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Pregnant "troubles". Pregnant "troubles" week of pregnancy: sudden upward swings, prolonged stay in a bent position, sleeping on your back

The 15th week of pregnancy is the fourth obstetric month. If you look at it week by week, 99-105 days have passed since conception. The 15th week of pregnancy is characterized by active growth and development of the fetus. The baby feels comfortable inside her mother’s tummy, and the interesting position becomes noticeable to others. Toxicosis is already behind us, and the stomach does not bother the expectant mother yet, so she enjoys her situation.

15th week of pregnancy: fetal development. What's happening to the baby

Inside the mother, the child makes many movements - he somersaults, clenches his fists, bends and straightens his limbs, rotates and swims. The weight of the child (fetus) at the 15th week of pregnancy is about 50-75 grams, and its height from crown to tailbone is about 14-16 centimeters. The size of the fetus at 15 weeks of gestation can be compared to an orange or a large apple. The diameter of the head is 28 mm, chest - 28 mm, abdomen - 27.5 mm.

As a rule, at the 15th week of pregnancy, a woman does not yet hear the baby’s movements, but this moment will come very soon, because the baby is becoming more active and growing very quickly. Thin women who are not pregnant for the first time begin to feel the baby’s movements earlier. But at 15 weeks of pregnancy such cases are quite rare. Also at this stage, the formation of the placenta is completed.

15th week of pregnancy. what does the baby look like

  1. At the 15th week of pregnancy, the baby’s skin remains thin and translucent, although it already consists of several layers. Blood vessels are visible through it. The child's bones and joints become stronger and muscle tissue develops. The baby's hair becomes more pronounced, including in the area of ​​eyelashes and eyebrows. Thin nails appear.
  2. The fetus becomes more like a small person at the 15th week of pregnancy, its legs lengthen relative to the size of its arms. At the same time, his body also stretches. The baby's ears are already formed, and the eyes have begun to be located closer to each other.
  3. At this stage, the functioning of the child’s cardiovascular system improves. The vascular network is visible through the skin, and the heart pumps approximately 28 liters of blood per day. Due to such intense work, the baby's skin is red, but sometimes turns pink. At the 15th week of pregnancy, pigments are produced that affect the future color of the baby's hair.
  4. The intestines activate their work, as the liver produces bile that enters the large intestine. The function of the fetal kidneys also improves, as a result of which it empties more often. bladder. Amniotic fluid is cleaned at least 10 times a day, so the baby is comfortable in it. By this time, the child’s taste buds have already been fully formed, so he can react to the food eaten by his mother.
  5. Another an important event in the development of a baby at the 15th week of pregnancy is the formation of the cerebral cortex, which is formed over the course of a month. At this stage, convolutions and grooves appear on the left and right cerebral hemispheres. The division of nerve cells, the growth of neuronal processes and the formation of the baby’s nervous system begin. In the future, she will control all processes in the child’s body.
  6. The formation of the endocrine glands of the fetus also begins, while the sweat and sebaceous glands are already functioning. This is due to the development of the baby’s endocrine system. Boys produce the male hormone testosterone.
  7. The first bile is produced by the gallbladder. In the future, thanks to her, the baby's first feces will be formed. Improved respiratory system fetus, the vocal cords are already fully formed. At 15 weeks of pregnancy, the baby actively swallows and spits out amniotic fluid. In this way, lung tissue is formed, which prepares the child for his first breath.

A child at 15 weeks of pregnancy is not yet able to open his eyes, but he can already distinguish light from darkness. The baby does not yet distinguish sounds, but feels vibrations and gets used to his mother’s voice, so you need to communicate with him more often, sing songs or read books.

15th week of pregnancy belly photo. Belly at 15 weeks of pregnancy

15th week of pregnancy - ultrasound and tests

During this period, routine ultrasound examination is not performed. It can be prescribed by a doctor if any questions arise. In this case, you can find out the location of the uterus and the premature date of birth. The thickness of the muscular layer of the uterus at the 15th week of pregnancy is 2.5 centimeters, the structure is homogeneous.

Also, the baby’s external genitalia have already formed, so the doctor can. The fetal heart beats about 150 beats per minute at 15 weeks of pregnancy.

At this time, a second test, called a triple test, may be prescribed. A biochemical blood test is taken to early identify the risk of fetal chromosomal abnormalities. At the same time, the level of hCG, the hormone estriol and AFP is determined. If they deviate from normal values, one can judge about any anomalies in the development of the fetus. If screening has identified a risk group, the doctor may prescribe a more accurate study - amniocentesis. It should be noted that the triple test is informative only up to the 20th week of pregnancy.

If necessary, at 15 weeks of pregnancy is given general analysis urine, which controls kidney function.

15th week of pregnancy: ultrasound photo

15th week of pregnancy. What's happening to mom? Feelings of the expectant mother

By this time, the pregnant woman’s well-being is improving, since, as a rule, toxicosis of the first trimester has already subsided. A good appetite appears and now you can fully satisfy your nutritional needs.

  • The belly is still small and can only protrude above the waistline of the trousers. During this period, a woman may notice pigmentation of the midline on her abdomen. This is due to the restructuring of a woman’s hormonal background and the release of melanin. This line does not cause any harm and disappears on its own after childbirth. The nipple halos become darker and the mammary glands increase in size.
  • Due to hormonal changes, a woman’s memory and attention suffer. She becomes distracted and inattentive. There is no need to worry about this condition, it is normal.
  • During this period, the belly begins to increase and the woman should take care of purchasing loose clothing that will not put pressure on the fetus. At the same time, not only the baby grows, but the uterus also increases.
  • The uterus moves into the abdominal cavity, so its pressure on the bladder decreases. Thanks to this, the number of urinations is reduced, but problems with stool may begin. To avoid constipation, you should review your diet. You should give preference to vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products, cereals and whole grain bread.
  • Also, a pregnant woman has an increased need for nutrients ah, and especially in calcium. This is most relevant for those who have begun to experience night cramps in their calves. Calcium deficiency also affects the condition of hair, teeth and nails. If you experience brittle nails or hair loss, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe a complex of vitamin preparations. You shouldn't choose it yourself.
  • You need to get everything you need not only from pharmaceutical drugs, but also from a varied diet. It is useful to get an additional dose of calcium by eating cottage cheese daily and drinking at least 2 liters of water.
  • In a woman’s body, the volume of circulating blood increases, so iron deficiency may occur. Anemia during pregnancy is expressed by weakness and dizziness. It also has a negative effect on the fetus - it begins to become oxygen starved.
  • Also, due to increased blood circulation, nosebleeds may occur or gum bleeding may increase. At night, a woman sometimes feels attacks of suffocation, which are also acceptable. You may also have to endure nasal congestion, the so-called rhinitis of pregnancy.

