating effect. The product cannot be fully considered a dietary supplement. The drug works by stimulating blood flow to the penis and improving erection.

The mechanism of action of Impaza is in many ways similar to the properties of Viagra, but this drug is completely natural. Properties of tablets:

  • improve blood supply to the penis;
  • increase libido;
  • provide a stable erection;
  • increase testosterone levels in the blood.

A distinctive feature of the medicine is the complete absence of contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the drug. Impaza is sold only in pharmacies and is available without a prescription.

Release form: tablets, 20 pcs. packaged.

Who is it indicated for: all men with impaired potency, erectile dysfunction.

How to take: 1 tablet per day for 3 months to treat impotence, or 2 tablets an hour before sexual intercourse to increase potency.

Cost: about 500 rubles per package.

Unlike other dietary supplements, Impaza is a fast-acting product

Golden Horse

A dietary supplement for increasing potency in men, used in the treatment of impotence and restoring male strength, the name of which is familiar to everyone - this is the Golden Horse. Today this is one of the most popular drugs, which is presented in almost every pharmacy in the CIS countries.

The effectiveness of the product is due to its composition, which includes:

  • seahorse extract;
  • ginseng root extract;
  • kidney tea;
  • sow thistle grass.

The product has a completely natural composition and fast action. This dietary supplement tops the rating of time-tested drugs for increasing potency - when taken, erections become stronger, libido increases and the production of male sex hormones improves.

The product is produced in Indonesia and has been widely used since 2005.

Release form: capsules, 100 pcs. in glass jars.

Who is it for: all men with weakened erections and decreased libido.

How to take: 1 capsule morning and evening for 4 weeks to treat erectile dysfunction, 2 capsules 2 hours before sexual intercourse to increase potency.

Cost: 1400 rubles.

The golden horse is very popular, and it is not difficult to find it in a pharmacy

Peruvian maca

Peruvian maca extract has a rich vitamin composition. This plant is a powerful aphrodisiac and contains more than 30 beneficial vitamins and minerals for men's health.

Dietary supplements for improving potency with Peruvian maca are a natural, safe remedy for treating erectile dysfunction and improving potency. Moreover, maca can be taken by both men and women.

Properties of this plant:

  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • general tonic effect;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • improvement of potency;
  • increased libido.

Peruvian maca can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is part of many dietary supplements with different names.

Release form: powder.

When to take: with decreased libido, potency disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome.

How to take: a teaspoon three times a day for 20-30 days.

Cost: about 1000 rubles per package.

Peruvian maca can be purchased both as part of dietary supplements and separately

special instructions

No specialist can accurately answer the question of which dietary supplements are best for potency and which food supplement is the best. The fact is that everything depends on the man’s body, so before choosing a vitamin supplement, you need to understand the reasons for the deterioration of potency by undergoing an examination by a urologist.

It is best to purchase dietary supplements for potency at a pharmacy. This guarantees that the product you are purchasing will not be a counterfeit.

The best dietary supplements for potency are those that support the male genitourinary system and protect against prostatitis and other prostate diseases. Men over 40 years old should choose products containing prostate protectors. Young men are advised to pay attention to preparations with ginseng root and other tonic extracts.

To understand whether dietary supplements are really effective for potency, you should be patient and take the course of the drug to the end. On average, any nutritional supplement should be taken for a month. Results become noticeable already in the third week from the start of therapy.

For many representatives of the stronger sex, problems with potency begin at the age of 50-55. Various factors cause the development of sexual dysfunction - mainly chronic pathologies of the prostate, age-related disorders of hormonal regulation, excess body weight, and addictions. But not only older patients often experience decreased sexual function.

Problems in bed in men can arise at a fairly young age - at 25-30 years old. When the first symptoms appear, it is advised to take medications to stimulate an erection. Such medications have a good effect on male power, but have many side reactions and contraindications. To increase sexual activity in a safe way, it is better to try potency supplements - you will learn about them in today’s article.

What is known about these funds?

Potency supplements for men - they are often advertised on the Internet or on TV, but most people do not understand what nutritional supplements are needed for and how they act on the body. These medications contain biologically active substances that help normalize men's health. They are also used for prophylactic purposes for prostate diseases, impotence and other sexual dysfunctions. Dietary supplements have a stimulating effect, improve erection, significantly increasing the speed of its onset and the duration of contact. At the same time, the body’s energy costs are reduced and in terms of sex the patient becomes much more resilient.

