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Slow (complex) carbohydrates - beneficial properties and list of products. Just about complex carbohydrates Complex carbohydrates food list table

Everyone Have a good day! Today I am writing an article about carbohydrates: simple and complex, how they differ from each other, which ones should be preferred.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our body. For example, the brain takes energy only from carbohydrates. But in modern world There is a problem: there are too many carbohydrates in our diet. So many that the body is not able to convert them all into energy. Excess carbohydrates are not excreted as we would like, but are stored as fat. Today, the number of overweight people is constantly growing, and this applies to all social strata and all ages. Pay attention to modern schoolchildren. Almost a quarter of them already have problems with excess weight. And the main reason for this phenomenon is excess carbohydrates in the diet. Excess, of course, simple carbohydrates...

Simple carbohydrates are monosaccharides, simple in structure, easily and quickly digested. When you eat food containing a lot of simple carbohydrates, a lot of sugar (glucose) enters your bloodstream. A lot for one time... Insulin, a hormone of the pancreas, regulates the amount of sugar in the blood. It quickly removes excess glucose so that it does not have time to harm your health. And all excess is processed by the liver into fat deposits, which can be unlimited. The body can store only 2000 kcal as glycogen in the liver. Glycogen is primarily used up in times of hunger.

Simple carbohydrates are only good when eaten before strength training. Then the excess energy will be spent.

Complex carbohydrates- polysaccharides. More complex compounds of carbon and water. They take longer to digest; sugar does not enter the blood all at once, but gradually, in small portions.
This helps keep you feeling full longer, avoiding sugar fluctuations and insulin spikes. The body will receive the necessary energy over a long period of time, and not all at once, as when consuming simple carbohydrates.

For health, you need to give preference to complex carbohydrates!

Damage caused by excess simple carbohydrates.

When you had breakfast, for example, with simple carbohydrates (tea with a bun, porridge instant cooking), then the blood sugar level increases very quickly. Immediately, the pancreas begins to produce insulin to process this glucose. Excess glucose is harmful to vascular health. People with high sugar are predisposed to diabetes, heart attack, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, blindness, and excess weight. Insulin quickly lowers excess sugar, as a result of which we begin to feel hungry and lack energy. And we again reach for chocolate (candy, cookies, pastries). So we find ourselves in a vicious circle. Simple carbohydrates are addictive because they are the most quick way get a lot of energy, although not for long.

To break this vicious circle, you need to start your day right, right. There is a separate article on this topic, check it out. Also, for snacks you need to choose foods containing complex carbohydrates, so that after an hour you don’t rush to any junk food.

Also, children need to be taught to eat properly from childhood, and told about the properties of foods. Now in the world every day, 200 children get type 2 diabetes! And this, it should be noted, is the senile form. Previously, this diabetes mainly affected people after 50 years of age, because previously there was no such abundance harmful products saturated with sugar. Now we consume too many of these fast carbohydrates and move too little, we don’t spend the energy we eat, hence the problems.

An adult needs to eat from 150 to 400 grams per day. carbohydrates. The amount depends on energy consumption. Of this amount, 80% should be complex carbohydrates.

Glycemic index, or how to distinguish simple carbohydrates from complex ones.

Various products in varying degrees increase blood sugar levels. - complex carbohydrate - helps control sugar levels. For example, fruits contain fructose, a simple carbohydrate, but they also contain fiber, a complex carbohydrate that prevents fructose from being absorbed quickly.

So that people can figure out which foods cause a spike in blood sugar and which do not, they came up with the concept (GI). Glucose was taken as a basis - it has a GI of 100. Low GI - up to 40, from 41 to 69 - medium, 70 and above - high. Preference should be given to foods with low GI, eat moderately with medium GI and, if possible, avoid foods with high GI.

Low GI foods do not cause an increase in blood sugar and can be eaten as much as you like. Foods with a high GI, accordingly, greatly increase sugar.

Table of glycemic indexes of foods.

