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Disappearance of the Universe. Honest conversation about illusions, past lives, religion, sex, politics and miracles

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From the publisher: "The Disappearance of the Universe" is a book written by Gary R. Renard, an author-medium, with the help of spiritual entities that came into contact with him. In dialogue with spirit guides Arten and Pursa, he examines a wide range of philosophical, religious and political problems that concern any modern person. How did the Universe arise? What information do world religions convey to us? What are the true causes of illness, failure, natural disasters, wars and terrorism? Who killed President Kennedy? These are just a few of the questions the author asks his new friends. The answers will be unexpected. This book will undoubtedly inspire spiritual quests and save time along this path. In the second part of "The Disappearance of the Universe" Gary R. Renard continues his dialogue with non-physical spiritual entities that have come into contact with him. The variety of topics touched upon by the author in twelve amazing conversations with enlightened spirit mentors Arten and Pursa is amazing. What are the laws of existence of the Universe? What awaits us in the next life? What are losses for, and how to deal with them correctly? What is the cause of illnesses, do you need to take medications, and what does the AIDS epidemic mean? How to change your life using the law of forgiveness? And also Gary R. Renard and his non-physical “co-authors” will reveal the secret of the Shroud of Turin and tell how many points the Dow Jones index will rise. Contents About the authorForewordForeword by the author and grace Part 1. Whispers in a dreamChapter 1. The appearance of Arten and PursaChapter 2. Jay's undergroundChapter 3. MiracleChapter 4. Secrets of existenceChapter 5. The plane of the ego Part 2. AwakeningChapter 6. An alternative to the Holy SpiritChapter 7. The law of forgivenessChapter 8. EnlightenmentChapter 9 The Likeness of LifeChapter 10. Healing the SickChapter 11. A Very Short History of TimeChapter 12. NewsChapter 13. True Prayer and AbundanceChapter 14. Better Than SexChapter 15. Looking into the FutureChapter 16. Notes on the Resurrection of the DeadChapter 17. The Disappearance of the UniverseAbout "A Course in Miracles"

Current page: 1 (book has 28 pages total) [available reading passage: 19 pages]

Gary R. Renard
Disappearance of the Universe

To mom and dad

We are not separated.

about the author

Gary R. Renard was born on the historic North Shore of Massachusetts, where he eventually became a successful professional guitarist. During the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, he heard the Call and chose a different direction in life. In the early 1990s he moved to Maine, where he experienced a powerful spiritual awakening.

According to the instructions of his teachers, he slowly and thoughtfully wrote “The Disappearance of the Universe” over nine years. Currently a private investor who writes, travels, and discusses metaphysical principles with other spiritual seekers.

Patrick Miller


When Gary Renard approached me for a professional review of his manuscript, which later became this book, my first reaction was negative. At first, Gary said that the manuscript was one hundred and fifty thousand words long. I replied that no publisher, if he is in his right mind, would publish such a book in one volume. He would either have to split it into two or cut it down to a hundred thousand words. I could tell him this without even reading the manuscript. Gary explained that none of these approaches were possible for his book, but he would think about it. And would I mind taking a look at the work itself, which is basically a series of lengthy conversations with two “high teachers”?

Then I had a second, completely natural reaction, which I did not share with Gary: “Oh no,” I thought, “another long-winded manifesto of pseudo-spiritual nonsense, written by a poor soul who is convinced that the voices in his head are a manifestation of divine power.” Having worked as a journalist, columnist, editor and publisher in the spiritual field for almost twenty years, I have seen far more of this nonsense than I would like. A quote from St. John the Baptist, who complained about the erring scribes of his time: “This happens often, because of this many are seriously deceived, believing that they have reached the highest level through prayer and are talking with the Lord. Therefore, they either write down everything that was said, or order it to be written down, but it turns out that everything said is nothing, it has neither essence nor value and serves only to encourage vanity.”

True, Renard agreed to pay for a full critical assessment of his work, which endeared me to him. Having written dozens of critical reviews, I knew that there was always something useful to say about a work, to find “constructive criticism” that did not indulge the author’s vanity. Therefore, I agreed to accept the manuscript and study it carefully.

