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Is it possible to have a gas water heater? Documents for installing a geyser

Such a water heater is one of the cheapest ways to make up for the lack of hot water in an apartment. But it is unlikely to be possible to install such equipment yourself without experience and special knowledge. Only specialists can guarantee high-quality and safe installation. Before purchasing the device and starting installation work, you should take care of permission for installation from the services responsible for gas supply and administration.

To obtain permission for a gas water heater, you must prepare a package of documents. Their list and duration of the procedure depends on the complexity of the installation work:

  • Obtaining permission for a new dispenser will be more difficult and time consuming;
  • The permitting procedure for reinstalling the same type of equipment in the old location is much simpler.

Documents for new equipment

In this case, it will be necessary to re-equip water supply communications, gas pipelines, and smoke exhaust. Permission to carry out such large-scale and risky work is issued by the relevant services. To obtain it you will need:

  • report on the condition of ventilation ducts from the smoke exhaust and ventilation control service;
  • the technical passport of the device for preparing a project for its installation, if it has not yet been purchased, can be limited to indicating the model;
  • the project itself, which is ordered from the relevant gas supply service;
  • an application to the settlement administration for the refurbishment of housing (submitted with a completed project);
  • application to the gas supply service for work.

Documents for reinstallation

In this case, the package of documents is smaller. To obtain them, you will also need to contact the management company and specialized service. The package includes:

  • certified copies of the design of water and gas supply, chimney in the house;
  • plan under a column with device characteristics;
  • application to the gas service to replace equipment;
  • application for repair work on communications.

When all the necessary permits are in hand, you can install a gas water heater. It is better to entrust this to gas service specialists or commercial organizations with a good reputation.

They will be able to install the device in a qualified manner strictly according to the requirements of the current SNiP.


Experts do not recommend installing a geyser on your own. Even with minor errors in installation, it creates a threat to those living in the apartment and to the rest of the inhabitants of the house. Incorrect installation of such a device can cause a leak, which will cause poisoning, fire or explosion with damage or collapse of the home.

In all cases, the probability of death is high. The least troublesome problem with self-installation may be the loss of the warranty on the newly purchased equipment.

Installation equipment

  • To perform installation work, you will need a set of materials for connecting to gas and water supply, chimney, and fasteners to securely hang the device on the wall. Regardless of the model, the materials should include:
  • a millimeter-long galvanized metal pipe that will withstand high temperatures and will not burn out prematurely;
  • filters for purifying and softening water, which will slow down the formation of scale and extend the periods between cleanings;
  • ball valves, couplings, adapters, tees for connecting communications;
  • a special hose for connecting the gas pipe and the corresponding heater pipe;

fasteners for hanging equipment on the supporting wall (dowels, anchors, liners, drills).


Such a heater is not allowed to be placed in every apartment. According to SNiPs, it can be installed in a kitchen or technical room.

  • Such a room should:
  • have an area of ​​at least 8 m3;
  • ceilings with a height of 2 meters;

walls made of fireproof materials.

  • A supporting wall made of less resistant materials must be protected with a screen made of thermal insulating cardboard (3 - 5 mm) and a galvanized metal sheet (1 mm). The placement location must provide sufficient free space around the device:
  • from the side panel to the wall at least 15 cm;
  • from the front panel to any object opposite, from 60 cm:

at least 10 cm from the stove.

The height of the device is adjusted according to the viewing window of the front panel, which should be at eye level.


  • If installation work is carried out at a new location, the invited specialist must:
  • make an insertion into the gas supply pipe;
  • install a gas meter;
  • line the load-bearing wall with a heat shield;

prepare an outlet from the water supply pipeline and a pipe for discharging heated water.

  • Then the actual installation of the heater is performed:
  • the device is suspended using fasteners installed in pre-drilled holes;
  • the water inlet pipe is connected to the cold water pipe;
  • the outlet pipe is connected to a pipe for distributing heated water;
  • a chimney corrugation and a draft sensor are fixed on the smoke exhaust pipe;
  • the reverse end is connected to the adapter installed on the hood.


