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What plants can be sprayed with boric acid. Boric acid in the garden

You don’t have to spend a lot of time on it to have it at your dacha. For high-quality seeds, it is enough to purchase seeds, and if done correctly, you will get a rich harvest. Let's get acquainted with how boron solution is used for plants. Undoubtedly, spraying a flower will protect the fruits from various diseases.

Boric acid: description

Boric acid is a colorless and odorless crystalline substance that easily dissolves in warm water. The chemical is widely used for various fertilizers, as it improves the nutrition of seedlings, thereby increasing the yield of vegetables and increasing the flow of sugar to the generative organs. Fruits and vegetables tend to absorb much more boron than grains.

Spraying tomatoes with boric acid stimulates root and stem growth, reducing the likelihood of plant disease. Nowadays, with an abundance of variety, we forget about simple and effective recipes. Boron normalizes the synthesis of plant substances, stimulates the metabolic process and increases the chlorophyll coefficient. Thus, the planted bush is more resistant to unfavorable conditions.

Did you know? PAfter World War II, young mothers often bought boron powder, since at that time the treatment of the mucous membrane and skin of the child, as well as the mother’s nipples, was considered a high culture in everyday life.

Useful properties of boric acid when growing tomatoes

Experienced gardeners know that tomatoes are vegetables that do not need additional nutrition if they are grown correctly from the very beginning. However, even with fertilizers it is not always possible to control the presence of boron in the soil. Boron for tomatoes is an important component in the development of bushes, which is why the lack of this component seriously affects the development of plantings.

Boron first increases flowering, and also does not allow fruits to rot at high humidity levels. When using this drug, the yield will increase by 20%, and the taste of the tomatoes will also increase.

Spraying tomatoes with boric acid promotes better absorption of mineral and organic substances. By the way, this point is very important if you grow tomatoes on your home balcony. The home bush is sensitive and therefore requires more nutrition.

When tomatoes are treated with boric acid, the risk of infection is reduced. Tomatoes need to be processed only when the leaves begin or fall off. Many professional gardeners soak seeds before sowing.

Did you know? Boron belongs to the lowest hazard class. That is, the substance, when it comes into contact with human skin, does not cause burns. However, the acid gradually accumulates in the body, since it is naturally excreted very slowly.

There are several indicators that tomatoes not enough boron: deformation and pallor of the leaves, death of the upper shoots, weak flowering.

How to prepare fertilizer using boric acid with your own hands

Fertilizing under negative external influences preserves the number of ovaries, forming new plant points for the stems. Thus, boron prevents the plant from dying and strengthens its resistance to dry conditions and frost.

For rapid growth of the crop, it is recommended to lightly soak the seeds in acid. To prepare, you need a liter of warm water per 0.2 grams of acid. The mixture is infused for a day, and to prevent the seeds from floating, they are placed in a specially prepared gauze bag.

How to prepare boron for plants and spray them? The answer is simple: mix 10 g of the substance with 10 liters of water. Please note that the substance does not dissolve in cold water. The soil itself is sprayed with the solution, but the process occurs once every 3 years. Fertilizing is carried out rarely, mainly for the flowers of the plant. Fertilizer can burn the roots, so first apply water to the bush.

Important! When treating a bush with boric acid, be sure to measure the proportions. After all, even a small mistake can harm both the plant and you.

Processing time for tomatoes

Boric acid is used in different ways. For example, there is a method for processing tomatoes that is used long before planting the seeds. The treatment takes place in two stages: the seeds are soaked in the substance for a day, following the proportions specified in the instructions; On the eve of planting, the process is repeated, and the acid is additionally placed in the seedling hole.

The foliar method is used for plants with tomato fruits. In order to protect vegetables from late blight, you need to start processing at the beginning of summer. Boric acid for tomatoes develops the plant, and direct spraying, in turn, takes place in three stages: the bushes are treated with a weak mixture of manganese; after seven days, use boron in proportions of 1 teaspoon per 10 liters of warm water; after another seven days, the bush is treated with iodine. This way the plant is protected throughout the summer.