After reading the first couple of dozen pages, I was truly glad that I had not shared my second reaction with Gary, because otherwise I would have had to eat those words. Although at first glance his story seemed incredible, it was fascinating and surprisingly easy to read. Gary's recorded conversations with his unexpected and very unusual spirit guides, Arten and Pursa, are witty, funny and free of the greasy pseudo-depth that I have come to expect from channeling. Moreover, the book does not describe Gary's personal achievements. In fact, his otherworldly interlocutors mercilessly poked him for laziness and cleverness, not forgetting to care for and encourage him in comprehending the spiritual discipline they taught. Readers will soon discover that this discipline is known to millions of people who have studied the spiritual guidance book A Course in Miracles, popular throughout the world. Gary no doubt reached out to me after reading my publications regarding the Course, including " Full story Course,” a journalistic overview of the history of this teaching, its main mentors and popularizers, as well as its critics and several of the controversies it generated. Perhaps Gary subconsciously sensed our psychological similarities. However, I am not at all as lazy as Mr. Renard, but I certainly like to be smart.

This manuscript, as a supplementary manual for the Course, has another remarkable characteristic: it is an expression of an uncompromising commitment to the spiritual philosophy of A Course in Miracles, “pure non-dualism,” and its integral active credo—forgiveness. Forgiveness and forgiveness again, until forgiveness becomes a 24/7 habit. Of course, many successful books based on the principles of the Course have been published. But when you delved deeper, you discovered that the most popular of them were also the most watered-down, often merging with New Age and self-help stereotypes. Gary, in his manuscript, did not deviate from either the metaphysics or the precise mental discipline of the Course, using clear terms. Whoever they were and wherever they came from, Arten and Pursa did not become barkers of another shop “How to achieve enlightenment in a weekend.”

Therefore, when I first read the manuscript, I realized: it deserves publication. It has a much better chance of becoming a book than I initially thought. Moreover, it is really too long; written in a three-way conversation format that is completely unacceptable in the eyes of many publishers, and finally draws on metaphysical sources that take it into the New Age realm, but at the same time the text is too strict for such an audience.

As I began searching for a publisher for Gary's manuscript, I realized that there was no publisher, large or small, that would take on this project, nipping in the bud the desire to chop it up, shuffle it, and make it "mainstream." It is clear from Gary's words that he is looking for a publisher who can maintain the work's integrity, format and thematic consistency. I reasonably believed that any publisher who accepted such a manuscript from a completely unknown author for consideration should immediately check whether he had escaped from a mental hospital.

And then I realized that I would publish it myself. The decision seemed ironic to me, since I do not believe in “enlightened mentors,” mainly because none of them had ever appeared on my radar. Despite the benefits that A Course in Miracles has brought to my life, I have always had doubts about its intended spiritual origin. This may shock other Course followers, but I have never cared what Jesus Christ had to do with it. The authenticity of the Course was demonstrated by the way it worked, producing positive and noticeable changes in the lives of many people I met and interviewed, and not because it was supposedly of divine origin. Thinking this way, I actually find myself on the same page as Arten and Pursa, who repeatedly reminded Gary that it is always the inner truth of the message that matters, not the specialty of the person conveying it.

Oddly enough, the message from this book came to me just in time to renew my interest in studying the Course. As I read Gary's work, I kept thinking, "Oh, that's what it was!" - or: “I forgot about that,” or: “Forgiveness – interesting, does it really work?”

When I finished reading the manuscript, I realized that it had exactly the effect on me that Gary's teachers expected: a refreshing and inspiring course in the spirituality of the future. A Course in Miracles, despite its rapid audience growth since its publication in 1976, still has a relatively small following, and is likely to remain so for many years. Its metaphysics are too different from what most of the world believes, and its transformative discipline is too demanding to become the basis of a mass spiritual movement. However, as Gary's teachers predicted, I feel such a time will come sooner or later.