15th week of pregnancy. Why does my stomach hurt?

Many people feel pain in the abdominal area during this period. Most often it is associated with the growth of the uterus and the tension of its muscles. At the same time, the pain is mild and does not cause problems for the woman, just a little uncomfortable. Often pregnant women experience pain in the tailbone area. It is associated with uterine pressure, pinched nerve endings and displacement of internal organs.

If at this stage the pain is cramping in nature, radiates to the lower back, or is accompanied by discharge mixed with blood, then you should immediately go to the doctor to eliminate the threat of miscarriage. An increase in temperature, frequent urge to urinate and pain in the lumbar back may indicate the development of pyelonephritis.

Pain in the calf area also cannot be ignored. It is necessary to take calcium supplements, give your legs a rest often, wear comfortable shoes and use special compression garments. Massaging your feet and calves will also help get rid of cramps.

At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, the expectant mother usually feels great, because toxicosis has long receded, and relatively small size abdomen allows you to lead a normal life, with the exception of some restrictions.

Women pregnant with their first baby do not yet hear the movements of the fetus, but during the second and subsequent pregnancies, the expectant mother may well feel not yet entirely confident movements in her tummy.

Fetal growth and development

The length of the fetal body at week 16 ranges from 10.8 to 11.6 cm, and body weight ranges from 80 to 100 grams.

During this period, the following changes occur in fetal development:

  • nails form on the fingers;
  • the fetus has learned to hold its head straight;
  • the future baby actively gestures and periodically opens his mouth;
  • the fetal cardiovascular system is actively functioning: its heart passes through itself up to 25 liters of blood throughout the day;
  • the liver begins to perform digestive function;
  • The urinary system works intensely: the baby produces urine every 45 minutes;
  • The baby’s genitals are already quite developed, so in most cases an ultrasound can correctly determine the sex of the child;
  • The cellular composition of the blood is fully formed, the baby already has his own blood type and Rh factor.

Changes in a woman's body

The female body subordinates its vital functions to meeting the nutritional needs of the fetus. At week 16, the expectant mother may notice the following changes:

  • the total increase in a woman’s body weight from the moment of conception to the present day ranges from two to four to five kilograms. Such a large difference in weight gain is explained by the fact that in the first trimester some expectant mothers hardly recover due to severe toxicosis, and now they have just begun to catch up;
  • due to increased pressure on the intestines, a pregnant woman may be bothered by constipation, flatulence, heartburn and other digestive problems;
  • The hormonal background of the expectant mother is relatively stabilized, so her mood returns to normal.

Possible pathologies in fetal development and necessary tests

Since there is a possibility that not all disorders and pathologies in fetal development were detected during the first prenatal screening, at 16-20 weeks the woman is recommended to undergo a second prenatal screening, or “triple” test, as well as a number of other tests.

The second prenatal screening involves a blood test for ACE (alpha fetoprotein), hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and free estriol. If the examination results reveal any abnormalities, this may indicate a high risk of the fetus having chromosomal abnormalities or other developmental disorders. The most dangerous pathologies include Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, neural tube developmental defects, etc. In the case of an increased likelihood of these diseases, the expectant mother may be recommended to undergo late amniocentesis or chorionic villus biopsy as a more detailed diagnosis.

At 16 weeks, it is the right time to undergo an ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby and determine a number of fetal development parameters. During this period, it is quite simple to determine the gender of the fetus, but only if the baby turns the “right” side to the ultrasound sensor.
In addition, ultrasound can also identify characteristic signs of some chromosomal abnormalities, so this diagnostic method should not be abandoned.

Heartburn: how to help yourself?

Heartburn is a frequent accompaniment of pregnancy. With such a digestive problem different dates face from 50 to 75% of expectant mothers.
Heartburn, i.e. reflux of stomach contents back into the esophagus occurs during pregnancy due to the fact that the enlarging uterus begins to compress the internal organs, including the stomach. Since at 16 weeks the belly is already noticeably rounded, the digestive organs can shift and shrink, which leads to belching and heartburn.
In addition, while carrying a baby, significant hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. Under the influence of progesterone, the smooth muscles of internal organs become more relaxed, including the sphincter located between the esophagus and stomach.

How can you help yourself at the first signs of heartburn? Since during pregnancy, taking medicines is extremely undesirable, you will have to use other methods:

    You should eat little by little, in small portions. Remember: even a completely healthy and “non-pregnant” person can experience an unpleasant belching after eating too much. Therefore, avoiding overeating is the main method in the fight against heartburn;

  • Avoid squeezing the stomach area with tight clothing, belts and other accessories. However, a reasonable woman will, in any case, wear loose clothes during pregnancy, because the baby needs free space for full development;
  • exclude from the menu or significantly limit the consumption of such foods and dishes as coffee, sour and spicy foods, marinades, too fatty or fried foods;
  • avoid eating before bed;
  • after eating, stay upright for as long as possible, and not lie down;
  • include jelly in the diet as an enveloping agent;
  • After consulting with your doctor, include a small amount of ginger root or fennel oil in the menu.

Minor sleep problems can occur periodically in anyone. What can we say about pregnant women, because worries about the health of the unborn baby often cause insomnia, and an enlarged belly can cause physical discomfort not only during the day, but also at night.

Other causes of sleep disturbances during pregnancy include:

  • pain in the lumbar region, which occurs in many expectant mothers in the second and third trimesters;
  • fetal movements;
  • frequent urge to empty the bladder;
  • leg cramps;
  • itching of the skin in the abdominal area;
  • chronic stress and anxiety.

