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Gasoline heating boilers. Choosing a liquid fuel heating boiler

Universal boilers are those that heat water using thermal energy from the combustion of different types of fuel, namely gas or diesel fuel, or solid fuel.

The main advantage of universal boilers is their versatility, that is, the ability to burn different fuels in one boiler. This possibility exists because fuel combustion occurs not in the boiler, but in the burner installed on it. The boiler, in this case, performs exclusively the function of a heat exchanger. Depending on what type of fuel is supposed to be used, such a burner is installed on the boiler: gas, diesel, fuel oil or combined.

There are boilers on which, in addition to diesel or gas, you can install a pellet burner. True, these are initially solid fuel boilers, however they can also be called universal. For example, Lamborghini WBL boilers operate on wood, coal, pellets and diesel fuel. The power of such boilers is 20-60 kW.

In what cases is a universal boiler required? For example, if initially no main gas is supplied to the heating facility, then a diesel burner is installed on the boiler, which can later be replaced with a gas burner in the event of gasification of the facility.

A universal boiler in a diesel version also has an undeniable advantage - full automation and autonomy of the heating system. The disadvantages of diesel heating, first of all, include its high cost, as well as the need for a fuel storage facility.

By installing a liquid fuel boiler for your home, you can solve several problems at once: obtain a heat source for heating living quarters and hot water, in sufficient quantities. Before purchasing a heat generator, take into account the operating features that influence the choice, possible heating costs and cost.

Types of household liquid fuel boilers

Heating boilers for private houses and cottages using liquid fuel are classified according to several criteria. It is customary to divide boiler equipment according to the principle of operation and the type of fuel used:

Home boiler systems running on liquid fuel are also classified according to build quality. Made in the factory, they are reliable and safe. “Home-made” installations are explosive and fire hazardous.

Is it profitable to heat a house with an oil-fuel boiler?

The first heating systems for country houses with liquid fuel boilers were practically free. Owners of service stations, transport convoys and vehicle depots were ready to give away the work, practically for nothing. The consumer was required to pay the cost of electricity. At the moment, the cost of liquid fuel has increased significantly, but factory boilers have also become more economical.

To determine the economic benefit of installing liquid fuel boilers for heating residential buildings, several important aspects of their operation are considered:

  • Cost of installation and connection - costs are reduced to installation work and payment for piping the boiler. Obtaining additional documents and permits is not required.
    The difference with a gas boiler becomes obvious if you consider that in some regions of the Russian Federation only for connecting to the central highway, 80,000 - 120,000 rubles will be required.
  • Liquid fuel consumption - to obtain 10 kW of heat within an hour, you will need to burn about 1 kg of energy. The costs are affected by the ambient temperature and the absence of errors in connecting the heat generator. The average consumption of diesel fuel per year, for a house of 100 m², will be 4-5 tons, waste oil - 6-7 tons.
Connecting a liquid fuel boiler room with a large capacity reserve leads to excessive fuel consumption by 10-15%. For this reason, a preliminary calculation of the boiler is performed by a specialist. The power reserve should not exceed 10-15% of the actual need for thermal energy, taking into account hot water supply.

How to choose a boiler for heating a house with liquid fuel

Home liquid fuel heating boilers are manufactured by European and domestic companies. When selecting a suitable model, several performance characteristics are taken into account:
  • Power – calculations are made by a specialist. Preliminary calculation is performed using the formula 1 kW = 10 m².
  • Functionality - single-circuit models, working for heating, double-circuit, connected to heating and hot water systems.
    Some models with two circuits have a built-in storage tank that ensures a uniform supply of hot water during peak DHW loads.
  • The price of the boiler is the most expensive; German boilers are presented exclusively in the premium class. In the mid-price category, boilers from Korean manufacturers are offered, equipped with an automation system and multi-level protection. The cheapest in the price segment is domestic boiler equipment.

In addition to selection by power, functionality and price category, the heat generator is selected depending on the manufacturer’s brand.

Which brands of liquid fuel boilers are better?

Boilers running on liquid fuel are no longer as rare as they were in the early nineties and 2000s. Modern heating devices are produced by several dozen enterprises, both world leaders in the production of heating systems and little-known companies.

The following brands enjoy reliability and constant demand among Russian consumers:

  • Kiturami.
  • De Dietrich.
  • Navien.
  • Gecko.
  • Vaillant.
  • 5Energy.
  • Olympia.
  • Viessmann.
In the list, models of domestic liquid fuel boilers especially stand out. Advantages: unpretentiousness to the quality of the raw materials used, resistance of the automation and pump to voltage surges.

Requirements for installing an oil-fuel boiler in a house

Installation of a heating boiler using liquid fuel in a private house must comply with fire safety requirements and building codes. Installation work is carried out in compliance with the following recommendations:
  • For the boiler room, use a ventilated room with natural and artificial lighting. Forced supply and exhaust ventilation is required.
  • The walls of the boiler room are lined with non-flammable materials: ceramic tiles, plaster.
  • The operation of the boiler is accompanied by high-intensity noise - the boiler room is soundproofed.
  • Sanitary standards for installing a boiler recommend using exclusively technical and non-residential premises, separated from the corridor and living rooms by a door.
  • Installation of an oil-fuel boiler is carried out taking into account fire safety gaps. The chimney pipe, when passing through the floor slab, walls and roof, is installed in a special groove.
For convenient operation and maintenance, the boiler is placed in a boiler room with sufficient area to ensure easy access to all important components of the device.

Experience in operating liquid fuel boilers - pros and cons

Heating boilers for individual residential houses, cottages, dachas, using liquid fuel, have several significant advantages. There are also disadvantages that affect operation:
  • Advantages - modern liquid fuel heat generators are economical boilers with a high degree of heating automation. Fuel is available in any region of the Russian Federation.
    For household connections, there is no need to obtain permits or approvals. An additional plus is the possibility of further conversion to natural gas, as well as operation on any type of liquid fuel.
  • Disadvantages - when burning raw materials, a large amount of soot is formed. A boiler operating in exhaust gas will have to be cleaned every 2-3 days, using diesel fuel, approximately once a week.
If we take into account all the advantages and disadvantages, in areas where there is no central gasification, this is the optimal boiler for heating and producing hot water.

