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Why mint is good for a pregnant woman and how to use it without harm. Is it possible to use mint during pregnancy and how to do it correctly? Peppermint tincture during pregnancy

An aromatic mint leaf can turn even simple tea into a tasty and healthy drink, which, among other things, has a very gentle and gentle effect on the nervous system, calming, improving sleep and appetite. But with the onset of pregnancy, women are more attentive to what they eat, and therefore the question quite reasonably arises: is it permissible to use mint in an interesting situation.

What are the benefits for pregnant women?

Usually, mint leaves and their benefits for humans do not raise questions among doctors, healing properties The plants have long been known and are widely used in the pharmaceutical industry and folk medicine. But when it comes to expectant mothers, many doctors are against the use of aromatic mint. It should be noted that among obstetricians and gynecologists there is no consensus on whether mint is acceptable or not during pregnancy, whether it can be consumed or whether it is better to abstain, does not exist. There are two positions according to which some doctors strongly advise their patients to take mint tea, while others are against it.

Mint is a medicinal plant included in the official register of medicinal plants. And for this reason alone, there is reason to say that mint certainly affects a woman and her baby. Therefore, like any other medicinal substance, it should be taken under the supervision of specialists. From a practical point of view, the amount of active substances present in 2-3 mint leaves, which are used to brew tea, cannot harm either the expectant mother or her baby.

The external use of products containing mint does not raise any questions at all - a woman, at her discretion, can use mint oil, for example, to combat nausea due to toxicosis early stages, unless she is allergic directly to mint oil.

The essence of the medical controversy surrounding mint comes down to the presence of a fairly impressive amount of phytoestrogens in the plant. These substances are plant analogues of sex hormones. During pregnancy, progesterone rules the roost in a woman’s body, and an increase in the amount of estrogen is noted only immediately before childbirth. Therefore, opponents of mint during pregnancy believe that consuming the plant while expecting a baby increases the likelihood of an increase in the tone of the uterine muscles and increases the risk of miscarriage.

Supporters of mint say that the vasodilating effect and pronounced hormonal effects are possible only when a woman consumes mint in large quantities and systematically over a long time. One-time use won't hurt. Now that you are familiar with both positions, it is up to you and your doctor to decide whether to use mint or not.

Concerning useful properties medicinal plant, it would be unfair not to say that mint can be very useful. It contains a high amount of essential oils, which give the plant such a stunning, unique smell. And they are the ones who provide pronounced calming sedative effect and mild analgesic effect.

These properties of the plant were noticed by ancient healers, and then the question of estrogens was not raised at all, all pregnant women took aromatic decoctions of mint and other herbs and felt great. It was recommended to place mint branches under the pillow for better sleep., after all, even in ancient times, doctors understood perfectly well that nothing is more important for the unborn baby than maternal peace and good sleep.

In addition to essential oils, mint contains vitamins, and the leading ones are B vitamins; there are minerals - phosphorus, potassium, sodium.

Amino acids and tannins are present in small quantities.

Concentrated formulations, for example, drops or water tincture of mint, have the property of dilating blood vessels. And this property can be used for hypertension. Therefore, women prone to gestosis and thrombosis may be recommended not prophylactic, but therapeutic doses of mint, but in this case the prescription is carried out strictly by a doctor. He will also determine the dosage.

If there is a problem with the functioning of the stomach, intestines, bloating or flatulence, mint helps to quickly cope with unpleasant sensations. For nausea typical of toxicosis, pregnant women are often advised to put a few drops of peppermint oil on a handkerchief and inhale it during the most severe attacks of nausea.

With severe stress, emotionally unstable state Tea with mint will help you calm down, fall asleep, have a good rest and then be in a normal mood. Mint is recommended for women with weak immunity, Its moderate addition to tea helps to increase the body's natural defenses.

External use is not limited. Mint decoctions and oils can be used for dry skin, cracks, and pustular rashes on the skin. Application essential oil on the feet reduces their sweating.

Contraindications and possible harm

In order for a woman to understand an issue that even doctors cannot figure out common denominator, you should be very careful. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is not recommended to rely heavily on mint, taking it only if the problems described above occur after prior consultation with a doctor.

