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Ectopic pregnancy: at what stage does the tube burst? When can a fallopian tube rupture during an ectopic pregnancy? Tube rupture during an ectopic pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy is one of the most serious complications during pregnancy. The development of pathology occurs when the fertilized egg is implanted in a foreign environment. That is, the zygote is not attached to the wall of the uterus, but to the abdominal or pelvic organs, for example, to the tube.

According to statistics, up to 97% of all registered cases of ectopic fertilization are diagnosed in the oviducts. Ectopic pregnancy can cause rupture of the fallopian tube only if the abnormal conception is ignored or the pathology is diagnosed late.

Why shouldn't a gap be allowed?

Tubal pregnancy

The development of the embryo leads to a gradual stretching of the walls of the organ, which can burst when the size of the fetus exceeds more than 5 mm.

At what stage of ectopic conception does the danger increase and rupture of the fallopian tube may occur during ectopic pregnancy difficult to understand. Much depends on the elasticity of the uterine muscles.

If the fallopian tube bursts, then blood collects both in the affected organ and accumulates in the peritoneum. This condition leads to death in 80% of cases. Even with timely assistance, an emergency operation using laparotomy is required, that is, removal of a burst fallopian tube if it ruptures.

The importance of early diagnosis

How many weeks a fallopian tube usually ruptures depends on internal and external factors. According to statistics, a damaged organ can rupture within 4-12 weeks. Early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy and tube rupture is the key to preserving the life, health and reproductive functions of a woman.

Timely detection of an anomaly makes it possible to prevent serious consequences associated with rupture of the fallopian tube, the opening of internal bleeding, possible development peritonitis or sepsis, blood loss.

At what week the diagnosis is carried out depends on the appearance of pathological signs. In some patients, an ectopic pregnancy in the tube may be asymptomatic for a long time.

It is important that a woman monitors any changes in her body. If you have the slightest suspicion of unusual or unpleasant signs, you should immediately notify your doctor. With an early diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy in the tube and its rupture, treatment is selected in accordance with the patient’s condition.

That is, there is the possibility of drug therapy with minimal complications. Tubal abortion is stimulated.

This treatment is not suitable for every woman. Therefore, the doctor must conduct a thorough assessment of the body’s condition, taking into account individual physiological characteristics, the likelihood of tube rupture during an ectopic pregnancy, and the amount of blood loss.

More often, organ-preserving surgery is performed using laparoscopy, which allows you to combine diagnostics with the procedure for preserving the fallopian tube and removing the embryo from the oviduct.

How to tell if a pipe has burst

The pipe burst

The clinical picture when an organ ruptures has characteristic signs that cannot be ignored or not noticed.

The phenomenon of fallopian tube rupture is accompanied by the following symptoms.

  1. Pale skin and mucous membranes.
  2. Nausea, but without gag reflex.
  3. Disgust for intimacy and food. Sudden weight loss is often observed.
  4. Diarrhea or false urge to defecate.
  5. Rapid but weak pulse.
  6. Decrease in blood pressure, up to fainting.
  7. Sometimes, during the act of defecation or during physical activity, acute pain syndrome suddenly occurs on the side of the injury. Usually - in the lower abdomen with irradiation into the rectum.
  8. Cold sweat appears, shortness of breath, apathy and lethargy appear.
  9. After a rupture, blood accumulates in the abdominal cavity, which causes irritation of the organs. A positive phrenicus symptom is diagnosed.
  10. At the moment when the pipe bursts, the appearance of dark discharge mixed with blood is noted.
  11. The abdomen is moderately swollen, but sharp pain is felt on palpation.
  12. The condition may stabilize for some time. But with extensive bleeding, the patient falls into severe collapse and hemorrhagic shock with loss of consciousness.

The signs are classified as clinical for ectopic pregnancy, that is, the main ones. It is possible that other symptoms may be present due to a concomitant disease or risk factor.

Causes of fallopian tube rupture

Purely physiologically, the oviduct is not suitable for bearing an embryo. Its function is to transport the zygote to the uterus.

Layout of the oviduct

In case of disorders associated with the patency of the fallopian tube, ovum attached to its wall. The fast-growing embryo puts pressure on the shell of the organ, which does not have a tissue structure and elasticity, unlike the uterus.