Biological supplements should not be confused with conventional medications. These remedies do not belong to traditional medicine at all. Enhancement supplements must be taken immediately before sexual contact. After using this medicine, sexual activity increases sharply in representatives of the stronger sex, and the quality of erection increases. In some cases, men need to use dietary supplements constantly - they become an integral part of the diet.

There are various forms of dietary supplements for male potency. These can be tablets, syrups, infusions, powders, extracts or balms. Finding these products is very easy - they are sold without a prescription in every pharmacy. You can also order the active supplement online, but you should beware of counterfeits. Potency supplements cost much less than conventional medications with the same effect.

Attention! Even the most effective dietary supplements are not suitable for all men! Some active remedies for the stronger sex are ineffective. Thus, dietary supplements based on the drug yohimbe did not live up to patients’ expectations. Before starting to use these medications, it is advised to visit a doctor and find out what caused sexual impotence. If the cause of impotence is any disease, you need to eliminate it as soon as possible, and only after complete recovery can you use nutritional supplements.

The best bioactive male enhancement products

It is quite difficult for representatives of the stronger sex to choose the highest quality and most effective dietary supplement for potency. The pharmacy offers many dietary supplements of American, Chinese and domestic production. But which drug to choose? They all differ from each other in terms of effectiveness and strength. Depending on the individual characteristics of a man, each biological agent shows different results. Therefore, in this case it is difficult to make at least some rating of these drugs. But we managed to select the top 15 nutritional supplements that showed the best results and deserved the most positive reviews. A catalog of nutritional supplements for men for potency is presented below.

"The Emperor's Secret"

This Chinese-made biological product significantly increases sexual activity in most representatives of the stronger sex. The reason for the beneficial effects is its completely natural composition. The basis of such an effective dietary supplement for potency is barberry extract. This substance improves the duration of erection and the quality of sex.

Another useful component of the dietary supplement is wolfberry, which contains a huge amount of minerals, vitamins and amino acid molecules. They enhance a man’s reproductive and general health, serving as an additional source of energy for him. The biological product “Emperor's Secret” also contains a Chinese mushroom, thanks to which the patient develops arousal and desire, and lost sexual functions are restored.

Take the dietary supplement in the amount of 1-2 capsules per day. Typically, the course of taking the medicine lasts at least 30 days, after which it is recommended to take a short break. The drug is contraindicated for use in cases of cardiovascular pathologies and various allergic manifestations that occur after its use. The occurrence of adverse reactions is usually associated with an overdose of the dietary supplement, most often these are dyspeptic disorders - attacks of nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. The cost of the bioactive drug is 900-1000 rubles per package, which contains 8 capsules.

"MaxMan 4"

The active supplement contains extracts of ginseng and seahorse root, sow thistle herb and kidney tea. “Golden Horse” increases libido, stabilizes erections, and increases testosterone secretion. To treat impotence, it is taken daily in the amount of 1 capsule 2 times a day for 1 month. Healthy men also use 1-2 capsules of the drug to enhance erection 2 hours before sex. Price: 1400-1500 rubles.


This product has an active effect on the reproductive system and its glands. This leads to the secretion of huge amounts of male hormones, which increases the man's sexual desire. At the same time, blood flow accelerates in the groin area due to the action of the components of the biological product - young deer antlers and ginger root. Parity tones the body and increases the patient's stamina in bed.

This dietary supplement should not be taken with alcoholic beverages to increase potency. Its use is prohibited in case of development of hypersensitivity to the components, or with pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

"Thor's Hammer"

This dietary supplement has such a “powerful” name for a reason - the drug helps many patients get rid of problems in the intimate sphere forever. Thanks to the natural components of this dietary supplement, men’s sex life is normalized in a relatively short time.

Drops do not just stimulate arousal - they also improve the quality of erection and restore lost male strength. Increased production of androgens has a positive effect on the sensitivity of the penis, which makes the contact itself more pleasant for both partners. The product is sold in the form of special drops. Use “Hammer of Thor” 3-4 drops for 7-15 days, after which a break is taken for 2 weeks. The effect becomes more noticeable after 2-3 courses of treatment. The biological product costs on average about 900-1000 rubles.

"Gift of the Himalayas"

The product is a representative of Chinese dietary supplements. The composition of this bioactive supplement is truly unique. The components of the medicinal product are natural and natural, so allergic reactions practically do not occur after consuming it. Many men consider the drug “Gift of the Himalayas” to be the best for potency.