After completion of installation work, a performance check is performed. To do this you need:

  • open the gas supply using the gas pipeline valve;
  • Using a soap solution, check for leaks at the gas hose connections;
  • open the hot water tap.

The startup of the column and the release of heated water from the tap indicates a successful installation and that the device can be used for domestic purposes.

After this, a gas service specialist seals the gas meter, and the owners are given:

  • act of acceptance of the device into operation;
  • act of technical supervision and the Ministry of Emergency Situations on compliance with technical requirements and fire safety requirements.

The heater installation project is entered into the BTI documents, which completes the official registration of the right to use the water heater.

Installing a geyser in an apartment is the most reliable, widespread and cheapest way to solve the problem of “hot” water supply. Indeed, in such volumes and so cheaply, only a gas water heater “generates” hot water. This is actually why most water heaters in domestic houses and apartments are “powered” by gas.

And this article will discuss the installation of a gas water heater - such work is usually not done with one’s own hands, but every homeowner who wants to control the estimate of the management company or gas service should have an idea of ​​the essence of the process.

Geyser - convenience and reliability

Installation of gas water heaters (dispensers) is regulated by the norms and rules set out in SNiP 42-01-2002. According to the recommendations set out in this document, boilers are connected to low pressure gas pipelines (0.3 MPa).

Therefore, connecting the dispenser begins with drawing up a project for the “internal” gas pipeline. Without such a project, no management company will undertake the installation of a new water dispenser. After all, the column needs not only a gas pipe, it also needs an exhaust hood - a channel for removing combustion products or unburned “fuel”. And all the installation details, including recommendations regarding the dimensions of the exhaust duct, will be displayed only in the design documentation.

Well, if a water heater is not provided for in the gasification project, then the necessary changes are simply made to the documentation - a diagram of the installation of a gas water heater is drawn on the drawings. And if such a scheme is already present in the design documentation, then the apartment owner can look for a master who is ready to take on this work.

Moreover, all manipulations with the project concern only the owners of new speakers installed in the apartment for the first time. Replacing an existing gas heater does not require any approval from regulatory authorities: after all, this source of consumption is already included in the home gasification project.

However, most modern kitchens fit the regulated standards for installing a geyser (according to today’s SNiP, water heaters are installed only in this functional area).

After all, premises suitable for installing speakers must meet fairly modest requirements, namely:

  • The kitchen area must exceed 7.5 square meters.
  • The ceiling height cannot be less than 2 meters.
  • The dimensions of the receiving channel for the “chimney” must correspond to a circle with a diameter of 120 millimeters. A standard exhaust vent is suitable for these conditions.
  • The supporting surface of the column (kitchen wall) must be constructed of non-combustible materials.

As a result, most apartment owners can order the services of a designer without the risk of wasting money. Simply put: these days the opportunity to install a water heater is available to every owner of a gasified apartment.

How to install a geyser correctly: installation algorithm

After developing and agreeing on the speaker installation project, you can look for a contractor. Moreover, the main search criterion is the contractor’s interest in the fact of the existence of a project for connecting a water heater.

If there is such an interest, then you have a conscientious contractor ready to take responsibility for his work. If not, look for someone else.

After all, the main requirement for installing a geyser is compliance with safety rules.

And if the “performer” is ready to risk not only his reputation, but also your safety, then the conclusions about the competence of such a “specialist” are already obvious.

Preparing consumables

After the contractor has been found, you will have to purchase an additional set of “consumables”, which will include:

  • A galvanized pipe with a millimeter-thick wall is used in the construction of a “chimney,” so fittings with a very thin wall (tenths of a millimeter) will simply burn out in such conditions.
  • Water purification and softening filter - with the help of this unit you can delay the procedure for cleaning the column from scale. Well, without a filter, the column will become “clogged” with scale in a couple of years.
  • A set of fittings, which will include tees, adapters, ball valves and couplings.
  • A gas hose used to connect the valve of the home gas pipeline and the fitting of the column.
  • Dowels, liners, concrete drills - these components will be consumed during the installation of the column on the supporting surface.

Having purchased all the above components and parts, you can invite a specialist to your home.

