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Color coding of gas cylinders. Marking of gas cylinders Color of the cylinder and color of the acetylene inscription

GOST 26460-85

Group L19



Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage

Air separation products. Gases. Cryogens. Packing, marking, transportation and storage

MKS 71.100.01

Date of introduction 1986-07-01


1. DEVELOPED and INTRODUCED by the Interstate Technical Committee MTK 137 "Oxygen"

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated March 21, 1985 N 674

Change No. 1 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (minutes No. 13 dated May 28, 1998)

The following voted to accept the changes:

State name

Name of the national standardization body

Republic of Armenia


Republic of Belarus

State Standard of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan



Main State Inspectorate of Turkmenistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan



State Standard of Ukraine



Item number

5. The validity period was lifted according to Protocol N 5-94 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 11-12-94)

6. Edition (March 2004) with Amendment No. 1, approved in November 1998 (IUS 1-99)

This standard applies to gaseous and liquid air separation products - oxygen, nitrogen, argon, neon, krypton, xenon, as well as gas mixtures based on these products with other gases and establishes the rules for their packaging, labeling, transportation and storage.

The standard does not apply to calibration gas mixtures - standard composition samples, as well as in terms of packaging and labeling, to gases intended for metrological purposes.

This standard does not apply to permanently installed tanks and vessels intended for storing gases and cryogenic products.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).



1.1 Gaseous air separation products are filled into small and medium-volume steel cylinders in accordance with GOST 979, as well as large-volume cylinders in accordance with GOST 9731 and GOST 12247, permanently mounted on a vehicle and trailer (auto-recipients).

1.2 The outer surface of the cylinders must be painted, the content of the inscriptions and the color of the transverse stripes must correspond to Table 1.

Table 1

Name of gas

Coloring of the cylinder

Inscription text

Lettering color

Stripe color



High purity nitrogen

High purity nitrogen

High purity nitrogen

High purity nitrogen

High purity nitrogen

High purity nitrogen

Argon raw

Argon raw


High purity argon

High purity argon





High purity oxygen

High purity oxygen

High purity oxygen

High purity oxygen

Medical oxygen

Medical oxygen

Oxygen produced by electrolysis of water

Oxygen electrolysis







High purity neon

High purity neon

Gas mixtures without flammable components based on:

nitrogen, krypton, xenon, neon, air, carbon dioxide, argon

The word "Mixture" and
name of the components, starting with the base gas (with the highest volume fraction)



The word "Mixture" and the name of the components, starting with the base gas (with the highest volume fraction)

Gas mixtures with flammable components based on nitrogen, krypton, xenon, neon, air, carbon dioxide, argon at a volume fraction of the combustible component:

up to the maximum permissible explosion-proof concentration (MAEC) according to GOST 12.1.004


Yellow if there are toxic components in the mixture. Blue when oxygen is present in the mixture

above maximum permissible limit


Yellow if there are toxic components in the mixture

The inscriptions on the cylinders are applied around the circumference for a length of at least 1/3 of the circumference, and the stripes are applied along the entire circumference. The height of the letters on cylinders with a capacity of more than 12 dm must be 60 mm, and the width of the strip 25 mm. The sizes of inscriptions and stripes on cylinders with a capacity of up to 12 dm should be determined depending on the area of ​​the lateral surface of the cylinders.

Painting of newly manufactured cylinders and application of inscriptions is carried out by manufacturing plants, and later - by filling stations or testing points.

The coloring of the spherical part of the cylinders, distinctive stripes and inscriptions are updated as necessary, providing good distinctive features of the cylinder for the product being filled.

1.3 Medium-volume cylinders used for filling with technical gases must be equipped with valves of type VK-86 and VK-94 according to the regulatory document.

Medium volume cylinders used for filling with high and special purity gases, as well as gas mixtures based on them, must be equipped with membrane valves of the KVB-53 type.

Medium-volume cylinders used for filling with high-purity argon, high-purity and high-purity nitrogen and high-purity oxygen can be equipped with valves of the VK-86 and VK-94 types.

Small volume cylinders must be equipped with membrane valves of the KV-1M type.

Cylinders used for flammable mixtures must be equipped with valves of types BB-55, BB-88 and VVB-54 according to the regulatory document.

