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Ksenia Vasilievna Karaulova biography. Andrei Karaulov is inspired by debauchery: he stole a child from his ex-wife

Karaulov Andrey Viktorovich (b. 1958) – Russian television presenter, journalist. He gained fame thanks to the journalistic program “Moment of Truth”, he is its author and presenter. He is the president of the Moment of Truth Television Corporation LLP.

Childhood and youth

Andrei was born on September 10, 1958 in the city of Kaliningrad near Moscow (now called Korolev). As a child, Karaulov dreamed a lot and often about different things. At first the boy had a desire to write a big book, like L.N. Tolstoy. He did not agree to anything less, that is, his character was evident from an early age. Then Andrey had a dream to become a journalist. He even invented and published an apartment organ - a home newspaper and magazine. In the sixth grade, he wanted to be the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, but a year later the boy changed his mind.

From childhood, Andrei was accustomed to the theater. Every Sunday his mother gave him two rubles, and he went to Moscow. The mother was very worried that her little son would not be able to cross the road on his own in the big and bustling capital, so Andryusha went to the Maly Theater after leaving the metro, there was no need to cross to the other side of the street.


After school, Karaulov went to Moscow State University to enroll in the journalism department. But it turned out that he did not have enough Komsomol experience, and Andrei’s documents were not even accepted. But there he learned about the existence of GITIS named after A.V. Lunacharsky, where he submitted documents for admission to the Faculty of Theater Studies. In 1981, Karaulov received a diploma, and subsequently an academic degree - a candidate of art history.

After finishing his studies, Andrei, as expected, served a year in the army (1982-1983).

But it’s clear that you can’t escape fate; Karaulov was destined to become a journalist. After returning from the army, he got a job as an editor at the Theater Life magazine. Before this, he had very little work experience; in 1976, after school, before his studies at the institute had yet begun, Andrei worked part-time at the Moscow Salyut plant as a laborer.

The path of a journalist

He worked at Theater Life for about two years, after which he received an invitation to head the humor department at Ogonyok magazine. From 1985 to 1988 he held this position.

In 1988, the cultural and historical magazine “Our Heritage” was founded. In Russia it was the first magazine that so harmoniously combined the seriousness of the content with modern design. Karaulov worked for two years at Our Heritage; at the same time, his articles were published in the periodical “Soviet Russia”.

In 1990, Karaulov headed the work of the department in the monthly historical illustrated magazine “Rodina”. But a year later, Andrei joined the team of the socio-political publication Nezavisimaya Gazeta. Here he received the position of head of the literature and art department. In August 1991, Karaulov, together with Nezavisimaya Gazeta journalist Tatyana Malkina, attended a press conference of the State Emergency Committee, built in a question-and-answer format about the coup d'etat in the USSR.

Since 1992, Andrei took up the “Moment of Truth” program, in which he was both the author and presenter. Along with this, he was also involved in other television projects:

  • “Russian Century” (NTV);
  • “Stolen Air” (TNT);
  • “Russian People” (TNT);
  • “National Treasure (TVC).

All this time, Karaulov did not stop engaging in literary activities; several of his political books were published:

  • "Around the Kremlin";
  • "Bad boy";
  • "Russian Sun";
  • "Russian Hell"

"Moment of Truth"

In the spring of 1992, the television channel “Russia” (then RTR) first aired Andrei Karaulov’s author’s program “Moment of Truth.” The topics of this project were topical issues: corruption at the top of power, crime and drug addiction, pressing social issues, politics, degeneration of the nation. The program aired on this channel for five years, and in the summer of 1997 it was taken off the air.

There was almost a year-long break, and in the fall of 1998 the project moved to the TNT television channel. It was built in the format of a talk show, where Andrei continued to discuss the same pressing problems, but now with guests who were invited to the studio (public figures, government members, simply concerned citizens).

A year later, Karaulov and his team moved to the TVC television channel, where evening time on Sunday was allocated for the program (then Friday and Monday). Soon the program became the highest rated on the channel. However, the issues and topics discussed were so sensitive that the program was often criticized and was also the reason for litigation. In the fall of 2010, the channel’s management announced the termination of the release of “Moment of Truth” on screens.

The program appeared again in the summer of 2011, now on Channel Five. For more than five years, Andrei Karaulov has been on the air on Monday evenings, still with pressing, sometimes dangerous questions and stories. Sometimes the next day after the broadcast, his friends called him and said: “Yesterday we watched your “Moment of Truth”. Are you still alive?"

But since 2017, Channel Five has stopped producing the program. According to Karaulov, he himself did not sign an agreement with them for the next year.

