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Sweet varieties of carrots for long-term storage. Varieties of carrots for long-term storage for the winter

For several thousand years, carrots have been used in the preparation of various dishes. Early carrots are immediately used for food, they are eaten fresh, used for preparing baby and dietary dishes. Some varieties are prepared for the winter, because at this time of year the body needs useful and nutrients. Carrots have big amount vitamins, it contains beta-carotene.

Winter carrots have a set of qualities necessary for long-term storage

Today you can find many good vegetable varieties and hybrids. Domestic producers produce seeds of varieties that are in no way inferior to foreign ones, and the amount of carotene in grown fruits is much higher.

Where to store supplies

Carrots, like other crops, are demanding on growing and storage conditions. The latter does not require much expense, but there is not always a suitable place in the house for this. It is better if the carrots are stored in a cellar or basement with a temperature of zero to two degrees and a humidity of about 98%. Do not overfreeze fruits and allow mold to form.

To keep carrots from drying out, they need high humidity.

How to choose the right varieties

For long-term storage, ripe and healthy root vegetables without damage are better suited. It is important to correctly combine climate, soil type and natural rhythms for each variety. It is necessary to avoid mistakes when planting seeds, watering the plantings and caring for them. Then you will be able to get high-quality ripe fruits. It is worth choosing seeds in accordance with the area where you plan to grow carrots.

The growing season and the duration of storage of carrots are directly related to each other. Early ripening varieties of this vegetable are not suitable for long-term storage in the basement. Therefore, in order to stock up on fruits, you need to choose other varieties of carrots for winter storage.

Nowadays there are many varieties of carrots; you need to choose the right winter ones.

Mid-season varieties

The growing season takes 80-115 days. Examples:

  • The Flakke variety tolerates storage well and does not lose its taste. The cone-shaped fruits are quite long. These carrots are used raw and for processing.
  • The Nantes 4 variety is quite common. The cylindrical fruits have an orange-red color and excellent taste.
  • Losinoostrovskaya 13 has been known for a very long time and is a favorite among summer residents. These carrots contain a lot of carotene and are perfectly stored. It is suitable for cooking for children.
  • Samson has bright orange fruits of an even cylindrical shape; its seeds give a good harvest. Carrots are consumed both raw and processed.
  • Seeds of the Incomparable variety give big harvest. Carrots are quite rich in carotene. The cone-shaped roots are orange in color.
  • The red giant is distinguished by elongated fruits with tender and sweet pulp. Carrots retain their properties perfectly and are stored until the end of March.
  • Volzhskaya 30 has an excellent taste. The variety is resistant to bacteria and is valued for its generous yield.
  • NIIOH 33 – high productive variety, having delicate bright orange pulp with a sweet taste. Used raw and for processing.
  • Long red without a core has high quality and is used for winter storage and fresh consumption.
  • Viking has a high content of beta-carotene. The fruits are good appearance and tasty pulp. The variety has good keeping quality and is stored until March.
  • The Altair variety has orange roots with blunt ends and excellent taste. Carrots can be stored for up to 7 months.
  • Fort seeds produce high and stable yields in many areas of our country. The variety has large cylindrical fruits. Carrots have an excellent taste.
  • Karotinka is a well-known type of variety without a core. Root vegetables have an even shape and high taste. These juicy, uniform carrots do not have a pronounced core.

Karotinka carrots have high taste qualities

Late ripening varieties

The vegetative period is 110-130 days. Examples:

  • The Queen of Autumn is distinguished by its bright orange color. This high-yielding variety is perfectly stored and tolerates frosts down to 4 degrees below zero. The fruits are juicy and sweet. Carrots are often canned and used in making juices.
  • The Flaccoro variety boasts beautiful root crops with delicate flesh, as well as disease resistance. It is suitable for processing and fresh consumption.
  • Special carrots are a mid-late variety with orange-scarlet conical-shaped fruits. Withstands storage very well.
  • Cascade F1 has short roots and pointed ends. The variety is quite disease resistant and has juicy soft orange fruits. Does not cause problems during storage and is suitable for preparing various children's dishes.
  • Vita Longa has long, tasty fruits that do not crack during cultivation. Carrots are rich in carotene and sugar. Vita Longa is optimal for preparing carrot juice.
  • The fruits of the Rote Risen variety are orange in color and conical in shape. It is consumed raw and processed.
  • Carlena is a storage champion. The fruits are cylindrical in shape and have a smooth surface. They taste crispy and juicy. These carrots retain their properties until the beginning of May.
  • Cardinal contains a lot of sugar and carotene. Cone-shaped root vegetables can be stored until May.
  • Chantane is a fairly common variety. The cone-shaped short fruits have a decent thickness and dense pulp. These carrots keep well until spring.

Rote Risen - a popular late variety of carrots

Sometimes you have to deal with the fact that stored crops begin to mold and rot. The reason lies in improper storage. To prevent this from happening, you must follow some recommendations:

  • Select seeds the right variety, best suited for long-term storage and sowing in this region.
  • Sort through the harvested crops. Leave healthy and whole fruits as a reserve, and immediately eat the rest of the carrots.
  • After this, send the carrots for storage. The fruits must be dry and ripe. It's better to dry them first.
  • Observe the length of storage of fruits. This information is usually indicated on the packaging in which the seeds were sold.
  • As containers, you can use various boxes, baskets and containers with sand and holes for ventilation.
  • Maintain the same required temperature and humidity parameters in the room.
  • If carrots are stored in bags or bags, you must leave them open so that the vegetables do not disappear.

Each gardener chooses which variety to plant based on his preferences and experience. A variety of varieties and hybrids can suit everyone's tastes and needs.

But it is necessary to follow the rules for storing and sowing carrots. Then you can use the reserves of this healthy root vegetable full of vitamins for a long time and with pleasure.

Carrots rotting in the cellar are a problem that many gardeners face. There are many reasons for root crop spoilage, including infection in the cellar, dampness and heat air during storage. But in most cases, flabby carrots in winter period- this is the wrong choice of variety.

