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What can you add to tea for taste? Is it possible to put honey in hot tea? Is it possible to add honey to hot tea? Useful or harmful

What is healthier - tea or coffee? 6 facts about tea you didn't know

August 7, 2019You've probably heard that tea is an incredibly healthy drink. However, most likely, you know the opposite point of view. results scientific research show that regular tea consumption reduces the risk of diabetes and Alzheimer's disease, and also helps strengthen bones. In addition, tea improves gums. But not all of the ideas about tea that exist in the mass consciousness are true.
The fact is that scientific ideas are constantly changing. Scientists are receiving new information about the properties of certain products. In a word, scientific thought does not stand still. Meanwhile, many people do not follow scientific news and follow ideas that were formed many years and even decades ago. Tea and methods of drinking it are no exception. Among people there are widespread ideas about him that do not reflect the real state of affairs.
Tea is a very popular drink. Perhaps in this respect it is slightly inferior to coffee, however, many people prefer the aromatic infusion even to a drink made from coffee beans, which humanity has.

Let's look at the main questions about tea from a scientific point of view and try to answer the most important of them - is it really healthier than coffee?

Is it possible to add milk to tea?
Some studies have shown that adding milk to tea reduces its beneficial qualities. However, a recent study found that milk tea contains about the same amount of catechins (antioxidants that reduce the risk of some forms of cancer) as plain black tea. In addition, it is known that milk mixed with tea is absorbed by the body much better.

Also, the disadvantages of tea with milk include its high calorie content. But this problem can be easily solved by using less fat milk and green tea. Green tea with milk, by the way, perfectly quenches thirst - you can try it yourself. How do you like it?

Citric acid, added to tea in the form of lemon, lime or orange juice, helps preserve flavonoids - substances that have an antimicrobial effect. Additions to tea are made in cases where it is not intended to be drunk immediately, but, for example, a chilled drink with ice is prepared.
Flavonoids are considered to be one of the compounds that make tea so beneficial. Adding honey to tea helps improve performance. The areas of the brain responsible for attention work more effectively after tea with honey than after pure tea.

Is it possible to drink mint tea for stomach pain?

To relieve stomach discomfort, mint is not the best choice. Mint only makes heartburn worse. For nausea and seasickness, it is better to use ginger tea. And in general, ginger is considered an excellent remedy for bloating, gas and cramps. You don’t even need to add it to tea, but simply chew it.
For stomach pain, it is better to drink chamomile tea, which can be found in almost any pharmacy. It is anti-inflammatory and gently relaxes the upper parts of the digestive tract. In most cases, chamomile tea helps relieve cramps.

Is flower-herbal “tea” a tea?

True tea is only an infusion of the Camellia sinensis plant. There are black, green, white and oolong tea (Chinese semi-fermented tea) and all its types are obtained from this plant. Those varieties of “tea” that are obtained from flowers, herbs and even tree bark should be classified as herbal infusions.
Thus, calling herbal infusions tea is not entirely correct. Although, let’s face it, in stores you can often find boxes with inscriptions that literally prove that there is tea inside. From flowers, herbs and tree bark. Perhaps this is done only to attract the attention of buyers.

Does tea spoil?

Tea can lie on the shelf for up to six months. After this, it begins to lose antioxidants. In 2009, the Journal of Food Science, dedicated to nutrition science, published the results of a study in which scientists found that the content of catechins decreases markedly over time. After six months, their levels dropped by 32%. To preserve the antioxidants in your tea for as long as possible, the tea leaves should be stored in a sealed container in a dark, cool place.
Tired of tea already? Then here's to you

Is tea healthier than coffee?

Tea is indeed considered a healthier drink due to the presence of antioxidants. However, here you need to understand that any product, even the most healthy one, is good in moderation. It is known that coffee, when consumed correctly, has many beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on human health. For example, caffeine has positive influence in older people.

If you care about your health, you will definitely try to reduce the consumption of sugar in your diet or eliminate it altogether. And it will be right. But if your body requires carbohydrates, and you can’t stand it, which healthy product can help you out? Of course, a bee treat! Let's look at whether it is possible to add honey to hot tea. We think that this question interests many who respect this natural sweetness and strive to lead healthy image life.

Is it possible to add honey to hot tea? Helpful or Harmful?