The side fittings of the valves of cylinders filled with high-purity gases, gas mixtures based on them, as well as mixtures containing toxic or flammable components, must be hermetically sealed with metal plugs.

1.2, 1.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.4 After filling the cylinders with krypton, xenon or a krypton-xenon mixture, the cylinder caps must be sealed.

1.5 The preparation of cylinders and auto-recipients and their filling with gaseous products of air separation and gas mixtures is carried out in accordance with the technological instructions (technological regulations), approved in the prescribed manner.

1.6 The nominal pressure of gases at 20 °C in cylinders and auto-recipients must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for each product.

When filling cylinders and auto-recipients with nitrogen, argon and oxygen, storing and transporting them in the temperature range from minus 50 to plus 50 ° C, the gas pressure in the cylinder must correspond to that specified in the mandatory annex.

Filling, storing and transporting filled cylinders at temperatures above 50 °C is not permitted.

class not lower than 1.5 - for high-purity gases, as well as gas mixtures based on them;

class not lower than 2.5 - for technical gases.

Before measuring gas pressure, the filled cylinder must be kept at the measurement temperature for at least 5 hours.

1.8 When filling cylinders with xenon, the mass of the product in the filled cylinder should not exceed 0.7 and 1.45 kg per 1 dm of cylinder capacity for operating pressures of 9.8 and 14.7 MPa, respectively.

1.6-1.8. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.9 It is prohibited to fill cylinders with gases that do not correspond to the cylinder markings, and to carry out any operations that could lead to contamination of the inner surface of the cylinder.

1.9a When transported by rail, road and river transport, small-volume cylinders must be packed in wooden boxes in accordance with GOST 2991, types II and III, manufactured in accordance with GOST 15623 and GOST 18617. Cylinders must be placed horizontally in boxes, with valves in one direction, with obligatory gaskets between the cylinders to protect them from hitting each other. The gasket material must be inert to oxygen. The weight of cargo in each box should not exceed 65 kg.

Small-volume cylinders transported by all types of transport, and medium-volume cylinders transported by rail and river transport, are formed into transport packages in accordance with GOST 26663 and GOST 24597 using fastening means in accordance with GOST 21650 and pallets in accordance with GOST 9078 and GOST 9557.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

1.10 Liquid nitrogen, oxygen and argon are poured into transport tanks in accordance with the regulatory document, intended for the storage and transportation of cryogenic products, and into transport gasification plants in accordance with the regulatory documents.

Liquid technical oxygen and nitrogen are also poured into cryogenic vessels according to the regulatory document.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.11 The amount of cryogenic product poured into a transport tank must comply with the regulatory and technical documentation for the tank being filled. The amount of product in the tank is determined by the liquid level indicator or by weighing.

1.12 The design and operation of cylinders, auto-recipients, cryogenic vessels and tanks, which are subject to the rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels, approved by Gosgortekhnadzor, must comply with the requirements of these rules.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


2.1 Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of the handling sign “Keep away from heat”.

Marking characterizing the transport danger of the cargo - according to GOST 19433 in accordance with the classification of products given in Table 2.

table 2



cation group cipher

Danger signs (drawing number according to GOST 19433)

UN serial number

Compressed nitrogen

Argon compressed

Liquid nitrogen

Argon liquid

Compressed oxygen

Liquid oxygen

Krypton compressed


Neon compressed

Gas mixtures based on inert gases:

with inert gases and carbon dioxide

with oxygen:

at volume fraction of oxygen:

over 23%

with toxic gases at mass concentration of the toxic component:

up to the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) according to GOST 12.1.005

above the maximum permissible concentration

with flammable gases at a volume fraction of the flammable component:

up to the maximum permissible explosive concentration (MAEC) according to GOST 12.1.004

above maximum permissible limit

with toxic and flammable gases at a mass concentration of the toxic component up to the maximum permissible concentration and a volume fraction of the flammable component up to the maximum permissible limit

above the maximum permissible concentration and/or maximum permissible concentration

Gas mixtures based on oxygen with toxic gases with a mass concentration of the toxic component:

above the maximum permissible concentration

Note. Large containers or containers, or railway vehicles must have a danger sign, a UN serial number, and an emergency card number when transported within the country.

