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DIY fabric crafts. How to beautifully decorate an interior using homemade crafts (photo, step-by-step master class)

The most interesting DIY home crafts are much simpler than they seem to inexperienced handicraft lovers. Hand made is literally translated as handmade, that is, absolutely all types of needlework can be classified as hand made. This can be either making a rug or making mittens knitted with your own hands.

If you love handicrafts, adding some flair to the interior of your home will not be difficult. We present you ideas not only for experienced needlewomen, but also for beginning craftswomen. Prepare your materials and start creating!

Newspaper baskets

You don’t have to spend money to have such baskets for all your household items, because you can make them yourself.

We will need:

  • braiding box
  • thick cardboard
  • many newspapers
  • scissors
  • knitting needle

1. Cut a sheet of newspaper in half and begin to wind a strip of newspaper onto it at this angle:

2. Glue the tip of the newspaper to the tube.

3. Take cardboard for the bottom of the basket and glue the tubes to it.

4. You need to glue another piece of cardboard on top.

5. For the first row, simply wrap the tubes one after the other.

6. Wrap the last tube as shown in the photo.

7. Glue the additional tube and begin weaving the basket.

8. Attach the tubes by inserting one into the other.

9. We increase the tubes during the weaving process.

10. Watch how the weaving ends.

11. Place the wrapped tubes inside our basket.

12. At the final stage, the tubes must be cut and singed.

13. The finished basket can be painted in the desired color.

And in this video you can learn how to knit a rug from bulky yarn

Cork mat

We will need:

  • base for the rug (you can use laminate)
  • plugs of the same size
  • knife and scissors
  • glue or glue gun

1. Cut off part of the base.

2. Cut the corks in half.

3. Glue the corks to the base. Voila, your new hallway rug is ready!

A rug made from unnecessary things

Such a rug will not only decorate the entrance to the apartment, but will also save you from old, unnecessary things.

1.Cut your unwanted clothes into thin strips.

2. Tie the pieces of fabric tightly to the mesh.

3. Secure with tape and the mat is ready.

Blanket made of pieces

A blanket from pieces can be made in different ways:

1. From knitted pieces. First you need to knit squares of different colors using knitting needles or a crochet hook, and then connect these squares together.

2. From different scraps of fabric.

Bead painting

Decoupage furniture

Recently, decoupage has become increasingly popular, because it is a great way to update your furniture and decorate the interior of your apartment. For decoupage, photographs, old books, newspapers or magazines, and fabric are usually used. These materials are painted over with varnish or glued to pieces of furniture.

Table decoration

Decorating a chest of drawers

Such crafts will be very useful in everyday life, and they are not difficult to make.

Handmade products can decorate the interior of not only your home, but also your garden. Unnecessary things can turn into very useful ones for the garden.

Crafts from wicker

If grapes grow in your dacha, then you will be provided with materials for needlework for the rest of your life. Decorative figurines, benches and much more can be made from vines.

Flowerpots and rope rug

Mat made from plastic bottle caps

We all have a whole bunch of plastic bottle caps at home, so why not do something useful with them?

The covers are connected to each other with fishing line, and holes can be made in them using an awl.

Country style paintings

Patchwork ottoman

Patchwork is another latest trend in the world of interior design.

1. To make such an ottoman, we need to cut 12 triangles from colored material and sew them together.

2. Cut out a piece of fabric that will be the side of our pouf. We sew the cut together and stitch it with the previously made triangles.

3. Cut out a circle of the same diameter as the top of the ottoman. Sew on the bottom, leaving a small piece unstitched.

4. At the final stage of making the pouf, it must be stuffed, darned and a decorative button sewn on for beauty.

If you have your own dacha, then why not make a hammock, which will be so comfortable to read your favorite book.

To make a hammock chair we will need:

  • thick fabric
  • rope

Let's start making:

1. Cut a fabric base (rectangle 115x86 cm) and cut 14 strips measuring 8x15 cm. Each strip must be folded in half and stitched. We fold the resulting ribbon in half and sew it together, so we get a very strong loop.