It is not only possible, but also necessary to combat insomnia, because lack of sleep, nightmares and other disturbances in the quality of sleep have a negative impact on the emotional and physical state of the mother, and, therefore, are not beneficial for the unborn baby.

In order to speed up the process of falling asleep and prevent night awakenings, it is recommended to take the following measures:

  • avoid displaying negative emotions during the day, do not take part in conflicts and quarrels;
  • give up daytime sleep or reduce its duration to 20-30 minutes;
  • maintain a sufficient level of physical activity: take regular walks, perform special exercises for pregnant women, after consulting with your doctor;
  • arrange a place to sleep as comfortably as possible: the bed should be clean and fresh, the air should be moderately cool;
  • at least an hour before bedtime, stop watching TV programs, news feeds from the Internet and other sources of information.

Everyone knows about the benefits of sports and physical education. But is it possible for expectant mothers to play sports, or maybe it’s better for them to focus only on doing relaxation exercises?
The intensity of physical activity during pregnancy largely depends on whether the woman was involved in sports before pregnancy. Professional athletes are not recommended to suddenly give up training: at first it is enough to slow down the pace of training and exclude exercises associated with strong abdominal tension, lifting weights, and jumping.
It is advisable for all other women to perform exercises only in special groups for pregnant women.

Depending on what type of physical activity the woman preferred before pregnancy, adjustments should be made to the training program:

  • It is better to replace jogging with walking at a fast pace. It is allowed to resume training in a gentle mode only in the second trimester and only with the consent of the doctor;
  • Alpine skiing can be replaced by skiing on flat terrain at a moderate pace;
  • volleyball and other ball games should be excluded from the training program;
  • Cycling is permitted only at a slow pace and after consultation with a doctor;
  • Equestrian sports should be categorically abandoned during pregnancy;
  • tennis is allowed until 4-5 months of pregnancy, but only if the load level is reduced;
  • swimming is allowed (and in some cases recommended) during pregnancy, but it is better to swim in a pool with clean water, and not in a questionable body of water. Diving and jumping into water should be avoided.

Thus, although the 16th week is a relatively favorable period for physical activity, any exercise should be discussed with your doctor monitoring your pregnancy.

Fruit (development, size)

The most important event of the 15th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the formation of the cerebral cortex. This process will last throughout the 4th month. Already this week, the fetal cerebral hemispheres will begin to become covered with convolutions and grooves, and nerve cells will actively divide. The central nervous system takes the reins of control of the entire body into its own hands.

The baby's endocrine system is also activated. At week 15, the endocrine glands are already functioning, the sweat and sebaceous glands are activated, and the male hormone testosterone begins to be produced in the boy’s body. By this time, the baby’s taste buds have already fully formed: now he will react to the food you eat.

The main organs valiantly do their job: the heart diligently pumps blood (it “drives” about 28 liters per day!), the gallbladder secretes the first bile (it is this that will form the baby’s original feces), the kidneys come into place and remove urine (the baby urinates directly into the amniotic fluid, which is constantly renewed), the respiratory system is improved.

At the 15th week of pregnancy, the fetus intensively trains its lungs and muscles. He makes breathing movements, during which he swallows and spits out amniotic fluid. This promotes the maturation of lung tissue and prepares the baby for the first breath, which he will take only after birth. At the same time, the glottis will open, although the baby’s vocal cords are already formed.

The muscle and joint tissue of the fetus is also involved in the training process. He actively moves, makes rotational, swimming, acrobatic movements and somersaults, bends and straightens his limbs, clenches his fists. The bone tissue is becoming harder and harder, the skin is still very thin and transparent (blood vessels are visible through it), but already consists of several layers, the hairline is becoming more and more expressive (eyelashes and eyebrows are visible, the hair is thickening). Now the baby is not as ugly as before: his ears are fully formed, like an adult’s, his legs are becoming longer than his arms, as they should be, his body is stretching out more and more - the fetus is becoming like an ordinary child.
He already weighs an average of 70 g, and his coccygeal-parietal size is 10 cm or more, but this does not prevent the baby from feeling absolutely free in his mother’s tummy.

Belly at 15 weeks of pregnancy

Meanwhile, the belly is growing. Not only the fetus, but also the uterus increases in size, and pregnancy is already noticeable to others. However, this does not apply to 100% of cases. For some women, the tummy is just now starting to grow, although by this time the waist has probably already disappeared.

At 15 weeks of pregnancy, a dark stripe may appear on the abdomen, running from the navel downwards. Don't let it bother you - this is a temporary phenomenon that will disappear soon after pregnancy.


Many women have a stomach ache at 15 weeks of pregnancy, but it can be a different kind of pain, triggered by different factors. The most “normal” cause of such pain is the continuous growth of the uterus and the tension of the muscles that hold it. In this case, the pain is unobtrusive, mild and does not cause other troubles. If abdominal pain at the 15th week of pregnancy has a pulling, cramping nature, is accompanied by bloody discharge or radiates to the lumbar region, then the threat of miscarriage cannot be ruled out - it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor with such pain.

Pain in the lower back or back may be a sign of pyelonephritis if it is accompanied by frequent painful urination and/or elevated temperature bodies.

Pain in the tailbone may already appear. She pesters many pregnant women for the most various reasons, in particular due to uterine pressure, organ displacement and pinched nerves. Try not to sit for long periods of time, especially on soft surfaces. To relieve pain, try getting on all fours. Ask your doctor when you can start wearing a brace - it may relieve or prevent tailbone and lower back pain at 15 weeks of pregnancy. If after pregnancy the pain in the tailbone does not disappear, you will need to go to a specialist.

It is common to have a headache during the 15th week of pregnancy. Do not rush to resort to medications, first try other methods: a warm shower, a walk in the fresh air, a cup of sweet tea, a light snack, a little rest. If all else fails, you can save yourself with Paracetamol, but it is better to do without it.


The second trimester is called the calmest and most fertile period of the entire pregnancy, but this does not mean that new sensations will not appear at the 15th week of pregnancy. Don't be alarmed if you get a stuffy nose or nosebleeds. For pregnant women, this is a normal phenomenon that you just have to endure.

