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Making a drilling rig with your own hands. What kind of drilling rigs can you assemble with your own hands? Handmade homemade drilling rig

Water on a personal plot is a necessary condition for comfortable living. Country house, dacha - if you have any of the above, you simply need a water well. And to make it you will need a mini-drilling rig with your own hands.

To assemble a drilling rig, you will need metalworking skills and the ability to use a welding machine.

Features of the options

There are several options:

  1. Professionals who have “eaten the dog” in well drilling are invited.

Pros: everything will be done quickly and efficiently.

Cons: the price depends on the complexity of the soil on your site and varies within 200 USD. e. for a passage of 1 meter.

2. A ready-made drilling rig is purchased.

Pros: a drilling rig manufactured in an industrial environment will significantly save your time spent on its installation.

The drill is immersed into the ground using an electric drive or manually, then it moves back.

  • prices for industrially manufactured drilling rigs are unreasonably high and are twice the cost of their production;
  • Factory drilling rigs are very often sold with minor imperfections and possible manufacturing defects, which cannot be calculated before use. He can manifest himself at any moment, least suitable for this.

3. Install the drilling rig yourself.

  • low cost;
  • possibility of easy dismantling and reassembly at another location;
  • the opportunity not only to get a water well for your own use, but also to earn extra money by drilling on your neighbors’ plots.
  • duration of installation of a drilling rig with your own hands (up to two months of work);
  • the need to possess basic plumbing skills;
  • ability to work with welding accessories, drill, grinder.

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Design features

There are two types of installations, which we will look at below:

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Drilling units

The principle of operation of such an installation is based on the rotation of the drilling element. Two people or an installation motor transmit rotational movements to a rod, which can house a drilling hose to supply water or a special solution for constant softening with water. A drill is attached to the end of the rod, which is screwed into the ground.

Soft soil is treated in this way. If the soil is rocky or with stones, hydraulics are needed, and if the water depth is great, then a telescopic mast of more than 5 meters is needed. This makes the structure heavier, bringing the weight to 1.5-2 tons. Extra costs arise and mobility is lost.

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Shock-rope type

Bits for percussion-rope drilling: 1- blade; 2 – blade; 3 – neck; 4 – thread; 5 – threaded head.

The principle of their operation is as follows: a destructive element, a pointed chisel, is attached to the rope. Dropping it from a great height into a well, we destroy it and remove the soil from it. Depending on the weight of the bit and the impact force, up to 1 meter of soil can be removed in one go.

The drilling rig is durable and easy to drill. There is only one “but” - sometimes you need to have a partner with you who will help clear the drill from the soil. Working at a normal, not emergency pace, you can drill up to 40 meters in a week (depending on the type of soil).

With such productivity, a drilling rig for cable-percussion drilling (a tripod with a cable block on top) has a height of up to 5 meters and has the following advantages:

  1. Maintaining mobility.
  2. Raising and dropping the drill can be done using any motor, up to muscle power.
  3. You can use any strong board or wooden block as a balancer.

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Screw (manual) installation

A motor with a gearbox and a winch help mechanize the process of raising the cartridge to a height.

The simplest option for deep drilling is a drilling rig.

On the top of the tripod, made of 5 cm caliber pipes, 2 plates are fixed. A block is fixed on the upper platform, and a guide hole is made in the lower plate for the rod, which is made up of 1-1.5 meter pipes of 5-10 centimeters caliber with tape threads and corresponding couplings.

The drill is made from a piece of pipe, at one end of which an auger screw is made. Pointed plates are welded onto it at an angle, performing the function of a knife. On the reverse (upper side in the picture) tape thread is cut for fastening in the tee.

The rod and drill are screwed into the central part of the tee, into which pieces of pipes are inserted on both sides, acting as handles. The installation works like this:

  • first make a hole and insert a drill;
  • rotate the tool 3-5 times;
  • removed and cleaned;
  • the process is repeated until the aquifer is reached;
  • As the rod goes deeper into the ground, it is extended using couplings.