2.2 Transport markings may not be applied when transporting cylinders by road.

2.3 Signs and inscriptions on railway tanks for liquid oxygen, nitrogen and argon must comply with the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods in force on railway transport.

2.1-2.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


3.1 Gases and cryogenic products are transported by all modes of transport in accordance with the rules for the transportation of goods in force for this type of transport, the rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels approved by Gosgortekhnadzor, as well as the safety rules for transporting dangerous goods by rail, approved by Gosgortekhnadzor.

Products not listed in the alphabetical lists of cargo transportation rules of the railway department, but approved for transportation by analogues, are transported in accordance with the current additions and amendments to these rules.

Dangerous goods are transported by road in accordance with the instructions for ensuring the safety of transportation of dangerous goods by road.

3.2 Filled cylinders, as well as empty cylinders from mixtures based on inert gases with toxic gases (subclass 2.2) and with flammable and toxic gases (subclass 2.4), are transported by rail by carload in covered wagons or containers. Small and medium volume cylinders are transported in transport packages.

3.1-3.2. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.3 To mechanize loading and unloading operations and consolidate transportation by road, medium-volume cylinders are placed in special metal containers (pallets).

3.4 Small and medium volume cylinders are transported by river transport in closed cargo spaces of ships and in universal containers on decks in accordance with clause 1.9a.

Cylinders with gas mixtures with classification codes 2211, 2311, 2411 and 2221 are transported in quantities not exceeding 500 cylinders per ship.

Premises in which accumulation of gas products is possible must be equipped with mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation and air monitoring devices in accordance with GOST 12.1.005.

3.5 Technical gases nitrogen, argon and oxygen are also transported through pipelines. Pipeline painting - according to GOST 14202. Gas pressure in the pipeline is measured with a pressure gauge in accordance with GOST 2405, class not lower than 1.5.

3.6 Cryogenic air separation products are transported:

by rail - in special railway tanks of the consignor (consignee) approved for transportation;

by road transport - in transport tanks for liquid oxygen, nitrogen and argon according to the regulatory document, as well as in cryogenic vessels according to the regulatory document and in automobile gasification plants according to the regulatory documents;

by air - in transport tanks according to the regulatory document and in cryogenic vessels according to the regulatory document.

3.4-3.6. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


4.1 Cylinders filled with gases and gas mixtures are stored in special warehouses or in open areas under a canopy that protects them from precipitation and direct sunlight.

It is allowed to store cylinders with various air separation products together in open areas, as well as together with cylinders filled with flammable gases, provided that storage areas for cylinders with various air separation products are separated from each other by fireproof barriers 1.5 m high, and from areas for storage of cylinders with flammable gases - fireproof protective walls with a height of at least 2.5 m.

APPENDIX (required). Dependence of the pressure of nitrogen, argon and oxygen on temperature during filling, transportation and storage of cylinders


Temperature, °C

Operating pressure of the cylinder, MPa (kgf/cm)

Gas pressure in the cylinder at filling temperature, MPa (kgf/cm)


Note. When filling cylinders, as well as storing or transporting filled cylinders at temperatures exceeding those indicated in the table, the gas pressure in the cylinder should not exceed:

at a temperature of +40 °C -

15.0 MPa (153 kgf/cm)




14.7 MPa (150 kgf/cm)

19.7 MPa (201 kgf/cm)

19.6 MPa (200 kgf/cm)

at a temperature of +50 °C -

15.7 MPa (160 kgf/cm)

14.7 MPa (150 kgf/cm)

20.6 MPa (210 kgf/cm)


Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2004

Information on the cylinder body

The body contains information about the cylinder (body weight, production date, certification dates, etc.), allowing one to draw a conclusion about the suitability of the cylinder for further use. Below are the most typical entries and their explanation.
Oxygen, acetylene, nitrogen, argon and carbon dioxide cylinders.

The inscriptions are stamped directly on the cylinder body in the neck area. Sometimes (especially with old cylinders) they are partially covered with layers of paint and are not visible.

1. For acetylene cylinders only. The symbols “LM” or “PM” indicate the type of cylinder filler (LM is a cast mass, PM is a porous mass). The entry “PM” does not always correspond to reality, because It happens that the factory replaced the filler without making a mark about it on the body.