High-quality heating of your own home is one of the most important issues facing its owner. And when it is resolved, a dilemma very often arises as to which heating unit will be optimal under the current conditions. Of course, if a gas main is connected to the house, then preference is given - in terms of operating costs, such equipment has no equal. But in the case when such an opportunity is absent (gasification of a populated area is not expected in the near future) or its implementation requires absolutely “cosmic” expenses (and this often happens when it is necessary to carry out a connection from a highway to a specific building), one has to involuntarily look for other solutions.

One solution could be the use of liquid fuel - most often diesel fuel is used in this capacity, but options with used engine oil or fuel oil are possible. This option, of course, requires specialized equipment, which you need to be able to select, and at the same time, also correctly predict operating costs. Therefore, the topic of today's publication: liquid fuel boilers - principles of operation and calculation of fuel consumption.

Briefly about the advantages and disadvantages of liquid fuel heating equipment

So, if heating is required “here and now”, and there is no way to gain access to network gas or organize a constant supply of liquefied gas, then consider using wood or other types of solid fuel, electric heating or using equipment running on liquid hydrocarbons. What makes the latter stand out for the better?

TO benefits the following can be attributed:

  • Installing a liquid fuel boiler does not require very lengthy and “tedious” conciliation procedures with the collection of documents, drawing up and approval of the project by authorities. This can be considered its distinctive advantage from gas equipment - the owners carry out the installation “at their own peril and risk.” True, fire safety measures here are even stricter, so there may be friction, if not with the gas workers, then with the fire inspectorate.
  • The advantage over solid fuel boilers is the ease of precise adjustments and the absence of the need for frequent intervention in the operation of the boiler room. There is no need to regularly load firewood or coal, which even long-burning boilers cannot do without.
  • Compared to liquid fuels, they are less dependent on the “whims” of power grids. Most of them still cannot be called non-volatile - the circuit contains fans for pumping air, pumps for providing fuel supply and, often, electronic control units. However, this problem, in case of possible temporary interruptions, can be solved by installing an uninterruptible power supply unit or a backup generator; under the same conditions, electric boilers or other electric heaters become completely inoperable.

In addition, for all-electric heating to work, it is often necessary to increase the power at the entrance to the house, that is, install new or additional lines, which can become very expensive. Liquid fuel boilers will not require such measures, but they have their own “tricks”.

  • Liquid fuel equipment generally has a very decent efficiency, comparable to that of gas units and even electrical installations or appliances. This is especially true for modern models in which additional heat extraction is organized due to the condensation of water vapor, which is always formed in considerable quantities during the combustion of any hydrocarbons, both gaseous and liquid.
  • Most boilers operating on liquid fuel are highly versatile. In fact, their combustion chamber is multifunctional, and allows you to change burners depending on the type of fuel used - be it kerosene, diesel fuel, waste, biofuel, etc. Moreover, practically without any serious alterations, the boiler can eventually become a gas boiler - again, only by changing the burner. Thus, if in the foreseeable future it is still planned to lay a gas main to the house, that is, it is necessary to wait a couple of years, then a boiler of this type simply becomes a “lifesaver.” There is no need to purchase and reinstall a new unit, or change its water piping - just select and install a gas burner with a unified mounting flange assembly. By the way, there are also multi-fuel burners, for example: gas and light types of liquid fuel (diesel fuel).

To develop the topic, we can add that similar burners for gaseous or liquid fuels, standardized in terms of mounting, are often suitable for certain lines of wood-burning boilers.

Boiler prices

liquid fuel boiler

However, not everything is so “rosy” with liquid fuel boilers. Flaws they are also serious, and you need to know them:

  • First of all, the cost of high-quality diesel fuel cannot be called low. And the consumption when heating a house is large, and taking into account the length of the heating season in our area, it turns out to be considerable. That is, the annual heating costs will not be affordable for everyone.
  • It is necessary to create conditions for storing large volumes of fuel. If we add here its fire hazard, the task looks even more difficult. In addition, at low temperatures, diesel fuel in the pipelines, and even in the tank itself, can begin to thicken and be “caught” by frost, which means that it is necessary to thermally insulate the storage facility and the line from it to the boiler. Therefore, very often they try to place fuel tanks directly in the boiler room, which will require a considerable amount of space (taking into account the quite “impressive” dimensions of the boiler itself).

  • Petroleum products always have a specific smell, and no one wants to poison the atmosphere in their rooms with them. Therefore, there can be no talk of placing equipment in a residential area or in adjacent rooms that do not have sealed partitions or doors. It turns out that the optimal solution would be to build a dedicated boiler room.
  • Another circumstance leads to a similar conclusion - the operation of liquid fuel heating equipment is usually very noisy.
  • Unlike gas, petroleum products, when burned, emit a considerable amount of soot and fine soot, which quickly begins to clog the boiler heat exchangers and chimney system. Therefore, preventive maintenance work on cleaning the boiler will have to be carried out much more often.
  • Liquid fuel most often requires pre-cleaning (filtration) and heating. This complicates the design of the boiler and often requires additional costs for replacement filter elements.
  • It is believed that it makes no sense to purchase a boiler that runs on liquid fuel to heat a small (say, up to 100 m²) house. It would be wiser to look for another acceptable solution.
  • The cost of boilers of this type or replacement burners for them is very high.

The principle of design and operation of liquid fuel boilers

If we talk about the design of the boiler itself, as a water heater, taking fuel combustion equipment “out of brackets,” then its design, as a rule, is no different.

