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Picking seedlings in March are favorable days. Safe protection of plants from diseases and pests in July and August Lunar planting calendar for April

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Moon calendar florist 2017 - houseplants and flowers, sowing flowers for seedlings, picking and replanting indoor plants

The table of the lunar calendar given on this page is a thematic selection from the universal , made for the convenience of those who grow ornamental plants and flowers, both indoors and in the flower garden at the dacha.

April picks up the water and opens the flowers.

April is the month in which we can enjoy the first flowers. Crocuses and daffodils are the main harbingers of spring warmth. In April, previously planted annual flowers are plucked a second time and fed. After the snow melts, you need to remove the foliage from the area that you did not have time to remove in the fall, after the ground can already be cultivated in the clubs and flower beds, in order to prepare the sowing of flowers with a short growing season.

About the transplant plants: For replanting most indoor plants, the most favorable periods are March and April - before their intensive growth begins and after the end of the growth season, August - September.

In April 2017, the lunar month is delayed compared to the calendar month by almost a week, so the most favorable days for sowing seedlings of flowers (flower crops) occur in the second ten days of the month (on the waxing Moon).

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference between Moscow and local time *)

Based on one rather interesting folk sign, compiled (for Moscow, St. Petersburg and N. Novgorod).

* To determine the local time of a lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

Moon calendar

Work in the flower garden, work with indoor plants, flower care activities

from April 01, 2017 00:00 (Sat)
to 02 April 2017 21:27 (Sun)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Gemini

Unfavorable time for watering indoor plants and flower seedlings. Loosening the soil, thinning out the seedlings. Depending on weather conditions, the possible time for dividing, planting, replanting, and feeding perennial flowers. Sowing annuals, as well as dried flowers and ornamental grains. Planting dahlias in containers for growing. Carrying out grafting of ornamental trees and shrubs.
(We are still doing business, entry is only from the lunar calendar, and this year we haven’t forgotten about planting cucumbers for the southerners)
from 02 April 2017 21:27 (Sun)
to 05 April 2017 01:13 (Wed)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer

Pruning of trees and shrubs is prohibited. Pinching indoor plants and flowers is unfavorable. A favorable time for watering plants and applying mineral fertilizers. Carrying out vaccinations. Possible picking seedlings.
from 05 April 2017 01:13 (Wed)
to 07 April 2017 07:19 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in Leo

A favorable period for sowing, planting and picking drought-resistant flowers and ornamental climbing plants. Sown these days lawn grass will rise in an even layer. Lawn grass sown these days will sprout in an even layer. Possible times for cultivating the land: plowing, digging, cultivating, weeding.

April 7 (25.03 art style) - Annunciation
“Like the Annunciation, so is the summer. If the night of the Annunciation is warm, then spring will be friendly.”

from 07 April 2017 07:19 (Fri)
to 09 April 2017 15:34 (Sun)

Waxing Moon in Virgo

During this period, it is better not to sow anything except annual and perennial flowering plants and flower seedlings. Planting previously sown flowers. Planting dahlias for growing and taking cuttings. Spraying against pests and diseases of ornamental trees and shrubs. Replanting indoor flowers.

from 09 April 2017 15:34 (Sun)
to April 10, 2017 18:24 (Mon)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

Unfavorable time for watering indoor plants and seedlings. A favorable period for planting and replanting honeysuckle and roses, and planting bulbous perennials. Those planted these days take root well ornamental trees and shrubs.
from April 10, 2017 18:24 (Mon)
to 12 April 2017 20:42 (Wed)


It is not recommended to sow, plant, replant, or carry out any work with plants. It is possible to thin out seedlings, loosen and mulch the soil, remove garbage, prepare beds, etc.
April 11, 2017 09:08 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid-lunar month, until April 12, 2017 01:41 Moon in the sign of Libra then in the sign of Scorpio)
from April 12, 2017 20:42 (Wed)
to 14 April 2017 13:27 (Fri)

Waning Moon in the sign of Scorpio

In spring, this sign prohibits pruning of plants. Watering and fertilizing with organic fertilizers. Favorable time for picking seedlings colors. Soil treatment: loosening, mulching. Root begonia tubers are planted in pots. Replanting indoor flowers. You can sow seeds or plant perennial seedlings in open ground.
Seedling picking planned

Work on the florist's lunar calendar table: flower garden, flowers and indoor plants for April 2017 completed 03/12/2017

There is very little time left before the opening of the summer season. April is perhaps one of the most difficult and responsible months for gardeners, and it is during this period that preparation falls garden plot for the sowing season. In this spring month they put things in order country cottage area and plant seedlings. The table of favorable days and the lunar calendar for planting seeds will tell you exactly when to carry out this or that work, and what seedlings to plant in April.