However, there is a lot of information that it was the management of Channel Five that terminated the partnership. The head has changed, General Director Alexey Brodsky has retired. He was replaced by Yuri Shalimov, who previously headed the legal broadcasting directorate at NTV. There are several reasons for taking a program off the air:

  • Channel Five shareholders decided to completely change its format;
  • non-political disagreements between the channel's leaders and Andrei Karaulov;
  • dissatisfaction with the amount that the channel allocated for the preparation of “Moment of Truth”.

Coincidentally, just before the program closed, a film about Russian President Vladimir Putin, or more precisely about the attempts on his life, was shown. Karaulov in his programs for higher education Russian government He was always loyal, but sometimes topics came up that were dissatisfied in the Kremlin. There is a version that the contract for 2017 with Karaulov was not renewed for political reasons, in particular, stories dedicated to Vladimir Putin could cause disapproval.

Stormy personal life

Andrey married three times. The first marriage was forced. During his student years, he had a romantic relationship with a fellow student, as a result of which his daughter Lydia was born. Karaulov decided to get married so that the girl would have a legal father and mother. But this marriage did not last long. Daughter Lida has long grown up, studied at the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University, but then decided to connect her life with jurisprudence.

Andrei’s second wife was Natalya Mironova, the daughter of the famous Russian playwright and screenwriter Mikhail Shatrov, a secular, educated woman, very charming and witty. This marriage turned out to be quite long and happy. When they met, Natasha had a nine-year-old son from her first marriage, Philip, and Andrei raised him as his own. Philip graduated from the Faculty of Art History at Moscow State University. Andrei Karaulov maintained very good friendly relations with him, despite his divorce from Natalya.

When Karaulov was already over forty, he fell in love with student Ksenia Kolpakova. Their relationship was literally made in heaven. Andrei and Ksyusha met on the plane; they both ended up being part of the same delegation; Ksenia was a political observer in the presidential pool. She is a television journalist by profession, worked at ITAR-TASS, in State Duma, on the RTR TV channel in “Night News”. Simultaneously with her work, Kolpakova received a third higher education at the Diplomatic Academy at the Faculty of International Relations.

By that time, Andrei was already an experienced man with two marriages behind him, and the girl’s dreams of family happiness and a wedding fairy tale were just emerging. A long romance began between Karaulov and Kolpakova, which developed into serious love relationship. Then he said that for the first time he realized what happiness it was to truly love and be loved. He claimed that this was definitely his last marriage.

Andrey filed a scandalous divorce from his previous wife Natalya. Everything happened very ugly, Karaulov hired expensive lawyers, sued for a two-story apartment on the Garden Ring, which, by the way, he and his wife acquired together.

But with young Ksenia, he was a true gentleman: he bought his beloved expensive fur coats, often took her on vacation abroad, and got her to work for the Rossiya television channel. Then Andrey said: “A man should earn money, and a wife should take care of her family, children, home and what she loves.” He backed up these words with a beautiful deed: just before his wedding to Ksenia, he gave her a coffee shop in the center of Moscow for her birthday.

This coffee shop had a nostalgic name for old native Muscovites - “Buloshnaya”. From a commercial point of view, the establishment was located in a very “chocolate” place - in the very center of the capital, in Lyalin Lane, not far from Kitay-Gorod. Ksenia appeared in the coffee shop infrequently, nevertheless, the employees treated her with respect, and spoke of her husband with admiration.

Some special menu or original style there was no coffee shop. In addition to coffee, in the establishment you could sip hot soup, and taste hot fish or meat dishes. Home-made bread – “8 grains” – was popular among visitors.

In 1999, Ksenia and Andrey got married. They rushed to the Griboedovsky registry office in two seven-meter limousines, then rode a boat along the Moscow River with gypsies, the celebration itself took place in the Metropol restaurant.

In October 2003, they had a boy, Vasily, he was conceived by artificial insemination.

But this marriage was not forever. According to Karaulov, the big age difference probably had an effect.

In January 2006, Ksenia Vasilievna Karaulova left her husband, and in August of the same year a divorce was filed. She did not make any financial claims against Andrey and did not demand to collect alimony from him. For the sake of her son, Ksenia wanted to maintain a human relationship with her ex-husband. She hoped that he would allocate money for Vasya’s maintenance without a writ of execution, as befits a loving father.

The famous journalist Andrei KARAULOV, having kidnapped his son ex-wife, continues to defiantly ignore the court decision ordering the return of the child to the mother. Showing that he does not care about the very truth in defense of which he so loves to speak on television, the journalist took the child abroad. He cheated on Ksenia, humiliated her, but was greatly offended when she left him, and chose his four-year-old son Vasya as an instrument of revenge. Express Gazeta has written about the TV star’s unworthy behavior more than once. Having separated his ex-wife from her child, Karaulov also spreads rumors that she is a drug addict and mentally ill.