The best

Carrot harvest

Every spring, summer residents have a question about how to find among the abundance of beautiful bags with seeds. the best carrots for winter storage. Many people choose based on the photo on the packaging, but this is wrong. First, let's get acquainted with the easiest species. Then we will find out on what principle we need to choose a variety that retains its taste and presentation well in winter.


The group of mid-season fruits includes fruits with a growing season of 100 - 120 days. According to experts, these root vegetables are sweeter and juicier.

Mid-season carrots accumulate maximum nutrients by the time of harvesting.

Let's consider the well-known and popular among experienced gardeners:

  1. Nantes-4.
  2. Samson.
  3. Chance.
  4. Moscow.


Carrot Nantes-4

An old variety that gardeners in Siberia, the Urals, the Moscow region, and in general all regions without exception, have been growing since the middle of the last century. It takes 120 days to mature. Bundle ripeness occurs 50 days after germination. Carrots planted in May are ready for harvesting in September. If there is not enough time for cleaning, you can leave it in the ground until October. Nantskaya-4 in such a situation does not lose its presentation and taste. Average weight parameters - 150 g. Average length, within 20 cm. Important characteristics: yield from 6 kg per sq.m. and the deadline for storage is February.


Mid-season carrot Samson

Large carrots, which are stored in a cellar until May of next year. Experienced agronomists recommend Samson to beginning gardeners. It can be grown in any soil, in any climate. With timely sowing in early May, Samson will delight you with smooth, orange root crops with almost no core. The average length of the Samson root crop is 20 centimeters or more, weight up to 170 g. Ripens 110 days from the appearance of the first shoots.


Carrot variety Chance

Stored until March. Root vegetables weighing up to 130 g have a good taste, are juicy, and have a classic conical shape. If you follow the sowing pattern recommended by the manufacturer (20*4 cm), the yield per 1 sq. m − 5 kg. Chance carrots love the sun, loose soil with a high percentage of humus (sandy loam, light loamy soil).

Late, suitable for storage

Varieties of vegetables with a growing season of more than 120 days are classified as late. Ripened carrots can be stored until a new harvest. This group of plants suffers less from diseases, carrot flies, and is rarely shot.

Queen of Autumn

Late carrot variety Queen of Autumn

A wonderful variety from Altai breeders, deservedly named by the queen. Root crops grown in fertilized, loose soil usually exceed the characteristics stated by the manufacturer: weight 230, length 25, yield 9 kg/m².


Carrot variety Dolyanka

An interesting Polish representative, can be stored until spring. If the soil is infested with carrot fly larvae, this variety will good choice for next season. Resistant to fusarium and carrot fly. The fruits form long, weighing from 130 g.


Carrot variety Flakkoro

Deserves attention, productive (from 8 kg/m²), with large (200 g), long (28 cm) root crops containing a large percentage of carotene.

Varieties of sweet carrots

The best root vegetables for baby food- sweet. They are more beneficial because high percentage carotene. Among the late varieties that are sweet and can be stored for a long time, we can highlight:

  • Karotan;
  • Darling;
  • Emperor.


Sweet carrots Karotan

World famous carrots are rich in carotene. It is recommended to be used as a raw material for processing. Carotan is stored for a long time, its characteristics: deep orange color, cross-sectional diameter from 5 cm, length of root crops at least 25 cm.


Carrot variety Favorite

Sweet, perfect cylindrical shape. Ripe root vegetables have an average length (15 cm) and weight (160 g), and are stored well. When sown in autumn, Beloved gives an early harvest in years with rich rainfall and does not crack.


Already in June you can enjoy fresh fruits if you plant an early variety with a growing season of 80 to 90 days at the beginning of spring. You can choose a productive variety that will feed your family in the summer and will be well stored in the cellar.


Early carrots Tushon

These are cylindrical, thin root vegetables, with an average length of 15 cm and weight of 100 g. Productivity – 5 kg/m². For winter consumption it can be sown in mid-June. To obtain early root crops, autumn sowing is recommended (October, November).


Carrot variety Artek

Easy to care for early variety. Artek can be stored well in a cellar. Burgundy-orange root vegetables with an average weight of 150 g and a length of 15 cm do not rot, are juicy and tasty. The fruits are ready for summer consumption after 1.5 months.

Fun F1

Carrot variety Zabava F1

An early hybrid, ideal for summer bunch production. Can be grown for winter consumption. Root vegetables are bright orange, not large, from 50 g, have an average length.


For the manufacture of healthy juice Large carrots are also good in Korean dishes. Here are the varieties you need to pay attention to next season:

  • Canada F1;
  • Nandrin F1;
  • Russian size.

Canada F1

Large-fruited carrots Canada F1

An unpretentious mid-late hybrid that produces good yields on heavy soil. Fruit weight from 130 to 500 g, length 20 cm, cross-section up to 5 cm. The plant is characterized by sweet, juicy orange pulp.

Russian size

Carrot variety Russian size

The variety that is on the lungs fertile soils produces a harvest of root crops weighing up to 1 kg. The norm for carrots is large diameter (6 cm). The length is also not small - from 25 to 30 cm.

Nandrin F1

Carrot variety Nandrin F1

A popular hybrid among farmers from Dutch breeders. Short growing season up to 100 days. Carrots with a small core, cylindrical in shape, do not crack. The average weight of Nandrin F1 is 150 g. Root crops grow up to 20 cm in length.

How to choose carrots for storage

For those new to gardening, choosing carrots suitable for long-term storage is somewhat difficult. It’s easy to get lost in the huge selection and take the first bag of beautiful picture. This is not worth doing. Here is a list of characteristics that will help you choose a good variety for storage:

  • growing season from 115 days and above;
  • does not crack;
  • not susceptible to diseases;
  • suitable for growing in any climate, on any soil;
  • does not shoot.