Considering that the plant contains phytoestrogens, in order to eliminate the risk of miscarriage or premature birth, experts do not advise women to consume mint if they have varicose veins. Women with low blood pressure should not drink mint tea. Hypotonic patients may experience severe dizziness, loss of consciousness, and severe weakness after consuming mint. If a woman has already been diagnosed with a threat of spontaneous abortion, it is better to use other sedatives.

For vomiting not directly related to toxicosis, mint is also prohibited. Expectant mothers who have a low platelet count in the blood or have problems with their kidneys are also advised to avoid it at any time.

Mint can harm any pregnant woman at any stage if the plant is consumed in large quantities. You should know that medicine clearly describes the symptoms of mint poisoning in case of an overdose. The woman experiences severe repeated vomiting, stomach pain, dizziness, and a slower heartbeat. In this case, the expectant mother needs urgent emergency medical care.

After childbirth, delicious and aromatic mint tea is not recommended for anyone, because medicinal plant has a suppressive effect on lactation.

What type of mint is best to use?

In everyday life, we often call the medicinal plant simply mint. But in fact, there are 25 main species and more than a dozen subspecies of the plant - there are peppermint, lemon, mountain and curly mint, as well as bergamot, water, Japanese and others. In Russia it is traditionally most often used peppermint.

This is what you will find in any pharmacy, and therefore it is acceptable for use during pregnancy, naturally, in the prescribed dosages and in compliance with all safety requirements.

Rules of use

If you look carefully at the instructions for using mint, you will not find a categorical ban on use during pregnancy, but each instruction will indicate that the drug should be taken with caution. Based on the possible danger of the medicinal plant, pregnant women are recommended to use mint in this way:

  • in green or herbal tea with lemon balm, thyme or separately;
  • fresh- the leaves can be chewed during an attack of nausea;
  • in the form of a decoction to gargle a sore throat or treat the skin;
  • in the form of oil- very dosed for moderate aromatherapy;
  • in the form of mint tablets or lozenges for resorption from sore throat.

Each of the listed types requires compliance with separate rules of use.

  • Infusion. Alcohol infusion of mint is strictly prohibited for expectant mothers. It is permissible to brew and drink only water infusion. For example, if you have a cold that happened at the wrong time, you can use no more than a tablespoon of herbal mixture per glass of boiling water. You should insist for at least a quarter of an hour. With this setting, you can gargle, take it warm in an amount of no more than two tablespoons up to five times a day. If intestinal bloating occurs and colic greatly annoys the pregnant woman, the infusion is prepared by approximately doubling the amount of plant material, all for the same glass of water. Women are recommended to take a tablespoon of infusion with meals.
  • Decoction. Taking it orally at early, late and other stages is strictly prohibited. The content of all active substances in the decoction is much higher than in the infusion, and therefore the decoction can be used exclusively for external purposes.
  • Oil. Not suitable for internal use. Only external use and a moderate amount for inhalation or aroma lamp will not cause harm. It is very important to read the instructions for the bottle of essential oil, the dosage for expectant mother should be half that indicated for an adult. No more than two drops of oil are added to the lamp for every 10 square meters of housing. It is not recommended to inhale vapors for more than a quarter of an hour. You can add the same two drops of oil to the bath. It is allowed to take such water procedures before going to bed for a maximum of 25 minutes.
  • Tea. It must be freshly brewed, and it is permissible to use both ready-made tea bags from the pharmacy and fresh mint leaves. If you purchased sachets, brew them according to the instructions. If you have mint sprigs, then you need to brew them for ten minutes. You can add a little milk to mint tea. In the second trimester, it is permissible to drink up to three cups of this tea per day. In the 1st and 3rd trimesters, the amount should be limited to one cup.
  • In a different form. Fresh branches of the plant can be used by adding them to salads and soups. Also, according to experts in the field of alternative medicine, it is very useful to apply fresh leaves of the plant to the temples for severe headaches. If you prefer to chew mint leaves or stems for nausea or to freshen your breath, you should also stick to a moderate amount - no more than three sprigs per day.