Svetlana ORLOVA

On the eve of the New Year, Ksenia Karaulova began to hope that her nightmare would soon end and she would finally be with her son again. On December 27, the Savelovsky District Court of Moscow ruled that, as before, Vasya Karaulov must permanently live with his mother. At the same time, the judge declared the actions of Andrei Karaulov, who kidnapped his son on November 30, illegal. But, alas, the drama continues.

Throws mud

“I hoped that my ex-husband would come to his senses and, having received a court decision, would return Vasya to me,” says Ksenia. - But, realizing that he was not going to do this, I contacted the Department Federal service bailiffs. The department employees showed me a letter from Karaulov, in which he said that Vasya was with him outside Russian Federation. That is, despite the judge’s ruling, he illegally took the child abroad. I don't even know what country my son is in.

Anticipating such a situation, Ksenia wrote a statement to the Border Service the day before, notifying the department of the court’s decision. - But for Karaulov, apparently, there is no law. His name seems to fascinate everyone: connections and authority speak for themselves,” sighs the ex-wife of the TV star. “I will turn your life into a nightmare,” Andrei promised me when I filed for divorce. As soon as I went to court, one misfortune after another fell upon me. First they set fire to my cafe, then they smashed the windows. They are trying to force me to stop fighting for my son. Andrey convinces Vasya that I abandoned him. Would a loving father traumatize the psyche? small child, turning him against his mother? He doesn't need Vasya - he's taking revenge on me. The other day, one newspaper published a letter from Karaulov, where he writes that his ex-wife is a drug addict and mentally ill. According to him, he is saving his son from an unworthy mother. - There is not a word of truth in this publication. Karaulov throws mud at me, and he knows how to do this and does it with professional sophistication. But he does not provide a single piece of evidence; he cannot have any. “I’m suing him for insult and slander,” Ksenia Karaulova told Express Gazeta.

Completely desperate, the unfortunate woman wrote a letter to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin with a request to help in her grief.

date of birth: 04/24/1988; Russian singer.

Loved the stage from a young age

The popular, stunning, unique and talented singer Yulianna Karaulova is known by millions of people around the world, her songs take first place in the Russian charts, and her videos receive tens of millions of views on You tube.

Many fans wonder where and when was Yulianna Karaulova born? She was born in Moscow on April 24, 1988 in a family of people who had nothing to do with pop activities. Fans are interested in who are Yulianna Karaulova’s parents and what do they do?

Her mother, Elena Karaulova, is a doctor by profession, but she always dreamed of becoming a singer, apparently this impulse was reflected in her daughter’s character and choice of future vocation; her father, Yuri Karaulov, is a famous diplomat. It was because of the work of the head of the family that in 1992 they moved to Sofia, where Yuliana Karaulova goes to school at the embassy.

From a young age, the girl demonstrates an interest in the stage, performs in front of her parents, and actively participates in school amateur performances. The only child in the family, Yulianna Karaulova basked in the rays of her parents’ love and care, they always encouraged her hobbies, especially since it was clear that the girl had a talent for public speaking. In 1998, the young performer received a certificate for participating in the Dobrich music competition, held in Bulgaria. A year later, Yuliana Karaulova returns to Moscow, where she continues to study at school and develop her performing skills by attending vocal courses.

Work in musical groups and solo work

The creative biography of Yulianna Karaulova dates back to 2004, when she took 2nd place in the “Face of the Year” photo competition from the glossy publication “Yes”; in the same year the magazine announced the creation of a group of the same name. Yulianna Karaulova gets into the Yes group thanks to her vocal and artistic abilities. A team of three young and gifted girls releases several songs; they did not achieve high popularity, but gained useful experience. In 2004, together with other Yes participants, Yulianna Karaulova tried her hand at the qualifying competition for the 5th season of the Star Factory show; only she managed to pass. In one of her interviews, she said that she doubted her participation in the project and seriously believed that without connections there was nothing to do there. She manages to reach the final, but the victory is given to Victoria Daineko.

During her stay on the project, she develops a romantic relationship with another participant, Ruslan Masyukov. Most likely, this novel was part of a spectacular PR campaign, because after the release of Factory 5, the couple Yulianna Karaulova and Ruslan Masyukov breaks up. At the Factory, Yulianna Karaulova developed a real friendship with Natalya Podolskaya; in America, for some time, she stayed with her twin sister, whose name is Yuliana. Yulianna is also the godmother of Mikhail Veselov’s son.

According to her, despite the rivalry, a friendly atmosphere reigned in the 5th edition of the star factory; one could count on the support of the team. While working on the project, Maxim Fadeev notices her and Yuliana Karaulova becomes a member of the musical trio “Netske.” Many people remember the popular song “I got caught in the net.” Despite all the efforts of the eminent producer, the group did not find its audience, the team breaks up.