Long-term storage is not only about choosing the right variety of carrots. This optimal time landings, proper care and choice the best way storage of root crops.

How to grow carrots in the country in infographics

You can see the basic principles of growing carrots in the country in our infographics.

Click to enlarge

Vegetable ability long time maintaining commercial qualities without being exposed to various diseases and without losing weight is characterized by the specific term “keeping quality”.

When choosing a variety suitable for storage, they are guided by the speed of ripening and the expected harvest date. The dependence of the shelf life index on the duration of the growing season is shown in the table:

Shortened root vegetables with a shortened ripening period (Paris carotel) spoil first. Late-ripening carrots with long conical fruits (Valeria, Forto, Vita Longa, Moscow winter) are stored better than other varieties. Weather anomalies can make amendments to this pattern. For example, with a long spring and early autumn, the growing season of carrots is reduced. During the short summer, late-ripening varieties do not have time to accumulate sufficient amounts of sugar and fiber, as a result of which the shelf life of root crops decreases. Early varieties are stored better under similar conditions.

It should be understood that choosing a mature variety does not guarantee crop protection. The safety of root crops depends on a combination of factors, each of which is of decisive importance. This includes the timely implementation of all agrotechnical measures taking into account the climatic characteristics of the area, pest control, and preparation of storage areas. Failure to comply with even one condition may ruin all efforts.

Late-ripening varieties for storage

Queen of Autumn is characterized by resistance to disease, so it can be stored for a long time

Late varieties are considered to be those that ripen 120–140 days after germination. These carrots are characterized by increased cold resistance, less vulnerability to disease, and therefore are stored until next summer. The taste does not suffer during storage, but beneficial features do not get lost. The best late-ripening varieties for planting for the winter:

  • Queen of Autumn. Perhaps the most durable variety created by Russian breeders. Each carrot weighs almost 200 g and grows to impressive sizes. The length of the root crops is 25–30 cm. Approximately 120 days pass from the first shoots to technical ripeness. The variety is suitable for fresh consumption and preservation. The carrots are juicy, crispy and tasty. Stays until June. Storage does not affect commercial quality.
  • Flaccoro. Dutch variety. Commercial maturity occurs 110–130 days after sowing. The carrot is bright orange, smooth, elongated, with tender flesh. The variety is productive - root crops grow up to 30 cm. The main advantage over other varieties is excellent keeping quality. Consumer properties are not lost until next summer.
  • Vita Longa. A new relatively productive variety. The growing season is long – almost 140 days. Recommended for winter storage due to its excellent shelf life. It can also be used fresh. The weight of root crops is from 200 to 300 g, length up to 30 cm.
  • Carlena. Productivity is high. Ripens 130 days after planting the seeds. Due to the high content of sugars in root vegetables, it is not recommended for patients diabetes mellitus. It is unpretentious and does not require special care when growing. If the required microclimate is observed, it will last until spring.

Keeping quality of mid-season varieties

Among the mid-season varieties, you can also choose several suitable for planting for the winter. Some of them are not inferior in keeping quality to the later ones:

  • Samson. One of the most unpretentious varieties to cultivate. The growing season is from 110 to 115 days. Has improved taste. The length of the root crop is up to 20 cm with an average weight of 160–200 g. There is no core. But the pulp accumulates a lot of carotene, vitamins and microelements. Grows in areas of any degree of fertility. Suitable for cultivation in regions with any climate, resistant to spring return colds. Able to be stored until the next harvest, like many late-ripening varieties.
  • Vitamin. The variety was bred specifically for long-term storage. It ripens 110 days after planting. The fruit grows up to 17 cm. It responds to care and sufficient watering with juiciness and excellent taste.
  • Shantane. Mid-season high-yielding variety of carrots. The growing season is from 90 to 110 days. Root vegetables of excellent taste, each length is 15–17 cm, weight up to 250 g. They tolerate transportation well, do not crack in the garden or during long-term storage.
  • NIIOH-336. Very tasty carrots. The root vegetable is red-orange, with a high content of carotene. By the time of ripening, it reaches a weight of 100-130g and grows up to 18 cm in length. It is cultivated everywhere, including in risky farming areas. The period from planting to harvesting is about 100 days. It has a high shelf life.

Early ripening varieties

Shantane is not afraid of heat, does not succumb to disease, and is resistant to bolting

It is believed that early carrots are not suitable for storage. But if desired, some of the early ripening varieties remain until mid-winter. True, the planting dates will have to be adjusted. Information about the growing season is contained on the seed packets. Considering that carrot harvesting is expected to take place at the beginning of October or the end of September, the preferred planting date is calculated. So, if the growing season of a particular variety is 90 days, it should be sown no earlier than the end of June. In three months, the carrots will have time to ripen and will be suitable for storage. Subject to the recommended temperature conditions and fixed humidity, early and medium carrots early date ripening is preserved without damage to commercial qualities for up to 4 months.

Tip #1. For summer planting of carrots, increased watering is necessary, otherwise the seeds will not germinate for a long time and the seedlings will dry out.

  • Alenka. Reaches ripeness 80–85 days after germination. Carrots are tasty, juicy, smooth, and have the shape of a blunt cylinder. The crop requires good soil preparation and needs constant watering. With proper care, root crops grow up to 15 cm and weigh up to 100 g.
  • Bangor. High-yielding hybrid, suitable for winter storage. It lasts for a long time, almost until spring. The root crop is large, cylindrical, contains a lot of sugars and carotene.
  • Lagoon. A hybrid of Dutch selection. The start of collecting early products is possible 2 months after germination. But for the purpose of storing it, they remove it no earlier than the 85th day. Main advantages: pleasant taste, productivity, uniformity and presentation of root crops.

The mid-early variety Alenka, when properly stored, lasts almost until spring.

Varieties and hybrids invulnerable to storage diseases

Great damage to gardeners during harvest storage is caused by bacterial, viral and fungal diseases. Black, white, dry, gray, bacterial rot are widespread almost everywhere. An effective method of prevention is the choice of varieties that are resistant to disease.

