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Tips for choosing wedding rings. How to choose wedding rings? Does the ring have to be smooth?

The choice of wedding rings becomes one of the first important steps in life together for future newlyweds. This is not just a decoration on the finger, it will accompany the spouses throughout the entire journey, being a symbol of love and fidelity.

Often young people get lost and don’t know how to choose an engagement ring. Their range of jewelry stores is huge, so the selection process suitable option take a lot of time. This can be avoided if you decide in advance on the range of models under consideration that best suit the bride and groom.


When a couple is preparing to become legal spouses at the registry office, during a solemn speech they are offered to exchange wedding rings. This tradition dates back to ancient times; the first mentions of it were recorded about 4800 years ago in Egypt.

In this country, the exchange of rings during marriage was symbolic - on jewelry made of leather, bones or precious metals sacred signs were scratched out.

They were called upon to appease the gods so that they would send their blessings on the spouses. Since then, this decoration has been considered a symbol of infinity, since it has no beginning or end.

IN Ancient Rome, where people already had a penchant for jurisprudence, women were required to wear an iron ornament on their finger as proof that they were married. With the spread of Christianity, this custom was abandoned for a while, as it was considered pagan, but then the church legalized it. Jewish women wear wedding rings on their index fingers because they use them to lead the lines when reading the Torah.

For a time, only women wore them; it was an unspoken symbol that the man was the head of the family and had unlimited power over his wife. Gradually, gender equality was established in many developing countries, and soon husbands also acquired jewelry on their ring finger.

Basic moments

When going shopping, it is advisable to have at least the slightest idea of ​​which option is ideal, so as not to waste extra time trying on unsuitable models.

Wedding planner

Many jewelry stores have online catalogs that can help you determine the right type of jewelry in a relaxed environment.

Elena Sokolova

Wedding stylist

The ring should be in harmony with other jewelry that is usually worn on the hands.

Saitova Kristina

First of all, you should decide on the metal from which the jewelry will be made. To avoid wondering which wedding ring is best to choose, you should first decide on the type of metal.

Once the appropriate metal for jewelry has been determined, the range of suitable models can also be narrowed down by design. Future newlyweds can choose one of the following options.

Girls face a more difficult choice, since all models sit differently in practice. Thin rings no more than 3 mm wide are suitable for long and thin fingers, but sometimes massive jewelry looks better. If your fingers are long and full, you should choose a model with a width of 7-8 mm. Those with small, neat fingers should pay attention to rings with a width of up to 4 mm, and options in the range of 4-6 mm are suitable for medium proportions.


There are many beliefs associated with weddings in general. There are also signs on how to choose an engagement ring. Often, it is to them that all the successes in the marriage or, conversely, its collapse are attributed in the future.

You don’t have to believe in them, but young people try to do everything to insure their marriage against bad things. Therefore, it is not surprising that many still try to adhere to them in order to protect their marriage from bad influences.

Here are some signs about which engagement ring is best to choose:

  • the bride and groom's rings must be purchased on the same day and in the same store;
  • wedding rings should not be given to anyone, even the closest people, to try on;
  • You should not wear other people’s wedding rings, even if they were inherited in the family;
  • if the wedding ring is lost, there will be troubles in the family, even divorce;
  • if the bride or groom’s ring falls off at a wedding, a quick discord in the family is possible;
  • The wedding ring must be in contact with the skin during the wedding, so if the bride’s image is complemented by gloves, they must be removed during the wedding.

There are also favorable omens, for example, if a single person finds someone else’s wedding ring, then soon he himself will find himself in the registry office with his soulmate. Only found jewelry should not be worn under any circumstances.