After leaving the group, Yulianna Karaulova breaks her contract with Maxim Fadeev and flies to London, where she studies at a television school for 6 months. There were excellent prospects for obtaining a prestigious MBA education; she passed international exam highly rated. Decides that 2-3 years of study in another country will lead to the loss of achieved results in the performing field, acquaintances and connections will be lost. On top of everything, Yulianna Yurievna Karaulova really missed Russia. No matter how great it was abroad, she was always drawn to her homeland, to her family, friends and her favorite business.

In 2006, Yulianna Karaulova entered the 1st year of the Academy. Gnesins with a specialization in “Pop Vocals”, and after a few years she manages to obtain another higher education in the direction of “Music Industry Management”. For some time she worked in the editorial office of Yes magazine. It is at work that I meet with the guys from the 5sta Family group; during the work interview, a friendly conversation develops, which transfers into friendly relations. In 2011, after Loya left, 5sta Family needed a soloist, and Yulianna Karaulova became part of the team. The debut album was released in 2012. Every year brings new hits. The joint work continues until 2015 and during this time the guys manage to achieve considerable success in the musical field.

In mid-2015, singer Yulianna Karaulova launched her solo career. Many 5sta Family fans were very surprised by this decision. When asked why Yulianna Karaulova left the group, the performer replies that the reason for everything is a divergence of views on creativity and business. She left on good terms and warned her group partners in advance. She was present at the announcement of the new soloist Lera Kozlova, the former “Ranetka”.

With the beginning of her solo work, the biography of Yulianna Karaulova takes a new turn, she manages to reach new heights of fame, such quick results She didn't expect it from herself. Her song “You’re Not Like That” occupies top positions in the charts and charts on the most popular radio stations.


It is noteworthy that this song was recorded by another singer, Bianca, with whom they are close friends. Comparing solo creativity with work in a team, Yulianna Yuryevna Karaulova speaks of an increased level of independence and freedom, while all responsibility falls on one person. She is full of optimism and is confident that this is just a step towards new horizons of success.

The whole truth about personal life

The singer's bright appearance is the adoration of many men. She often receives invitations from professional and famous photographers for erotic photography, but she rejects all invitations, citing the fact that she is simply not interested. Therefore, we are unlikely to see Yulianna Karaulova naked in Maxim magazine. Nevertheless, she is very photogenic, as noted by all the photographers who worked with her.

Beautiful sports uniform allow her to successfully perform on the Ice Age show in 2016. The couple Yulianna Karaulova and Maxim Trankov captivated the audience; they managed to reach the finals, thanks to the singer’s excellent physical characteristics and preparation. They developed excellent friendly relations; together they visited Ivan Urgant on his TV show. The performer has a very active pub personal life, some time ago, while visiting “Europe+” she performed “Oh God, Mom, I’m going crazy...”, Yegor Creed and Yulianna Karaulova are close friends.

Many fans are interested in the singer's behind-the-scenes life. Her first love was musician Ruslan Masyukov, she was 15 and he was 21; such a relationship could not last long. At the age of 18, she met a young man named Pavel, whom she had been dating for 2 years; a serious relationship went wrong due to her lover’s jealousy; Julianna felt that he was limiting her.

Fate gives her a surprise in the face of Andrei Cherny, a record studio producer, whom she met when she was 17 years old. Love was preceded by long-term friendships, after 7 years they were covered by a wave of love. Their relationship has lasted for 3 years and they are absolutely happy. Yuliana Karaulova herself tries not to advertise her personal life and its details. When asked what an ideal husband should be, Yuliana Karaulova answers simply - loving, caring, reliable, and believes that the man should be the leader in a relationship.

The singer prefers to relax by listening to music; it helps her escape from all her worries and problems. Yuliana has also been excellent on ice since childhood. Her favorite sport is snowboarding. By the way, in order to win the heart of Yuliana Karaulova, Andrei Cherny took an emergency boarding course. Now this is one of my favorite types active rest this couple.

Yuliana loves to drive a car, has a love for Japanese foreign cars, and currently drives a Mercedes. She likes to travel, but always longs to go home.

Yulianna Karaulova is a creative and multifaceted person who will definitely achieve success.

Who is Andrey Karaulov - there is hardly a person who does not know the answer to this question. This is a well-known TV presenter, one can safely say - scandalous, but principled, raising topics that are relevant to ordinary viewers in his programs. He is popular, but speaks little about his biography and personal life, preferring to highlight in his interviews and programs what worries the majority of citizens of the Russian Federation and beyond.

Biography of TV presenter Andrei Karaulov

Future TV presenter Andrei Karaulov was born in the city of Korolev (at that time Kaliningrad) in the Moscow region on September 10, 1958. He was interested in journalism from high school, but he was unable to enter the corresponding faculty of Moscow State University after graduating from secondary education. An attempt to become a student at GITIS was more successful, and in 1981 he received a diploma in theater studies, and then successfully defended his PhD thesis in art history. Next were

  • service in the ranks of the Soviet Army,
  • editorship in “Theatrical Life” and “Ogonyok”,
  • work in the almanac “Heritage” and the magazine “Rodina”,
  • original work in the “Moment of Truth” program.