Although the Course may seem absolutist and inflexible, it is stated to be the only version of the "Universal Order", in most cases recommending other spiritual and psychological pathways to inner wisdom. However, the Course recognizes that serious students will progress faster along this path than any other. As a spiritual pragmatist, I appreciate this argument for acquiring goods.

In fact, hints periodically appear in the Course that awareness and fulfillment of the tasks of forgiveness saves a person “millennia” in the process of spiritual development. Since I've never relied much on reincarnation, I'm not entirely sure how this should be taken. But I have a feeling that I have been able to avoid a lot of suffering in the future thanks to decisions made under the influence of the Course - decisions that required letting go of habitual resentment, debilitating anger and limiting fear.

Before I became acquainted with the Course, I was on a path far from sublime and active wisdom. I came across that blue book just when I needed it most, and I’m happy to report that my seemingly chance encounter with this wonderful teaching was not only beneficial to me. I am sure that I would not have been able to benefit thousands of readers of my books if I had not completed the Course.

I feel the unmistakable influence of the Course in the decision to publish the first edition of this book, and it took a little time for it to become apparent that all the risks the manuscript presented were worth taking. The book quickly found a devoted audience among thousands of students of the Course and among spiritual seekers not yet familiar with it. A year after its release at Fearless Books, the project found its way to Hay House, a larger independent publisher with an unrivaled reputation in contemporary spiritual literature. Here the book was greeted with enthusiasm and helped to distribute it throughout the world. Gary and I are grateful for the generosity and extraordinary flexibility of the new publisher, who immediately agreed that the form of the book should remain the same as when first published, without changing the content, style, or meaning of the provocative teaching it presented.

This book will not replace A Course in Miracles, but I am confident that it will serve many as an inspiring first impression or a radical revision of fundamental teaching principles. And readers who are not interested in the Course may nevertheless find in the book many reasons for laughter, surprise or debate. If you are at least a little like me, you will find that this book is not at all what you expected, but it is certainly worth reading. As Arten and Pursa would say: have fun!

Dr. Patrick Miller

Fearless Books

September 2004

Preface by the author and acknowledgments

While living in rural Maine, I witnessed the appearance of two enlightened masters in the flesh, Pursa and Artena, who later reported that their previous reincarnations included St. Thomas and St. Thaddeus. (Despite popular belief, the lives of these saints were not their last.)

My visitors have arrived not to repeat spiritual platitudes , which many already believe in. On the contrary, they revealed to me the secrets of the Universe. They discussed the true purpose of life, spoke at length about the Gospel of Thomas, and straightforwardly explained the principles of the amazing spiritual document that is being circulated throughout the world to find a new way of thinking that will become ubiquitous in the next millennium.

You do not have to believe in phenomena to benefit from the information contained in this book. However, I can say that there is very little chance of such a book being written by an uneducated layman like me, without the inspiration of mentors. In any case, I leave it to the readers to think whatever they want about the origins of the book.

Personally, I believe that The Disappearance of the Universe will be a useful and time-saver for any thinking person who embarks on spiritual path. Once you experience its message, you may find it impossible, as it was for me, to look at your life or think about the universe the same way again.

The following text describes events that occurred from December 1992 to December 2001. They are presented in the form of a dialogue in which three people participate: Gary(It's me), Arten and Pursa- two enlightened mentors who appeared to me in the flesh. The numerous italicized words you'll notice in the text indicate the speakers' emphasis on those words. Please keep in mind that I did not make significant changes to the dialogue, even though I had difficulty returning to the material and enduring some of the immature and biased judgments I made during the time period covered in the book. Looking back, I realize that it was only during the last chapters that I truly forgave.

Although the teachings you see on these pages may seem harsh or critical when written, I testify that they respect Gentleness, humor, humility and love were always evident. Let me give you an analogy: good parents know that sometimes it is necessary to firmly correct children so that they understand mistakes, but the motivation for this is positive in nature. So if the discussion seems a little harsh, here's something to keep in mind: for my sake Arten and Pursa deliberately speak in a way that I can understand and they can teach me. Pursa told me that their style was designed specifically to attract my attention. Perhaps this will explain everything.