To make good purchases at the store, properly manage scraps, or alter old clothes, you need to have some knowledge of fabrics. Fabric is a textile product formed on a loom by interweaving mutually perpendicular systems of threads. The structure of the fabric is determined by the relative position of the longitudinal (warp) and transverse (weft) threads, their type and thickness, and the type of weaving of the threads in the fabric. The warp and weft threads are sequentially intertwined with each other in a certain order. This affects the formation of fabric with a structure, appearance, and properties characteristic of a given weave. Weaving weaves can be simple or combined. Depending on the type of raw material, fabrics are: natural (cotton, linen, silk, wool) and chemical (synthetic and artificial). In order to increase the wear life of fabrics and improve their properties, mixed fabrics are produced. Thanks to the widespread use of chemical fibers, fundamentally new fabrics with various effects have been created. The diversity of the range of fabrics is achieved through the use of new threads, yarns, and new types of finishing. The choice of the necessary fabric depends on what product will be made from it: a nightgown, a suit, outerwear or a children's toy.

Master Class

Master Class (MK) - this is the transfer of his professional experience by a master (teacher), his consistent, verified actions leading to a predetermined result.

To publish a master class, the work must be original (invented and made by you). If you used someone else's idea, you must indicate the author. (The link to the source should not lead to a site containing sales of goods or services, since links to commercial sites are prohibited according to clause 2.4 of the PS).

Your master class should not completely duplicate the one already available in the Land of Masters. Before publishing, check through the search that there are no similar MKs on the site.

The process should be photographed step by step (see Tips for photographing crafts) or filmed (see how to upload a video).

The order of registration: the first photo is the finished work that is proposed to be completed, the second photo is the materials and tools necessary for the work (or their detailed description), then the stages of MK from the first to the last. The final photo (the result of the work) can repeat the very first one. Photos must be accompanied by clear and competent comments about the process.

If you have already published your MK on another site and you want to also publish it with us, then you need to follow all the rules for designing a MK described above. In other words: in an entry with the MK type, you cannot simply put a photo of the finished product and a link to a master class on another site.

Attention: all master classes in the Land of Masters are checked by site assistants. If the requirements of the Master Class section are not met, the entry type will be changed. If the site's User Agreement is violated, for example, copyright is violated, the entry will be removed from publication.

Almost every housewife has a lot of small scraps of unnecessary fabric in her house. Don’t rush to throw them away, because you can create real masterpieces with your own hands from scraps.

You can combine a variety of materials, but it is advisable to combine a fabric that matches the color and texture. In addition, the patchwork should match the trim, as well as the overall color and style of your home.

Even from small scraps of fabric left over after sewing a large item, you can make a lot of useful and pleasant little things that will decorate the interior of your home and delight your beauty And unusualness and can serve as a toy or educational aid for a child.

Sewing such a craft will not require large economic costs and technical skills, but it can bring a lot of joy.

From scraps you can make not only small cute crafts, but also bedspreads for furniture or even furniture upholstery. Such a patchwork furniture cover will make the interior of a house or apartment unique and will allow you to create your own inimitable and original pattern, emphasizing certain places in the interior. To do this, you can use ready-made color schemes, or you can develop your own - it all depends on your desire, taste and imagination.

Before you start sewing a throw or upholstery on a sofa or chair, you need to consider the following features of this process:

  1. if you plan to completely replace the upholstery with a new patchwork one, it is advisable to remove the old one and use it as a diagram for your own work;
  2. To make covers for furniture, it is better to use thick fabrics. In particular, fabrics that are used to upholster furniture in the factory are suitable;
  3. if you decide to sew a cape from thin scraps, you will need to make a dense lining;
  4. it is very important to properly process the edges of the canvas to avoid further fraying;
  5. when choosing colors and patterns, it is important to maintain a single style composition;
  6. It is better to trust the upholstery of a chair or sofa with the resulting fabric to a master.