Low GI Average GI High GI
sunflower seeds 8 colored beans 42 sugar 70
leaf lettuce 10 Lentil cream soup 44 dumplings 70
garlic 10 canned pears 44 turnip 70
tomatoes 10 bran bread 45 Snickers, Mars (bars) 70
onion 10 pineapple juice without sugar 46 marmalade, jam with sugar 70
cabbage 10 grapefruit juice without sugar 48 sugar coated fruit chips 70
broccoli 10 grape juice without sugar 48 boiled corn 70
eggplant 10 green peas canned. 48 potato starch 70
mushrooms 10 starch (amylose) 48 milk chocolate 70
Green pepper 10 oatmeal 49 millet 71
walnuts 15 sherbet 50 orange juice in a pack 74
fructose 20 buckwheat bread 50 pumpkin 75
peanut 20 buckwheat 50 zucchini 75
fresh apricots 20 kiwi 50 crackers 80
dry soybean 20 bran 51 potato chips 80
dark chocolate (70% cocoa) 22 sweet yogurt 52 steamed rice 83
green lentils 22 oatmeal cookies 55 boiled potatoes 83
plums 22 mango 55 White bread 85
grapefruit 22 wild rice 57 boiled carrots 85
pearl barley 22 White rice 60 pop corn 85
cherry 22 Twix (bar) 62 cornflakes 85
yellow peas 22 pancakes from wheat flour 62 ice cream 87
red lentils 25 beet 64 instant rice porridge 90
apples 30 raisin 64 honey 90
peaches 30 black bread 65 white flour pasta 90
milk 2% 30 bananas 65 canned apricots 91
sugar-free berry marmalade 30 melon 65 French buns 95
black beans 30 semolina 65 rice flour 95
whole milk 32 canned vegetables 65 baked potatoes 95
strawberry 32 jacket potatoes 65 watermelon 75
sprouted rye grains 34 biscuit 66 shortbread cookies 106
pear 34 a pineapple 66 beer 110
fresh carrots 35 instant oatmeal 66 French long bread 136
dried apricots 35 bulgur 68 dates 146
natural yogurt 35 wheat flour 69
dry green peas 35
figs 35
oranges 35
wholemeal pasta 38
whole grain wheat, rye bread 40
white beans 40
apple juice without sugar 40
freshly squeezed orange juice 40
fresh green peas 40
grape 40
corn grits porridge 40

How to reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates in your diet?

If you decide to take the path healthy eating, you should learn to read labels. If the first five ingredients contain sugar, glucose, syrup, and wheat flour, then such a product contains a lot of simple carbohydrates.

It is better to eat foods that have not gone through the process of “purification”, refining, bleaching, exfoliation, etc. It is better to eat fresh fruits than to drink juice from them. The juice is no longer healthy.

It’s better not to buy “quick” cereals that lack the healthy grain shell. Look for whole grain bread, “black” or with bran. In general, it is better to look for grain that is minimally processed; all the necessary substances are preserved there.

It is better not to eat pasta made from white wheat flour. Look for durum wheat or whole grain spaghetti.

It is also better to exclude white rice from your menu. Buy unpolished, brown or wild rice. Unpolished rice will take longer to cook than white rice, but it also has much more benefits.

If you want to enjoy something sweet, it is better to do it in the first half of the day after eating. So protein and fiber, eaten before it’s “yummy”, will prevent sugar from quickly entering the blood. Never eat sweets on an empty stomach. In the evening, give preference to vegetables.

From alcoholic drinks For a holiday it is better to choose dry wine. It is better to give up beer completely. Beer, in addition to simple carbohydrates with a high GI, contains a lot of female hormones, which has a bad effect on the health of both men and women.

Carbohydrates are an important material that is used both in the formation of the body and to nourish all systems.

Carbohydrates are divided into two groups:

  • disaccharides or simple carbohydrates;
  • polysaccharides or complex slow carbohydrates.

For adherents of a healthy lifestyle and for those who want to have a slim figure, preference should be given to the second group.

It is useful to include polysaccharides in the menu when preparing your weekly diet. To do this, you need to know what complex carbohydrates are.

Complex and simple carbohydrates: what is the difference?

Polysaccharides, when participating in the digestion process, have an advantage over disaccharides. To study the topic in more detail, it is worth understanding the difference between slow carbohydrates and fast ones.

    1. Simple carbohydrates. The glycemic index of such substances is high because there is an increased amount of:
      • fructose;
      • sucrose;
      • lactose;
      • glucose.

      That is, a large amount of substances enters the body at the same time, which are converted into sugar in a short period of time. And a difficult situation arises when it is necessary to neutralize this excess, otherwise functional failures may occur. And, following the path of least resistance, the body converts excess sugar into extra pounds, storing it in reserve in the form of fat cells. But since the processing of such food occurred quickly, a feeling of hunger appears in a short period of time, and the person again consumes food, usually containing fast carbohydrates. Because the settings internal system already knocked down and such food seems familiar and it also meets the need for quick satiety.

  1. Complex carbohydrates. These substances are prescribed in molecules made up of long chains, and therefore the gastrointestinal tract has to spend more time and effort to obtain the necessary sugar. In this case, there is no oversaturation and nutrients are evenly distributed, providing energy for 5 - 6 hours.