Installation of equipment

A typical column installation algorithm looks like this:

  • First, you should select the location of the column on the supporting surface (wall). Moreover, this place should be removed from the stove by 10 centimeters (at least) and raised above the floor level to a height calculated as follows - the viewing window, through which you can observe the operating burner, should be located at the user’s eye level.
  • Next, the column is secured to the wall with dowels driven into pre-drilled holes with installed liners.
  • A gas hose is connected to the fixed column, screwed onto a separate fitting, the diameter of which differs from the dimensions of the “plumbing” outlets.
  • The next step is the installation of the “cold water supply-dispenser” line. It is implemented as follows: a separate line is drawn from the collector, ending at the receiving fitting of the column. Moreover, it is very important not to confuse the “receiving” branch with the “graduating” branch. However, experienced masters do not make such mistakes.
  • Next, you need to arrange an “exit” from the column by connecting the outlet fitting to the manifold of the “hot” branch of the water supply system.
  • At the very end, a galvanized chimney is put on the upper pipe of the column, fixing the draft sensor in a special place. The free end of the chimney is led into the kitchen exhaust duct using a special adapter.
  • The final stage - checking the operability of the column is carried out as follows: the valve on the branch pipe of the household gas pipeline is moved to the “open” position; the connection of the gas hose and the column is checked with soap suds (bubbles appear - there is a leak); open the “hot” valve in the mixer. And if the water heater started up and hot water came out of the tap, then everything was done correctly.

The specified procedure is observed, with certain deviations, in any case. And if your master behaves somehow wrong, then you should think about hiring a new specialist.

Installing a geyser with your own hands - is it worth doing?

Technically, installing a geyser is no more difficult than connecting a simple boiler. But the consequences of such “amateur activity” can change the lives of not only the apartment owners, but their closest neighbors in the house.

After all, the gas not only burns, but also detonates quite powerfully after connecting with a certain volume of air. Don't believe me? Then conduct a bold experiment - open the burner of the gas stove, count at least 10-15 seconds and bring a match. Did you feel it?! Now imagine all this raised to a power of 1000.

Yes, this is exactly how entire entrances blow up. Moreover, natural gas is colorless and odorless. That is, you will not feel a leak even if you check your self-installed heater literally every hour. And is it worth living in such stress? So you can end up with persecution mania.

That is why permission to install a geyser is given only to people with strong nerves and extensive experience working with pressure systems. Well, we can only trust the professionals. Practice shows that such a solution will be the most optimal both from the point of view of security and from the point of view of legality. After all, no one has yet canceled fines for unauthorized installation of gas appliances.

You are right SNiP 2.04.08-87* “Gas supply” was canceled by the new regulatory document SNiP 42-01-2002 “Gas distribution systems”. However, if SNiP 2.04.08-87* specifically states (clause 6.37*) that the installation of water heaters, heating boilers and heating devices in bathrooms is not allowed, then SNiP 42-01-2002 does not. There is also no this specific prohibition in other SNiPs.
It should be noted that when installing a geyser in the bathroom of a single-apartment house, one should be guided by SNiP 31-02-2001 “Single-apartment residential houses”. The list of regulatory documents on which this currently valid SNiP is based includes SNiP 2.04.08-87*, which, as mentioned above, has now been cancelled. As for SNiP 42-01-2002, it states (clause 7.1) that the possibility of placing gas-using equipment in the premises of buildings for various purposes and the requirements for these premises are established by the relevant SNiP for the design and construction of buildings, taking into account the requirements of standards and other documents on supply of the specified equipment. In addition, you must comply with the requirements of these factory passports and instructions that define the scope and conditions of use of gas-using equipment. At the same time, it is prohibited to place gas units operating on natural gas or LPG in the basement and ground floors of buildings, except for single-family and semi-detached residential buildings, unless the possibility of such placement is regulated by the relevant building codes and regulations.
When installing a geyser in the bathroom of an apartment building, you should be guided by SNiP 31-01-2003 “Residential multi-apartment buildings”, which also does not specifically state that geysers cannot be installed in bathrooms. However, it imposes strict requirements both on the premises in which gas units are installed and on the heat generators themselves.
Clause 7.3.7 of SNiP 31-01-2003 states that if it is not possible or advisable to connect new and reconstructed multi-apartment residential buildings to a centralized or autonomous heat supply system in apartments, it is allowed to provide individual heat supply systems with natural gas heat generators with closed combustion chambers.
In this case, heat generators (ibid. 7.3.8) should be placed in a separate non-residential premises, and the total thermal power of heat generators should not exceed 100 kW. The installation of heat generators with a total thermal power of up to 35 kW is allowed in kitchens.
The same SNiP provides requirements for the premises for heat generators (clause 7.3.8):

