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Daily norm of hematogen. Hematogen: benefits and harms for men, women and children, features of use

Hematogen is an iron-containing prophylactic product that stimulates hematopoiesis. It comes in the form of a small chocolate-colored bar, but with a different, specific taste. What are the benefits and harms of hematogen, so beloved by children? Is it possible to use hematogen during pregnancy?

Hematogen is perhaps the only medicinal product that is positioned as a treat

What does hematogen contain? What does it consist of? The bar contains honey, condensed milk, molasses or fruit and nut filling. What is black food albumin in Hematogen? This is his main thing active substance— dried stabilized blood: initially bovine hemoglobin was used (before mass production, the food additive was made from bear blood, then from bovine blood), which was successfully replaced with purified one.

Chemical composition of hematogen

Hematogen bar - a treat from childhood

The energy value of a tile weighing 100 g is 350 kcal. By adding raisins, nuts, honey, coconut, and chocolate to the composition, the number of calories will change slightly.

BZHU hematogen:

  • 7 g proteins;
  • 3 g fat;
  • 75 g carbohydrates.

What else is contained in this healing remedy?

  • amino acids;
  • minerals (iron, potassium, chlorine, calcium);
  • vitamins C, A.

How much iron is in 100 g of healthy treat? Depending on the amount of albumin, its percentage can vary significantly; the content according to GOST is 30 mg (1.5-2 times higher than daily requirement adult).

Is it possible to eat tiles if you have diabetes? Is hematogen harmful to those with this diagnosis? The large proportion of carbohydrates in the composition (namely sugars) determines the average glycemic index of 55 units. However, the insulin index of the product is more than 100 units, which makes Hematogen an extremely undesirable product for diabetics.

How is hematogen useful?

Why is it, hematogen, needed? Its development and creation were dictated by the need for a source of natural, easily digestible iron. This product was greatly needed by military personnel who had undergone operations and blood loss, women with “aristocratic pallor” and children suffering from anemia.

What is the purpose of this delicious medicine? Indications for use:

  • food with insufficient nutrients;
  • anemia, manifested due to lack of iron;
  • recovery period after illness;
  • ulcers of the stomach, duodenum;
  • weakened vision (lack of vitamin A).

Is Hematogen useful for adults? Undoubtedly. Every person has encountered a lack of iron: through food, its need is met only by 20%, and with an unbalanced diet - by half less.

Symptoms of iron deficiency include drowsiness, constant fatigue, pale appearance, apathy, frequent illness. Iron contained in the sweet dietary supplement is a necessary component of hemoglobin, responsible for the delivery of oxygen to cells. Does oxblood candy bar raise hemoglobin levels? Of course, this is the main valuable effect of hematogen.

With regular use of this product, the likelihood of bleeding is sharply reduced: children with iron deficiency often have nosebleeds, and women have heavy discharge during menstruation.

Does hematogen thin the blood or thicken it? Thickens, reducing the risk and amount of bleeding. Sweet tiles are useful for gastritis, diseases of the duodenum and stomach, because normalizes their activity, prevents the development of bleeding.

Pomegranate juice will help boost your immunity and strengthen your eyesight. Read more about this

Children who love hematogen get sick less often, their academic performance is higher, and fatigue and irritability are lower. They do not lag behind their peers in development.

The benefit for men is a beneficial effect on potency and sperm viability. The risk of bleeding from hemorrhoids is reduced.

Why do people involved in physical activity eat tiles? For athletes, the bar is an analogue of an energy drink: a large amount of sugars, important proteins and vitamins will allow you to recover from exercise, enhance hematopoiesis, and improve the supply of oxygen to cells.

Is it possible to eat Hematogen on a diet while losing weight? When dieting, Hematogen allows you to avoid iron deficiency and support the body: iron-rich foods are often excluded from the diet. However, the simple sugars that make up the dietary supplement provide a high caloric content of the product. The amount consumed should be clearly regulated.

The benefits of hematogen for women

Its value for the weaker sex was proven hundreds of years ago, because women suffer from iron deficiency more than men. Increased stress, diets, monthly bleeding, pregnancy and breastfeeding weaken the body.

Anemia during pregnancy is a common disease, and its treatment with hematogen is logical.