The names of such varieties are given in the table:

Tip #2. The safety of carrots depends on compliance with harvesting deadlines. Ripe root crops are less affected by diseases. The optimal period for harvesting carrots in the Non-Black Earth Region is from the end of September to the first ten days of October.

Mistakes gardeners make when storing carrots

Selected carrots store better

  1. Let's look at common mistakes made by gardeners and gardeners. Re-sorting root crops stored for the winter when white and gray rot is detected.
  2. You shouldn't do this. When trying to sort out the affected specimens, the infection spreads to the rest of the crop. It is necessary to remove diseased root crops with extreme caution, and then pollinate the area with fluff lime in order to localize the source of the disease. Drying the collected root crops in the sun or in a warm room.
  3. It is prohibited to heat the harvested crop. Carrots are dried in the shade. The storage area is also cooled before storing vegetables. The microclimate in the cellar is created constant, without temperature fluctuations and without sudden changes in humidity. The optimal temperature regime is about 2° C. Humidity is maintained within 95%. Bookmark for storage of the entire harvest without preliminary selection.

Blitz answers to pressing questions from gardeners

Rotten carrots are removed to prevent further infection.

Question No. 1: Why did the variety declared as suitable for winter storage not live up to expectations?

When growing, you need to take into account the structure of the soil. The sensitivity of varieties to soil fertility indicators varies. For example, Chantane does not ripen on heavy loams. The damage during storage of such a crop is twice as high as that of carrots of the same variety grown on loose, light soil.

Question #2: How long can carrots be stored?

The shelf life of even the most shelf-stable varieties depends on the chosen storage method:

  • up to 1 year – in a “shirt” made of chalk or liquid clay;
  • more than six months - in boxes with sawdust, sand, onion peels;
  • up to 5 months – in plastic containers (plastic bags or plastic bags);
  • ≈2–3 months – on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Large and dense root crops will last longer than small specimens.

Carrots, like other vegetables, need to be harvested on time. Root crops damaged by frost lose resistance to disease. Best time for digging up root crops - dry sunny weather, when average temperature no longer rises above 10° C, but does not yet fall below 0° C. When harvesting, the tops are immediately cut off. Vegetables are sorted and only undamaged and healthy specimens are selected for storage.

Question No. 4: When left in winter, carrots lose moisture, become coarser, and their taste deteriorates. Can root vegetables retain their original properties until spring?

To ensure that carrots remain juicy and crispy during storage, special varieties are chosen. Boltex, Losinoostrovskaya, and Red Giant are characterized by a pleasant taste and at the same time good keeping quality.

To determine which carrot variety is the best, you need to understand one thing. It lies in answering the question: “Why will it be planted?” If in order to be used in summer salads, then it is better to choose early carrot seeds. Then the root vegetables will grow quickly enough and will delight you with their juiciness and taste. If you want to enjoy the harvest until spring, then late-harvesting varieties of carrots are suitable. They differ in that good root crops grow just in time for harvesting and are stored for a long time in suitable conditions.

Carrot varieties for winter storage

In order for it to last for a long time, several conditions must be met:

  • do not take a long break between harvesting and storing it;
  • create a microclimate with a temperature of about 2 ºС and a humidity of 98%;
  • choose healthy root vegetables without damage.

The best variety of carrots for long-term storage will be those that have late ripening periods. Then you can easily achieve compliance with the first condition.

Among the late hybrids, we can distinguish those that can be described as the best varieties of carrots for storage:

Golden autumn, Queen of Autumn, Monastic, Cascade, Narbonne, Flaccoro, Red Giant, Chantane, Valeria, Moscow Winter, Incomparable, Flacque. Each of them deserves to be in every summer resident’s garden.

To eat delicious carrots longer, the varieties for storage are as follows:

Vitamin, the same Queen of Autumn and Cascade, Cardinal and Samson, Grossa, Moscow Winter, Losinoostrovskaya.

Early ripening varieties of carrots

These root crops produce a harvest within 1.5-2 months after germination. Therefore, already in the middle of summer you can make salads from the fresh harvest. This is very good, because at this time there are still few other vegetables and fruits. In order to achieve this, choose the earliest carrot variety from the following:

Nantes number 4 or 14, Miniko or Touchon, Artek or Rex, Mother-in-law F1 or Zabava F1, Lydia.

The first ones on this list are distinguished by their neat shape with a rounded tip. The size of the root crops is not large. They are the most popular carrot varieties also because they have a long shelf life. Its harvest may last until spring. And this despite his early maturation.

Sweet varieties of carrots

If there are little sweet tooths in the family who love to crunch carrots, then it is better to choose sweeter varieties. To determine which varieties of carrots are best to plant in this case, you can use the following list:

Minikor (its fruits are fragrant and juicy), already mentioned Vitaminnaya and Losinoostrovskaya, Children's Joy, Beauty Maiden, Beloved or Nastena. Also find out: ★ The best varieties carrots for open ground.

The largest varieties of carrots

These root vegetables grow up to 20 cm in length and the weight of each of them can be about 200 g. All of them are suitable for long-term storage. So, the varieties of large carrots are:

Canada F1 (distinguished by its small core), Nantes 4 (already appeared several times in other lists), Amsterdam (very valuable because it gives a stable harvest and is not prone to cracking of roots), Nandrin F1 - unpretentious to the composition of the soil, Gourmand.

Purple carrots

Carrot seeds for the Moscow region do not require special treatment before sowing. It is enough to simply check them for germination.

When choosing the best variety of carrots for the Moscow region, there is no particular difficulty. Almost any variety of this root vegetable is suitable here. It does not require special skills from the gardener. In addition, it is unpretentious to growing conditions. She is not afraid of slight frosts. For those who decide to plant carrots, the best varieties for the Moscow region will be:

Nantes (early carrots), Vitaminnaya and Losinoostrovskaya varieties will delight you with sweetness, Moscow Winter and Shantanay 2461 will last until spring, Volzhskaya, Rote Riesen, Geranda and Cardinal.