Both complex and simple carbohydrates should be present in the human diet, but their ratio needs to be thought through. Because disaccharides should be included in the menu at the rate of 10%, but polysaccharides at 90%. But in order to understand which foods are classified as complex carbohydrates, you need to familiarize yourself with the table. Because the erroneous classification of certain food groups as slow carbohydrates upsets the balance in the digestive system.

Table: List of foods and their content of complex carbohydrates

In order for the body to work smoothly and have enough nutritional energy for the whole day, in order to avoid thoughtless consumption of fast sugars, it is worth knowing your personal standards for the consumption of carbohydrates in grams.

  • sedentary work and lack of physical activity – 3 – 4 g;
  • active lifestyle – 4 – 5 g;
  • Professional sports and especially heavy loads require the use of up to 8 grams.

Complex carbohydrates are presented below in the form of a list of products and a table to make it easier to find information.

Fruits and berries

In addition to providing energy, such treats saturate the body with vitamins and minerals.

NameNumber of carbohydrates in 100 grams of product
Lemon, sea buckthorn3
Strawberry, cherry plum, grapefruit, strawberry6
Mandarin, orange, apricot8
Cherries, plums, sweet cherries, peaches, apples, plums10
Pineapple, persimmon12

Vegetables and greens

It is from plant foods that fiber and pectin come, so it is important to monitor the amount of vegetables in your diet. But it is also important that such food be both raw and cooked.

Porridge, dairy products

  1. Dairy products.

Despite the fact that milk and derivatives are fast carbohydrates, they should be included in the daily menu in order to consume calcium and vitamins.

It is important to note that the dairy products listed in the tables are natural products without any artificial additives and not made from reconstituted milk. This group usually includes farm dairy products.

  1. Cereals.

Unpolished and unheated cereals should be present in the diet every day, because they are a source of large amounts of substances necessary for good digestion.

Legumes and grains


Most fruit juices contain many essential polysaccharides.

The benefits of complex carbohydrates for weight loss

In addition to the fact that such substances supply a person with the necessary and, importantly, useful energy, they also bring benefits such as:

  1. Regulating insulin levels, that is, preventing sudden surges in blood sugar.
  2. Reduction, according to statistics and research, of the occurrence of chronic diseases such as:
    • cardiovascular;
    • liver diseases;
    • problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Supervision of the development of tumors, both malignant and benign.

Nutritionist advice:

  • It is advisable to consume complex carbohydrates in small portions and at the same time;
  • you need to gradually reduce your consumption of sugar and industrial baked goods saturated with fast sugars and trans fats;
  • consume fiber and pectin;
  • in addition to juices and herbal decoctions, drink water in the amount of 30 grams per 1 kg of body weight, so that polysaccharides have the opportunity to more progressively cleanse the body.

Complex carbohydrates are the substances from which the body draws energy. There are many diets based on regulating carbohydrate intake. Let's talk about products that contain them.

Foods containing complex carbohydrates: list

Carbohydrates are organic substances consisting of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon. They are needed for the human body to receive energy for a full existence, increase the level of immunity and are needed for the functioning of the brain.

There are simple carbohydrates and those called complex. The former quickly saturate the body, increasing blood sugar levels. They are valuable for the health of the body, but it is recommended to consume these carbohydrates at the beginning of the day. Then it is easier for the body to regulate the amount of sugar, and it will not create fat deposits.

Complex carbohydrates take a long time to be processed by the human body and supply it with important nutrients and energy for a long time.

There are several types of such carbohydrates:

  • Starch.

A substance produced by all plants. Once in the human body, it becomes glucose, which supplies the body with energy.

Sources of starch include potatoes, brown rice, as well as oatmeal and buckwheat. Rye bread and legumes such as peas, lentils and soybeans.

  • Cellulose.

These are dietary fibers that are not dissolved during the digestive process. At the same time, they have the ability to regulate cholesterol levels in the blood, improve intestinal microflora and remove toxins from the body.

Fiber occurs in the form of pulp or husk and skin. It is rich in legumes, cabbage, mushrooms and seeds.

  • Glycogen, or so-called animal starch.

The body receives it from glucose residues and uses it as a reserve energy supply.

Glycogen is found in watermelons, raisins, dried apricots, figs, and serviceberry.

  • Pectin.

Soluble dietary fiber that can reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

They are rich in seaweed, berries (currants, cherries, raspberries), fruits like peaches, apples, pears, plums and apricots, as well as vegetables such as beets and eggplant.

Complex carbohydrates contain:

  • Many vegetables and some fruits.

