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Insurance company Sberbank life insurance. Personal account Sberbank Insurance: options Insurance company SK Sberbank life insurance

One of the most profitable financial investments is the use of insurance services from Sberbank. This financial instrument allows you to provide yourself and your property with protection from the bank, which in case of unforeseen situations will issue a pre-agreed amount of compensation to the victim. Both investment life insurance and a traditional fixed payout option are available.

The Sberbank insurance system provides protection for almost any event in life. Anyone can use the service; it is enough to conclude an agreement and gain access to a separate account on a specially designated website.

All information on the conditions for providing insurance to individuals and their property is available on official page systems. A site visitor can independently familiarize himself with the list of services and the rules for their use using detailed instructions, as well as thanks to round-the-clock support from online consultants. Potential clients of the Sberbank insurance system have access to simple registration, after which they will have access to their personal account.

Features and advantages of the insurance system

Insurance products

To use the services provided by the insurance company to its clients, a minimal financial investment will be required on the part of the system user. Small monthly contributions will not harm the family budget, but thanks to them, any unforeseen situation in life will be resolved much easier. Using the Sberbank insurance system, an individual, after the expiration of the contract, will receive 100% compensation for all funds spent on paying regular contributions.

During registration, the client will be offered one of the existing programs, consisting of the following parameters:

Regardless of whether an insured event occurs or not, the client of the service will receive compensation with a minimum amount equal to 100% of the amount invested. Thanks to the 24-hour operation of the personal account, the user will be able to issue a policy at any time, as well as view current information on the personal account. In addition to the main functions of Sberbank Insurance, the site offers additional services, such as online consultation with a specialist and provision of data on current offers via e-mail.

Registration and service capabilities

To gain access to your personal account, you will need to go through a simple registration procedure on the company’s official website. To do this you will need an address. Email, mobile phone and passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.


The entire registration process is as simplified and intuitive as possible, thanks to which even a person who has no experience in operating a computer can gain access to the system.

After entering the data, an activation code will be sent to your email

Activation code

When using Sberbank Insurance services for the first time, the user will be offered the following choice:

  • selection of persons who will be covered by the policy. Three options are offered - spouses, children and parents. Depending on the choice made, access to types of insurance coverage may change;
  • a policy program that specifies unforeseen events that serve as the basis for payment of compensation. In the Sberbank insurance system, you can select both a whole group of situations and their individual elements;
  • a choice of the amount that will be paid in the event of physical damage or financial damage as agreed upon by the parties is provided. The amount of the monthly contribution will depend on this parameter.

Personal Area

By choosing suitable conditions provided by Sberbank services, the company’s client will receive a reliable partner who will help reduce Negative consequences in the event of unforeseen circumstances that pose a threat to physical or financial condition person.

Sberbank is rightfully a leader among other credit institutions. And this is determined not only by the predominant number of clients, but also by the huge selection of banking products. Some of them are separated into separate companies owned by Sberbank. For example, Sberbank offers life insurance to all its clients and more.

On the official website of Sberbank, life insurance is possible by going to a special section. Sberbank clients connected to their personal account online can become participants in the program.

Getting access to your Sberbank personal account for life insurance is as easy as registering your personal account on the Rusfinance website -

Features of registration in the policyholder’s personal account

On the Sberbank website for life insurance, a personal account is needed to view history and perform a number of other functions.

Login using login and password

You can open your personal page after you have signed an insurance agreement with a credit institution. By accessing the official Sberbank website, life insurance is possible after logging into your personal account.


To do this you will need a login and password. If a Sberbank client uses the site’s services for the first time, he needs to register. This is the second section that is presented on the page. Besides them, there are others here:

  • insurance case;
  • information.

To register the policyholder, personal data will be required. The service warns that the information must be specified exactly as it was written down in the agreement between the client and Sberbank. Next is the date of birth.

Full name, date of birth

The next step is for the user to select the product for which the contract has been concluded. It must be found in the proposed list.

Personal data

During registration, you must provide information such as numbers and series of the insurance contract. If there are several such agreements, you can specify any one. You also need to enter the number mobile phone and email address. Last action– come up with a username and password. The secret code must be reliable to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the Sberbank website. To eliminate the error, the service prompts you to enter the password characters again.

Login and password

How to recover your password?

If the password has been forgotten, the service offers certain actions to restore it. To do this, you need to go back to the login page for your Sberbank personal account. Here you will need to click on the password recovery link.

After this, the life insurance service will offer to choose a password recovery option:

  • via email;
  • via mobile phone.