Due to the increased production of melanin, the nipples may darken even more, and pigment spots may appear or intensify. After pregnancy, everything will disappear, but what should not be ignored are cramps in the calf muscles, peeling of nails and a sharp deterioration in the condition of the teeth. Everything indicates that there is very little calcium in your body, which is now so necessary for the baby. So he draws out all possible reserves for the structure of his body.

Many expectant mothers note particularly absent-mindedness and inattention during this period. However, try to solve as many cases and issues as possible in this trimester so that you can rest peacefully in the next one. If you have no contraindications, then continue to lead an active lifestyle.


You should not deny yourself sex life. Sex is not contraindicated if there are no threats to pregnancy. On the contrary, positive feelings and emotions are extremely useful for both mother and baby, and, as you know, the joy hormone endorphin is produced during sex. In addition, having sex is a good workout for muscle tissue, including the muscles of the uterus.

But some accuracy and caution now still won’t hurt: it’s better not to practice positions with deep penetration and rough hard sex during pregnancy.


Take a break in intimate life if you notice in yourself bloody issues of any nature and intensity. But if you start bleeding, you need to go to the hospital and find out the reason for its occurrence. Bleeding at the 15th week of pregnancy is not always caused by detachment or threatened miscarriage. There may be other reasons for this: mechanical damage to the cervix, erosion, injuries in the abdominal area, burst vessels.

However, bleeding at this stage is less common than in the first trimester.

Discharge at 15 weeks of pregnancy

Brown, cream or pink spotting may result in bleeding, so do not ignore it.

If the discharge at the 15th week of pregnancy becomes abundant, liquid and transparent, then this is the result of an increase in the level of estrogen in the blood - do not worry.

You should contact your gynecologist and take a smear to determine infections if you observe the following discharge:

  • unusual consistency: curdled, bubbling, pieces, heterogeneous;
  • with a strong unpleasant odor (most often fishy);
  • yellow, green or purulent discharge;
  • which leave dirty gray marks on the laundry;
  • which are accompanied by other symptoms: painful urination, itching, burning, swelling or irritation in the genital area, fever, and so on.


By the 15th week of pregnancy, the body should already get used to the new condition, and in most cases, the normal increase in temperature in the first trimester also disappears. But it happens that even now there is a low-grade fever, especially in the evenings. If nothing bothers you, then there is no reason to worry.

It's another matter when the temperature rises to high levels. If it stays at 38 degrees for more than two days or if it rises further, then it is necessary to take an antipyretic, doctors say, since too high a temperature observed for several days in a row can be dangerous for the fetus. During pregnancy, you can take Paracetamol and medications containing it.

A pathological increase in temperature at the 15th week of pregnancy can be associated with various infectious diseases (influenza, measles, rubella, chickenpox, and others), including urinary tract infections (cystitis, pyelonephritis).


Most often, the temperature rises during pregnancy due to influenza and colds. In this case, the effect of the virus itself on the woman’s body may be more dangerous. Although a strong increase in temperature in the second trimester can cause damage to the placenta and even intrauterine infection of the fetus.

If you have a cold at 15 weeks of pregnancy, you should consult a doctor to prescribe safe treatment. You are now advised to drink plenty of fortified drinks, light food and bed rest (or at least rest and avoid any stress). A sore throat can be gargled with a decoction of chamomile or sage (do not swallow!), as well as a solution of salt and soda. The cough can be calmed with inhalations and rubbing (but only if there is no fever). Treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy mainly involves rinsing; you can lubricate the nasal passages with tea tree oil, just be aware of the likelihood of an allergic reaction.
It's good that the most dangerous period in this sense, it is already behind us; at the 15th week of pregnancy, the placenta is capable of retaining many viruses.

Alcohol at 15 weeks of pregnancy

But the placenta does not retain alcohol - it easily reaches the fetus. And it doesn’t have a positive effect on him. Therefore, drinking alcohol during pregnancy, including at 15 weeks, should be completely avoided.

By the way, experts in the field of medicine and nutrition say that the irresistible desire for certain foods and drinks is explained by a lack of specific substances in the body. And often they have nothing to do with the products that are so desired, including by a pregnant woman. So, if there is a strong desire to drink wine or beer during pregnancy, then most likely the body is not receiving enough protein. Increase the amount of meat you consume (preferably boiled lean meat); nuts are the richest source of vegetable protein.


In general, during pregnancy it is necessary to consume proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in sufficient quantities. All these substances are needed for the full growth and development of the baby, so diversify your diet as much as possible during the 15th week of pregnancy with useful healthy foods. Include porridge, vegetables, fruits, meat, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, kefir in your daily menu.

Vegetable fats are very useful. They are rich in vitamin E, which strengthens the walls of the placenta. Therefore, it would be good to buy several different vegetable oils and add them to already ready meals. Nuts and seeds also contain a lot of this vitamin.

It is important to correctly distribute the proportions of substances consumed: proteins should occupy the dominant place. Please note that most meat and fish on the modern market are pumped with antibiotics, so it is recommended to cook or bake dishes made from them for as long as possible. Experts say that a pregnant woman’s diet should include 200 g of meat daily, which will be replaced with fish twice a week.


Most likely, an ultrasound at 15 weeks of pregnancy will not be your first. But now you will see a lot of new things, especially if you manage to undergo a 3D ultrasound. Firstly, the child’s external genitalia are already visible, so if the fetus is positioned well, it can be determined whether it is a boy or a girl. Secondly, you will see how your baby has grown and improved during this time. He is already making swallowing movements, sucking his thumb, moving his limbs, bending and unbending them, clenching his fists, in general, he is behaving very actively.

At the 15th week of pregnancy, the baby’s heart beats 140-160 times per minute and pumps about 28 liters of blood per day.


The ultrasound specialist will certainly assess the condition of the uterus during an ultrasound scan at 15 weeks of pregnancy. Normally, the muscular layer of the uterus (myometrium) should be uniform in structure and have a thickness of about 2.5 cm.

The uterus at week 15 is easily palpable through the abdominal wall. Try to “find” it approximately half the distance between the pubis and the navel or 7-10 cm below the navel.

