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Where can I get a big box? Where to get moving boxes - advises Gazelkin

Moving is a stressful situation. And this stress is experienced not only by people who change their place of residence. Things that have faithfully served their owners for many years also “get” well. After all, moving increases their chances of being broken, scratched or smashed.

What to pack

To ensure that such undesirable consequences occur as little as possible, you should take care about what container to place your household belongings in. A certain amount of things can be carried out with dignity when moving to a new place of residence in a bag, but more fragile and valuable items are better packed in thick cardboard boxes.

Where can I get moving boxes in Moscow or any other smaller city in the country? Find out about it right now from the article. First, let's look at more budget-friendly ways to obtain this valuable container for you at the time of moving. Many of them may even be free. Let’s not panic, but remember where to get empty boxes for moving and save your family budget. After all, a lot of financial resources will be spent on paying for freight transportation services, etc. This option of packing things when moving is most often absolutely free.


You will have a better chance of getting empty boxes if you walk (drive) to nearby supermarkets, where you can pick up empty boxes for moving after talking with the store employees. For a more productive meeting, it is important to choose the right person who can help you out in such a situation. Most likely, this person at the supermarket will be the administrator. Rest assured, he will help you resolve the issue of where to get moving boxes.

In fact, such packaging is not necessary for stores. To get rid of it, they resort to recycling. And this requires some financial investments. Chances are that if you ask for boxes in supermarkets, they will be happy to help you. You can even specify the dimensions of the required cardboard containers and ask that the boxes be left clean and as little damaged as possible. Often, store employees prudently leave a certain number of empty boxes near the place where the goods are unloaded. There, people who already know where to get boxes for moving and other household needs take cardboard packaging for themselves, choosing what suits them best.

A certain number of necessary cardboard containers can be found in small shops and stalls. In them, as a rule, it is also customary to get rid of unnecessary containers, and the boxes, it must be said, are of very good quality. Quite strong and reliable.

Once you are wondering where to get moving boxes, visit fruit stores. You can find quite a lot of boxes there too. Some even have partitions inside (those in which especially delicate fruits and vegetables are transported).

Other trading places

Not only huge hypermarkets, small shops and fruit sellers can help you with collecting containers for moving. Visit some other similar places: flower shops, stationery shops and bookstores. Kitchenware stores can also help you decide where to get moving boxes. Even restaurants and cafes may agree and give you a few empty cardboard containers.

Most likely, you will get the boxes for free, but sometimes you still have to take the container for a very nominal price.

What to do if for some reason you reject the method of “getting” boxes from stores? Some people hate the fact that they have to look for containers and choose. They associate it with something unpleasant. And they are categorically opposed to this method of collecting the necessary packaging for moving.

Ask your friends

When wondering where to get moving boxes, ask your friends to help you decide. Most likely, some people will have one or two units that fit the size of the packaging container. Just like that, little by little, you will acquire the required number of boxes. The key is to start collecting free cardboard boxes early. Then you won’t have to spend too much stress and money three days before the move.

Announcement on social networks

Now there are many groups on social networks. Groups like these can also help with where to get moving boxes. Look for groups that specialize in classified ads. Groups like “I’ll give for free” will also help. You already understand in which groups in your place of residence you should place your ads.

Buy new boxes

In the case when you don’t really want to go and ask for packaging containers, but it would be more pleasant to buy them (the boxes are new and nothing was in them before your things), then there are a couple more ways of where to get empty boxes for moving.

For example, construction, household and hardware hypermarkets will help you. These boxes are usually sold here. The method is convenient because you can choose a more suitable size. You can touch the container and inspect it. This will give a broader and more detailed idea of ​​the thickness of the box and volume, and how reliable your container will be during the move. All such goods are offered in an unfolded state, but folding such a box will not be particularly difficult.

You can also use the company. When ordering a turnkey service, the company itself will not only transport your things, but also pack them (packaging at the expense of the company) and, after delivering to the place, unpack and arrange them in their places. To save your money, you can buy boxes from them and pack and unpack things yourself.

First of all, these are supermarkets or hypermarkets. The turnover of goods there is very large, therefore, there is also a lot of released containers. Come and ask the administrator or store manager if this is possible. For example, in the Metro chain of stores, immediately after the cash registers there are racks with free disassembled cardboard packages of various sizes. You can take cardboard boxes in them for moving for free.

You can go into the sales area and ask any seller or administrator if they have any free boxes. When I asked like that. I was told to go to the back of the store and take what I needed. There were boxes of different sizes. But I was lucky, the car had just been unloaded, so there was a pile of large and very large boxes. And there are boxes, not high, but these are wooden boxes in which it is convenient to put something breakable. And they deliver goods in boxes to hardware stores, you can search around them. Another option is to go to the post office, but they buy packaging containers for money.

Where to get cardboard boxes

  • In addition to the large centers, be sure to visit the smaller stores. Don't just focus on grocery stores. A large assortment of unnecessary packaging can be found in stationery, bookstores, flower shops, and hardware stores.
  • Talk to staff in advance. They often accommodate your requests, tell you when it’s best to approach and choose what you need.
  • Call banks and offices. Yes, sometimes there are also several boxes there that no one ever got around to throwing away. Paper stack boxes are especially good because they have lids.
  • Ask around at schools to see if they have any unwanted boxes. Go to a cafe for the same purpose, go to offices. Boxes, as a rule, are just unnecessary garbage, and you, the ridder of this garbage, will be welcome.

At least here, in Moscow, you come to Yulmart (we have 22 points) and there are always a lot of them, and you can even ask to choose more/specific ones. They throw them away anyway.

It is impossible without advance packaging of the cargo in safety material, namely cardboard boxes for moving. Of course, you can load furniture and other accessories into the car without packaging, but then you can only dream about the safety and security of things in their original form.