The program “Moment of Truth” is the most significant work of TV presenter Andrei Karaulov. At the same time, he took part in the work on the programs “Russian Century” and “Russian People”, “Stolen Air”, published several books - “Around the Kremlin”, “Theater, 1980s”, and shot the film “Unknown Putin”.

In 2017, Andrei Karaulov’s program was taken off the air without explanation or comment. But this did not put an end to his career - he takes an active part in both television and public life, continues to write and make documentaries.

Personal life of TV presenter Andrei Karaulov

His personal life is no less eventful than his professional one. Andrey Karaulov was married 4 times. The first marriage took place only because the girl was pregnant, and almost immediately after the birth of her daughter Lydia, the couple separated.

The second wife of Andrei Karaulov is Natalya Mironova, the daughter of the famous Russian playwright Mikhail Shatrov. The marriage produced a daughter, Sofia, but Andrei Karaulov practically did not raise her either. The family broke up with a loud scandal because of his latest hobby, and the ex-wife limited the father’s communication with the child.

Andrei Karaulov’s third wife was a certain Ksenia Kolpakova, a rather young girl, whom he had to court for a long time and beautifully - expensive gifts, vacation trips abroad, opening a coffee shop in the center of the capital especially for the young lady. But this relationship also ended quickly.

After breaking up, Andrei Karaulov accused his fourth wife, Yulia Mareeva, of theft and of organizing an attempt on his life. This divorce became the most scandalous in the personal life of TV presenter Andrei Karaulov. Investigations and litigation continue to this day, but there is still no direct evidence of the girl’s guilt, and the press’s interest in the scandal is gradually fading away. Who will be Andrei Karaulov’s fifth wife is a question he is asked more often during interviews than questions about his latest divorce and career.

In the program “Moment of Truth,” Andrei Karaulov loves to castigate vices and fight for the triumph of law and justice, masterfully branding everyone and everything. But this is a screen image. And in life his actions are very far from the correct words that he speaks from the “box”. The first time the TV star was publicly exposed happened when he behaved unworthily when divorcing his second wife, Natalya Mironova. Fiercely dividing his property, he sacrificed himself to the saints - he abandoned his one-year-old daughter. The story of the divorce from the third wife, Ksenia Kolpakova, is even dirtier than the previous one.

Ksenia left the TV presenter a year and a half ago, having lived with him for seven years. At first he did not take her action seriously. After all, she did not apply for alimony, did not demand division of property.

I grabbed my 3-year-old son and slammed the door, telling Andrey: “I’m disgusted, dirty, sick of being with you,” recalls Ksenia. - The husband was very hurt. Before, he himself decided who to be with and whom to kick out. “I’m famous, brilliant, I can do anything, but who are you? Yes, women flock to me for an autograph, I just have to beckon, and any of them is mine, and will consider it happiness just to stand next to me. You will pay for your stupidity, I will make your life unbearable, you will crawl to me and ask to come back! You will understand your mistake, but then we’ll talk differently,” he shouted at me. So he carried out the threat: he stole his son. And Vasya has allergies and problems with speech. Andrey does not know what procedures the child needs, what he can eat and what he cannot. He was never interested in this - he had no time. Where is Vasya now, who is looking after him - I don’t know anything. Karaulov does not answer my calls. How can you separate a 4-year-old child from his mother, especially one who is mentally very vulnerable; doesn’t he really feel sorry for his own child? - the ex-wife of the TV star laments.

Why did you suddenly feel sick of living with Karaulov, because everything started out so beautifully? - I asked, trying to understand the origins of today's drama.

“This is how rednecks live”

Their marriage was made in heaven in the most literal sense: they met on an airplane. The young ITAR-TASS political commentator Ksenia Kolpakova accompanied Gennady Seleznev during his visit to South Korea as part of the official delegation. And a famous TV personality interviewed the then speaker of the State Duma. He liked the pretty young journalist.

Andrey is charming, artistic, and it’s incredibly interesting to be in his company,” Ksenia pays tribute to her ex-husband.

We returned to Moscow on the eve of the May holidays. Ksenia immediately left with her mother to vacation in the Czech Republic. Karaulov unexpectedly came to Prague and said that he missed him very much. And then, when she flew away on business trips, often, regardless of the distance, he came just to have dinner together.

Yes, it all started beautifully,” says Karaulov’s ex-wife, sighing.

The newlyweds and their guests rushed to the Griboedovsky registry office in two seven-meter limousines. After registration we rode on a boat with gypsies. And the wedding took place at the Metropol.

