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How to survive colic in newborns. Colic in infants: symptoms and how to relieve your baby from pain

Intestinal colic in infants is a fairly common occurrence. When faced with colic for the first time, a young mother may become confused, not understanding what is bothering the baby. Let's try to figure out what intestinal colic is, for what reasons they can occur and can they be prevented? Why don't some babies have colic? How can colic be relieved, and are there any remedies that can help prevent symptoms that are painful for the baby?

Colic is an unpleasant condition that almost every baby goes through. In order not to panic, it is better for mommy to prepare in advance and learn more about the causes of this symptom.

Intestinal colic - what is it?

There is no scientifically established definition of intestinal colic. The medical history goes like this: a well-fed and healthy newborn baby periodically shows anxiety for several hours, cries, and experiences obvious discomfort. This is how pediatricians describe the malaise. If we consider painful manifestations from the processes occurring in the body, then colic is a consequence of the accumulation of air bubbles in the child’s intestines.

The first manifestations of discomfort are observed in an infant at the age of two weeks. In premature babies, intestinal colic may occur later. Statistics show that they appear in children up to 4 months, then disappear completely.

There is a popular belief that the accumulation of air bubbles in the intestines occurs more often in boys. This statement is devoid of any reliable evidence - they visit girls no less often. The problem is not related to the way of feeding a newborn: you can encounter it with both breastfeeding and artificial feeding.

By the way, in European countries, babies are not diagnosed with “intestinal colic” and are not prescribed any treatment. Western doctors attribute the problem to the physiological characteristics of the body of a newborn child. They do not consider them a disease, do not try to treat them, and explain them as a certain process that accompanies the child’s attempts to adapt to the environment.

Up to 4 months, the newborn’s digestive system adapts to new types of nutrition and body development.

For some babies, it goes smoothly, without visible discomfort, while for others, gas accumulation becomes a natural process of strengthening digestion. Colic certainly shouldn’t be considered a disease.

Symptoms: how do intestinal colic manifest?

There is no one clear symptom by which one can understand and accurately determine that the baby has intestinal colic. Each child reacts individually to problems in the intestines: one baby closes his eyes, while the other, on the contrary, opens them wide, while clenching his fists tightly. Feeling discomfort, the newborn tries to communicate this by crying loudly:
(we recommend reading:)

  • The baby pulls his knees up to his tummy, as they say, shrinks. This behavior of the baby indicates that he is suffering from colic.
  • Another characteristic factor that helps to recognize the disease is the frequent passage of gas. Frequent regurgitation of food is possible.
  • The tummy, in which a lot of gas has accumulated, swells and becomes hard (we recommend reading:).
  • The baby's behavior also changes. He is capricious, refuses to feed, and sleeps poorly.

If the child feels sick and vomits, has frequent and loose stools, it is better to immediately seek medical help - colic does not behave like that. Having examined the newborn and taken tests, the pediatrician will understand what the problems are associated with and prescribe competent treatment.

Crying, poor appetite, passing gas more often than usual, a hard stomach - these are the main signs of intestinal colic in a baby

What can cause colic?

There are many reasons why this problem may occur. The main one, according to experts, is the gradual adaptation of the child’s digestive system to the environment.

When breastfeeding colic may appear after the mother has eaten a specific food. Pay attention to what you eat. It is better for a nursing mother not to eat foods such as hot seasonings and sauces, coffee, sweet pastries with a lot of cream, legumes, fermented vegetables, and carbonated drinks.

For artificial people formula milk can be a negative factor causing pain. At the first signs, try changing your diet or consult your pediatrician. The composition of the mixtures is different - perhaps some substances are poorly absorbed by your baby’s body. Each bottle-fed baby needs an individual selection of formula.

However, it is not only inappropriate nutrition that causes colic and gas. They are often formed because the baby swallows a large amount of air when sucking on the breast or pacifier.

When breastfeeding, the problem can be caused by an uncomfortable position or improper latching of the breast. When artificial feeding - the wrong nipple for the bottle.

How to rid a child of colic?