I did my best to make the book as good as possible, but I'm not perfect, so the book isn't perfect either. If there are distortions of facts in the text, you can be sure: I am to blame for them, not my visitors. In addition, in order to fully disclose the topic, I must say in advance that I supplemented some discussions with dialogues that were recalled later. This was done with the blessing and encouragement of Arten and Pursa, and some of their instructions to me are included in the conversations. Consequently, the book should be considered a personal project that was started and constantly followed by my mentors, even in those cases where it was not a literal transcript of our meetings.

I would also like to express my deep gratitude to the following people for many years of helpful conversations and support: Chaitanya York, Eileen Goin, Dan Shepenuk, Paul D. Renard, Ph.D., Karen Renard, Glendon Curtis, Louise Flint, Edd Jordan, Betty Jordan, Charles Hudson, and Sharon Salmon.

Finally, although I do not know them, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to Gloria and Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D., founders of the A Course in Miracles Foundation in Temecula, California, on whose work much of this book is based. The reader will see that my visitors recommended that I also become a student of the Wopniks, and this book cannot but reflect my learning experience.

(The ideas presented in this book are the personal interpretation and understanding of the author and are not necessarily endorsed by the copyright holders of A Course in Miracles.)

Gary R. Renard

Part I
Whisper in a dream

There are those who have reached out to God without leaving a trace of worldly limits, and have fully realized their similarity with him. They can be called Teachers of Teachers because although they are no longer visible, their image can still be summoned. And they will appear in the right place at the right time to bring benefit. To those who are frightened by such phenomena, they will show their thoughts. None of those calling will remain unanswered. And there is no one they don't know about.

Chapter 1
The appearance of Arten and Pursa

“Communication is not limited to the small range of channels that the world recognizes.”

During Christmas week 1992, I realized that the circumstances of life and worldview during last year gradually changing for the better. The previous Christmas was met in conditions much worse than the current ones. Then I was seriously worried about the poverty of my life. I may have achieved success as a professional musician, but I was never able to save a serious amount of money. I was just starting my career as a trader in the stock market. In addition, I was suing a friend and former business partner who, according to my feelings, was dishonest with me. Meanwhile, he was still recovering from his own bankruptcy four years ago. This happened as a result of impatience, thoughtless spending and bad investments. I myself didn’t notice that I was at war with myself and losing. Moreover, I did not realize that almost everyone is at war with themselves and loses, even when it seems that they are winning.

Suddenly, something deep inside me changed. I had been on a spiritual quest for thirteen years, during which I had learned much without finding much time to apply the lessons I had learned, but now I was filled with a new confidence. “Everything has to change,” I thought. “There has to be a better way than this.”

I wrote to a friend I was suing and told him I was giving up my legal claims because I wanted to change my life without conflict. He called and thanked me and we began to rebuild our friendship. Over time, I learned that this scenario, in one form or another, had been repeated over and over again in previous decades, when people in conflict situation, lowered their weapons and surrendered to the will of the higher wisdom living within them.

Then I began to use forgiveness and love, as I understood them then, in situations that came my way every day. And I achieved good results, although I encountered significant difficulties, especially when someone touched me to the quick. But at least I felt that I was beginning to change the direction of my life. At that time, I began to notice small flashes of light out of the corner of my eye, or certain objects that were nearby. Flashes of transparent pure light did not occupy the entire field of my vision, but were concentrated in a certain area. I didn't understand what they meant until it was explained to me later.

During that year of change, I often prayed to Jesus, the prophet of wisdom whom I admired most, for help. I felt a mystical connection with Jesus and often told him in my prayers how much I wished I could go back two thousand years and become his follower to know what it was like to learn from him personally.