Of course, I knew that he had two wives and hundreds of mistresses before me. I didn’t want to hear gossip about an ugly divorce from my predecessor. I was a fool, I firmly believed that he wouldn’t do that to me.

The first serious disagreement happened even before the birth of their son Vasya. Offended, Ksenia went to her parents and lived with them for six months. Then she realized that if she wanted to stand on her own two feet, she had to become independent. With the help of friends, I took out a soft loan and opened a cafe on Lyalin Lane.

They said that Andrei gave me a cafe, but he didn’t help in any way,” she assures.

After living alone for a while, Ksenia finally returned to her husband and decided to have a child, hoping that this would strengthen the family. But it turned out the other way around.

Andrey does not like to travel alone on business trips. Previously, I always accompanied him, but after the birth of my son I could no longer run after him, because I couldn’t abandon my baby. Karaulov then began to take women with him for company, without even hiding it from me,” says the former wife of the TV star. - My husband went crazy and began to brazenly, openly, cheat. He even brought ladies to our house, at least in my absence. He didn’t feel guilty, he said: “I’m a genius, and geniuses have their own characteristics. Monotonous sex depresses creativity, I need new experiences with different women. Read the memoirs of Cora Landau and learn from her how to love your husband.” The wife of a famous physicist says things in the book that do not fit into my ideas about family life: she herself brought mistresses to her husband, set the table, made the bed, walked in the yard, waiting for everything to be over, and then cleaned up and continued to live as if nothing had happened. So Andrei wanted me to become a dumb slave. According to him, loyalty and traditional family values ​​are boring. He said: “This is how rednecks live.” Any of my objections caused rudeness; he could even curse me in front of his son.

But the child sees how his mother is treated. And I realized: if I don’t want to lose my son’s respect, I need to run away from Karaulov’s house as soon as possible.

Complex monster

Andrey asserts himself at the expense of those who depend on him, continues Ksenia.

According to her, he curses and humiliates employees, security guards, housekeepers, and everyone who cannot answer him on equal terms. Ksenia tried to find an explanation for this character trait of Karaulov and believes that many of her ex-husband’s complexes are from childhood. Andrei’s mother told her daughter-in-law how she raised him. She wanted to raise her son to be a musician. She tied 5-year-old Andryusha to a chair and gave him a violin. Then she dialed the office phone number and went to work, which was not far from home. In the office I picked up the phone and listened to the boy whine for an hour and a half to two hours. And then she came back and untied him.

This attitude could not help but humiliate. Having become an adult, Andrei takes out his childhood grievances on the weak,” Ksenia concludes. - In his family it is not customary to show warm feelings. His mother recently had cancer surgery. I told my husband: “You are driving past the hospital to visit your mother. When she sees you, she will feel better.” But Andrei called my words empty lyrics, believing that he paid for the treatment and that was enough.

In September, Karaulov celebrated 49 years at Metropol. And after the banquet I called ex-wife and boasted:

I gathered all the influential people in Moscow. None of them dared to ignore the invitation. Now I felt that I could do anything. It was a rehearsal for the 50th anniversary, and I will celebrate the anniversary in the Kremlin.

“He said this in all seriousness,” Ksenia is amazed. “He really thinks he can rule the world.”

Merciless Avenger

After the divorce, the TV presenter filed a lawsuit to determine the order of communication with his son. The court found that the father could see the child on Saturdays from 9 am to 9 pm. But Ksenia allowed him to communicate with his son not only on Saturdays, but at any time. She did not disgrace the father in the child’s eyes, she only explained that dad lives separately because he has a lot of work.

The ex-husband did not give a penny for his son. As soon as we officially divorced, my cafe, the only source of my income, was suddenly bombarded with inspections from the SES, tax, and fire inspectors. Karaulov, using his connections, tried to strangle my business and bring me to my knees. Friends helped me survive. Andrey spread gossip that I was a drug addict or alcoholic. At that time I got married, became pregnant with twins and was in confinement. Due to the hassle, there was a threat of miscarriage. The babies were born prematurely. Their lives were in danger.

Having learned about Ksenia’s new marriage, the abandoned TV star began to poison her life with renewed vigor. At the same time, Karaulov insisted that the boy live with him four days a week, and filed a lawsuit to review the decision on the procedure for meetings with the child. This summer, Karaulov asked Ksenia for permission to spend a vacation with his son. And although the court decision does not provide for this, she agreed. In addition, the doctors recommended Vasya treatment in Yevpatoria. Ksenia invited her ex-husband to take her son to the sea. But since the TV presenter cannot provide care for the baby, she asked that a nanny or grandmother look after Vasya. At first Karaulov agreed, but then said that he did not need witnesses, because he would not go alone, but with his girlfriend.