Please note that the simultaneous use of several forms of mint is unacceptable. If you drink tea with this aromatic plant, refrain from aromatherapy or infusion. If you use mint lollipops, try not to drink tea with it. Otherwise, the correct and strict dosage will be very difficult to maintain.

According to reviews, of which there are a great many on the Internet, many women use mint while expecting a child. They do not detect any negative effects or consequences with a reasonable approach to the doses of the medicinal plant.

To learn what else pregnant women can and should eat, watch the following video.

Expectant mothers can be quite capricious. Often during pregnancy, a woman develops desires and preferences that she did not have before. Someone begins to experience an incomprehensible love for beer, someone suddenly develops a liking for strawberries with sour cream and sugar syrup, and someone is constantly drawn to brew themselves a cup of mint tea.

Mint: composition and properties of the plant

Many will not see anything wrong with a pregnant woman’s desire to drink mint: how can this aromatic herb harm the expectant mother? Indeed, it brings significant benefits, because mint contains menthol, flavonoids and other substances, thanks to which it:

Mint and pregnancy: pros and cons

Despite all the obvious benefits, mint cannot be called an absolutely safe plant for the body of the expectant mother. This is explained by the fact that it is rich in plant analogues of female sex hormones - estrogens, an excessive amount of which in the blood can stimulate labor earlier than necessary.

At the same time, many obstetricians recommend the aromatic herb to expectant mothers as a remedy for nausea, heartburn, flatulence, and increased anxiety. Therefore, it is impossible to say that this plant is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. The most important thing here is to follow the dosage. One has only to add that menthol oil, which contains menthol in large quantities, is absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women.

Indications for the use of mint during pregnancy

During pregnancy, mint can be prescribed to women who develop acute respiratory infections while pregnant, as an antiviral and antiseptic.

Often, expectant mothers suffer from insomnia and anxiety. In this case, they are recommended to drink tea with mint.

In general, mint can be used in different recipes in each specific situation. Methods of using the same recipe may also differ, because the body of a pregnant woman in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester reacts to the drug in completely different ways.

In the early stages

In the first weeks of pregnancy, women often suffer from nausea and dizziness (more details in the article:). Mint will be just a salvation for them. However, gynecologists recommend taking products containing menthol on a limited basis in the early stages. It is advisable to drink no more than 2 cups of mint tea per day.

As a rule, in the first months of pregnancy, mint is used to combat indigestion and headaches. Herbal tea with mint helps with sore throat and nasal congestion during colds. During this period of pregnancy, doctors recommend taking menthol medications in courses of 1–2 weeks. This application is as safe as possible.

In the later stages

In the 3rd trimester, the aromatic herb is used as a diuretic, antispasmodic, and laxative (see also:). It can also eliminate the anxiety that expectant mothers suffer from in anticipation of an imminent birth. Aromatic tea with the addition of mint helps well against heartburn - a problem that almost everyone faces shortly before giving birth.

However, on later overusing mint is no less dangerous than in the first and second trimesters. The danger of exceeding the dosage is not only that mint increases the level of estrogen in the blood. The menthol it contains is capable of dissolving gallstones and causing them to move. If the expectant mother suffers from cholelithiasis, she may have a serious attack of acute cholecystitis from drinking mint tea, and this is extra stress for her body.

Methods of using the plant and preparations based on it

Infusions, essential oils, lozenges, and various aromatic drinks are prepared from mint. Mint is used both internally and externally. The method of using products with this plant depends on what ailments it is intended to eliminate.

If you need to get rid of a headache, it is recommended to use menthol oil externally. If necessary, relieve pain caused by vasospasm, it is better to drink tea with the addition of oregano and mint. Mint is also used externally to combat skin defects. There are many interesting and simple recipes, which will help out in different situations.