  • the room must have a window, the glazing area of ​​which is determined at the rate of 0.03 m2 per 1 m3 of room volume;

  • the window must have a window or other special device located in the upper part of the window for ventilation;

  • the volume of the room is determined based on the conditions for ease of operation of heat generators and installation work, and must be at least 15 m 3 ;

  • the height of the room must be at least 2.2 m;

  • The dimensions of the room must provide passages with a width of at least 0.7 m.
It should be borne in mind that heat generators are not allowed to be placed in the basement of apartment buildings.
Heat generators should be installed (clause 7.3.8):

  • near walls or on walls made of non-combustible and low-combustible materials;

  • at a distance no closer than 3 cm to walls made of flammable materials coated with non-flammable or low-combustible wall materials. The specified wall covering must protrude beyond the dimensions of the heat generator housing by at least 10 cm;

  • the area of ​​the floor under the floor-mounted heat generator must have a protective coating made of non-flammable or low-combustible materials and protrude beyond the dimensions of the heat generator body by at least 10 cm.
Section 6.2 “Apartment heating systems” of SNiP 41-01-2003 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning” presents the requirements for gas-using equipment and the premises in which it is installed. So, for multi-apartment residential buildings and built-in public premises, heat generators should be used:

  • with a closed (sealed) combustion chamber;

  • with an automatic safety system that ensures that the fuel supply is stopped in the event of a power outage, in the event of a malfunction of the protection circuits, when the burner flame goes out, when the coolant pressure drops below the maximum permissible value, when the maximum permissible coolant temperature is reached, or in the event of smoke removal failure;

  • with coolant temperature up to 95°C;

  • with coolant pressure up to 1.0 MPa.
Paragraph 6.2.3 of SNiP 41-01-2003 states that in apartments, heat generators with a total heating capacity of up to 35 kW can be installed in kitchens, corridors and non-residential premises. Heat generators with a total heating capacity of over 35 kW should be placed in a separate room. In this case, the total power of heat generators installed in this room should not exceed 100 kW.
Air intake for combustion (clause 6.2.4 SNiP 41-01-2003) must be carried out:

  • · for heat generators with closed combustion chambers - air ducts directly outside the building;

  • · for heat generators with open combustion chambers - directly from the premises in which the heat generators are installed.
In this case, the chimney (in the same paragraph 6.2.5) must have a vertical direction and not have narrowings. It is prohibited to lay chimneys through residential premises.
In the room where heat generators with a closed combustion chamber are installed (see also clause 6.2.8), general exchange ventilation should be provided according to calculation, but not less than one exchange per hour. And in the rooms of heat generators with an open combustion chamber, the air flow for fuel combustion should also be taken into account, while the ventilation system should not allow vacuum inside the room, which affects the operation of smoke removal from the heat generators.
Summarizing all of the above, let's consider what demands gas services can make against installing speakers in the bathroom.
So the bathroom must have a room volume of at least 15 m³, which is not realistic for an ordinary city apartment. In addition, the room in which the gas unit is installed must have a window, the area of ​​which, based on the calculation, must be at least 0.45 m². This is necessary both for safety reasons and for ventilation of the room. As a rule, the bathrooms of city apartments do not have windows facing the street, and this is another discrepancy with the requirements of SNiP.
Thus, if these parameters do not comply with the requirements of the governing documents, specialists of the gas supply organization may prohibit installation of a gas mounted unit in a bathroom apartments.