Long-term observations of pediatricians have made it possible to develop several effective ways to combat colic; they help relieve infants from unpleasant sensations. There are also known folk remedies that our grandmothers have used for a long time. Of course, you shouldn’t use all the methods at once; you need to find one that will really effectively relieve an unpleasant ailment. Let's look at each of them.

Drug therapy

  1. Synthetic. The basic active ingredient is simethicone, which impedes the formation of gases and promotes the destruction of already accumulated gas bubbles. Drugs in this group include: Espumisan, Bobotik, Sab Simplex, Infacol (more details in the article:).
  2. Natural. The basic active ingredients are fennel and dill, which have an antispasmodic effect and enhance the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract. This group includes: Plantex, Bebinos, BabyCalm (more details in the article:).

Changing food

  • If you experience colic while bottle-feeding, try changing the formula. Observe your baby's behavior and see how his digestive system reacts.
  • Pay attention to the nipple through which the baby receives nutrition. Nipples are available in regular and orthodontic versions. The latter are given a shape identical to the nipple of the female breast. They reduce the risk of the baby catching large amounts of air, which leads to colic. Among the latest developments, we note nipples with an anti-vacuum system. They do not stick together when sucked, again preventing air from entering the stomach and intestines.
  • The current solution for breastfeeding mothers is to balance their own diet and not eat certain foods. Include tea with oregano, chamomile, and peppermint in your diet.
  • Your doctor may recommend taking a special enzyme that helps digest lactose. It has a low price and is sold in all pharmacies. Many mothers note the effectiveness of probiotics. They have a beneficial effect on the child’s fragile digestive system, normalize the absorption of food, improve its digestion, restore the newborn’s intestinal microflora, and help reduce the risk of the problem.
  • Frequent regurgitation of food indicates overeating. This can also cause colic. Try to reduce the portions of food your baby receives at one feeding.
  • Hold your baby upright for 15 minutes after feeding to allow him to burp up air. This is a fairly common technique that is familiar to our grandmothers.
  • You cannot delay feeding time. When very hungry, the baby greedily grabs the pacifier or breast, allowing a large amount of air to enter inside. Feed your baby strictly on a schedule.
  • A proven remedy is dill water. It has long been used to solve this problem. Our grandmothers often used it to soothe colic.
  • Use medications and homeopathic preparations, but only after consultation with a pediatrician.

Sensory simulation against colic

  • Do not swaddle your baby tightly, leaving him more freedom of movement. If the baby is sufficiently active, gases will be easier to leave the body.
  • To prevent the accumulation of gases, place the baby on his stomach before each feeding. Carry out the procedure 20 minutes before putting the baby to the breast.
  • In some cases, you can take a warm bath before feeding to help your newborn relax and eat calmly.
  • Place warm compresses on your baby's tummy to soothe or relieve colic. Use a heating pad or hold your baby close to your body for this.
  • For some children, walking in the fresh air can be a good remedy for colic.
  • An effective way is. Periodically, before eating and a few minutes after it, stroke your child’s tummy; this method not only removes, but also helps to avoid intestinal colic.
  • An extreme method is to use a gas outlet tube at home. If none of the above helped the child, and colic persists for a long time, take a gas outlet tube, lubricate one end with oil, insert it into the baby’s anus about 2 cm. Do the procedure carefully so as not to harm the baby. Before inserting the tube, bend the baby's legs and press them to the tummy.

If the methods we describe do not allow you to cope with colic, refer to the lessons of Dr. Komarovsky. He authoritatively asserts that there are no effective methods to completely eliminate the problem.

Of course, you feel sorry for the baby, and you are worried about him, but Komarovsky says that there is no need to fight, because after 3-4 months this problem goes away by itself. To reduce the baby’s suffering and your own peace of mind, you can use homeopathic and medicinal remedies - maybe the child will feel better.

At the first tantrums in a newborn, it is generally accepted that colic is to blame. Young parents, especially if colic began late at night, do not know how to calm the baby. They immediately call an ambulance, but doctors don’t always have time to arrive when the baby is hysterical. It often happens that the baby manages to calm down by then. In our article we will discuss colic in a newborn - what to do to avoid excess gas formation in the baby’s intestines?