Winter is behind us and the site requires “ spring cleaning", so the summer residents, armed necessary tools, pruning and filing of trees and shrubs, and clearing the garden of dried leaves and branches. In general, they get rid of everything unnecessary and last year. During this period, it is worth taking care of the destruction of pests by treating fruit trees. April is considered a good period for applying fertilizer to the site.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in April 2017 according to the lunar calendar: seed planting table.

So, when to carry out all of the above work and when to start planting seedlings, replanting them, and planting plants in the ground. Tables for performing certain gardening works will tell you about all this.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in April 2017 are: These days you can safely plant and replant your favorite crops.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in April 2017 according to the lunar calendar: seed planting table.

The most better days for planting trees and shrubs in April 2017:

The most good days taking into account the lunar phases for cultivation and application of organic fertilizers are: organic fertilizers it is better to add 12-13, 17-18, 21-23, and mineral ones - 2-4, 27, 30. Plowing, cultivating, hilling and loosening the soil should be 14-16, 19-20, 24-25, cutting off branches and shoots – 15-24, pest control – 24-25.

The moment of peaking usually occurs in April. Preparing for this process, the question arises: “When to pick tomatoes in April 2017?” To answer this question, we need to look at the lunar calendar, where we will get a clear answer - 2, 3, 4, 12, 13.

The moment of seedling dive depends on:

  • sowing time;
  • condition of seedlings;
  • growing conditions.

When thinking about when to plant tomatoes after germination, you need to take a critical look at the seedlings. If the tomatoes are elongated, the central shoot is thin, and the seedlings look like a forest, then you need to dive immediately.

Picking process

What does it mean to pluck tomato seedlings? This activity involves pinching the tip of the tomato root. In nature, its root is a taproot, and by pinching its end we ensure that it becomes fibrous, that is, lateral processes extend from it, which increase the absorption area nutrients from the ground. The pinching is done on a third of the entire spine.

There is no need for special tools to perform this; it can be easily done with a fingernail.

Many people have the question “Do I need to pick tomatoes?” To give an answer it is necessary to consider botanical features tomato plant. It turns out that additional roots in a tomato can grow from the stem, subject to a certain humidity. Therefore, it is enough to hill up the tomato or plant it deeper, and we will ensure the growth of the root system.

Experienced vegetable growers are trying to trick the tomato plant and not pick, but achieve a huge root system. They do it this way: they plant the plants in disposable cups and give it the opportunity to stretch out. At the same time, the plant does not look very beautiful, but it serves a certain purpose. Before transplanting, the plant is not watered; it loses turgor, and the stem bends freely. It is placed in a hole with the root up, and the bent stem is completely buried. Thus, the entire stem releases the root system and turns into a powerful root.

Classic picking method

When the seedlings produce two true leaves, they are removed from the ground, helping themselves with a picking stick and choosing favorable days for picking tomatoes 2017, pinch the bottom of the root and transplant it into an individual peat or plastic pot.

Planting is carried out by deepening the plant along the cotyledon leaves. After picking, the plant is watered and, having taken root, continues its growth.

For the first time, lunar sowing calendars appeared long before the advent of modern society. Since ancient times, people have noticed that the Moon has an unimaginable influence on processes related to water. This is evidenced by the presence of ebbs and flows, and of course, the effect on biorhythms in the human body. Of course, the Moon influences planting crops no less.

Lunar sowing calendar for April 2017

It should be noted that the sowing lunar calendar for the coming April 2017 takes into account the influence of the lunar phases, describes the most favorable days and dates on which it is best to carry out planting operations, takes into account the influence of the zodiac circle, as well as the days of the week, each of which has a special energy and power transmitted to plants. Using the lunar calendar for gardener and gardener for April 2017, you will have the opportunity to harvest better and more than if you had not used the calendar.

How do the phases of the moon affect plants?

There are several main periods of the moon's movement that have a certain impact on the life of our planet: full moon, new moon, waxing and waning moon periods. Scientists, using deep calculations, were able to find out that the most unfavorable days for planting work in the garden are the new moon and the full moon (see April 2017, ).