I objected: “You choose: either a child or your personal life,” says Ksenia. - Andrey refused. Then I said that Vasya would go abroad with his grandmother, and asked for permission to take his son abroad. Andrey did not sign the paper. He didn’t even offer money for expensive treatment and started a new fuss.

Having clarified the procedure for taking children abroad, Ksenia learned that only her consent was sufficient. As soon as Vasya and his grandmother left for the resort, the TV presenter great master colloquial and epistolary genre, scribbled a statement to the prosecutor's office - allegedly his ex-wife kidnapped the child, hired a charter and took him away using forged documents.

At this time, Ksenia was in the hospital with two newborns. Investigators burst into her room and dragged her away for interrogation. When it turned out that she had done nothing illegal, the case was closed.

The prosecutor's office told me that there is every reason to open a criminal case against Karaulov for knowingly false denunciation. All that was required from me was a statement. But I had no time for that: one of the twins could not be saved. I don’t know how I had the strength to survive this terrible grief. And I didn’t want to take revenge, I hoped that Andrey would calm down,” says Ksenia.

Insidious kidnapping

Two weeks ago, Vasya, as usual, was walking with his nanny near the house on Liza Chaikina Street, where he lives with his mother and little brother. Two foreign cars drove up to the house. Karaulov sat in one of them, and the guards in the other. The bodyguards jumped out of the car and pushed the nanny away, while Karaulov grabbed his son and took him away. The unfortunate mother wrote a statement to the police, the prosecutor's office, and turned for help to the bailiffs and the chief ombudsman for children's rights. Nobody kicks her off, but the prosecutor's office does not open a criminal case, the bailiffs are in no hurry to enforce the court decision and return the child to the mother.

It’s bitter, but life shows that Karaulov is right when he says that he doesn’t care about anything. He continues to teach everyone from the screen and talk about law-abidingness. Meanwhile, he himself, without a twinge of conscience, violates the court’s decision. He crushed everyone with his authority and connections. Officials are afraid to contact him. He kidnapped a child, and although the law is on my side, it’s like I’m running into a blank wall and I can’t get my son back,” Ksenia despairs.

Unable to bear it, she cried in the prosecutor's office and asked what she should do. The authorities replied: “Have you watched the film “Voroshilov Shooter”?” But she really shouldn’t pick up a rifle, following the example of the hero Mikhail Ulyanov. She still doesn’t want to think that lynching is the only way out of this terrible situation. He believes that there will be justice for the all-powerful TV star.

Father and children

* As a student, Karaulov had an affair with a peer. She came to Moscow from Irkutsk. The girl took the courtship seriously and invited Andrei to visit to introduce her to her parents. After living with a friend for a while, Karaulov returned to Moscow. Soon the girl made her lover happy: they will have a child. But that was not the case: Andrei, fearing troubles on the Komsomol line, recognized his daughter Lidochka, but refused to marry. The young father never wanted to see the child. When the girl was 16 years old, her mother told her that she had an influential father in Moscow and advised her to go to him and ask for help. Karaulov was not very happy about his adult daughter falling on his head. But he didn’t want a scandal even more, because he was a public person. The unfortunate father bought Lida an apartment and arranged for her to study at the institute.

* In 1990, Karaulov married the daughter of playwright Mikhail Shatrov, Natalya Mironova. Two years later, the couple decided to expand their living space. The cunning combinations with real estate invented by Karaulov required a fictitious divorce. Natalya sold her 4-room apartment on Tverskaya, and Andrey Viktorovich sold her 1-room apartment in the Babushkinskaya metro area. With the proceeds, the TV man bought a 3-room apartment and persuaded his wife to register the apartment in his name.

In 1998, the couple had a daughter, Sonechka. To celebrate, they bought another apartment - a 2-room apartment, one floor below. At first they registered the apartment in Natalya’s name, but soon Karaulov convinced her to re-register this apartment in his name, supposedly for the convenience of paying utility bills. The trusting woman agreed. A year later, the TV presenter, formally free from marriage, got married to 24-year-old Ksenia. The ex-wife demanded the return of the two-room apartment and was planning to move to the USA. But Karaulov intimidated her by saying that he would not allow her daughter to be taken out unless she renounced her claims. As a result, he returned the apartment, but forced Natalya to admit that Sonya was not his daughter.

Andrei Karaulov's wife was set on fire The judge ordered the return of the child Ksenia, who was kidnapped by the journalist, but he did not comply with the decision

For the third week, Andrei Karaulov, the host of the television program “Moment of Truth,” has been hiding in country house son Vasya. He stole it from his ex-wife Ksenia. The unfortunate mother managed to break through to the child. But the soulless guards, following the owner’s orders, snatched the crying baby from her hands like a doll. After Ksenia’s attempts to return her son, new misfortunes befell her.