Then, during Christmas week 1992, something unusual happened while I was meditating at my home in the middle of rural Maine. I was alone because I worked from home and my wife Karen commuted to Levingstone for work. We didn't have kids, so it was very quiet except for the barking of our dog, Nupi. As consciousness slowly returned from the state of meditation, I opened my eyes and was stunned because I was not alone. With my mouth open but unable to make a sound, I stared across the room at the man and woman sitting on my sofa, looking at me thoughtfully and piercingly, with soft smiles. There was nothing threatening about them - on the contrary, they looked extremely peaceful, which reassured me. Looking back on that first meeting, I often wondered why I didn't feel more fear, given that these seemingly tangible people materialized out of nowhere. However, the first appearance of my future friends was so surreal that the fear seemed somewhat misplaced.

Both appeared to be in their thirties and looked very well-groomed. Their clothes were stylish and modern. They were not like angels, or enlightened teachers, or any other divine entities, as I imagined them to be. There was no glow or aura around them. If you saw them in a restaurant at dinner, you would hardly pay attention to them. But I couldn't help but notice when there were two people sitting on my own sofa, a man and a woman. The woman spoke first.

We have appeared to you as symbols whose words will help ease the disappearance of the Universe.

Pursa: Hello, dear brother. I see that you are amazed, but not afraid. My name is Pursa, and this is our brother Arten. We appear to you as symbols whose words will help ease the disappearance of the Universe. I say we are symbols because All what appears and takes shape is symbolic. The only true reality is God, or Pure Spirit, which in Heaven are synonymous, and God and Pure Spirit have no form. Any form, including your own body that you perceive, is in the false Universe of perception and, by definition, must be a symbol of something else. This is the real meaning of the second commandment: “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.” Most Bible scholars have always found this commandment mysterious. Why doesn't God want people to create images of him? Moses believed that this was necessary in order to get rid of pagan idolatry. But the real meaning of the commandment is that you should not create images of God, because God has No image. This idea is central to what we will tell you next.

Gary: Sorry, but can I say it again?

Arten: We will repeat everything as many times as necessary for you to understand, Gary, and you will see that we will speak a language that increasingly resembles your own. We intend to be straightforward. And we believe that you are already old enough to cope with this, and we are not going to waste time. You asked Jesus for help. He would be glad to come to you himself, but now this is not necessary. We are his representatives. By the way, most often we will call Jesus Jay 1
In English-speaking cultures, it is common to abbreviate names by the first letter. In English, the name "Jesus" is written as Jesus, the first letter is "Jay". – Here and further notes. lane

We have his permission to do this, and we will explain why we are doing this when the time is right. You wanted to know what it was like to be with him two thousand years ago. We were with him, and we will be happy to tell you, although you will be surprised to learn that being his student now provides many more advantages than studying with him many years ago. We are going to challenge you time after time. How Jay has challenged us, both in the past and what you consider to be the future. We won't cut you any slack or tell you what you want to hear. If you want to be treated like a child, go to an amusement park. But if you're prepared to be treated like an adult who has the right to know why nothing in your Universe has been working properly for long enough, then we'll get down to business. You will also learn the reasons for the current situation and a way out of it. So what do you say?

Gary: I dont know what to say.

Arten: Perfect. Good quality student; Another one would be the desire to learn. I know you have it. You are one of those who could go into a monastery for many years and not say a word. You also have an exceptional memory - this will come in handy later. Actually, we know everything about you.

Gary: All?

Pursa: Yes all. But we did not come to judge, so there is no point in hiding anything or being ashamed of anything. We have come simply because it is useful for us to appear right now. Take advantage of our arrival while you can. Ask any questions that come to your mind. You wondered why we look like this. The answer to this is that we like to fit into our surroundings. In addition, we dress in a secular style because we do not represent a particular religion or creed.

Gary: So you are not Jehovah's Witnesses. Okay, I already told them that organized churches are not my thing.

Pursa: Of course, we are God's witnesses, but Jehovah's Witnesses subscribe to the old idea that, except for the number of the elect who will be with Him, the Kingdom of God will be formed on Earth, and they will come there in restored bodies - but this is not our teaching. We may disagree with other teachings, but we do not judge them and respect the right of all people to believe what they want to believe.

Gary: That's great, but I'm not sure I like the idea that there are no men and women in Heaven.