As you know, thanks to the force of gravity, the Moon can influence water. When the lunar disk is most illuminated, its activity is maximum. This is called the full moon. During this period, most diseases worsen, equipment begins to malfunction, and aggressive outbursts of mood appear in most people. For a gardener, summer resident or gardener, it is important not to plant plants (seed material) at this moment, since they are exposed to too much energy, which is why they take root very poorly when transplanted.

During the new moon, lunar activity is minimal. People feel a decrease in activity, they no longer have enough strength even for the most everyday tasks. Plants also lose most of their vitality, therefore, when planted on a new moon, they almost never become stronger in the soil.

Sowing calendar for April 2017 for gardeners and gardeners

The growing Moon attracts all vital forces to itself, which is why the juices of the plant collect at its very top. It is believed that favorable days for planting, which should grow upward - with the growing Moon. But the waning Moon has a negative effect on all such crops, when it has a beneficial effect on root crops and plant roots (see lunar).

The influence of zodiac signs on plants

For any gardener and gardener, it is important to know that there are three groups of signs of the zodiac circle: fertile, infertile and average fertility. Depending on which group a certain sign belongs to, it has such an effect on the growth of the plant. Note that the April sowing calendar located above takes into account all these factors.

Fertile signs: Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio.
Average signs Fertility: Sagittarius, Libra, Capricorn, Taurus.
Infertile signs: Gemini, Aquarius, Virgo, Aries, Leo.

Also see: - horoscope for April 2017.

The gardener's lunar calendar for April 2017 is something that no planting can do without. Our ancestors also came to the conclusion that plant growth is directly related to the Moon, its stage and position. The moon can tell you when it is most favorable to plant various crops, arrange seedlings and carry out other work in the garden. Now gardening work cannot be done without coordination with the lunar calendar.

  1. Gardener's lunar calendar for April 2017
  2. Gardener's lunar calendar for April 2017
  3. Florist's lunar calendar
  4. Lunar landing calendar for April 2017

Gardener's lunar calendar for April 2017

What kind of work will the gardener’s lunar calendar for April 2017 tell us about? April is the most favorable month for finishing work unfinished in March and freeing yourself from unnecessary troubles in May. This month is perfect for planting various trees and bushes. It is too late to prune trees and shrubs in April. The gardener's calendar for April also recommends taking care of the health of your plantings. For this purpose, they are treated against pests and diseases.

Gardener's lunar calendar for April 2017

What a variety of work awaits those who specialize in growing home vegetables in April. It's time to plant carrots, potatoes, salads, beans and much more on the ground. At the end of the month, according to the gardener’s lunar calendar for April, it is necessary to plant previously planted crops.

Florist's lunar calendar

April is the time when you can devote yourself to caring for the most sophisticated plant. We are, of course, talking about roses. They begin to come to life and wake up perennials, who will be incredibly happy about their landing in a new place.

Lunar landing calendar for April 2017

The gardener's lunar calendar will tell you when it is best to sow seeds and other crops, as well as care for already planted plants and soil.

April 1, 2017
fifth, sixth lunar day, waxing Moon in the zodiac sign - Gemini
Great things await you in the garden! The waxing Moon favors the planting of climbing plants. The most pleasant and useful thing on this day is preparing the beds and fighting pests and plant diseases. It is better to avoid pruning trees and shrubs.

April 2, 2017
sixth, seventh lunar day, waxing Moon in the zodiac sign – Cancer
The gardener's lunar calendar says that on such a day you need to weed the plants and pull out the weeds. And of course, nowhere without treatment from the destroyers of nature. This day is also favorable for planting any vegetables - cabbage, peppers, and so on. You can sow seeds of annual plants.

April 3, 2017
seventh, eighth lunar day, waxing Moon in Cancer, first quarter
The gardener's lunar calendar is convinced that this day is perfect for planting various vegetables, including cabbage.

April 4, 2017
eighth, ninth lunar day, waxing Moon in Cancer
This day, without a doubt, must be devoted to preparing the soil for sowing. Among other things, start planting cabbage, radishes, tomatoes, celery, peppers, and cucumbers.

April 5, 2017
ninth, tenth lunar day, waxing Moon in Leo
But on this day, on the contrary, sowing and planting in a new place garden plants not necessary. The gardener's lunar calendar advises turning attention to planting and cultivating bushes and trees. The most favorable day for planting sunflower seeds.

April 6, 2017
tenth, eleventh lunar day, waxing Moon in Leo
The gardener's lunar calendar does not recommend carrying out any work in the garden on this day, especially pruning trees.

April 7, 2017
eleventh, twelfth lunar day, waxing Moon in Virgo
The gardener's lunar calendar categorically does not recommend working with fruits or vegetables on this day. It is better to start fertilizing the plants in the garden.