2. Serial number of the cylinder.

3. The actual water capacity of the cylinder at manufacture in liters. If the measured capacity of the cylinder exceeds the factory capacity by more than 1.5%, the cylinder is not allowed for further use (violation of the body geometry, risk of microcracks).

4. Actual mass of the cylinder body during manufacture. If the mass of the body decreases from the nominal by more than 7.5%, the cylinder is not allowed for further operation (mass loss, corrosion and thinning of the wall).

5. Working (“P”) and test (“P”) pressure of the cylinder in atmospheres.

6. Date of manufacture and next recertification in the format "MM.YY.AAAA", where "MM" is the number of the month of manufacture, "YY" is the last two digits of the year of manufacture, "AAAA" is the year of the next recertification (or "AA" is two last digits of the year of the next recertification). The letter "N" is a factory mark indicating that the entry refers to information about the manufacture of the cylinder.

7. An alphanumeric code circled is the mark of the plant or laboratory where the recertification was carried out.

8. Information about further recertification of the cylinder in the format “MM.YY.AAAA”, where “MM” is the number of the month of recertification, “YY” is the last two digits of the year of recertification, “AAA” is the year of the next recertification (or “AA” is two last digits of the year of the next recertification). If a cylinder has undergone several recertifications, then information about them, as a rule, is stamped one below the other or, less commonly, the year of the next recertification is added to the existing record in the “.AA” format and this record is certified with a stamp. In this case, the inscription takes on the following form, for example: “R R”, which should be read as follows: the cylinder was recertified in January 1992 and then, in January 1997, it was recertified again, which will be valid until January 2002. (symbol "R" here represents the mark of the recertification site.)

The inscriptions on the cylinder shown in the figure should be read as follows: cylinder No. 36847 was manufactured in February 1990. Case weight 63.4 kg, capacity 40.1 liters. Hydraulic tests of the housing were carried out at 225 atm, the permitted nominal (working) pressure is 150 atm. In March 1995, the cylinder underwent another recertification at the “Ts4” site, the date of the next recertification is March 2000.

GOST 26460-85

Group L19



Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage

Air separation products. Gases. Cryogens. Packing, marking, transportation and storage

MKS 71.100.01

Date of introduction 1986-07-01


1. DEVELOPED and INTRODUCED by the Interstate Technical Committee MTK 137 "Oxygen"

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated March 21, 1985 N 674

Change No. 1 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (minutes No. 13 dated May 28, 1998)

The following voted to accept the changes:

State name

Name of the national standardization body

Republic of Armenia


Republic of Belarus

State Standard of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan



Main State Inspectorate of Turkmenistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan



State Standard of Ukraine



Item number

5. The validity period was lifted according to Protocol N 5-94 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 11-12-94)

6. Edition (March 2004) with Amendment No. 1, approved in November 1998 (IUS 1-99)

This standard applies to gaseous and liquid air separation products - oxygen, nitrogen, argon, neon, krypton, xenon, as well as gas mixtures based on these products with other gases and establishes the rules for their packaging, labeling, transportation and storage.

The standard does not apply to calibration gas mixtures - standard composition samples, as well as in terms of packaging and labeling, to gases intended for metrological purposes.

This standard does not apply to permanently installed tanks and vessels intended for storing gases and cryogenic products.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).



1.1 Gaseous air separation products are filled into small and medium-volume steel cylinders in accordance with GOST 979, as well as large-volume cylinders in accordance with GOST 9731 and GOST 12247, permanently mounted on a vehicle and trailer (auto-recipients).

1.2 The outer surface of the cylinders must be painted, the content of the inscriptions and the color of the transverse stripes must correspond to Table 1.