Cabbage, green beans, sweet peppers, tomatoes, pomelo, zucchini, pomegranate, raspberries, cherries and lemon contain enough of them to nourish the body.

  • Porridge.

Many cereals, with the exception of semolina, are sources containing these carbohydrates. Porridges made from buckwheat, wheat, bulgur and oats will provide the body with complex carbohydrates.

  • Greenery.

Invaluable stores of complex carbohydrates are spinach, lettuce, different kinds salad

  • Legumes.

Chickpeas, lentils and peas and beans also contain the necessary substances.

  • Fruit juices.

Juices from tomatoes, pineapple, orange, carrots and apples, prepared correctly, without preservatives, dyes and sweeteners, will provide the necessary supply of complex carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates: foods that are not harmful to your figure

Carbohydrates in foods come in different types and types. Therefore, it is important to have information about which types of foods contain healthy carbohydrates.

The list of products that, firstly, contain complex carbohydrates, and secondly, are beneficial for your figure, looks like this:

  • Flakes.

Fibers oatmeal provide long-term vigor and vital energy. Therefore, the product is recommended to be consumed in the morning by those who take care of their figure.

In addition, the cereal goes well with fruits and berries, which also contain similar carbohydrates.

  • Vegetables.

Seasonal vegetables contain complex carbohydrates and a whole vitamin and mineral complex necessary for the body.

The leaders among vegetables recommended by nutritionists are zucchini and celery. The former contain a lot of vitamins and dietary fiber. They can reduce cholesterol levels. Celery is rich in both fiber and minerals, which improves the digestion process.

  • Fruits and berries that are low in sugar.

Fruits improve the body's metabolic processes thanks to fiber, pectin and other beneficial substances.

Apples, grapefruit, watermelon, strawberries and cranberries are an indispensable diet for a person watching their figure.

  • Nuts and seeds.

Carbohydrates in food correct use They will provide you with energy for a long time, strengthen your immune system and keep your figure slim.

For normal operation All organs and systems need a balanced diet. Carbohydrates, both complex and fast, are irreplaceable and mandatory in the diet. It is complex carbohydrates that bring maximum benefits to the body. Fast carbohydrates are quickly absorbed by the body, and saturation from eating disappears. Consequently, the body begins to require more food. TO simple carbohydrates This includes baked goods, fast foods, and sweets. What are complex carbohydrates? What are these foods with complex carbohydrates?

What are complex carbohydrates?

Complex carbohydrates are substances called polysaccharides. They consist of at least three simple carbohydrate compounds. How do complex (slow) molecules differ from simple (fast) molecules? Complex compounds do not provoke sudden spikes in insulin. They do not break down quickly in the body. The body needs to spend a lot of energy to break down complex carbohydrates. Due to this, a long period of feeling of satiety is achieved (several hours).

Polysaccharides include:

  • Cellulose;
  • Pectins;
  • Starch;
  • Glycogen.

Everyone knows about the benefits of fiber. It is necessary to normalize digestive function. This polysaccharide is found in many plant products. Fiber is very useful for weight loss. It does not provoke the process of deposition of adipose tissue, while maintaining a feeling of fullness for several hours.

Pectins help the body cope with toxic substances and remove toxins. This carbohydrate itself has a sticky structure. Pectins are often added in the production of stabilizers and thickeners. The main foods containing large amounts of this polysaccharide are fruits.

Starch has high energy value. Products with a high starch content are recommended for consumption during a diet for weight loss. Among the beneficial properties of this product are the following:

  • Restoration of metabolic processes;
  • Regulating blood sugar levels;
  • Increased immunity;
  • Preventing the development of cancer.

Read also How many carbohydrates are in cabbage?

Starch is found in foods such as potatoes, cereals, and brown rice. You need to eat these foods for lunch for better absorption. Glycogen is a complex component whose structure includes glucose molecules. Due to this polysaccharide, the body maintains a constant level of sugar in the blood. Glycogen helps athletes to quickly build muscle. Also, the substance stimulates the production of protein in the body. Three hours after entering the human body, the complex carbohydrate is used up as a source of strength and energy. The main source of glycogen is the liver of various animals.

The role of complex carbohydrates for the human body

Simple and complex carbohydrates are very important for the full functioning of the whole body. The list of products is quite extensive. But first, it’s worth finding out the functions of complex compounds. The main purpose of foods with complex carbohydrates is to provide energy to the body. With a deficiency of these substances, a person experiences increased fatigue, constant fatigue, drowsiness.

Many people have probably heard about the features of a low-carbohydrate (no-carbohydrate) diet, which should help you lose weight. So, when this is followed, brain cells experience starvation and exhaustion. This provokes a decrease in mental activity. Energy deficiency also destroys muscle tissue. Therefore, when this option Losing weight, it is very difficult for a person to accustom himself to sports.