There is no need to decorate all the furniture in the room in patchwork style, one is enough. armchairs or a sofa for the room. Otherwise, there will be too many color accents, and the room will look ridiculous.

Gallery: crafts from scraps of fabric (25 photos)

We decorate the nursery with our own hands

We strive to give our children the best. You can decorate your favorite child’s nursery using patchwork crafts, accessories or a small piece of fabric.

The design of a nursery can be decorated using:

  1. hand-sewn patchwork curtains;
  2. patchwork multi-colored rugs;
  3. a variety of colored blankets and bedspreads;
  4. bed linen and pillows;
  5. toys of different sizes and shapes;
  6. children's wallets;
  7. wall panels that can not only decorate the room, but also carry a functional load.

Of course, for boys and girls the design and nature of scrap crafts will be different. For boys Interior decor elements are best done in blue and beige tones, and girls- in white and pink.

There should be few bright elements of red or orange, otherwise they will irritate the child. However, in moderation, such bright sewing details will bring an atmosphere of cheerfulness and energy to the room.

Toys made from multi-colored scraps can not only decorate the interior, but also become your child’s favorite for the coming years.

Making knitted rugs: master class and ideas

From unnecessary rags or narrow strips of fabric, you can make an original knitted rug with your own hands without sewing. To do this, it is recommended to follow the step-by-step scheme:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the material for your rug. To do this, you can use old knitted items, T-shirts and T-shirts;
  2. the source material is cut into long narrow strips. It is necessary to cut in a spiral or by folding the fabric in several layers and not reaching the edge when cutting. The result is one continuous long ribbon of fabric that does not have to be sewn;
  3. You can knit a rug with knitting needles, but crocheting is more convenient. You can knit a rectangular or round rug using simple single crochet stitches.

If you successfully mix several colors, you will get a bright and original element of interior decor.

Small crafts from scraps

From small scraps You can make charming flowers to decorate clothes, bags and interiors.

Below we provide a master class on making several types of such decorative elements.

Country style lace flower

To make such flower you will need strips measuring 40x11 cm and 24x5 cm, as well as a lace piece of 31x4 cm. The finished product will need to be 12 cm in diameter.

Each strip of fabric is sewn in the shape of a ring. Fold the resulting rings in half and iron them with a hot iron. The open sections of all rings are gathered using basting stitches. All received parts are sewn on top of each other in layers. A button is sewn on top.

Model of a flower with ribbons

To make this type of flowers you will need scissors like zigzag. It is necessary to cut out 5 pieces of round fabric with a diameter of 11 cm with these scissors. Next, cut out 3 strips 35 cm long and 1–2 cm wide.

You can slightly fray the edges of the fabric so that excess threads fall off. All the resulting circles are superimposed on each other and folded in four.

The resulting corner is sewn up at a distance of 1 cm from the edge, and the resulting petals are straightened. Strips of fabric are sewn from the back to the center of the flower. They need to be folded in such a way that the ends of different lengths are obtained.

This charming flower can be used to decorate a bag or sofa cushion.

For the manufacture of vintage decorations in the form of a rose will require 2 strips of fabric 50 cm long and 6 and 3.5 cm wide. Both strips along one side are sewn with basting stitches and gathered together. A narrow strip is collected into a dense bud, and wrapped on top with a wider strip. All parts are fixed at the base.

From such a flower you can make a charming hair tie. To do this, you will need an elastic band and a piece of thick felt with a diameter of 2–3 cm. 2 small holes are made in the felt circle, like a button.

The ends of the elastic are inserted into these holes and tied. The knot is applied to the folds of the fabric and fixed. The edges of the felt circle are tightly sewn on top.

Volumetric rose

To make this decoration you will need a strip of fabric 60 cm long and 12 cm wide, as well as a strip of padding polyester with a smaller width.

The fabric strip is sewn in half, and a strip of padding polyester. You should not iron the edges of the strip, otherwise you will not get the desired effect.