The wall of the fallopian tube stretches, gradually destroying the layers. Either an abortion (miscarriage) occurs and bleeding occurs, or it ruptures. Much depends on the location of the embryo. For example, when implanting in the isthmic, narrowest, section of the oviduct, the risk of rupture increases rapidly.

The slightest deformation in this part (up to a maximum of 2 mm) can cause a situation where the fallopian tube instantly ruptures. Since damage in the isthmic department is usually registered at 4–6 weeks, patients often do not have time to go to the clinic in time, and blood loss begins.

When implantation of the fertilized egg occurs in the interstitial region of the fallopian tubes bordering the uterus, ectopic pregnancy may not be felt for a long time.

This area is characterized by increased elasticity of muscle tissue. That is, the fallopian tube does not burst even when the size of the embryo increases to 5 mm. The organ can withstand pressure for up to 8 – 12 weeks.

It is worth considering external factors. For example, as the fetus grows, heavy physical labor, constipation and, accordingly, difficult bowel movements contribute to the occurrence of ruptures of the fallopian tubes.

Emergency treatment

Salpingectomy process

Patients with a ruptured pipe should be immediately admitted to the clinic. The situation requires urgent assistance through surgical intervention. Depending on the patient’s condition, the complexity and extent of the damage, the doctor chooses the operating technique.

Typically, salpingectomy (tube removal) is performed using laparoscopy. If there are contraindications or hemorrhagic shock is diagnosed, then a laparotomy is performed.

Patients in serious condition after a pipe rupture are placed in the intensive care unit, where a number of emergency measures are performed:

  • urgently stop the bleeding;
  • Rh factor and blood group are determined;
  • carry out intensive infusion-transfusion therapy (introduction of biological solutions and blood transfusion to eliminate hemostasis disorders).

To prevent complications during the postoperative period when the fallopian tube ruptures, the patient undergoes a rehabilitation course. It is mandatory to prescribe antibiotic therapy to prevent inflammatory processes. It is necessary to take medications that prevent the formation of adhesions.

Possible complications

The uterus with the fallopian tubes is equipped with a common circulatory, lymphatic and nerve-fibrous vascular connection. The functioning of the endocrine system, adrenal glands, thyroid gland and mammary glands depends on their functioning.

The most common and significant complications.

  1. An inflammatory or infectious process can develop immediately or a little later after surgery. It begins with an increase in body temperature.
  2. Hematomas in the peritoneum or fatty tissue are formed due to impaired hemostasis and blood loss. Possibly due to poor quality of transfusion therapy.
  3. Sometimes extensive bleeding occurs, especially if medical recommendations are not followed.
  4. Nausea + vomiting – as a result of anesthesia or injection carbon dioxide when performing laparoscopy.
  5. The formation of scars and adhesions is a common occurrence after any type of surgery. Lead to dysfunction of the genital organs and infertility.
  6. Failure of the hormonal system.
  7. Recurrence of ectopic pregnancy, formation of a cyst or fibroid.

Complaints of ailments often arise in the postoperative period after a rupture of the fallopian tube of the following type:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • emotional instability (tears, irritation, neurosis);
  • there is a rush of blood in the upper part of the body;
  • hyperhidrosis (increased sweat production).

Symptoms may intensify before the arrival of the first or next menstruation after surgery. A similar clinical picture is not observed in everyone, but only in 40–42% of patients.

Headache is a symptom

2 - 3 months after the rupture and removal of the tube, 35% of women experience a violation menstrual cycle. The following changes may occur:

  • breast enlargement – ​​in 15% of patients;
  • engorgement of the glands – in 6%;
  • overweight;
  • Stretch marks appear on the body, increased hair growth is noted;
  • dysfunction and enlargement of the thyroid gland – 26%;
  • in rare cases, patients experience complete cessation of ovulation;
  • During diagnosis, enlargement of the ovary on the affected side is often observed, which over time undergoes sclerotic changes.

Such symptoms are especially pronounced if both tubes had to be removed during an ectopic pregnancy. The appearance of clinical signs largely depends on physiological characteristics body.


Rejection of bad habits

During the recovery period after a ruptured tube during ectopic pregnancy, it is necessary to adhere to all medical prescriptions.