When losing weight, it is very important not to give up the use of polysaccharides. Having abandoned them, the woman’s (man’s) body begins to actively produce the stress hormone corizol and prolactin. At the same time, the synthesis of thyroid hormones sharply decreases. Such a serious endocrine disruption can lead to serious consequences. And most importantly, prolactin and cortisol “freeze” weight in place. You won't be able to lose weight. Therefore, daily consumption of foods with carbohydrates (only complex ones) will speed up this process.

List of foods containing complex carbohydrates

Read also How much protein is in chicken breast per 100 grams. product?

In addition, complex carbohydrates (foods) are practically insoluble in water. This means that their use does not cause deposits in the form of subcutaneous fat. The only thing to consider is the number of calories. Such products mainly differ in their calorie content. What are complex carbohydrates? In general, the list of foods rich in slow compounds is as follows:

Some juices also contain polysaccharides. These include tomato, carrot and pineapple. Various greens and leafy vegetables can be added to the list of products with complex compounds. But seafood, meat, milk and baked goods are considered sources of simple carbohydrates.

List of foods with polysaccharides

The table provides a list of products containing different polysaccharides:

Complex carbohydrates for weight loss

ProductAmount of complex carbohydrates per 100 gProductQuantity per 100 g.ProductQuantity per 100 g.ProductQuantity per 100 g.
White cabbage5,5 Orange8,4 Buckwheat67 Almond13,6
Boiled corn22 Banana22,3 Barley grits71,5 Pine nut20
Bell pepper5,6 Apricot10,4 Millet69 Walnut10,1
Potato19,8 Pomegranate11,6 Corn grits75 Sesame12
Parsley11 Grapefruit7,3 Bran bread70,5 Beans8,2
Olives12,6 Figs13,8 Rye bread49,7 Soybeans26,4
Eggplant5,4 Cherry11,2 Wheat bread53,3 Lentils53,6
Green peas13,2 Pear10,6 Wheat crackers72 Beans54,3
Beet10,6 Apple9 Rice72,5 Asparagus21,3

Still think you need to avoid carbs to build a great body shape? This is in vain, because in reality the situation is completely different. Complex carbohydrates can provide the body with important microelements, and the energy obtained from them will be stored throughout the day. Let's find out!

Providing the body with energy, maintaining Have a good mood and well-being, filling muscles with glycogen - it’s all about carbohydrates, without which full-fledged human activity is simply impossible. Special attention Let's focus on complex carbohydrates, you will understand why they are also called slow, long, long and even heavy. In practice, this macroelement in dietetics is subject to a large number of studies, which gives rise to diets different types: with low or high carbohydrate content, as well as their complete exclusion, protein-carbohydrate alternation, etc.

In this article we will tell you everything about complex carbohydrates, those of the slow type:

  • their types, features and importance for the body:
  • which source is most relevant on a diet and what refers to long carbohydrates from everyday foods;
  • what is the risk of nutrient deficiency or excess;
  • Let's look at a list of foods containing complex carbohydrates and give some examples of healthy recipes.

Simple and complex (fast and slow) carbohydrates

According to their chemical structure, types of carbohydrates are simple (mono- and disaccharides) and complex (polysaccharides). Energy value 1 gram is equal to 4 kilocalories.

Recently, for instant satiation, people have been using products containing simple carbohydrates - they are high in calories, but very tasty. Consequently, preference is given to fast and refined carbohydrates. This is of great interest among scientists who are actively studying human performance in accordance with the food consumed.

First you need to understand what simple and complex carbohydrates are in order to come to the right conclusion.

Simple (fast) carbohydrates

By chemical composition simple carbohydrates are divided into two types.

Types of complex carbohydrates

Polysaccharides or long carbohydrates are large chains of compounds that, when broken down, can give much large quantity energies than simple ones. Complex carbohydrates are digested slowly and for a long time, without sudden spikes in insulin. After taking them, a person remains full for a long time, full of strength and vigor.

Fiber, starch and glycogen are complex carbohydrates. Each of them - important component to build a harmonious diet, and ideally it should be a combination of all three types. Let's take a closer look at the features of each.

Starch– is considered unique and the most valuable, about 80% comes from healthy carbohydrates from starchy foods. Compared with simple connections the product has longer chains consisting of glucose molecules. Similar polysaccharides are found in foods such as cereals, pasta and baked goods, rice and cereals, green bean and potatoes. There are also processed forms - these are short polymers of glucose and maltodextrin. They dissolve perfectly in water, which facilitates immediate entry into the bloodstream after administration.