Attention! Believe it or not folk signs Young people decide for themselves how to choose wedding rings. By the way, more interesting signs we have collected about these accessories

Traditionally, wedding rings must be purchased by the groom. If earlier there were no problems with this, since all the models were classic, now the choice is great, and you can’t do it without the help of the bride. The groom may get lost in the huge selection and find it difficult to decide which engagement ring to choose. This is why these days the bride and groom choose their wedding rings together. When visiting a jewelry store, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • ring – there should be no discomfort when putting on and taking off;
  • if the ring has a stone, then there should be a recess in the rim for it so that the edges do not interfere with everyday wear;
  • You need to try on in a warm room, and it is advisable to put on the ring you like several times during the day, since in the evening your fingers swell a little;
  • when trying on, you need to make several movements with your hand and fingers separately to understand how comfortable the model will be to wear;
  • the inner surface of the rim can be flat or rounded, the second option is more convenient;
  • if the newlyweds are getting married, then you need to purchase wedding rings (according to tradition, gold for the groom and silver for the bride).


Choosing wedding rings is an important step that needs to be approached with all responsibility. You need to purchase these jewelry only in trusted salons with a good reputation. This symbol of love, fidelity and the inviolability of marriage will accompany the spouses throughout their life together, so you should focus only on your personal preferences, without paying attention to the opinions of others on how to choose the right wedding rings.

Wedding rings are the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a wedding.

This attribute is not only a symbol of marital fidelity, eternal love and the unity of two destinies. It is designed to accompany you throughout your life, which means your choice must be taken responsibly.

Go shopping in a good mood and rested. Be prepared that the search may take a long time.

It is absolutely not necessary to buy the same rings, however, they cannot be different either. The rings must be made of the same metal and made in a single design solution.

Select rings only for wedding dress not very far-sighted. Think about whether your jewelry will fit with everyday clothes.

H How not to make a mistake with the ring size? When choosing an engagement ring, size is the first thing you should pay attention to. To choose the right one, you need to take into account important nuances:

Fingers can change size depending on the season, weather and even time of day. Therefore, you should try on your wedding ring at least twice, preferably in the morning and in the evening.

You should not try to determine your ring size if you have recently eaten a lot of salty foods, consumed a lot of liquids, played sports or carried heavy bags in your hands.

The size of the ring changes with its width. Also, sizes may vary slightly from store to store.

The dimensions of a thin (low) ring need to be selected more accurately than a wide ring. As a result of an incorrectly selected size, the thin ring will skew to one side.

What to look for when buying rings?

Wedding ring material

IN classic version wedding rings are made of red gold. But today the assortment of jewelry stores amazes even the most sophisticated customers with their choice.

If in Everyday life If you prefer silver jewelry, a white gold ring will look great with it.

Those who love chic and sparkle will choose rings made from more expensive and wear-resistant platinum. Such rings will not only show the wealth of their owners and will not fade for a long time. For lovers original design Various combinations of rose, white and yellow gold are suitable.

How to choose an engagement ring?

For couples who are more radical in their choice, titanium rings are suitable. This metal, unlike its soft counterparts, is not afraid of high temperatures, no household chemicals. It is not afraid of scratches or corrosion. Years later, the ring will look the same as the day it was purchased.

Classic wedding rings

Classic wedding rings look like two stripes. It is important to pay attention to their profile. In our market, the vast majority of rings have a flat internal profile, while the European market is represented by a more practical convex profile, which will not only allow the product to sit beautifully on the finger, but also enlarge it after many years, with little loss. Especially if the ring is encrusted with stones. The jeweler will simply grind down the inner bulge, thereby making the ring larger.

Unusual wedding ring designs

Couples who prefer original things will appreciate products with complex designs. Having chosen such a product, you should remember that the ring can get scratched, dirty, and dull from daily wear. Don't be seduced just by the beautiful view on display. Think about how practical the ring you choose is in everyday life.

Wedding rings with stones

When choosing a ring with precious or semi-precious stones, remember their traditional meaning. Ring as a symbol of your future life, must be decorated with a suitable stone.

The most common stones:
Diamond is a symbol of purity and sincerity.
Sapphire is responsible for the prosperity of a young family, bringing peace and tolerance.
Ruby is a symbol of life and passionate love.
Topazes and garnets protect against betrayal.
Emerald is a symbol of feelings that are not afraid of either time or distance.