Added: 06/11/2012 14:09

Discussion of the issue on the forum:

Is it possible to install a geyser in the bathroom? If so, what requirements need to be taken into account? If not, what documents prohibit this? SNiP 2.04.08-87* is not valid, and SNiP 42-01-2002 does not specifically say this?

Various devices are used to heat water in the apartment. This could be a boiler room, boiler or gas water heater. Installing the latter is a truly dangerous and responsible task. The slightest inaccuracy can lead to a gas leak, or even an explosion in the apartment. That is why there are a lot of rules and regulations for the installation of this device, failure to comply with which is punishable by law. Today we will explain to you in detail all the stages of connecting a gas water heater, but if you do not have the appropriate knowledge, we advise you not to try to do this work yourself.

As you probably understand, in order to install any gas appliance, you must comply with the relevant standards and regulations. If you neglect at least one of them, you risk not only getting into trouble with the law, but also causing the death of people close to you.

Connecting a speaker with your own hands is an unsafe activity. According to state regulations, only organizations with a special license have the right to carry out such installation.

If you already have an old speaker, then you can easily replace it with a new device yourself. However, installing the device from “a” to “z” with your own hands is prohibited.

If you decide to connect a gas water heater yourself, or entrust only part of the work to special services, then you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of SNiP for such installation. They are applicable both in an apartment and in a private house.

SNiP standards:

  • Installation of a gas water heater is only possible in a room with a volume of at least 7 cubic meters. meters;
  • The wall on which you plan to hang the speaker should be made of non-flammable material, such as brick or concrete.
  • The room where the gas water heater will be installed must have a window and a good ventilation system;
  • In an apartment with a column, the ceilings must have a height of at least 2 meters;
  • In order to install the column, you need to find a chimney in the room;
  • For normal operation of the column, the water pressure in the system must be at least 1 atm.
  • You cannot install the column in the bathroom or toilet, and the gas unit must be located at a distance of at least 10 cm from the stove. In this case, the column cannot be hung above the stove.

These are new SNiP standards regarding the installation of a gas water heater. The old standards were slightly different, so if your old water heater is installed in the bathroom, you can put a new unit in its place, and this will not be a violation of the law.

Preparing documents before connecting the gas water heater

The first installation of a geyser requires a lot of fuss with documentation and quite high costs. However, this fact does not scare most apartment owners.

To install a water heater in an apartment where there is no gas supply, you will have to install these lines yourself. Such work alone will cost you quite a lot, so it’s better to team up with neighbors who, like you, want to install a speaker.

The first installation of a column includes the following “Paper” steps:

  1. You need to obtain consent to supply gas from distributors and transporters and install a land allotment for the gas pipeline. You also need to calculate consumption and get a list of technical conditions.
  2. Next you need to do the design. This stage consists of concluding an agreement, collecting and examining documents, as well as obtaining permission from several authorities.
  3. After installation work is completed, an agreement is concluded between GORGAZ and OBLGAZ.

To obtain all the necessary permits, you need to collect a whole list of documents. We'll give you the most complete list, but depending on the area you live in and how often you install the speaker, the list may get smaller.

List of documentation required to obtain permission:

  • A copy of a document confirming that you are the owner of the apartment;
  • Copy of pages 2, 3 and 5 of your passport;
  • A copy of your TIN;
  • Permission to process your data;
  • A document confirming the purchase of gas, as well as a letter confirming the conclusion of a work contract;
  • Gas equipment service agreement;
  • Specifications for connection to gas and documents on the implementation of specifications;
  • Copies of gas equipment;
  • A copy of the act on the division of property between the owner of the apartment and the distributor;
  • Copies of gas meter technical passports and confirmation of their verification;
  • A copy of the gasification project and a stamp from the metrology department of Gazprom.

The prepared list of documents is submitted to the appropriate authorities. After some time has passed, you should receive a verdict from the gas services.

How to install a geyser

We have come directly to the stage of installing the gas water heater. If you have installed gas lines, received all the necessary documentation and completed all the specifications, then it will not be difficult to install it yourself.