To lift the rod (due to the constant increase in its mass), a winch-block system is used. To ensure the vertical position of the working part, there is a hole in the bottom plate, which is 0.5 or 1 cm larger in diameter than the rod.

Every person who has their own summer cottage knows how important it is to have their own source of water. This is not a privilege - but a necessity, without which you cannot take a shower, wash fruit or water flowers. Of course, someone will remember the mythical centralized water supply channels in rural areas. But this is nothing more than a fantasy.

At the moment, the only way to get a full-fledged source of water at the dacha is to make a drilling rig with your own hands and use it to drill a well. Believe me, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. But you will have to make some efforts to achieve results.

Types of water drilling rigs

Before you build a water drilling rig with your own hands, you need to understand a little about the features of the most popular designs. There are four main types that are most often used by builders:

  1. Auger drilling rig for water. During operation, the auger removes soil. No water is needed for rinsing.
  2. Shock-rope design. The system consists of a frame and a base in the form of a triangle. The main work is performed by a chisel or bailer, which is attached to a cable.
  3. Manual installation with a rotor is the simplest option from an engineering point of view. It doesn't even have an electric motor. Human power is used for drilling. Such installations for water extraction are used quite rarely in professional drilling due to their slowness and high labor costs.
  4. Rotary system for water extraction - ensures effective hydraulic drilling.

A properly constructed water well is a reliable and autonomous source of water supply for a private home or cottage. The organization of private water supply is not always caused by the lack of a central water supply. The reason may also be interruptions in its supply, poor quality of water in the main, high cost, deterioration of the water supply network, shortage and other factors.

Almost all owners of country houses or dachas have an autonomous source of water. Another thing is that their choice may be different. Some prefer a well, some prefer a well. This article is dedicated to those who settled on the well.

Types of wells and installation

Well on sand

This type has gained enormous popularity due to the low cost of work and the ability to do all the work manually. In terms of design, a sand well is a single column with a filter at the bottom. The flow rate of this well can be 10-150 cubic meters. per day. As a rule, the drilling depth is limited to 15 meters (when drilling with a machine - 35 m). To pump out water, a pumping apparatus or hand pump is installed. The service life is usually 12-20 years.

Artesian well or limestone well

Doesn't happen that often. The reasons are: the need for permission for a drilling project from local authorities (for example, Vodokanal) and the high cost of work. The design feature of the well is more complex. She has two columns– working and casing. The latter is attached to the limestone, the first - directly in the limestone itself. A well for limestone has a higher flow rate of 12-45 cubic meters. per hour (this depends on the diameter of the pipeline) and service life is about 50 years. Drilling is done using special equipment and the depth can be up to 350 meters.

Since we plan to use drilling rigs ourselves, we will consider in more detail the construction of sand wells, as the most affordable in terms of independent construction.

Determining the depth of the well

A shallow well (up to three meters) is made when the aquifer is located close to the surface of the earth, and the water will be used only for irrigation or technical purposes. To drill this well, all you need is a hand pump, casing and a drill.

A medium-deep well (up to seven meters) will provide drinking water. To make a drilling rig with your own hands, in addition to a drill, you will need a shovel and time to arrange the hole. Pit, dimensions 2x2x2 meters used to facilitate the drilling process to great depth. To make work easier, it can be secured with boards or plywood. After completion of the work, the pit is filled up. Water is drawn in using a pump.

A deep well (more than seven meters) will make it possible to completely cover the water needs of all residents of a cottage or private house. Moreover, there will be enough water not only for individual use, but also for technical purposes, irrigation, sanitary requirements, maintenance of a pond or swimming pool.

In general, the choice of type of water intake will be determined after a geological study of the well construction site. We suggest studying in more detail the last option - building a deep well with your own hands, as the most difficult of those described.

Well drilling options

The above types of wells (this does not apply to “lime” or artesian wells) can be drilled using the following technologies:

Drilling project

In the case when the depth of the aquifer is precisely determined can be drilled directly with the length of the drill under the casing pipe. When not, you must first find out at what depth the water layer is located.