April 8, 2017
twelfth, thirteenth lunar day, waxing Moon in Virgo
Work exclusively with the earth on this day. Touching seeds, fruit trees, or sowing seedlings is strictly prohibited.

April 9, 2017
thirteenth, fourteenth lunar day, waxing Moon in Libra
The gardener's lunar calendar recommends planting stone fruits. This day is considered very favorable for planting flowers.

April 10, 2017
fourteenth, fifteenth lunar day, waxing Moon in Libra
As on the last day, the gardener’s calendar recommends planting flowers and fruits.

April 11, 2017
fifteenth, sixteenth lunar day, full moon
Today we are removing covers from perennial, warm-loving crops to free raspberries from their winter binding. The lunar sowing calendar recommends sowing lettuce.

April 12, 2017
sixteenth, seventeenth lunar day, waning Moon in Scorpio
The gardener's lunar calendar prohibits planting trees and shrubs on this day. Now is not their time. When the Moon begins to wane, it will be most useful to engage in tuber crops.

April 13, 2017
seventeenth, eighteenth lunar day, waning Moon in Scorpio
On the waning moon, the gardener's calendar allows him to work with shrubs and trees. Also take care of fertilizing and feeding the soil, as well as pest control. It’s better not to deal with seedlings today.

April 14, 2017
eighteenth, nineteenth lunar day, waning Moon in Sagittarius
During the waning moon, it is strongly recommended to be careful with gardening tools.

April 15, 2017
nineteenth, twentieth lunar day, waning Moon in Sagittarius
For this day, the gardener’s lunar calendar does not have any serious activities planned. During the waning moon, you can devote time to weeding. No planting or sowing.

April 16, 2017
twentieth, twenty-first lunar day, waning Moon in Sagittarius
On this day, the gardener's lunar calendar for April advises putting aside planting, sowing, fertilizing, loosening the soil, caring for fruit trees, and so on. In general, no gardening or gardening work!

April 17, 2017
twenty-first, twenty-second lunar day, waning Moon in Capricorn
The gardener's calendar recommends putting aside planting flowers in new places. Get busy better health your trees.

April 18, 2017
twenty-second, twenty-third lunar day, waning Moon in Capricorn
Your trees need additional fertilization and grafting. The lunar calendar also recommends loosening the soil on this day. The day is favorable for planting a variety of vegetables (potatoes, cabbage, radishes, peppers, etc.). There is no point in taking care of plants.

April 19, 2017
twenty-third, twenty-fourth lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius
Refuse any planting and sowing, today is not their turn. It’s better to start feeding already planted plants.

April 20, 2017
twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius
On this day it is prohibited to work with seeds, seedlings and plants.

April 21, 2017
twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces
Put sowing seeds on the back burner. The days are also not favorable for planting. There will be other days for seeds, but for now you can work on plants.

April 22, 2017
twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces
For the main work, take sowing seedlings. You should not sow seeds on this day. Start grafting fruit trees and shrubs.

April 23, 2017
twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces
Prepare the soil for your trees. You can loosen the soil. You can also plant seedlings in the ground.

April 24, 2017
twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth lunar day, waning Moon in Aries
Treat your trees to healing treatments. It is not recommended to sow seeds, nor should you engage in sowing.

April 25, 2017
twenty-ninth, thirtieth lunar day, waning Moon in Aries
On this day, refuse any work in the garden. The waning moon does not encourage planting or sowing.

April 26, 2017
first lunar day, waning moon in Taurus, new moon
According to the lunar sowing calendar, do not do any work with trees and seedlings on this day. Stop working with plants and seeds.

April 27, 2017
first, second lunar day, waxing Moon in Taurus
On this day in April, start sowing cabbage, radishes, and lettuce.

April 28, 2017
second, third lunar day, waxing Moon in Gemini
Start preparing your future lawn, the lunar sowing calendar advises. Now is the time to plant climbing plants. You can treat the area against insects. A favorable day for sowing a wide variety of cabbage varieties.

April 29, 2017
third, fourth lunar day, waxing Moon in Gemini
Perhaps you have an idea in your head to organize a lawn in your garden or vegetable garden. Why not! Dedicate this day to preparing the future area for your decoration. The work doesn’t end there: take the time to plant representatives of the climbing crop.

April 30, 2017
fourth, fifth lunar day, waxing Moon in Cancer
On this day, the calendar gives you options to choose from. You can choose an activity to your liking.

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