Boric acid for tomatoes: how to process

As is known, boron deficiency affects productivity, since some fruits die due to a lack of the substance. It is important to understand when and how to spray tomatoes with boric acid. Treatment is carried out at the first stages of bush development and is not repeated before flowering (and during).

Fertilizing is carried out with the appearance of ovaries on the plant. Ready-made fertilizer is purchased in specialized stores or prepared independently. Let's look at how to treat tomatoes with boric acid. To do this, it is recommended to take 1 g of the substance and mix it in 1 liter of hot water. Then the plant is sprayed with a spray bottle.

We bought the plot in winter, when it was almost chest-deep in snow. Therefore, spring was full of surprises for us.

It turned out that there were four mature cherry bushes growing on it: three near the fence with the street and one on the border with the neighbors. And when they bloomed, we even felt dizzy from such beauty!

My husband Andrey Viktorovich was so impressed by what he saw that he planted young shoots along one side of the plot, and we got a hedge.

The cherries grew very quickly, and now they are already full-fledged bushes. Over time, we removed three old cherry trees near the fence, and the fourth is still growing - we took pity on the old woman: after all, she is an old-timer in these places.

Despite the fact that we had a lot of bushes, the harvest was not at all encouraging: by August, up to a dozen berries were ripening on each bush. I thought for a long time why this was happening, and came to the conclusion that cherry flowers are not pollinated, because when flowering begins, it is still quite cool here and there are almost no pollinating insects.

Then I decided to experiment.

When the cherries were all in bloom, I diluted a pharmacy bag of boric acid powder in 1 liter of hot water. The solution was mixed well, cooled, and filtered. And with a spray bottle I walked along all the bushes. This solution was enough for me to lightly spray on the flowering branches.

During the season, I didn’t look at my favorites anymore. And when the berries began to ripen, there were many more of them than before.

So we made another discovery: cherries strewn with large, shiny burgundy-colored fruits are even more beautiful than those with white flowers. And, by the way, we were pleased with the harvest: some were eaten, as they say, without leaving the cash register, and some were used for jam and compote.

In general, that experiment has turned into a good habit: for several years in a row, every spring I have been walking along the flowering cherry trees with a solution of boric acid and no longer complain about the harvest.

Our cherries were noticed by colleagues in the gardening community and now they are constantly asking for shoots. And from the old cherry tree, two shoots moved to the neighbor. In the spring, he threatened to throw them away, but when in August he saw small bushes completely strewn with delicious berries, he changed his anger to mercy and said that he would definitely leave them. And then he thanked us.

© Elena Dorofeeva Sverdlovsk region.

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  • 10040 10/03/2019 4 min.

    Absolutely everyone loves tomatoes. This is a very healthy vegetable containing an impressive complex of mineral and vitamin elements. Just look at lycopene alone, which combines the properties of an antidepressant and an effective antioxidant! Every gardener wants to grow this vegetable in the most honorable place of the plot, but not everyone succeeds in this task.

    The insidious late blight is one of the diseases to which tomatoes are susceptible. To combat diseases and increase the number of ovaries, you need to treat seedlings and tomato bushes with boric acid. But it’s worth knowing whether it’s possible to plant garlic after tomatoes, and how to get tomatoes and garlic.

    Processing for the formation of ovaries

    Gardeners who use balanced nutrition for tomatoes can boast of strong plants. Insufficient concentration of boron in the soil has a very detrimental effect on the growth of tomatoes, which cease to develop and bear fruit properly, as well as:

    • the stem and root system stop growing,
    • the top turns yellow and decreases in size, chlorosis occurs,
    • the number of flowers decreases, and those that exist fall off,
    • ugly fruits with cork inclusions inside grow.

    Broccoli and beets remove a lot of boron from the soil, so tomatoes can suffer precisely from poor crop rotation. Watering with organic and mineral fertilizers that do not contain boron, as well as long rains, contribute to the development of the listed conditions.