Pursa: In Heaven there is no difference and no change. Everything is constant. This is the only way they can be completely reliable and not chaotic.

Gary: Isn't it boring?

Pursa: Let me ask you a question. Is sex boring?

Gary: Not for me.

Pursa: Then imagine the very peak of an ideal sexual orgasm - but this orgasm never stops. It goes on and on, without diminishing intensity, perfect and strong.

Gary: I have full attention.

Pursa: The physical act – sex – was nowhere near the incredible bliss of Heaven. This is just a pathetic artificial imitation of union with the Lord. It's a false idol that's designed to focus your attention on your body and the world, and it pays off just enough to keep you coming back to it again and again. It is very similar to a drug. Heaven is a complete indescribable ecstasy that never stops.

Gary: All these are very beautiful words, but they do not explain the messages about what people experience when they find themselves on the other side - leaving the body, clinical death, communication with the dead, and the like.

Arten: What you call this side and the other side are actually just two sides of the same illusory coin. When your body seems to stop and die, your mind continues to work. You like going to the movies, right?

Gary: Everyone has their own hobby.

Arten: When you go from one side to the other, from this life to the afterlife, or back to the body, it's like you're leaving one movie and moving into another. But these films are more like virtual reality, which will appear in the future when everything will look completely real - so that you can touch it.

Gary: This reminds me of an article I read about a machine in a lab at MIT 2
MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

One you can stick your finger into and feel something that isn’t there. Are you talking about such technologies?

Arten: Yes, most intentions repeat, in one way or another, everything that the mind does. Returning to the cycle of death and birth, where you seem to be born again into physical body, you forget everything, or at least most of it. These are tricks of the mind.

Gary: Are you saying that my whole life happens in my head?

Arten: She's all in your mind.

Correcting something usually means that you fix it and leave it as it is.

Gary: Is my head in my mind?

Arten: Your head, your brain, your body, your world, your entire Universe, all parallel Universes, and everything else that can be perceived are projections of the mind. They all symbolize one single thought. We'll tell you what this idea is later. It’s even better to imagine that your Universe is a dream.

Gary: It's too hard to sleep on, buddy.

Arten: We'll cover why it feels hard later, but first you need to get familiar with the basics. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Pursa wanted to explain that no one asks you to give a lot in exchange for nothing. In fact, it's the other way around. Over time, you realize that you are giving nothing in exchange for everything - for a state so delightful and joyful that it is impossible to describe it in words. However, in order to achieve this state of Being, you must be willing to go through a difficult process of correction by the Holy Spirit.

Gary: Does this correction have anything to do with political correctness?

Pursa: No. Political correctness, no matter how good the intentions behind it, still limits freedom of speech. You will see that we are very free in our speeches. Word correction, or correction, we use it differently from the way it is used in ordinary speech, because to correct something usually means that you correct it and leave what happened. When the Holy Spirit finishes correcting the false Universe, it will no longer appear to exist.

I say she'll stop seem existing, because in reality it does not exist. The True Universe is God's Universe, or Heaven; and Heaven has nothing to do with the false Universe. However, there is a way look to your Universe, which will help you return to your true home with the Lord.

Gary: You talk about the Universe as if it were some kind of mistake. But the Bible says that God created the world, and almost all people believe that this is so, not to mention the world's religions. My friends and I believe that God created the world in order to know Himself experimentally - this seems to be a fairly common opinion in the New Age. Didn't God create polarity, duality and all opposites in this world of subjects and objects?

Pursa: In short: no. God did not create duality and Not created the world. If he had done so, he would have been the author of “a story told by a fool,” to use Shakespeare’s description of life. But God is not a fool. We will prove it to you. It can be one of two things. As the Bible says, he is either perfect Love or a fool. You can't be both. Jay was also not a fool, which is why he was not carried away by the false Universe. We'll tell you more about him, but don't expect to hear the official version. Do you remember the story of the prodigal son?

Gary: Certainly. But I should refresh my memory.