For safer transportation, boxes, cardboard, bubble wrap and other packaging materials are usually used. Most often, the first material needed is corrugated boxes. But where can I get these boxes? There are two ways to resolve the issue:

1. Paid

2. Free, but labor intensive.

Boxes for money

This solution does not imply anything complicated, however, it requires certain investments. There are several places where you can find moving boxes:

The best option is moving packing supply stores. These days there are such in any big city, finding them is not difficult. The advantage of such stores is the variety of sizes.

Mail. There is such an establishment in any city, but, unfortunately, the size of the boxes that are sold there often does not correspond to what is needed for moving.

Commercial shipping services often sell boxes of a wide variety of sizes to their customers, but not every city has such an establishment.

In construction store chains (Leroy Merlin, OBI, IKEA) you can also often find a department with packaging products, including the boxes you are looking for.

Contact a moving company. They always have a service for selling packaging boxes, cardboards and anything that will protect your things from scratches and chips.

The paid method of finding moving boxes is faster, but still requires money. A guaranteed advantage is the quality of the purchased boxes.

Free boxes

This path is much more sophisticated than the previous one and requires some resourcefulness from the one who is looking. You will need to analyze the area in which you live and find the following objects:

Household stores;

Cosmetics stores;

Any other large stores and businesses.

Next, you will have to come into direct contact with store clerks and tell them about your request. Many will understand you, but the same number will not. But, if you are persistent, you will definitely be able to negotiate the supply of a certain batch of boxes for your move.

And some stores have designated drop-off areas for used boxes for customers to take. But with the free method, you can spend much more time searching than on the packaging itself.

So, a new place of residence or work has been determined, new joys, a new life lie ahead. It's time to say goodbye to the old one! However, real comfort is impossible without your favorite, familiar things. We take them with us.


To prevent your long-awaited move from turning into a nightmare, you should take care of packing in advance. And one of the really convenient ways is to put things in boxes. They will perfectly accommodate:

  • neatly folded dishes;
  • any printed materials, notebooks, stationery;
  • toys and children's things;
  • clothes and shoes.

In addition, the box is an excellent option for moving tools, flowers and fragile breakable items.

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According to eyewitnesses, empty bulk boxes always lie at the exits of the terminals of large construction malls. They were also spotted near the checkout counters of the Metro store. A trip to:

  • the nearest grocery store;
  • center selling household appliances;
  • office supplies department;
  • waste recycling company.

Particularly enterprising people place an advertisement “I will accept as a gift” on specialized websites in advance - this is also a good way. Very often it is responded to by those who have long been tired of empty boxes and have no time to dispose of them.


If free methods of obtaining boxes are not suitable or “do not work,” you can purchase them in the same places or from the moving company with which you plan to move. In this case, several different formats will be offered, as well as additional packaging material: paper and plastic tape, protective corners, covers and other accessories. Things will “survive” all movements without damage, and precious personal time will be freed up for other accomplishments.

When moving overseas, services like U-Haul Customer Connect, Freecycle, and Craigslist are designed to help anyone find free packing supplies. We don’t have this yet, but this does not mean that you will have to spend money on buying new boxes.

Read about where to get free cardboard boxes for your move.

Where to buy moving boxes

Free: stores, warehouses, neighbors and social networks

Neighborhood shops

The #1 source for boxes is stores. Every day goods are delivered to them by trucks, after which the boxes become completely unnecessary. A couple of weeks before moving, visit local department stores and ask salespeople. If you have friends among the cashiers, that’s doubly good. Most likely, they will be happy to provide you with several boxes, either for free or for a nominal fee.

Warehouses and offices

The same thing applies to warehouses and offices.

We know of a case where a moving couple was helped by a book warehouse of a well-known publishing house. It was not a problem to come to an agreement: the warehouse workers happily got rid of the excess waste paper, especially since no one usually takes it into account.

Neighbors, friends and acquaintances

Each of your friends, except those who are very fans of minimalism, will have a couple of boxes from printers, coffee makers and system units that will come in handy. One box at a time - and your things will be packed.

You can ask your neighbors: what if one of them recently moved and did not have time to get rid of the excess?

Social networks and message boards

Ask for help on social networks - for example, in the “I’ll give for free” public pages. Post an ad on Avito or a local forum. Why not? There may well be a few people in your area who will give you extra boxes for free. They will free up space on the mezzanine, and you will collect everything you need for the move.

Waste recycling or waste paper collection companies

If the previous 4 points are not for you, try contacting your local waste recycling plant. Or with a private organization that places containers for separate waste collection. But do it in advance. Employees are unlikely to wait and set aside boxes especially for you.

Paid: large supermarkets and moving companies

Let’s say you weren’t able to find boxes for free, and time is running out. Well, you'll have to buy it.

The cheapest place to order boxes is on Aliexpress, but not everyone can wait about a month for delivery. Packaging materials are also sold in any large construction, hardware and household supermarkets, in stores in the “Everything for the Home” category:

  • "Ikea"
  • "OK",
  • "Auchan"
  • "Comus"
  • "Castorama"
  • "Leroy Merlin".

There you can look, touch, choose size and shape.

Boxes are sold folded. It’s very easy to lay them out - in the video you’ll see how to assemble the box and prepare it for packing things:

And the easiest option is to buy boxes and other packing materials from the moving company handling your move. This is usually done as part of a turnkey service, when the company packs, loads, transports, and places in place. But you can buy the packaging separately and pack everything yourself so as not to spend extra money.

These boxes are inexpensive and are selected individually: you definitely won’t have any left over. And then you can post them on Avito or respond to someone’s request on social networks.

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