Drinks with mint (tea, infusion, decoction)

Most often, peppermint is used to make drinks. There are a number of recipes that can be used during pregnancy:

  1. Mix a couple of sprigs of mint, two slices of lemon, four prunes, pour 300 ml of boiling water over the mixture, and simmer on low heat for 5-10 minutes. The resulting drink can be drunk in the morning, 100 ml. It will relieve symptoms of toxicosis, improve well-being, and relieve constipation.
  2. Mix mint, chamomile and lemon balm in equal parts. Brew a teaspoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. To make the infusion stronger, it is sometimes brewed in a thermos, but in this case they do not use boiling water, but water that has cooled slightly after boiling. After cooling, strain the drink and drink. It has sedative, antispasmodic and antiseptic properties, so you can use it before bed.
  3. Prepare a mixture of dried mint and black tea, taking one tablespoon each, add a teaspoon of crushed chamomile flowers to this mixture (see also:). Pour half a liter of boiling water over the entire volume of the mixture and leave. Drink instead of tea.
  4. The mint infusion is prepared according to the following recipe: pour a tablespoon of dry herb with a glass of boiling water, place the mixture in a water bath and simmer for a quarter of an hour, then remove, cool, remove the plant cake, add cool boiled water to a volume of 200 ml. The infusion should be taken according to the regimen recommended by the doctor. Traditional medicine suggests drinking 70 ml of infusion at a time. You can do this twice a day.

Essential oil

Extract from aromatic plant is a concentrate of essential oils that pregnant women should not ingest. But this remedy can be used externally. Peppermint essential oil helps with the following disorders:

  1. Nervous tension. If the expectant mother is very upset, aromatherapy with mint will help her calm down. You just need to drop a couple of drops of oil into a ceramic aroma lamp, pour a couple of tablespoons of water into the bowl of the lamp and place a tea candle inside. A session of such aromatherapy helps to relax and fall asleep, so it is best to do it in the evening. If you don’t have an aroma lamp, you can simply apply a couple of drops of oil to pieces of cotton wool and spread them around the room.
  2. Headache (we recommend reading:). Apply a couple of drops of menthol oil to your fingertips and gently rub your temples with them.
  3. Skin defects. To keep the skin soft and without rashes, the expectant mother can add a couple of drops of mint to her bath water. This procedure softens the skin of the body and helps prevent stretch marks.

Menthol tablets

It is very popular to use mint in the form of lozenges and lozenges. They help to quickly drive away an attack of lightheadedness, cheer up, and relieve spasms of the blood vessels in the head. This form is convenient because it can be used anywhere. The tablets are ready to use; they do not need to be heated or cooled. In an emergency, they are indispensable.

Mint lozenges or tablets will quite effectively cope with such manifestations of toxicosis as nausea and dizziness. You only need to buy them at the pharmacy, since store-bought lozenges use cheap flavors and green dye instead of natural extract.

How to choose the right mint?

It is best to use fresh herbs for internal use. True, not everyone has the opportunity to pick mint and brew it right away. Fortunately, you can buy it, both fresh and dried.

When choosing a bunch of green mint, you need to pay attention to appearance plants: its leaves should have a uniform color without specks and approximately the same size. A very convenient option is to purchase mint in a container: it will retain freshness for a long time.

It is best to buy dry mint at a pharmacy. This guarantees high quality and safety of use. When buying mint at a pharmacy, you can also immediately consult with a pharmacist on how to use it correctly.

It has long been known that mint during pregnancy can have a positive effect on the body of the mother and fetus. You just need to use this plant correctly. It is used in gastronomy, cosmetology, and medicine.

Smells During pregnancy during pregnancy
Medicinal properties of antiseptic Medicinal

There are probably few women in the world who did not use mint during pregnancy. Some people simply like its smell and taste, while others use the plant as medicine. You can use shoots, flowers, mint leaves. They contain vitamins with mineral salts, essential oil, sugar, phytoncides, and biologically active substances. Peppermint tea has magical properties during pregnancy. The drink can cope with a cold and calm an anxious mother.

But the plant can be not only useful, but also dangerous if you do not follow the rules of use. Some foods are strictly prohibited while pregnant. Let's figure out whether healthy mint can be used during pregnancy.

Why is the plant dangerous?

Peppermint is allowed to be used during pregnancy, but with caution. Exceeding the dosage can have serious consequences, which many expectant mothers have already experienced. There are several contraindications to using mint during pregnancy:

  • low pressure;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • individual intolerance.