Table 1

Name of gas

Coloring of the cylinder

Inscription text

Lettering color

Stripe color



High purity nitrogen

High purity nitrogen

High purity nitrogen

High purity nitrogen

High purity nitrogen

High purity nitrogen

Argon raw

Argon raw


High purity argon

High purity argon





High purity oxygen

High purity oxygen

High purity oxygen

High purity oxygen

Medical oxygen

Medical oxygen

Oxygen produced by electrolysis of water

Oxygen electrolysis







High purity neon

High purity neon

Gas mixtures without flammable components based on:

nitrogen, krypton, xenon, neon, air, carbon dioxide, argon

The word "Mixture" and
name of the components, starting with the base gas (with the highest volume fraction)

Blue when oxygen is present in the mixture



The word "Mixture" and the name of the components, starting with the base gas (with the highest volume fraction)

Yellow if there are toxic components in the mixture

Gas mixtures with flammable components based on nitrogen, krypton, xenon, neon, air, carbon dioxide, argon at a volume fraction of the combustible component:

up to the maximum permissible explosion-proof concentration (MAEC) according to GOST 12.1.004


above maximum permissible limit


Yellow if there are toxic components in the mixture

The inscriptions on the cylinders are applied around the circumference for a length of at least 1/3 of the circumference, and the stripes are applied along the entire circumference. The height of the letters on cylinders with a capacity of more than 12 dm must be 60 mm, and the width of the strip 25 mm. The sizes of inscriptions and stripes on cylinders with a capacity of up to 12 dm should be determined depending on the area of ​​the lateral surface of the cylinders.

Painting of newly manufactured cylinders and application of inscriptions is carried out by manufacturing plants, and later - by filling stations or testing points.

The coloring of the spherical part of the cylinders, distinctive stripes and inscriptions are updated as necessary, providing good distinctive features of the cylinder for the product being filled.

1.3 Medium-volume cylinders used for filling with technical gases must be equipped with valves of type VK-86 and VK-94 according to the regulatory document.

Medium volume cylinders used for filling with high and special purity gases, as well as gas mixtures based on them, must be equipped with membrane valves of the KVB-53 type.

Medium-volume cylinders used for filling with high-purity argon, high-purity and high-purity nitrogen and high-purity oxygen can be equipped with valves of the VK-86 and VK-94 types.

Small volume cylinders must be equipped with membrane valves of the KV-1M type.

Cylinders used for flammable mixtures must be equipped with valves of types BB-55, BB-88 and VVB-54 according to the regulatory document.

The side fittings of the valves of cylinders filled with high-purity gases, gas mixtures based on them, as well as mixtures containing toxic or flammable components, must be hermetically sealed with metal plugs.

1.2, 1.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.4 After filling the cylinders with krypton, xenon or a krypton-xenon mixture, the cylinder caps must be sealed.

1.5 The preparation of cylinders and auto-recipients and their filling with gaseous products of air separation and gas mixtures is carried out in accordance with the technological instructions (technological regulations), approved in the prescribed manner.

1.6 The nominal pressure of gases at 20 °C in cylinders and auto-recipients must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for each product.

When filling cylinders and auto-recipients with nitrogen, argon and oxygen, storing and transporting them in the temperature range from minus 50 to plus 50 ° C, the gas pressure in the cylinder must correspond to that specified in the mandatory annex.

Filling, storing and transporting filled cylinders at temperatures above 50 °C is not permitted.

class not lower than 1.5 - for high-purity gases, as well as gas mixtures based on them;

class not lower than 2.5 - for technical gases.

Before measuring gas pressure, the filled cylinder must be kept at the measurement temperature for at least 5 hours.

1.8 When filling cylinders with xenon, the mass of the product in the filled cylinder should not exceed 0.7 and 1.45 kg per 1 dm of cylinder capacity for operating pressures of 9.8 and 14.7 MPa, respectively.

1.6-1.8. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.9 It is prohibited to fill cylinders with gases that do not correspond to the cylinder markings, and to carry out any operations that could lead to contamination of the inner surface of the cylinder.

1.9a When transported by rail, road and river transport, small-volume cylinders must be packed in wooden boxes in accordance with GOST 2991, types II and III, manufactured in accordance with GOST 15623 and GOST 18617. Cylinders must be placed horizontally in boxes, with valves in one direction, with obligatory gaskets between the cylinders to protect them from hitting each other. The gasket material must be inert to oxygen. The weight of cargo in each box should not exceed 65 kg.

Small-volume cylinders transported by all types of transport, and medium-volume cylinders transported by rail and river transport, are formed into transport packages in accordance with GOST 26663 and GOST 24597 using fastening means in accordance with GOST 21650 and pallets in accordance with GOST 9078 and GOST 9557.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

1.10 Liquid nitrogen, oxygen and argon are poured into transport tanks in accordance with the regulatory document, intended for the storage and transportation of cryogenic products, and into transport gasification plants in accordance with the regulatory documents.