At the first sign of colic in a baby, do not sound the alarm. You must understand that excess gas in a baby's intestines is a physical feature of all newborns.

You must help your baby cope with this temporary illness, which completely disappears closer to 6 months. But in some children, colic stops occurring as early as 4 months.
To prevent colic, you should pay attention to:

  • Microflora of your own intestines.
  • Presence of candidiasis during pregnancy. It must be cured, because thrush causes intestinal dysfunction in a newborn.
  • Colic is often observed in those children who have had placental insufficiency or premature aging.
  • Colic often occurs in those children who had umbilical cord entanglement or hypoxia during childbirth.
  • The baby must be placed on the mother's breast immediately after birth. If this is not done, the newborn’s intestines become colonized with microorganisms that can disrupt its microflora.

Symptoms of colic in a newborn

How can you tell if your baby has colic? Look out for the following signs:

  • Restless behavior - the baby begins to toss and turn, be capricious, and unexpectedly wakes up.
  • A sudden change in behavior - a child can play and have fun, and a minute later burst into tears. He twists his legs and tucks them in, waves his clenched fists, arches his back. At the same time, the baby’s face turns red from tension.
  • Prolonged crying. It is almost impossible to calm a baby during colic. Your attempts to attach the baby to the chest will be rejected by him, motion sickness will also not help.
  • Bloating. The baby's belly becomes swollen and hard, and the bubbling of gases can be easily felt if you touch the tummy.
  • Relief occurs after the passage of gas, bowel movements or regurgitation.

These are the main signs of colic. If you observe such symptoms for several days, then it is time to begin measures to eliminate them or alleviate the condition.

What to do for colic in a newborn

What should you do to help your baby relieve unpleasant symptoms? Typically, colic occurs up to 4 times a week, and they can occur at any time of the day. Follow our recommendations, and then your child will be less capricious with colic.

Always keep a warm diaper on hand, as warmth can reduce pain in your newborn. It is also necessary to purchase dill water at the pharmacy, which can be used for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

When feeding, pay attention to the position in which you feed the baby. Sometimes the baby may become capricious due to incorrect posture. Therefore, choose a position that suits both the baby and you.

Take your baby for walks outside more often. Fresh air calms the baby, allowing him to fall asleep faster and forget about pain.

During an attack of colic, try to hold your baby in your arms so that his tummy is in contact with your body. Mother's warmth will not only calm the baby, but also make colic go away.

Some babies don't have colic until they're 3 months old, and then suddenly it appears. The reason for this may be poor nutrition of the mother. In this case, we recommend reviewing your diet and eliminating foods that increase gas formation.

During your appointment with the pediatrician, do not hesitate to ask him questions regarding the baby’s gastrointestinal tract. After all, only a doctor will advise you what medications can be used to save yourself from colic, and how to behave during an exacerbation of this condition.

Make notes indicating the time of onset of colic. This way, you can notice the frequency of their occurrence so that you can be prepared for the next attack of pain.
Avoid fried and dairy products. Give preference to boiled and steamed foods.

Give your baby fennel tea during colic attacks. You can use it for preventive purposes.

Always keep a gas outlet tube on hand, which is sold in every pharmacy. To use it, press the baby's legs to his tummy, then moisten the end of the tube in oil or baby cream, and then insert it a couple of centimeters into the baby's anus. Wait until all the gases come out, then carefully remove the tube and wash it in warm water and soap.


  • It is advisable to breastfeed your baby only, as breast milk is the ideal source of nutrition for a newborn baby. It is difficult to choose a formula for a child, so if you want your baby to be bottle-fed, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to select a formula for your baby for some time that does not cause colic and constipation.
  • Watch your diet. Do not eat foods that can cause increased gas formation. Avoid soda, sweets and flour products. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to adhere to a special diet for nursing mothers for some time.
  • Place your baby on his tummy more often; this will not only get rid of excess gas, but will also strengthen the anterior abdominal wall of the intestine.
  • Do a daily tummy massage in a clockwise direction.
  • Give your baby regular baby water or dill water. Dill water is an effective remedy in the fight against colic.