How to install the column correctly:

  1. The front panel is removed from the speaker. Using the markings for the speaker mounts, mark the installation locations for the anchors. The correctness of the markings is checked using a building level. Now, according to the markings, you need to drill holes, insert dowels and anchors.
  2. Most modern speakers have a special mounting plate. It must be installed at the marked level, leveled using a building level.
  3. Install the column itself onto the plate. Clicks indicate correct installation.
  4. Lay a corrugated pipe from the outlet of the column to the common chimney. Treat the wall with a hammer drill and insert a chimney. The gap between the wall and the chimney needs to be foamed.

It's too early to install the front panel. First you need to connect to gas and water.

Connection diagram for a geyser to water and gas

If you are installing a column for the first time, you will have to run a gas pipe to it. To do this, you will need to invite craftsmen who will cut a tee into the gas pipe and install the pipe on it.

You can hang the pipe directly to the connection point. This gas connection scheme eliminates the need to use a gas hose. In this case, you must first install the column, and only then connect the gas pipe.

The other option is more practical, as it allows you to install the column at any time convenient for you. In this case, the pipe is led to the installation only half a meter, and the remaining route is installed by installing a gas valve.

Ball valves are installed on cold and hot water lines. It is also advisable to install coarse and fine filters in front of the column. Such devices will allow you to increase the service life of the heat exchanger.

It is very important to find a high-quality speaker, since your safety will depend on how good the unit you choose is. We advise you to take a closer look at models from well-known manufacturers, for example, Bosch or Vaillant.

To connect water to the column, you can run a pipe 30 cm and finish the remaining distance with a flexible hose or connect pipes made of steel, metal-plastic or propylene directly to the column. To install the pipes, you will need to install a special tee into the water supply.

Starting and setting up a gas water heater

Before starting the column, it is necessary to check all the seams connecting to the water supply and gas pipeline hoses. They must be sealed. There is a proven method by which you can check the tightness of gas connections.

How to check the tightness of gas connections:

  • Lubricate all gas pipe joints and fittings with soapy water;
  • Open the gas valve;
  • Check connections for bubbles.

If there are no bubbles, then the connections are sealed. You can check the connections to the water supply without any special accessories, just by making sure the seams are dry.

Next, you need to perform all the necessary steps to start the column according to the instructions. A very important step is setup. It can only be done with a pressure gauge. The adjusting bolt sets the gas pressure, and the wiper sets the air supply.

Connecting a gas water heater with your own hands (video)

Installing a gas water heater is a very difficult and responsible task. You can do some of the steps yourself, but some steps will have to be entrusted to special services. If you do everything correctly, then you will not need repairs to your gas device for a long time.

Gas water heaters are considered one of the cheapest ways to solve hot water supply problems. This equipment is installed in most private homes. If the house is old, most likely there is an old-style water heater installed here, which can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous. a newer one will allow you to prepare hot water as cheaply as possible. With the new device you don’t have to worry about safety, and it’s very convenient to use.

Standards and requirements that govern the installation of geysers in apartments

Having decided on a replacement, the first thing you should do is familiarize yourself with the rules for installing geysers in apartments and houses. Issues regarding the installation and connection of these units are covered in SNiP. The document is called “Gas distribution systems”, and its number is 01/42/2002. If distribution systems or internal wiring were made on the basis of polymer pipes, then in addition to this document there is another one - SP 42-101-2003. These are “general provisions for the design and construction of gas distribution systems made of metal and polyethylene pipes.”

The main requirement for replacing geysers in an apartment, which is described in SNiPs, states that any work related to the organization of gas supply can only be carried out by specially trained people from gas facilities or private organizations. The latter must have a license for these works. By law, any independent changes can lead to explosions. Also, independent work is punishable by serious fines.

The pressure in the water supply system must be no less than 0.1 atmospheres. The speaker should be mounted on a wall that is lined with non-flammable materials. It cannot be closer than ten centimeters to the stove or above it. This is strictly prohibited.

Do I need to register?

Replacing a gas water heater with a new one is not specially formalized. But if a new one was installed where there was no water heater before, then official projects would need to be developed. They are ordered from gas utilities or companies licensed for such work. Any installation work is prohibited until the project is approved.

If the column has already been installed before

When replacing due to a malfunction, not only the unit itself, but also its passport should be changed. If you perform the installation yourself, the passport of the new dispenser will not include a note about putting the device into operation and inspections.