    But what kind of tomatoes there are for a greenhouse in Siberia, and how to choose them correctly, is described in detail

    In the video - spraying a tomato for budding:

    If you have to grow, like other tomatoes, on alkaline sandy soil, boron fertilizers must be applied in shock doses.

    Formation of high-quality ovaries

    For the growing season of tomatoes, boron plays a very important role. With his help:

    How to divorce

    Fertilizers containing boron act rather slowly because they are applied in powder form at planting. It is easier and better to enrich tomatoes with boric acid by spraying or watering. Treatment with boric acid dissolved in water will eliminate the lack of boron in the soil and protect plants from many diseases such as late blight.

    A sufficient and optimal amount for preparing a solution in a concentration safe for humans is a standard 10-gram packet of powder dissolved in 10 liters of water.

    This amount is enough for tomatoes to successfully develop and bear fruit, and the health of those who eat the processed fruits will not be threatened.

    Fertilizing is done with a standard solution of 1% boric acid in warm water. The remainder of the finished solution is successfully stored in a closed container until the required moment, without changing its properties.

    Boric acid crystals dissolve quickly in very hot water!

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    This means that the powder from the bag needs to be poured into a liter of hot water, mixed well and poured into the remaining 9 liters.

    How to use

    During planting of seedlings, it is possible to prevent “boron starvation” and others. Fertilizer in the form of a solution is added directly to the holes a day before planting. Due to its inactivity, boron is not able to move through different parts of the tomato bush. In a growing bush, the need for new supplies of the necessary chemical element increases.

    In this case, spraying plants with a solution of boric acid can help.

    Boron is removed from the human body very slowly, so the solution must be prepared strictly following the recommended proportions.

    It will be important to know that

    During the period when the bushes are actively growing roots, you need to start watering right at the roots so that new roots form and grow. The first root feeding should take place when planting the seedlings, and the second time the tomatoes can be fertilized at the root no earlier than two weeks later. For the first time, the bush is sprayed with a fertilizing acid solution as soon as the first flower cluster begins to form. Then foliar feeding is carried out during the formation of buds and ovaries.

    You can use no more than 15 ml of solution to treat one plant.

    It is also worth understanding how to choose and use correctly

    15 days after the first ovary, the tomatoes are sprayed with a solution of boric acid to obtain an ovary on the second cluster, when buds are already forming on it. The total number of treatments should not exceed four times. Proper spraying of tomatoes without delay gives the gardener confidence in the successful formation of high-quality ovaries.

    Boric acid for tomatoes has long been tested as an excellent fertilizer. It has also been noted that spraying bushes with a solution during the growing season is an unusually effective way to prevent various diseases.

    Please note: a solution of boric acid diluted in a concentration of 0.2% is effective against late blight infection.

    In the video - enlargement of the ovary:

    To grow the crop, accelerate ripening, improve the taste and beneficial qualities of the fruit, you need to spray the plants with a properly prepared solution of boric acid with strict adherence to the terms and standards during processing.

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    A common fertilizer used for the development of various plants is. It has a number of significant advantages aimed at plant development. It is important to know how to dilute boric acid for spraying tomatoes, since if the proportions are not observed, you can only harm the bushes.

    How to dilute boric acid for spraying tomatoes?

    To benefit from this fertilizer, it is recommended to carry out the procedure three times: during the formation of buds, during mass flowering and from the beginning of fruiting. A minimum of 10 days must pass between sessions. If the plant reacted poorly to the first spraying, then it is better to abandon such treatment. Dilution of boric acid for spraying tomatoes is carried out in several stages, so, first, the required dose is dissolved in a glass of hot water, but it should not be boiling water, and then the concentrated solution is added to 10 liters of clean water.

    What does boric acid do for spraying tomatoes?