The best carrot varieties for Siberia practically no different from those recommended for other regions. The only exception that can be included in carrot seeds for Siberia is the Altai shortened hybrid.

The Nantskaya 4 variety is zoned in all regions of Russia, i.e. suitable for any climate

Special types of these root vegetables

The first thing worth mentioning is the varieties of carrots without cores. In such hybrids there is increased the nutritional value, because it is she who tends to accumulate nitrates. And the juiciest and most delicious part is around the core.

Next up will be the yellow carrot varieties. It is not very nutritious or contains vitamins. However, in some regions it is very popular. The greatest benefit comes from those root vegetables that have a uniform color from the core to the edges. Of particular interest are purple and other types of carrots.

To the delight of the little family members, mini carrots were bred, the seeds of which belong to the varieties: Granddaughter or Sophie. They can grow even in small containers. And they grow within two months.

So, each gardener decides for himself which carrots are best to plant. Fortunately, there are quite a lot of varieties. In addition, the same hybrids have such properties that they will satisfy the tastes and needs of all gourmets. This healthy root vegetable will diversify your diet and give you all the accumulated vitamins.

Nantskaya 4 is a variety of Russian selection for cultivation in open ground. Belongs to the group of varieties with an average ripening period. From germination to physiological ripeness, root crops require from 80 to 100 days. Despite the yield being far from record, the variety is in demand among gardeners. (see → How to increase carrot yield in the Moscow region and on average in Russia). It owes its popularity to its excellent commercial qualities and excellent taste. In addition, Nantes 4 is notable for the fact that during storage it is resistant to mold and various types of rot. Carrots remain juicy and firm all winter. Nantes 4 is unpretentious to external weather conditions. Cultivated in all regions of Russia. Vegetables of this variety are used for processing, home canning, and winter storage, but they are also good fresh.

You should think about storing carrots at the seed selection stage. Among the large selection, there are medium and late ripening varieties suitable for winter storage. They are less likely to be exposed to disease and do not lose their taste until spring.

Principles for selecting varieties for winter storage

It is important to choose the right carrot varieties for storage. The duration of storage depends on the timing of planting and ripening.

  1. For winter storage, choose long-term varieties that can retain their appearance, weight, taste and beneficial properties for a long time. Mid-ripening and late-ripening carrots have these characteristics.
  2. Do not use seeds collected from the garden for several years in a row. Carrots grown from these seeds deteriorate in varietal qualities and resistance to disease deteriorates during storage.
  3. In climate zones with short summers, choose mid-season varieties. Late-ripening root vegetables do not have time to accumulate the required amount of fiber and sugar. Therefore, their shelf life is significantly reduced.
  4. Short, blunt-pointed varieties are suitable for clayey, heavy soils. On sandy loams and peat bogs with a neutral pH, it is possible to grow any carrots of medium and late ripening.

Carrot varieties for winter storage

Late varieties

They ripen 4 months after seed germination. The vegetable reaches a size of 250 g, is not susceptible to fungi and is preserved without loss of taste.

Mid-season varieties

The time from germination to biological maturity is up to 115 days. They contain a large dose of vitamins and carotene.

Sweet carrots

It contains a large number of mono- and disaccharides, as well as beta-carotene and B vitamins. The most beautiful and tasty orange-red specimens ripen in mid-season varieties. They are used for the production of children's juices and purees, for canning and freezing.

Selection of carrot varieties for different regions of the country

Different climate zones have different weather conditions throughout the year. Therefore, for each region you need to select the right carrot varieties for long-term storage.

For central Russia

Photo: Variety Queen of Autumn

With a temperate continental climate, any varieties are suitable for storage:

  • "Vitamin"
  • "Losinoostrovskaya",
  • "Cardinal"
  • "Chantaney"
  • "Queen of Autumn"
  • Boltex.

For Siberia

Characterized by a harsh climate, short summers and early frosts. Late varieties of carrots do not reach biological ripeness in such weather. Therefore, mid-season carrots are grown:

  • "Nantes"
  • "Chantaney"
  • "Losinoostrovskaya".

For the Urals

Photo: Vitamin variety

The Urals are in the southern part with a milder climate. It is possible to grow most varieties here:

  • "Vitamin"
  • "Nantes"
  • "Red Giant"
  • "Queen of Autumn"
  • "Totem F1"
  • "Emperor".

In the center and north of the Urals there are difficult climatic conditions, with cool summers. It is recommended to choose cold-resistant, mid-late varieties:

  • "Red Giant"
  • "Vitamin"
  • "Forto."

The largest carrot

Reaches a size of 300–350 g. It is suitable for winter storage, is resistant to fungi, and does not lose its taste. Varieties -

  • "Nantes"
  • "Canada F1"
  • "Gourmand"
  • "Nandrin F1".

Rules for storing carrots

Photo: Carrot storage options

  1. Disinfect the cellar and storage to remove fungal spores and pest larvae.
  2. Dry carrots in the shade or in a ventilated area. Remove tops from carrots right up to the growing point.
  3. Carrots damaged by frost are not suitable for storage. She will quickly lose her resistance to disease.
  4. Plant whole root crops for the winter, without cracks or scratches. Large, firm carrots can be stored longer without losing their flavor properties.
  5. Root vegetables should not touch each other during storage. Do not go through the entire box if rotten carrots are found. Simply remove the damaged copy. When stirred, fungal spores spread to neighboring vegetables.
  6. The most common storage method is in wooden box with sawdust or sand:
    • air temperature - from 0 to +4 °C;
    • humidity - 80–85%.

Storage in the apartment:

  • wrap the carrots in paper and keep them in cardboard box or a wooden box in a cool pantry;
  • In the refrigerator, washed carrots are stored in a plastic bag or plastic container.