The open edges of the fabric strip are gathered with basting stitches and gathered slightly. One of the short sides of the strip is folded inward and sewn with a hidden seam. The other side is rolled up into a tight bud. The edge of the fabric is folded to the middle of the rose and hemmed to the base.

Almost every housewife in her house can find a small bag (or even much more) with remnants of unnecessary fabric. Don’t rush to throw them away, because you can create real masterpieces from these scraps.

My friend Olga, a practicing decorator with 15 years of experience, says this about this: “ Any piece of fabric or flap can be used if you have a good idea and a creative spirit

Therefore, to inspire you to be creative and have fun, the editors "So simple!" offers ideas for crafts, which can be made from fabric scraps. Just awesome! I'll do the same today.

DIY fabric crafts

  1. If you have any scraps of synthetic curtains left over, you can use them to make flowers. You can decorate anything with these fabric flowers.

    You will need: curtain scraps or any satin fabric, scissors, threads, needles, as well as beads or beads for the center of the flower.

    First you need to cut the remaining fabric into strips. The size of the strips depends on the required size of flowers. I used strips ranging in size from 15 cm to 30 cm and a width of 6–8 cm. The evenness of the cuts is not important!

    Fold the strips in half lengthwise, with the satin side facing in, and then bring the edges together, making a seam. You can sew either on a sewing machine or by hand.

    Now begin to roll the workpiece, each time grabbing the edge with a needle. In this case, it is better to turn the strip of fabric over each time so that the flower becomes more voluminous.

  2. When the flower is ready, sew beads, a button or a bead in its middle.

    These flowers can be used to decorate a beautiful notebook, a pot for your favorite plant, or a gift box.

  3. And it is not at all necessary to take fabric of the same color, because in one flower you can collect several multi-colored petals, which will look very unusual and interesting!

    To make a simple multi-colored flower you will need: fabric of different colors, thread and needle to match, large buttons, scissors and a hot glue gun.

    Cut the fabric into equal circles, then fold each circle in half (right side out) and in half again.

    Using hot glue, glue the petals to the back of the button. Also, for convenience and greater beauty, you can make a lining for the back in advance.

    Now use the flowers as you wish. For example, you can decorate a mug with them.

  4. You can also make original coasters from leftover fabric. oven mitts for hot dishes or cups. These products are not only very useful and functional, but also serve as a charming element for kitchen decor.

I also suggest you try your hand at patchwork and patchwork sewing techniques.

For many people, their favorite hobby is DIY at home. If you have creative abilities, use your talent to the fullest to create original things and exclusive interior items. Handicrafts do not require any special skills or knowledge from you. This activity is suitable for both experienced craftsmen and beginners who have never worked with a needle, scissors and other tools.

For many people, their favorite hobby is DIY home crafts.

At first, you may not be able to make high-quality products, but over time, any, even the most complex, jewelry will turn out easily and beautifully. To make various items, you can use any available materials:

  • old clothes;
  • colored paper;
  • foam rubber;
  • ribbons;
  • Styrofoam;
  • beads;
  • threads, etc.

Almost all home decor materials are readily available, so you don't have to spend a lot of money on your hobby. Let's look at how to choose the right type of needlework. In this matter, you need to adhere to one simple rule - do what your soul is passionate about. The most popular types of needlework:

  • fabric crafts for home;
  • beading;
  • patchwork;
  • clothing decor;
  • topiary - making souvenirs from different materials in the shape of small trees;
  • scrapbooking - this type of needlework involves creating unique postcards and photo albums from scrap materials;
  • quilling - making paper crafts with your own hands.

At first, you may not be able to make high-quality products, but over time, any, even the most complex jewelry will turn out easily and beautifully

This is not a complete list of DIY home ideas. If sewing is your thing, you can create original items of clothing, exclusive curtains or interesting soft toys. Designer crafts made from fabric fit perfectly into any interior. To make them, you can use unnecessary clothes, scraps and any other available materials. As a result, you will receive products that have no analogues.