The dietary supplement increases the quantity and quality of semen, which is why patients suffering from infertility should pay attention to it. At the same time, sexual activity increases, the contact itself lengthens, and a strong sexual desire appears. You need to take 4-5 capsules per day. The course of treatment is continued for up to 5-6 months.


These are special pills to increase potency in men. The main active ingredient of this dietary supplement is yohimbine hydrochloride. This compound has a stimulating effect on the prostate gland. The product increases blood flow in the groin area, restores male strength even in older representatives of the stronger sex. The medicine helps to quickly get rid of erectile dysfunction.

Yohimbine is good at eliminating urinary disorders, such as urinary incontinence and weak urine pressure. The active components of the product increase the excitability of the penis and make the erection more stable. Experts recommend taking 2 tablets of the biological product 2 times a day for prophylactic purposes in cases of prostate diseases and the treatment of impotence.

Magic Staff

One of the most popular dietary supplements for increasing potency. Extracts of medicinal plants that are part of this dietary supplement help in improving the patient’s reproductive system.

This medicine acts quickly - a persistent erection appears after 15-25 minutes. The biological product, unlike synthetic medications, provides natural erection and desire. The result of its use is the normalization of a man’s intimate life. For this effect to appear, you need to undergo at least 2 courses of therapy, each of which lasts from 3 to 4 weeks.


Chinese dietary supplement, which includes a number of natural substances. This product contains not only plant but also animal components. The dietary supplement has a strengthening effect on a man’s penis and normalizes the balance of microflora.

At the same time, the patient’s sexuality and activity in bed significantly increases. The sensitivity of the penis during sex improves. The organ may even increase slightly in size during treatment. Positive reviews confirm that after using Tsuntsao, orgasm feels much clearer and brighter. The dietary supplement has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the urinary tract.

Good to know! If the patient wants to start procreation in the near future, then he should definitely try dietary supplements. These products are created from natural ingredients, and their effectiveness is reflected not only in improving the duration of sex, but also in increasing the quality and quantity of ejaculate.

Pros and cons of biologics

The use of pharmaceutical products negatively affects the health of the human body as a whole. Even the most modern medications cause a large number of allergic reactions and other side effects in patients. Many representatives of the stronger sex simply do not want to poison themselves with chemicals, and therefore they are increasingly choosing biologically active drugs to treat impotence. Potency supplements have the following advantages: naturalness, absence of adverse reactions, high efficiency, benefits for the whole body, accessibility.

Active means for improving male sexual function have three main disadvantages. The following negative aspects may raise some doubts when purchasing such a medicine:

  • All dietary supplements for male potency are considered insufficiently researched. Dietary supplements are not so much medicinal as commercial products. Their effect on the human body has not been studied as thoroughly as the effect of traditional medications (Levitra, Viagra, Cialis).
  • Many nutritional supplements generally show good results, but in some cases they are ineffective. The biological product should be selected individually, since the same medicine does not always help different patients. Some men have difficulty selecting a suitable supplement for potency due to intolerance to some components of bioactive products (hence the negative reviews). Be sure to read the instructions before using them.
  • In some situations, there is no result after using dietary supplements for unexplained reasons. There are patients who believe that all dietary supplements are placebo drugs - they have no effect on the body and work only due to self-hypnosis. According to doctors, dietary supplements may be ineffective if taken incorrectly. Therefore, taking these medications should be combined with a general treatment regimen for impotence prescribed by a specialist.

As a result of long-term clinical studies, scientists were able to prove the safety of food additives, as well as their high productivity. Patients experiencing problems in bed often resort to using these medications, either independently or on the advice of a doctor. Supplements are not always of sufficient quality and reliability - this fact has been confirmed by many doctors.

In the 36.6 catalog, men will find many useful vitamins and biologically active food supplements that will help maintain health and appearance. The site has many seasonal promotions and offers at competitive prices. You can use the filter to search by active ingredient and manufacturer.

In our network of pharmacies you can order drugs with delivery to the nearest pharmacy in Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region. It all depends on which of the 1,200 pharmacies would be convenient for you to visit. There are many vitamins available that are based on natural ingredients, minerals and natural ingredients.

How can you order dietary supplements for men?

  1. Select the items you would like to purchase and then select the location where you would like to deliver them;
  2. You need to stop by the selected pharmacy when your order is ready to receive and pay for the purchased goods.

This is a convenient and fast way to purchase medicines.

Home delivery of medications is prohibited by law.

Indications for use

Our resource presents a wide catalog of dietary supplements for male potency - they are prescribed to men depending on age and needs. Before purchasing medications, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Many of them are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Why do you need to take dietary supplements?