Screening at 15 weeks of pregnancy

Obviously, you already know what screening is, because at 15-17 weeks the second screening or second trimester screening is carried out. This is a study that includes ultrasound and biochemical tests. The purpose of screening is to identify a risk group of women who may give birth to children with chromosomal abnormalities (Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome or neural tube defect). That is, screening can only assess the risk share, and not diagnose the deviation.

Biochemical screening for the second trimester is a so-called triple test, which includes tests for total hCG, α-fetoprotein (AFP) and free (unconjugated) estriol. This analysis is more accurate and informative than the double test of the first trimester. Therefore, some gynecologists prefer to perform only it, bypassing the first screening.

The cut-off value for the screening study is 1:350. That is, such a risk is assessed as high and is a reason for prescribing additional tests. But you can refuse all further procedures. None of them can reliably say whether a given fetus will develop pathology or not. Tests can be bad for a number of reasons that are completely unrelated to a non-existent pathology. But the risk, of course, always exists, even in women with good analyzes. In general, screening in our country is still considered uninformative.

Tests (hCG, progesterone)

In fact, the main analysis of the 15th week of pregnancy is screening (triple test). It is better to take it starting from this week (but no later than week 20), because it is during this period that the second screening is most informative.

HCG levels begin to decline in the second trimester. Increased or decreased indicators may be a sign of any disorders, diseases, or simply indicate an error in setting the gestational age. in any case, hCG is assessed only in combination with other second screening markers.

Progesterone at the 15th week of pregnancy, as a rule, is not determined, since this individual indicator is not very informative.

If you are concerned about abnormal discharge at 15 weeks of pregnancy, you should also take a vaginal smear for analysis.

In general, if you don't miss routine gynecological examinations, then you don't have much to worry about. As necessary, the doctor will prescribe the necessary examinations for you to keep the course of your pregnancy under control. This will be a general analysis of urine and blood, blood for TORCH infections, if indicated - for hormones, and so on.

The 15th obstetric week of pregnancy is accompanied by various changes in the body. A woman may notice a deterioration in the condition of the skin, hair and nails, as well as crumbling teeth. This is due to the fact that all energy costs and nutrients from the mother’s body go to the development of the fetus.

What happens during the 15th week of pregnancy?

A child in the second trimester of pregnancy needs a large amount of nutrients, vitamins and microelements, especially calcium and proteins.

With a lack of these substances in the body of the expectant mother, not only external changes may appear (deterioration of the skin condition, increased fragility of hair and nail plates), but also other pathological processes. For example, the main symptom of calcium deficiency is calf muscle cramps.


Feelings in the abdomen change at 15 weeks of pregnancy. At the fifteenth week, the uterus increases in size even more. It still has a rounded spherical shape, but will soon begin to stretch into the abdominal cavity. The height of the fundus of the uterus is 14-15 cm. A woman can feel it herself by placing her palm on the lower abdomen about 4-5 fingers below the navel.

The uterus no longer puts pressure on the surrounding pelvic organs. That is why in the second trimester the frequency of urination returns to normal. But at the same time, the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and problems with digestion and intestinal function remain. To prevent constipation, it is important to properly plan your diet.

The volume of blood in a pregnant woman's body increases by 20%, which puts additional stress on the heart muscle. This is what can cause a slight tachycardia. If a woman has any heart pathologies or failure, regular monitoring and observation by a cardiologist is necessary throughout pregnancy.

The 15th week is characterized by an increase in blood volume and insufficient production of red blood cells, which often causes an iron deficiency condition - anemia. Its main symptoms are weakness, frequent dizziness, the appearance of spots before the eyes, depression and poor health.

There is no need to worry about periodic sensations of suffocation at night. The probable causes are nosebleeds - due to an increase in blood volume in the mother's body. However, in case of serious forms of these conditions, it is necessary to consult a specialist.


The 15th week of pregnancy is characterized by the following main signs:

  • increase in volume and sensitivity of the breast;
  • nosebleeds;
  • low blood pressure;
  • bleeding gums;
  • headache;
  • heartburn, increased gas formation in the intestines, indigestion;
  • increased salivation;
  • the hips and abdomen increase in volume at the fifteenth week;
  • Pigmentation appears on the skin - freckles and moles become more noticeable, the white line on the stomach darkens.

At this stage, a colorless liquid, colostrum, may already begin to be released from the breast. This is a normal physiological phenomenon associated with hormonal changes. It is also influenced by the individual characteristics of the woman, so some expectant mothers do not release colostrum until childbirth.

Mom's feelings

As a result of hormonal changes in the body, a woman can become absent-minded and forgetful. During this period, some expectant mothers experience an unprecedented surge of strength and energy. But at the same time, it is important for a pregnant woman to observe a work and rest schedule and try not to overwork.

New sensations in the abdomen during the 15th week are associated with the growth of the uterus and stretching of ligaments and muscles, which can lead to unpleasant painful sensations. They should not be sharp and cramping, or cause discomfort to the woman. For any changes, you should consult a gynecologist.

The fetus is still very small during this obstetric week, but the woman can feel its movements. They do not look like tremors, but feel like “fish movements” or “bursting bubbles.” But only a very sensitive or multiparous woman can feel them. Usually, the expectant mother feels the first tremors of the baby only at 18-20 weeks.


In the second trimester of pregnancy, the discharge may be clear, light or slightly yellowish. But if other signs appear, you should visit a gynecologist:

  • unpleasant pungent odor;
  • heterogeneous consistency, presence of bubbles, flakes, pieces;
  • the appearance of smudge marks on underwear;
  • bright yellow or green color discharge, admixture of pus;
  • manifestation of burning, stinging, pain and other discomfort.


An ultrasound examination at the fifteenth week is carried out only at the request of the woman or if there are indications, for example, to determine a frozen pregnancy or confirm placental abruption.

What happens to the baby at 15 weeks of pregnancy?

The size of the fruit at this stage is 94-103 mm, and its weight is about 50-70 g. In size, it is similar to an orange. The fetus has a proportional body and head, and its skin is a thin transparent layer through which blood vessels and capillaries are visible.