Useful plant

For these diseases, using mint can only make you feel worse. In the early and late stages of bearing a child, the plant can affect a woman’s body in the following way:

  • contraction of the uterus due to large number estrogens;
  • provoking premature birth;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • decreased tone of venous vessels;

During pregnancy, tea with lemon balm and mint is very useful. It is useful for bloating and constipation, effective for normalizing the gastrointestinal tract and relieving nausea. However, even here there are pitfalls. The period of bearing a baby is always very unpredictable, so some women may become allergic to this plant. It sometimes causes:

  • dizziness;
  • rashes;

In addition, many people use the drink from medicinal plant to relieve excitability, but there have been cases when tea caused irritability. Therefore, during pregnancy, no one will answer your question whether you can drink mint tea. You only need to focus on your own well-being. Is it possible?

Many girls are fans of mint essential oil, but during pregnancy it can cause allergies. The main component of the essential oil from this plant is menthol. Its use is extremely undesirable during pregnancy, especially during the first months.

In any case, everything here is very individual. There are no reliable facts that could confirm the harm of the plant. During pregnancy, mint helped a lot during pregnancy for some girls, while in others it caused allergies. The plant can be used, but very carefully, especially if you have not practiced its use before. It is best to consult a gynecologist who will instruct you in detail and tell you how to use the plant correctly so that no problems arise.

Useful properties of the substance

Be sure to ask your doctor if you can drink mint tea during pregnancy. This medicinal plant has big amount useful properties. It has a sedative, analgesic, antiemetic, vasodilator, antispasmodic, choleretic, antiseptic, and diuretic effect. The plant is also known for the following properties:

  • eliminates pigmentation; the skin of the face and body can be wiped with an infusion of leaves as a treatment and prevention.
  • mint effectively relieves severe nausea during any period of pregnancy;
  • helps remove kidney stones;
  • helps eliminate stomach cramps;
  • relieves colic;
  • relieves skin inflammation;
  • relieves constipation, treats diarrhea;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • removes unpleasant odor;

  • helps with laryngitis, varicose veins, heart and muscle pain;
  • During pregnancy, brewed tea with mint is effective during insomnia, mental, physical, and nervous stress.

For normal operation Gastrointestinal tract

Despite listed properties, for which mint is famous, used during pregnancy, it should be used with caution in the early stages. Be careful with the dosage and be sure to consult your doctor. This is the only way to achieve the desired result and not get various side effects.

Permitted and prohibited means

The plant can be both indicated and contraindicated for expectant mothers. It all depends on the type of product used. Be careful when using lollipops, which may contain harmful chemicals. Don't abuse them. But chewing gum perfectly relieves the symptoms of toxicosis.

During pregnancy, you can drink mint tea in any trimester. The drink is very healthy and saturates the body. useful substances. You can brew the leaves of the plant yourself or purchase ready-made green tea with mint, which is also useful during pregnancy.

Many people like to use the essential oil from this plant. It copes well with nausea, symptoms of colds, increases appetite, and improves intestinal motility. But during early and late pregnancy, mint essential oil is prohibited. As already mentioned, the product contains a large amount of menthol and estrogen, which is extremely dangerous for expectant mothers.

It is useful to inhale and rinse with a decoction of the plant. We'll talk about this a little later. Thus, there are several ways to consume the plant.

  1. Delicious tea.
  2. Gum.
  3. Solution for rinsing and lotions.
  4. Inhalations.
Traditional recipes for colds

To relieve cold syndromes during pregnancy, you can make tea with mint. The drink is very easy to prepare, and its warming properties will be useful for a cold body. Required:

  • 5 mint leaves;
  • glass of water.

The product should be consumed hot. It is best to drink healing tea at night.

  1. Brew tea.
  2. Add sugar or lemon (optional).

The rinse solution works effectively. All you need is:

  • a glass of mint tea;
  • a teaspoon of salt.

You need to gargle with the product several times a day. The procedure time is about 5 minutes.

  1. Add salt to tea.
  2. Stir.

Inhalations will be very useful for inflamed respiratory organs. Take:

  • a handful of mint leaves;
  • a couple of glasses of boiling water.

Relieves severe nausea

It will take about 10-15 minutes to prepare the product. It couldn't be easier to prepare.

