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A spray gun is a tool for applying paints and varnishes. Tips for use, selection and preparation

A spray gun for water-based paint (also known as a spray gun or paint gun) is a tool that makes painting a pleasure.

Are the benefits of using it when painting walls, ceilings and other surfaces worth the money paid for the tool?

Which spray gun should you choose? What can you save on? You will find out the answers to these and other questions by reading the article to the end.

Main features of the tool

Why buy an expensive spray gun for water-based paint if you can paint the surface with a brush for a few rubles?

The advantages of spray guns are obvious:

  • a thin, uniform layer of paint, which, firstly, looks more aesthetically pleasing than hand painting, and, secondly, will not peel off as quickly;
  • when painting walls, ceilings and any other surfaces with a spray gun, significantly less paint is consumed than when painting by hand;
  • it is easier to apply paint on curved surfaces and parts of complex shapes;
  • When painting inconvenient surfaces, such as the ceiling, it is easier to use a spray gun than a brush.
  • the spray gun significantly speeds up the painting process;
  • The spray gun creates less stress on the joints, so the hands get much less tired from the painting process.

Modern spray guns are ergonomic, functional and convenient. They are made from corrosion-resistant and wear-resistant materials, so the amount invested in the purchase is repaid by the durability of the tool.

Manufacturers, as a rule, sell spray guns with spare parts (a set of spare parts), which significantly extends the life of the device without the need to purchase anything additional to keep it in working condition.

Modern spray guns should have:

  • light weight;
  • a adjusted center of gravity so that the hand gets tired as little as possible during the painting process;
  • durable head parts (nozzle and locking needle), which is possible thanks to wear-resistant materials with anti-corrosion properties;
  • several sizes of spray head for painting different surfaces and the ability to use paint of different thicknesses.

The first such instrument appeared at the end of the 19th century in Russia. It was invented by Naum Rovich, manager of one of the textile factories of Savva Timofeevich Morozov.

One day, Rovich showed Morozov a large device made from galvanized steel sheets, which was used to dampen fabric before dyeing.

Savva Timofeevich appreciated the innovation and implemented it in all his factories. Over time, with the help of a new apparatus, paint began to be applied to fabrics through a stencil.

However, the principle of air spraying was developed several years earlier by Allen Devilbis, an American otolaryngologist.

He invented a pneumatic nebulizer to treat his patients with liquid medicines—the prototype inhaler was born.

In 1907, the first hand-held spray guns began to be used in the automotive industry.

Types of paint sprayers

Spray guns use the principle of spraying paint - aerosol application. The spray gun can be manual or electric.

Both can operate using one of three principles: airless (electric), air (pneumatic) or a combination.

Airless and combined paint sprayers are relatively cheap, economical, and highly productive.

However, it is not easy for a beginner to achieve a perfectly even paint application with their help.

A hand-held spray gun is reliable, cheap and simple, easy to handle even for an inexperienced painter. By and large, this is a regular air pump equipped with a hose and valves.

The hand-held pneumatic spray gun is only suitable for water-based paints. The quality of painting will be higher than when painting with a brush, but lower than when using more complex spray guns.

This is an excellent choice for household use, such as painting walls and ceilings, when you don’t want to spend a lot of money on a tool.

There are three main types of pneumatic spray guns based on the degree of air compression in the spray head:

  • CONV or conventional pneumatic spray gun. Features high pressure 2-3 bar (white or silver head markings);
  • HVLP (High Volume, Low Pressure) – high volume and low pressure spray gun of 0.7 bar (blue marking);
  • LVLP (Low Volume, Low Pressure) low volume and pressure values ​​0.7 - 1.2 bar (green marking).

With convection spraying, the paint is applied in an even, uniform layer. However, most of the drops, hitting the surface, bounce off it, which increases paint consumption and reduces the environmental friendliness of painting.

This is not the best way to paint the walls and ceilings of your home. That is why in the 21st century this variety is used less and less.

HVLP systems are more environmentally friendly and were developed in the early 1980s. They create much less aerosol mist and save 30% on paint.

Among the disadvantages is the likelihood of drips, which requires a certain skill and professionalism from the painter.

LVLP systems are an improved version of the previous type of spray gun, which differs from its predecessor in the design of the pneumatic system, which is less demanding in terms of power and pressure stability, which ensures the highest quality painting.

In all three systems, compressed air creates a suspension of tiny droplets of paint or varnish in the spray head, which, when deposited, forms a perfectly smooth paint surface.

During convection painting, most of the suspension settles outside the surface being painted; painting LVLP with paint sprayers is the most economical.

Electric or manual paint sprayer?

In the early and even mid-2000s, painting walls and ceilings with an electric spray gun was almost a pipe dream for Russians - only hand-held spray guns could be found on sale.

Today, a mains-powered spray gun for water-based paint has become a reality. A wide selection of them is available in any online store. Which one is a better combination of price and quality?

For painting industries, switching to electric spray guns is impossible due to fire safety requirements, but in everyday life you are free to choose the tool yourself for painting walls and ceilings.

Most electric spray guns are HVLP, where low pressure is combined with a large volume of air.

As a result, it is possible to achieve a low level of ink mist (plus), but there is a high risk of creating streaks (minus). Again, this is important on an industrial scale, but minor flaws when painting ceilings and walls are not so noticeable and are easier to correct.

Another feature of most electric spray guns is a large nozzle larger than 1.5 mm. This makes it easier to apply viscous paints, which are often used in everyday life, but when applying liquid compositions there is a high risk of coloring defects and paint overuse.

Most manufacturers of electric spray guns, with the exception of a few well-known brands, produce their products without replaceable nozzles.

As a result, the user is forced to use paint of the same viscosity.

Replaceable nozzles allow you not to adjust the paint to the tool, but to select the tool to match the paint, which is more practical and provides a higher-quality paint coating on walls, ceilings, garage doors and any other surfaces.

Conclusion: an electric spray gun for water-based paint is more convenient for non-professional household use.

The capabilities of the basic models are quite sufficient for painting walls in a house or garage, painting a fence and performing all kinds of home painting work.

The manual pneumatic paint gun is more suitable for professional use. Manufacturers of such tools offer a wider selection of attachments.

The highest quality and most economical painting is possible with pneumatic spray guns of the LVLP system, but their cost is several times higher than convection and even HVLP spray guns.

Not a single apartment renovation is complete without painting. Painting performs aesthetic and practical functions when decorating walls, ceilings, pipes and doors, which is why this type of decorative coating is very popular among finishers.