But hematogen during pregnancy should only be prescribed by a doctor so as not to harm the fetus. Thus, the effect of animal blood preparations on child development has not been properly studied. Only in the absence of contraindications can this sweetness replace prescribed iron-containing medications.

Why is the product contraindicated for long term pregnant women? The high calorie content of the food supplement leads to a sharp weight gain for both mother and baby.

It is worth noting that before childbirth, dietary supplements may be prescribed to reduce blood loss during the birth of a child and subsequent recovery.

Can pregnant women eat sweet bars? early stages? It is possible to take an agent to reduce the risk of bleeding, but only if not large quantities, because Blood clots may form in the uterus.

Can a nursing mother use Hematogen? The issue is very controversial. At breastfeeding a newborn has a very high probability of allergic reactions to the protein in hematogen.

During lactation, the use of the product may change the taste and smell of milk, which the baby will not like.

Breastfeeding mothers can take dietary supplements only with the permission of a doctor.


TO side effects healing agents include diarrhea, nausea, and digestive disorders. When the bar contains animal hemoglobin, allergic reactions often occur.

Is it possible to gain weight from taking this healing sweet? If you ignore the dosage, yes. A large number of simple carbohydrates The composition suggests a ban on use by diabetics and obese people. For pancreatitis, the product is also prohibited.

At what age can children be given healthy treats? The product is not recommended for children under two years of age.

Young children are very likely to have allergic reactions to the protein in hematogen.

You should not eat hematogen while being treated with antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or some heart medications. You should not take dietary supplements with milk, because iron interferes with calcium absorption. For varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, the product is also prohibited.

Just to experience it for yourself beneficial features hematogen, its use should be strictly according to the instructions. Is it possible to eat the product every day? How much hematogen can adults and children eat per day? Adults can take 50 g per day, schoolchildren 40 g, children under 6 years old - 30 g. During the recovery period, 100 g of the product is allowed. How long should I take the product? The course is usually 2 months.

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Many have heard about hematogen, but few know what kind of medicinal delicacy it is and what it was created for. Today we will figure out what hematogen is, how much it can be eaten by children and adults, and what contraindications there are.

First of all, it is worth saying that hematogen is a biologically active supplement (BAA), which is designed to replenish the supply of iron in the human body and improve his well-being. Thus, a toffee-like bar is used to treat anemia, as well as to strengthen the immune system.

Product history

Two centuries ago, a doctor named Sergei Botkin established that a person’s health directly depends on the quality of his blood. Lack of hemoglobin leads to a general weakening and disruption of the most important vital functions.

In the 19th century, doctors and scientists from all over the world began to look for a remedy that would increase the proportion of hemoglobin in the blood (an important protein that transports oxygen throughout the body). Effective solution appeared in Switzerland in 1890. It was in this country that hematogen was discovered, which immediately gained wild popularity among the population.

Over time, the production of dietary supplements began to improve in the USSR. Manufacturers supplied the product to weakened soldiers during World War II, and after the end of the war they completely rethought the approach to the supplement so that it became interesting to ordinary people, who in most cases suffered from anemia due to poor nutrition.

The new recipe turned Hematogen into a bar with a pleasant taste. The sweetness went perfectly with tea, plus it had a low price. Later, dietary supplements were enriched with vitamins that promote better absorption of iron.

Over time, products appeared on the shelves that look very similar to hematogen and have an almost identical name (“Hemagen”, for example), but do not have medicinal effect. Such products do not contain a key substance - albumin. Fake tiles taste almost no different from the original, but do not have any effect on the body.

Composition of hematogen

The active ingredient of the product is albumin. Externally, iron-rich albumin looks like a powder that dissolves well in liquid. The substance is obtained from purified bovine blood. The use of whole blood ceased in 1950.

According to GOST, the product contains:

  • 5% albumin;
  • 33% condensed milk;
  • 21% molasses from starch;
  • 0.015% vanillin;
  • 40% sugar.

Vitamins: A and C. Minerals: K, Ca, Na, Cl.

Since manufacturers are allowed to change the ratio of components and add new components, we advise you to carefully read what hematogen consists of. There are cases when supposedly hematogen is generally made by confectionery factories.

The bar may also contain other products, such as nuts or dried fruits.

The benefits of hematogen and its pharmacological action

The dietary supplement contains complete proteins, carbohydrates and fats, the ratio of which is close to the composition of human blood. Protein saturates the body with all amino acids for normal functioning, and in the correct quantity.