  1. Provide proper care behind the sutures (if laparotomy was performed).
  2. At first you cannot take a bath, wash only in the shower.
  3. Completion of a course of antibacterial, anti-adhesive and physical therapy. Sometimes the use of vaginal suppositories is prescribed.
  4. Wear compression underwear for a month + you must abstain from intimacy. The beginning of sexual activity must be approved by a doctor.
  5. Keep a calendar of the menstrual cycle, where the dates of the first and last day menstruation.
  6. Balance your diet - temporarily exclude legumes, whole milk, yeast baked goods, baked goods, cereals and liquids with gas.
  7. Introduce a daily routine, moderate exercise (walking, swimming, yoga).
  8. To refuse from bad habits.
  9. Regularly undergo examination by a gynecologist + routine examination.
  10. Take oral contraceptives prescribed by a specialist for six months.
  11. When the body is ready for a new pregnancy, plan conception according to the doctor’s recommendations.

How is a pipe rupture treated abroad?

Doctors operate

In case of organ damage due to ectopic fertilization in countries with advanced technologies emergency surgery is performed. Usually, the tube is removed laparoscopically.

In case of extensive bleeding, transfusion and stabilization of the condition with oxygen and drugs are performed, similar to resuscitation measures in Russian clinics.

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Conception, which is a real miracle, sometimes occurs with serious problems. Sometimes The egg does not implant in the uterus, which was originally designed for embryo implantation. With absence medical care and delay, ectopic pregnancy is dangerous for women. It is extremely important to know when a pipe bursts in order to promptly receive medical help and prevent a dangerous situation from occurring. The correctness of the actions performed by doctors determines the further state of the reproductive system.

Changes in well-being after conception are normal. Despite this, additional signs are undesirable, so they should cause increased alertness.

In the first few weeks, any severe abdominal pain is especially dangerous. This pain is usually noted on one side and is not always clearly visible from the very beginning. Occasionally, pain radiates to the middle of the abdomen or leads to a false urge to defecate, as a result of which self-diagnosis becomes more difficult. Discomfort usually increases when changing body position, turning the body, or walking. Pain syndrome manifests itself in different time, since it depends on the location of the attached embryo and the additional load on the organ.

Undesirable signs also include bloody discharge. If girls notice the appearance of minor smears, it is still recommended to contact experienced doctors for additional examinations. If a significant number of blood vessels are damaged, heavy and prolonged bleeding may begin. In the absence of medical assistance, there is a serious risk for the preservation of not only reproductive functions, but also the life of a woman. In this regard, spontaneous miscarriage should be prevented and surgical intervention should be decided in a timely manner.

In case of serious suspicions or a sharp deterioration in health, you should consult a doctor immediately. Any signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the first days should cause concern, since the girl’s life depends on it.

Failure to see a doctor in a timely manner can have very serious consequences, including: death. Often, ladies postpone their visit to a medical institution, not realizing the specifics of the pathology and not being ready to overcome the existing fear.

When wondering at what time the tube ruptures during an ectopic pregnancy, it is impossible to give a reliable answer. Each case is individual, so the situation may develop differently.

Rupture can occur even in the first weeks after conception. Therefore, the appearance of the first undesirable signs is a direct indicator of the need to contact a specialist. At the same time, official statistics confirm that the critical moment in bearing a baby occurs in the first three months. It is impossible to reliably predict the date of the onset of a critical situation in girls carrying a baby. Since it is determined by the characteristics of the female body and the development of the fetus.

If the critical moment does not occur before twelve weeks, the fertilized egg may fall into the abdominal cavity with subsequent attachment and development. According to this scheme, the pathological process changes its localization, since it was initially tubal, and then changed to abdominal.

Medical care is required for any form of pathological process, since the future fate of the patient depends on it. Despite successful development medicine, the capabilities of any doctors remain limited.

Suspicion regarding abnormal fetal development is confirmed by effective diagnostic techniques.

If there are undesirable deviations associated with the location of the fetus, hCG in the blood increases more slowly, so it is possible to determine the deviations. The alarm should be sounded if hCG stops at 1500 mIU/ml or growing at a slow pace. Additionally, an ultrasound is performed, which should show the fetus.