In large rooms and rooms with high ceilings, the use of paint brushes and rollers is impractical - these tools make the process more labor-intensive and time-consuming. In this case, the optimal solution would be a spray gun for water-based paint - it greatly simplifies the painting of walls and ceilings and allows you to create a high-quality surface with your own hands. In order for repair work to bring the desired result, it is very important to choose the right spray gun and study the basic rules of its operation.

Benefits of using a spray gun

  1. Significant reduction in painting time. The spray gun increases work productivity and reduces time spent by almost half.
  2. Applying a uniform and thin layer of paint reduces material consumption and ensures quick drying of the ceiling and walls.
  3. No streaks or drips - the dispersion is distributed on the surface in an even layer and, unlike brushes and rollers, does not leave any marks.
  4. Ease of operation and simplicity of the mechanism, thanks to which you can easily carry out high-quality finishing of premises with your own hands.

Spray gun device

Manufacturers of spray guns strive to provide maximum ease of painting, so they supply a set of replacement nozzles. Nozzles or nozzles have different diameters from 0.5 to 3 mm, which significantly expands the possibilities of using the tool. The nozzle can be selected depending on the required spray intensity; the smaller the nozzle diameter, the lower the air pressure, so it is recommended to use larger diameter nozzles to work with.

Important! A spray gun for water-based paint copes better than other devices with painting ceilings of complex configurations, with relief elements or stucco.

How to choose a spray gun

The modern market offers a huge range of spray guns, so everyone can choose the best option for painting walls and ceilings with their own hands. With such variety, it is very important to choose the right professional spray gun for painting; for this you should know a few rules.

First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to the material from which the device body is made. The best solution would be a device with an aluminum body and anti-corrosion nickel coating. Housings made of plastic have less weight, which certainly makes painting the ceiling walls more convenient, but unlike the previous option, the plastic housing is short-lived. The holes in the spray bottle cap can be made of aluminum, brass or stainless steel.

Spray guns differ in the location of the paint tank and the material used to make it. In modern models, the tank can be located at the top or bottom, which does not have a significant impact on the quality of painting. As for the material, metal tanks are easier to wash, while transparent plastic ones allow you to control the consumption of water-based paint.

Important! For greater convenience, the sprayer body with the tank located at the bottom must be held horizontally. This is problematic when painting ceilings, so in this case it is better to choose a model with a lower tank.

The spray gun for water-based paint is available in three varieties, which differ in their operating principle:

  • manual;
  • electric;
  • pneumatic.

Characteristics of hand-held spray guns

The hand-held spray gun has a simplified design, which includes a tank with a built-in pump that creates pressure, and a tube with a hose for spraying paint on the surface of the ceiling and walls. The manual device is the most budget-friendly, but it is quite difficult to work with it, since its resource is limited by the amount of compressed air, and after every 5 minutes it is necessary to replenish it with a hand pump. Also, a significant disadvantage of this device is the large dispersion of the surface being painted, to reduce which it is recommended to use high-quality water-based paints and control their viscosity during the painting process.

Despite some difficulties in use, with this spray gun you can paint a surface area of ​​up to 250 sq.m. within an hour.

Features of electric sprayers

An electric spray gun, compared to a manual device, greatly simplifies painting walls and ceilings with your own hands, especially for those who have decided to do such work for the first time. In addition, this device is indispensable for finishing the ceiling - it is characterized by high performance and ease of use.

The device operates on 220 V AC power and does not require auxiliary equipment for its operation, as is the case with a pneumatic sprayer. Painting can be done in two ways: airless spraying and low pressure spraying, the first option being the most common. The manufacturers of the device have adjusted the diameter of the nozzle so that the work is as efficient as possible, so you don’t have to worry about the quality of the jet.

In its design, an electric spray gun resembles a hair dryer, where a spray module is located at one end, and a paint container is attached to the other.

The main disadvantage of an electric sprayer is the need for water, as a result of which the viscosity of the composition decreases, and several layers of material have to be applied to the surface.

Specifics of using a pneumatic spray gun

The pneumatic apparatus operates using a compressor, which provides a continuous supply of high-pressure compressed air, mixing it with paint and further spraying it onto the surface of the walls and ceiling. Convenience and ease of use make this device an ideal option for both professional finishers and beginners who decide to do the repairs themselves. Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the material for painting; for this, the resulting composition is stirred well.

Advice! If you do not plan to paint walls and ceilings in a large room, and the work is one-time in nature, then it makes no sense to purchase an expensive pneumatic sprayer; in this case, you can use a conventional manual device.

How to use a spray gun

In the process of using a spray gun, there are some nuances that affect the quality of work and require special attention:

  1. When painting the ceiling with your own hands, you cannot keep the device in one area for a long time, otherwise drops will appear in this place, which will disturb the aesthetics of the coating.
  2. The stream of paint should be clearly perpendicular to the base, since the slope will increase the consumption of paint, which does not fall on the walls, but is splashed in the air and settles on objects located in the room.
  3. Painting must be done in a circular motion, constantly checking how evenly the paint is applied.
  4. Do not apply a subsequent layer to a wet surface. The drying time of the paint is at least 5-7 hours, and in the case of water-based compositions - up to 12 hours.
  5. Before painting, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the base, remove small particles of dirt, dust and oil stains. If you follow the technology, using a spray gun will ensure high-quality DIY repair work and will help significantly save paint.


As a conclusion, it can be noted that the spray gun is an indispensable assistant for home repairs, especially when it comes to high ceilings and large rooms. However, everyone who has done such work with their own hands has encountered certain problems.

Sometimes during the painting process bubbles form on the surface, which after drying begin to crack and peel off from the wall. In this case, it is recommended to clean areas with cracked paint, after which you can treat them with putty, then sand and re-paint.

You like it when the walls are painted evenly with matte paints. They look stylish and modern. You can create a beautiful, uniform coating yourself using a paint sprayer. But for this you will have to buy a special spray gun for water-based paint. There are several types of sprayers, all of them have different technical characteristics.