  • For weight loss;
  • For potency;
  • For conception;
  • To increase testosterone levels.

The effect becomes noticeable after several months of use. While taking vitamins, you cannot cancel or stop traditional treatment.


  • if you are allergic to the active ingredient;
  • if after taking the medications you feel unwell or unwell.

If painful conditions occur, it is necessary to visit a doctor and adjust the treatment. There may be incompatibility with other drugs that a person takes simultaneously with dietary supplements.

Release forms

The main difference between the release forms is the amount of active substance. For example, there are more of them in tablets, and less in capsules.

Our website presents several forms of dietary supplements for men (to increase testosterone, for potency, and more):

  • Pills;
  • Capsules;
  • Powder.

Often, your doctor will determine the best form of supplement to take, but if there are alternatives, you can choose for yourself based on personal preference.

Manufacturing countries

The country of origin is the place where the dietary supplement formula was registered. In terms of effectiveness or composition, they do not differ much. Some manufacturers are more difficult to find in pharmacies, others are not recommended by a doctor.

What dietary supplements are on our website?

  • Russian;
  • American;
  • Canadian;
  • English and others.



  1. [i] ICD 10, Sexual dysfunction not due to organic disorders or diseases - 2018. - Access at:

According to statistics, problems with potency affect 140 million people worldwide. More than half of all men with impotence have physical ailments such as diabetes and circulatory problems. In other men, impotence is of a psychogenic nature. We studied the most popular means for improving potency according to search engines, taking into account that when choosing the best remedy for potency in men There should be more positive reviews than negative ones. And as a result, we compiled the top 15 most effective drugs for potency.

Advice! If the problem is not permanent, do not rush into drug treatment, try first, and if they do not help, use any of the remedies presented below.

The best drugs for male potency

Our rating of male potency products with a description of the effect includes the five most popular drugs for stimulating erection. All participants in the sexual hit parade have restrictions on use and many side effects. This means that they can only be taken with the permission of a doctor.

In fifth place among the best drugs for male potency (medicine rating) is Vizarsin, the active ingredient of which is sildenafil (PDE-5 inhibitor).

Unlike its “colleague,” Impaza is a homeopathic drug that contains a mixture of homeopathic dilutions (C12, C30, C200) of affinity purified antibodies to endothelial NO synthetase. To achieve a noticeable result, you will have to take Impaza longer than Vizarsin, at least three weeks. But it is safer in terms of side effects.

Sildenafil, as well as the similar Cialis, Viagra and Levitra, is a drug belonging to the group of phosphodiesterase type 5 enzyme inhibitors (PDE5 inhibitors). During sexual stimulation, the blood vessels inside the penis increase the concentration of nitric oxide, which promotes blood flow into the penis. In turn, nitric oxide stimulates the production of another compound called cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate), which is necessary to further increase blood flow into the corpus cavernosum of the penis and maintain the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the penis necessary for an erection. PDE-5 inactivates cGMP and converts it to 5-guanosine monophosphate. And inhibitors prevent this transformation, thereby improving and prolonging erection. The effect of Sildenafil lasts four to six hours.

The active ingredient is vardenafil. The effect of the drug will last for 4-6 hours. But, unlike Viagra, Levitra is little affected by food or alcohol, so the tablet can be taken with food.

The active ingredient is tadalafil. Judging by numerous reviews, the effects of Cialis last much longer than those of Viagra or Levitra (up to 36 hours), so many men prefer this remedy. The downside is that side effects may also last longer than with other PDE5 inhibitors.

The best dietary supplements for male potency

There are many degrees of erectile dysfunction (ED). Some men are able to achieve an erection but are unable to maintain it, while others are unable to achieve one at all. Dietary supplements with herbal ingredients help those who experience mild ED. Before using them, you need to consult a urologist or sexologist.

The active ingredient is the roots of the forgotten pennyweed (another name is the red root). In the Far East, kopeck has been known for many centuries as a remedy for reducing fatigue. Taking it will increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

Contains components extracted from the Tribulus terrestris plant. It has long been used in China and India to enhance sexual desire in men and women. Bodybuilders sometimes use supplements with this plant after a cycle of anabolic steroids to restore testosterone levels.

Contains several botanicals including Geeria reticulata, Carissa edible, Securinega virosa root, Heteromorpha arborescens and Triumphetta welwitsch. After taking Vuka Vuka, blood circulation in the pelvis increases, sexual desire increases and the duration of sexual intercourse increases.