All parents dream of their children being happy and healthy. Therefore, adults should remember that colic is a temporary phenomenon that occurs on its own and disappears unnoticed. Don’t panic because of your baby’s physiological characteristics; be prepared for sleepless nights that you won’t even remember in the future.

Many parents are faced with such a common problem as intestinal colic in a newborn. Intestinal colic is abdominal pain that occurs when there is increased gas formation in the baby's intestines. This usually happens when the gastrointestinal tract adapts to nutrition after the birth of a child. The baby becomes restless during this period cries uncontrollably and continuously.

Most often, colic - intestinal spasms in infants appears 2-4 weeks after birth, and disappears after 3 months. Such problems can appear even in completely healthy children. However, it can be treated quite successfully.

There are a large number of ways to relieve your baby from unpleasant painful sensations and improve his condition. This article will tell young parents about the difference between colic and gas and what treatment is best to choose.

What is the difference between colic and gas in newborns?

By the word gas, children's doctors mean the accumulation of gases in the baby's intestines. This is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, as well as bloating in the child. The child experiences some discomfort, may release gases, grunt, and press his legs to his tummy.

Moderate accumulation of gases in a child’s intestines is normal. Therefore, it does not usually cause the baby to scream or cry. But when a lot of them accumulate, parents will know about this by the cry of the child. In other words, their excessive accumulation is accompanied by so-called colic.

If gases can cause slight discomfort, then intestinal spasms, on the contrary, cause sharp, severe pain in the child’s stomach. It is accompanied by a long, heart-rending cry of the baby. To understand what is bothering the child, it is important to distinguish colic from gas.

Symptoms of colic:

  • unreasonable anxiety of the baby;
  • the child presses his legs to his tummy, which indicates cutting pain in the stomach or intestines;
  • at the same time he cries shrilly;
  • releases gases;
  • paleness appears on the face;
  • loose stools or constipation.

Causes of colic and how to deal with it

Among the main causes of colic, we highlight the following points:

If the child is bottle-fed, then when feeding the bottle should be held at an angle of 45 degrees. This will prevent the baby from swallowing air.

Some foods can also cause stomach pain, therefore, a mother who is breastfeeding her baby is advised to follow a special diet. In this case, tummy pain in a child can be avoided only by following a strict diet.

When breastfeeding, a nursing mother should exclude the following foods from her diet:

  • spicy dishes;
  • corn;
  • cabbage;
  • milk;
  • coffee;
  • nuts;

How long does a baby have colic?

Many parents are afraid of problems associated with excessive accumulation of gases in the child, so they are interested in when colic appears and how long it bothers the baby.

Most often, colic and gassy begin to appear 2-3 weeks after the baby is born. This has already been mentioned above. Colic intensifies at one and a half to two months and usually goes away by 3-4 months. At this stage of life, the child’s digestive system is already adapted to the food offered. The ailments gradually begin to recede. However, do not forget that all children are different. Some people experience similar problems earlier, others later.

If your baby starts having intestinal cramps at 2 months, they can bother him for up to six months. This is often observed in premature babies. This is a very big problem for parents. Such problems can only be avoided with the help of special diets. To receive qualified assistance, parents are advised to consult a nutritionist.

First aid for a baby with colic

There are many traditional ways to help your baby with intestinal cramps. Let's describe the best of them.

Before each feeding, the baby should be placed on his tummy. So he should lie down for 10-15 minutes. In this situation, the gases will come out and it will not come to colic.

A warm compress from an ironed diaper is also a very good way. You need to iron the diaper so that it becomes warm, but not hot, and tie it around the baby’s tummy. This is a very effective method. Our grandmothers used it back in the old days.. A gentle mother’s tummy massage also helps a lot. It should be done with light clockwise movements.

During intestinal cramps, the mother should hold the baby to her chest. This will distract him from the pain and the colic will become less severe.

If a child has colic who is bottle-fed, in this case the formula needs to be replaced.

Colic and gas in newborns: treatment

All medications intended for the treatment of colic are divided into two types: drugs for prevention, drugs for relieving intestinal spasms.