Types of spray guns for water emulsion

Spray guns for water-based paint are divided into three types:

  • Manual. Outwardly, they resemble a large car pump with a fishing rod. At the bottom of the spray gun there are two valves: for paint inlet and outlet. On average, their productivity is 200-225 m?/hour.
  • Electrical. They are most popular among inexperienced builders. They are similar to a screwdriver, but in place of the rotating head there is a spray nozzle. These products can be battery powered or connected to an ordinary household network - 220 Volts. To operate them, you do not need to purchase additional equipment. Productivity - 240-250 m?/hour. The disadvantages of electric units include their weight; some models weigh 25 kg.
  • Pneumatic spray guns They operate using a compressor that supplies compressed air. The average productivity of a professional spray gun is 400 m³/hour. Such professional stations are mobile, but still very heavy; it is very difficult to use them alone.

Pneumatic paint sprayers are also divided into three types:

  1. LVLP- can work with a small amount of air and low pressure. It has a high level of speed and quality - 90% of the paint is sprayed onto the surface to be treated.
  2. HVLP They operate at very low pressure, their levels are not higher than one atmosphere, but they consume a large amount of air. When working with pneumatic HVLP, only 30% of the paint is lost.
  3. HP- sprays paint with a large amount of air - from 5 to 7 atmospheres at the nozzle. Their significant drawback is that 50% of the paint gets onto the surface, the rest evaporates in the form of a cloud.

Advantages of applying water-based emulsion using paint sprayers

  • Small paint consumption.
  • In a short time, even an unprofessional builder can perfectly paint a large area.
  • There are no smudges on the treated surface; it is covered with a thin and even layer.

Principle and scheme of operation

Before starting work, the spray gun needs to be configured:

  • For a manual spray gun, the cylinder and cuffs must be lubricated with machine oil and tested with water to detect leaks.
  • The electric spray gun is filled with paint, the filter is removed from the container and several double passes of the rod are made to fill the apparatus with air. The paint should come out of the sprayer in a fine stream.
  • For a pneumatic sprayer, before starting work, air pressure, material supply and spray width are adjusted. When working with large surfaces, the torch should have a maximum width.

The quality of work largely depends on the correct dilution of paint, it should be brought to a liquid consistency. The water emulsion can have different types of viscosity; depending on this, you need to set the appropriate diameter of the nozzle passage channel.

The finished paint is applied with a stream emerging from the spray nozzle.

What surfaces are usually painted with water-based paint using a spray gun?

You can paint any type of surface with a water-based spray gun:

  • plastered;
  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • drywall and others.

Typically, water-based paints are used to paint ceilings and walls. They have high hiding power and dry quickly.

Properties and technical characteristics of the tool

Are spray guns for water-based paints different from spray guns for other types of paints - or are they universal? They are all similar in appearance. It is difficult for a beginner to distinguish a spray gun for water-based paint from other devices, since the differences lie internally. These products have little different structure of air nozzles, designs of internal channels, through which air passes.

Thanks to the special design of the tool, the water-based emulsion, consisting of a suspended mixture of various components, is sprayed efficiently over the surface. In addition, it dries very quickly, so standard standard sprayers will not work here.

Before purchasing a spray gun, you need to pay attention to the following features:

When working with a hand spray gun, you have to work with an assistant, which is required for uniform air pumping. If you pump jerkily, the paint will spray unevenly. The second person applies paint. The jet should hit the surface perpendicularly. The nozzle must be moved at the same pace with uniform circular movements. If you move the nozzle too slowly or, conversely, very quickly, or linger in one place, various defects may form on the surface to be painted.

It is better to do a test painting first. If desired, you can apply the first layer with a roller and the second with a spray gun.

When painting walls, so as not to accidentally paint the floor and ceiling, it is better to step back a few centimeters from them; the remaining space can be painted with a brush.


On sale you can find various spray guns for water-based emulsion. All of them are of high quality and convenient, so the choice depends on personal preferences and financial capabilities. But still it is better to give preference to products from time-tested brands, having certificates of conformity and warranty cards, even if you have to overpay.

You can safely buy spray guns for water-based paint from the following brands:

  • Bosh;
  • Wagner;
  • Paint Zoom;
  • Black
  • Elmos.

For professional purposes, Wagner floor-mounted spray guns are suitable, sucking paint directly from the bucket. If you need a lightweight spray gun that is easy to carry, it is better to choose a product from Paint zoom.

Domestic spray guns are represented by manufacturers Interskol, Kalibr, Zubr.


The cost of the cheapest spray gun is a little more than 300 rubles, and for a professional pneumatic one you will have to pay much more - up to 12 thousand rubles. Electric sprayers are the most popular and are in the mid-price category. HP class pneumatic sprayers have a very low price; they can be purchased for only 300 rubles.

Basically, the average price of adequate paint sprayers for water-based emulsion ranges from 4 to 6 thousand rubles.

Painting surfaces in rooms with large areas or high ceilings can be done using ordinary brushes and rollers. However, such a solution is not advisable, since the work takes too much time and effort. In this situation, it is best to use a spray gun for emulsion paint or any other composition. To decide on the choice of sprayer, you need to study its varieties, characteristics and features.

Paint sprayers are common devices used in the construction field (and beyond). The range of their applications is very wide. With the help of such devices, not only internal but also external finishing work is carried out. There are other areas of active use of water-based sprayers.

Painting walls, ceilings, fences and other structures by hand is a labor-intensive process. Spray guns can significantly speed up work, which determines the demand for them among buyers. The use of this device allows you to reduce the overall paint consumption. This is due to the uniform spraying of the material onto the surface to be painted.

Helpful information! Spray guns for painting are actively used in other areas. They are used to apply paint to various land and water vehicles: cars, motorcycles, boats, bicycles, etc. The use of a paint sprayer makes it possible to apply any type of paint and varnish to wooden, plastic and metal surfaces.

In construction, these devices are used to apply primer, paint and varnish. Spray guns are also used for restoration of furniture and household electrical appliances. This can easily be explained by the fact that these devices allow you to apply a high-quality layer of paint that does not contain blurry or untreated areas. Such a procedure, performed at home, is in no way inferior to the factory one.

Antiseptic treatment of residential buildings is also carried out using spray guns for painting walls and ceilings. This procedure is performed from the outside of buildings. Sprayers are often used to treat plants in the garden. This measure allows you to cope with insect pests.

This device can be used for all types of paint, including water-based and oil-based compositions, however, some models still have compatibility restrictions. Using this device, varnish, liquid rubber, and primer are applied. The reliability and practicality of paint sprayers make them an indispensable device in many operational areas.

Benefits of using spray guns for painting

Many people are accustomed to painting various surfaces the old way, using brushes and rollers. But this method is not convenient, and also does not allow you to get the job done quickly. The quality of the final result is much lower than when using specialized devices, with which you can achieve a completely different effect. Paint sprayers have other advantages that are worth paying attention to before purchasing a device.