Handicrafts for home and garden are a great help for people who want to save money. Another important advantage of handmade is that during work you can develop your imagination and creativity, as well as the ability to see something new and original in a simple thing. Plus, it's a great way to surround yourself with one-of-a-kind designer items. You can make all the most interesting and unique things with your own hands from scrap materials. The main thing is desire and patience.

New direction of needlework (video)

DIY rugs for home and garden

A great idea for home and garden are bright rugs made of woolen yarn or rope. Such products will decorate any interior and give it a special charm. They look great in the hallway, bathroom or children's room. Rugs made from thick yarn of different colors look especially original. If you want to save money, you can use unnecessary knitted items to make rugs - leggings, T-shirts, etc. If you cut them into narrow strips, you will get a soft, easy-to-work yarn. The finished product can be tied with lace. Such rugs fit perfectly into a modern interior. Your craft will look especially original if you insert LEDs into it. The yarn for the rug must be chosen very carefully.

A great idea for home and garden – bright rugs made of wool yarn or ropes

If you use synthetic or acrylic threads, the product will become electrified. Woolen threads “pinch” unpleasantly on your bare feet. The best option is wool blend yarn.

To make a rope rug, you will need several meters of thick rope and 2-3 old woolen sweaters. Twist the rope into a snail shape, securing each turn with thread. If you need to make a mat quickly, you can use a glue gun. The basis for the rug can be ordinary burlap. With its help you will securely fix your product. Use old sweaters to make pom-poms and other decorative details for the rug.

Fabric crafts

If you want to liven up your country interior, sew some useful things from old tablecloths or towels. For example, decorative pillows made of soft fabric can be used as decoration for a sofa. To do this, you will need several scraps of fabric that does not fray when cut. For the base, you can take the most ordinary cotton fabric. Fabric crafts come in a wide variety. To decorate a room in your country house, you can sew a patchwork quilt or original curtains. Fabric mats for cups and plates look great in the kitchen. They can be made from any fabric and decorated with wide braid.

Any needlewoman stores remnants of various fabrics. Among them you can also find tiny pieces that cannot be called scraps, but you don’t dare throw them away. Collect all these scraps and make them into interior decorations. Let's look at some of the most unusual options:

  • furniture renovation;
  • unique accessories;
  • decorations for children's room;
  • decor of vases, baskets and kitchen containers.

Anyone can make such fabric crafts for home and garden, even if they don’t know how to sew. The fabric can simply be glued to the base, but you will still need basic sewing skills. Remnants of fabric can be used to decorate drawers, a metal headboard or a small table. You can use cotton fabric to decorate furniture in a traditional French style.

Small scraps can be used to decorate frames or table lamps. A simple glass vase will look new if you decorate it with lace or silk ribbons. You can sew original removable covers for flower pots. Leftover felt makes great homemade napkin rings. If you want to sew beautiful curtains, take a master class from an experienced designer. At such an event you can get a lot of new ideas. Once you learn how to make various original fabric products, create your own blog and share your skills with other people.

Beautiful do-it-yourself pincushions (video)


The simplest paper crafts, New Year's snowflakes, postcards, airplanes, were taught to many in school. This simple and affordable material is the basis for the manufacture of various interior design and decor items. Experienced craftsmen use any paper - cardboard, napkins, colored sheets for children's creativity and corrugated paper. The latter option is perfect for making flowers. This material makes very beautiful realistic products.

Various cardboard boxes and stands are often used in households. To decorate your summer cottage, you can make windmills from this material. A cardboard fan made in the shape of a bird of paradise will save you from the summer heat. A cardboard cylinder will become the basis for making some kind of animal or airplane.

“Dais flowers” ​​look great in interior design for home and garden. You won't spend much time making them. The middle of the flower can be made from yellow paper, and the petals from pink or purple. Craftsmen who constantly work with paper create unique things from this material - flower arrangements, picturesque panels or various figures. They get real pleasure from their work. Create, and your life will become more joyful and interesting.

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