When trying to understand at what hCG the tube bursts during an ectopic pregnancy, you should not count on exact numbers. Since each situation develops according to a special pattern and the individual characteristics of the body continue to play an important role. Despite this, the indicator HCG 1500 mIU/ml is the reference point. To confirm or deny the assumption, it is recommended to retake the blood test.

The decision regarding further actions is made only after a comprehensive diagnosis. The main task is to accurately determine the location of the baby, because the possibility of his birth depends on this.

Rupture can occur at any time during the first three months. Therefore, the efficiency of taking actions turns out to be truly important for preserving the life of a girl and her opportunity to subsequently become a mother. In this case, you need to act before a critical moment occurs with heavy bleeding and serious consequences for the entire reproductive system. Due to this, any delay can be fatal. Even experienced doctors cannot provide adequate assistance after a rupture, since this circumstance will lead to irreversible changes in the reproductive system.

In the first few weeks, the embryo remains small. Despite this fact, it is noted high level risk for a girl faced with irreversible pathologies during the development of her child. This caused by the narrowness of the organ, in which the embryo is attached. If the fetus is attached in the isthmic part, the risk of rupture is at early stages increases significantly, since the middle zone is the narrowest. Stretching is allowed only 2 millimeters, so rupture can occur in 4–6 weeks or even earlier.

Doctors note that there is minimal risk when the fetus is located in the lower part of the fallopian tube. This part is the most elastic due to its closest location to the uterus. Despite this, the ability to withstand the created load remains only until the eighth to twelfth week.

An ectopic pregnancy is dangerous for every woman. How long does it take for a pipe to burst, a photo of which can be seen when studying functional state organ, it is important to know to prevent critical situations. Pregnant women should consult a doctor promptly for examinations, confirmation of diagnosis and mandatory surgical intervention in order to preserve life and the ability to conceive. Taking into account physiology proves the need for urgent medical attention, since the current situation leaves no time for reflection.

After conception, a girl should be especially attentive to your health. This is due to the risk of pathologies even in women who were initially considered healthy.

Any hints about bloody issues after confirmation of conception are undesirable. Hormonal changes in the body lead to a temporary cessation of menstruation. Bleeding may symbolize placental abruption or problems with the fertilized egg. The reasons for the appearance of bloody discharge are due to load on blood vessels organ in which the baby is developing and further potential tubal rupture. In any case, you need to be wary, since this sign is considered extremely unfavorable for a woman and her child.

Discharge during an ectopic pregnancy, a photo of which allows you to determine the nature of the smears, is an indicator of the need for prompt medical care. If complications manifest themselves in fetal abruption, the discharge will be scanty. In case of pipe rupture and vessel damage there is a risk of heavy bleeding which is difficult to stop. In any case, you cannot do without medical help.

Unfortunately, bearing a child does not always result in childbirth: a woman may develop an ectopic pregnancy. At what time does the fallopian tube, in which the fetus is located, burst, all women of childbearing age should know. After all, delay in this situation can lead to irreversible consequences.

When is the danger closest?

Only those women who contact specialists in a timely manner can avoid many troubles in the event of an ectopic pregnancy. In order not to be too careless, you need to remember that the risk of pipe rupture exists even in the first weeks after conception. According to average statistics, fetal growth provokes a violation of the integrity of the tube in a period of time from 4 to 12 weeks. But this can happen earlier or later - depending on the characteristics of the body of the fair sex. Let's consider the main options for possible developments.

Early tubal abortion

The exact location of the embryo determines how long it will not harm the mother's body. In the middle zone, the fallopian tube is very narrow and does not tolerate even minor deformations - stretching in this part of the organ is permissible by no more than 2 mm. If the fertilized egg is implanted in this area of ​​the tube, its rupture can be expected within 4-6 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes this happens even earlier, so a woman needs to rush to a medical facility at the slightest suspicion of this pathology.

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Late tubal abortion

If the embryo is implanted in the lower part of the fallopian tube, a lot of time will pass before the organ ruptures, since this part of it borders the uterus and therefore has high elasticity. Due to the mentioned anatomical features, a woman long time may not realize that she has an ectopic pregnancy. How long it takes for a pipe to burst under such conditions depends on the individual properties of the tissues. On average, late tubal abortion occurs between 8 and 12 weeks.

