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Diagrams of heating systems for a two-story house

The basis for any heating project is a properly designed circuit. It determines the installation order, the characteristics of the components and the parameters of the entire system. This is especially true for the heat supply of a two-story cottage or summer house. The heating system of a 2-story private house can be built according to several schemes.

Features of heating a 2-story house

A specific feature of the organization of heat supply to buildings with a height of more than one floor is the uniform distribution of thermal energy from the radiators throughout all rooms. Therefore, it is necessary to solve the question of how to make heating in a 2-story house with optimal parameters.

A professional designer takes into account all the nuances. The best option is to purchase a ready-made circuit or adapt a standard one for heating a home. When solving this problem, the following factors are taken into account:

  1. The total area of ​​the building and its characteristics. You can do the heating of a 2-story private house with your own hands only if the external walls are well insulated and modern window structures are installed.
  2. Planned budget. It affects the quality of components purchased and the choice of circuit.

You can make efficient heating of a private 2-story house with your own hands only after an initial analysis of this data.

To draw up a diagram of the wiring of pipelines and system components, it is best to use a copy of the house plan as a basis. This way you can calculate the amount of consumables.

Gravity heating or forced circulation?

First of all, you need to decide on the optimal coolant circulation option. It can be gravitational or forced. The heating system of a 2-storey private house with a medium and large area is built on the basis of the latter.

The work is based on the natural circulation of the coolant, which occurs as a result of its thermal expansion. In this case, restrictions must be taken into account - the length of the pipeline should not be more than 60 m., an accelerating riser will be required for the system to operate. It is these factors that determine the choice of a water heating scheme for a private 2-story house with a circulation pump.

An open or closed system can also be used for heat supply. In the first case, heating schemes for a 2-story house are made with horizontal piping, which is not always convenient in terms of installation and operation. The best option would be to install a closed circuit. It has the following advantages:

  1. Possibility of horizontal installation of pipelines. This minimizes the space required for installation.
  2. Improved circulation due to increased system pressure - from 1.5 to 6 bar.
  3. The heat transfer from all devices (radiators and batteries) will be the same.

Such heating schemes for a 2-story house must be equipped with a circulation pump. Without this, it is impossible to ensure the normal speed of coolant movement.

It is possible to make high-quality heating in a 2-story house only after calculating its heat losses.

Piping for heat supply of a two-story house

The next step is to choose the method of piping. It affects the rate of passage of the coolant, the degree of its cooling and the ability to regulate the characteristics of heat supply.

Do-it-yourself heating design for a 2-story private house is carried out based on an analysis of all factors. Let's look at the most important of them that influence the choice of distribution of supply lines:

  • Single-pipe. The system has only one pipeline, to which radiators are connected in series. Do-it-yourself single-pipe heating of a private 2-story house is characterized by rapid cooling of the coolant. Therefore, it is used to heat buildings with a small area of ​​up to 80 m²;
  • Two-pipe. It is designed for uniform heat distribution. An additional return line allows batteries to be connected in series, which reduces heat loss during coolant circulation. The optimal option for a low-temperature heating system for a 2-story private house;
  • Collector. With its help, you can make several separate heating circuits connected to one distribution manifold. In the collector circuit for water heating of a private 2-story building, you can regulate the volume of hot water inflow in each individual circuit. The disadvantage is the large number of necessary materials.

An important point is the choice of pipe material. In a closed heating scheme for a 2-story house, it is recommended to use polypropylene lines. It is important to consider that the maximum permissible hot water temperature should not exceed +90°C.

It is also mandatory to install shut-off and safety valves. The latter include air vents, bleed valves and expansion tanks.

Water or antifreeze is most often used as a coolant. The latter is preferable if there is a possibility that the system will be exposed to low temperatures.

Heating installation rules

Having chosen the optimal heat supply scheme, you can begin the practical implementation of the plan for arranging a two-story house. At the first stage, the plan is adjusted and adapted to a specific cottage or dacha.

If a gravitational heat supply scheme was chosen as the basis, then the following rules for installing its components should be followed:

  1. Mandatory pipe slope. In the supply line the slope is carried out from the boiler, in the return line - towards it. On average, the slope should be 5-10 mm per 1 m.p.
  2. Diameter of pipelines. For a gravity system, it is recommended to choose pipes with a large cross-section - about 40 mm. This way you can reduce the effect of friction of water on the inner surface of the pipelines on circulation.
  3. The fastening should be located in increments of 60-70 mm.

To control the degree of heating of the coolant, temperature sensors are installed in critical sections of the pipeline. The system must necessarily have a coolant addition unit. Most often this is done through an expansion tank located at the highest point of the circuit.

In forced circulation heating, special attention is paid to the selection of additional components. In addition to pipes, radiators and a boiler, the heating supply circuit must contain the following components:

  1. Expansion tank. Installed before the return line enters the boiler.
  2. Safety group, including an air vent, bleed valve and pressure gauge. Mounted on the supply line.
  3. Proper piping of radiators - installation of thermostats and Mayevsky taps.

For a system with forced circulation, two-pipe or manifold piping is most often chosen. A single-pipe scheme will be ineffective, since it will not be able to provide optimal heating performance for radiators.

Designing collector heat supply is a complex task. In this case, it is very difficult to draw up a diagram and select components on your own. Therefore, this work is best entrusted to specialized companies.

For a collector heat supply system, a circulation pump must be installed in the piping of each comb.

Alternative heating options for a two-story house

In some cases, installation of water heating is impossible or impractical. Currently, it is possible to make a different type of heat supply in a 2-story building using alternative sources of thermal energy.

Geothermal heating is considered the most efficient. When properly organized, it is practically independent of external weather conditions. If, in addition to heating a 2-story private house, you need to create a hot water supply system with your own hands, install solar collectors.

In winter, their effectiveness is low. Therefore, solar collectors only work in conjunction with the main heating system of a private two-story house. The advantage of such a scheme is the possibility of using it to heat domestic water in the summer.

Another option is to install an electric film heating system. The principle of its operation is based on the resistive effect - when current passes through carbon strips, IR waves are generated. They, in turn, heat the surface of objects that fall within the area of ​​action of the PLEN. However, for such a system a prerequisite is good thermal insulation of the building. The maximum possible power of the circuit is about 220 W/m². Therefore, heat losses in the house should be minimal.

All of them are characterized by the high cost of their components. Therefore, traditional heat supply systems for 2-story private houses with gas or solid fuel boilers are most often used.

The video shows an example of collector heating of a 2-story building.

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