Possible storage errors:

  1. Harvesting and storing crops after the onset of frost. Frozen vegetables will begin to rot during storage.
  2. Drying the harvested crop in the sun. Root crops begin to turn green when exposed to sunlight.
  3. Partial removal of tops from root crops. The greens begin to grow actively, the carrots wither and lose their taste characteristics.
  4. Storage at sub-zero temperatures means the vegetables will freeze and begin to rot. As the temperature rises, the carrots will wither as the tops begin to sprout.

Carrots rotting in the cellar are a problem that many gardeners face. There are many reasons for root vegetable spoilage, including infection in the cellar, dampness and high air temperature during storage. But in most cases, flabby carrots in winter are the wrong choice of variety.

Every spring, summer residents have a question about how to find the best carrots to store for the winter among the abundance of beautiful bags of seeds. Many people choose based on the photo on the packaging, but this is wrong. First, let's get acquainted with the easiest species. Then we will find out on what principle we need to choose a variety that retains its taste and presentation well in winter.


The group of mid-season fruits includes fruits with a growing season of 100 - 120 days. According to experts, these root vegetables are sweeter and juicier.

Mid-season carrots accumulate maximum nutrients by the time of harvesting.

Let's consider the well-known and popular among experienced gardeners:

  1. Nantes-4.
  2. Samson.
  3. Chance.
  4. Moscow.


An old variety that gardeners in Siberia, the Urals, the Moscow region, and in general all regions without exception, have been growing since the middle of the last century. It takes 120 days to mature. Bundle ripeness occurs 50 days after germination. Carrots planted in May are ready for harvesting in September. If there is not enough time for cleaning, you can leave it in the ground until October. Nantskaya-4 in such a situation does not lose its presentation and taste. Average weight parameters - 150 g. Average length, within 20 cm. Important characteristics: yield from 6 kg per sq.m. and the deadline for storage is February.


Large carrots, which are stored in a cellar until May of next year. Experienced agronomists recommend Samson to beginning gardeners. It can be grown in any soil, in any climate. With timely sowing in early May, Samson will delight you with smooth, orange root crops with almost no core. The average length of the Samson root crop is 20 centimeters or more, weight up to 170 g. Ripens 110 days from the appearance of the first shoots.


Stored until March. Root vegetables weighing up to 130 g have a good taste, are juicy, and have a classic conical shape. If you follow the sowing pattern recommended by the manufacturer (20*4 cm), the yield per 1 sq. m − 5 kg. Chance carrots love the sun, loose soil with a high percentage of humus (sandy loam, light loamy soil).

Late, suitable for storage

Varieties of vegetables with a growing season of more than 120 days are classified as late. Ripened carrots can be stored until a new harvest. This group of plants suffers less from diseases, carrot flies, and is rarely shot.

Queen of Autumn

A wonderful variety from Altai breeders, deservedly named by the queen. Root crops grown in fertilized, loose soil usually exceed the characteristics stated by the manufacturer: weight 230, length 25, yield 9 kg/m².


An interesting Polish representative, can be stored until spring. If the soil is infested with carrot fly larvae, this variety will be a good choice for next season. Resistant to fusarium and carrot fly. The fruits form long, weighing from 130 g.


Deserves attention, productive (from 8 kg/m²), with large (200 g), long (28 cm) root crops containing a large percentage of carotene.

Varieties of sweet carrots

The best root vegetables for baby food are sweet ones. They bring more benefits due to the high percentage of carotene. Among the late varieties that are sweet and can be stored for a long time, we can highlight:

  • Karotan;
  • Darling;
  • Emperor.


World famous carrots are rich in carotene. It is recommended to be used as a raw material for processing. Carotan is stored for a long time, its characteristics: deep orange color, cross-sectional diameter from 5 cm, length of root crops at least 25 cm.


Sweet, perfect cylindrical shape. Ripe root vegetables have an average length (15 cm) and weight (160 g), and are stored well. When sown in autumn, Beloved gives an early harvest in years with rich rainfall and does not crack.


Already in June you can enjoy fresh fruits if you plant an early variety with a growing season of 80 to 90 days at the beginning of spring. You can choose a productive variety that will feed your family in the summer and will be well stored in the cellar.


These are cylindrical, thin root vegetables, with an average length of 15 cm and weight of 100 g. Productivity – 5 kg/m². For winter consumption it can be sown in mid-June. To obtain early root crops, autumn sowing is recommended (October, November).


Easy to care for early variety. Artek can be stored well in a cellar. Burgundy-orange root vegetables with an average weight of 150 g and a length of 15 cm do not rot, are juicy and tasty. The fruits are ready for summer consumption after 1.5 months.

Fun F1

An early hybrid, ideal for summer bunch production. Can be grown for winter consumption. Root vegetables are bright orange, not large, from 50 g, have an average length.


Large carrots are good for making healthy juice and Korean dishes. Here are the varieties you need to pay attention to next season:

  • Canada F1;
  • Nandrin F1;
  • Russian size.

Canada F1

An unpretentious mid-late hybrid that produces good yields on heavy soil. Fruit weight from 130 to 500 g, length 20 cm, cross-section up to 5 cm. The plant is characterized by sweet, juicy orange pulp.

Russian size

A variety that produces root crops weighing up to 1 kg on light, fertile soils. The norm for carrots is large diameter (6 cm). The length is also not small - from 25 to 30 cm.

Nandrin F1

A popular hybrid among farmers from Dutch breeders. Short growing season up to 100 days. Carrots with a small core, cylindrical in shape, do not crack. The average weight of Nandrin F1 is 150 g. Root crops grow up to 20 cm in length.

How to choose carrots for storage

For those new to gardening, choosing carrots suitable for long-term storage is somewhat difficult. It’s easy to get lost in the huge selection and take the first bag with a beautiful picture. This is not worth doing. Here is a list of characteristics that will help you choose a good variety for storage:

  • growing season from 115 days and above;
  • does not crack;
  • not susceptible to diseases;
  • suitable for growing in any climate, on any soil;
  • does not shoot.


