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The kilograms are gone, but the volumes are not. The volume is going away, but the weight is standing: rejoice or cry? Secrets of replacing fat with muscle

Most women dream of an ideal figure and want to lose weight. After studying many diets, you need to choose a suitable one, preferably a quick one. Then the program is approved and they begin to implement it with intensity. The diet is going well until the scales show that the weight has stopped decreasing and weight loss has stopped. Why do the volumes go away, but the weight stays the same? Do you want to find out the reason for this phenomenon? Read on to learn about the plateau effect and what to do about it.

What are volumes

What is more important when losing weight: the kilograms that go away or the centimeters that reduce the volume? When visually determining the mass of a person, we proceed from an assessment of his proportions. The logic is that the more good man, the heavier it is. To clearly understand the progress of weight loss, correctly measure volumes in certain places:

  • Shoulder circumference in the armpit area.
  • The brush is at its thinnest part.
  • The waist is measured at the narrow part of the abdomen.
  • The abdominal circumference is the widest part of the body.
  • Thigh circumference is measured at the groin area.
  • The calf is measured in the wide part of the calf muscle.

What is weight

After measuring the volumes, we will evaluate such a quantity as weight. Doctors say it's important indicator degree of physical development of a person. From the point of view of the average person, it is always superfluous, especially if the weight does not go away when losing weight, but stops. At home, you can weigh yourself using floor scales.

There are many methods and formulas for calculating the normal body weight of a person. A common calculation method is the Broca anthropometric index. It is very easy to use. In order to correctly determine your weight norm in kg, you need to subtract from your height in cm:

  • 100 – for people up to 165 cm tall;
  • 105 – with height from 165 to 175 cm;
  • 110 – if a person is taller than 175 cm.

Why does the weight stay the same?

The script is simple. You start doing something new to lose weight - this is exercise or diet. The first week everything works great, you feel a sense of satisfaction from the progress made, and then the volume goes away, but the weight does not decrease. The body does not react at all to your intense training. Experts called this phenomenon the plateau effect. How does this happen and why does weight stay the same when losing weight?

Before you started losing weight, you didn't do many of the things you do now. The workouts, which were difficult at first, turned into an easy warm-up. Your first kilograms and volumes are lost mainly with excess fluid from muscle tissue. The body adapts to new conditions. Metabolism slows, energy resources increase, and calories accumulate in the muscles as fat. That's why the volumes go away, but the weight stays.

Psychological reasons

There are other reasons why, when dieting, volumes go away, but weight may stay the same. No matter what you want to achieve, believing in yourself is the first and most important step along the way. Many people, when faced with minor failures, quickly become depressed and begin to feel sorry for themselves. Knowing about the plateau effect when losing weight, you can achieve your goal by psychologically setting yourself up to overcome obstacles.

Don't stop there. Look around you, you will see many successful people who also set a big goal and managed to achieve it. However, the path to success is never straight up: it is hard and thorny. Today you are at the top, and tomorrow you are at the bottom. First a big step forward, then small step back, then again a big step forward, and so on until success. A person who believes in himself and his strength is capable of working miracles.

Physiological reasons

The people who solve the problem excess weight, in the process of losing weight, calorie needs automatically decrease. This fact has nothing to do with slowing metabolism. It’s just that the lower the body weight, the less energy a person needs. Unfortunately, this fact is often forgotten, as is the fact that losing weight reduces the number of calories you burn during exercise. It's like a car: the less it is loaded, the less fuel it consumes. The less you weigh, the fewer calories you need to exercise.

What to do if the weight is

To overcome the plateau effect, when you work out and the weight does not come off, it is not necessary to change or cut the calorie content of the menu. You need to introduce a light, fasting day, during which your meals will consist of fruit, vegetable dishes and foods high in protein. The best for weight loss is healthy eating. Don't forget that in fasting days intense workouts should be stopped so as not to harm your health.

Another method. We adhere to the constant principle of nutrition, correct and healthy, but we make adjustments to the training process. For example, we replace several, from one to two, sessions with aerobic exercise with interval training. The intervals should be of a peak nature and performed at maximum speed. As a result, energy consumption during exercise increases and metabolism accelerates after training, which will push you off the plateau effect and the weight will begin to fall off along with the volume again.


When your hair is thin, you should not part it straight: there will definitely be no volume. To make any hairstyle look fuller, part your hair on the side - straight or zigzag.

2. Create a light backcomb

Combing done with a regular comb is a thing of the past. They look unnatural and out of date. There is another way to add volume to your hair with backcombing: use a toothbrush. Part your hair and comb the strands next to it only at the very roots. Then move the parting a couple of centimeters to the side, repeat the procedure - and so on several times.

3. Wash your hair only at the roots

Not everyone knows how to really do it. If they are thin, maintaining proper technique is especially important. Apply shampoo and massage your hair, creating a cloud of foam, only at the roots. If you do the same over the entire length of your hair, including the ends, which are dry and brittle, this will dry it out more. The hair will become fluffy, but will look like straw.