A request for help from the female body

Test results that confirm an “interesting situation” are not only a reason for joy, but also a reason for monitoring your well-being. Do not hesitate to visit a gynecologist if signs appear that occur with an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages. Women with this problem report that:

  • pulling or sharp pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizzy and feeling weak;
  • there are unpleasant sensations after urination and defecation;
  • a small amount of blood is released from the vagina;
  • chills and body temperature rises.

Similar phenomena are possible during normal gestation, but it is simply necessary to be on the safe side.

The patient needs emergency surgery if the fallopian tube ruptures under fetal pressure. Typically the victim complains of:

  • severe pain in the abdominal area;
  • cold sweat;
  • nausea and dizziness.

She turns pale, her pulse quickens, and her blood pressure drops to critical levels. Loss of consciousness also occurs. The only correct action in such a situation is to call an ambulance.

How is the diagnosis confirmed?

Doctors use two main methods to detect ectopic pregnancy:

  • hCG test (human chorionic gonadotropin);
  • ultrasound diagnostics.

By determining the level of a hormone called “gonadotropin” in the blood, the development of pathology can be assumed. Having increased to 1500 mIU/ml on days 8-11 after fertilization of the egg, the amount of the substance continues to increase every day. This does not happen when the embryo develops outside the uterus.

A high-precision ultrasound machine gives the diagnostician the opportunity to see the fertilized egg as early as 5-6 weeks. If the level of a special hormone in a woman’s blood is elevated, but the embryo is not found in the usual place, it means the pregnancy is ectopic. At what time this condition is determined is clear from the characteristics of the methods: pathology can be suspected after 1 week, and confirmed after a month. A compaction in the area of ​​incorrect localization of the embryo is also visible on ultrasound. If the tube ruptures, the doctor will notice free fluid accumulated in the uterine area.

What threatens a woman with abnormal implantation of the fetus?

As a result of tubal abortion, which is inevitable if the pathology was not detected in time, heavy internal bleeding begins. Lack of immediate medical care threatens hemorrhagic shock and subsequent death. Even if the operation was performed, as a result of what happened in the future, it will be difficult for the victim to become pregnant. And due to late treatment at the hospital, many fail to avoid infertility. Another sad consequence of ectopic pregnancy, doctors say, is the increased risk of recurrence of the problem when trying to become a mother again.

Ectopic, or another medical name - ectopic (that is, inappropriate) pregnancy accounts for no more than 3% of all pregnancies. Although doctors report with alarm that this pathology has recently tended to grow.

Indeed, there are certain categories of women who can be classified as at risk. That is, some present diseases increase the risk of an ectopic pregnancy.

This pathology can be provoked by:

  • operations performed on the fallopian tubes;
  • uterine curettage, including abortions;
  • tumors of the ovary and/or fallopian tubes;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • congenital abnormal structure of the oviducts;
  • adhesive process;
  • use of an intrauterine device;
  • genital endometriosis;
  • taking medications for a fairly long time to treat infertility;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system.

These pathologies increase the possibility that the normal contraction of the oviducts will be disrupted, or increase the risk of tube blockage. And this is fertile ground for the occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy.

What are the types of ectopic pregnancy?

Types of ectopic pregnancy are indicated by the location of its location. That is, where exactly the fertilized egg is attached, in what place, is what the type of pregnancy is called.

Types of pathology

Tubal ectopic pregnancyMore often than this, no other type of pathology develops. It accounts for about 98% of all statistics on ectopic pregnancy. The egg is attached to the mucous membrane of the oviduct. This type is divided into subtypes: isthmic, fibril, ampullary and interstitial pregnancy. The names are given in relation to the places in the tube where the egg is attached.
Abdominal pregnancyIn this variant, the egg chooses the abdominal cavity as its attachment site.
Ovarian pregnancyThat is, the fertilized egg is implanted inside the ovarian follicle
Cervical pregnancyAnd this is the case when the egg is placed in the uterine cervix and develops there.

The last three types of ectopic pregnancy are diagnosed very rarely.

How can you detect an ectopic pregnancy?

At first, it is almost impossible to determine the pathological process in the body. Until the fertilized egg begins to grow, the woman will actually not be bothered by anything.