The unit is usually enclosed in a metal case (item 1), under which is hidden a layer of reliable thermal insulation (item 2) (usually basalt wool), completely covering the entire “filling”. Thanks to this, the generated heat is spent most rationally, is not wasted on unnecessary heating of the surrounding air, and the surface of the boiler will not heat up to dangerous temperatures.

The internal layout may vary greatly in different models, especially among different manufacturers, but the principle does not change.

The process of burning fuel (no matter what kind) in such units takes place in a special combustion chamber (item 3). It is enclosed in a heat exchange “water jacket” (item 4), through which the coolant circulates.

By the way, active heat exchange occurs not only in this chamber. The hot products of fuel combustion pass through a tubular or plate heat exchanger located above (item 6), where on the way to the chimney (item 7) they also transfer heat to the coolant.

Heat exchangers in liquid fuel boilers can be cast iron (conventional or ductile iron) or steel.

Cast iron is much more massive, more inert during heating and heat transfer, and is not afraid of corrosion. But the weak point of this metal is fragility, both mechanical and thermal. Therefore, boilers with cast iron heat exchangers must be properly connected (creating a small circuit) and operated, especially during the initial heating period. If the operating rules are followed, a cast iron heat exchanger can last 50 years or more.

Steel is not afraid of sudden temperature changes, but it burns out much faster and, whatever one may say, is susceptible to corrosion. The service life of steel heat exchangers is not as significant as cast iron ones, and is usually limited to 15–20 years.

Some models also provide a condensation heat exchange stage, where the energy potential is additionally selected through the condensation of water vapor, which is an essential component of the combustion products of any organic fuel.

The coolant heated in the boiler goes through the pipe (item 8) into the main circuit of the house heating system. The return is carried out through the “return” pipe, the pipe of which is not visible in this diagram (it is located at the bottom rear).

In all of the above elements, the boiler is practically no different from its “brothers” operating on gas or solid fuel. Moreover, as already mentioned, in addition to units designed specifically for diesel fuel or other liquid fuel, universal boilers have become widespread, in which the combustion chamber has a neck with a fastening system where the required burner can be installed - gas, pellet or liquid fuel.

Thus, the main component that distinguishes a boiler operating on liquid fuel from all others is its “heart”, that is, a special burner (item 5), which ensures mixing of fuel with air, dosage of the mixture when supplied to the nozzles, ignition, control flame, necessary adjustments and other functions.

Prices for solid fuel boilers

solid fuel boilers

A diesel (or other liquid fuel) burner is a very complex device, the structure of which is very difficult for a non-specialist to understand. By and large, there is no particular need for this, especially since burners from different manufacturers can seriously differ in their technological features. But it is still necessary to know the basic structure of this most important element of an oil-fuel boiler.

The illustration shows a cross-section of one of the burners, indicating its parts and components. Below we will briefly discuss its main elements.

So, the main structural elements of liquid fuel burners can be considered:

  • A fan that provides the injection of air necessary for the formation of a torch of a combustible mixture and for the complete combustion of liquid fuel. The fan is equipped with its own electric drive.
  • A fuel pump, which must ensure the supply of diesel fuel from the tank to the burner along the line, while creating the required pressure.
  • A fuel preparation unit, which usually includes a filter to remove suspended impurities, and a heating unit, which is especially important during periods of extreme cold. Diesel fuel (or other fuel) must be supplied for mixing with air at a certain temperature - this ensures complete combustion of the mixture. Heating can be carried out by a heating element, which has its own control system. Indirect heating is also practiced, when the fuel pipe receives heat from the operating boiler due to the thoughtful configuration of its location.
  • A nozzle with nozzles, which ensures mixing and spraying of a mixture of fuel and air, essentially forms a torch, ensures its ignition and maintains stable combustion during operation of the boiler. There must be an ignition device near the nozzle, which is automatically activated when the boiler starts.
  • The dosing of air and diesel fuel to the nozzles is carried out by an air damper and a fuel regulator, which are controlled by servo drives connected to the burner control unit. The stability of the torch combustion process is also ensured by the regulator of secondary air supplied to the combustion chamber.

  • Of course, any modern burner is equipped with an electronic monitoring and control unit. There is a thermostatic regulator that sets the required operating temperature. The presence of flame in the chamber is monitored by a special photosensor. Special devices constantly monitor the degree of fuel afterburning and the content of soot and harmful compounds in combustion products. There are several levels of protection against abnormal operation of the equipment. The burner control system is usually connected to the control unit of the boiler itself - special connectors are provided for the signal cable.
  • The burner must have a flange, through which it is fixed in the neck of the boiler combustion chamber.

So, the burner is a rather complex “organism”, so it was considered only superficially. It is not recommended to climb into it yourself, going beyond the scope of possible intervention established by the manufacturer (adjustment, cleaning, prevention specified in the product data sheet), since careless actions can easily disable the complex mechanics and electronics and render the entire burner unusable.

Check out the DIY production and installation from our new article on our portal.

What needs to be assessed when choosing a boiler that runs on liquid fuel

If circumstances are such that a diesel boiler becomes the only reasonable alternative, then it is necessary to be able to correctly select the optimal model.

  • Boilers vary in type of design. Most of them are designed for permanent installation on the floor. However, you can also find compact imported wall-mounted models. That is, when choosing, you must be guided by the available possibilities for placing the device - where and what space can be allocated to it.

However, wall-mounted liquid fuel boilers are rare, they are not particularly popular, and basically everyone opts for floor-standing models. And if so, then an important point is the dimensions of the boiler and its weight - for some models it may be necessary to strengthen the floor surface before installation, or widen the doorway to bring the equipment into the boiler room.

  • The thermal power of the boiler must meet the needs of the heating system being created. This parameter, by the way, is very closely related to liquid fuel consumption; we will consider it below and in more detail.
  • It doesn’t matter whether the burner is built-in or removable, you should pay attention to the number of modes of its operation (in terms of power). So, they can be single-stage, two-stage, three-stage, and even working on the principle of flame modulation depending on changes in environmental conditions. The more stages, the more accurately the operation of the boiler can be adjusted, the fewer start and stop cycles there will be, the lower the fuel consumption. True, the cost of the equipment increases in proportion to the number of stages.