How are wedding rings worn?

The custom of wearing rings on the ring finger has a very beautiful interpretation. IN Ancient Greece it was believed that it was from this finger that a vein stretched to the heart itself. It was called the vein of love. In Russia, rings are usually worn on the right hand. Right means “correct”, “wise”. In the American and European tradition, rings are worn on the left hand, which is closer to the heart. A wedding ring is an appropriate addition to any outfit, be it

The main thing here is to take into account the tastes of your beloved. If she loves surprises and intrigue, it’s worth finding an original script on the Internet. And if the bride respects customs, she should first ask her parents for blessings. At your wedding, rings will be the center of attention and will very likely be in the majority of your photos. Therefore, it is worth collecting ideas for a wedding photo shoot in advance. When choosing wedding rings, the site's editors recommend that you be guided only by your own taste preferences, because it is you who will wear this symbol of love for each other! And after the purchase, do not forget to whisper, holding hands: “For a good life, for a faithful family.”
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Choosing an engagement ring is a pleasant, but complex and very responsible matter. The search for the perfect engagement ring often becomes a quest, because even a wedding dress or suit will only be worn once, but the ring will be on your finger for the rest of your life. Hoping to get it done in a couple of hours after work or school, the newlyweds, inspired by love, go to the best wedding salons and jewelry stores, but this is where a surprise awaits them!

It turns out that there are a great variety of wedding rings that differ in shape, metal and decor. The bride and groom at first happily begin to try on this precious abundance, and then leave the salon in confusion, not knowing where to choose. We will ease this pain for you and look at what types of wedding rings there are, what you should pay attention to when buying and how to choose the right one the same thing ring.

Choosing an engagement ring is a matter that cannot be put off until later!

Does the ring have to be smooth?

In the time of our grandmothers and mothers, the choice was simple and unpretentious. The young people adhered to the main rule - the engagement ring should be smooth, without patterns or stones, in order to ensure the same smooth life new family. It was assumed that rings with embossed patterns and corrugation would lead to the fact that the road in life for lovers would become bumpy and uneven.

Over time, it became clear that in our times, characterized by a practical approach to life, such a standard of engagement rings is a thing of the past. Now the main rule is that lovers should like rings and look good on their fingers. The choice of metal, design and decor belongs entirely to the young, because family happiness does not depend on a piece of metal, even a precious one, but on mutual love, respect and willingness to compromise.

The shape is secondary - the main thing is that lovers like the rings

How to try on a ring correctly?

When choosing a ring, special attention should be paid to fitting in order to select the correct ring size. In this case, it is worth remembering a few main rules:

  • remember that you need to measure the ring several times - in the morning and in the evening, because during the day our fingers swell. If you buy a ring that fits early in the morning, later in the evening you will experience discomfort because the ring digs into your finger. And vice versa - rings purchased closer to night may fall off in the morning. The ideal engagement ring should be slightly loose so as not to restrict movement and at the same time fit securely on the finger;
  • You cannot measure a ring if you have just entered the salon from a frosty street, have recently been in a hot shower, played sports, carried weights or drank a lot of water - the thickness of your fingers in each of these cases will be atypical;
  • You also need to measure the ring because it is absolutely impossible to count on the accuracy of the size indicated by the manufacturers. Acceptable size variations among different jewelry manufacturers reach up to 0.4 mm, and for a finger this is a very significant deviation, so do not be surprised if in one salon size 16 fits you perfectly, and in another your finger is comfortable in size 16.5;
  • Dimensions will also differ if the ring width is different. Typically, wide (over 10 mm) rings require a larger size, since they sit not only on the thinnest part of the finger, but also extend onto the wider part of the phalanx. TO standard size for rings up to 5 mm wide, add 0.1 mm in size for each additional millimeter of ring thickness;
  • The size of the ring depends on the shape of the internal profile, i.e. cross-sectional shape of a wedding ring.