4. Do not apply conditioner to the roots of your hair.

There are also subtleties in using an air conditioner. On the contrary, it should not be applied to the roots. The rich texture of this product will weigh down the hair at the roots - accordingly, there will be no talk of volume. In addition, because of this, thin hair will become dirty even faster.

5. Dry your hair upside down

If you want to achieve volume, do not dry your hair by stretching it with a brush from roots to ends. It is better to lower your head down and direct the air flow from the hair dryer to the roots of your hair. This will lift it and make dried hair more voluminous and fluffy.

6. Keep your hair shorter

Long thin hair usually lacks volume: the weight pulls it down. It's a completely different matter - short haircuts and middle length(above the collarbones). They are easy to style, hold their shape well and retain volume.

7. Layer your haircut

There is a solution for those who do not want to part with length, but still need volume. The main thing is not to cut your hair “along the line”, making a straight cut. In this case, the hairstyle will seem flat, the hair (especially thin) will not be thick, but sparse. At the hairdresser you need to do a multi-layered haircut with graduations. It will look more voluminous both with and without styling.

It is better not to dye thin hair one tone. More complex techniques, such as shatush and balayage, help to use color to emphasize individual strands and thereby visually increase the volume of hair. To enhance the effect, hair after this coloring should be styled with curled ends or waves.

9. Choose the right styling products

Those with fine hair need to pay attention to texture when choosing styling products. Not all of them contribute to volume; some make hair heavier. For example, you should not buy oils and gels. But light sprays, mousses and foams are what you need.

10. Apply styling products in moderation

You need to know when to stop even when using products with a suitable texture. Do not squeeze out a foam ball the size of a tennis ball from the bottle. In such an amount, the styling product will only weigh down the hair and deprive it of volume.

Dry shampoo is a miracle product for those with fine hair. Firstly, as you know, even in half a day they can become greasy and dirty at the roots. If you apply dry shampoo to your roots, it will absorb excess sebum. Secondly, this product lifts the hair at the roots and thickens it. Dry shampoo can also be applied to lengths of hair just to give it volume.

12. Curl your hair

Instead of straightening and smoothing your hair, curl it. Beach waves, like after swimming in sea ​​water, Hollywood curls and voluminous curls give the desired result.

13. Make it messy

Another styling option is with the effect of deliberate negligence. Slightly tousled hair, loose or tied up, will appear fuller and thicker. By the way, to do this styling, dry shampoos, sprays with sugar or sea ​​salt. They help texture the hair.

Why the weight doesn't come off

To understand why the weight does not go away, but the volume decreases, you need to remember that a person’s mass is not just fat. Weight also depends on muscle condition, bone width and density, and tissue hydration. Fat is a lighter tissue; muscle and bone are heavier. Therefore, when the volume goes away, but the weight stays the same, this is a normal state of affairs, especially in the first weeks of training in the gym, when the body begins to lose fat, but accumulate muscle mass.

There are also some reasons why body weight does not decrease:

  • monotonous diet (if for a long time eat monotonous dietary foods, the body begins to get used to it and stops responding to the same food and the same amount of calories);
  • improper functioning of hormones (excessive production of cortisol can cause weight loss);
  • more muscle than fat (intensive sports will get rid of the fat layer, but will tone muscle tissue, which will begin to grow, which is why the weight will remain unchanged);
  • incorrect ratio of calories in and out (weight will not decrease if calorie intake exceeds their expenditure; if you eat high-calorie food and go in for sports, the volume will decrease, but the weight will remain the same, since the calorie content of what is eaten will be enormous);
  • psychological factor (subconscious fear of failure can slow down the process of losing weight).

Why are volumes declining?

If, when losing weight, the volume goes away, but the weight stays the same, it means that the lost fat has been replaced by other tissues. To understand which tissues have become more numerous in the body, you need to know:

  • how old is the person losing weight?
  • did he go in for sports (if so, when was the last time and what intensity of training);
  • Volumes are declining steadily or it was short-term.

At a young age, especially before 20 years of age, weight gain is possible when bone width and density increase. In middle and old age this is unlikely.

Most often, it is the increase in muscle mass that will reduce the volume, but leave the weight unchanged. This happens if a person goes to the gym or does physical labor. The reason that muscle mass has increased may also be the use of certain dietary supplements.

If the volumes decreased briefly and not steadily, dehydration, that is, dehydration of the body, should not be ruled out. Especially if the person drank a diuretic or sweated a lot, causing fluid to leak out. But such changes are very insignificant, and the weight during dehydration will remain the same if, for example, you are full bladder or intestines.

What to do if your weight does not change

If you are losing weight but the weight remains the same day after day, there are some steps you can take to improve the situation. For example, you need to drink more water. To reduce body weight and normalize metabolism, you should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. However, the greater your body weight, the more fluid your body requires. You can try drinking an extra 0.5 liters of water or unsweetened green tea. It's better to do this in the morning. Lack of fluid may be preventing you from losing weight.