  • Of course, when purchasing a boiler or burner, you need to know in advance what type of liquid fuel will be used. The vast majority of consumers prefer diesel fuel, which means that diesel fuel should be indicated in the product data sheet.

Waste oil burners can be cost-effective at automotive enterprises, where this “good” is available in abundance and is practically free. Fuel oil is also not in demand among private owners, despite its price not being as high as that of diesel fuel. Biofuel, presumably, has a great future, but in our area it is still perceived at the level of “exotic.”

What is biofuel and how do you get it yourself?

Many industrial agricultural crops, food production and wood processing wastes contain oils and other organic compounds, which, after appropriate processing, can be turned into a completely valuable fuel, similar to diesel. What is the recycling process and is it possible to obtain it? Read in a special article on our portal.

By the way, the cheaper the fuel, the lower its calorific value, and the higher the cost of a burner or boiler designed to work with its use.

And yet, there are also burners that can work with different types of fuel. Versatility is, of course, a good thing, but such devices are not particularly praised, including for being too overpriced, for low reliability and a clear decrease in efficiency. So make your own choice...

  • The boiler can be single-circuit, that is, it works only to heat the coolant for the heating system, or double-circuit, which has an additional heat exchanger for hot water supply.

It must be said that liquid fuel boilers usually have considerable power, and it is better to connect an indirect heating boiler to them - this way the operation of the equipment will be more “smooth”, without frequent switching on and off of the burner. And the need for hot water will be fully provided, since the hot water supply will be organized according to the accumulating principle: the necessary supply is always at the service of the owners.

No one forbids purchasing a double-circuit diesel boiler, but these are extra costs and additional “vulnerabilities” in the equipment itself, which reduce its durability.

  • The boiler (or diesel burner) safety and control system is one of the key criteria for choosing equipment. The built-in ones allow you to set the required temperature regime of the heating system - upon reaching the required threshold, the boiler will be switched to minimum consumption. In more modern models, sensors react not only to preset coolant temperature parameters - they evaluate changes in external conditions, and the automation develops the most rational mode of operation of the boiler.

A special electronic controller is capable of regulating other parameters - the flow of air and fuel to create a fuel mixture, the required level of heating of diesel fuel, the presence of a flame and the stability of the torch, and others.

The most important task of automation is to ensure the safe operation of equipment. Thus, the control unit must respond to overheating of certain burner components, excess or insufficient pressure in the supply pipelines, the absence or insufficiency of draft, indicating the need to clean the heat exchanger and (or) chimney channels, self-extinguishing of the torch, which is a sign of clogged nozzles, lack of coolant in the water circuit. Many modern models are equipped, in addition, with a self-diagnosis system, and in the event of any violations or failures, a corresponding indication appears on the device display.

By the way, boilers that run on liquid fuel and have modern control modules fit perfectly into the “smart home” concept, and they can be controlled remotely via various communication channels, including IP and JSM.

  • Since the question of purchasing a liquid fuel stake has arisen, then we should probably immediately think about the problem of storing reserves of this very fuel.

Currently, there are many options for spacious tanks made of metal or durable plastic that are resistant to petroleum products. The plastic version would probably look better.

The range of such containers is quite large, and they differ in both shape and volume. Of course, the most reasonable solution would be to purchase a tank into which you can fill the reserve for the entire heating season, but this depends on who has space and finances. In principle, there are also very small containers on sale, designed for daily consumption, but there is no need to talk about the convenience of this approach.

The diagram below shows one of the tank options as standard:

1 – housing made of durable plastic, manufactured using seamless rotomolding technology. The presence of stiffeners and the special configuration of the body ensure its strength and resistance to both external influences and liquid pressure from the inside.

2 – filler neck, tightly screwed after filling the container.

3 – a drain valve that allows you to drain the remaining sediment after the entire fuel supply has been used up before the next refueling.

4 – the necessary set of fittings – for installation of fuel lines and other tank piping components.

5 – fuel sensor, mechanical, float type – provides information about the presence and quantity of fuel in the tank.

6 – fuel intake with a hose (the length of the hose ensures fuel intake along the entire height of the container). The suction end of the hose is equipped with a float, which allows you to always remove fuel from its surface, that is, in its purest form.

7 - the so-called “breathing valve”, necessary for releasing excess fuel vapor into the atmosphere. It is usually installed in the trunk of the ventilation duct, and connected to the tank with a special inch pipeline.

8 – a set of pipes (copper or polymer) for organizing a fuel supply system from the tank to the burner. In some cases, when the design of the boiler or burner requires it, reverse flow is also organized. Unused, excess fuel is returned through it to the container.

9 - fuel filter. Installed optionally, only if fuel filtration is not provided for in the design of the burner itself.

Two people can install such a tank - there is nothing complicated in its tying. The service life of such a polymer storage facility is estimated at 50 years.

But what volume of tank is needed? As already mentioned, it is most advisable to stock up for the winter right away - it will be cheaper, and the likelihood of unpleasant moments when fuel is running out and there is no possibility of its delivery (under the same weather conditions) at the moment is excluded. As a last resort, you can create reserves for one or a couple of months of battery life. But purchasing containers with refills for a week or two is completely impractical.

We’ll talk about the boiler power and the required fuel reserves in the next section of the publication.

Boiler power and estimated liquid fuel consumption

These two quantities are, of course, closely interrelated - the greater the power of the heating equipment, the higher the fuel consumption, regardless of its type. Let's try to understand this issue.

Required boiler power for full heating of the house

Let's start with the required power, which will fully meet the needs of the heating system.

