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Problems of preschool education according to experts and parents. Solutions

Examination at preschool educational institutions. Pedagogical crossword puzzle with answers

Natalia Valerievna Konduktorova, teacher of the municipal pre-school educational institution of the Balashikha urban district “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 20 “Teremok”

I present to your attention crossword puzzle “Expertise in preschool education.”
This crossword puzzle will be useful for senior educators, pre-school methodologists, teachers preschool education, students of pedagogical colleges and universities. The crossword puzzle presents modern interpretations of the concepts “expertise”, “expert”, “expert assessments”, “scientific and pedagogical expertise”; how they are defined in preschool pedagogy.

Target: guessing a crossword puzzle on the topic “Expertise in preschool education”

1. One of the assessment methods (methods). (Quantitative)
2. Research and resolution, with the help of knowledgeable people, of any issue that requires special knowledge. (Expertise)
3.The degree of comparison of results with costs, one of the most important criteria expert assessment. (Efficiency)

4. A regulatory document for preschool education that defines the requirements for the psychological and pedagogical conditions of education in kindergarten; educational programs; professional competence of teachers; creation of a material development environment. (Standard)

5.One of the most necessary conditions and grounds for monitoring. (Rationing)

6. The set of characteristics of an object related to its ability to satisfy established and expected needs. (Quality)

7.Procedure recognized by the state represented by it government agencies education management state preschool status educational organization with assigning a type and category to it. (Accreditation)

8. An object intended for children's play, serving educational purposes; a work of art that synthesizes the expressive means of sculpture, decorative and applied art, artistic design and theatrical art, subject to expert evaluation. (Toy)

1. Type of monitoring according to the scale of educational goals. (Strategic)

3. One of the basic principles that is fundamental for expert assessments of modern preschool education. (Humanization)

4. The procedure for conducting an examination and making a decision on issuing (or refusing to issue) an educational organization a license for the right to conduct educational activities in accordance with the submitted application. (Licensing)

5. An experienced person invited in controversial or difficult cases for examination; a specialist who gives an opinion when considering a specific issue. (Expert)

6. Comprehensive examination of the activities of preschool educational institutions in order to identify its compliance (non-compliance) with the requirements of the state educational standard. (Certification)

7. A method that includes a set of logical and mathematical procedures aimed at obtaining information, its analysis and processing in order to prepare and make a competent management decision. (Expert)

8.Name of the researcher studying the system-integrated approach in scientific and pedagogical examination. (Shamova)

1.Krulekht M.V., Telnyuk I.V. Expert assessments in education: Proc. aid for students fak. doshk. higher education ped. textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing center "Academy". - 112 p., 2002

State assessment of the quality of preschool educational institutions today occurs regularly and in a variety of forms - from checking sanitary and fire safety conditions to licensing and certification of teaching staff. While working in a preschool educational institution, I came to the conclusion that, unfortunately, in the preschool educational institution, after most inspections, there were no deep transformations and a transition to new, untapped resources and opportunities. The formal implementation of assessment procedures often led to the fact that the efforts of the administration and staff were aimed only at the “external” execution of orders and sanctions of inspection commissions, while the “internal problems” of the kindergarten remain unresolved.

Whereas an adequate assessment of the quality of educational services, based on a comprehensive analysis of information on the actual state of affairs in all structural divisions of the institution, makes it possible to formulate transformation goals, develop and implement development plans for a preschool institution, ensuring its transition to a new qualitative state that meets growing educational needs and requirements state standard.

To do this, the preschool educational institution needed to update the content, mechanisms and assessment procedures, and create an independent system for assessing the quality of education. In connection with changes in regulatory requirements for control and evaluation activities, I selected measurement systems such as pedagogical examination and the method of expert assessments, which include diagnostics and monitoring, and are presented in the form of pedagogical analysis.

According to the German teacher K. Ingenkamp, ​​“a distinction is made between pedagogical analysis in the narrow sense of the word, the subject of which is planning and control of the pedagogical process, and pedagogical analysis in the broad sense, covering all diagnostic tasks within the framework of educational counseling.” This supports the relevance of pedagogical analysis for peer review in education.

The essence of pedagogical analysis in preschool educational institutions is the study of the effectiveness and contradictions of the educational process. I determined its main task to be the establishment of general relationships that influence the success or failure of the educational process.

As a basis, I took the definition proposed by T. I. Shamova: “pedagogical analysis is understood as a simultaneous operational study and assessment, regulation and correction of a process or phenomenon at the level of the child’s personality, the activities of a teacher or the head of an educational institution.”

So, pedagogical analysis for our educational institution is a system of methods, techniques, specially developed technologies and techniques, test tasks, allowing, during a pedagogical examination, to determine the level of professional competence of teachers, the level of development of the child, as well as to diagnose the causes of shortcomings and determine ways to improve the quality of education.

According to the theory of management of educational systems (N.P. Kapustin, P.I. Tretyakov, T.I. Shamova), I identified three main stages in the analysis of certain phenomena in the educational process.