Long-term storage is not only about choosing the right variety of carrots. This is the optimal planting time, proper care and choosing the optimal method for storing root crops.

Carrots occupy one of the main positions in the ranking of healthy vegetable crops. There are a great many varieties of carrots - they differ in ripening time, winter hardiness, taste and some other characteristics.

Carrot varieties by ripening time

Carrot varieties

Sowing is carried out in early spring(starting from April). You can enjoy the first early carrots already at the end of May - beginning of June (from the moment of germination to full ripening, 60 to 80 days should pass). It has a pleasant taste, but does not have a long shelf life (quality lasts no longer than two weeks). In addition to the root vegetable, which is rich in vitamins, you can also eat young tops. Popular early varieties of carrots: Bangor, News, Orange Muscat, Nantes-4, Lyubimaya, Shantane 2461, Amsterdam, Nantes-14, Lenochka, Fairy, Parisian Carotel.

The ripening period for medium carrot varieties is 80-115 days. This category includes the varieties Boltex, Geranda, Leander, Rogneda, Forto.

Popular varieties late carrots: Golden Autumn, Emperor, Berlicum Royal, Scarla, Narbonne, Alenka, Dolyanka, Morevna, Canada, Cascade. The harvest can be stored all winter.

Carrots for winter: varieties

In mid-to-late October, when no warming is expected, winter carrots can be sown. The most famous varieties: Nantes 4 and Shantane-2461. Good harvests gives Vitamin 6.

The variety Losinoostrovskaya 13 deserves excellent recommendations. The color of the root crops is standard, the core is weakly expressed. Carrot length is about 15 cm, average weight is 70-120 g, shape is cylindrical. The harvest can be stored.

Climate middle zone Russia has such characteristics as moderately humid summers and snow-rich winters. Optimal varieties of carrots for the Moscow region and central Russia: Moscow winter, Callisto, Vitaminnaya 6, Shantane 2461, Losinoostrovskaya 13, Incomparable, Queen of Autumn, Nantes 4, Touchon, Amsterdam, Altai shortened.

In cold regions, conditions are more severe: strong winds, winter frosts and cool springs limit the range of plant varieties. The best carrot varieties for Siberia and the Urals: Alenka, Amsterdam, Belgien White, Zabava F1, Tushon, Viking, Vitamin 6, Canada F1, Leander.

The best varieties of carrots

Of all the variety of carrot varieties, it is difficult to single out one that can be called universal and the best. Factors such as long-term storage ability, yield, disease resistance, and taste are important.

Carrot variety Shantane Royal

Shantane Royal is a mid-season variety representing the Shantane variety. The root crop is medium in length and conical in shape with a rounded tip. The average weight of carrots of this variety is from 110 g to 180 g. The taste of Chantane carrots is sweet and very pleasant.

Carrots: varieties suitable for storage

Root crops that are not early varieties can be stored for winter storage. The following varieties and hybrids are recognized as the best: Flakoro, Askania, Samson, Nigel, Forto, Basel, Cascade.

The Moscow Winter variety can withstand long-term storage very well. Root vegetables are orange in color and have a blunt conical shape. Their average weight is 100-170 g. They reach a length of 15-16 cm. In terms of ripening, this variety is considered mid-season. Root vegetables have a very pleasant taste. From each square meter of area you can harvest about 5 kg of carrots.

Sweet varieties of carrots

Sweet varieties of carrots are especially recommended for children and people working at the computer - such root vegetables contain a lot of not only sugars, but also carotene. The sweetest varieties are considered to be Imperator, Nastena, Children's Sweetness, Children's Joy, and Krasa Devitsa.

Excellent taste characteristics are inherent in the Karotan carrot variety. Root vegetables reach 25 cm in length. They are quite large (average weight - 150-220 g), sweet and juicy. The variety has a universal purpose (any processing methods are available, winter storage is possible). The ripening period is late, the color of the root crops is orange.

Varieties of large carrots

Large carrots are considered to be those whose weight is at least 200-350 g and whose length reaches 20-30 cm. This category includes the varieties Losinoostrovskaya, Amsterdam, Nandrin F1, Russian size, Nantes 4, Canada F1, Lakomka.

The Samson variety has an average ripening period, the seeds are characterized by high germination. The cylindrical root vegetables are not only large, but also very sweet. The pulp is colored deep orange. The core is weakly expressed. The length of carrots of this variety reaches 16-20 cm, and the weight is 200 g.

Colored carrots: varieties

In addition to the usual orange carrots, you can also grow colored root vegetables in your garden. White color is inherent in the Belgien White variety, red in the Delikatesnaya, Joba and Pharaoh varieties, yellow in the Yellow Stone variety, and purple in the Rainbow Mix and Violet Haze F1 varieties.

Purple carrots with an orange core - the Dragon variety - look original. In terms of ripening time, such carrots are early. The length of the root vegetables reaches 20–25 cm. Their taste is spicy, very sweet, and the aroma is specific (it disappears after cooking).

Varieties of carrots without core

There are not so many varieties of carrots without a core (more precisely, there are none at all - there are varieties with a weakly expressed, almost invisible core). The following varieties can be named: Praline without core, Longe Rote (long red without core), Karotinka.

Long red – carrot variety late date maturation. The cylindrical root vegetable is 22-24 cm long and is colored red-orange. The taste of carrots of this variety is very pleasant. The variety is suitable for winter storage and produces stable yields.

Carrots for juice: varieties

Juicy carrot varieties are ideal for making healthy juice. The greatest interest is generated by such varieties as Queen of Autumn, Callisto F1, Forto, Losinoostrovskaya, Tushon, Manikor, Dunyasha, Charovnitsa.

Favorite - this carrot variety has become famous due to its juicy and sweet pulp. The ripening period of root crops is mid-early, but if you plant the seeds in the second half of June, the harvest can be stored in the winter. Carrots are medium in size, the shape of the root vegetable is cylindrical, the root tip is flat, and the color is orange. The weight of the root crop can reach 170 g.