Benefits of hematogen:

  • enriches the body with iron;
  • improves blood production processes;
  • improves organ function due to amino acids;
  • strengthens nails, hair, improves the condition of the skin due to the presence of vitamin A, plus, maintains visual acuity;
  • strengthens the immune system, increases body tone;
  • eliminates exhaustion;
  • vital.

How much hematogen can children

Pediatricians often prescribe dietary supplements to children as a preventive measure for anemia or for its treatment. Symptoms of iron deficiency:

  • pale skin;
  • brittle nails hair;
  • increased irritability;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • changes in food preferences;
  • changes in the perception of smells;
  • drowsiness;
  • , headache;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • dry mouth.

There are cases when people with anemia began to eat chalk or look for the smell of gasoline, which suddenly became pleasant to them.

Hematogen can be used both for the treatment of iron deficiency and for its prevention.

5-15 g is the daily norm for children under eighteen years of age. Every year the need for iron increases. Doctors note that anemia in a child is possible even at birth if there was a deficiency of the element in the mother’s body.

Benefits for men

The daily minimum iron requirement for an adult male is ten milligrams. According to statistics, the male half of the population is less likely to suffer from anemia. Periodic use of the supplement helps cope with daily stress at work, fatigue, apathy and shortness of breath.

Benefits for women

The iron norm for girls is higher than for men: it is 15 mg/day, and during pregnancy or lactation - 20 mg/day. More than 60% of women have suffered from iron deficiency at least once. The explanation for this is simple: every month, iron comes out in the blood, and in large quantities. In addition, very often ladies follow newfangled diets that are generally unbalanced.

Hematogen can not only improve health, but also improve the condition of hair, skin, and nails. Regular use of dietary supplements makes a girl less irritable and whiny.

Doctors often prescribe hematogen to pregnant women.

Indications for use of hematogen

  1. Unbalanced diet, regular consumption of fast food and other “wrong” foods.
  2. Chronic diseases, in particular gastric or duodenal ulcers.
  3. Decreased vision.
  4. Dry skin, its unsatisfactory appearance.
  5. Brittle nails and hair.
  6. Anemia.
  7. Lack of appetite.
  8. Poisoning.
  9. Growth retardation.

Who is the supplement contraindicated for and what are the side effects?

Hematogen should not be taken in case of hypersensitivity, as well as in case of carbohydrate imbalance. In addition, due to the presence of sugar in the product, it is contraindicated for diabetics and.

Possible following Negative consequences supplement use: nausea and loose stools.

Hematogen is a bioactive food supplement that has been familiar to many since childhood. Its benefits have been proven over time. When scientists discovered that iron is important and beneficial for the blood, this product was invented and created. It contains cattle blood. Various ingredients are added to it (honey, chocolate, nuts), so the hematogen becomes tasty. Used during the war, given to the wounded in hospitals to improve the condition of their blood. This is a mandatory product in the diet of military personnel at the fronts.

A delicacy familiar from childhood

Nowadays people do not trust doctors as much and often check their words. They are interested in the composition of the medications they are taking. On the Internet you can find terrible myths about hematogen and its benefits. For example: about the origin of blood. Let's figure it out, does hematogen increase hemoglobin or not?

Does hematogen influence blood composition?

Hematogen refers to products that increase hemoglobin. Such products include cranberry juice, pork and veal liver. Therefore, if the protein in the blood has not decreased much, you can correct the situation by adjusting the diet or eating hematogen. But if the hemoglobin level is much lower than normal, you cannot do without medical treatment.

The blood protein hemoglobin is important for the human body, so its quantity should not be allowed to drop significantly. Medicines increase levels quickly. But food products are much slower, and indicators are not rising high enough.

Hematogen can be used to increase hemoglobin. But if the protein deficiency is serious, you should not rely on it alone.

Does treats affect blood composition?

How is hematogen useful?

The main benefit is that it strengthens the body and is a preventative against diseases. The composition contains a large number of amino acids that are needed for normal operation organs and systems.

Useful properties of pharmaceutical chocolate:

  • strengthens immune system;
  • affects the level of iron and hemoglobin in the blood;
  • helps the body recover from anemia, the effect is compared to a blood transfusion;
  • improves blood circulation function;
  • there is a lot in the composition useful vitamins and enzymes.