Pursa: Then take it New Testament and read to us; then we will explain something to you. But don't read the last paragraph.

Arten: It was added later when the story was passed down orally. Then it was changed a little more by the doctor who wrote the Book of Luke and the Book of Acts.

Gary: OK. For now, I'm putting the doubt in your favor. Will the revised standard work? 3
Revised Standard Version of the Bible English language published in the middle of the 20th century, easily distinguished readable language and adherence to literal accuracy. It is very popular.

Arten: Yes, it is practical. Start with Luke 15:11.

Gary: OK. Jesus speaking, right?

Arten: Yes. Jay doesn't say much in the Bible, and when he does, his words are often misrepresented. Simply put, he is misunderstood. To understand him better than others, we had to learn a lot. Thanks to this, we are talking to you now. But Jay was most often misquoted for the individual stories that became the basis of the Gospels. They were very popular at one time. Jay didn't say much of what is attributed to him in these books, but he did say some things; in the same way, he did not do most of what is attributed to him, but he did do some.

Gary: This all sounds like the movies that are supposedly based on real events, but most of them are made up.

Arten: Yes, you are right. Now let's talk about the Second Half of the New Testament. It was written almost entirely by the apostle Paul, who was a crowd pleaser, but he never taught what Jay taught. None of the Bible writers met Jay in person, with the exception of the author of the Gospel of Mark, who was a child when they met. Remember the Book of Revelations. It looks like a Stephen King novel. Just imagine Jay as a commander, on a white horse and in clothes drenched in blood! No he Not warrior of the spirit - this term is simply the apotheosis of an oxymoron.


When Gary Renard approached me for a professional review of his manuscript, which later became this book, my first reaction was negative. At first, Gary said that the manuscript was one hundred and fifty thousand words long. I replied that no publisher, if he is in his right mind, would publish such a book in one volume. He would either have to split it into two or cut it down to a hundred thousand words. I could tell him this without even reading the manuscript. Gary explained that none of these approaches were possible for his book, but he would think about it. And would I mind taking a look at the work itself, which is basically a series of lengthy conversations with two “high teachers”?

Then I had a second, completely natural reaction, which I did not share with Gary: “Oh no,” I thought, “another long-winded manifesto of pseudo-spiritual nonsense, written by a poor soul who is convinced that the voices in his head are a manifestation of divine power.” Having worked as a journalist, columnist, editor and publisher in the spiritual field for almost twenty years, I have seen far more of this nonsense than I would like. A quote from St. John the Baptist, who complained about the erring scribes of his time: “This happens often, because of this many are seriously deceived, believing that they have reached the highest level through prayer and are talking with the Lord. Therefore, they either write down everything that was said, or order it to be written down, but it turns out that everything said is nothing, it has neither essence nor value and serves only to encourage vanity.”

True, Renard agreed to pay for a full critical assessment of his work, which endeared me to him. Having written dozens of critical reviews, I knew that there was always something useful to say about a work, to find “constructive criticism” that did not indulge the author’s vanity. Therefore, I agreed to accept the manuscript and study it carefully.

After reading the first couple of dozen pages, I was truly glad that I had not shared my second reaction with Gary, because otherwise I would have had to eat those words. Although at first glance his story seemed incredible, it was fascinating and surprisingly easy to read. Gary's recorded conversations with his unexpected and very unusual spirit guides, Arten and Pursa, are witty, funny and free of the greasy pseudo-depth that I have come to expect from channeling. Moreover, the book does not describe Gary's personal achievements. In fact, his otherworldly interlocutors mercilessly poked him for laziness and cleverness, not forgetting to care for and encourage him in comprehending the spiritual discipline they taught. Readers will soon discover that this discipline is known to millions of people who have studied the spiritual guidance book A Course in Miracles, popular throughout the world. Gary no doubt contacted me through reading my publications relating to the Course, including "The Complete History of the Course," a journalistic overview of the history of the teaching, its major teachers and promoters, as well as its critics and several of the controversies it generated. Perhaps Gary subconsciously sensed our psychological similarities. However, I am not at all as lazy as Mr. Renard, but I certainly like to be smart.