  1. Place the ingredient in a small saucepan and add boiling water.
  2. Bring the water to a boil, let stand for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Fold a sheet of paper into a funnel and place it over the saucepan so that the wide part is aligned with the edge of the saucepan and the sharp corner is on top.
  4. Inhale vapors through your mouth and nose.

You need to be very careful, because the steam can seriously burn you. Adjust the intensity by moving away from the steam jet if it gets very hot. The procedure should take about 5-10 minutes. Inhalations are best done in the evening before bed.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

Many women prefer aromatic tonic tea with mint leaves. It has a beneficial effect on health, psycho-emotional state, gives a pleasant color to the skin and is involved in recipes for weight loss. But then an “interesting situation” arises, and the woman wonders whether mint is useful during pregnancy.

Useful plant

This medicinal herb It is not for nothing that it is popular, and every summer resident tries to plant an island of mint on his plot in order to indulge in healing teas. Pharmacologists also use the properties of mint, introducing it into many medications: validol, valocordin, corvalol and others - to eliminate spasm of coronary vessels and muscles internal organs; water and alcohol tinctures recommended for neurology and toothache.

Peppermint is also included in external medications having antiseptic effects. So it is not surprising that in folk medicine, mint leaves, as well as its flowers and stems, are used to prepare decoctions that help relieve various pains, cope with heartburn and nausea, cough, fever, bloating and diarrhea.

The antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, choleretic effect of the herb is ensured by its composition. The main components for which the plant is valued are estrogen (female hormone) and essential oil containing menthol. Natural medicine also contains organic acids (oleanoic, ursolic), salt compounds (strontium, manganese, copper and others), tannins, and bitterness.

For medicinal purposes and simply for prevention, fresh mint is good, especially if it is collected at the beginning of flowering. During this period, the plant contains the highest content of biologically active nutrients.

Use during pregnancy

If a woman liked to pamper herself with teas with the leaves of this plant, then it is not surprising that she wants mint during pregnancy. This may be due not only to previous addictions, but also to hormonal changes in the female body, and the plant contains estrogens. Because of this component, mint is recommended when planning pregnancy for women who have problems conceiving.

Is mint harmful during pregnancy? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally - even in medicine there are conflicting opinions on this matter. Here everything will depend on the individuality of the expectant mother, but it is for sure that you need to take mint teas with caution.

Benefits of mint during pregnancy:

  • for toxicosis, mint is sometimes the only remedy that will help a woman cope with nausea at any time (thanks to menthol);
  • It’s no secret that women in an “interesting situation” have problems with the gastrointestinal tract (flatulence, bloating, constipation). Here, a decoction of mint during pregnancy will help cope perfectly with the situation;
  • in small doses you can use the antispasmodic properties of the plant - mint helps with headaches during pregnancy.

Hypertension is a common companion during pregnancy. The plant has vasodilating properties, so tea helps normalize blood pressure. Mint during pregnancy will help a woman preserve her teeth if she rinses them with a herbal decoction daily.

Changes in hormonal levels and the duration of pregnancy itself sometimes put a woman into a depressed state. Mint and lemon balm during pregnancy, added to tea, will help a woman cope with the situation.

For colds, the expectant mother is not always recommended to take medications, and herbal treatment will come in handy. A combination such as mint and chamomile is especially good. They can be used not only in the form of decoctions, but also in inhalations, then there will certainly be no harm.

About the dangers of the plant

Mint can also be dangerous for pregnant women if you neglect the norms and do not take into account the timing of the baby's gestation. For each period of pregnancy, the plant can be harmful, so expectant mothers should take the list below into account.

Why pregnant women should not take mint:

  • despite the fact that teas of this plant are excellent in helping to cope with toxicosis, in the first trimester the product can provoke uterine tone, which is especially dangerous for women prone to miscarriages;
  • in the 2nd trimester, a woman is no longer tormented by toxicosis, because the hormonal levels begin to return to normal (taking into account the new situation). IN in this case Drinking mint teas is not recommended due to the high estrogen content in the herb;
  • also in the second trimester, pregnancy may be accompanied by swelling. Mint is a good diuretic, but its use is not always recommended, as it may cause extra stress on the urinary tract;
  • in the 3rd trimester, the same estrogen can provoke premature birth.