Actually, this question interests us, since there are a lot of rumors and disputes on this topic. Some believe that it is an excellent remedy for many diseases. Others argue that honey does not tolerate high temperatures. Under their influence, it turns from a useful product into an extremely harmful delicacy.

What does science say about this?

When natural honey is heated to a temperature of 60 degrees, the fructose contained in the product turns into a substance that has a very complex name - hydroxymethylfurfural. This compound is recognized by medical workers as a carcinogen. It greatly harms the human esophagus and stomach. It can cause not only heartburn and gastritis, but even cancer.

The cumulative effect of the substance is of great danger. That is, it is unlikely that anything will happen from one-time use of the wrong product. But if you regularly dissolve the bee treat in boiling water and drink it, this is a big health risk. Therefore, now, if someone asks you a question about whether it is possible to add honey to hot tea, you can describe its harm. And you will even be able to indicate the name of the toxic substance.

What is the best way to drink tea with honey?

Since we have found out that at temperatures above 60 degrees, the waste product of bees converts its fructose into a harmful substance, we should find out the following: how can you then drink tea with honey?

Quite simple. The optimal temperature of the liquid that we drink and consider hot is from 40 to 45 degrees. Consequently, we can add our favorite delicacy to tea only after it has cooled to the desired temperature. And for this we do not necessarily need to use a thermometer or similar meters. All you have to do is take a sip of the drink. You will immediately feel that it is drinkable. After this, it will be clear whether it is possible to add honey to hot tea at the current temperature.

Well, the second option, which nutritionists consider more correct, is that you can consume this natural delicacy with tea as a snack. IN in this case In honey, all the beneficial properties that nature has generously endowed it with are most fully preserved.

Why is it sometimes candied on tap?

Many consumers do not like candied honey at all. It’s another matter when it is viscous, shiny and flows in a beautiful, alluring stream. The aesthetic appearance of a product greatly influences our appetite and desire to purchase this product. Agree! However, if you care about your health and you don’t have the necessary chemical laboratory at hand to distinguish fake from real honey, then keep in mind some simple rules:

  1. Unscrupulous sellers may melt candied honey for the sake of making it more profitable and “interesting.” appearance which customers will like. During the process, the same hydroxymethylfurfural will be released into the product in quantities dangerous to human health.
  2. When drinking candied honey with hot tea, you will eat much less of this sweetness, which will have a positive effect on the condition of the body. Yes Yes! Despite the fact that honey is very useful product, it is a strong allergen. And excess fructose will negatively affect the human endocrine system.

What honey is best to drink with tea?

We all know that there are many, for example, May, buckwheat, forb, and flower varieties. There are even such exquisite varieties as sainfoin, white, coniferous and the like. But which one is better to drink with tea? Which of these types will be best for your health? We answer: the most the best option- this is the one you like best. We all have our own preferences. Therefore, choose your favorite variety for tea drinking.

You should know that some types of honey (especially thick treats containing propolis), in addition to fructose, also contain very important and beneficial amino acids and vitamins for humans. They curl up and die if exposed to temperatures above 42 degrees Celsius. They do not become as harmful as hydroxymethylfurfural, but they no longer provide any benefit. Draw conclusions.

What diseases are treated with tea and honey?

If we are talking about the benefits of tea with honey, then let's consider the following question: for what diseases do these two components have the maximum benefit and have therapeutic effect? So, they will have a positive effect on the body if a person has:

  • Colds or ARVI. For acute respiratory viral infections, drinking plenty of warm fluids is always recommended. In our case it will be tea. Honey, as a component, helps strengthen the immune system. The patient's chances of recovering faster increase.
  • Bronchitis. Tea with honey acts as an expectorant.
  • Allergy. Many people have pollen intolerance. Doctors practice the treatment of allergies according to the principle of “knock out wedge with wedge.” They give the patient honey containing this pollen in small quantities, gradually increasing the dose as the body’s resistance to it increases.
  • Weak immunity, especially in children. Regular consumption of warm tea with honey during cold epidemics in kindergartens and schools significantly helps reduce the child’s risk of illness.