It contains vitamin A, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and improves vision. It is prescribed to patients with anemia; it is indispensable in the treatment of this disease. Since the main cause of the disease is iron deficiency, hematogen increases hemoglobin. Therefore, it is included in the diet of people during the recovery period after surgery and those weakened due to illness.

Hematogen is the first drug prescribed as an additional therapy for anemia

Useful for people who:

  • frequent bleeding, low protein levels;
  • digestive system disorders;
  • in case of poisoning;
  • the diet is poor in useful elements;
  • the child is stunted;
  • influenza and ARVI;
  • an aid in the treatment of vision problems;
  • for recovery from infectious diseases.

Used to prevent the above problems.

The product replenishes the body's reserves of vitamins, proteins and beneficial microelements. Eaten for diseases that are associated with blood loss, for example: ulcers.


Like any drug, Hematogen has a number of contraindications. It contains additives that may cause an allergic reaction. Such a reaction can develop to the bovine protein that makes up the treat. This is because it is foreign to the body.

The reaction depends on the amount of hematogen eaten. The more, the stronger. And if you eat it in moderation, there will be no allergic reaction. Only allergy sufferers are at risk.

It is not worth consuming in large quantities. This will negatively affect a healthy and strong body. Manufacturers warn about this; it is indicated on the packaging daily norm for an adult (50 g) and for a child (20-40 grams).

Before use, consult a doctor so that there are no side effects and the treatment is truly effective. After all, there are some blood diseases that are not associated with iron deficiency in the blood.

If upon consumption medical product a feeling of nausea appears, you must stop taking it immediately. Since these may be the first signs of side effects.

Hematogen for pregnant women

Is it possible to raise hemoglobin with hematogen in pregnant women? The answer is clear - no. Pregnancy is one of the contraindications for the product, as indicated by manufacturers on the packaging.

After all, the body of expectant mothers is sensitive to allergens.

Carbohydrates are quickly absorbed by the body, glucose levels will increase, and this is dangerous for the child. Because of this it appears excess weight. Blood clots form due to blood thickening under the influence of hematogen.

The proteins contained in it provoke fermentation in the intestines, resulting in the formation of gases. They cause discomfort in pregnant women.

One of the contraindications is pregnancy!

Healthy “chocolate” for children

Hematogen raises hemoglobin, it contains a large number of useful elements, vitamins and minerals. Made from natural products. Has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Therefore, children, especially weak and sick ones, need to eat it.

The main thing is to remember that this is not an ordinary chocolate bar. Therefore, before giving it to your child, read the instructions and consult with your pediatrician. Children can take Hematogen from 5-7 years old, 30 grams per day.

What else do you need to know?

Do not take it lightly, do not increase the daily dose. Don't accept others vitamin complexes before and after taking hematogen 2 hours. This will cause an overdose of vitamins and lead to painful conditions.

If you overeat the treat, go to the hospital immediately. If there is an overdose of vitamin A, E or K, there will be life-threatening side effects.

But if you carefully read the instructions before use, correctly calculate the dosage, and exclude the occurrence of side effects, treatment with the drug will be useful and tasty. And the answer to the question whether hematogen increases hemoglobin in the blood is affirmative.

Dr. Komarovsky will talk about this and much more:


Prescription of drugs to increase hemoglobin, in what cases are indicated and restrictions on use

Hematogen is a sweet bar that helps stimulate the blood system. But with an overdose, side effects appear. Consequently, Hematogen has both pros and cons, which we will discuss in more detail in this material.

With reduced hemoglobin, a person becomes weak and tired. Most citizens strive to normalize hemoglobin levels with the help of a sweet bar called Hematogen, which is a drug with a high iron content.

This drug (translated from Greek means “giving birth to blood”) looks like a chocolate bar and has a pleasant, specific taste. The main function of Hematogen is to stimulate hematopoiesis. The main disease for which the use of Hematogen is recommended is iron deficiency anemia.

The calorie content of Hematogen is 340 kcal per 100 grams of product (with the addition of nuts and dried fruits - 500 kcal).

The basic component of Hematogen is dried blood of livestock (albumin). To improve the taste, honey, condensed milk, sugar and other flavor enhancers can be added to the composition.

Every day, children can consume no more than 20-40 grams of Hematogen (adults - 50 grams). The course of taking this product is 2-3 weeks.