The active ingredients are extracts of ginseng and Eurycoma longifolia roots (aka Tongkat root) and royal jelly. The root contains compounds that (in animal studies) help stimulate sex drive, improve sperm quality, and even accelerate muscle growth.

To increase potency in men, the most effective dietary supplement, according to reviews, is Yohimbine, an active component found in yohimbe bark. Yohimbine lowers blood pressure, promotes vasodilation of the genital organs and increases reflex excitability in the lower spinal cord. In many cases, yohimbe helps make erections harder.

The most effective folk remedies for treating potency

This product (besides heated and filtered honey) is rich in vitamins B, E and zinc, which are essential for the prostate gland. After drinking honey, you can drink a glass of warm milk for better results.

Considered one of the best male sexual tonics. Both American and Asian ginseng support a healthy libido, help relieve erectile dysfunction caused by overwork and stress, and normalize testosterone levels.

One of the most affordable and effective remedies, successfully replacing the best potency pills. To prepare this tea, you need to pour a tablespoon of raw material from finely chopped hop cones with a glass of boiling water and keep it on low heat for five minutes. Let the broth cool and drink half a glass three times a day.

Pistachios, peanuts, sesame seeds, walnuts, Brazil nuts and other types of nuts have a positive effect on libido. Nuts contain zinc and iron necessary for the male body. Walnuts also contain arginine, which helps increase the concentration of nitric oxide in the body. And Brazil nuts are high in selenium, which is essential for prostate health.

The best remedy for potency is known as “passion herb”. Ginger was mentioned in the Kama Sutra, and its creators, apparently, knew a lot about pleasure. Taking this herbal remedy helps increase blood flow to the genitals, and ginger also has the same properties as Ginkgo Biloba and green tea, that is, it dilates blood vessels

Ginger suppresses the buildup of cortisol, which can cause erectile dysfunction or erectile dysfunction, helps maintain healthy blood pressure, and acts as an immune system tonic.

Physical exercises to increase potency

The owner used a similar technique not only to treat impotence, but also to enlarge the penis.

The male body, like the female body, reacts sharply to any medications. Agree, each of us is stuffed with all this pharmaceutical chemistry and we don’t even want to!

Taking another dose of potions, injections and medications is a rather risky undertaking. This is where the benefits of dietary supplements for improving potency come into play.

Firstly, the basis of any dietary supplements to enhance potency are natural substances. As a rule, these are herbs, plants or waste products of animals and insects that are responsible for improving the functions of the genitourinary system, increasing libido and the quality of sexual life.

You can read information about exactly what raw materials were used to produce a particular dietary supplement directly on the packaging.

Secondly, numerous studies have shown that regular use of biologically active drugs for potency can improve the intimate life of even a completely healthy man.

Third, Dietary supplements have fewer side effects and contraindications for use. And this is exactly what many medications “sin” about.

Fourth, dietary supplements for improving potency have a positive effect not only on male strength, but also on general vitality and the functioning of many internal organs. The fact is that most dietary supplements contain a whole list of useful substances:

  • vitamin E – participates in the regulation of the male genital organs;
  • selenium - strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids – improve the quality of seminal fluid and reduce the risk of blood clots.

Fifthly, numerous reviews prove that many dietary supplements, especially those based on reindeer antlers or ginseng root, really help get rid of problems in the sexual sphere.

At sixth, the cost of dietary supplements is much lower than modern medications, which are most often prescribed for decreased potency.

Seventh, Dietary supplements can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription, without introducing anyone to such a delicate problem.

Disadvantages of dietary supplements

Unfortunately, even these drugs have quite tangible disadvantages, which we have no right to remain silent about:

  • Individual efficiency– what helped one man may be useless for another, because each body reacts to taking dietary supplements in its own way;
  • Concerning dietary supplements carried out not much research, as we would like. And all because they are more commercial than medicinal drugs. This means that the side effects of dietary supplements are not fully known;
  • dietary supplements may not give any result in the event that their use diverges from classical treatment methods prescribed by an andrologist.

How to take it correctly

First, carefully study the composition of the product offered to you and be sure to find reviews on the Internet from those who have already tried this product on themselves.

If you are completely satisfied with the information received and you decide to start taking dietary supplements to improve male strength, do it regularly and over a long period of time. Keep in mind that it simply doesn’t make sense to use dietary supplements for less than three to four months! And to achieve lasting results, make taking these products a habit. Don't worry, you won't be overdosed! The addictive effect is also not observed. In any case, medicine does not know about them! But, despite all this, you do not need to independently increase the daily dose prescribed in the instructions.