The use of prophylactic anticolic drugs does not guarantee complete disappearance of colic, but makes attacks rare and less painful. Such drugs are very effective. They reduce gas formation, which causes colic. Their active ingredients, such as dill, fennel, and anise, have anti-colic properties.

Drugs that help overcome intestinal spasms are used at the time of an attack to stop it. These drugs are made from simiticone. It relieves tension in the intestinal walls, breaking down accumulated gases and reducing discomfort. With the birth of a child, it is recommended to have medications for the treatment of colic and gas in your home medicine cabinet.

Means and preparations for the prevention of colic

A good remedy for preventing colic is Plantex tea. This tea is made from fennel. The package contains 10 granulated tea bags. To prepare the drink, you need to pour 1 sachet with 100 ml of boiling water. Let it brew. Give a newborn this tea 1-2 times a day between feedings, dividing 1 bag into 2 doses.

Another good remedy is dill water. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. Sold in glass bottles of 15 ml. This drink is given to the baby 2 times a day between feedings.

If the pharmacy doesn’t have dill water, you can prepare it yourself. To do this, dill seeds are poured with boiling water. Let it brew for 40–45 minutes. After this, filter.

This drink removes gases well and relieves intestinal spasms. Regular use of this product helps improve digestion and also relieves pain in a child.

It should be added that dill water is useful not only for the baby, but also for the mother. It improves lactation, digestion in mother and has a calming property.

Together with the above remedies for the prevention of colic, you can use the drug Baby Calm. This is an Israeli drug based on vegetable oils. It contains dill, anise and mint oils.

Before using the drug need to be diluted with warm boiled water, as indicated on the bottle. The resulting suspension is dripped into the child’s mouth, 10 drops each, before feeding. Baby Calm should be stored in the refrigerator.

Means and preparations for relieving colic

One of the most effective and popular drugs for relieving colic is espumizan. This drug is sold without a prescription, but when buying it, you must tell the seller at the pharmacy that the product is being purchased for a newborn, since this drug is also available for adults.

The main advantage of espumisan is that it can be given to the baby from the first day of life. Espumisan is a suspension of simiticone. It is not absorbed through the intestinal mucosa, so it does not cause any harm to the child’s body. Once in the intestines, espumizan relieves the baby from colic and is excreted from the body in its original form.

Espumisan is sold for newborns in the form of a white suspension with banana flavor. The bottle has a dispenser and measuring cap, which is very convenient to use. The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the child. When it comes to babies, it is very important to know the correct dosage to follow. To resolve this issue it is recommended consult a doctor.

Espumisan has no restrictions on the number of doses. It all depends on how severe the baby’s colic symptoms are. The duration of use is also not limited. The drug can be safely given to the baby until he is no longer tormented by intestinal spasms.

Another good medication for relieving colic is the drug Sab Simlex. It is developed on the basis of simitikon and is available in the form of a suspension.

Sab Simlex should be given to the baby 15 drops after feeding. If the baby is bottle-fed, the suspension can be added directly to the milk mixture.

Sab Simlex, like all medications, has contraindications. Its use is not recommended in case of obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract, congenital pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the drug. In rare cases, the baby may be allergic to simiticone or other components that make up the medicine. In this case, you should contact your pediatrician and change the drug.

Hello, Lyudmila. Help us resolve one issue that my husband and I are arguing about. Our son turned one month old, and I began to notice changes in his behavior. He often cries, curls up his legs and is capricious. Sometimes he even refuses to eat, and then suddenly calms down.

In general, by all indications, it looks like he is suffering from colic in his tummy. My mother-in-law thinks so too. But this is where our unanimity ends. She says that the main reason for this condition is increased formation of gases in the intestines and therefore the baby needs to be treated with diet, dill water and a gas tube.

But I am inclined to think that such problems are associated with the whole body getting used to new conditions, and this process cannot be disrupted by outside interference.

But I’m a young mother, and my mother-in-law has already raised two children. My opinion cannot compete with her parental authority. Need professional recommendations. Please explain for what reasons colic occurs in a newborn, and who is right about what to do to alleviate the baby’s condition.

