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How to sharpen your knife to razor sharpness yourself. How to sharpen a razor vest or any other machine? How to sharpen a safety blade

Your razor blade will become 10 times sharper with this one-minute trick!

If you use disposable razors like I do sometimes, my heart goes out to you. The blades in them become dull overnight! What can I say, even high-quality expensive razors with many blades fail quite quickly...
It’s difficult to express my delight after I found out that the blades of a regular machine can also be restored to sharpness... Now I do this all the time!


How to sharpen a razor

You will need

razor with dull blades
old jeans


Operating procedure

To sharpen your razor, dry the blade first. Take old jeans, place them on a hard, flat surface and run the blade along the leg 15-20 times. You can also use a piece of denim for this trick.

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Change the direction of the razor head and run the blade over the jeans another 15-20 times. Don't press too hard, just apply light pressure on the machine. The razor should glide easily across your jeans!

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Ready! In a couple of minutes, the razor became as good as new - the sharp blade will not injure the skin and cause inconvenience when shaving! If only I had known earlier that sharpening a razor blade was so easy...


I hope you will appreciate this technique and test it in practice! It will save you money, and your skin will be soft and smoothly shaved... Show your friends how to extend the life of your razor: the practicality of the advice is beyond doubt!

Numerous manufacturers of men's accessories and shaving accessories offer disposable and reusable razors with blades made of quality materials. But sooner or later, any blade will begin to lose its properties, especially if you do not provide the machine with decent care, proper operation and storage. In this regard, experts offer many techniques for sharpening machine blades, many of which can be used at home.

Many men know how to sharpen a razor at home, since several ancient methods have been practiced for many years. Today, many new ideas have been invented that also sharpen blades quickly and easily, extending their service life. It is only important to follow all the details and instructions, otherwise you may damage the sharp cutting surface.

Sharpening a razor at home: what is important to know

Many men believe that sharpening blades for a machine is an unlikely or completely useless task. Especially considering the fact that there is a huge assortment of new blades and cassettes on sale in stores. In fact, high-quality razors cost a lot of money, as do blades for such models. Therefore, experts recommend saving money and sharpening blades, unless, of course, you use a cheap disposable razor.

Have you ever sharpened your razor?


Only a few types of razors can be sharpened using this method:

  • disposable machine;
  • reusable razors with cassettes;
  • T-shaped machines.

If, in addition to proper use and care, the blades are sharpened, a man will be able to provide himself with high-quality wet shaving and save money on the purchase of a machine or blades. Otherwise, the blades will not only cut hairs poorly and pull them out, but also scrape off the top layer of skin. An important condition for sharpening is to follow the instructions for all stages, otherwise you can dull the cutting surface even more.

For reference! If a man does not have the skills and knowledge of how to sharpen razor blades, you can contact a specialist who has in his arsenal a machine for sharpening razor blades and other devices for professional sharpening.

Step by step guide

Today, the most pressing request from men in forums and communities is as follows - how to sharpen the razor blades of a Vest. This manufacturer offers high-quality machines with replaceable cassettes, which you can easily extend the shelf life yourself, without the help of a specialist. Most often, two devices are used for this action - a pyramid razor blade sharpener or ordinary denim.

You can make a pyramid yourself from a material that is incapable of magnetization, for example, plexiglass or cardboard. It is secured with glue or tape; it is prohibited to use metal fasteners. Further sharpening is carried out as follows:

  • mark the pyramid on a hard, straight surface;
  • then the pyramid is oriented to the cardinal points;
  • the razor blades should be placed along the pyramid in the north-south direction;
  • the blades should lie in this state under the pyramid for 6-8 hours.

The same method can be used to sharpen blades for cassette razors such as Gillette and other brands.

Many men have been successfully practicing the technique for many years, noting its ease of use and high efficiency. Using a special device from RazorPit or Zattoch, blades on a cassette or removable blades are sharpened as follows:

  • Apply a little shaving gel to the surface of the device;
  • further along the abrasive surface, but in the opposite direction, as during shaving, movements are made with the machine;
  • make 25-30 such movements at a time;
  • At the end, the machine and working fixture will need to be rinsed with water.