That is, each borehole is an individual project and is influenced by the following characteristics:

  • selected drilling option;
  • depth of the aquifer. This does not mean the first layer that the drill reached, but the one that meets the conditions of use in terms of ensuring the debit of the amount of water;
  • geological structure of the soil;
  • the requirement to maintain the required distance to locations (installation of a “sanitary zone”);
  • requirements for water quality and quantity.

Required Tools for Drilling Rig

Since we are talking about the percussion-rope method of manual drilling, it is necessary to highlight its main advantages:

  • low requirements for driller qualifications and ease of equipment installation;
  • absence of any restrictions on the drilling location. You can drill manually almost anywhere on the site;
  • preserving most of the usable land area in its original state. That is, heavy special equipment will not damage the plantings on your territory.

To work you will need:

  • container with water;
  • drill with reinforced edge. Recommendation: The drill can be strengthened by welding drill bits onto the screw, their role can be played by elements of a metal shredder or a file. In addition, the cutters can be sharpened using a grinder;
  • shovel;
  • a pump with a hose like a “baby”;
  • cart for removing soil.

The following will also be useful for the drilling rig:

  • metal wire for filter;
  • gravel or crushed stone for a pillow;
  • wire for installing a filter at the bottom;
  • pipes.

Pit construction and site selection

With the help of specialists or folk methods (barometric method, dowsing, using silica gel, exploratory drilling, by the amount of dew, etc.) we determine the area where the aquifer is located closest to the ground.

Then we dig a hole. This is the excavation of earth to a certain depth, the purpose of which is to simplify the drilling process. Construction of the pit is an important stage for several reasons;

  1. The possibility of the earth collapsing around the well is not allowed.
  2. The depth of drilling directly with the drill is reduced.

The dimensions of the pit are chosen by the driller, but, as a rule, they are 1.5x1.8 and 1.8-3 m deep. To prevent the earth from crumbling, the pit is reinforced with metal, boards or plywood.

Drilling options


A tripod is a rope-impact mechanism for drilling. The support structure is necessary to simplify the drilling procedure through the use of a drill pipe.

The tripod can be made of wood (knots are not allowed) or profile pipe. The length of the pipe or beam should be about 4.5-5.5 m.

Then a mechanical winch with a cable is fixed to the tripod, where the drill pipe is attached.

This drilling rig is quite small and has a sufficient safety margin. The principle of operation of the mechanism is quite simple: the glass, falling into the ground, absorbs soil. Taking into account the composition of the soil, in one blow you can get 0.30-1.2 m of soil. You can simplify the work by pouring water into the drilling area. Periodically The drill bit needs to be cleaned from the packed earth.

The cable where the drill is fixed must be longer than the size of the well. Otherwise, it will break and the drill will fall to the bottom.

The casing pipe can be installed simultaneously with penetration to depth or after all the work has been done.

Drill and casing

While drilling, casing can be installed at the same time. In this case its diameter must be larger than the size of the drill so that he can move freely in the pipe.

While doing the work, you must always monitor the moisture content of the soil being removed so as not to miss the aquifer vein (otherwise it can simply be covered with a pipe).

Then, when an aquifer is discovered, it is necessary pump out dirty water to determine whether there is enough water reserves in this layer. What is a manual or submersible pump used for? If, after pumping out several buckets of dirty water, clean water still does not come out, then it is necessary to drill further to a more capacious vein.

The pump is not designed for these operating conditions, so it may break after water purification. It is best to use a quality pump.

Well casing

For casing You can use plastic or steel pipes(working time up to 50 years). But the installation of galvanized pipes is undesirable, due to the risk of water contamination with zinc impurities.

The main task of installing casing is as follows:

Installation of the casing pipe is done immediately after completion of work or right during drilling.

Flushing the well and installing a bottom filter

The installation of the casing pipe does not end the matter. Then you need to flush the well. Why is there a pipe inserted into it through which water is supplied under pressure? Due to the water pressure, a layer of sand and clay will come out of the well, which needs to be pumped out. When clean water appears, it must be submitted for testing. Quality requirements are regulated by SNiP 2141074-01. If the water quality is normal, you can continue drilling the well with your own hands.