Before using any dietary supplement, it is better to consult a qualified physician!!!

TOP 10 most popular dietary supplements

There are many companies operating in Russia that distribute all kinds of dietary supplements. So that you have at least a rough idea about them, we have prepared a list of the most popular and most effective supplements that increase male potency.


Release form: tablets. The main component of this drug is a substance with a complex name - yohimbine hydrochloride. This is what is used to treat urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction.

Yohimbine is especially popular in pharmacies among men of retirement age, for whom decreased potency is the norm rather than a pathology.


  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

Side effects:

  • excited state;
  • tremor;
  • headache;
  • increased blood pressure.

"Super Yohimbe-plus"

This dietary supplement is available in tablets. It contains many beneficial substances of plant origin: eleutherococcus root, yohimbe bark, damiana leaves, licorice root extract, saw palmetto fruit, muira puama bark, natural astringents.

This product is simply indispensable for the functioning of the male body! “Super Yohimbe-plus” increases male sexual activity, activates blood flow to the pelvic organs, controls erection, and helps in stimulating potency. In addition, this dietary supplement is recommended not only for increasing potency, but also for general strengthening of the body.


  • nervous disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • prostate dysfunction.

"Golden Horse"

Release form: capsules. The composition of the drug is based on sow thistle leaves, cat's whiskers, seahorse, ginseng root and silkworm leaves.

The drug "Golden Horse" is known as a light tonic and good general strengthening agent.


  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • nervous disorders.

Side effects of Golden Horse tablets: strong diuretic effect.

"Red Root"

Release form: tincture or tablets. A dietary supplement that increases male potency, helps in the treatment of prostate adenoma, prostatitis and many other diseases of the male genitourinary system.

“Red Root” also helps improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, improves regular urination and stimulates the restoration of a man’s sexual activity. Beware of Chinese counterfeits of potency supplements.

Contraindications for “Red Root” tablets: individual intolerance to the components of the drug.


Release form: tablets. Most often, this biologically active composition is used for erectile dysfunction (including impotence), for the treatment of vegetative-vascular disorders, which are accompanied by weak potency and erectile dysfunction.

Contraindications for the drug "Impaza": individual intolerance to the components of the drug.


Release form: capsules. This dietary supplement of American origin appeared on Russian markets relatively recently, but has already gained recognition among the country’s male population.

"Orgazex" helps fight erectile dysfunction and several times enhances a man's sexual sensations during and before sexual intercourse.

This drug is fast acting. Judge for yourself, the first results in the form of a stable erection are visible within 60-90 minutes, and they persist for two days after taking the supplement in food.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the drug.

"Tentex for"

This drug helps to cope with male menopause and physical overload, lack of sexual desire and insufficient genital response.

"Tentex for" is one of the best dietary supplements for the treatment of sexual dysfunction that is not caused by diseases or organic disorders. The drug not only increases libido, but also has an androgenic and general tonic effect.


  • arterial hypertension;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • heart failure.

Side effects:

  • increased blood pressure - in this case, the dose is reduced or the drug is completely discontinued;
  • allergic reactions - the drug is discontinued and special therapy is carried out.


This biological supplement for potency contains natural aphrodisiacs and vitamins, which have the best effect on the sexual activity of men.

“Stimin” has an exciting effect, reduces fatigue after sexual intercourse, gives the body new strength for love affairs and enhances testosterone synthesis.


This biologically active drug is created on the basis of traditional recipes of Tibetan medicine, which has gained incredible popularity all over the world.

The beneficial substances of dietary supplements eliminate wet dreams, enhance male potency, give sensations a special sharpness and increase libido not only in women, but also in men.


Release form: capsules. Dietary supplement "Saima" is produced by the Chinese company Jin Yuan Than. This herbal preparation has no toxic effect and is absolutely safe even when taken simultaneously with alcoholic beverages or medications.

This is what the list of the best and most effective biologically active drugs for improving male potency looks like.

When it is strictly forbidden to accept

Do not forget that if an erection has disappeared due to circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs or serious internal diseases, none of the above dietary supplements will help you!

First you need to conduct a medical examination and carry out appropriate therapy. Consult your doctor, he may allow you to take dietary supplements as an aid.


If you decide to try the magical power of dietary supplements on yourself, get ready to shell out a considerable amount of money for them.

The average price of one package starts from 1500-2000 rubles. This amount depends entirely on the brand of the drug.

Well, we can only hope that this information will help you in solving problems related to sexuality. Be healthy!

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