    Boron is an important mineral that ensures good growth and better ripening of fruits. Before you figure out how to dilute boric acid for spraying tomatoes with other ingredients, you should pay attention to the benefits of this substance:

    1. Fertilizer helps increase the number of ovaries and the growth rate of tomatoes. As a result, you can increase the yield on each bush.
    2. The use of boric acid for tomatoes is also good because chemical processes begin in the fruits that increase sugar levels, so the taste of vegetables becomes more pronounced and sweet. The natural taste parameters are not affected in any way by such processing.
    3. In the presence of the required amount of boron, nitrogen compounds are absorbed much better in plants. As a result, the plant takes on a healthy appearance, and the fruits become beautiful and tasty.
    4. Thanks to this mineral, the plant’s immunity is strengthened, so it better resists various diseases and diseases.
    5. If a plant lacks boron, growth and its ability to produce a good harvest are impaired.

    In what proportion should you spray tomatoes with boric acid?

    This supplement is sold in the form of a white powder that dissolves well in water. To get the correct composition, you need to act step by step, as mentioned earlier. With boric acid, the recipe for feeding tomatoes can be used for watering at the root and spraying. In the second case, the solution will be less concentrated, so for 10 liters of water there should be 5 g of powder.

    Foliar feeding of tomatoes with iodine and boric acid

    An excellent combination product that will help increase productivity. It is recommended to carry out the procedure when the bushes have finished flowering and they enter the fruiting phase. In addition to the fact that treating tomatoes with boric acid and iodine will help improve the quality of the fruit, it will also protect against many fungal diseases.

    1. For a simple solution, dilute 5 g of acid in 200 ml of warm water, and then add 10 drops of iodine. Dilute the mixture in 10 liters of cold liquid. Spray the solution, paying attention to the leaves.
    2. The following composition is safer: dilute 5 g of acid in hot water, and then dilute in 10-15 liters of cold liquid. Spray, and a week later repeat the procedure, but with a different solution: 10 liters of water, 1 liter of milk and 15 drops of iodine.

    Foliar feeding of tomatoes with ash and boric acid

    An excellent additive is wood ash, which contains many useful minerals. In addition, it is an excellent means of pest control. For spraying, ash and boric acid for tomatoes are mixed as follows:

    1. You need to dilute 10 g of boric acid in 200 ml of hot water.
    2. Separately mix 2-3 liters of water and 1.5-2 liters, and then mix well. Pour in the prepared acid solution and increase the volume to 10 liters.
    3. All that remains is to add 10 ml of iodine and mix everything thoroughly. It is better to use the finished composition for root feeding, but spraying the bushes is also possible. 1.5-2 liters should be consumed per bush. Repeat the procedure once a week.

    Feeding tomatoes with boric acid and potassium permanganate

    Manganese has a huge number of benefits that are essential for vegetable crops. It provides excellent protection against pests and diseases, and also contains potassium and magnesium, which are beneficial for plants. Treatment of tomatoes with boric acid and potassium permanganate can be carried out according to the following scheme:

    1. In a weak pink solution of manganese, dilute the acid, the amount of which should be on the tip of a knife. Apply the prepared product before flowering, which will increase the yield and enhance the taste of the fruit.
    2. There is another option for spraying: mix 10 liters of water, 2 g of potassium permanganate and boric acid, and also add 1 teaspoon of iodine and 1 tbsp. ash.

    Boric acid, iodine, potassium permanganate, milk for tomatoes

    This complex feeding combines several useful products at once, thanks to which it is able to increase the number of ovaries on tomatoes and leaves, and also protect them from diseases. For tomatoes, boric acid is combined with milk and other components in a certain proportion.

    1. Dilute 1-1.5 g of acid in hot water, but not in boiling water. After this, add manganese at the tip of the knife. The result should be a dark pink solution.
    2. Add 200 g of homemade or 250 g of store-bought milk. At the next stage, pour in 1.6 cubes of iodine using a syringe.
    3. The last component is urea, which should be taken 1 tbsp. spoon. Mix everything thoroughly, and then dilute the resulting solution in 10 liters of water. All that remains is to spray.
    4. You can apply this treatment 2-3 times per season. The entire plant should be sprayed.

    How to properly spray tomatoes with boric acid?