The first thing that indicates pathology is pain. At first it is a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, often radiating to the rectum or lower back. The pain is quite tolerable, but does not go away. As a rule, at this stage the woman consults a doctor. But if you endure and do not make any attempts to find out what is happening, the pain will definitely turn into a stabbing, sharp pain that will be almost impossible to endure.

In addition to severe pain the woman feels dizzy, tiresome nausea or even vomiting, and weakness. Often goes down arterial pressure. In addition, the pulse quickens. Quite often a woman loses consciousness at this stage.

Erroneous actions - taking antispasmodics and painkillers. If there is severe, ongoing pain, these drugs will only make the situation worse. They are able to relieve pain and remove symptoms, but the woman’s condition will inevitably worsen – and she won’t even feel it.

Another symptom is dark red discharge, which is important - spotting in nature. They may occur on the days when menstruation is expected to begin, or these discharges occur after intimate intercourse. Often a woman believes that this is a discharge characteristic of a normal pregnancy, which often accompanies the stage of implantation of the fertilized egg.

Symptoms become acute if the fallopian tube bursts.

How to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy

Both hCG analysis and diagnostic laparoscopy will be informative.

When a pipe ruptures

It is impossible to say exactly how long it will take for a pipe to burst. This happens both in the fourth week (which is rare), and the fetus can grow up to the sixteenth week of pregnancy.

It all depends on where exactly the egg is located. Most often, a tube rupture occurs between 6-8 weeks of pregnancy. A pipe rupture does not occur asymptomatically - the pain is detected first in the lower abdomen, on one side, it intensifies and becomes acute.

Some pathological features associated with pipe rupture:

  • A rupture in the fourth to sixth weeks is difficult to overcome if the egg has stopped its journey in the middle part of the tube. This part is called isthymic, it is the narrowest, and can only increase to two millimeters. If we take into account that the embryo at 4 weeks is millimeter in size, then it will continue to grow, and the tube will rupture in the very near future. A pipe rupture is characterized by severe pain and severe internal bleeding.
  • If the egg was implanted in the lower part of the tube, which borders the uterus, the woman may not suspect a pathological pregnancy until two to three months later. In this part, or interstitial section, the muscle layer is more elastic and is well supplied with blood. Therefore, the fertilized egg can grow up to 5 mm, and the woman will not feel any symptoms.
  • If the egg is located in the ampullary section, then the organ rupture will occur within 4-8 weeks. The ampullary part is located near the ovary; this section is not tightly connected to it. Therefore, the tube rarely ruptures, the egg grows to two mm and falls into the abdominal cavity. The pipe will burst if its lumen is deformed.

On average, up to a period of three and a half, four and a half weeks, a tubal pregnancy can develop without damage to the organ.

Video - ectopic pregnancy

What is tubal abortion

In 70% of cases, the fertilized egg chooses the ampullary region as its habitat. Therefore, the final outcome of most ectopic pathologies is tubal abortion. This means that the chorion exfoliates, bleeding begins into the tubal lumen, the fertilized egg is released into the peritoneal cavity, and there it attaches to one or another organ. A pathological abdominal pregnancy begins.

Tubal abortion is distinguished by:

  • delay of menstruation;
  • cramping pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the pain is paroxysmal, more often one-sided, and repeated several times.

Every second woman with this diagnosis experiences slight bleeding. Pain most often signals that the integrity of the fertilized egg is damaged.

During tubal abortion, pain is provoked by the following factors:

Pipe rupture - how it happens

After prolonged attacks of pain, if the woman did not have time to see a doctor, the pipe ruptures.

If a pipe ruptures:

  1. The woman experiences a sharp, very severe deterioration in her condition. This includes vomiting, nausea, severe weakness, as well as dizziness and loss of consciousness.
  2. The woman becomes lethargic, pale, her cold sweat is visible, and shortness of breath is heard. There may be noise in the ears, and “fly spots” may appear in front of the eyes.
  3. Rupture of the tube is fraught with severe bleeding, comparable to hemorrhage after uterine rupture. In a woman, this develops into hemorrhagic shock, which is main reason death due to ectopic pregnancy.

The only way to prevent a pathological pregnancy is to immediately contact a doctor. If menstruation is delayed or the test is positive, you need to see a doctor as quickly as possible to dispel doubts. An ultrasound can help confirm or refute an ectopic pregnancy.

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