Advantages of using Hematogen

Hematogen is a preventive and general strengthening agent for the body. In more detail, Hematogen has the following positive properties:

  1. Increases hemoglobin levels.
  2. It is a complete source of amino acids.
  3. Improves the condition of hair, nails, skin.
  4. Has a beneficial effect on visual function.
  5. Helps restore the body in the postoperative period.
  6. Normalizes the weight of a child (over 5 years old).
  7. Able to restore iron levels after the menstrual cycle.
  8. Helps in the presence of diseases such as: stomach ulcers; anemia; traumatic bone damage.
  9. Normalizes the supply of oxygen to cells.
  10. Improves the condition of the respiratory tract.
  11. Helps with general exhaustion of the body.
  12. Increases the level of red blood cells in the blood.
  13. Increases performance.
  14. Strengthens the immune system.
  15. Improves metabolism.

What are the disadvantages?

Hematogen is prohibited from taking in the following cases:

  • Diabetes.
  • Obesity.
  • Diseases of the pancreas.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Anemia that is not associated with iron deficiency.
  • Age up to 3 years.
  • Thrombosis.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Allergy.
  • Taking medications or vitamins.

In addition, an excess of Hematogen can lead to such side effects as: nausea; swelling of the face; heartburn; dizziness; diarrhea; rash; dyspnea; migraine; pain in the chest, throat (when swallowing).

Benefits and harms for children

According to most pediatricians, Hematogen is a useful addition to nutrition, because this drug provides the growing body with vitamins, iron and amino acids.

In addition, Hematogen:

  1. Helps with exhaustion of the body.
  2. Strengthens the immune system.
  3. Normalizes the level of hemoglobin and iron in the blood.
  4. Helps in the fight against childhood anemia.
  5. Promotes normal development of the child's body.
  6. Develops visual functions.
  7. Helps with heavy physical activity.

To obtain the desired effect, a child (over 5 years old) must consume 20-40 grams of Hematogen daily. In this case, the course of treatment should be 21 days.

The main danger when taking Hematogen is an overdose, because such a bar is difficult to digest. Consequently, the child can expect side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and other symptoms (previous chapter).

Therefore, when purchasing Hematogen, parents must follow a number of rules, namely:

  • The bar should be consumed between meals or before meals, with plenty of warm water or juice.
  • Hematogen should not be used together with other drugs and vitamins that contain calcium.
  • Do not combine the bar with dairy products, apples, spinach or pomegranate.
  • It is worth buying children's Hematogen for a child.
  • The maximum duration of taking the drug is 21 days.

What does Komarovsky think about the consumption of Hematogen? For more details, watch the following video:

Will it help with weight loss?

The main condition of any diet is the refusal of sweet foods. Thus, Hematogen does not contribute to weight loss, since it contains 340 kcal or more (per 100 grams of product). In addition, such a delicacy will not be able to satisfy the body’s need for carbohydrates for a long time.

But it is worth highlighting one nuance - the body of a losing weight person does not have enough iron, which leads to the development of anemia. Therefore, some nutritionists recommend that women and men who are losing weight use Hematogen, but in smaller proportions (at the rate of 15 grams per 45 kilograms of weight). In this case, it is worth highlighting several conditions, namely:

  1. Hematogen should not replace the main food.
  2. It is forbidden to eat a sweet bar on an empty stomach.
  3. The ideal time to take Hematogen is before noon.
  4. Admission - no more than 2 weeks.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that Hematogen has more positive properties than negative ones. At the same time, the patient’s main task is not to abuse such delicacies.

Hematogen is familiar to us from childhood as a tasty, but expensive toffee. Then we perceived it as a delicacy, since its sweet taste and appearance was no different from sweetness. The only difference from them was that it could only be bought at a pharmacy. As it turns out, this bar is not just a “bar.” It is very useful not only for a growing organism, but also for adults. Therefore, we will consider below how hematogen is useful and what it is made from.

What is hematogen made from?

It is produced from the blood of bulls by processing the blood and then drying it. Livestock blood undergoes various treatments to eliminate infections. On the packaging, the blood is hidden under the ingredient black albumin. To give a sweet taste When producing hemoglobin, condensed milk, vanilla, various nuts and coconut are added to it.

The main component of hematogen is black food albumin. In human blood, it performs the function of maintaining blood osmotic pressure and affects the transport of many substances. Added to it for taste various sweet ingredients.