The first stage is a preliminary, presumptive diagnosis - predominantly observation methods are used. Observing the activities of teachers and other kindergarten employees allows us to obtain initial information about the nature of the interaction of teachers with children and parents, the content of the educational process and the individual development of pupils.

The second stage, a clarifying diagnosis, is based on more accurate, objective data generated on the basis of the integrated use of various methods of pedagogical analysis.

The third stage - the final diagnosis - consists not only of summarizing the data obtained as a result of a preliminary and clarifying diagnosis, but also of storing and comparing them. At this stage, methods of expert assessments are mainly used.

The methodology for conducting pedagogical analysis of educational activities, developed by me on the basis of scientific and methodological literature, is presented in diagram No. 1.

Scheme No. 1. Methodology for conducting pedagogical analysis in preschool educational institution No. 276 (Appendix 1)

The six criteria blocks for assessing a preschool educational institution are actually the main objects of pedagogical analysis of its activities. The methodological guideline that unites all areas of assessment into a holistic, unified idea of ​​the preschool educational institution is the idea that the most important mission of the preschool educational institution is to create a situation for the development of the child’s personality, and this ultimately governs all aspects of its functioning.

This system of work made it possible to outline the main directions of development of the educational institution, taking into account external and internal resources, the requests of parents, which were reflected in the Concept for the development of a preschool educational institution, which reflected the mission, goals and objectives of the kindergarten as a whole and specifically the teaching staff. Within the framework of this Concept, preschool teachers developed documents regulating various areas of correctional and educational activities of kindergartens, including Educational preschool educational program. Based on the results of the pedagogical analysis, the creative group under my leadership created and is implementing the Preschool Development Program.

Conducting pedagogical analysis in an educational institution is collective in nature, with the participation of the administration, teachers and parents. In turn, the systemic and collegial nature of the organization and conduct of pedagogical analysis contributed to the improvement of the qualifications and professional skills of each teacher and the team as a whole, and the activation of educators and teachers to professional and personal self-development. And as a result, it made it possible to qualitatively organize the implementation of educational programs at a new level and build a correctional educational process. The systematic, purposeful work of the teaching staff made it possible to achieve:

  • positive dynamics and stability in all indicators of the educational level of students;
  • ensure accessibility and high quality education of preschool children.

This work made it possible to determine the main directions of experimental innovative work of preschool educational institutions: educational, methodological and personnel support for educational activities, the formation of key competencies of students that determine the modern quality of education; development of a model of a humanistic education system; introduction of information and communication technologies.

Pedagogical analysis in kindergarten practice allowed us to effectively conduct thematic checks and adequately assess the success of professional activity teachers, identify parents’ satisfaction with the quality of educational services, helps educators and parents understand the reasons causing difficulties in raising a child, and determine the success of mastering the educational program.

Target: conducting an accreditation examination of the activities of a preschool educational institution; examination of the results of management activities of the head of an educational institution and her deputies.

Confirm the compliance of the regulatory framework for the activities of preschool educational institutions with standardized requirements for the activities of a legal entity.

Confirm compliance of the conditions for the implementation of the educational process offered by the preschool educational institution with state and regional requirements.

To establish compliance of the content, level and quality of training of graduates with the Temporary (approximate) requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in preschool educational institutions, NRC State Educational Standards.

To establish the correspondence of the level and focus of educational programs implemented in preschool educational institutions with the type and type of institution.

Establish (confirm) the compliance of the state status of the preschool educational institution, stated in the Charter and license, with the requirements of the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution for the provision of rights and benefits provided for by law.

Forms of work:

Monitoring the activities of the educational institution, preschool teachers, and students.

Attendance at open events.

Individual conversations with the administration of the educational institution, teachers-members of certification commissions, preschoolers, parents.

Analysis of documents on the organization of the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

Analysis of the results of the educational institution’s activities in implementing the tasks provided for by the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution, the Charter of the Educational Institution, the Temporary Requirements and the State Educational Standards NQF.

The certification examination of a preschool educational institution is carried out based on the analysis of the following documents:

Charter of the preschool educational institution; license; educational program; agreements with parents (legal representatives); syllabus; class schedule; work programs; minutes of teachers' councils; diagnostic materials; preschool development program; annual plan; local regulations.

Additional sources of information: OS information card; materials of self-examination of the results of the activities of the educational institution; tour of the preschool educational institution; attending classes; interviews with participants in the educational process.

During the examination, the commission studies and analyzes the educational, pedagogical and management activities of the teaching staff in order to establish compliance with certification and accreditation indicators:

1. Fulfillment by the educational institution of the requirements of the State Standards when organizing the educational process according to educational programs of the appropriate level and focus.

2. Compliance of the content, level and quality of training of preschool educational institution graduates with the requirements of state educational standards.

3. Compliance of the implemented educational programs with the type, type and category of preschool educational institution.

Based on the analysis, the certification commission makes recommendations and proposals. For example, “The analysis shows that preschool educational institution No. 196 has created conditions for the implementation of programs additional education. High level The effectiveness of the institution’s work in this direction allows us to make additions to the license and certificate of state accreditation. It is recommended that additional education programs be licensed and accredited in the following areas: artistic, aesthetic, and physical education and health."