The fetus at the 15th week of pregnancy is completely covered with a special fluff that protects the waxy lubricant. The fluff covers the eyebrows and the surface of the skull in greater quantities. Hair follicles have already formed in the scalp, which begin to produce an enzyme that determines the baby’s hair color.

What else happens at 15 weeks with the baby? He becomes very active, he can tumble in the uterine cavity, which is still very spacious, clench his fists, stroke his face and umbilical cord. All joints are already formed, so he can easily bend his arms and legs. Half the time he is asleep, and the other half he is awake.

What happens to the baby at 15 weeks of pregnancy:

  • the process of ossification of the skeleton is activated, therefore the consumption of calcium from the female body increases;
  • the child’s eardrums form in the ears, so he can hear all the surrounding sounds well - the beating of the mother’s heart, the movement of blood through the vessels and the seething in the intestines;
  • the baby’s eyes are still closed, but they react to bright light if the sun’s rays are directed at the stomach;
  • The gallbladder begins to produce bile, which subsequently enters the intestines, which is why after birth the baby’s original feces - meconium - have a rich swamp-green hue.

A child at the 15th week of pregnancy actively swallows amniotic fluid, after which he empties his bladder. To maintain optimal chemical composition and sterility in the amniotic sac, amniotic fluid is regularly renewed. This process can take place up to 8-10 times a day.


The main physiological problem for a woman in the second trimester of pregnancy is constipation. To soften them, you should not use laxatives, as they can lead to irritation and hardening of the uterus, as well as other consequences. The most serious of them is placental abruption. During this period it is better to eat more products, rich in fiber, and natural delicate laxatives (prunes).

The 15th obstetric week of pregnancy is usually accompanied by normalization of temperature, but with the penetration of viruses or infection it may increase. This condition is very dangerous for a child, therefore, at a temperature above 38°C, you should immediately take an antipyretic - Paracetamol or.

To prevent possible problems you should refuse to visit public places, limit contact with strangers. If a sore throat occurs, you can gargle it with chamomile infusions, and if you have a cough, do rubbing and inhalation. You should refrain from using any medications.


A pregnant woman needs to spend more time in the air, take more walks and do low-intensity exercises, and also follow other doctor’s recommendations:

In the second trimester, it is advisable to visit the dentist to identify problems with your teeth, since a lack of calcium can lead to their crumbling, loss and the appearance of carious cavities. If there are any problems, treatment should be carried out in the second trimester.

Nutrition should be proper and balanced, high in protein and calcium. The best products in this period are cottage cheese, milk, cheese, chicken and turkey meat, fish and seafood. You need to eat small portions 6-8 times a day, avoiding overeating.

To prevent the main physiological problem at this time - constipation, you should eat sprouted grains, whole grain bread and cereals. To make up for the lack of calcium, it is recommended to eat cottage cheese for breakfast, and also drink up to two liters of water per day, turn it on during the cold season drinking regime fruit drinks made from berries - this will also be an excellent prevention of colds.

During pregnancy it is not advisable to take any medications and medications, including even vasoconstrictor nasal drops;

If the belly begins to grow, a woman should buy special clothes for pregnant women - trousers or jeans with an elastic insert in the abdomen. They will not put pressure on him, and will not cause discomfort to the child.

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The 15th week of pregnancy is the stage when all organs begin to function fully, and the fetus becomes completely similar to small child. But the most important thing at this stage is the first movements and formation of the cerebral cortex.

The wonderful time of the second trimester of pregnancy is the time when a woman can fully enjoy her position: the absence of toxicosis, a barely rounded tummy, which does not cause any trouble, and the first, timid movements of the baby - what could be better?

Pregnancy is often associated with anxiety and worry. For many women, expecting a child is a special time. The time when everything and everyone fades into the background, and the expectant mother trembles with anticipation. And it doesn’t matter whether this is the first pregnancy or 5. The sacrament of birth excites and worries everyone equally.

The second trimester is exactly the stage when waiting brings only joy. The belly at 15 weeks of pregnancy is barely noticeable. If this is the first child, then there may not be one at all. But the mother herself is simply blossoming, because the restructuring of the body is over and her health is excellent.

The second trimester begins at week 14 and lasts until week 26. During this time, the expectant mother will experience a lot of new discoveries and experiences. But pleasant changes are associated not only with the development of the baby, but also with the general well-being of the mother. The woman is no longer bothered by toxicosis, her health is excellent. Hormonal changes have already completed, and therefore the mood is stable and normal. If there are no pathologies, then sports in this trimester is not only acceptable, but also necessary. Some representatives of the fair sex at the 15th week of pregnancy are just beginning to have a barely noticeable tummy, but there are also those who by this time already have a pronounced roundness in the waist area.

The uterus is quite high. If desired, it can already be felt at a distance of 7-10 cm down from the navel. During this period, many women develop a vertical stripe that runs from the beginning of the abdomen to the pubic bones. Don't let it bother you - this is one of the symptoms of pregnancy; it will disappear soon after giving birth. Another feature distinguishes the second trimester – the appearance of nevi. Many of us have one or another number of moles. In most cases, they appear in childhood and accompany us throughout life without causing concern. There are also malignant neoplasms, the decision on which is made by the doctor. Therefore, it is important that an oncologist and a dermatologist give a conclusion about the type of nevus. At the 15th week of pregnancy, due to a powerful hormonal surge, a woman may develop new moles. Don't worry - they are completely safe. In fact, this is just evidence that your hormonal system is working as it should.

15 weeks of pregnancy: what happens to mom

Along with a lot of positive aspects, there are also a number of difficulties that can cause unpleasant sensations.

  1. Nasal congestion and nosebleeds
    This is not the most common sign of the second trimester, however, it happens. The fact is that during pregnancy, the volume of blood and fluid in the mother’s body increases by 50%. Rhinitis in pregnant women is a safe but unpleasant disease caused by excess blood in the mucous membranes. It does not require treatment and will go away as unexpectedly as it appeared.
  1. Calcium deficiency
    If you notice that your hair has become dull and falling out, and your teeth have suddenly become more sensitive or even started to hurt, then do not be alarmed - everything is fine with you, your baby just needs more calcium than you consume.
  1. Dry skin
    If you have problem skin, then now is your time - upper layer the epithelium will become smooth, even and flawless. No rashes or oily shine. But if you have dry or normal skin, then an unpleasant discovery awaits you - cracks, peeling, roughness and tightness - this is an incomplete list of what will happen. There is no way to prevent it, but with hydration and nutrition you can relieve symptoms. This condition is caused by hormonal changes and potassium deficiency. It will go away in the third trimester, but for now it makes sense to consult with your doctor about increasing the daily dose of potassium.