Mint is not advisable during late pregnancy also because it has a vasodilating property, which will lead to severe postpartum bleeding.

Considering the benefits and harms of this plant for expectant mothers, one can understand why women suffering from such diseases should not take mint during pregnancy. This includes hypotension, varicose veins, and low vascular tone. Contraindications also apply to individual intolerance to menthol, which is part of mint.


In folk medicine, herbal preparations of this plant are used. In pharmacology, you can find various drugs that have their own purposes. Pregnant women should know what exactly they can use and what medications they should avoid.

Types of mint preparations:

  1. The pharmacy sells an alcoholic tincture of mint, which it is not advisable for a pregnant woman to buy. It is better to use an aqueous composition that can be prepared at home;
  2. Peppermint essential oil is quite popular among women. But it is not suitable for expectant mothers, since peppermint oil contains a high concentration of essential substances that can provoke active contractions of the uterus;
  3. Sometimes doctors recommend chewing mints for colds, but it is better for a pregnant woman to abstain from them, as they contain dyes and various chemical additives.

If the grass is not grown on your own plot, you should not buy it secondhand. It’s better to go to the pharmacy and buy either dried tea or ask for herbal tea - at least they are certified.

Pregnant women can also afford aromatic mint tea in small doses (1-2 cups per day), unless there are contraindications from a doctor. According to reviews from mothers who indulged in mint tea little by little during pregnancy, negative impact the baby's condition was not observed. A woman’s body is more at risk (if the drink is abused), and in order not to provoke a miscarriage, you should just be careful.

The taste of mint and its medicinal properties familiar to each of us. The smell of the plant has a calming effect, so drinking its decoction is often prescribed to pregnant women suffering from sleep disorders. But, like any other herbs, mint must be used with great care. Why? Read about it in our article.

Mint during pregnancy

Mint is a medicinal plant that must be taken appropriately, both in the early stages of pregnancy and later, closer to the birth of the baby. It turns out that there are certain indications and contraindications for taking mint. Which? Now we will try to figure this out.

Is it possible to drink mint during pregnancy?

A pregnant woman should treat everything with extreme caution. There are different opinions regarding mint, but the vast majority believe that this plant may harm the expectant mother and her baby.

Why can't pregnant women take mint? There are several reasons for this, in particular:

  1. The plant contains the female hormone estrogen, which stimulates uterine contractions. That is, mint in late pregnancy can lead to premature birth.
  2. If the expectant mother has low blood pressure, she should not take mint decoction during pregnancy, as it reduces the tone of the venous vessels. For the same reason, it is not recommended to drink a decoction from the plant during varicose veins vein problem that many pregnant women experience.
  3. Pregnancy is a completely unpredictable period. It may happen that mint causes a girl to become irritable, itchy, or dizzy.
At the same time, doctors advise adding a few drops of mint essential oil during pregnancy while taking a bath, as a good soothing and relaxing remedy. Mint decoction is also taken to relieve nausea and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

In general, reliable facts confirming the harm of mint, for example, in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy or more early period, are not known. But everything is relative, so what does not harm one pregnant girl may negatively affect the well-being of another.

So does mint have any benefits? And should a pregnant girl drink it? Certainly. After all, this medicinal plant, along with negative ones, also has positive qualities. Among them:

  • calming effect,
  • analgesic effect,
  • help with nausea.

Mint will also help cope with the problem of constipation and diarrhea, relieve colic and stomach cramps.

It is impossible to answer the question of whether pregnant women can drink mint and lemon balm. As mentioned above, everything here is purely individual. In order not to harm your body, listen to it. If, for example, in the 2nd trimester you want to drink mint tea, drink it, but not more than one cup. That is, do not abuse it.

By the way, aromatic oils that contain mint will definitely not harm a pregnant woman’s body. Therefore, they can be used while taking baths or for inhalation, for example, for colds, when pregnant women should not take medications.

Thus, the main contraindication to taking mint during pregnancy is most likely the individual intolerance of the expectant mother.

If you are still unsure whether pregnant women can drink peppermint tea, consult your doctor. He will give you plenty useful recommendations and will tell you, taking into account all your individual contraindications, whether this medicinal plant will harm you and your baby.

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