Both of them must match what the user indicated in the contract during registration. They will receive a new password. When you first log in, you can replace it with another one.

Life insurance programs from Sberbank

Sberbank offers users a large selection of life insurance programs. On the official website, you should carefully study their terms and conditions, and then select them in your personal account. For example, there is the Head of Family program. Within its framework, relatives and friends receive help in the event of adverse incidents with the family breadwinner.

The client receives the policy within a few minutes after filling out the required form in his personal account. The document is sent to your email address. Its main advantage is the fact that it operates in any country.

The page describes the financial component of the program. We are talking about the amount of insurance protection and its cost for the year. Insurance protection options and the cost of the policy are also indicated. It also defines the risks that the policy protects against and its validity period.

Sberbank products

Sberbank offers life insurance program in your personal account different types policies. Among the most popular:

  • protecting loved ones online;
  • protected borrower online;
  • travel insurance online.

In addition, the list includes insurance against accidents and illnesses. As well as popular investment and savings life insurance.

Savings and investment insurance - how to apply for it?

You can also take out savings and investment insurance in your Sberbank personal account.

The endowment life insurance program allows you to accumulate the required amount by a specific date, as well as in case of unfavorable situations with health and life - obtain insurance. Clients of two banking products – Sberbank Premier and Sberbank First – can participate in this program. Thanks to the program, each participant has the following opportunities:

  • save for certain goals for the child, for example, education, first purchase, mortgage payment;
  • preserve funds by taking advantage of the program's tax and legal benefits.

In the latter case we're talking about that the personal income tax tax base can be reduced by the Central Bank refinancing rate. Insurance payments are not subject to income tax individual. These funds cannot be confiscated, recovered, and during a divorce they are not divided between spouses, like jointly acquired property.

And one more thing - the insurance amount is inherited by the person who is indicated as the beneficial owner. There is no need to wait six months to enter into an inheritance; the period for this is 30 days. The investment accumulation program offers similar conditions. In this case, funds can be invested in different stocks. The choice is always up to the user. These could be shares of companies on the RTS index, Sberbank, or the first link of the US economy. In addition, you can invest in real estate and gold.

How to use the office?

You can report the occurrence of an insured event online.

Notification about the occurrence of an insured event

You can also check the status of your application by entering your email and application number in the fields.

Application status

In your Sberbank personal account, you can carry out all operations on programs in which the user participates. To do this, you need to refer to the life insurance program and the section that interests the user. Next, select a service option. If necessary, you can make another payment. It is established by the client in the contract and can be one-time, annual, semi-annual or quarterly.

In this case, protection is provided in full immediately after the first payment is made. The target savings amount is formed from payment to payment. Also in your personal account, options for situations when it is possible to obtain insurance coverage are indicated. It is paid in the agreed amount and does not in any way affect the amount of savings.

After the contract has expired, the company makes payment in full. And if investment income was accrued during this period, then it is added to the main insured amount. Payments are made only to the person indicated as the recipient of the insurance payment. In your personal account you can resolve all issues without leaving your home.

The life and health of an individual in the event of an accident, illness, disability or death. The beneficiary can be either the Bank or another person determined by the insured.

Insurance cases

  • Death of the insured person (borrower) as a result of an accident or illness
  • Loss of ability to work by the insured person (borrower) and the establishment of disability of group I or II as a result of an accident or illness
  • Temporary disability

New services

  • Remote medical consultation
  • Second remote medical opinion

Tariff for connecting to the insurance program

Voluntary life and health insurance of the borrower - 2.4% per year

Voluntary life insurance, health insurance and in connection with involuntary loss of work - 3.6% per year

Voluntary life insurance and in case of diagnosis of a critical illness – 3.6%.

Voluntary life and health insurance of an individual with a choice of parameters - 2.6% per year

The program is carried out in partnership with Sberbank Life Insurance LLC (licenses Central Bank SZh No. 3692 dated 07/04/2016, SL No. 3692 dated 07/04/2016. Address: 121170, Moscow, Poklonnaya St., 3 building 1).

The client has the right to purchase protection from any insurance company.

A timely issued insurance policy allows you to avoid many problems in the future. But the question arises, in which bank can you take out a policy with more favorable conditions for yourself. The choice is obvious! Sberbank, the largest and most reliable bank in Russia, offers many insurance programs. One of the most popular services among the population today is “Life Insurance from Sberbank”.

The new Sberbank life insurance website offers several types of contracts, which will be discussed further.

Protecting loved ones

  • Fractures of body bones;
  • for chemical and thermal burns;
  • when receiving serious injuries;
  • with frostbite.