Very often, such calculations are approached in the following way - they assume that to heat a house with a ceiling height of up to 3 meters in rooms and with a good degree of thermal insulation of building structures, 100 watts of thermal energy is needed for each square meter of area. Or, in other words:

1 kW → 10 m²

Very convenient for calculations. So, you can immediately estimate, for example, that for a house with a total area of ​​heated premises, for example, 150 m², 15 kW of thermal energy will be required. That is, the purchased boiler, according to its passport data, must provide such power, with a small operating reserve.

By the way, for boilers operating on liquid fuel, it is not recommended to provide a large reserve of power - this is both unnecessary expenses and inefficient operation of the equipment, leading to its rapid wear. When choosing a specific model, it is advisable to limit yourself to a reserve of 10, maximum 15%, if such an opportunity is provided by the range of models on sale. It turns out that for our example, a boiler providing a thermal power of 16.5 ÷ 17 kW will be sufficient.

However, the proposed method is still not highly accurate. Agree, it is quite strange to approach the northern and southern regions of the country with the same standards. In addition, to a large extent, the need for heat depends on the characteristics of the house itself.

Therefore, we invite the reader to use a more accurate calculation algorithm, which takes into account a number of criteria depending on both the location of the building and its design. This technique is described in great detail in one of the special articles on the portal.

How to accurately determine the required power for a heating system?

A not particularly complicated, but fairly accurate calculation method using an online calculator application is shown in the article on. And although our topic of the article is liquid fuel, this particular stage of calculations is completely identical, regardless of the type of boiler or other heater. Follow the link and the calculation algorithm will open in a new browser tab.

So, if you use the proposed algorithm and carry out your own calculation, you will get a certain total value showing how much heat is required to maintain a comfortable microclimate in the house in the most unfavorable conditions, for example, at the peak of winter frosts.

Why do we need this value?

  • First of all, we set out to decide what power the boiler would suit us. As already mentioned, the optimal one will be the one whose nameplate power is 10–15 percent higher than the calculated one.
  • Since the calculation was carried out for each room separately, the information obtained will clearly show which arrangement of radiators (or other heat exchange devices) in the rooms will be optimal. So there is no need to rush to throw away the created sign.

Correct selection of radiators according to thermal power is an important task!

Each radiator or convector has a certain heat output power at the selected temperature regime of the heating system. Therefore, their selection and arrangement in rooms is not divided at random, but also in accordance with thermal engineering calculations. A special online calculator will help you decide correctly - the recommended link leads to it.

  • And, finally, it is this value (and not the indicator of the equipment’s rated power!) that will become the starting point for calculating liquid fuel consumption for heating needs.

Please note that the resulting value may differ quite significantly from what would be obtained using the “100 watts per square meter” ratio. Moreover, this difference can be in one direction or the other - a lot depends on the climatic conditions of the region, the characteristics of the building itself and each room in it.

Forecasting liquid fuel consumption for home heating

So, we have become aware of the amount of total thermal power that our heating system needs in the most unfavorable conditions. Based on it, you can calculate how much fuel is required to generate this amount of heat.

There is a standard formula that underlies such calculations:

W = V × H × η

In the formula, the following physical quantities are indicated by letter symbols:

W– thermal power, the same one that was obtained at the previous stage of calculations.

V– volume or weight equivalent of fuel required to obtain the required amount of heat.

N– calorific value of the selected type of fuel, that is, the amount of heat released when burning a unit of mass or volume (depending on the selected initial values)

η – boiler efficiency factor (efficiency). It is clear that part of the generated energy, whether you like it or not, is spent, so to speak, for other purposes - it goes to warming up the surrounding air or simply literally flies down the chimney along with the combustion products. The higher the efficiency, the more efficient the equipment, and the more rationally the energy carrier (fuel) is used. By the way, this is another important criterion for choosing a boiler.

Since we are mostly interested in fuel consumption, we present the formula in a slightly different form:

V = W / (H × η)

Which of these quantities do we know?

  • We have already calculated the power (again, do not confuse it with the nameplate power of the boiler - these are slightly different indicators). But one important note should be made. As has been said more than once, the resulting value shows the power that will be required, so to speak, in the most extreme conditions - this is clearly seen from the initial data that was used in the calculation. In fact, in this mode the heating system will function for a very limited time.

If we take it on the scale of the heating period, taking into account the autumn and spring “off-seasons”, taking into account normal, not extremely low, winter temperatures, remembering that frosty days often alternate with very long thaws, then it turns out that the calculated power should be taken in “in its pure form” does not make sense. A well-functioning heating system, equipped with thermostatic control of the general circuit, and often also of each radiator separately, will “take” as much heat as required. That is, the boiler will work “at full capacity”, if at all, it will be in just a matter of days. Therefore, as practice shows, it will not be a big mistake to start from approximately 60–65% of the required power.

  • Efficiency - indicated in the equipment passport. Sometimes the documentation indicates two indicators - for the lowest combustion temperature (Hi) and for the highest, taking into account heat extraction due to steam condensation (Hs). For more reliable calculations, so as not to endow your equipment with absolutely “magical qualities,” it is recommended to operate with the efficiency value for Hi.
  • Finally, the heat of combustion of the fuel. It is different for different types of liquid fuel. Typically, reference books contain a value expressed in MJ/kg. However, it will still be more convenient to use the more familiar watts, since the power of heating equipment is indicated in kilowatts. It’s easy to translate: 1 megajoule is approximately equal to 0.28 kilowatt-hours.

In addition, since owners usually estimate the capacity of the required tanks, it would be advisable to convert the weight of the fuel into its volumetric equivalent, knowing the average density values. All this has already been done - and the necessary data is located in the table below.

Type of liquid fuelHeat of combustion of fuelDensity, kg/dm³
MJ/kg kW/kg kW/liter (dm³)
diesel fuel 42.8 11.9 9.88 0.83
kerosene 43.5 12.1 9.68 0.8
fuel oil 39.5 10.9 10.36 0.95
oil waste 35 9.7 8.83 0.91
biofuel (biodiesel) 37.5 10.4 9.57 0.92

It folds up very conveniently - burning one liter of diesel fuel produces approximately 10 kW of thermal energy, which allows you to make rough estimates even just in your head.