Before you start worrying about why you are gaining weight, you need to remember that losing weight is stress for the body and the body will not withstand intense exercise and strict diets for too long. Therefore, the body needs to be given a break. For example, you can eat a small amount of dark chocolate or a slice of vegetable pizza once a week. This way you will give your body some relief and it will become easier to tolerate the diet.

In some cases, for body weight to begin to decrease, you just need to wait it out. When the body begins to adapt to diet and sports conditions, you should not turn to radical methods to speed up the weight loss process. If you avoid mistakes in nutrition and do physical exercises correctly, the extra pounds will go away. You just need to be patient, and the lost body weight will be your reward.

If your weight remains unchanged due to hormonal imbalance, you should consult a doctor, since exercise will not correct the situation. Normalizing the functioning of hormones or temporarily reducing physical activity will help solve the problem.

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If you have naturally thin hair, it can be very difficult to give it the desired volume and - most importantly - to maintain it after leaving the house. And yet it is possible.

website I’ve put together some tips for you that will help you make your hair more voluminous and always look chic.

Play with hair length

Many stylists agree that optimal length for thin hair - no lower than the collarbones, since short haircuts visually look more voluminous. In addition, they are much easier to install. So if you still choose volume between length and volume, welcome to the hairdresser.

Get a layered haircut

Another haircut option, thanks to which you can create a visual effect of volume, is a multi-layered haircut, decorated with a torn outline. It lends itself very well to styling and - importantly - is suitable for any face type and hair length.

Add Colors

Additional volume can be given not only with the help of scissors, but also “painted on” using the dyeing technique. This can be either regular highlighting or its newfangled variation - shatush dyeing, in which the effect of burnt hair is created by using several shades of the same color.

Wash your hair correctly

Even something as simple as washing your hair can help make your hair look fuller if you follow a few simple rules. Here they are:

1. Soap only the roots, and distribute the resulting foam along the length. Closer to the ends, the hair is always drier and more fragile, so it is not necessary to rub it at all.

2. Apply conditioner or mask only along the length of your hair. Moisturizers applied to the roots weigh down the hair and make it look flatter.

3. Cleanse your scalp regularly. This will help improve blood circulation and get rid of dead cells.

4. Try not to wash your hair every day. When we wash too often, we wash away the protective layer from our hair, which makes it weaker and lacks volume. Better use dry shampoo.

Lift up your hair roots

Today there are many means for creating root volume, starting with special sprays and hair straighteners and ending with curlers that our mothers and grandmothers used to curl. If you don’t have any of these on hand, use regular bobby pins: just pin them up on damp hair and let it dry, then remove. The roots will be a little more lifted, but without the extra volume that catches the eye.

Don't overuse styling products

Excess styling products stick together and weigh down your hair, making it very difficult to give it the desired volume. Remember: to style short hair, a ball of foam the size of Walnut, for medium length hair - with egg, For long hair- about the size of a tennis ball.

Create an artistic mess

Smooth, neatly combed hair often looks too slick and flat. But slight negligence, on the contrary, is volume’s best friend. You can create the effect of artistic chaos with the help of light waves, stray strands, good old backcombing, a loose hair tie and, of course, styling products. You can't go anywhere without them!

Use dry shampoo

Most girls use scales to indicate their slimness: they say, 50 kg is normal, but 53 is already too much.

But, focusing on such an indicator, you miss the nuance of the body structure. After all, the same half-centner can look completely different!

Weight games

What's heavier: a pound of muscle or a pound of fat?)

Okay, the weight is the same. But in terms of volume these will be different values! Here's a good example for comparison:

As is known, muscles are heavier. Therefore, even a small increase in muscle mass can give you an increase of 1-2 kg. But at the same time you look much fitter and slimmer!

And here fat – light, but “lush”. Fat cells fill with fatty acids and swell. By increasing in volume, they make us visually larger and thicker, although this may not affect our weight as much.

Strength training and muscles

If you regularly work out in the gym, then it is natural that your muscles become denser and larger. Accordingly, body weight may increase slightly.

Although, with a calorie deficit, whatever one may say, the increase will be small. Many girls are scared. They seem to be working out, sweating, eating in moderation, and then bam, plus two kilos! IN in this case

looking at weight is stupid.

It would be wiser to take measurements by volume: hips, legs, waist, chest, arms, etc. Record your measurements every two weeks, and then you will see real results.

obese woman measuring her waist with a measuring tape against a white background

In addition, you always have such an indicator as clothes! Yes, yes, it is she who will “tell” whether you have lost or gained weight.

And don’t think that if the weight is on the scale, you are not losing weight due to fat. There are many nuances here.

Weight loss and fat Fat comes off slowly.

However, even minus one unfortunate kg from your body - and it is already starting to look different.

During weight loss, water may be retained, fat cells may temporarily fill with fluid, you may gain muscle, etc. So, Don't focus on the scale, look in the mirror.

For comparison, you can make collages - and then enjoy and be motivated by your own results!

When losing weight, it's important to lose fat, not muscle. Therefore, if you adhere to a certain diet and work out in the gym, do not focus on weight!

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