The spray gun independently controls the distribution of paint. Therefore, its layer remains continuous and uniform over the entire surface area. When painting a wall by hand, it is almost impossible to achieve a similar result, even if the work is performed by a qualified specialist. Such tools make your work easier, which is why they have many positive reviews. Spray guns allow you to apply the composition evenly and efficiently.

Controlled spraying of the composition helps to save it. When using a spray gun, paint consumption is reduced by at least 2 times, which, accordingly, reduces financial costs by a similar figure. Paint material sprayed with a spray gun has a smaller thickness and is distributed more evenly. This facilitates rapid drying of the composition.

It is also worth noting another advantage of the paint sprayer - the ability to paint uncomfortable, textured surfaces. In this case, a roller and brush cannot provide such an effective result.

A spray gun for water-based paint is most often used in construction. It is used for painting ceilings and walls. The quality of the coating obtained as a result of working with this device is quite high. The layer lies evenly, there are no smudges, drops, stains or other irregularities on the wall that stand out against the general background.

Spray gun for water-based paint: varieties

Today, all devices of this type are classified into groups depending on the complexity of their design and basic technical characteristics. Regardless of what type of device is used to apply the paint composition to the surface, they all allow you to work with water-based paint. There are 3 main types of these devices:

  • manual;

  • electrical;
  • pneumatic.

Helpful information! Manual spray guns include a suction arm. The design of this element takes into account the presence of a filter. The spray gun is equipped with a paint reservoir and a pump, which is necessary to spray it under a certain pressure.

A spray gun for this type of paint has a simple but effective design that allows you to get the job done efficiently and in the shortest possible time. It is worth noting that the productivity of a good manual device reaches 200 m²/h. As for the price of such models, it varies depending on two criteria: the material from which the body is made and the number of attachments.

Paint sprayers that include an electric drive are more technologically advanced. First of all, this is expressed in the fact that their power can be different. Many users note the convenience of using electrosprayers for applying water-based compositions. The paint is supplied using a special diaphragm, or rather its vibrations. The cost of electronic models is higher than the price of manual sprayers. This is justified by the increased efficiency of this device.

Note! When choosing an electric model, one important point must be taken into account: not every type of water-based paint is suitable for devices of this type. It is advisable to consult the seller about this.

Pneumatic spray guns for painting walls and ceilings operate thanks to a compressor. This element is responsible for supplying air compressed under pressure, which facilitates paint atomization. The average productivity of a device of this type is 2 times higher than that of manual analogues and is 400 m²h. This productivity allows for quick application of paint to any surface.

How to choose a hand-held spray gun for water-based paint: recommendations

Manual models are great for working with small areas. Using such devices you can paint, for example, a small kitchen or bedroom. For large rooms, experts recommend purchasing pneumatic guns equipped with a compressor. Water-based paint is applied to a wall or ceiling mechanically. Thus, despite the presence of this device, you will still have to work.

Manual paint sprayers have one advantage over other types of devices: they can function for quite a long time. Moreover, if the spray gun is broken, it is easy to repair. Repair usually involves replacing a part that has failed. Budget manual devices are inexpensive. For example, on the construction market it is quite possible to find models whose price is about 1000 rubles. In turn, the cost of professional hand-held instruments can reach 4,000 rubles. and higher.

The body of these devices is made of metal, which increases their resistance to mechanical stress (impact). The design of the spray tube does not impede its free movement. The productivity of such models can reach 150-200 m²/h. A long hose makes the painting process as convenient as possible for the master, as it eliminates the need to install a ladder or other support for painting a high ceiling. Hand-held spray guns for water-based paint have proven themselves in their work. They are most often purchased for painting walls and ceilings on their own.

There are some rules for working with this device. For example, experts recommend checking the container into which the paint is loaded for leaks before starting work. To do this, it is necessary to lubricate the cylinder and the accompanying sleeve with machine oil. Next, you need to check the spray gun with water. During operation, it is not necessary to pull the trigger of the device, and to adjust the flow rate of the coloring composition, guns of this type are provided with a ball valve.

Choosing an electric spray gun for water-based paint

Today there are many companies producing electric water emulsion sprayers. Among the variety of brands and models, we can highlight the most popular devices produced by the following companies:

  • Wagner;
  • Hummer;
  • Bison

Note! If the sprayed substance is water-based paint, then the big role is played not by the type of device or brand, but by the size of the nozzle. This is due to the fact that the density of the composition may vary. This indicator affects the consumption of water-based paint and the final result.

It is recommended to dilute the paint, following the instructions, which in most cases are included with it. The pressure built up inside the electric spray gun is a determining factor in the painting process.

The cost of electric spray guns directly depends on the pressure indicator. Therefore, before purchasing such a device, it is recommended to take this criterion into account. Devices produced by popular companies cost at least 6,000 rubles. It is important to remember that not every electronic device is suitable for working with water-based emulsion. Electric paint guns operate on a 220 V network. The process of applying the composition to a wall or any other surface can be done in two ways:

  • air;
  • airless.

Airless sprayers. One of the varieties of electric spray guns. Reviews about such devices are mostly positive. However, they have some features that you need to pay attention to before purchasing the tool.

In this case, the painting technology is as follows: the coloring composition is poured into the tank and from it (using a pump) it is supplied to the nozzle under high pressure. This technology eliminates the presence of compressed air, so no fog is formed during operation. This is a big plus, as it allows you to use paint as economically and efficiently as possible, which will not be sprayed into the surrounding space. The price of an electric spray gun of this type is higher than its air counterparts.

However, there is also a disadvantage of the airless method of applying water-based compositions. It lies in the fact that after painting the surface becomes grainy and becomes rough to the touch, like shagreen. It is because of this that airless paint sprayers are most often used for outdoor work, where the result is not so noticeable. Spray guns for facade paint are used to paint the following structures:

  • fences;

Related article:

How to properly paint walls with a roller without streaks. Features of painting the ceiling.

  • verandas;
  • garages;
  • outbuildings.

As a rule, such devices are not used for painting surfaces that have a more complex shape and texture. For this type of work, models are used that can provide “soft” painting. Airless paint sprayers are compact and versatile. The tank volume of such devices ranges from 0.8 to 1 liter, but there are exceptions.