So, we found out what mom feels like at 15 weeks of pregnancy. But besides this, there are also formidable symptoms that should not be ignored.

Pathology of pregnancy at 15 weeks

  1. Placental abruption
    Normally, the location of the placenta is standard for all pregnant women - the fundus, anterior and posterior wall of the uterus. Premature detachment is a very dangerous diagnosis that poses a threat to the life of both the fetus and the mother. The main sign of detachment is heavy or light bleeding. The fact is that the uteroplacental vessels rupture, causing bleeding. Blood collects in the hematoma, thereby continuing and intensifying the separation of the placenta. There are partial non-progressive abruption, progressive and complete placental abruption. In the first two cases, urgently seeking medical help can save the life of the fetus.

  1. Late toxicosis
    Usually, by the 15th week of pregnancy, no trace of toxicosis remains. But this doesn't always happen. A number of pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting, swelling, high blood pressure and dizziness. This is a borderline state between classic toxicosis and gestosis. It is very important to identify the cause and eliminate the symptoms.
  1. Frozen pregnancy
    It’s sad to admit it, but even at this stage the fetus may die. This is usually caused by intrauterine infection, developmental defects, if any. Diagnosed by ultrasound - there is no fetal heartbeat and a blood test for hCG levels.
  1. Low water
    In fact, the diagnosis of “oligohydramnios” is not made. Most often there are some reasons for this: leakage of amniotic fluid, infection, opening of the cervix. In order to understand exactly what is happening, you need to undergo an ultrasound and consult with a specialist. He will determine the causes and prescribe effective treatment.
  1. Painful sensations
    Are you 15 weeks pregnant and your stomach hurts like contractions? Then immediately see a doctor. At this stage, pain is a sign of a threat of premature delivery. There are many reasons for this: lifestyle, uterine tone, hormones. The optimal solution is inpatient treatment.

Tests at 15 weeks of pregnancy

Despite the fact that the first screening is already behind us, and the second is still early, a number of tests aimed at identifying pathologies or defects are also possible this week.

15th week of pregnancy: Ultrasound

Ultrasound examination is the most popular type of examination. At the 15th week of pregnancy, an ultrasound will reveal a lot of information:

  • number of fruits;
  • size, weight, presentation of the child;
  • condition of the placenta - its thickness, maturity, location relative to the edge of the internal os;
  • condition of the cervix and pharynx;
  • quantity and condition of amniotic fluid.

15th week of pregnancy: triple test

The triple test is a test that everyone is recommended to take. Especially for those with a history of frozen pregnancies, pathologies of fetal development, or developmental defects in the family. The analysis consists of three parts: free Estriol, AFP, hCG. In fact, this test does not give an accurate result, it only shows the risk percentage. For example, a ratio of 1:350 is a rather dangerous indicator. Doctors usually prescribe more accurate and dangerous invasive tests. Most often, such an analysis reveals the risk of Down syndrome in a child. The older the expectant mother, the more likely the chromosomal defect is.

The ratio of healthy children and babies with Down syndrome depending on the woman’s age:

  • up to 25 years – 1:1200;
  • up to 30 years – 1:900;
  • up to 35 years – 1:365;
  • up to 40 years – 1:100;
  • up to 45 years old - 1:32.

Thus, the chance of having a child with chromosomal abnormalities increases with age. And the older the woman, the higher the chance. This is due to the fact that the age of the eggs is equal to the age of the woman. And the older the organism, the more defects can be detected in the egg.

15 weeks of pregnancy: what happens to the baby

While external changes in a woman’s appearance and well-being are insignificant, a sea of ​​the most amazing events happen to the baby. Firstly, it is no longer so tiny - its size is equal to the circumference of one medium orange, and this is not small at all.

15th week of pregnancy: development of fetal organs

At the 15th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus ranges from 99 to 103 mm, and its weight is about 50 grams. In addition, during this period, differentiation of the genital organs occurs and with a certain amount of luck, parents can find out the gender of the baby. Organs continue to develop. The now strengthened cardiovascular system of the fetus pumps about 28 liters of blood during the day. The kidneys begin to work more actively. It regularly empties the bladder, and the liver secretes bile, which stimulates the gastrointestinal tract. This bile will later become the original fetal feces - myconium. At this stage, a male child also begins to produce the male hormone, testosterone. And also the endocrine glands appear and function: sebaceous and sweat. But the most important event at the 15th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the formation of the cerebral cortex. The hemispheres of his brain become similar to the classic brain - they are covered with grooves and convolutions. At the same time, a nervous system is formed that will control the body. Nerve cell division occurs very actively throughout the month.

Throughout the 15th week, the fetus is actively developing and training its organs: it makes breathing movements with its lungs, pumps blood, empties the bladder and rectum. Feces fall directly into the amniotic fluid, but this is not dangerous because the amniotic fluid is renewed up to 10 times a day. Also during this period, the child’s glottis opens.

Appearance of a baby at 15 weeks of pregnancy

By this time, the fetus is becoming more and more like a small baby. His hair becomes thicker and denser, eyelashes appear on his eyelids, and eyebrows appear above his eyes. The density of the skin also increases - the baby already has several layers of epithelium, but it is still thin and red, and blood vessels are visible through the skin. Your baby's body changes its shape. Now it is elongated and larger than the head. That, in turn, becomes rounder. The legs stretch out and become longer than the arms. Visually, the fetus completely replicates the appearance of a newborn child, only a smaller copy.

She is active and energetic. During the day, the fetus makes hundreds of somersaults and millions of movements. His inert system becomes stronger, joints and muscle tissue appear. That is why, at the 15th week of pregnancy, even those for whom it is their first pregnancy begin to feel movements. The baby is already strong enough to physically remind of his existence. Just a little more and he will learn to hiccup and listen. His ears are still formed, but he still can’t hear. But the baby is quite capable of tasting the food that the mother eats, so try to pamper your baby with healthy and tasty foods.