In total, the composition includes:

  • protein with amino acids included in the daily requirement;
  • minerals - iron, calcium, sodium, potassium;
  • animal fats;
  • vitamins;
  • carbohydrates.

The essence of the drug lies in the supply of iron to the body after it is taken, which takes part in the production of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin readings increase and the blood becomes better.

Hematogen: application

Hematogen is used as a prophylactic against all kinds of diseases. It is prescribed by a doctor along with others medicines or buy it yourself without visiting a doctor.

The use of hematogen is relevant for:

The drug has a beneficial effect on general state body, increases its resistance to various diseases and protects against infections. Initially, many people think that only children need it, however, it can and should be attributed to adults suffering from anemia and vitamin deficiency.

Hematogen during pregnancy

Hematogen is useful for women not only during critical days and with heavy bleeding, as well as when pregnancy is detected. But only a doctor should prescribe his appointment. Independent use this drug can harm and to the expectant mother, and the baby.

During pregnancy, there is a decrease in hemoglobin levels due to iron deficiency. Signs of this may include low blood pressure, constant weakness, and pale color. For very low levels, it is prescribed drug treatment, and for moderate ones, a diet high in iron is prescribed.

If pregnancy proceeds without complications, then hematogen during pregnancy is the daily dose of hematogen (50 g). Uncontrolled use of hematogen by a pregnant woman can lead to weight gain, blood thickening and can cause blood clots. It is also quite possible for an upset stomach and, as a result, loose stools. Nursing mothers should also be careful when taking the drug, since the protein contained in it from cow's milk can lead to allergies in the baby.

When pregnant women should not take hematogen:

Pros and cons of hematogen

The issue is controversial and ambiguous. The benefits of this drug are, of course, undeniable. It helps increase hemoglobin in the blood and improves the condition of the body as a whole. There is debate about whether it should be prescribed to pregnant and breastfeeding women. It all depends on blood counts, a general examination of the body and identifying contraindications for its use. Under constant medical supervision, taking hemoglobin is possible and often necessary. Overdose can lead to nausea and diarrhea. When there is an excess of iron in the blood, cholesterol is deposited in the vessels, that is, atherosclerosis develops.

Out of ignorance, parents give their child a hematogen bar also uncontrollably, thus replacing sweet products and candies. But it should be remembered that he is medicine and in large quantities can even harm the child.

How to use

  • children are allowed a dosage of 40 g per day;
  • An adult is allowed a dosage of 50 g per day.

The dosage may vary depending on the doctor’s prescription and the individual characteristics of the person (height, weight, previous illnesses). Oral administration is done in the middle of eating.

Hematogen has a lot of calories, 350 kcal per 100 g. People who lead a healthy lifestyle and watch their weight are unlikely to like it. The therapeutic indicators are excellent and satisfy everyone, but this high calorie content repels potential buyers.

Benefit for adults

Appointed for:

  • iron deficiency;
  • weak immunity;
  • drowsiness and frequent moodiness;
  • low weight;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • growth disturbance;
  • chronic diseases;
  • poor vision;
  • skin problems.

Overdose can lead to nausea and diarrhea. When there is an excess of iron in the blood, cholesterol is deposited in the vessels, that is, atherosclerosis develops.

How much hematogen can you eat?

After donating blood and determining that hemoglobin is very low, many try to increase it by taking a large dose of hematogen for several days. This method will only cause harm to the body. Therefore, the question of how much hematogen can be eaten and when is always relevant.

Large consumption of hematogen in a short period of time can lead to:

If the hemoglobin level is normal, excess hemoglobin in the body will thicken the blood, which can lead to the formation of blood clots.

How to choose and combine with other products

It is worth buying it in pharmacies. In a regular grocery store or kiosk, the presence of hematogen leads to suspicion and its authenticity will certainly raise doubts.

The price category for each buyer depends on their financial condition, but it is still better to stay away from the cheap ones and choose the average price.

It should not be eaten with any milk products, after eating salad, semolina and rice. It is better to eat cereal products, as well as fish and meat, a couple of hours after eating the bar. You can give your child a candy bar as a snack between meals, but in no case immediately after eating.

Fatty foods inhibit the absorption of hematogen, so after eating whitewash or fried potatoes It’s worth giving it up and taking it a little later.

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