Liquid technical oxygen and nitrogen are also poured into cryogenic vessels according to the regulatory document.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.11 The amount of cryogenic product poured into a transport tank must comply with the regulatory and technical documentation for the tank being filled. The amount of product in the tank is determined by the liquid level indicator or by weighing.

1.12 The design and operation of cylinders, auto-recipients, cryogenic vessels and tanks, which are subject to the rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels, approved by Gosgortekhnadzor, must comply with the requirements of these rules.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


2.1 Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of the handling sign “Keep away from heat”.

Marking characterizing the transport danger of the cargo - according to GOST 19433 in accordance with the classification of products given in Table 2.

table 2



cation group cipher

Danger signs (drawing number according to GOST 19433)

UN serial number

Compressed nitrogen

Argon compressed

Liquid nitrogen

Argon liquid

Compressed oxygen

Liquid oxygen

Krypton compressed


Neon compressed

Gas mixtures based on inert gases:

with inert gases and carbon dioxide

with oxygen:

at volume fraction of oxygen:

over 23%

with toxic gases at mass concentration of the toxic component:

up to the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) according to GOST 12.1.005

above the maximum permissible concentration

with flammable gases at a volume fraction of the flammable component:

up to the maximum permissible explosive concentration (MAEC) according to GOST 12.1.004

above maximum permissible limit

with toxic and flammable gases at a mass concentration of the toxic component up to the maximum permissible concentration and a volume fraction of the flammable component up to the maximum permissible limit

above the maximum permissible concentration and/or maximum permissible concentration

Gas mixtures based on oxygen with toxic gases with a mass concentration of the toxic component:

above the maximum permissible concentration

Note. Large containers or containers, or railway vehicles must have a danger sign, a UN serial number, and an emergency card number when transported within the country.

2.2 Transport markings may not be applied when transporting cylinders by road.

2.3 Signs and inscriptions on railway tanks for liquid oxygen, nitrogen and argon must comply with the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods in force on railway transport.

2.1-2.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


3.1 Gases and cryogenic products are transported by all modes of transport in accordance with the rules for the transportation of goods in force for this type of transport, the rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels approved by Gosgortekhnadzor, as well as the safety rules for transporting dangerous goods by rail, approved by Gosgortekhnadzor.

Products not listed in the alphabetical lists of cargo transportation rules of the railway department, but approved for transportation by analogues, are transported in accordance with the current additions and amendments to these rules.

Dangerous goods are transported by road in accordance with the instructions for ensuring the safety of transportation of dangerous goods by road.

3.2 Filled cylinders, as well as empty cylinders from mixtures based on inert gases with toxic gases (subclass 2.2) and with flammable and toxic gases (subclass 2.4), are transported by rail by carload in covered wagons or containers. Small and medium volume cylinders are transported in transport packages.

3.1-3.2. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.3 To mechanize loading and unloading operations and consolidate transportation by road, medium-volume cylinders are placed in special metal containers (pallets).

3.4 Small and medium volume cylinders are transported by river transport in closed cargo spaces of ships and in universal containers on decks in accordance with clause 1.9a.

Cylinders with gas mixtures with classification codes 2211, 2311, 2411 and 2221 are transported in quantities not exceeding 500 cylinders per ship.

Premises in which accumulation of gas products is possible must be equipped with mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation and air monitoring devices in accordance with GOST 12.1.005.

3.5 Technical gases nitrogen, argon and oxygen are also transported through pipelines. Pipeline painting - according to GOST 14202. Gas pressure in the pipeline is measured with a pressure gauge in accordance with GOST 2405, class not lower than 1.5.

3.6 Cryogenic air separation products are transported:

by rail - in special railway tanks of the consignor (consignee) approved for transportation;

by road transport - in transport tanks for liquid oxygen, nitrogen and argon according to the regulatory document, as well as in cryogenic vessels according to the regulatory document and in automobile gasification plants according to the regulatory documents;

by air - in transport tanks according to the regulatory document and in cryogenic vessels according to the regulatory document.