Just 5-10 minutes of such manipulations will be enough to revive the blades of the machine and give the razor a second life. This will not only save money, but also provide a man with high-quality and effective shaving of stubble and mustache without irritation and other consequences.

Handy tools to help

If a device such as a razor sharpener is not suitable for a man, you can use improvised means, for example, denim. This is one of the first methods that was invented by men many years ago. It is enough to simply turn the fabric inside out, and then run the loom with the blades inside against the direction of the fabric threads 30-40 times, but without pressing.

Another handy method is a leather belt, and sharpening the blades follows the same scenario as with denim. You need to choose a belt that does not have frayed areas or creases, otherwise the surface of the blades will be damaged. You need to move the blades along the belt from its wrong side. This will maintain the integrity of the painted side of the belt while improving the functionality of the machine.

Is it important to use special devices?

In fact, any selected razor sharpener should be approved by experts, like a leather belt, pyramid or denim. Other unfamiliar techniques and untested means at hand can easily damage the integrity of the blades, since we are talking about a metal plate with a thickness of 0.5 mm or less. Although there are many razor sharpeners sold online, only a few actually do the job.


Razor accessories all have their own service life, which depends on the materials used in the production of the razor itself and the quality of the blades in it. Disposable razors are used no more than 1-3 times, but T-shaped razors and reusable razors will last longer if you change the cutting parts on time. And in order not to spend money on buying new “feathers”, you can sharpen them in a timely manner. To do this, you may need a special device, as well as a pyramid of improvised materials, a leather strap or denim.

Sharpening razor blades will seem like a useless and unlikely task to many. Why sharpen a razor if you can buy new cassettes or a disposable razor at the store? Almost all adherents of wet shaving think so, but the effectiveness of blade restoration is high, and the procedure itself is not difficult to carry out with your own hands.

Why sharpen your razor?

Wet shaving remains the most popular method of hair removal for both men and women. A high-quality shaving machine is not cheap. It is not always possible to buy new shaving cartridges or even a disposable razor. In this case, skills on how to sharpen a razor with your own hands will come in handy. Sharpening extends the life of the razor, thereby saving your budget.

Devices for sharpening razors

When consumer demand arises, you can always expect proposals from manufacturers. Thus, the company RazorPit (Denmark) has released a special device that allows you to sharpen razors at home. A more affordable analogue of this device is produced by the Ukrainian company Zattoch.

The devices consist of a plate or handle with a strip of plastic and an abrasive applied to it. According to reviews from users who processed razor blades with these devices, the service life of the machines increases almost three times. Sharpening occurs as follows:

  • a small amount of any shaving gel is applied to the working surface of the device;
  • the cutting part of the machine is passed along the abrasive surface in the opposite direction to the movement of the machine during shaving;
  • perform 25–30 sharpening movements;
  • The working surface of the device and the machine are rinsed with water.

The procedure takes no more than 10 minutes, and your shaving device is ready for use again.

Handy method - sharpening with jeans

If you don’t know how to sharpen a razor blade and you need to shave urgently, old jeans will solve the problem. Sharpening with jeans is the easiest and most affordable way to restore blades. It will take a little longer than processing with ready-made devices, but the effect will be no worse. You will need denim, a small rounded block and a dull razor. A round block can be successfully replaced by a cardboard sleeve from food foil or a school ruler. Further sharpening occurs as follows:

  • denim is placed with the wrong side up;
  • a cardboard block is placed under the fabric;
  • the razor is passed along the fabric against the shaving movement;
  • 100–150 movements are performed, after which the blade is rinsed with water.

Treatment with denim increases the service life of the razor by 2–3 times.

An alternative method is sharpening in a pyramid

If you don’t want to buy a special device, but the question of how to sharpen shaving blades is relevant, make a pyramid device. The pyramid is easy to use and can be used many times. The pyramid is made according to the size of the machine and is small in size. The device can be open, in this case made from ordinary wooden slats, or blind, when the four sides of the pyramid are sheathed with any available material.

Razors have become an integral part of the lives of most men and women. But despite the fact that they are used by a huge number of people, few people re-sharpen the blades of the machines for further use.