What is colic

Of course, interfering in a dispute between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is a thankless task. Therefore, I will not undertake to judge you. But I can provide a qualified look at the nature of the origin of colic in newborns and, accordingly, the correct actions of parents in such cases.

First of all, I note that all experts agree on the natural causes of abdominal colic in newborns. They are considered as one of the manifestations of the adaptation process during the period of adaptation of the baby’s body to new conditions of existence, a new environment.

Until recently, it was believed that colic was associated exclusively with the restructuring of the gastrointestinal tract and the formation of beneficial microflora in it. Nowadays, the opinion about the neurological nature of the origin of such spasms is gaining more and more popularity. Scientists provide evidence that colic can be considered a “companion” of headaches (migraines).

I will not go into the scientific details of the explanations for this statement. But many adults will confirm that under severe stress a person experiences serious discomfort, one of the symptoms of which is cramps and pain in the stomach.

It is quite possible that the baby is also experiencing a huge nervous shock from the abundance of new impressions that literally fall upon him in the first months of life. After all, it is precisely during the period when colic begins in a newborn that he gradually comes to realize himself as a separate being from his mother. He understands that he is now on his own and must ensure his own livelihood.

Imagine a similar situation. How will you feel after suddenly finding yourself on another planet, where you even need to breathe differently? Of course, you are guaranteed panic with all the accompanying symptoms.

Agree that the described condition is very similar to what a newborn should experience. Also fitting into this “symptomatic picture” is the fact that in all babies colic begins at exactly the same period and goes away abruptly in all of them, regardless of the intensity and quality of treatment (whether the baby’s parents give the baby dill water or nothing at all). do it - colic disappears).

Thus, we have two theories regarding colic in a newborn, and, accordingly, recommendations on what to do. Both have their supporters. Moreover, the second theory, thanks to modern medical research, is receiving more and more confirmation.

Signs of colic

The main symptoms of colic in a newborn are related to the condition of the tummy. He becomes tense and bloated. There are other symptoms:

  • the baby draws up his legs;
  • sometimes releases gas;
  • may try to push;
  • his stool changes.

In addition, noticeable changes occur in the child’s behavior. He:

  1. becomes moody and restless (especially immediately after feeding);
  2. often, for no apparent reason, begins to cry;
  3. does not calm down for a long time;
  4. may temporarily refuse to eat.

Typically, colic manifests itself in the form of attacks that periodically “roll up”, and then relief comes.

Causes of colic

So, based on the information above, it follows that there are two types of causes of colic.

Causes associated with intestinal problems:

  • The baby is born with a sterile intestine, i.e. it does not yet contain those beneficial bacteria that accompany and facilitate the digestion process. Therefore, this process occurs with certain difficulties;
  • During the period of microflora creation, the balance of beneficial microorganisms often changes. Exceeding the concentration level of certain species can cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract and lead to the development of dysbacteriosis;
  • A lack of food enzymes due to improperly organized breastfeeding can cause false lactase deficiency. To avoid this, you need to breastfeed correctly, change breasts during feeding on time and follow the rules of breastfeeding.

I will explain these rules to you in more detail in the course Secrets of Breastfeeding >>>.

This is an online course, which means you and your baby don’t need to travel anywhere. You will watch the course at home and start feeding your baby correctly, this will reduce the occurrence of colic.

  • When eating or crying, the baby may swallow air, which enters the intestines.

Also, colic in a newborn during breastfeeding is associated with errors in the diet of the nursing mother. There is an opinion that there are certain foods that cause colic in newborns. These include:

  1. vegetables: cabbage, onions, tomatoes, corn. Read more about what vegetables a nursing mother can eat?>>>;
  2. nuts;
  3. cow's milk and products made from it. Find out from the article, is milk ok for a nursing mother?>>>;
  4. products containing caffeine;
  5. dishes with spicy seasonings.

Causes associated with migraine:

  • Sleep disturbance: lack of sleep, excess, disruptions in sleep rhythm (read the current article: The child sleeps for 20-30 minutes >>>);
  • Psychotraumatic situations: sharp sounds, bright lights, strong odors, cold, etc.;
  • Ignoring the diet and improper diet of a nursing mother;
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Change of weather.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all of these reasons are associated with natural processes that inevitably occur in the body of a newborn. In no case does the occurrence of colic indicate the development of any pathologies or problems with the baby’s health.