    It is recommended to carry out the procedure in dry weather when precipitation is not expected the next day. It is better to spray and water tomatoes with boric acid in the morning or evening, which minimizes the risk of burns. Spraying gives a faster effect, since the absorption of nutrients through the leaves occurs almost instantly. It is important to know not only how to dilute boric acid for spraying tomatoes, but also how to do it correctly:

    1. Prepare a good sprayer with a fine spray. As a result, the solution will fall on the bushes in the form of fog, and not large drops.
    2. Spraying consumption is minimal, so 50-100 ml should be used per plant.
    3. Please note that nutrients are best absorbed from the underside of the leaves, so it is important to treat the entire plant.

    Boric acid is a colorless and odorless crystalline substance. Available in concentrated solution or powder. Dissolve in warm water before use. It has found its wide application as a fertilizer for garden plants. It promotes better development and nutrition of plants, increases the flow of sugar, which increases the crop yield several times.

    Fertilizing tomatoes with boric acid additionally stimulates the growth of stems and roots, reducing the risk of infection with various diseases.

    Beneficial effects of boron on tomatoes

    Spraying with boric acid increases the yield of tomatoes.

    Using Boron as a plant feed - simple, affordable absolutely every gardener, effective remedy.

    It perfectly stimulates the growth of metabolic processes and increases the production of chlorophyll. Under its influence, the synthesis of plant substances is normalized. In addition, a tomato bush treated during the process is much more resistant to changes in weather conditions and resistant to diseases.

    Boron deficiency

    When a plant lacks Boron, its appearance may indicate this.

    With a lack of boron, the stems and leaves of tomatoes become brittle and flowering is delayed.

    • The leaves of this tomato are small, deformed and pale.
    • Apical shoots with time die off.
    • The plant itself blooms poorly, the ovaries form slowly.
    • In addition, its deficiency provokes other important problems associated with the general well-being of the plant.

    Lack of boron affects the fruit set of tomatoes.

    Boron deficiency entails:

    • the ovary is formed with difficulty, resulting in ugly fruits;
    • flowering is significantly delayed, the ovary is discarded en masse;
    • the roots and stems of the plant become brittle and hollow;
    • leaves of young seedlings may acquire a purple tint;
    • side shoots begin to grow actively, but soon they dry out;
    • the growing points of the bush die off;
    • Chlorosis begins on older leaves.

    Boron deficiency can occur in poor, poor soils, wetlands, carbonate alkaline and acidic soils. Medium and light loams have a sufficient level of boron content.


    With an excess of the element, tomatoes also cannot develop and grow normally.

    In this case, they may experience marginal necrosis. With it, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow, dry out and die. The plant gradually withers, which leads to a significant reduction in yield.


    Feeding tomatoes with boric acid is especially important when grown in poor soils.

    Boron is an essential element for proper development of tomatoes . But, before using it as a fertilizer, you should familiarize yourself with the effect it has directly on the tomato crop.

    Effect of Boron on tomatoes:

    • influences the formation of the number of ovaries, can accelerate the process of fruit formation;
    • The chemical elements of the plant enter into a chemical reaction with Boron, which causes the production of more sugar in the fruit. The reaction occurs naturally, which does not raise any doubts about its safety for health. The tomatoes become very sweet and tasty;
    • under the influence of Boron, nitrogen fertilizers are better absorbed . Almost immediately after treatment, the plant changes and takes on an attractive, healthy appearance;
    • strengthens the immune system . The plant is practically no more and;
    • the bush grows better and faster;
    • if there is excess moisture in the greenhouse, it stops the rotting process.

    Foliar boron fertilizing

    The application of boric acid by spraying guarantees a positive result within several days.

    There are 2 ways to apply Boron fertilizing. These are: root - the plant is watered with fertilizer at the root and foliar - spraying.

    Event time

    For proper plant development, boron foliar feeding is carried out several times a season.

    Boric acid can be used to soak tomato seeds.

    Before planting, the planting material must be soaked for a day in a boron solution at the rate of 0.2 g of powder per 1 liter of water. It is advisable to use water at a temperature of 55 degrees. In this case, the seeds must be placed in gauze or a canvas bag. Water temperature is very important, you need to know that Boric acid powder does not dissolve well in cold water.