However, in order to carry out calculations more accurately, taking into account everything that was said above when considering the formula, we suggest using the online calculator below.

Prices for DanVex liquid fuel boiler

liquid fuel boiler DanVex

It would be strange if I started an article about liquid fuel boilers with their criticism. Of course, it will be there, but a little lower. When choosing the type of heating boiler for your home, it is important to compare the pros and cons of the type of boiler in question, take into account the regional location of the house, the availability of fuel, additional tasks that the boiler must perform and many other nuances. This is exactly what we will do in this article, and we will analyze in detail all the nuances relating to liquid fuel heating boilers.

Definition of the concept

There is no mental refinement in defining this type of heating boiler. Liquid fuel boilers are boilers running on liquid fuel such as diesel fuel, also known as diesel fuel.

The main purpose of a liquid fuel boiler is to heat a house by heating the coolant of the heating circuit. Depending on the brand of the boiler, it can perform an additional function, namely, heat water in the water supply system, creating a hot water supply circuit. In general, no super tasks, just the usual tasks of all heating boilers.

Liquid fuel boilers and fuel

It so happens that when talking about household liquid fuel boilers, it is a priori understood that these boilers run on diesel fuel (diesel fuel). In fact, the burners of these boilers can also operate on other types of liquid fuel (which should be indicated in the documentation):

  • Kerosene;
  • Light oil;
  • Various oils;
  • Fuel oil.

The main requirement for fuel is the absence of moisture and the absence of abrasive impurities. It is also worth noting that each type of fuel affects the performance of the boiler and the frequency of its maintenance.

It is also important to understand that the fuel on which the boiler operates must be indicated in the documentation for the boiler and there are no omnivorous liquid fuel boilers yet.

How much fuel does the boiler need?

How much fuel the boiler consumes is indicated in the documents (descriptions) for the boiler or boiler burner. To understand the order of the numbers, I compiled a summary table, boiler power and fuel consumption per day.

Boilers have two circuits, using diesel fuel and kerosene (Kiturami company).

  • 15 kW / 5-7 liter/day
  • 19 kW / 8 l
  • 25 kW / 7-10 l
  • 35 kW / 10-15 l
  • 57 kW / 23 l
  • 82 kW / 33 l
  • 115 kW / 46 l

Conclusions on consumption (calculation No. 1)

Based on the given fuel consumption data, you can estimate the cost of heating for the season.

  • We take the heating season to be 6 months, or 180 days.
  • For a house of 300 meters, a 30 kW boiler is required (1 kW per 10 meters).
  • We choose a boiler from the list above at 34.9 kW, which consumes an average of 12 liters of diesel fuel per day. (10.0-14.5 l).
  • The maximum fuel consumption for 180 days will be 180×14.5=2610 liters.
  • We understand that no one will heat at maximum the whole season. We assume that for 90 days of the heating season the boiler operates at 100%, and for 90 days at 50%.
  • We get: 90×14.5+90×14.5/2=1305+652.5=1957.5 liters.
  • Diesel fuel 1957.5 liters costs (retail 38 rubles) 74385 rubles (1240 rubles per month).

In the article “Simplified calculation of the heating system” I showed the calculation based on the power of the heating boiler. Below there will be another calculation that will show different results.

Advantages of liquid fuel boilers

  • There are quite obvious advantages of liquid fuel boilers used in industries related to fuels and lubricants. For private homes, the advantages of boilers of this type may raise questions:
  • Liquid fuel boilers have a high efficiency of 86 to 98%. This is a good indicator, and it is very close to the indicators of gas boilers;
  • An undoubted advantage of diesel boilers, unlike gas boilers, is that you do not need permits (approvals) to install the boiler. Although the combustion room will still have to be equipped;
  • Diesel boilers are produced in the most autonomous configurations. Automation of boilers and automatic fuel supply allow minimizing the presence of a person for maintenance;
  • Another plus is the ability to quickly and easily, by changing the boiler burner, switch to working with natural gas;
  • Although there are no omnivorous boilers, diesel boilers can operate on alternative types of liquid fuel, as indicated in the documentation for the boiler;
  • Liquid fuel boilers can fit into any heating system and can work with any coolant (water and antifreeze).

Disadvantages of liquid fuel boilers

When choosing a boiler, the disadvantages of liquid fuel boilers are more important.

  • First of all, these are the costs of arranging a combustion room, building a chimney and installing a fuel tank with a capacity of 500-3000 liters. You can’t install such a tank in a house (although they do), which means you need space on the property. Installing a large tank is also expensive and requires adherence to technology.
  • The combustion room is needed to hide the noisy operation of boilers of this type. In addition, burning diesel fuel is accompanied by oil odors.
  • Environmental authorities may have big questions about tank equipment. All these are additional costs.
  • Modern liquid fuel boilers are expensive, and fuel costs exceed the cost of other types of fuel.
  • Another pitfall is high requirements for fuel quality. This may be a regional (local) problem.

How much fuel is needed for the season?

One of the most important questions to decide is how much fuel you will need for the season. Let's count.

Simplified, it is considered that:

  • 1 liter of diesel fuel allows you to heat an area of ​​up to 100 meters within an hour.
  • The boiler consumption is calculated as the power of the burner used multiplied by 0.1.
  • And as always, 1 kW of the boiler will heat 10 square meters. meters of house.

Let's make an approximate calculation, from the word example.