This product has another big advantage - the absence of a side effect in the form of bloating. Complex compounds are recognized as the best sources of energy, so every athlete should add them to their diet.

Cellulose– this substance is usually very neglected by many people. There is a lot of it in fruits and vegetables, legumes and grains, as well as nuts. Its structure is not a starchy polysaccharide, but in common parlance it is dietary fiber.

Has a number of features:

  • there is no possibility of digesting fiber due to its resistance to digestive enzymes;
  • reduces the risk of oncological pathologies of the colon, diabetes mellitus and diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • lowers levels of “bad” cholesterol;
  • promotes the excretion of bile acid.

Fibers can be soluble or insoluble. Agree, not many people know which carbohydrates are insoluble in water and why they are needed. In the meantime, there are a number of advantages for athletes:

  1. The insoluble group helps improve the digestion process by slowing down the hydrolysis of starch, and also helps remove breakdown products and slow down the absorption of glucose.
  2. A group of soluble fibers slow down digestive activity and lower cholesterol levels. Like insoluble fiber, it slows down the absorption of glucose.

Glycogen - the chain contains several glucose molecules. Immediately after eating, glucose enters the bloodstream, the excess of which is stored in the form of glycogen. For example, during physical activity, glucose levels drop, the body begins to break down glycogen with the help of enzymes, returning glucose levels to normal. Even during the training process, all organs can produce energy in sufficient quantities.

The main places where glycogen accumulates are muscles and liver. The total amount varies in the range of 300-400 g. In the process of building the body, glycogen from muscle fibers is extremely important.

Under the influence of physical activity, fatigue occurs due to the depletion of stored glycogen. In this regard, one and a half to two hours before the start of training, you need to consume foods high in carbohydrates in order to replenish glycogen reserves.

The table provides specific examples of each type of long connection.

How does carbohydrate metabolism occur?

Food containing complex carbohydrates in the gastrointestinal tract can be broken down into simple compounds, namely glucose, after which it is absorbed into the blood. A hormone (insulin) is synthesized, which converts the product into glycogen. The process lasts until blood glucose levels stabilize.

Glycogen reserves are located in muscle fibers and liver cells. During training, reserves in the muscles are depleted, and reserves in the liver are aimed at maintaining the required level of glucose in the blood. The norm is considered to be from 80 to 120 mg/dl.

In the event of a lack of nutrients, glycogen from the liver is converted back into glucose and enters the blood - all this is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body.

What happens when you have too many carbohydrates?

If complex carbohydrates enter the body in excess, this helps to increase insulin production, no matter what foods are consumed. Overload of the pancreas leads to depletion of its cells, which, if there is a tendency, can cause diabetes mellitus. A completely unpleasant bonus to everything will be the deposition of fat with an excessive concentration of glycogen.

When complex carbohydrates are consumed in excessive amounts and are poorly chewed, fermentation processes are triggered in the intestines. This is not only bloating and discomfort during training, but also poisoning the body with toxins from the intestines. In medicine this is called fermentative dyspepsia.

What happens when there is a lack of carbohydrates

If, when planning your diet, you strictly cut carbohydrates by long time, this can lead to irreversible metabolic disorders. The body will not receive important energy from food, so it begins to waste glycogen from the liver, which provokes a disruption in its activity.

When there are no food sources of carbohydrates, the process of protein breakdown is activated to obtain the necessary energy. As a result, the destruction of muscle mass begins, which was built so long and diligently in the gym. It should be noted that the process also affects the heart muscle. All these factors make a long-term and grueling low-carb diet extremely detrimental to a person.

Low levels of glucose in the blood provoke exacerbation of hunger, and prolonged deficiency leads to weakness and lack of energy, nausea and sweating, headaches and systematic dizziness, tremors and tachycardia. This is called hypoglycemia, which is made worse by insulin resistance (metabolic syndrome).

Clinical picture

Excessive consumption or deficiency of carbohydrates can be harmful to health. To maintain normal metabolism, you need to include at least 60% of a macronutrient in your diet every day.

What doctors say about losing weight

Nutritionists and trainers very often in practice are faced with the stereotype that in order to lose weight it is necessary to either critically reduce the amount of carbohydrates or give them up altogether. The root of the evil is the lack of information and a large number of false facts that can be read in popular communities. Such actions will not only weaken the immune system, but also seriously undermine your health.

Experts also believe that in the process of loss excess weight slow carbohydrates improve peristalsis and intestinal microflora. The component is also indispensable during muscle mass gain. Recipes for each purpose can be found at the end of the article.