The main purpose of the bottom filter is to protect the pipe from silting. How to make a filter?

With your own hands you can make a slot filter. Why do you need to make notches at the end of the pipe with a grinder?

For notches, you need to choose a thin circle (0.7 mm). Please note - a large number of notches will make the pipe weaker.

One option is to make holes in the pipe. Then the drilling/notching area must be wrapped with mesh or wire. Place the resulting filter on a bed of crushed stone, the backfill of which will prevent the filter from clogging.

The size of the filter pipe must be smaller than the size of the main pipes so that it can be lowered into the well without problems. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made filter.

Without a filter, the well will not work for long. Its absence is possible only in deep-water wells (more than 50 meters).

Well production and build-up

In order to get a complete understanding of the well’s capacity, you need to wait a day and then find out the level of incoming water. When the incoming water is sufficient for the needs of use, the space between the casing pipe and the soil can be filled. The pit also needs to be buried.

Borehole pumping is also an important stage. To perform a pumping or just final cleaning of the well it is necessary to install a powerful centrifugal pump and pump out water from time to time for 14 days.

It is necessary to first determine where to redirect the pumped water.

Pump installation

Please note that surface pumps are not suitable for installation in a well due to the specific depth limit of 9 meters. For this Only a submersible pump is suitable– vibration or centrifugal. Each type has its own advantages, and you can finally choose if you analyze the influence of such factors:

  • water level;
  • well depth;
  • debit;
  • casing pipe size;
  • well pump price;
  • water pressure.

Commissioning of the well

When the well was drilled not with your own hands, but with the help of a third-party company, then before accepting the work you must request the following documents:

  • well passport;
  • hydrogeological conclusion on the implementation of the project;
  • certificate of work done;
  • permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station.

When all the work will be done with your own hands, then in this case the main thing is not to rush, but watch the training video carefully, observe all the main points of the drilling process and maintain the technology. Moreover, remember that only the choice of high-quality materials (including pump and pipes) will be the key to long-term operation of the well.

Creating a source of uninterrupted supply of clean drinking water is an important task for those who live in a private home. To do this, it is necessary through which the precious liquid will flow. For this purpose, many invite a team of professional drillers. But you can create the necessary drilling rig with your own hands. Next we will talk about creating a hydraulic drill at home.

Main types of drilling rigs

Drilling rigs differ in their design due to the choice of different methods for creating a well. For example, an impact drill destroys soil using a special weight tied to a pyramidal support frame. But a rotating drill is a much more complex structure, but it is much easier to make a hole of the required size in the soil with its help. Based on the type of construction, it can be divided into several categories:

  • Shock-rope installations. The design is represented by a frame with a pyramid-shaped base, to which a cable with a projectile () is securely attached. The principle of operation of such an installation is quite simple: the load is lowered and raised as many times as is required to create a hole of the required depth in the soil.

Drilling rig

  • Screw installations. Drilling is carried out using an auger that breaks through the ground according to the principle of rotation. In this case, the hole dug during the drilling process is not washed out.

Attention! Keep in mind that this type of drilling rig is a design that is too complex to be created by hand: most of its functional elements are almost impossible to create without the appropriate skills and tools.

  • Rotors. Rotary structures operate on the hydraulic principle.
  • Manual rotary type designs. These installations are considered the simplest, largely due to the fact that they do not have an engine in their design. Accordingly, the process of creating a well in the soil is carried out manually, which requires considerable physical effort. That is why such manual designs are very rarely used.

Advantages of a DIY installation

Undoubtedly, a drilling rig for creating a water well has a number of advantages. These include:

Features of making various small-sized drilling rigs with your own hands (purpose of a windlug)

In general, the technology for assembling various drilling rigs is almost the same (and this will be discussed a little further), but the working tools for different types of structures are radically different. Therefore, first you should consider the manufacturing technology of the main mechanism (drill) for different designs and only after that proceed directly to the creation of the main frame and the working elements attached to it.