15 weeks of pregnancy: photo

In order to have a more complete understanding of exactly what your baby looks like, you can turn to specialized resources and sources. Thus, photographs of the baby’s development will clearly show exactly what the baby looks like at this stage. There are also specialized video clips, whose main function is to provide future parents with complete and comprehensive information on what exactly is happening in their body and how the baby is growing.

Pregnancy is a whole 9 month wait. It is important that the expectant mother knows exactly everything that concerns the development of her baby. This way you can protect yourself from unnecessary worries and react in time if necessary.

Recommended restrictions at 15 weeks of pregnancy

The development of pregnancy at week 15 is individual for everyone, but we have already discussed what is normal and standard. In addition to the positive aspects, there are also a number of restrictions in the second trimester that make sense to observe. A pregnant woman should be careful the following types activities.

15th week of pregnancy: taking a hot bath

Hot water warms and softens muscles. This is an excellent remedy for combating cramps, fatigue, and muscle pain after sports or physical labor. But during pregnancy, this type of rest can be dangerous. The fact is that the cervix also softens, and hot water can become a catalyst for bleeding and cause premature birth.

15th week of pregnancy: sudden upward movements, prolonged stay in a bent position, sleeping on your back

Accept that tinkering in the garden for the next six months is not for you. Even if you are an avid summer resident, refuse to work on the land. In this position, you put additional stress on the lumbar region and also press on the veins, reducing the level of oxygen supply to the fetus.

Vena cava compression syndrome in pregnant women is a common occurrence. A woman may feel a lack of oxygen, dizziness and pain while lying on her back. This is due to the fact that the uterus with the child presses and compresses the veins, and the position on the back exerts additional pressure from the outside. The longer the pregnancy, the more obvious the problem is.

15th week of pregnancy: lifting weights

On the Internet you can find photos of female bodybuilders who continued to engage in heavy sports even while deeply pregnant. But this practice is not only unhealthy, but also downright dangerous for the child’s life. Try to avoid heavy objects, lifting children, and heavy exertion. You are not sick, but you are expecting a baby.

What should be done for the harmonious development of the fetus at 15 weeks of pregnancy

The second trimester is considered the most favorable for all kinds of travel and activities. But you shouldn't be overzealous. The main thing is a reasonable approach and moderation.

15th week of pregnancy: sports activities

If you still don't go to the pool, yoga for pregnant women or a light stretching complex, then it's time to start. This will allow you to strengthen tissues and muscles, make your skin more elastic and give you a great mood. In addition, sport is an excellent prevention of obesity and excess weight, which very often occurs during pregnancy.

15th week of pregnancy: marital relations

Sex during the 15th week of pregnancy is possible in the same way as at any other time. Don't limit yourself. Allow your desires to find a way out, then both you and your spouse will be completely satisfied and happy while waiting for the birth of the baby.

15th week of pregnancy: nutrition

Proper nutrition has probably already entered your life. In the second trimester, it is important to finally give up unhealthy fast food and processed foods, eliminate sugary carbonated drinks and increase protein-rich foods in your diet. Calcium is a building material for the skeletal and muscular systems. Its deficiency is fraught with consequences in the form of loss of teeth and hair.

15th week of pregnancy: travel

At 15 weeks pregnant, you are still free to travel. After all, you have the most favorable time for this. The baby is developing, you are still active and energetic. Toxicosis and mood swings of the first trimester are left behind. Now the best thing you can give your baby is proper nutrition, positive emotions, good mood and a sufficient amount of oxygen, and therefore, if a trip is in your plans, then go boldly, as long as your doctor has no objections to this. Of course, diving to the bottom of the ocean or a dashing descent from a mountain should be postponed for the time being, but there is no need to lie without readings.

Beneficial actions at 15 weeks of pregnancy

15th week of pregnancy: clothes

Very soon your wardrobe will be too small for you. This is especially true for trousers, dresses and skirts. It makes sense to choose in advance a couple of sets of beautiful outfits that you will wear when your belly gets bigger.

15th week of pregnancy: photos and videos

Photo and video shooting of your baby. The fact is that the 15th week of pregnancy will allow you to take a photo of the fetus of maximum quality. It is at this stage that the baby is already fully formed. He has arms and legs, eyes and hair, but at the same time he is still very small. This opens up excellent opportunities for creating a real photo session, where the whole baby will be visible in its entirety. In addition, the video clip at this stage will also be as descriptive as possible. Later, the baby will be larger and it will no longer be possible to capture such a complete picture of his movements and facial expressions.

15th week of pregnancy: literature

It's time to start studying useful literature. Stories about childbirth, pregnancy, child care - all this is very necessary and important. Theoretical knowledge, gleaned from books, will allow you not to get confused in a difficult situation and choose the right and competent solution. In addition, this will make it more clear to you what exactly is happening inside you. Books on family psychology will also be useful. It is known for certain that the first year after the birth of a child is incredibly difficult for husband and wife; by being prepared, you can avoid many problems associated with the distribution of responsibilities, overwork, and insomnia in the first year.

The fetus at 15 weeks of gestation is growing and developing. Mom feels much better. Left behind were unpleasant sensations, acute excitement and superstition. Every day you have more and more confidence that everything will be fine. And how could it be otherwise? After all, a new, young life is growing and developing in you, and what it will be like depends only on you. The best thing an expectant mother can do is to provide her baby with only positive feelings and emotions. Remember: the baby senses the mother’s mood and can already distinguish the taste of what you eat.

Nine months of pregnancy will fly by quickly and unnoticed. More than once you will mentally return to this wonderful time, when another tiny heart beats under your heart - the heart of your own son or daughter. It is very important that the husband also supports his wife during the waiting period. Try to unobtrusively and enthusiastically tell him about your feelings, show him a photo of the baby, and involve him in an ultrasound. In this way, you gradually accustom your life partner to the role of a father. This is especially important if it is your first pregnancy.

15th week of pregnancy. Video

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