  • Let our house be 300 meters, as in the calculation above. To heat a well-insulated house, we need a 30 kW boiler. Boiler efficiency is 93%. The burner of such a boiler will burn 32.2 kW × 0.1 = 3.2 liters of fuel per hour. This is 77.4 liters per day.
  • The heating season is counted as 180 days (6 months). The maximum fuel consumption in the so-called continuous mode will be: 13932 liters (14 tons). Wow!
  • We understand that the boiler will not operate at full capacity all season. For the calculation, it is assumed that the boiler will be used for half a season at 50%. Therefore, for the season for a house of 300 meters we will need:
  • 90×77.4+90×38.7=6966+3483=10449 liters.
  • Price: 10,449 liters×38 rubles=397,062 rubles (66,177 rubles per month). An unrealistic amount.

A logical question arises: Why, compared to the calculation using the passport (above), did this calculation above give completely different results and where is the correct calculation?

I answer: The error is 72 liters per day. Not one diesel boiler will work 24 hours a day.

As I said, diesel boilers have very serious automation. The boiler will be turned off for 2/3 days, not turned on. Therefore, the calculation should include not 24 hours of work, but 8 hours. That is, the fuel needed for the season is not 10,449 liters, but 3,483 liters.

In addition, modern boilers have technological tricks that also reduce fuel consumption, for example, multi-stage burners, burners with turbo circulation.

One more thing. The calculation given at the beginning of the article is based on the passport data of the boilers, which were compiled taking into account the quality of the fuel in the country of origin. Also, the boiler consumption indicated in the passport is slightly underestimated, since it implies ideal insulation of the house, the outside temperature is minus 10-15˚C and is given for an already heated house (heat maintenance mode).

Therefore, the correct calculation of fuel consumption for the heating season will be somewhere in the middle between 1957.5 liters according to the passport and 3483 liras according to the calculation. We remember that I considered the house to be 300 meters away.

How does an oil-fuel boiler work?

The operation of diesel fuel boilers is similar to the operation of a gas boiler. The leading role is played by a burner with a fan. She sprays fuel. In the combustion chamber, the fuel mixes with oxygen (air) and ignites. The combustion of the fuel mixture heats up the heat exchanger with the coolant.

In a double-circuit boiler, there is a second circuit through which water flows from the water supply system, creating a hot water supply system.

Speaking about the similarities in the operation of gas and diesel boilers, it is worth remembering that most liquid fuel boilers can be quickly converted to operate on gas (and vice versa). Only the boiler burner is replaced and that’s it.

For example, boiler De DietrichGT123 running on liquid fuel or gas. When purchased, it works with a pressurized liquid fuel burner, which can be replaced with a gas burner to operate on gas. The diagram shows a similar Kiturami double-circuit boiler.

For liquid fuel heating units, fan (pressurized) burners are used. They atomize liquid fuel entering the burner under pressure with the required atomization ratio. Air is also forced into the burner, which is correctly called forced air.

The fuel mixture is ignited by electrodes. Further operation of the boiler is ensured by built-in automation.

It's time to notice here that the boiler design contains a lot of electronics and equipment powered by electricity (fans, pumps). This makes diesel boilers electrically dependent and this must be taken into account when purchasing and installing. If your home has frequent electrical problems, then you need to take care of a backup power supply.

Types and operating modes of burners for liquid fuels

Some manufacturers sell liquid fuel heating boilers without burners. And that's why. The choice of burners for liquid fuel is quite large and there are many differences in types and operating modes.

Burner types

There are the following types of burners based on fuel:

  • Mono fuel burners. They run on only one type of liquid fuel, usually diesel fuel. To switch to oils, you will have to change the burner nozzles.
  • Bi fuel burners. They operate on several, often two, types of fuel. There are combinations: diesel-gas, diesel-wood, diesel-wood-coal, etc.

Types of burners by operating mode

We also pay attention to this:

Single-stage burner. Quite primitive, but because of this it is a reliable burner. Adjustment is made by simply turning the burner on/off. They are distinguished by maximum power output and maximum fuel consumption.

Multi-stage burner. This burner is configured to operate according to complex smooth on/off algorithms through intermediate power values. Such burners are expensive, but they save excellent diesel fuel. Typically, such burners are installed on powerful boilers from 40 kW.

Diesel fuel boiler heat exchanger

The heat exchanger of these types of boilers is not original. They are made from steel or cast iron. Steel ones are lighter and cheaper, but last less. Cast iron retains heat well and lasts a long time, but is fragile and expensive. Everything is the same as everywhere else. Read about heat exchangers.

Fuel storage tank

Now comes the fun part. An oil-fuel boiler requires a container for storing fuel, and I listed this as a disadvantage a little higher.

The calculations shown above indicate that a capacity of several tons is needed. There is no need to invent anything here and it is better to buy a ready-made container with all the built-in equipment: a float, a vapor outlet, a drain valve, a fuel intake kit, a pipeline for discharging fuel to the burner, etc.

Material for containers is steel, polyethylene, fiberglass.

To install the tank, site preparation, excavation, concreting and a lot of special work will be required. You need to understand this and most likely, you will have to hire specialists.

Automation (control)

According to its characteristics, fuel can be supplied to the boiler independently; it does not need to be thrown in like firewood. Therefore, in boilers of this type, maximum attention is paid to automatic control, which minimizes the presence of a person in the operation of the boiler.

Using the example of the Kiturami boilers I came across, let’s see what is included in the boiler automation. On the body we see sensors for fuel level, temperature, and overheating. Yes, electronic remote control unit. Boiler indicators allow you to monitor the temperature of the coolant in the heat exchanger, circulation pump, burner, and power supply. Tricky “Sleep” and “Shower” buttons are also elements of universal automation. That's a plus.


If in your area there are problems with gasification, and you cannot get additional power for an electric boiler, but you need heating in the house and you need hot water, then liquid fuel boilers are what you need.

Providing warmth to a living space during the cold season is the main task of any homeowner. In most cases, installation of all systems must be carried out independently. In this case, it is necessary to take care of a sufficient amount of fuel for autonomous heating, this is especially important in cases where equipment other than gas is used. For example, an oil-fired boiler for a private home is being put into operation, or systems with solid fuel boilers are being installed.