Let's summarize the questions: is it possible to add honey to hot tea? In which cases will the harm to the body be greatest? The answers here are obvious:

  1. When the tea temperature is above 60 degrees, you should not add treats to the drink under any circumstances.
  2. To preserve the beneficial substances of honey (enzymes, amino acids and vitamins), it should be placed in warm tea, the temperature of which is not higher than 42 degrees.
  3. If you drink tea with honey as a bite, this will maximize the beneficial properties of the natural delicacy.

We hope that in this article I have most fully disclosed all the necessary information related to this issue. Therefore, if you need to explain to someone in life whether it is possible to add honey to hot tea, you can give ironclad arguments. Drink proper tea with honey and be healthy!!!

Almost everyone loves and drinks tea. This drink tones and contains tannins that can suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Recently, teas with herbal additives have become very popular. Healing herbs, spices and fruits included in these mixtures enrich the drink with vitamins and microelements, increasing its nutritional value and providing an additional healing effect.

Both ready-made mixtures for brewing tea and individual ingredients are available for sale. They can be used to diversify the taste of the drink and vary its therapeutic and prophylactic properties. Let's get acquainted with the most famous of these additives.

The fruits of this shrub are extremely rich in vitamins. Rose hips added to tea leaves provide a beneficial effect of the drink on digestion, stimulate blood circulation and hematopoiesis, and strengthen the body's defenses. The fruits contain a large amount of fructose, which is well absorbed and makes the tea taste pleasant.

It should be noted that rose hips contain substances that increase blood clotting. Therefore, people suffering from thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, thrombosis and circulatory failure should not get too carried away with this supplement.


Cinnamon tea has a unique aroma and sweetish taste. It wonderfully warms, improves mood, and helps normalize digestion. Drinks containing cinnamon extract are believed to increase libido.

What is usually added to the tea leaves is not ground spice, but pieces of cinnamon tree bark. To avoid health problems, this should not be done if you have high blood pressure or elevated temperature bodies.


The spice is actively used in Eastern folk medicine for the treatment of throat and lung diseases, inflammatory processes oral cavity, digestive disorders and tuberculosis.

Cardamom gives tea a pleasant exotic taste and is widely used for making sweets, baked goods and oriental delicacies.


This is an ideal addition to tea leaves when a person experiences a sore throat, which is a sign of the onset of a cold. Tea with anise fruits has an expectorant, antipyretic and diuretic effect. The drink is useful for nursing mothers: it enhances lactation.

Anise is a potent remedy. People with chronic diseases should consult a doctor before using it.


Jasmine flower petals in combination with tea leaves (especially green) provide toning for the body. This drink relieves fatigue, adds strength, increases appetite and creates a great mood.

Regular consumption of jasmine tea promotes the breakdown of fat, reduction of subcutaneous deposits and weight loss. In Eastern countries, jasmine is considered effective means to preserve health and prolong youth.

The fragrant petals contain substances that increase arterial pressure. This is why people suffering from hypertension should not drink jasmine tea.


Fresh root (grated or finely chopped) is added to the tea leaves. Tea with ginger invigorates, activates cerebral circulation, improves memory, helps to concentrate, and successfully withstand intellectual and emotional stress.

The product improves blood composition and helps reduce blood clotting, so it is not recommended if you are prone to bleeding. According to some reports, ginger tea has antitumor activity.


Tea with the addition of lavender flowers and herbs is an excellent sedative. It relieves insomnia and improves the condition of patients suffering from neuroses.

Lavender also has antispasmodic properties: you can drink tea with it if you have discomfort in the intestines or increased gas formation. To get rid of digestive problems, this drink should be consumed without sugar.


Both flowers and seeds of this common plant are added to tea. The drink is good for colds and sore throats. It relieves fatigue and has a bactericidal effect.

Eastern healers believe that tea with calendula stabilizes blood pressure and improves the well-being of patients suffering from meteorological dependence.


The additive is made from dried flowers. It is sold under the name “Ju Hua”. In combination with green tea chrysanthemum has an antipyretic and calming effect, cleanses the blood, activates the liver, and helps remove toxins from the body.

When cold, the drink refreshes, tones, and makes it easier to endure the heat.


To make the supplement, buds and flower petals of the Chinese (Sudanese) rose, also known as hibiscus, are used. The infusion of this plant contains a lot of anthocyanins, which give it a red color and a pleasant sour taste.

The Chinese rose buds used to make tea retain many useful components (in particular, essential amino acids), and they are not thrown away, but eaten.