Where are complex (slow) carbohydrates found - list of products

We have already figured out what long-term carbohydrates are, and now let’s talk about which foods contain them the most.

Key Rule proper nutrition says that it is better to consume slow carbohydrates in the first half of the day, and this is due to the most successful time for their absorption. However, if the workout is planned for the evening, then there is nothing critical in eating foods that contain these macroelements for dinner. In the case when the main goal is weight loss, it is best to give preference to fiber, which quickly saturates and is not absorbed by the body. At the stage of gaining muscle mass, it is better to switch to ingredients rich in starch and glycogen, but also about protein food don't forget either.

To make it easier for you to choose complex carbohydrates to achieve your goals, we have provided a table with the most popular ingredients in descending order of macronutrient amount.

Product groups


Amount of carbohydrates per 100 g

Whole grains

corn grits

Brown rice

Whole grain bread and pasta

durum pasta

wheat bread

Rye bread


green beans


Milk products

yogurt 1.5%

milk 2.5%

cottage cheese 1.8%

Fruits and berries








As you have seen, complex carbohydrates are synthesized in various ingredients, and the following list of generalized foods reveals their main characteristics.

Vegetables and fruits– an indispensable and key component healthy diet any person, regardless of the specifics of training. Vegetables and fruits contain complex compounds. To get the maximum amount useful substances It is recommended to eat them raw, because any method of heat treatment suppresses their numbers.

Porridge– it’s not for nothing that they say that this is the food of champions. If they are prepared on the basis of whole grain cereals, which are classified as complex compounds, then this the best option for daily nutrition. It is recommended to avoid highly processed products because... they have a high glycemic index and negatively affect the weight loss process. Displays the glycemic index, the level of blood glucose response to any product.

Milk products– contains lactose, which classifies these products as simple carbohydrates. But this does not mean that you need to abandon this source, because low-fat products still contain slow chains and are rich in calcium and phosphorus.

Legumes and grains– another great source of energy. You can significantly increase your intake of this macronutrient by replacing processed grains with legumes. Replacing wheat bread with a whole grain product can significantly increase your fiber intake.

Fresh juices– a liquid form of a complex type of carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables, consumed in the form of drinks.

The benefits of complex carbohydrates

Excessive levels of macronutrients in the diet can negatively affect health and sports uniform athlete, but his role is extremely important in the life of the body:

  • The main source of energy - carbohydrate provides fuel for a full, productive workout. Daily requirement calculated individually;
  • after the reserves of glucose and glycogen are depleted, thanks to the slow chains of the macroelement, the consumption of protein as an energy source does not turn on. This phenomenon is called glycogenesis and occurs when blood glucose levels are low. Accompanied by the release of glucagon;
  • prevents the process of catabolism and muscle atrophy, which leads to loss of muscle mass as a result of the process of glucogenesis;
  • Another huge benefit from consuming healthy carbohydrates is that they can improve brain function and maintain the central nervous system in a normal state. Glycogen does not accumulate in the brain, therefore, on a low-carbohydrate diet, athletes often observe a decrease in mental activity, especially concentration;
  • Eating nutritious meals with enough carbohydrates prevents hypoglycemia, the symptoms of which are: hunger, loss of energy, migraines and dizziness. To avoid experiencing such feelings during training, it is important to make sure that your diet meets the standards.

1 - Slow Carbs Are Less Likely to Cause Blood Sugar Spikes

Bad carbohydrates can significantly increase blood sugar levels, which forces the pancreas to produce a large dose of insulin. This not only returns the feeling of hunger, but also provokes you to eat another portion of sweet food. Complex types of carbohydrates take much longer to digest than simple carbohydrates, which helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, providing a boost of energy throughout the day and during the training process.

2 - Complex carbohydrates may reduce the risk of some chronic diseases

For a healthy and nutritious diet, it is important to eat foods containing complex carbohydrates, which will not only significantly reduce the risk of gaining excess weight, but will also help prevent the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular pathologies. All sources of slow carbohydrates are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants and plant compounds - this complex provides excellent prevention of diseases of various types.

It should be noted that many studies support the positive association between low levels of “bad” cholesterol and blood sugar with a diet that includes fiber from whole foods.

3 - Long-lasting carbohydrates promote a healthy digestive system

The human intestine contains a huge variety of “good” bacteria – these are microbiota. They promote healthy digestion, better absorption of minerals, neutralize inflammatory processes in the intestines, and also fight constipation. All foods containing complex carbohydrates contain large amounts of soluble fiber, which promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria by feeding them. The bacteria in turn produce short-chain fatty acids, which are extremely beneficial for digestive system. If you feed them with the right macronutrients, you can forget about the craving for overeating, which is very important on a diet.