Boiler operation

Boilers operating on liquid hydrocarbon fuel have not lost their relevance. They are used both in centralized boiler rooms and in domestic conditions.

Liquid fuel boilers for home heating are either monofuel, consuming fuel oil, or combined, operating alternately on gas and fuel oil.

There are also multi-fuel water heat generators. They are capable of operating on several types of fuel.

The difference between the models of fuel oil boilers lies in the following characteristics:

  • combustion chambers;
  • overall parameters;
  • differentiation by smoke generating channels.

The type of burner of such a boiler for heating a house determines its purpose, and the actual efficiency is directly dependent on the parameters of the torch and the degree of fuel combustion in the working area. The quality of the fuel is also taken into account, because the cleaner it is, the more efficient the combustion process is.

The most popular heating boilers for private homes using fuel oil are divided into the following groups:

  • gas and oil;
  • fuel oil;
  • working on water-fuel oil emulsion.

Since the operating principle of various burners is quite similar, reconfiguring them for different types of hydrocarbons does not take much time.

Operating Parameters

The design of the units differs largely in the type of burner. The latter is capable of passing a certain type of liquid.

Operational efficiency is increased due to the fact that natural gas is passed through fuel oil boilers for home heating.

During this process, the most complete combustion of the liquid hydrocarbon is ensured.

Combined gas-oil burners have central channels for supplying liquid, and gaseous fuel flows through auxiliary cavities. Such a design solution ensures that such a boiler for heating a private house is capable of heating the coolant:

  • exclusively with gas;
  • exclusively with fuel oil;
  • a fuel mixture of these two substances.

Due to the complexity and relative high cost of the nozzles included in the design, it used to be expensive to use a combined heating boiler for a private home. This is due to different rates of fuel supply and its dosage, because the combustion of fuel oil and gas occurs at different rates. However, with the development of technology, household models also appeared.

Multi-fuel units are designed for operation with different types of liquid fuel:

  • fuel oil;
  • diesel fuel;
  • working off.

An oil-fired heating boiler for a private home has a pneumomechanical type burner built into it. This element is equipped with a chamber in which the fuel is preheated, which significantly reduces the viscosity coefficient of the liquid hydrocarbon.

Heating chambers are available in two types:

  • rotary;
  • steam-mechanical.

In the first case, a rotating bowl is used. Both designs are operated using the principle of “spinning” the liquid before supply. This provides a film effect on the edges of the feed nozzle. For fuel oil structures, steam ensures that the film is blown off and a fuel oil-water mixture is formed. Current burners for such systems are pneumomechanical.

Liquid fuel for heat generators

In domestic conditions, you will need to install one or more tanks to store fuel reserves. It is advisable not to mix hydrocarbons of different fractions to ensure their uniform combustion. The most popular varieties are the following brands of fuel oil:

  • light F12 and F5;
  • medium M40B and M40;
  • heavy M100B and M100.

The main components included in the substances are distributed in the following proportions:

  • nitrogen and oxygen less than 0.5%;
  • hydrogen no more than 12.5%;
  • carbon about 88%.

A negative impurity for hydrocarbons, including fuel oil, is sulfur. Its excessive content leads to the formation of a harmful compound - sulfur dioxide.

Excess moisture in liquid fuel also negatively affects the combustion process. As the volume of water in the fuel oil increases, heat generation decreases, and pockets of corrosion appear inside the system on metal elements. Sludge helps get rid of unwanted moisture. 5-10 days are enough for the water to sink to the bottom of the tank, since its density is less than hydrocarbons.

In order to correctly choose a heating boiler for a private house using liquid fuel, you need to understand the physical and chemical properties of fuel oil:

  • Viscosity. The parameter shows the degree of fluidity of the liquid. To determine the exact value of this characteristic, specialized instruments are used. This factor influences processes such as pumping and combustion.
  • Freezing temperature. When this value is reached, the liquid turns into a solid state. For different brands of fuel oil, this point is a value in the range -10...-35ºС. The parameter imposes restrictions on the conditions for storing inventories.
  • Flash point. This factor varies for different brands of hydrocarbon within +90-+150ºС. This ignition of the combustible mixture of air and fuel occurs when an open flame is brought to the surface. Spontaneous combustion occurs, as a rule, upon reaching 350 º C.

When transferring fuel to the injector, mandatory pre-heating occurs to 75-120ºС. It is mandatory for fuel oil under pressure located in sealed cavities of coils or main pipes.

Rating of the best liquid fuel heating boilers for a private home

Most boiler models that operate efficiently on liquid fuel are produced abroad. Let's look at the most popular models of devices.

De Dietrich Thermique GT

The leading French manufacturer De Dietrich Thermique offers De Dietrich GT equipment, which can also operate on gas. The basis for their production is high-quality cast iron, resistant to corrosion under any operating conditions. This material can withstand significant shock and thermal loads.

Protherm "Bison"

A company from Slovakia, Protherm, produces liquid fuel devices “Bison”. They are equipped with burners for liquid fuel. As an addition, users can purchase gas burners themselves.

All units require an electrical connection. You also need to stock up on the required amount of fuel.

Calculation of the cost of heating with fuel oil

The final cost of heating a house using liquid fuel includes:

  • the cost of the boiler is on average 85,000 rubles;
  • burner - 5,000 rub.;
  • water heater - 60,000 rubles;
  • installation of the system - 15,000 rubles;
  • the cost of fuel and electricity is 100,000 rubles.

These are indicative price tags for equipment, installation and energy, calculated for 20 years of trouble-free operation of the equipment.

Total costs will be:

Thus, it turns out that the cost of 1 kilowatt per hour of thermal energy for heating a country house is 64 kopecks. Knowing the tariff for electricity and gas in your region, it is easy to calculate how profitable it will be to operate an oil-fuel boiler.

VIDEO: How an oil-fired boiler works

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