Hibiscus has a laxative effect, so the factor of its individual tolerance should be taken into account.


Since ancient times, fireweed (fireweed) has been used to get rid of gastrointestinal problems, increase vitality, and treat poisoning. Tea with fireweed is excellent for chronic fatigue, decreased immunity, and increased nervousness. Ivan tea has a positive effect on blood vessels, improves blood flow, and helps optimize the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system. There is evidence of the antitumor effect of the plant.

Tea with the addition of fireweed is very refreshing, soothing and has a slight diuretic effect.

There is a lot of information about the benefits and harms of tea, and how to choose it correctly. We will talk about what is added to tea, and we will divide all the additives into categories.

You can read about the rules for brewing delicious tea in the article.

Tea with spices

Spices, seasonings and seasonings will perfectly warm you up on cold winter days. In combination with good black tea, they will do this even better.

You need to add spices to tea at the time of brewing so that they have time to open up and give off their aroma. The options may be as follows:

  • Cinnamon. It is better to take with chopsticks so that the tea does not turn out cloudy.
  • Ginger. Use fresh or ground. Grate fresh ginger root or cut into small pieces.
  • Cardamom and coriander.
  • For sophisticated gourmets, you can offer cloves (a couple of umbrellas per glass).

Don't be afraid to try your own "author's" options. You can mix different spices and get a kind of mulled tea. However, do not forget that when it comes to spices, it is worth remembering in moderation. For a cup of tea you will need just a little bit (a pinch, half a teaspoon).

Brew tea with herbs

Herbal teas calm you down in the evening and give you energy during the busy day. Tea with mint is popular, because mint will refresh, soothe, and stimulate digestion. You can cool mint tea and even put it in the refrigerator - perfect for summer.

You can also brew tea with chamomile, lemon balm, sage, and raspberry leaves. It is better to brew the herbs earlier, wrap the teapot to keep it warm, let it brew, and then add the tea leaves. However, don't overdo it with herbs! They can affect the body in different ways.

Tea with fruits or berries

Try it unusual option- tea with apples: you need to pour boiling water over pieces of apples or just their peels, infuse and add the decoction to the tea. Raspberries also go well with strong black tea. Fresh berries need to be doused with boiling water, and then you can simply put them in tea.

We also offer interesting option green tea with lemon for the summer: pour boiling water over the rinds of a juicy, thick-skinned lemon, specifically the zest, wrap and steep. Then add green tea(infusion). Leave for five minutes. Cool in the refrigerator. Drink chilled, or with honey.

Milk and tea

An interesting option is to brew tea directly in milk, similar to how they do it in Asia. The milk must be heated, diluted with hot water(or you don’t have to dilute it at all), add tea and a cinnamon stick, let it brew. Some with sugar, some with chocolate - the taste is delicate and festive.

Tea with honey: benefit or harm

It is better to add honey to warm tea, since in combination with hot tea it does more harm than good, although it will undoubtedly help with colds. Already at 40 degrees honey begins to release toxic substances. Honey can also be consumed with variations of iced tea.

You can read more about what can be added to tea in the article. In addition, all lovers of this invigorating drink will certainly find our general section useful.

We offer you natural and affordable ingredients that will make your tea not only incredibly aromatic, but also beneficial for your body and well-being. So, what should you add to your tea?


This drink has an interesting spicy taste and will brighten up any monotonous evening. This spice contains not only very healthy essential oil, vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, C, organic acids, tannins, glycosides, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, caryophyllene and other useful substances.

Cloves are a pungent spice that irritates the gastric mucosa. Therefore, it is not recommended for use by people who have a history of peptic ulcers. This spice is contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers, hypotensive patients, gastritis with high acidity, and individual intolerance.

The clove bud retains more aroma than the stem (it contains higher essential oil, so the stem tastes bitter). Remember that the aroma quickly disappears, but the taste remains longer.

Recipes and cooking secrets.

You can easily prepare delicious tea with cloves and cinnamon yourself at home.
First, let's prepare the ingredients:

1-2 pcs. carnations,
half a stick of cinnamon,
1-2 tablespoons of black or green tea,
a little orange or grapefruit juice,
a small slice of lemon,
sugar to taste and half a liter of water.