When trying on a ring, do not hesitate to ask a question to the consultant

What to look for when choosing a ring?

Ring material

The metal from which the rings are made must be noble - after all, this is jewelry that is bought for life, and not jewelry for one occasion. Most often, rings are made of white, yellow or red gold, silver, platinum, and a little less often - of titanium or other rare metal alloy. Of course, it all depends on your taste and wallet, but it is worth remembering that the engagement ring should go well with your other jewelry.

The most common rings for residents of the post-Soviet space are rings made of red gold. However, yellow gold looks more stylish - its soft precious shimmer allows you to combine the jewelry with most items made from other metals. Silver rings quickly tarnish and are more susceptible to deformation, so the product will require careful care and careful wear.

The most practical solution would be to buy a combination ring - the combination of yellow and white metal will allow you to easily combine the jewelry with both silver and gold rings, earrings and bracelets. Platinum and titanium rings are sold only in the most expensive stores, but such jewelry will last long years and will attract the attention of others. The only disadvantage of such engagement rings is their extremely high price.

The material for the rings depends only on your taste and the thickness of your wallet

Ring compatibility

Today, wedding ring manufacturers have greatly simplified the choice of jewelry for the ring finger - men's and women's rings are produced in pairs, harmoniously united by a single style and decor. However, there are situations when a ring from a couple may not suit the bride or groom. Well, it is quite acceptable to buy rings from different collections and even from different manufacturers.

The main thing is that the engagement rings look good together, because completely different rings on the fingers of a married couple will look strange. The modern market has taken into account the possibility that men do not always like openwork and engraved rings with a distinct design, so you can choose an elegant women's ring and a strict men's ring, made in the same style.


IN in this case It all depends on your personal preferences, but traditionally couples choose rings of the same width or a pair of engagement rings in which the woman's ring is significantly wider than the man's. On men's fingers, rings with a width of 3 to 5 mm usually look good, and the fragility of a woman's hand can be emphasized with a ring up to 10-12 millimeters wide.

You should also not forget about convenience - you will wear this ring every day, so if a wide ring prevents you from squeezing your hand to grab the gear shift of a car or a handrail in a vehicle, it is better to look for a narrower engagement ring.

When choosing wide rings, you need to think about your convenience

As for the aesthetic component, do not forget about the recommendations of jewelers and wedding stylists:

  • long thin fingers (size from 15.5 to 17) require either a very thin (up to 3.5) or an emphatically wide ring (from 8 to 12 mm) to emphasize the grace of the fingers and hand;
  • It is better to decorate long but thick fingers (starting from size 17) with a ring 8-9 mm wide;
  • brushes with short and narrow fingers require extremely narrow hoops (up to 4 mm), since a wide ring in this case will look rough and foreign;
  • the average length and width of the finger (size from 16 to 17) harmonizes well with rings 5-6 mm thick;
  • for narrow fingers with wide joints, narrow rings should sit tightly on the joint, and not dangle on the very phalanx of the finger. Wide rings should be selected so that they slide freely through the joint, otherwise later you simply will not remove this ring.

Ring shape

The modern wedding industry offers young people a wide choice of engagement ring shapes. If earlier these were exclusively round, slightly convex rings, today it is quite acceptable to wear flat rings, rings in the form of a wave, with carvings on one or two edges, and even wedding bands convex on both sides. It is worth considering the fact that convex rings, although very impressive, are not entirely comfortable for everyday wear.

The ring should under no circumstances interfere with movements, otherwise sooner or later it will be sent to gather dust on the shelf. That is why experts in the field of wedding fashion recommend avoiding overly frilly rings, which are uncomfortable to wear, often catch on clothes or become unfashionable after one or two seasons. After all, a wedding ring is not a decoration that can be changed once a year.