Also, the life insurance contract in Sberbank implies payment when death occurs loved one due to being involved in an accident or train accident.

Each contract program for the protection of loved ones includes certain mandatory elements, such as:

  • Amount of one-time contribution;
  • the amount of the insured amount;
  • list of persons to whom compensation applies.

Separately, there are three categories of close relatives for whom a life insurance contract can be issued:

  • Children under 24 years of age;
  • spouses from 18 to 65 years old;
  • parents, aged from 35 to 75 years.

The standard insurance premium in the contract for this type of service is defined in three options: 900, 1800 and 4500 rubles. In each case, the client receives amounts for the “Injury” risk in the range of 100,000, 200,000 and 500,000 rubles.

There is a separate service called “Protection of Loved Ones Plus,” which provides clients with slightly different conditions for obtaining a policy.

Head of the family

Life and health insurance for the head of the family is very important, since this person most often provides his loved ones with everything they need, earning money and solving problems that arise. In this case, the policy allows you to preserve the financial well-being of relatives even in the most difficult life circumstances.

Among the insured events of this insurance program, it is worth highlighting the following conditions:

  • Death of the head of the family as a result of an accident;
  • becoming disabled due to an accident.

On the official site The following benefits of insurance can be identified:

  • Fast execution of the contract;
  • the need to provide only the client’s passport;
  • choice of different levels of insurance premium;
  • The policy is valid all over the world 24 hours a day.

The insurance premium can be in the amount of 900, 1800 and 4500 rubles. Accordingly, the client receives an insurance amount of 300,000, 600,000 and 1,500,000 rubles.

Family protection

Protecting your family from any accidents is an important task that should not be neglected. The price of the issue is insignificant compared to the guarantee of financial security of loved ones. Sberbank Life Insurance is a reliable tool for protecting loved ones.

There are several categories of those who may be covered by a family protection policy:

  • Spouses (from 18 to 70 years old);
  • children (from 2 to 50 years);
  • grandchildren (from 2 to 30 years old).

Insurance is issued for one year. After this period, it is possible to extend the agreement between the bank and the client.

Each family protection category has its own insurance conditions. This applies to the amount of payment and the monthly insurance premium. You can make payments in your Sberbank Insurance personal account on the official website. After signing the agreement, access to your personal account will be available.


This unusual name for the insurance program makes it clear that in unforeseen situations, the insurance contract will come to the rescue just like an airbag in a car. The essence of the program basically comes down to the fact that by paying the minimum premium for insurance, you receive many times the amount of payment in the event of an insured event.

To choose this insurance program, you need to decide:

  1. What insurance period to choose - (the program provides a period from 5 to 30 years);
  2. The required amount of financial protection – about 2-3 annual income is considered the most optimal option;
  3. Determine for yourself the frequency of insurance payments (once a year or monthly).

Sberbank has determined insurance risks, under which the client can receive a payment of money. These include the following events:

  • Injury due to an accident;
  • acquiring disability of the first or second group;
  • fatal accident;
  • death due to an accident with any type of transport.


The Sberbank Life Insurance personal account allows you to track the necessary information under the contract. and also make payments on transactions. You can register on the site only if you have an agreement for the Airbag service or any other program.

When concluding an agreement, the client has the possibility of a financial deduction (refund of up to 13% of the annual fee (Tax Code of Russia, Article 219 from 01/01/2015)

Corporate insurance program

In Sberbank you can select special kind insurance to protect employees of enterprises from injuries and other accidents.

A corporate insurance program allows an employee to gain confidence in the future. The registration process consists of several points:

  1. Familiarization with various options insurance programs, as well as choosing the most suitable one;
  2. Determining the amount of financial protection for an employee (from 100 thousand to 1 million rubles);
  3. Signing of all documents;
  4. Payment for the service.

This contract provides insurance either for all employees of the company or for several (more than 10). There are also certain tax benefits.

For example: insurance amounts received upon the occurrence of an insured event do not provide for personal income tax (for the recipient of the payment, Article 213 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

You can take out a policy on various conditions for yourself, your family or employees of the company. Reviews about this service are mostly positive, due to the fact that the bank constantly and fully fulfills its obligations.

Protecting the lives of others is one of the important and main areas of Sberbank’s work. His activities began in 2012, when from that time until October 2016, M.B. Chernin was the head of the Committee of the All-Russian Group aimed at the formation of life insurance. In the fall of 2012, the organization received the name Sberbank Insurance LLC and began to officially provide life insurance to citizens.