So, let’s look in detail at the most commonly used drilling rigs (the “glass” rig and the auger rig).

Homemade drills

Drilling rig with "chuck" uses the so-called “cartridge” (“glass”) as the main working mechanism. If you want to make it yourself, then you will only need a piece of pipe with a diameter of about 1 m. When creating a suitable base frame for such a drilling rig, the dimensions of the “chuck” must be taken into account. The “cartridge” itself must have not only impressive dimensions, but also considerable weight for effective soil drilling.

Advice. On the bottom of the pipe you can make points in the form of triangles. Thanks to this trick, you will increase the speed of digging a hole in the soil and the quality of loosening.

If you don't want to give the edges of the "chuck" a triangular shape, make sure they are sharp (sharpen them if necessary).

We will fasten the “glass” with a cable, so it is necessary to make several holes on the load (in the upper part). We fasten the cable and then hook it to the pre-prepared frame. Please note that the length of the cable must be such that the “cartridge” can fall down and rise up completely freely.

Impact glass

Auger installation uses a drill as an active working mechanism. An ordinary metal pipe is also quite suitable for its manufacture. Make a screw thread on the top of the pipe, and an auger-type drill on the bottom (the most convenient drill length is about 2 m).

Advice. 2-3 turns on the drill will be enough to create a water well of medium depth.

A pair of knives must be attached to the ends of the drill using a welding machine: they must be positioned in such a way that during the drilling process they plunge into the soil at a certain angle.

To make the design convenient to use, weld a part of a metal pipe (about 1.5-2 m long) to the tee. The tee itself must be equipped with a screw thread inside.

Separately, it should be said about the swivel, which is used in drilling rigs as a compensator for the resistance of the moving part of the rig (drill) and the stationary part that supplies water. The structure of this part is quite simple: a pair of flanges, partitions with rubber sealing rings, the body itself (made from a piece of metal pipe) and a metal rod.

It should be noted that you can make this part yourself only if you have turning experience and the ability to make technical drawings.

MGDU (small-sized drilling rig) assembly technology

So, the working mechanism of the drilling rig is prepared, now you can proceed directly to assembling the entire structure. Please note that you will need some tools for the job: an electric drill, an angle grinder, a welding machine, as well as a galvanized pipe, a squeegee and a plumbing cross. Let's look at the process of assembling the structure step by step:

  • We prepare pipe sections to create the base of the drilling rig. They will need to be fastened into a bracket and a cross. At the ends of the pipe sections, cut the threads a couple of centimeters deep.

Drilling Rig Parts

  • Weld pre-sharpened metal plates to the ends of the metal sections (such an installation will allow for a continuous supply of water).
  • To supply water to the installation, connect a pump hose to one of the sections of the cross.
  • We connect the prepared parts to the threaded connections. We weld a metal piece with a tip to the bottom of the main pipe.
  • Let's start assembling the installation base from a square profile. We connect the metal supports to the main rack by welding.
  • We attach the engine and platform to the profile. The profile itself must be attached to the main post in such a way that it can move freely along it.

Advice. When choosing a suitable electric motor, pay special attention to the power rating of the device: 0.5 horsepower will be enough for comfortable and efficient operation.

  • The engine power will be regulated using a gearbox, to the shaft of which a flange must be attached. We attach another one to it, and place a rubber washer between the flanges.
  • The last step left is to check the water supply. It must happen without interruption.

This concludes our consideration of the technology for creating a drilling rig for water supply at home. Good luck!

Drilling rig: video

Homemade drilling rig: photo

), create a field for collecting heat from the ground when installing an earth-to-air heat pump, when installing a columnar foundation and many other construction works. A small-sized drilling rig will facilitate and significantly speed up the processes. Having some welding skills, you can do it yourself.