When does colic appear and go away?

Colic is a temporary phenomenon. They usually occur in a baby 3 to 4 weeks after birth. The length of time colic lasts in newborns may vary. Typically, 1 to 4 hours of crying are the main sign that a baby is suffering from colic and gas.

This period can last from 6 to 8 weeks. The latest period when colic in newborns goes away is 4 months of age.

How can I help my child?

And now the main question, which, as I understand, is the main subject of your dispute: how to get rid of colic in newborns. Here I am completely on your side, and on the side of the various manufacturers of colic drugs.

For more information about this, see my short video tutorial about colic in a newborn:

The effect of dill water, as well as tea containing fennel, anise, caraway or lemon balm, can be compared with the results from taking a placebo. In the same way, medications that are prescribed to eliminate colic in a newborn do not affect the causes that provoke these spasms.

Moreover, they can be harmful. It is important to understand that colic occurs during the formation of the body’s ability to function independently. Any artificially introduced components will only disrupt and “knock down” this process.

Some mothers start giving medications containing bacteria and enzymes necessary for digestion. However, the body will reject them, they will not take root in the intestines and will not multiply there, as many mothers think. No, these medications, like all others, give a temporary effect and are completely eliminated from the body.

Breast milk contains all the necessary bifidobacteria and lactobacteria that help intestinal maturation. Focus your energy on proper breastfeeding. You will find a lot of useful information on this topic in the article How to properly breastfeed a newborn?>>>

This is how nature intended and how it should be. Giving a baby drugs can only worsen the already immature intestinal microflora.

Remember, there are not many effective ways to treat colic in newborns. I will tell you more about what really helps during colic and gas, as well as the secrets of helping a child with anxiety in the online course Soft tummy: getting rid of colic in a baby >>>

However, I in no way advocate doing nothing at all and simply waiting for the colic period to end, helplessly watching the suffering of the newborn.

The mother can significantly alleviate the baby’s condition during this period. After all, the most important thing that helps with colic in newborns is the love, care, and guardianship of their parents. The child needs to be made to feel that the connection with his mother is not completely severed, that he is not left without support.

  1. Provide constant tactile contact. Take the baby in your arms and hold him close. You can place the baby on your stomach and stroke his back;
  2. Breastfeed. The process of sucking itself, the feeling of warmth from your body, and the beneficial components of mother's milk - all this will only improve the condition of the newborn. You can apply to the breast very often without observing certain time intervals;
  3. Protect from stress. Use “white” noise to calm your baby (read the article: White noise for a newborn >>>). When sleeping at night, create twilight in the room. Do not expose to sudden cold (leave the hardening procedure for a later period);
  4. Provide a cozy, comfortable environment so that the newborn feels protected;
  1. Give a massage for colic in a newborn. This way you will stimulate intestinal motility. In addition, soft stroking movements bring pleasant sensations and provide an opportunity to relax. The baby will feel a similar effect if you put a warm diaper on his stomach.

I would like to note that during the period of colic in a newborn, the mother has to spend a lot of effort and patience. This is very exhausting, so you will need support from loved ones. Ask for help with everyday tasks while you care for your baby and help him through difficult periods of infantile anxiety.

Infant colic is an accumulation of gases in the tummy of a baby. A large accumulation of gases causes spasms, which cause pain and anxiety to the child. The child's body adapts to a new life outside the womb. If previously the child received food through the umbilical cord, now he has to work hard to get enough. And along with food, be it breast milk or formula, new bacteria colonize the body. Accordingly, other food will be digested differently. It gets to the point that every mother visits the forum to find out answers to questions about colic. Should I give medications to relieve gas? The baby is suffering, and the mother is worried and wants to help him fart.

Colic and gas in newborns: why do they appear, how to understand that it is colic, how do they manifest themselves in a month-old baby?