The general conclusions of experts based on the results of the certification examination are also drawn up. For example:

"Taking into account the analysis of the submitted self-examination materials and, based on the results of the certification examination of the content, level and quality of training of preschool students to the requirements of the State Standards, the commission came to the conclusion:

Achieved results of educational activities of the teaching staff in MDOU kindergarten No. 196 of a general developmental type with priority implementation intellectual development students comply with the goals and objectives of the declared educational programs and legal norms.

Accreditation conditions are provided in accordance with regulatory requirements.

The expert commission proposes:

Accredit a municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 196 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of the intellectual development of pupils.

Confirm state status:

type - preschool educational institution,

type - a general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of the intellectual development of pupils.

The accreditation period is five years."

Preschool education is an important component of the country’s social life. A lot depends on the quality of education in preschool educational institutions, so preschool education is now considered as the most important socio-forming factor.

Accordingly, the problems of preschool education are actively discussed and resolved, as evidenced by the meeting held on April 23, 2013 in the Open Government format, at which government officials together with experts discussed the most pressing problems of preschool education in the Russian Federation.

What problems exist in preschool education?

Like any a complex system, preschool education, unfortunately, is a container for many problems. To eliminate them, a deep reform of this system is necessary, which should be carried out in a timely and gradual manner. Experts highlight the following most pressing problems of preschool education:

1. Problems in the field of financing

These include:

  • insufficient equipment of kindergartens,
  • obsolescence of the material and technical base,
  • inability to provide in some preschool institutions decent level of educational and methodological base,
  • lack of computers and Internet connections in some preschool educational institutions.

In some kindergartens, the main funding comes from parents - these are also problems in preschool education that require resolution.

2. Problems with teaching staff

Professional standards for teachers in the preschool education system need to be changed. The personnel training system, whose area of ​​activity is preschool education, directly affects the quality of preschool education. After the development of a new federal standard, these problems of preschool education will be resolved.

The financial issue regarding the salary of a teacher at a preschool educational institution will also be considered, and salaries will be increased.

3. Overload of kindergartens

The problems of preschool education associated with a lack of places are considered by many experts to be the most pressing. Kindergartens are overloaded, many of them have queues, and some children simply do not have the opportunity to get into kindergarten.

Meanwhile, attending kindergarten is the most important socializing factor for a child, and preschool education should cover as many children as possible. Due to the fact that groups in kindergartens are overloaded, preschool educational institutions cannot fully meet the necessary pedagogical, material, technical and sanitary standards.

4. Problems with catering

The regulations governing nutrition in kindergarten and its organization need to be adjusted. In addition, there is a shortage of specialists who can competently organize catering in preschool educational institutions.

5. Problems with bribery

Due to the lack of places in kindergartens, long queues form, which, in turn, creates fertile ground for the development of bribery. By receiving a bribe, managers can, on this basis, independently distribute priorities when admitting children to kindergarten.

First of all, the development of this situation is favored by the parents themselves, who will do anything to enroll in the kindergarten that is most convenient for them.

In addition, this problem stems from the fact that the priorities for admission to preschool educational institutions remain blurred: if there are no places in kindergartens, parents sometimes cannot get their child admitted even to the preschool educational institution to which they are associated at their place of residence.

Problems of preschool education: through the eyes of parents

Preschool education has some specific features. For example, this area is affected by the lack of independence of the final consumer of services (the child) in choosing an institution that will provide these services. Since parents are primarily interested in their child receiving preschool education, they are the ones who most often face problems in preschool education face to face.

On the part of parents, the most pressing problem is the lack of places in preschool educational institutions and the queue that arises for this reason. Parents try to enroll their child in kindergarten in advance, from the moment they receive a birth certificate, many enroll in 5-10 kindergartens, stand in huge queues, offer bribes to the managers, and arrange various conflict situations.

The problem of financing preschool educational institutions is also quite noticeable for parents. Many complain about the exorbitant fees, the fact that you have to pay for free education, the fact that funding for kindergarten falls almost entirely on the shoulders of parents, and for many families such a financial burden is unbearable.

It turns out that kindergarten is no longer a necessity, but a luxury that wealthy or well-connected people can afford. Of course, in a normally functioning preschool education system, such a situation is categorically unacceptable.

Problems of preschool education: searching for solutions

At the moment, work to improve the quality of such a segment of the educational sphere as preschool education is being carried out mainly in the following areas:

  • A new professional and educational standard is being developed for workers in the preschool education system;
  • New buildings for kindergartens are being built, projects are being proposed to attract private investors for the purpose of constructing and purchasing new premises and buildings in which preschool educational institutions will be located. This activity will help solve the problems of preschool education associated with the lack of places in kindergartens;
  • New projects to finance kindergartens are being considered. The volume of planned funds that will be allocated for the development of preschool education in 2013-15. exceeds 1 trillion. rubles;
  • Are being created favorable conditions to encourage private entrepreneurs to open preschool educational institutions on a private basis;
  • By 2016, it is planned to provide at least 1,600,000 new places in kindergartens.

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