4 - Long Carbohydrates May Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is the human body’s response to internal stimuli. Protracted nature contributes to the development of chronic forms of diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension and diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome and even cancer.

Sweet products and refined flour provoke inflammation, and complex species carbohydrates help prevent its occurrence. Fiber, which is contained in whole grains, fruits and legumes have an anti-inflammatory effect.

How to start eating more complex carbohydrates

In order for healthy carbohydrates to bring maximum positive result both in the training process and for health in general, you may need to adjust your eating habits and choose foods that contain slow carbohydrates. For example, buy pasta and bread made from whole wheat rather than premium grades. Give preference to vegetable snacks rather than fatty chips. Replace polished white rice with other sources of complex carbohydrates - legumes or unprocessed cereals.

Slow Carb Recipes

Now you have basic information about long-term carbohydrates, know their benefits and can optimize your nutrition plan according to your body's needs. Try to include as many complex and healthy carbohydrates in your menu as possible and minimize maltose. We hope these recipes will help add more variety to your diet.

Breakfast: millet porridge with pumpkin

Recipe No. 1.


  • millet cereal – 100 g;
  • pumpkin – 100 g;
  • honey – 5 g;
  • salt – 1 pinch.

Cooking method:
1. Millet must be washed and poured with boiling water in a 1:1 ratio, closed with a lid and left for 30 minutes, and then rinsed again.
2. Cut the pumpkin into cubes and add to the millet, add salt.
3. Transfer the mixture to a baking dish or pot, add water to the level of the millet.
4. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.
5. Before serving, drizzle with honey. If desired, you can place a small cube of butter on top.

Salad "Vitamin"

Recipe No. 2


  • cabbage – 150 g;
  • carrots – 200 g;
  • beets – 100 g;
  • sesame – 1 tsp;
  • pomegranate or balsamic sauce - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:
1. Grate all fresh vegetables on a coarse grater.
2. Season with sauce, stir and sprinkle with sesame seeds. It is recommended to consume immediately after preparation, because... After a while, the cabbage begins to release juice in large quantities.

Rice with seafood

Recipe No. 3


  • brown rice – 150 g;
  • frozen sea cocktail – 150 g;
  • onion – 50 g;
  • salt, spices to taste.

Cooking method:
1. Rinse the rice and defrost the seafood cocktail.
2. Finely chop the onion into half rings.
3. Mix all ingredients and pour evenly into a baking dish, adding spices and salt to taste. Pour in water so that it covers all the ingredients, but they do not float.
4. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Watch the cooking, you may need to add a little water. An excellent addition to rice soy sauce and fresh herbs.

Green beans baked with egg

Recipe No. 4


  • green beans – 300 g;
  • chicken egg – 3 pcs.;
  • carrots – 150 g;
  • onion – 70 g;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:
1. Chop the onion into cubes, cut the carrots into thin cubes.
2. Fry the onion until transparent, add onion and beans to it. Simmer covered until the vegetables are ready, stirring occasionally. At the very end, add salt and spices to taste.
3. Cut the onion into small cubes.
4. Place the stewed vegetables in a baking dish, spread the cheese evenly on top and carefully break the eggs on top without disturbing their integrity.
5. Place in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees. IN in this case there is no need to warm it up in advance, because... This causes a whitish film to form on the egg yolks.

For dessert: pumpkin pie

Recipe No. 5


  • sweet pumpkin – 500 g;
  • whole grain corn flour – 60 g;
  • milk 1.5% - 70 ml;
  • thick yogurt without additives 1.5 – 100 g;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • zest of one orange.

Cooking method:
1. Cut the pumpkin into medium pieces, add water and cook for about 30-40 minutes until the product is soft. You can check readiness with a knife. Blend and puree using an immersion blender or any other convenient method.
2. Add beaten eggs, milk and yogurt to the pumpkin. Mix/beat thoroughly with a blender.
3. Before zesting, we recommend pouring boiling water over the orange peel to remove the chemicals. Grate on a coarse grater without touching the white skin.
4. Add zest to the mixture and gradually stir in flour, beat thoroughly until lumps are eliminated. The consistency will be quite liquid - this is normal. Pour everything into a silicone mold or baking dish, which will need to be greased with a drop of oil.
5. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Readiness is determined by using a toothpick.
6. It is better to serve the pie cooled. If desired, you can pour honey or thick yogurt without additives on top. If used during cooking sweet variety pumpkin, then adding sweeteners is not required. If not, then add a few dissolved sweetener tablets or sugar to the dough.

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