The shape of the ring should not interfere with your daily duties

Decor with stones

Quite often, women's and men's rings are decorated with natural stones. Of course, the mysterious twinkling of an emerald or diamond only emphasizes the sophistication of the ring. It is best if the stone in the engagement ring has a channel rivet - a special recess will hold the stone tightly and prevent it from falling out even with daily wear. In addition, the older generation is ready to accept this kind of decor - the recessed stone leaves the surface of the ring smooth.

For many years now, the most popular stones used to decorate rings have been natural diamonds and cubic zirconia - their iridescent shine harmoniously combines with any color of metal. However, when choosing a diamond, you need to pay attention to the cut, the quality of which affects the play of light in the stone.

Various types of cuts are used in wedding decor - round, oval, pear-shaped, heart and marquise. The stone must be clean and free of noticeable stains and defects. Of course, not everyone can distinguish a diamond from a high-quality cubic zirconia by eye, so always ask sellers for a certificate confirming the authenticity and quality of the stones.

The most popular stones for rings are diamonds

You can also find other options on the shelves of jewelry stores - rings with sapphires, pearls, amethysts, topazes, peridots and emeralds are no less popular. Unfortunately, not all of them stand the test of time. Sapphire is a capricious stone and can darken in a couple of years, emerald is quite fragile and can break, and pearls do not tolerate temperature changes and can “get sick.” If you are going to wear the ring without removing it, it is better to choose a durable stone.

Gold content

In gold jewelry, one of the most important factors is the purity of the product. On the one hand, the higher the standard, the more precious (and more expensive) the ring. On the other hand, rings marked with 585 carat are durable and retain the color of the metal for a long time, and on products made of 750 gold, scratches and dents will be visible in a couple of years, so they will have to be regularly polished, which over the years thins the product.


An engagement ring is a symbol of love, fidelity and readiness to spend all the remaining years together. Do you want to give them even more symbolism? In any salon or workshop you will be offered to apply internal engraving, which only you will know about. Most often, newlyweds put each other's names or the date of the wedding celebration on the rings, but you can choose a symbolic inscription, a quote, mutual declarations of love, or a motto that will become the slogan of your family.

Secret engraving will give the rings greater symbolism

Ring profile

Domestic jewelry factories most often produce rings with flat profiles, which do not affect the size of the rings. Imported rings are usually made with rounded “comfort fit” profiles. For such rings you need to add 0.1 millimeter to your usual size. It is worth noting the undoubted advantage of such models - they do not cut into the finger.

A comfortable fit should be chosen by newlyweds who want to wear jewelry with precious stones - with age, when the volume of the finger tends to increase, ordinary rings have to be stretched. Rings marked “comfort fit” can simply be cut off from the inside, and this is a big plus for rings with decor, since otherwise they cannot be expanded in any way without spoiling the product.

Wedding rings play one of the most important roles on your wedding day and remain with you for life. At the same time, young people often believe that choosing rings is not so difficult and therefore postpone the purchase until the last minute. And when future newlyweds come to the store, they can easily get lost in the variety of choices. We have prepared for you the most important tips, which will help when choosing wedding rings.