Air sprayers. The difference between these devices and the former lies in the method of paint supply, which uses compressed air. Electric paint sprayers include a special compressor in their design. This element can be of two types:

  • integrated;
  • remote

Devices equipped with a remote compressor are less mobile. But users note that they are more convenient to use than devices with an integrated spare part. This is due to the reduced vibration level during operation of this type of paint gun.

Let's consider in what cases experts recommend using an air spray. First of all, such a device will be more convenient if you need to paint a small area. When using paint with a liquid consistency, it is also better to purchase an electric spray gun for painting with a compressor. These models are also recommended in situations where work involves frequent changes of shades.

Note! The main disadvantage of devices that spray paint using compressed air is the high consumption of the substance used. This is due to the fact that during the work process a cloud consisting of paint particles is formed.

Sprayers belonging to the electrical group are recommended when lime is used as a finishing material. Spray guns for whitewashing with lime are most often used by specialized workers involved in the repair of various institutions.

How to choose a pneumatic spray gun for water-based paint?

Pneumatic paint sprayers are the most effective. Using such a device allows you to paint a large area in a minimum time. They can be used to work not only with water-based paint, but also with other compositions. Experts emphasize that the professional device is capable of painting up to 400 m²/h.

How to choose a pneumatic spray gun? Pneumatic paint guns have a compressor that compresses air under high pressure. This air is then mixed with the paint. The power of the device may vary. The speed and quality of work depend on this indicator. Less powerful devices are suitable for non-professionals. The reduced pressure also allows you to expand the list of materials that will be compatible with the pneumatic device.

As for economy, these devices can reduce the consumption of paint. The special design of pneumatic models eliminates the dispersion of the composition into the air. Before purchasing a pneumatic spray gun, it is recommended to consider the area to be painted. Such devices are excellent for both external and internal wall decoration.

The quality of work in this case depends on the professionalism of the master, as well as the viscosity of the paint material. If all rules are followed, there will be no smudges on the surface. The finishing coating produced by this device is of high quality. For independent work at home, it is still recommended to use less professional equipment.

Bosch sprayers: characteristics and price of spray guns

All electrical appliances produced by the German company Bosch are famous for their high quality. It is important to note that the sprayers from this manufacturer include a minimal number of plastic parts, which increases their resistance to mechanical stress.

Air consumption during operation of Bosch spray guns averages about 40 l/min. The nozzle in Bosch brand sprayers is located in the front of the device. It is also worth noting that the dimensions of various models produced by this company may vary greatly. If desired, you can purchase both compact and larger devices. The average weight of sprayers of this type is 800 g. In addition to water-based compositions, such models are capable of working with other types of dyes.

Helpful information! Bosch electric spray guns are designed to use paint with different viscosities. However, the compatibility of different devices may vary, so it is recommended to check with the seller in advance which types of paint are suitable for a particular device.

Some sprayers may have a digital pressure gauge. You can purchase a paint sprayer from Bosch for an average of 3-3.5 thousand rubles. Let's look at the most popular models from this manufacturer among buyers.

Bosch PFS 65. This sprayer is classified as professional. This model operates thanks to pneumatics, so it can be used to paint a large area. The nozzle cross-section is 1.3 mm, and the air flow rate does not exceed 10 l/min. The weight of PFS 65 is only 0.7 kg. This model is very compact, so it is easy and convenient to work with; in some respects it is better than an electric device. Reviews from owners of this series of spray guns are mostly positive.

The diameter of the air duct on the handle is 1.4 mm. Many people who have used this device at least once note that it has a very convenient regulator. In order to understand how to operate this device, it is recommended to study the instructions that come with it. The cost of this device is slightly higher than the price of Bosch electric spray guns, but this is explained by the specifics of the work and many advantages. You can purchase this sprayer for approximately 3,500 rubles.

Bosch PFS 70. This model, produced by a German company, differs from others in that it has a rigid nozzle, which is located below the central channel. This design improves the efficiency of the device during operation. The air flow rate of PFS 70 is 30 l/min. To measure air pressure, this device has a pressure gauge. It is worth mentioning separately that the water emulsion is supplied by adjusting the lever. The cost of a sprayer of this type is approximately 3,700 rubles.

Spray guns Wagner: the best air and airless models

The Wagner company produces various painting equipment. Among the manufactured goods, a large percentage is allocated to paint sprayers. Devices of this brand constantly occupy leading positions in sales. The most popular electric spray guns Wagner:

  • WAGNER W867E All-Spray (air);
  • WAGNER ProjectPro 119 (airless).

The first device is of the air type and is distinguished by its versatility. It is used by many professionals and allows you to paint not only internal but also external surfaces. The main advantage of this model is its high power rating, which is 870 W. This allows large volumes of work to be carried out in a short period of time. Using such a device, you can process an area of ​​180 m² in one hour. The price of a Wagner electric spray gun is about 20,000 rubles.

Note! This device provides the ability to independently regulate the intensity of supply of paint and varnish material. Thus, the thickness of the final layer can be different and depends on the choice of the master.

W867E All-Spray is used to work with various compositions. This model is suitable for alcohol-based, water-based paints, as well as primer materials. Another advantage of such a device is its cost-effectiveness.

Users note that the device gently sprays paint and practically does not splash it into the surrounding area. This type of tool is one of the best electric spray guns available today. It is worth mentioning separately that this device is equipped with the Click&Paint system, which facilitates instant color changes at the request of the master. This device includes two reservoirs for paint and varnish materials. One of them is used for varnish and has a volume of 0.6 l, and the second is used for paint (1.3 l). Among the disadvantages of this model produced by the Wagner company, only high cost can be noted.

The second device is the Wagner ProjectPro 119 electric spray gun. This model paints walls using an airless method of supplying materials. The device has very high performance due to its power. This device is designed to work not only with water-based paints, but also with other paints. It is important to remember that it is compatible with materials that do not contain abrasive particles.

Among the advantages of this model are its mobility due to the presence of a stand on wheels, as well as a wide range of action. A long hose makes it easy to paint high walls and ceilings. This device belongs to the professional category, so it is most often used during large-scale repair work. When using this model yourself, it is recommended to carefully study the instructions, which describe in detail how to use the spray gun.

It is suitable for home use, but its use in this case is impractical, especially when you consider how much such a device costs. The price for this device is 55,000 rubles.