In accordance with fire safety requirements in residential buildings, gas equipment is inspected annually. It will not be possible to hide a gas water heater yourself from specialists. In this case, the equipment will be forcibly turned off, and the pipe will be sealed.

After the notice is received, you will have to reinstall the water heater. But this is done with the involvement of certified companies and specialists. They will conduct a study of the ventilation ducts. In old buildings, the channels are often clogged with various debris. Operation of such passages can be dangerous.

What are the dangers of self-installation?

Even if an old gas water heater is replaced with a new one, this is not a guarantee that everything will be fine. If during installation a gas pipe was inserted past the meter, then this falls under an article of the administrative code. There is a fine for this.

In addition to the provision of administrative penalties, there is also an article from the law “On Fire Safety”. According to it, the owner of the property may even incur criminal liability (depending on the severity of the consequences).

Materials and tools

To replace a gas water heater, you will need a hammer drill with a concrete drill. You should also prepare a set of open-end wrenches for 27/30 and 32/36, a gas pipe wrench, sealant, and FUM tape.

In addition to the speaker, you should purchase an outlet. This is a decorative element used to decorate the chimney inlet on the wall. Need an oblique water filter. Alternatively, you can buy a water softening system. To connect the water heater to the water supply system, various bends, tees, hoses, and taps are purchased. Experts advise purchasing flexible wiring. It is easier to work with due to the absence of the need to seal connections.

To connect to the gas main you will need a gas hose. It must be of sufficient length and have a thread for connection to the gas unit. It is worth making sure that the thread on the hose matches the one on the column. To connect the latter to the chimney, buy a galvanized pipe with a wall thickness of at least one millimeter. Such requirements are due to high gas temperatures. Thin-walled pipes burn out quickly.

Removing the old heater

First of all, turn off the gas supply valve to the column. Next, use a wrench to unscrew the nut that holds the gas hose to the column pipe. The hose should be carefully inspected. If it is worn or damaged, it is better to replace it.

Before disconnecting the device from the water supply system, it is recommended to close the rack valve. In the absence of the latter, shut off the valve at the entrance to the apartment. Pipes and flexible wiring are disconnected using wrenches. All that remains is to disconnect the pipe connected to the chimney. After this, the device can be safely removed from the wall.

On some dispensers, the gas supply may be in the form of a steel pipe. The coupling that connects the pipe and the pipe is difficult to unscrew. If you apply too much force, you can ruin the pipe. The clutch does not rotate well due to paint. First, remove the paint layer and then unscrew the coupling.

Installation of a new heater

Replacing a gas one should begin with the installation of fasteners. They are screwed using standard dowels. The location for the column is chosen based on the requirements of SNiPs.

When a suitable place is found, holes are marked on the wall. They must be strictly horizontal. This can be checked using a building level. Next, holes are made according to the markings. If there is tile on the wall, then you should purchase a separate drill for it.

Once the tiles have been drilled through, install a regular concrete drill. You can turn on the impact mode on a drill or hammer drill. After the holes are ready, screw in the dowels. The entire mounting kit is hung on the latter. Connection is the most important step when replacing a gas water heater. Mistakes are not allowed here. We will look at how to connect the unit to water and gas.

Connection to water supply

To do this, a tee is cut into the pipe with cold water. A filter, shut-off valve and other devices are screwed to the latter. This is relevant for installing a column for the first time - when replacing, there is already a tee in the pipe. Then a hose is attached to it, which at its other end is connected to the inlet pipe on the heater. It is worth doing this carefully so as not to confuse the inlet and outlet pipes.

The output is marked in blue and the exit is marked in red. The outlet element is usually connected to the tee and faucet through a hose that is connected to the hot line.

Final stage: connecting to gas

When connecting to gas yourself, do not tighten the nuts too much. This can easily crush the gaskets inside the hoses. After installing and tightening all the nuts, cover both ends of the hose with soapy foam and open the gas valve. If bubbles begin to grow, there are leaks. The nuts are tightened. This is repeated until all leaks are eliminated.

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