Types of homemade drilling rigs

To independently drill wells (for water and not only), you need at least a small drilling rig. The depth of wells is rarely less than 20 meters and it is very difficult to do without the use of even the simplest mechanisms. If we talk about drilling techniques and types of rubble rigs, then you can make the following drilling rigs with your own hands:

The choice of the type of drilling rig for making it yourself depends on the geology of the area where they will drill, and the depth of the aquifers also affects. The most universal method is the shock-rope method. Various soils can be penetrated well using rotary equipment using water (this method is also called hydrodrilling). For different types of soil, different chisel shapes are used, and the crushed soil is washed to the surface with water.

The auger drill is the most capricious for soils, but it copes well with viscous soils - clays, loams, but with boulders and rocky soil it gets stuck.

Types of homemade cable-percussion drilling rigs

When manufacturing a drilling rig for cable-percussion drilling, there are two important elements: the frame and the cup (chuck, bailer). For the simplest option, you can make a frame of three or four pipes, which are connected above the place where the drilling will take place. A block is attached there, and a flexible steel cable is thrown through it. A drill bit is tied to the end of the cable. That's the whole structure. This “installation” is activated by muscle force - the cable is pulled, then sharply lowered. The projectile gradually deepens.

To reduce physical stress, a winch is installed, and for even greater automation, a motor with a gearbox that rotates the winch shaft is installed. At the same time, it is important to come up with a system that will allow you to release the winch shaft and reset the bailer.

A tripod frame is not always convenient - it requires a large area. Moreover, for stability, the “legs” must be at an equal distance from the center. Jumpers between all supports will also not hurt. In this case, the drilling rig will stand securely. There is another version of the frame - in the form of the letter “H” with telescopic rods (pictured below).

The vertical stand is also telescopic. It allows you to change the height from which the projectile is dropped. The rest of the equipment is the same.

Watch the video to see how a cable-percussion drilling rig, made with your own hands from scrap materials, works. This design is easy to accurately replicate.

More details on how to drill and equip a water well are described.

How to make a rotary drilling rig

The hydraulic drilling rig must have a frame that allows you to move up/down the motor to which the drill is connected through a swivel. Water is also supplied through the swivel into the column.

When making a drilling rig with your own hands, the following procedure is recommended:

The frame of the mini-drilling rig consists of three parts:

  • horizontal platform;
  • vertical frame;
  • a movable frame (carriage) on which the motor is mounted.

The base is made from a thick-walled pipe - wall thickness 4 mm, minimum 3.5 mm. It’s better to use a profiled one with a cross-section of 40*40 mm, 50*50 mm or so, but a round one will do. When making a small drilling rig frame, precision is not important. It is important to observe geometry: vertical and horizontal, equal angles of inclination, if necessary. And the sizes are “adjusted” according to the fact. First, the lower frame is welded and measured. A vertical frame is made to fit the existing dimensions, and a carriage is made according to its dimensions.

You can make a simple fort drill yourself - they are made from ordinary steel (drawing in the photo below). If you take high-alloy steel, it is difficult to weld it to the rods. For complex and rocky soils, it is better to buy a drill from a specialized company - they have a complex shape, there are many different types.

To make work easier, connect two remote controls with reverse control. One is placed on the motor, the second on the winch. That's all, actually.

In the design of a rotary or auger drilling rig, the main thing is the swivel, but it is unrealistic to make one without experience. For those who want to make it themselves, we will post a photo and its drawing.

The simplest installation for auger drilling

If the aquifers are shallow and the soils are soft, you can get by with a mechanical drilling rig with an auger. This is the same tripod or any other frame with a block through which the cable is thrown. Only instead of a bailer or drill glass, an auger is attached to the cable. In its upper part there is a crossbar with which it is turned.

To facilitate the process, it is desirable to have a winch or at least a gate (like a well gate). But you can make a rotary drill similar to the one described above. Only the structure of the swivel will change - it is needed without a water supply outlet. The work of one of the drilling rigs, assembled by a craftsman with his own hands, from scrap materials, is shown in the next video. You can also consider the design features.

And the last point is a video on how to make an auger for a drilling rig with your own hands.

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