3.4-3.6. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


4.1 Cylinders filled with gases and gas mixtures are stored in special warehouses or in open areas under a canopy that protects them from precipitation and direct sunlight.

It is allowed to store cylinders with various air separation products together in open areas, as well as together with cylinders filled with flammable gases, provided that storage areas for cylinders with various air separation products are separated from each other by fireproof barriers 1.5 m high, and from areas for storage of cylinders with flammable gases - fireproof protective walls with a height of at least 2.5 m.

APPENDIX (required). Dependence of the pressure of nitrogen, argon and oxygen on temperature during filling, transportation and storage of cylinders


Temperature, °C

Operating pressure of the cylinder, MPa (kgf/cm)

Gas pressure in the cylinder at filling temperature, MPa (kgf/cm)


Note. When filling cylinders, as well as storing or transporting filled cylinders at temperatures exceeding those indicated in the table, the gas pressure in the cylinder should not exceed:

at a temperature of +40 °C -

15.0 MPa (153 kgf/cm)




14.7 MPa (150 kgf/cm)

19.7 MPa (201 kgf/cm)

19.6 MPa (200 kgf/cm)

at a temperature of +50 °C -

15.7 MPa (160 kgf/cm)

14.7 MPa (150 kgf/cm)

20.6 MPa (210 kgf/cm)

The body contains information about the cylinder (body weight, production date, certification dates, etc.), allowing one to draw a conclusion about the suitability of the cylinder for further use. Below are the most typical entries and their explanation.

Oxygen, acetylene, nitrogen, argon and carbon dioxide cylinders

The inscriptions are stamped directly on the cylinder body in the neck area. Sometimes (especially with old cylinders) they are partially covered with layers of paint and are not visible.

1. For acetylene cylinders only. The symbols “LM” or “PM” indicate the type of cylinder filler (LM is a cast mass, PM is a porous mass). The entry “PM” does not always correspond to reality, because It happens that the factory replaced the filler without making a mark about it on the body.

2. Serial number of the cylinder.

3. The actual water capacity of the cylinder at manufacture in liters. If the measured capacity of the cylinder exceeds the factory capacity by more than 1.5%, the cylinder is not allowed for further use (violation of the body geometry, risk of microcracks).

4. Actual mass of the cylinder body during manufacture. If the mass of the body decreases from the nominal by more than 7.5%, the cylinder is not allowed for further operation (mass loss, corrosion and thinning of the wall).

5. Working (“P”) and test (“P”) pressure of the cylinder in atmospheres.

6. Date of manufacture and next recertification in the format "MM.YY.AAAA", where "MM" is the number of the month of manufacture, "YY" is the last two digits of the year of manufacture, "AAAA" is the year of the next recertification (or "AA" is two last digits of the year of the next recertification). The letter "N" is a factory mark indicating that the entry refers to information about the manufacture of the cylinder.

7. An alphanumeric code circled is the mark of the plant or laboratory where the recertification was carried out.

8. Information about further recertification of the cylinder in the format “MM.YY.AAAA”, where “MM” is the number of the month of recertification, “YY” is the last two digits of the year of recertification, “AAA” is the year of the next recertification (or “AA” is two last digits of the year of the next recertification). If a cylinder has undergone several recertifications, then information about them, as a rule, is stamped one below the other or, less commonly, the year of the next recertification is added to the existing record in the “.AA” format and this record is certified with a stamp. In this case, the inscription takes on the following form, for example: “R R”, which should be read as follows: the cylinder was recertified in January 1992 and then, in January 1997, it was recertified again, which will be valid until January 2002. (symbol "R" here represents the mark of the recertification site.)

The inscriptions on the cylinder shown in the figure should be read as follows: cylinder No. 36847 was manufactured in February 1990. Case weight 63.4 kg, capacity 40.1 liters. Hydraulic tests of the housing were carried out at 225 atm, the permitted nominal (working) pressure is 150 atm. In March 1995, the cylinder underwent another recertification at the “Ts4” site, the date of the next recertification is March 2000.

Propane cylinders

The inscriptions are written on a special metal nameplate fixed in the upper part of the cylinder body around the valve.