Spray gunHammer PRZ350 : reviews of the tool

This device is an excellent option for use at home. It can be used to paint walls and ceilings, as well as other structures. The Hammer company tool operates from a regular network, the voltage of which is 220 V. The power consumption of this spray gun is 350 W.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that the liquid flow rate of the PRZ350 device is 0.7 l/min. High productivity allows you to paint a large area. The advantage of this device is also that it can be used by both professionals and people who have not previously had experience with such a tool. However, before using this model, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with how to dilute paint for a spray gun. The viscosity coefficient is a necessary factor that affects the productivity of the device and the quality of the work performed. It should not exceed 60 DIN.

The volume of the container into which water-based paint or any other paint and varnish material is poured is in this case 0.8 liters. If desired, you can select the nozzle necessary for the job. This tool comes with 2 attachments with diameters of 1.8 and 2.6 mm.

Helpful information! It is worth noting that devices of this type are often used as spray guns for metal paint.

This device is distinguished by its efficiency, since the spraying of the composition used into the environment is minimized. This unit also includes an air intake filter in its design. This element performs a protective function, preventing dust from penetrating into the cylinder. Before using the PRZ350 device, experts recommend that you carefully read the instructions that come with it.

Devilbis spray guns: pricesand device characteristics

DeVilbiss paint sprayers are manufactured by a British company that is renowned for the quality of its products. One of the latest developments of this brand is the GTI Pro Lite model. The weight of this device is only 446 g, which makes it compact and versatile. With this tool you can perform long painting operations.

This paint spray gun has several attachments. The device is designed to work with both conventional paints and finishing varnishes. This sprayer is also used for acrylic compositions, which is certainly an advantage.

The GTI Pro Lite spray gun for painting houses and other structures is equipped with three nozzles that have the following diameters:

  • 1.2 mm;
  • 1.3 mm;
  • 1.4 mm.

The painting process itself is carried out using one of three air caps: HV 30, TE 10, TE 20. The first of them can be classified as low pressure. The paint application speed itself is quite low, so this head is not recommended for applying varnish. The nozzle is suitable for organizing the base layer of paint with a spray gun. The compressor for this device has a low power rating.

The TE 10 air cap is the most versatile and operates at medium pressure. Suitable for both working with base compounds and applying varnish. The air flow in this case is about 270 l/min. In turn, TE 20, although it belongs to medium pressure devices, has higher performance. Thus, the speed of work increases. The amount of air consumed is 360 l/min. This spray gun is used for acrylic paint and varnish application.

The GTI Pro Lite's design, despite its light weight, is quite durable. The body of the device is made of anodized aluminum material. Therefore, the service life of this device is quite long, and the spray gun itself is characterized by good resistance to mechanical stress. The advantages of this spray gun include easy control and adjustment. The average cost of the device is 18-20 thousand rubles.

It is also worth mentioning that there is another paint gun in this series - Pro Lite E. This unit is used for organizing finishing in production. In this case, glaze and enamel are used as materials.

There are other popular models of devices that are used primarily in repair conditions. For example, one of the most popular options for paint guns produced by this brand is the GTI Pro spray gun. The device is universal and suitable for all types of paint. An electric spray gun of this type does not require special care or special knowledge when using.

Helpful information! The weight of the tool is also quite small - only 585 g. Therefore, it can be used for a long time without fear that your hands will get tired.

The configuration of this model, as in the previous case, includes 3 nozzles. The unit is perfect for painting walls and ceilings. You can buy a spray gun of this type for 16-20 thousand rubles.

There are other devices that are manufactured by Develbis. The most popular models that have received positive feedback from users:

  • FLG5.

PRi. This model is specific, as it is designed to work with primers, putty, lime, etc. This device comes with one air cap, which operates at medium pressures. In addition, the device includes 5 nozzles with different diameters (from 1.4 to 2.5 mm). The volume of air expended per minute is 350 liters. Users note that such a device makes it possible to apply primers quite efficiently and quickly. You can buy a spray gun for whitewashing with lime for 15-16 thousand rubles.

Sri. This is a miniature instrument that includes a small bottle (125 ml) in its design. Typically used for painting small areas or objects. It is equipped with three nozzles: 0.8, 1.2 and 1.4 mm. As for the air caps, in this case there are three of them. Two of them operate in low pressure conditions, and one operates in medium pressure conditions. You can buy a spray gun for painting this type for 16-17 thousand rubles.

FLG 5. This model belongs to the budget type. You can purchase such a device for 7.5-8 thousand rubles. The unit is used to apply base materials as well as varnish. It is important to remember that this device is only compatible with paints and varnishes that contain a solvent. In this case there is only one air cap, and it is of the medium type (in terms of pressure). It is equipped with three nozzles: 1.4, 1.8 and 2.0 mm. This device is not suitable for water-based paint.

Spray gun BISON ZKPE 500: reviewsusers

A domestic model of a spray gun, which is distinguished by its simplicity of design and use. This unit is used for applying paints and varnishes. It is often used to spray antiseptic compounds. The advantages of this device include its cost-effectiveness, since paint is used evenly, with virtually no loss, as well as the quality of the final work. The device applies the composition evenly, eliminating smudges and other surface defects, which are very common when using brushes and rollers.

Today there are many models of domestic ZUBR spray guns. The cost of electrical devices varies depending on what painting technology is implemented in them. Prices for these devices vary from 2 to 6 thousand rubles. More budget-friendly are not very high-quality Chinese tools (for example, the Russian Master spray gun). Reviews about Zubr devices are mostly positive.

Note! If necessary, during operation you can adjust the intensity of supply of paint and varnish material. This option allows you to use compounds that have different viscosities. In addition, Zubr devices implement another adjustment option - changing the shape of the nozzle. This allows you to adjust the nozzle and select one of the painting modes: horizontal, vertical and for hard-to-reach surfaces.

In the rating of electric spray guns, ZUBR devices occupy a leading position. Ease of use, concise design, as well as good quality components affect the ease of use and service life of such devices. After painting, the device can be easily cleaned.

Which spray gun to choosefor water-based paint?

The appearance of the devices used for applying water-based emulsion to walls and ceilings does not stand out much among other types of sprayers. However, there are still differences. They are explained by some design features of the devices. For example, the structure of the air cap in such devices differs from other instruments. The design of the channels running inside the spray gun is also unique.

The structural features of such models are determined by the fact that they are specially designed for water-based paint. Therefore, it is very easy to work with it. It sprays well, does not clog the channels, and the final result is pleasing to the eye. It is important to remember that ordinary spray bottles are not suitable for water-based emulsion, as it has a high drying speed. In order to answer the question of which spray gun is better, it is necessary to focus on some points.