Carrots are a popular vegetable crop all over the world. It is not only tasty, but also immensely useful. The variety of varieties allows you to choose the most suitable option for any region.

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Carrots, unlike other varieties of root vegetables, are difficult to preserve. winter time. Preliminary preparation for storage begins even before sowing and is the choice of a specific breeding category of crop. The article pays attention to the varieties of carrots most suitable for long-term preservation.

The ability for a long period not to be attacked by pests and diseases, and to retain commercial and taste qualities is called “keeping quality of fruits and vegetables.”

The key principles that should be followed when selecting a preserved variety of carrots should be:

  • rate of maturation;
  • expected harvest date.

Did you know?The birthplace of the first types of carrots is considered to be Afghanistan, where the vegetable grew in the wild and was distinguished by its rich purple color. color scheme. Carrots are in modern form(bright orange) began to be grown in the Netherlands.

Mid-season varieties (for example, “Nantes”, “Chantone”) ripen in 3-4 months, give middle length fruits and can be stored for about 4 months. For varieties of late ripeness (for example, “Forto”, “Berlicum”) the duration of the growing season ranges on average from 110–140 days from the appearance of the first shoots.

The latter are characterized by large and long (preferably conical) root crops, and are also famous for the highest level of shelf life compared to the previous ones: 6-7 months. Early varieties of carrots, for example, “Parizhskaya Karotel”, on the contrary, ripen in 2-3 months from the moment of germination, produce short fruits, but must be consumed immediately, since they quickly deteriorate.

Weather conditions also play an important role in the shelf life of carrots, for example, if spring is long and autumn is early, the growing season for carrot crops is significantly reduced. If the summer is short, late-ripening vegetables accumulate insufficient levels of fiber and glucose: for this reason, the ability to preserve fruits for a long time decreases. As for the same natural deviations and adaptability of early varieties of carrot crops, the situation is exactly the opposite.

Important! In order for carrots to develop well for further winter planting, a sufficient amount of natural precipitation is necessary, and in its absence, additional artificial watering.

Choosing a carrot variety suitable for long-term storage does not guarantee a high-quality harvest: the safety of vegetables depends on many conditions. This includes timely agrotechnical measures, the restructuring of crop cultivation technology depending on the climate, the effectiveness of pest control, preventive measures to prevent the development of diseases, and the preparation of storage areas.

Let's look at specific varieties of carrots suitable for winter storage, classified according to ripening time, as well as sweetness level and size.


As practice shows, early varieties of carrots are not preserved very well, but there are some representatives that can last until the arrival of the first two winter months. However, to achieve the goal, it is necessary to change the landing dates.

Information about the ripening period can be found on the packages of seeds of certain varieties. Taking into account that the carrot harvest is expected to take place at the end of September - beginning of October, and the growing season of early ripe varieties is approximately 3 months, it is recommended to sow seeds no earlier than the end of June.

Did you know? Any part of the carrot fruit is not only edible, but also useful: soups are prepared from carrot tops, tea is brewed, and even used to clean tooth enamel and prevent the development of dental diseases.

Thus, in 90 days the fruits will be able to ripen and will be suitable for winter storage. If you follow a certain temperature regime and humidity level, varieties of early and mid-early ripeness will retain their commercial properties for 4 months.

The most common ones for achieving this goal are:


The varieties of medium ripeness most suitable for winter storage are:


Late-ripening carrot varieties are considered to mature in 4 to 4.5 months. They are distinguished by high cold resistance, a lower degree of sensitivity to diseases, and therefore can be preserved until the onset of the next summer period.

Important!The winter storage period of carrots, as well as their taste, depend on how timely the harvest is harvested: if you dig up vegetables in advance, they will not have time to ripen, which will spoil the taste, and, conversely, leaving carrots in the soil will attract pests.

The taste of late ripe fruits does not change for the worse during storage, and useful qualities don't disappear.

The best late-ripening carrot varieties for successful planting for the winter:


Important! A variety of late-ripening carrots such as Karlena is also suitable for long-term storage in winter conditions, however, due to high level The glucose content in fruits is not recommended for people with diabetes.

Let's consider some of the varietal categories for winter laying:

The sweetest

The sweetness of carrots is the quality for which children love the vegetable.

Sweet varieties suitable for storage in winter:

Features and methods of long-term storage of carrots in winter

For the purpose of winter storage of carrots for long-term storage, gardeners use a cellar or basement, and if this is not available, a refrigerator, loggia or balcony.

Did you know? In the Californian city of Holtville (USA) a carrot festival is held every year. Not long ago, cities in France (Creans), Latvia (Riga) and Russia (Dmitrov) joined this tradition.

Plays an important role in the process proper preparation harvest for subsequent storage, as well as a place for this purpose, namely:

  • lack of watering before directly removing root crops from the ground;
  • harvesting according to the varietal characteristics of the species, as well as approximately according to the color of the tops (when it begins to turn yellow);
  • mandatory cutting of the tops first and then the head of the fruit;
  • drying vegetables under sunlight for several hours;
  • ensuring crop storage at a temperature of +10...+14°C for 7 days;
  • cleaning and disinfection of the premises for the subsequent winter storage of carrots from debris, rotten, dried other vegetables and fruits, while removing apples, due to which, due to the production of ethylene, the carrots spoil;
  • moving fruits for winter storage to conditions in which the temperature fluctuates between –2…+2°С with light ventilation and protection from groundwater ingress.

Common methods for winter storage of carrots are:

  • in wooden boxes;
  • in bags with onion peels;
  • in pine sawdust;
  • in sand;
  • in polyethylene bags.

The last method is one of the least long-term, but in the absence of the ability to use the others, it also has a right to exist. Although carrots are finicky to store in winter, if you choose them well suitable variety, as well as the creation necessary conditions, has every chance of lasting until next summer, while delighting summer gardeners with a pleasant taste and preserved commercial qualities.

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