Most people think that sharpening a blade is a difficult and tedious task, but this is not so. And now you will see this.

How to sharpen a razor blade

Instead of a special device for sharpening blades, it is most convenient to use denim or any ribbed fabric. The effect of this procedure is practically no different from using special devices, but it is cheaper and simpler.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Jeans need to be turned inside out.
  • Under a small piece of fabric you need to place some kind of dense thing - a cardboard cylinder, a wooden block or a ruler.
  • Jeans are usually made from bias-cut fabric, so the thick lining needs to be laid flat. If the jeans are sewn straight, then the base must be fixed diagonally.
  • The razor is drawn across the fabric in the opposite direction to a normal shave. This sharpens the blades and keeps the fabric intact.

You can repeat the blade sharpening procedures several times until the steel becomes so thin that it can no longer be restored. But before this happens, you can use the machine much longer without spending much money.

You can watch the video for more clear instructions.

The availability and convenience of razors has led to them being extremely popular among both men and women. But it’s not enough just to choose a good razor, you also need to use and store it correctly so that it lasts longer and performs its functions efficiently. That’s why owners have questions about how to sharpen a razor so that the procedure gives the best possible result.

Most users do not try to sharpen blades at home, thinking that it is difficult and unlikely. But some still decide to find such methods and extend the life of the razor.

Such methods do exist and are quite effective at home. Although, of course, a razor blade is not a knife, it cannot be updated in the usual way.

Why sharpen your blades yourself?

The question of the appropriateness of sharpening procedures for razor blades is relevant, and there are several answers to it. Firstly, it allows you to extend the life of the machine. That is, instead of throwing away the razor, you can renew it and use it for the same amount of time.

Secondly, it saves money. After all, purchasing replacement cassettes regularly requires significant financial investments. And sharpening and updating them will help put off going to the store for at least a few months.

Thirdly, it is not always possible to buy replacement cassettes, but shaving is safe and sometimes simply necessary urgently. In order not to put off shaving until you buy a new blade, you can sharpen it and enjoy the result.

Sharpening a razor is a useful and convenient skill that can save money. Having tried to use any of the blade sharpening methods once, each user will be able to learn and perform the procedure quickly and efficiently.

Using a special sharpening device

Demand always creates supply, so not long ago special devices for sharpening blades at home appeared on the market. The device is a handle equipped with a small strip of plastic, on the surface of which a special abrasive is applied. It allows you to sharpen disposable and reusable razors with equal efficiency, extending their service life several times.

A prominent representative of such devices is the RazorPit device from a Danish company, although it also has a cheaper analogue, Zattoch, made in Ukraine. The devices are easy to use and give good results. The sequence of actions includes the following steps:

  1. You need to apply a little cosmetic product – gel or foam – to the surface of the device.
  2. Use the cutting part of the razor to move along the abrasive in the direction opposite to how the razor moves during the shaving process.
  3. Depending on how long you use the machine, 25-30 movements are enough to get the blades sharp again.

The procedure is simple and effective, but you need to understand that the razor sharpening device itself also costs money. It may be cheaper to update replacement cassettes on the machine.

Sharpening the blade using denim

Instead of a blade sharpener, you can use denim or any ribbed fabric. The effect of this procedure is practically no different from using special devices, but it is cheaper and simpler. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Jeans need to be turned inside out.
  2. Under a small piece of fabric you need to place some kind of dense thing - a cardboard cylinder, a wooden block or a ruler.
  3. Jeans are usually made from bias-cut fabric, so the thick lining needs to be laid flat. If the jeans are sewn straight, then the base must be fixed diagonally.
  4. The razor is drawn across the fabric in the opposite direction to a normal shave. This sharpens the blades and keeps the fabric intact.

You can repeat the blade sharpening procedures several times until the steel becomes so thin that it can no longer be restored. But before this happens, you can use the machine much longer without spending much money.

If you need to sharpen the blades of an electric razor, it is better to contact a specialist. Its peculiarity is that for any action the razor will have to be partially disassembled, which means that then it will need to be assembled. For a beginner, this is not always a simple and easy procedure. But sharpening the blades of a conventional machine is a very real process that is worth trying at least once.

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