  • Formation of the gastrointestinal tract. Bloating in newborns can occur due to the fact that the baby's gastrointestinal tract is still developing and has not yet fully formed.
  • Attaching to the breast. Perhaps colic in infants occurs due to improper attachment of the baby to the breast. The baby may not latch onto the breast correctly and may swallow air along with the milk during feeding. Because of this, bloating occurs and, as a result, intestinal colic.
  • The character of the child. There is a possibility that the newborn has a tummy ache because he cried, screamed, became overexcited, or swallowed air. There are babies who cry a little and do not require attention, but there are children with character, so the cause of colic can be the child’s special temperament.
  • Mom's nutrition.
  • If your baby is breastfed, then you should know what it is. Infants may have colic due to poor nutrition. Baby formula.
  • If the child is bottle-fed, then it may make sense to change the formula or once again make sure that it is prepared correctly. Feeding regimen.

Try to exclude the possibility of colic due to non-compliance with the feeding regime. Here the opinions of pediatricians differ. Some people continue to believe that feeding should be strictly according to the schedule (an interval of at least three hours), because the food does not have time to be digested in a short time and disorders appear in the gastrointestinal tract. Others consider this belief to be “a thing of the past” and suggest feeding “on demand.” What is right for your baby is up to you to decide. But if nothing helps, you can still experiment for one day.

  • The baby cries and curls his toes and hands, pulls his knees to his tummy, sleeps and cries.
  • The baby cries loudly and his face turns red.
  • The abdomen becomes bloated and rumbling can be heard. After the gases have gone away, the child calms down.
  • Colic in babies can begin around the tenth day of life and last up to three to four months.
  • Usually, with colic, the baby's stool is regular and without changes.
  • Colic occurs more often in babies who quickly gain weight.

10 tips on how to relieve pain for a colicky child at home. Treat or wait for a miracle

Be sure to do all the procedures while holding the baby in your arms. The baby will relax and will not be afraid of anything. Colic occurs in both boys and girls.

  1. Rub your belly clockwise around your navel.
  2. Place your warm palm on your tummy and lightly rock with your other hand.
  3. Attach your baby to your breast during colic. This will allow him to relax and relieve cramps.
  4. Place a warm diaper on your tummy. It should be folded in several layers and ironed. If the diaper turns out to be hot, then place it on top of the vest, and when it starts to cool down, apply it to your bare tummy.
  5. Place your baby on your stomach. Your baby will be very pleased to sleep on your stomach. When mom is nearby, children always sleep sweetly.
  6. Do gymnastics: press your knees towards your tummy, this will create a natural massaging of the abdominal cavity. Connect your right knee to your left elbow and vice versa, and so on several times. Gas trucks will immediately begin to leave on their own.
  7. Rock your child in the tiger-on-a-branch position. This position is more suitable for dads who have strong arms. Bend your arm at the elbow and place the baby on it, belly down, with the head on the palm of your hand. In this position, you can not only alleviate the child’s condition, but also wear it at normal times. For many dads, this is their favorite walking position.
  8. Make an “airplane”: place the child in your arms with his stomach down and swing him slightly to the right and then to the left. Many children begin to squeal with joy and laugh for the first time during this exercise. By the way, you can always do this when a child starts to act up.
  9. If your child likes to swim, give him a warm bath with chamomile brewed in a water bath (three tablespoons of flowers per half liter of water). This will help relieve pain from colic and gas in newborns. The pain goes away.
  10. Gas outlet pipe. We deliberately talk about it last. Yes, it helps to get rid of gas, but you should not overuse it, otherwise the baby will quickly get used to it, and you will no longer be able to do without this tube. The child will not want to deal with the problem himself, and besides, this is unnecessary irritation of the anus. For those who, on the advice of pediatricians, decided to fight colic in infants using a gas outlet tube: lubricate the tip with Vaseline or baby cream and carefully insert the tube into the anus, but no more than 2 cm. If the child shows the slightest resistance, stop this activity. Be aware that such interference may cause diffraction.

Use our tips and you will definitely be able to relieve your baby’s pain with colic!

  • what medications do doctors usually prescribe for colic in newborns?
  • 7 tips for preventing colic,
  • and also if it’s not colic, then what?

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