This manuscript, as a supplementary manual for the Course, has another remarkable characteristic: it is an expression of an uncompromising commitment to the spiritual philosophy of A Course in Miracles, “pure non-dualism,” and its integral active credo—forgiveness. Forgiveness and forgiveness again, until forgiveness becomes a 24/7 habit. Of course, many successful books based on the principles of the Course have been published. But when you delved deeper, you discovered that the most popular of them were also the most watered-down, often merging with New Age and self-help stereotypes. Gary, in his manuscript, did not deviate from either the metaphysics or the precise mental discipline of the Course, using clear terms. Whoever they were and wherever they came from, Arten and Pursa did not become barkers of another shop “How to achieve enlightenment in a weekend.”

Therefore, when I first read the manuscript, I realized: it deserves publication. It has a much better chance of becoming a book than I initially thought. Moreover, it is really too long; written in a three-way conversation format that is completely unacceptable in the eyes of many publishers, and finally draws on metaphysical sources that take it into the New Age realm, but at the same time the text is too strict for such an audience.

As I began searching for a publisher for Gary's manuscript, I realized that there was no publisher, large or small, that would take on this project, nipping in the bud the desire to chop it up, shuffle it, and make it "mainstream." It is clear from Gary's words that he is looking for a publisher who can maintain the work's integrity, format and thematic consistency. I reasonably believed that any publisher who accepted such a manuscript from a completely unknown author for consideration should immediately check whether he had escaped from a mental hospital.

And then I realized that I would publish it myself. The decision seemed ironic to me, since I do not believe in “enlightened mentors,” mainly because none of them had ever appeared on my radar. Despite the benefits A Course in Miracles has brought to my life, I have always had doubts about its supposed spiritual origins. This may shock other Course followers, but I have never cared what Jesus Christ had to do with it. The authenticity of the Course was demonstrated by the way it worked, producing positive and noticeable changes in the lives of many people I met and interviewed, and not because it was supposedly of divine origin. Thinking this way, I actually find myself on the same page as Arten and Pursa, who repeatedly reminded Gary that it is always the inner truth of the message that matters, not the specialty of the person conveying it.

Oddly enough, the message from this book came to me just in time to renew my interest in studying the Course. As I read Gary's work, I kept thinking, "Oh, that's what it was!" - or: “I forgot about that,” or: “Forgiveness - I wonder, does it really work?”

When I finished reading the manuscript, I realized that it had exactly the effect on me that Gary's teachers expected: a refreshing and inspiring course in the spirituality of the future. A Course in Miracles, despite its rapid audience growth since its publication in 1976, still has a relatively small following, and is likely to remain so for many years. Its metaphysics are too different from what most of the world believes, and its transformative discipline is too demanding to become the basis of a mass spiritual movement. However, as Gary's teachers predicted, I feel such a time will come sooner or later.

Although the Course may seem absolutist and inflexible, it is said to be the only version of the "Universal Order", in most cases recommending other spiritual and psychological paths to inner wisdom. However, the course recognizes that serious students will progress faster along this path than any other. As a spiritual pragmatist, I appreciate this rationale for purchasing a product.

In fact, hints periodically appear in the Course that awareness and fulfillment of the tasks of forgiveness saves a person “millennia” in the process of spiritual development. Since I've never relied much on reincarnation, I'm not entirely sure how this should be taken. But I have a feeling that I have been able to avoid a lot of suffering in the future thanks to decisions made under the influence of the Course - decisions that required letting go of habitual resentment, debilitating anger and limiting fear.

Before I became acquainted with the Course, I was on a path far from sublime and active wisdom. I came across that blue book just when I needed it most, and I’m happy to report that my seemingly chance encounter with this wonderful teaching was not only beneficial to me. I am sure that I would not have been able to benefit thousands of readers of my books if I had not completed the Course.

I feel the unmistakable influence of the Course in the decision to publish the first edition of this book, and it took a little time for it to become apparent that all the risks that the manuscript presented were

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