Mix spices - cloves, cinnamon and ginger. Fill everything with water and boil. Pour this decoction into the black tea brew and leave for 3-5 minutes. Add sugar, lemon, orange juice.

For the next recipe we will need

brewing black tea

Quantity components choose according to your taste. Peel the ginger and cut into small pieces. Place all the spices and black tea in the teapot. Fill with water (85 - 90° C). Close the lid and wrap the kettle with a towel. Let it sit for 30 minutes. This drink should be drunk warm.

In Eastern medicine, thyme is known as the herb thyme.

  • It is an excellent anthelmintic and is characterized by disinfectant and antibacterial effects.
  • The drink is considered a strong pain reliever. A mug of tea in a matter of minutes removes headache, discomfort during menstruation in women.
  • It is recommended to brew tea when coughing. It perfectly removes phlegm, softens the throat, and warns further development illness.
  • The drink helps strengthen immune system, due to its rich composition. It also normalizes digestive processes, relieves bloating, and normalizes intestinal motility.
  • Tea with thyme is known for its beneficial effects on the human nervous system. It has been proven that the drink is an excellent stress reliever and will help you gain peace of mind.
  • The drink is also beneficial for men. It improves potency. Women are recommended to drink this tea during weak lactation (as prescribed by a doctor).
  • Tea with thyme, the benefits of which are invaluable, is also useful for cosmetic purposes. By regularly including the drink in your diet, you can get rid of acne and pimples. Moreover, the presence of essential oils and vitamins in its composition prevents early withering of the dermis, strengthens hair and nails.

The most healthy recipes tea with thyme
Tea with thyme will not harm the body if you learn how to prepare it correctly. There are several recipes. By selecting new ingredients each time (depending on your condition), you can obtain the specific properties of the drink.

Invigorating morning drink
The ideal drink for the morning is black tea with thyme. It is aromatic and incredibly tasty. A cup of tea will invigorate you and put you in a great mood for the rest of the day.

You need to add 1 teaspoon of thyme and half a spoon of black tea to the teapot. Everything is poured with boiling water. The drink should steep for 7-10 minutes.
Then add a slice of orange (lemon) and 1 tablespoon of honey. Additional ingredients will improve the taste of the drink and make it richer

Black tea with thyme not only invigorates, it will help normalize digestive processes and cope with colds.

It is not recommended to drink it before bed to avoid insomnia. It's no secret that green tea is incredibly healthy. If you add thyme to the drink, it will become even more valuable in its properties. This tea is prepared in the same proportion as with black tea.

Benefits of the drink:
blood circulation is normalized;
helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood;
relieves headaches;
makes a person feel better when he has a cold;
characterized by excellent antioxidant properties;
strengthens the immune system.

During the day you are allowed to drink no more than 3-4 cups of this tea. The last one is 2 hours before going to bed. The drink is characterized by a strong diuretic effect.

In eastern countries, ginger is called a universal medicine. Ginger has no equal among other spices, not only in healing properties, but also in terms of taste.

The tea drink is very colorful, rich and aromatic. Ancient Eastern knowledge says that ginger drinks warm the blood. This means that ginger helps speed up metabolism, which leads to improved functioning of all body systems and the removal of toxins. These processes directly affect the maintenance of the body in normal condition, and also effectively help with weight loss.

Thanks to beneficial properties, tea with ginger is used in folk medicine for the following purposes:

  • For weight loss (the girls perked up their ears);
  • relieving muscle fatigue; against heartburn;
  • to normalize liver function, improve bile discharge; - strengthening the immune system;
  • relief - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • as a tonic;
  • eliminating unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • combating flatulence and fermentation in the intestines;
  • solutions for women and men's problems in the genital area;
  • and much more.

Avoid this aromatic tea if:

  • You are prone to allergies;
  • you have a fever;
  • suffer from cardiovascular diseases;
  • for problems with blood clotting;
  • with exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system.

The easiest recipe for making ginger tea I– brew 2-3 cm of ginger root (pre-cut into slices) in the morning in a 2-liter thermos and drink it throughout the day, about half a glass before or after meals. You can add honey, lemon or any syrup to this infusion to your taste.

The subtlety of the second recipe for making ginger tea is to achieve a high concentration of ginger in the tea. To do this, thinly sliced ​​ginger is poured with water and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. After the tea has cooled to 37 degrees, add honey and lemon juice. They drink as usual.