1. Operating pressure of the cylinder in megapascals (1 MPa ~ 10 atm).

2. Check (test) pressure of the cylinder in megapascals.

3. The actual volume of the cylinder at manufacture in liters.

4. Serial number of the cylinder.

5. The date of manufacture of the cylinder in the format “MM.YY.AA”, gdk “MM” is the month of manufacture, “YY” is the year of manufacture, “AA” is the year of the next certification of the cylinder.

6. Weight of the empty cylinder during manufacture in kilograms.

7. Nominal mass of a cylinder completely filled with gas.

8. Information on further recertification of the cylinder in the “R-AA” format, where “R” is the name of the plant or site for recertification of cylinders, “AA” is the year until which this certification will be valid.

Thus, the passport of the cylinder shown in the figure reads as follows: cylinder No. 066447 was manufactured in November 1999 and approved for operation until November 2004. Hydraulic tests of the cylinder were carried out at a pressure of 2.5 MPa (25 atm) and the cylinder was approved for operation at a nominal pressure of 1.6 MPa (16 atm). The actual mass of the cylinder at manufacture is 22.4 kg, volume is 50.4 liters. After the certification period expired, the section assigned the code “Ts4” recertified the cylinder and the cylinder was cleared for operation until November 2009.

Significant additions: it is prohibited to use cylinders that have irregularities in geometry (dents, bulges, general barrel-shapedness, etc.); cylinders should not show signs of paint damage by fire; Cylinders with rust damage on more than 30% of the cylinder surface are also not accepted for exchange.

Oxygen - blue; cross inscription in black letters: oxygen.
Hydrogen is dark green with two red stripes at the top of the cylinder (25 mm each) and one red stripe (50 mm) at the bottom. The inscription hydrogen (in red) is above the top red stripe.
Acetylene-white with the inscription at the top: acetylene (in red).
Ammonia - yellow with the inscription: ammonia (in black).
Chlorine is protective. In the upper part there is a transverse green stripe 25 mm wide.
Methane - red with the inscription: methane (in white).
Nitrogen - black, on the top there is a brown stripe and the inscription: nitrogen (yellow).
Argon - black with a white horizontal stripe at the top with the inscription: argon (in blue).
Carbon dioxide is black with the inscription: carbon dioxide (yellow).
Helium-;brown with the inscription: helium (in white).
Hydrogen sulfide - white with a red transverse stripe at the top and the inscription: hydrogen sulfide (in red).
For flammable gases - red with an inscription (yellow). , The cylinders must indicate (with stamps) the brand of the factory, the serial number of the cylinder, the year of manufacture, the date of the next test, the weight of the cylinder, the capacity in liters, the working (P) and test (P) pressure, the quality control department stamp.

Basic rules when working with compressed and liquefied gases in cylinders.
Handling cylinders.

1 Avoid the possibility of falling cylinders and impacts during transportation.
2. During transportation and storage, cylinders must be equipped with a safety cap and a plug nut.
3. Do not place cylinders near stoves (no closer than 5 m) and other heating sources (no closer than 1 m). Protect cylinders from sunlight.
4. When working in the laboratory, secure the cylinders in stands or with clamps (brackets) attached to tables or walls.

Operation of cylinders.

1. Gas can only be taken from the cylinder using a pressure reducing valve. An exception to this rule is only allowed when liquid carbon dioxide is released to produce dry ice.
2. When working with an oxygen cylinder, do not under any circumstances allow the presence of traces of fat, oil, grease, as well as flammable gaskets in the pressure reducing valve and on the cylinder fittings, as they may ignite in an atmosphere of compressed oxygen.
3. After connecting the pressure reducing valve, slowly open the cylinder valve. The pressure reducing valve nut can only be unscrewed and tightened when the cylinder valve is closed.
4. You cannot completely release the gas from the cylinder; you should leave a residual pressure in it (about 2 am). Cylinders in which there is no residual pressure are not directly accepted for refilling by the plant.
Release of liquid carbon dioxide from a cylinder to produce dry ice
Carbon dioxide from the cylinder is released into a bag made of dense material without a pressure reducing valve. During release, the balloon must be held so that its lower end is higher than the head. First, put the bag on the cylinder, then (through the bag) open the cylinder valve completely, turn it during release in one direction or another, thereby cleaning the outlet of the cylinder. Close the cylinder also without removing the bag. It is recommended to work with gloves.

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