LLC SK Sberbank life insurance - the official website is one of the main ones on the market valuable papers and protection of citizens. According to the bank rating, it is one of the three strongest companies in the territory Russian Federation. Over 9 months, the amount of insurance increased and became 46.8 billion rubles, which is a colossal result.

SK Sberbank Life Insurance LLC has a single shareholder - PJSC Sberbank. It promotes insurance programs. You can purchase Sberbank Life Insurance products at various Bank offices throughout the Russian Federation. Programs for insurance of citizens are long-term, which since 2012 have become fully available in 1948 service areas of Sberbank.

Programs aimed at life insurance

“Family asset” - the bank provides protection in the event of the death of one of the family members, and in parallel, finances are accumulated by the required date. The advantages include the addition of an expanded list of auxiliary risks. If it turns out that a citizen has become incapacitated and received a disability, then all payments fall entirely on the shoulders of the insurance company. This program provides a real chance to eliminate a number of problems in the family in case of unforeseen situations. Easy to process - all you need is a passport.

"First Capital" - provides cash to the child at the end of the insurance period. All accident predispositions are similar to the previous program.

“Protection of loved ones” - intended to insure all family members. The insurance company provides assistance in cases of burns of varying severity, fractures of the musculoskeletal system, wounds, and injuries. Insurance risks include car accidents and the death of one of the family members. Protection is provided around the clock for the specified time.

The “Children's Educational Plan” allows you to create a certain financial amount, which will be withdrawn when the child enters the university to pay for the necessary services.

“Savings insurance” is a profitable service that allows you to save small amounts each month. This is enough to give you and your family members long-term financial protection should a problem arise. unfavourable conditions. These include health problems or Sberbank will return 100% of the money deposited upon completion of the insurance policy contract.

“Heritage” - creates the opportunity to transfer or give money to relatives. After the contract expires, Sberbank transfers to the written out beneficiary the exact amount of insurance. What sets this program apart from others is that it provides the precise legal protection that is needed in property disputes. In addition, the parameters of this program include the accrual of auxiliary investment income towards the final payment.

Company programs that include investment life insurance

"SmartPolis" is a universal, best solution for thoughtful investors. This program has a unique strategy for working and controlling the stock market, taking into account all risks. Large investment income will constantly flow in. Sberbank ensures complete security of invested funds. This program is also good because it provides complete protection of life from accidents.

"SmartPolisCoupon" - gives good opportunity withdraw the annual agreed amount if all criteria and conditions are met. This is beneficial for people in both large and small businesses. Another advantage is that the assets are basic, so they will be understandable to everyone, while the whole picture of the process can be traced in the public domain.

A program that includes optional insurance

This service is aimed at collective voluntary insurance well-being of citizens taking loans from Sberbank of Russia PJSC / Cetelem Bank LLC. This package of services implies financial protection for the borrower if some unforeseen situation occurs.

Service packages aimed at life insurance at Sberbank LLC

“Head of the family” - is intended to provide protection to relatives if misfortune happens to the head of the family. The list of insurance includes the following accidents: frostbite, thermal injuries, disability, death. This program is well suited for new clients of the Bank.

“Protection of loved ones PLUS” allows you to create monetary protection for an individual or legal entity and his relatives in the event that unexpected expenses are required for the treatment of one of them. Accidents are similar to the previous program.

An airbag provides protection to a citizen and his family from adverse events that lead to health problems or danger to life. Whenever unforeseen situation This service will create complete financial security, and will also allow you to maintain a stable standard of living, because the amount of money received significantly exceeds the amount of the contribution made.

“Corporate insurance program” - aimed at insuring large and small enterprises that take care of their employees. When ordering this service, all employees of the organization are insured against unforeseen events and health problems.

For what purpose were these programs created?

The area of ​​customer protection has become relevant in the insurance market, so Sberbank was no exception in this matter. Officially, Sberbank Life Insurance was approved in 2013.

Employees are trying to create a complete guarantee that you and your family members will be under reliable protection and will be able to freely enjoy life without fear for tomorrow. Sberbank has products that allow you to realize all your wishes, dreams, promises that were given to loved ones, despite the unfavorable outcome.

Sberbank treats each client honestly and tries to satisfy the needs of all citizens individually. It is important that you live a full life without fear.

Instead of output

Sberbank receives the highest ratings from rating agencies. One of the most important is the reliability rating. The Expert RA company appreciated the work of Bank A++ for reliability, quality of service and an expanded list of services, which says top level reliability. We also received the highest score for employer attractiveness from the Expert RA rating agency -

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