The aroma of cinnamon adds zest to any dish or drink, making it especially pleasant and tasty. Tea with the addition of cinnamon is no exception. It gives the drink an amazing taste and also makes it very healthy. Combination useful substances tea and cinnamon creates an exceptional drink.

If you inhale its aroma, you can noticeably lose weight. The content of essential oil in it blocks the feeling of hunger. Due to this, weight is reduced. Cinnamon is not recommended for people suffering from hypotension. At high temperature body is also contraindicated to drink tea with cinnamon or add spice to food.

Cinnamon is beneficial for all people:

  • Acts as protection against viral diseases;
  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • reduces weight;
  • normalizes sugar levels in diabetics;
  • relieves gastrointestinal problems;
  • improves brain function;
  • lifts the mood;
  • strengthens hair;
  • good anti-hangover;
  • will increase potency;
  • improve attention, memory, vision;
  • reduce fatigue;
  • boost immunity.

There are a large number of recipes for cinnamon with tea. To make the drink aromatic and healthy, you need to strain it after brewing. The green one is placed in water at 60 degrees, and the black one is poured with boiling liquid.

If you need to lose weight, use leafy green tea as a tea base. Add 1 tablespoon of tea and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon to 500 ml of water. No sweeteners are added. Stir, after 5 minutes the drink is ready. For variety, use lemon, ginger, honey.

When using black tea, add 2 teaspoons of tea powder, 1 teaspoon of ginger, the same amount of mint, half a cinnamon stick and cloves to hot water (0.5 l). You need to steep this drink for 7 minutes, then filter it, add the juice of one lemon and 300 ml of orange juice. This drink is consumed cold.

Natural mint tea is a drink with a long history that nourishes, refreshes, heals, and has a fragrant aroma. The cooling effect of mint tea is especially important in hot weather. summer days. Of course, the refreshing drink is valued not only for its excellent taste, but also for its amazing healing effects.

Due to its healing properties, mint tea is used as:

  • sedative and analgesic for nervous exhaustion, insomnia, migraines, hypertension;
  • antiseptic for runny nose, cough, sore throat (helps relieve pain, clears mucus);
  • antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent for stomach cramps, intestinal disorders, nausea;
  • choleretic drug to improve the outflow of bile, reduce high acidity of the stomach;
  • helps fight early toxicosis;
  • eliminates constipation, dizziness;
  • tones the muscles of the uterus;
  • relieves swelling and heartburn symptoms.

Mint tea with cranberry and honey
Mint leaves are brewed with boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Cranberries are ground with honey, placed on the bottom of glasses, filled with mint infusion, and infused for 5 minutes under a closed lid. In summer, you can serve the cooling drink with ice cubes.

Spiced tea with cinnamon and lime
Place on the bottom of the glass: a leaf of fresh mint, a little black tea, a pinch of cinnamon. The ingredients are poured with boiling water, covered with a lid, infused for several minutes, and before use, the glass is decorated with a slice of lime.

Mint tea with ginger and honey
3 tbsp. spoons of grated ginger and mint are brewed in a liter hot water, add 4 tbsp. spoons of honey. Can be mixed with regular black tea of ​​different varieties.
Many, many other recipes)

Mint leaves contain active substances that can also have a negative effect on the human body. That's why It is not advisable to take mint tea

  • Persons with individual intolerance,
  • for allergy sufferers;
  • pregnant women, women during lactation;
  • children under 5 years old;
  • hypotensive patients with low blood pressure;
  • men with problems in the intimate sphere;
  • at varicose veins veins

The fruits of the plant, which look like small stars, contain a huge amount of useful substances. Among them are manganese, copper, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, as well as tannin and essential oils.

Tea made from star anise helps with the following diseases:

  • Colds, flu, ARVI, bronchitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The drink eases the course of the disease, promotes the removal of sputum and cleanses the bronchi.
    Intestinal colic, flatulence, abdominal pain. The fruits of the plant have the ability to normalize intestinal function, relieve indigestion and soothe pain.
  • “Women's diseases” - painful and irregular menstruation, cycle disorders due to taking potent medications. - Weakened immunity.
  • Regular consumption of the drink will improve the body's resistance to seasonal diseases and have a general strengthening effect.

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