It is very important what material the paint container is made of. Plastic tanks are not considered as reliable and durable as metal ones. In addition, the latter are easier to clean. However, plastic tanks have less weight and are transparent, which makes it possible to determine the level of the composition inside them.

The body of the device must be made of metal with anti-corrosion properties. This will maximize the service life of the tool. Before purchasing a spray gun, it is also recommended to pay attention to what sealing elements it has. The effectiveness of painting walls with a spray gun depends on these details. Experts recommend choosing Teflon gaskets, which are the most effective and durable.

To paint surfaces at home, you should not buy expensive models. A budget manual or electric sprayer is suitable for these purposes.

Basic requirements that this tool must meet:

  • small weight;
  • presence of the correct center of gravity (for ease of use);
  • resistance to corrosive influences;

  • equipped with different attachments.

Which electric spray gun is better - battery-powered or mains-powered? Devices that include a battery in their design are more versatile. The autonomy of such devices is a serious advantage, but they have one drawback, which is poor performance. These tools are great for small jobs. The volume of the reservoir in battery devices does not exceed 1 liter. The battery charge is enough to work for 1-2 hours (depending on the model). In turn, network devices can function for an unlimited amount of time.

Features of choosing a spray gun for the ceiling

Most spray guns are universal. They can be used both for painting walls and ceilings. If you only need to paint the ceiling, then you can purchase a device that is most suitable for this purpose. It is important to remember that manual models will not help in this case. It is necessary to use the option of electric tools.

Helpful information! Which electric spray gun to choose? Experts recommend purchasing models that are capable of pumping pressure above 4 atmospheres.

As for manufacturers of electric models, the most popular brands among them are:

  • Bosch;
  • BISON;
  • InterTool;
  • Sturm.

Before you buy a spray gun for water-based paint, it is important to understand what power the device has. Not all models are compatible with water-based emulsion, so be sure to consult with the seller about this before purchasing. For high ceilings, it is advisable to choose tools that have a long hose, otherwise you will have to use a stepladder or other means.

When using an electric sprayer, the risks of smudges, drops and other defects are minimized. Therefore, these devices are the most appropriate when painting ceilings. Hand spray guns are not suitable in this case, since they are not characterized by high quality of applying a layer of paint. In addition, they are not capable of pumping up pressure exceeding the standardized value of 2 atmospheres.

Spray gun for painting walls and ceilings: compressor

This device largely determines how spray painting will be done. Therefore, the selection of a compressor must be taken very seriously. When choosing a compression element, it is recommended to pay attention to several main factors, among which there are 3 main ones:

  • pressure;
  • power;
  • performance.

Additional parameters of this device include its dimensions and weight. They are very important criteria, but do not directly influence the painting process. It is important to remember that the operating pressure of the compressor is not at the same level when using the spray gun. It varies depending on the nature and duration of use of the device.

In order to answer the question of which is the best electric spray gun to buy for your home, you need to pay attention to the change in pressure. Pressure fluctuations must be indicated in the technical data sheet that comes with the spray gun. Under no circumstances should this point be ignored.

Compressors for painting walls can have different capacities. As a rule, this parameter depends on the power of the device. Performance data is based on a standard temperature of 20°C. This is very important, since at different temperatures this indicator can change.

Note! It is advisable to select a compressor with a small capacity reserve. For example, HVLP units require 350 liters of air per minute.

There are other characteristics of compressors that it is recommended to pay attention to when choosing a device:

  • voltage;
  • receiver volume;
  • noise level.

Voltage. Before purchasing a compressor, you need to inquire about the number of phases it requires. Some devices are compatible with three-phase power, so they will not work in single-phase conditions. To familiarize yourself with the operation of this device, experts recommend watching a video of painting with spray guns. They can be easily found on the Internet using the search bar of your browser.

Receiver volume. To maintain the desired pressure, the compressors are switched off from time to time. Then they are turned on and the work continues. The regularity of shutdowns directly depends on the volume of the air cylinder. In this case, the following pattern can be observed: the smaller the volume, the more often the compressor turns off.

Noise level. This indicator is not decisive, but it affects the possibility of convenient use of the device. It is recommended to select devices that are not very noisy; to do this, it is necessary to test the unit before purchasing.

If you purchased a manual spray gun, whose operating principle is based on the movement of a piston, then you cannot do it alone. A second person will be required to be responsible for the air supply. It is also important to remember that this action must be carried out smoothly, otherwise the paint will be applied unevenly.

Many people are interested in the question of how to use a spray gun. In fact, the process looks very simple. The device must be held strictly perpendicular in order to achieve the highest quality result. If the tool is positioned unevenly, then smudges will appear. During operation, you need to change the position of the nozzle smoothly, without sudden movements. Otherwise, stains will form on the treated surface.

It is recommended to carry out a test painting before starting work. This will allow you to adjust the spray gun. If you are painting walls, then you need to remember that you need to maintain a certain distance from the ceiling and floor so as not to splash them with the composition. Missed areas are then treated with a brush or roller. Electric spray guns for painting a house are the most effective, but they are more expensive than manual models. The choice of device is made based on the volume of future work.

Note! When working with a spray gun, you should not forget about safety rules. It is worth preparing safety glasses, a respirator and gloves for your hands.

Painting is carried out in a ventilated area, so it is recommended to open the windows in advance. Before starting work, you need to prepare the surfaces you are going to paint. It is necessary to clean them of wallpaper or any other coverings and eliminate minor defects. Sandpaper is most often used for this. The surface should be as smooth as possible. If painting is done in several layers, then you must wait for the previous layer to dry completely. Only after this the next one is applied.

Be sure to read the instructions that came with the paint. Spray guns for thick or thin formulations must be compatible with the viscosity of the substance. Spray paint should not contain lumps, so it is recommended to clean it before use using a filter. Experts advise performing all actions in accordance with the instructions.

How to thin paint for a spray gun: adviсe

Several types of paint are used in construction. Each of the compositions has its own properties. The paint base plays a very important role, since it is this parameter that determines the operational scope of the substance. The most common paint and varnish compositions are:

  • water-based;
  • acrylic;
  • oil;
  • alkyd.

You can obtain the required consistency of the composition with your own hands. The paint sprayer must be suitable for the viscosity level. The desired consistency is achieved by adding special solvents. They may vary depending on the type of paint.

Note! It is important to remember that a solvent produced by another manufacturer may not be suitable for the coloring composition. To avoid incompatibility, it is recommended to purchase products from the same company.