  1. Take care of your purchase in advance - even if you have an idea of ​​what model you want, the right size/design may not be in the store when you get there. Additionally, you may have to resize the ring slightly, which will take extra time. If you decide to engrave your wedding rings, then you must also take care of this issue in advance and discuss the details with the jeweler, since this work will also take some time. You don't want to worry about last days before the wedding, will your wedding rings be ready for the day?
  2. Comfort and style. Decide on the style of your engagement ring. A simple ring design will be more convenient in everyday life, especially if you have to do a lot of work with your hands. Wedding rings should not be too heavy or have protruding details that will catch on your hair and get in the way. You can get used to the perfect ring very quickly and will not feel it. The style of the ring should be moderately classic, so that the ring goes with both jeans and an evening dress, and also looks appropriate after 20 years of marriage, so that you can proudly carry it throughout your life.
  3. Don't be upset if you can't afford the ring you really want. You can always treat yourself to the new ring of your dreams for your wedding anniversary, and replace your original wedding rings with new ones.
  4. Choose rings that suit you. When choosing an engagement ring, remember that it should match the shape of your hand and especially the thickness of your finger. If you have long fingers, then you can choose rings of different widths. In the case of short fingers, wide rings should be avoided, as they will further shorten the bride’s fingers. Also, be careful when choosing large rings, as in some cases they can look strange and out of place.
  5. Pay attention to the quality of the ring. Despite the fact that the width of the rings may be the same, they may differ in weight and thickness. Also, each ring must have a sample, which is a sign of the quality of the material alloy. If the ring consists of several metals, then the test must be on each type of metal. Well-known world manufacturers also indicate the manufacturer's brand name on the ring. If you are allergic to any metal, then it makes sense to pay attention to platinum, since this metal is hypoallergenic for most people.
  6. Ring size. In hot or very cold weather, the original size of the fingers may change in size, increasing or decreasing accordingly. This also happens in the morning, after sports and during menstruation. So you need to try on the ring when room temperature and when you are completely relaxed.
  7. The design of the bride and groom's rings may be slightly different. So, no need to worry if you were unable to find absolutely identical rings. The main thing is that the rings should read something general detail, for example, the same gold color, engraving.
  8. Combination of rings. Often brides plan to wear their wedding ring along with the engagement ring that the groom gave when proposing to you. In this option, it makes sense to select in advance so that the rings look beautiful together. It is better that the rings are made of metal of the same color. The engagement ring should follow the style of the engagement ring, and should be fairly simple, either in the form of a classic band or set with several small stones that will highlight the stone in the engagement ring.

Wedding rings, like the outfit of the bride and groom, wedding jewelry, and the bride’s bouquet, are a mandatory attribute of any wedding. Nowadays, the bride's dress, limousine and other attributes can be rented, while wedding rings are a kind of symbol of family happiness that remains in our lives for many years. How to choose the right wedding ring, what it should be, what material it is made of, etc. - we will consider all these questions in this article.

Engagement and wedding ring.
First, you need to understand the concepts of “engagement ring” and “wedding ring”, since many consider them synonymous. But this is far from true. Wedding ring future husband gives to a girl during an engagement. But at the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom exchange wedding rings (but in the article the term wedding ring will have the meaning of a wedding ring). In addition, these rings differ from each other in appearance. Typically, wedding rings are made in a barrel or flat shape from one type of metal, and the engagement ring must have a precious stone, usually a diamond. It is believed that a diamond on a wedding ring is a symbol of purity and strength of love bonds. It also happens that the wedding ring is a family jewel, which is inherited by the groom's mother. During the wedding ceremony, the bride takes off her wedding ring. She can wear it over her wedding dress, but after the ceremony. Whether or not to give an engagement ring depends on the groom, his material capabilities and the generosity of his soul.

According to Christian customs, wedding rings should be simple, without frills. This is a sign of marital fidelity and commitment. Nowadays, more and more couples want their wedding rings to be embellished with diamonds or other precious stones. But in the end, choosing an engagement ring depends entirely on your taste. It is important to remember that an engagement ring is a piece of jewelry that you will wear every day.

Selection of rings.
Traditionally, the groom buys the wedding rings. Since this is his first gift to his future wife, the choice must be approached with special responsibility. After all, a wedding ring is a symbol of a happy marriage for a woman. Wedding rings can be passed on by parents to their children, but this is only if their marriage was happy and long. It is believed that such a marriage will also be happy and successful. Under no circumstances should you buy engagement rings from your own hands, as there is a high risk of being deceived. In addition, it is a bad omen to wear a wedding ring that someone else has already worn before you (exception, rings that are inherited). Of course, there is a possibility of this, but still we should not forget that a happy family life can only happen if there is love and mutual understanding between spouses.