    Processing of planting material promotes better penetration of nutrients and beneficial microelements into the seeds. This treatment allows the seeds to sprout faster and strengthens the immune system.

    The treated seeds are resistant to diseases and in the future this will ensure the production of strong seedlings.


    During flowering, tomatoes are treated with boron to obtain more ovaries.

    Stages of foliar feeding with Boron:

    1. The period of bud formation.
    2. Active flowering period.
    3. In the initial stage of fruiting.

    Root feeding is carried out at the same time as foliar feeding. It is advisable to carry them out together at the same time. Then the plant will be fully provided with nutrients and protected from all sides.

    It rarely happens that after the first treatment with Boron, the plant begins to wither; if this happens, subsequent boron fertilizing should be abandoned.

    Spraying tomatoes with boric acid for ovary

    It is important to spray with a good sprayer so that the solution settles on the leaves in the form of a mist rather than dripping down.

    The effect of foliar feeding can be seen already 2–3 days after treating the bushes. Spraying is done using a spray bottle.

    You need to spray the entire plant from all sides: leaves, buds, ovary, flowers.

    • The procedure is in progress strictly in the morning or evening hours . Plants cannot be processed in hot weather. Direct sunlight can cause plant burns.
    • The fertilizing temperature should be close to the soil temperature.
    • The proportions of boron solution used are different, depending on the purpose of the treatment.

    Working solutions

    The concentration of the working solution depends on its purpose.

    • against ovary fall — Dissolve 1 g of Boric acid in 1 liter of boiling water. After the solution has cooled, you can spray the bushes;
    • - 1 tsp. Bora is diluted with 10 liters of warm water. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to spray the plant with a solution of potassium permanganate about 7 days before boron treatment. After it, after 7 days, the plant should be treated with iodine solution. Treatment is carried out in mid or late June;
    • for root treatment The working solution is prepared at the rate of 10 g of Boric acid per 10 liters of water. Since the drug does not dissolve well in powder, you should dissolve it in 1 liter of hot water and add it to the remaining 9 liters. If the prepared solution is hermetically sealed, it does not lose its beneficial properties for several days. For spraying, it will be enough to dilute 5 g of the drug in 10 liters of water.

    Foliar feeding has its advantages over root feeding. The result of spraying is visible the very next day, while the results of root spraying will be noticeable only after a few days. In addition, significantly less working solution is used when spraying.


    Spraying is carried out in the morning or evening hours in dry weather.

    Spraying must be done correctly. You must use a good sprayer with fine spray nozzles.

    The solution should fall on the plant in the form of a mist, and not in drops. The best effect is obtained by spraying the leaf from the back side. Therefore, when processing, the bush should be held at a much inclined angle in order to properly spray the underside of the leaf.

    It is important to consider that an excess of boron is very harmful to tomatoes, so the dosage must be strictly observed.

    Experienced gardeners have used Boric Acid as a fertilizer for many years. Until now, Boron is considered one of the most effective means in gardening. To properly carry out such fertilizing, you should familiarize yourself with the advice of professionals.

    • you should make it a rule - When carrying out any fertilizing, the temperature of the water and soil should be approximately the same;
    • foliar feeding should be carried out at high humidity and air temperature no more than 22–25 degrees . At elevated temperatures and low humidity, the solution will simply dry out and there will be no result;
    • before spraying all plantings, you should try the solution on 1 plant and observe for a while how it reacts to feeding;
    • the dosage must be strictly according to the instructions, otherwise, in case of an overdose, the plant will receive a severe burn and die. With a small dosage, you may not expect any effect at all;
    • Boric acid can be used to control pests such as ants.

    You should listen to the advice so that when feeding you do not make common mistakes and destroy the plants.


    The main thing in processing with Boric acid is not to overdo it and prepare solutions in the appropriate proportion. Only with proper use of the drug can you obtain a high-quality tomato harvest.

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