His powerful father Andrei Karaulov took four-year-old Vasya from his mother 40 kilometers from Moscow, to the village of Novoglagolevo, Naro-Fominsk district. Here the TV journalist has his patrimony - three hectares of land, surrounded by a three-meter fence, and a luxurious house of 500 square meters. It is impossible to enter the estate unnoticed - there is a security post at the gate. The huge space, where once there were 15 farmsteads, and now the host of the “Moment of Truth” reigns, is constantly patrolled.

Ksenia came not alone to look for her son, but accompanied by representatives of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

The day before, the Savyolovsky Court of the capital held another hearing on Karaulov’s claim: he demands permission to see his son four times a week instead of the 12 hours on Saturdays allotted to him by the previous decision. Without waiting for the legal outcome of the case, Andrei Viktorovich stole the child from his ex-wife during a walk with the nanny, and did not appear at the trial at all. He sent a lawyer in his place. The lady said that the TV presenter had gone on a business trip abroad. Having heard this statement, the judge ordered to examine Karaulov's dacha and find out if there was a child there. The lawyer of the eminent TV personality did not deny that Vasya was with his father, and assured that no one was stopping Ksenia from seeing her son.

Little prisoner

The road to the gate of Karaulov's property is blocked by a barrier. A TV journalist has something to protect. The wealth of the luxurious mansion is talked about throughout the area. Karaulov is friends with many powerful people of this world. With its quaint interiors, the mansion is more reminiscent of a museum. A 200-kilogram cabinet inlaid with mother-of-pearl from top to bottom, filled with exhibits worthy of an exhibition, an antique grand piano, precious vases, and sets are kept here.

Karaulov is the owner of a rare collection of stuffed and live exotic animals. There is even an alligator among them. The mansion also houses editing studios.

As soon as representatives of the guardianship authorities and Ksenia tried to pass through the barrier, security rushed towards them. At first, the well-built guys blocked the way even for government officials. But, realizing that they could not ignore the law, they retreated. But they refused to let Karaulov’s ex-wife into the territory of the dacha, although Ksenia is its full owner. Part land plots, on which Karaulov’s country estate stretches, and is still her property to this day. But the guards, without delving into the legal subtleties, zealously carried out the owner’s order: don’t let them in! As soon as thin Ksenia tried to pass, she was immediately thrown aside.

Let me see the child, I have the right to see him! - the unhappy mother sobbed.

But the imperturbable jock pushed her out of the gate again and again. Ksenia was allowed through only after a threat to call riot police.

At this time, four-year-old Vasya was walking, accompanied by two women, not far from his house. Seeing his mother, he joyfully ran towards her, but was intercepted by the tenacious hands of the nannies. The baby cried and struggled, but strangers, indifferent aunts took him into the house.

Here the guardianship representatives and Ksenia had to overcome another security cordon. The TV journalist's security service called for reinforcements - a local police officer. And yet, the judge’s order had to be carried out - the unwanted guests were allowed to enter the house and the child was presented.

Vasya rushed to his mother and cried in her arms.

He asked me: “Mommy, I want to go home, take me away from here!” - says Ksenia. - The security guard literally tore Vasya away from me. My son was hysterical, crying, and I was crying too. It was a heartbreaking scene, but the guardianship officials did not have the authority to take the child, they could only make sure that he was in his father’s mansion.

Karaulov did not go to the meeting with government officials. Perhaps he really was absent.

Andrey works a lot and cannot raise his son on his own. Nannies look after the child. But Vasya is a very sick boy. He needs special care. The child is made to suffer. And all at the whim of a man who calls himself a loving father! - Ksenia cries.

After making sure that the TV journalist had indeed stolen his son from his ex-wife, the next day the judge ordered the bailiffs to return the child to the mother.

But the bailiffs still haven't been in the house ex-husband, says Ksenia. - Karaulov slows down the execution of the judge’s decisions. At his request, his high-ranking friends put pressure on government officials. It turns out that the presenter of “Moment of Truth” is above the law.

Flame of Discord

When the material was being prepared for publication, Ksenia called the editorial office and reported that on the night of December 18, her cafe “Buloshnaya” in Lyalin Lane caught fire. The fire started from the back door. The beginning of the fire was noticed by residents, among them the singer Lolita Milyavskaya living in the house. The firefighters were called on time and the flames were not allowed to flare up. The investigation is now being carried out by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Basmanny District of Moscow.

And on the eve of the arson, representatives of inspection organizations came to the cafe. They presented a shockingly absurd complaint, allegedly written by a visitor. It says that a live rat fell from the ceiling directly into the “poor guy’s” plate. The inspectors threatened to close Ksenia’s enterprise.

There are too many coincidences. They want to break me and intimidate me. Perhaps they hope that I will stop fighting for Vasenka’s return. But I will not give up: Vasya should not suffer. How can one not remember Karaulov’s threat to turn my life into hell,” says Ksenia, who is already accustomed to repelling attacks.

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