Even though the groom buys the rings, it is best to do it together. First, you must decide on the type of metal the wedding ring will be made from. This, in turn, depends on the color you prefer (gold, red gold, rose gold, red gold, yellow gold, platinum or a combination of several shades of gold). In addition, decide whether something will be written on the engagement ring, whether it will be decorated with precious stones. There are many astrological forecasts When choosing stones, many recommend choosing stones that match the color of your eyes or hair. In addition to precious stones, the engagement ring can be decorated with semi-precious stones, if you prefer those.

Precious stones include: diamond, natural pearls, emerald, ruby, alexandrite, sapphire. Semi-precious pearls include: cultured pearls, turquoise, topaz, amethyst, hyacinth, rock crystal, beryl, garnet, moonstone, chrysoberyl, chrome diopside, tourmaline, chrysoprase, peridot, spinel. Ornamental stones include: jasper, agate, aventurine, coral, amber, carnelian, bloodstone, jade, rhodonite. In any case, when choosing a gemstone, you should consult a jeweler about its properties. For example, turquoise “ages”, as a result of which it changes its color, sapphire can darken, and emerald is a very fragile stone.

Of course, most brides dream of an engagement ring set with diamonds, or at least one. A diamond is a symbol of the uniqueness and constancy of love between a man and a woman. However, the presence of precious stones on an engagement ring makes it more expensive, so not all young couples can afford it. Most men are completely indifferent to diamond rings.

Which rings are suitable?
For owners of thin and long fingers, massive or stacked rings, as well as those made in a horizontal design, are suitable. In general, rings of any shape and size, except small ones, are suitable for such women. They will simply get lost on such a hand. Women who have short fingers are better off not purchasing wide rings, as the fingers will look even shorter. But you can visually lengthen your hand with the help of a ring made in a vertically stretched design. An asymmetrical ring and triangular motifs will help make the appearance of chubby fingers more piquant, as they hide fullness well. If you have chubby hand, avoid round rings with large stones round shape, this will make your already thin arm fuller. Hands of a “male” type should be decorated with wide rings with inserts of large precious stones. They visually make the hand smaller.

The width of the ring is a personal choice. As a rule, men choose wider rings and women choose narrower rings, considering them more comfortable. The classic shape of an engagement ring looks like a smooth strip of gold. But they can also be grooved. Classic wedding rings are made in the form of a traditional smooth strip of gold. But they can also be corrugated. The rings of the bride and groom look great if they are not too different from each other or have the same decorated elements.

Nowadays they are widely popular jewelry with a notch. To make a pattern on a ring in the form of a notch, 585 or 750 gold is suitable. Gold of the highest standard (950) is not used due to the softness of the metal, which can crack during operation. In addition, the notches made on it will wear off over time. Platinum can be used, but the pleasure is not cheap. Recently, engraving of inscriptions on a wedding ring (words of love and fidelity, names, inscriptions in Latin, dates and much more) has been in demand. The message should be small and concise, in addition, it should be easy to read.

Usually engraving is ordered at the salon where the rings are purchased. The cost of the work will be determined based on the number of letters, numbers in the inscription, the type of font used, and how it will be performed (manually or on a machine). The metal for engraving will be the same as for notching.

When choosing a ring, the main consideration is design and preference. Remember that an engagement ring is for life. Therefore, you should not buy it at the first salon you come across near your home. In addition, you definitely need to try on the wedding ring several times, hold it on your hand for several minutes, and make sure that it is the right size for you. If your engagement ring features a stone, you need to make sure that the stone is right for you. You can check this quite simply by placing the ring on your palm. right hand. In this case, the left hand must be brought closer to the stone and held for some time. You can safely buy a ring if you feel comfortable, warm, and at peace. And vice versa, if the stone smells cold, it means that the ring is not worth buying. If you still haven’t found something that suits you, you can contact a jewelry workshop with a request to make exclusive models.

After purchase, wedding rings traditionally remain with the groom or his witness until the ceremony at the registry office or church. The main thing is that when you put the ring on the finger of your future spouse, your feelings are sincere, and you are ready to live your whole life together.

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