Thinning the paint is carried out strictly according to the instructions. When selecting a solvent, it is advisable to consult with the seller, who will advise which composition is most suitable for a particular paint.

For water emulsion, ordinary distilled water is most often used. In addition, it can be diluted using alcohol or ether solvents. Drying oil is used for oil paints. In this case, it is advisable to choose a spray gun with a metal cylinder. In order to bring oil paint to the desired consistency, you can use white spirit.

Various compositions are used as solvents for enamels. They may have a numerical designation (for example, No. 645). Solvents such as solvent, xylene and gasoline are also suitable for this purpose.

When choosing a spray gun for a water-based emulsion, you must first inquire about whether the device is compatible with such a composition. Further selection of the unit depends on the individual preferences of the master, as well as on the nature of the work and its quantity. If you wish, you can always consult with a specialist who will help you choose the tool that is best suited for your situation.

The use of spray guns in painting allows you to perform significant amounts of work in a limited period of time. When choosing a device for interior decoration, it is worth remembering some features of different paints. Thus, a spray gun for water-based paint may differ slightly from devices intended for applying enamels and oil-based compositions. This is predetermined by the fact that the water emulsion is a suspended mixture of various components, and not every device can spray it efficiently over the surface.

Advantages of using spray guns

First, it’s worth saying a few words about why this is beneficial:

  1. The speed of work is increased several times.
  2. A thin, even layer of paint is applied to the surface.
  3. The drying time of each layer is reduced due to the minimum thickness.
  4. It is almost impossible to leave stains or gaps on the surface with a spray gun.
  5. The process of painting various curved surfaces (baguettes, baseboards) is greatly simplified.
  6. Some spray guns are equipped with special extensions that allow you to paint ceilings directly from the floor.

This is not all the advantages of this technology for performing painting work. But it is worth remembering that all these benefits can only be obtained when painting is done with the right tool.

Main selection criteria

Manual, electric, and pneumatic sprayers can be used to apply water-based paints. When purchasing a spray gun, the following rules should be observed:

  • Preference should be given to devices designed to work specifically with water-based paints; in extreme cases, you can opt for universal models. You should study the manufacturer's recommendations for the selected modification of the tool. In addition, such spray guns should not be used with other types of paints and varnishes that use various solvents.
  • The spray gun must contain a set of replaceable nozzles (nozzles). To work with water-based compositions, sprayers with a nozzle diameter of at least 2 mm are usually used; this indicator is determined by the size of the particles included in the paint.
  • It is best if the spray gun has a significant range for adjusting the amount of paint supplied, this allows you to select the most suitable operating mode.
  • Small tanks located directly on the sprayer or paint injection tanks can be used as paint containers on various modifications. The latter have an increased volume (up to 7-10 liters), which makes it possible to paint a larger area without recharging; in addition, it is physically easier to work with such a sprayer due to its lower weight.

Tanks with a volume of up to 1 liter are usually installed directly on the sprayer; they can be located on top or bottom of the device. There is no fundamental difference in placement; you should choose a tool according to your hand, based on ensuring comfortable working conditions. Although there is an opinion that for working with water-based emulsion, the option with a lower container location is preferable.

  • It is also worth paying attention to the materials from which the sprayers are made. Until recently, preference was given to models whose body is made of metal; they have a long service life and cannot be damaged by accidental falls. For pneumatic sprayers, these materials are still considered relevant, but electric spray guns have long been produced from durable types of plastic. It is worth saying that high-quality plastics are used mainly by well-known manufacturers (Bosch, DeWalt and others); you should not expect special impact resistance from cheap models.

Such devices belong to the category of professional painting equipment; they allow you to perform high-quality painting of surfaces. There are three main types of air sprayers:

  1. HP technology involves spraying paint with a large amount of air at high (up to 5-7 atmospheres) pressure at the nozzle. This technology is considered outdated; its main disadvantage is the low paint transfer to the surface (up to 50%), the rest is sprayed in the form of a cloud. The only advantage of such sprayers is its low cost; you can buy it for 300-350 rubles.
  2. HVLP sprayers operate at low pressure (up to 1 atmosphere), but with high air flow. Such devices can increase paint transfer by up to 70%. Prices for such pistols start from 1500-2000 rubles.
  3. The most promising technology is considered to be LVLP, which allows working with low-pressure air at low flow rates. Such sprayers have increased efficiency (up to 90%). At the same time, the speed of work does not decrease at all, and the quality does not suffer. The cost of this type of equipment is significantly higher, reaching 10-12 thousand rubles.

Most often, you can find products on sale under the Interpool and Sata trademarks, and among the domestic spray guns, the most famous model is SO-71 (but according to the passport, it is not intended to work with water-based paints).

The second important device is an air compressor, which must be selected for the sprayer model. Usually they choose modifications equipped with a receiver (20-25 liters), capable of delivering up to 300-500 liters of air per minute, while the operating pressure should not be less than 5-7 atmospheres. All these characteristics must correspond to the data of the spray gun.

When choosing such a model, preference should be given to well-known world brands Bosch, DeWalt, Wagner. These spray guns are of high quality and reliability. All electric spray guns can be divided into the following classes:

  • High pressure airless spray devices. The main component of the spray gun is a piston (plunger) pump, which increases the paint pressure to 150-200 atmospheres. They, in turn, can be divided into manual devices and installations with a remote pump and paint injection tank.

An example is the Wagner Paint Crew unit, which operates on household power and has a power of 625 watts. At the same time, the installed pump allows you to create a spray pressure of 190 bar, which ensures fairly high-quality painting. To make work easier, the spray gun is equipped with a 7.5 meter long hose, which provides good mobility for the performer. The cost of such equipment is quite high, 13-15 thousand rubles.

  • Low pressure electric spray gun. These devices use low pressure air (up to 1 atmosphere) for spraying, the flow of which is created by a built-in pump. The operating principle of the sprayer is similar to pneumatic devices of the LVLP standard. It is characterized by high quality paint application and can be used for repair work in domestic conditions. One of the most popular models used for water-based paint is the Bosch PFS 55. This spray gun has a light weight (1.3 kg) and is equipped with a 0.6-liter tank. You can buy a device of this class for 3-3.5 thousand rubles.

The cheaper price segment is occupied mainly by domestic or Chinese-made spray guns, but to be honest, it is very difficult to achieve high quality painting with their help.

In conclusion, let us remind you once again - when choosing a spray gun, make sure that it can be used to work with water-based paint, otherwise you can throw money away.

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