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How is the grace period calculated? Grace period debt on a Sberbank credit card

When you use a credit card, it is important not to go beyond the grace period, otherwise you will have to pay interest. To prevent this from happening, you need to find out exactly how the grace period of a Sberbank credit card is formed, how long it lasts, when exactly it is applied, and then take advantage of its benefits.

How to use a Sberbank card for 50 days

During the grace period, the bank will not charge interest on funds spent on the credit card. Therefore, you can spend them as your own, use them, borrowing them as if from yourself. The longer the grace period, the better: there will be more time to top up your credit card.

Sberbank offers credit cards with a grace period of 50 days. However, it would be a mistake to assume that this time begins its reporting immediately after the purchase. To know how to competently use the grace period on a Sberbank credit card, you need to understand the principles by which it is formed. So, it breaks down into two time periods: reporting (Sberbank calls it settlement) and payment.

Features of the billing period

While this time lasts, the client can freely pay with a credit card in stores and on the Internet, and use it without fear of interest charges. For Sberbank clientele this is 30 days (50 days are divided into two parts). Calculation starts from the date of drawing up the report, which is different for each holder. So, it can be tied to a date:

  • drawing up an agreement with the bank;
  • actual issue of a credit card;
  • salary transfers;
  • making the first transaction using the card.

In addition, this date can be set arbitrarily depending on the agreement between the bank and the client. If you know on what day the report is generated, you can calculate how long the grace period of a Sberbank credit card lasts using the formula: 30 days from the report + 20 “spare” days. Therefore, you can spend the money provided by the bank free of charge for 50 days.

As soon as the reporting period ends, Sberbank sends the client a payment statement, which states:

  • when and how much loan funds were spent;
  • the total amount of debt to the bank;
  • recommended minimum payment.

In order to fully use the advantages of a Sberbank credit card with a grace period of 50 days, the client will have to replenish the card account for the full amount of the accumulated debt until the payment period ends. Otherwise, the bank will charge interest in accordance with the selected tariff plan.

How to find out the due date of a payment period

This is the time allotted by Sberbank to repay existing obligations on a credit card. Of course, you can top up your card during the reporting period without any problems. This has its advantages, and if possible, it is better to pay this way.

If you pay off your debt within a month, then after the report date you will begin a new billing period. If the debt is not closed, then a payment period of 20 days starts.

To make it more clear, let us explain the features of applying the grace period for credit cards Sberbank with examples.

Let's say day X is set to the 5th. If a purchase for any amount takes place on March 7, the credit card holder will have 48 days to repay the loan debt, while avoiding paying interest. If you pay by card on March 10, then 45 days.

But if the client makes a purchase on April 4, i.e. just one day before the report is generated, he will have only 20 days of the interest-free period left - on April 5 he will receive an account statement. Therefore, it is better for him to wait a couple of days and complete the transaction after the reporting date.

And by analogy: if the report is generated on the 20th of a month, then to get the maximum grace period, it is recommended to make a purchase on the 20th or 21st, but not on the 19th.

Therefore, it is important to correctly calculate the grace period for comfortable use of a Sberbank credit card and not assume that the 50-day interest-free period begins to count immediately after making a purchase. It is necessary to find out the date when the report is generated and pay with the card after it in order to enjoy the benefits of credit cards for as long as possible.

An example of how to calculate a card payment

The maximum grace period for a Sberbank credit card is 50 days. This duration can be obtained if you make a purchase or transaction online on the reporting day. The minimum interest-free period is only 20 days, it is counted if you pay off your credit card in one day for day X.

While the interest-free period lasts, you can make any expense transactions, and no additional amounts will be accrued. The main thing is to pay off the debt before the end of the term. You can also top up your credit card in several tranches.

For example, the reporting period starts on the 1st. You spent 10 thousand rubles on the card on July 5 and another 5 thousand rubles on July 15. You must top up your card with 15 thousand rubles before August 19. For example, if you received an advance on July 20 and a salary on August 5, you will be able to cover the debt in two payments.

  • date of the report;
  • interest rate;
  • the date when the acquisition is planned;
  • approximate amount of expenses.

The calculator will show the deadline for making a payment, as well as how much you save on interest if you pay off the debt on time.

The nuances of using a Sberbank credit card

The cardholder should carefully read the terms of service so that later there are no misunderstandings about the rules for calculating interest and errors when using the credit card.

As soon as the interest-free period ends, under the terms of the Sberbank grace period, interest is charged on the credit card according to the tariff (the rate varies from 21.9% to 27% per annum). Every month you will need to deposit 5% of the balance of the amount into the account, as well as accrued interest.

The new interest-free period does not start immediately. The card holder must pay the bank in full by transferring the entire amount of the debt to the card account and wait until the reporting day arrives. Only after this can you count on benefits for the next month.

If you spend the money again before the end of the interest-free period, then there are two options (for convenience, we take the 1st date for the report date):

  • The new purchase took place during the same reporting period. For example, you paid for the service on April 7, repaid the debt on April 15 and completed new purchase 20 April. The payment will be included in the current accounting period and will be due by May 20th.
  • The purchase occurred during the payment period, i.e. within the final 20 days. It will be included in the new grace period. For example, if a purchase is made on May 5, then the new debt will have to be paid by June 20.

The easiest way to find out how long the grace period lasts on a Sberbank credit card is to contact an online bank or mobile application and ordering a card statement. It will contain all the necessary information, and you can easily carry out financial planning.

There are a few more nuances to consider when using a credit card:

  • during the reporting period, you can use the card for any payments without restrictions;
  • if you use an operation that entails the cancellation of the grace period, for example, cash withdrawal, you will have to pay interest on the entire debt;
  • interest is accrued as soon as the 50-day grace period of the Sberbank card comes to an end, so it is in the client’s interests to close the debt as quickly as possible, before a significant overpayment “runs up” - so, by repaying the loan even a week after the grace period, you can save significantly ;
  • penalties are accrued only in case of delay in mandatory payment;
  • You can top up your account in several tranches; there are no fines or commissions for this;
  • When transferring using third-party organizations - for example, other banks or systems like Qiwi and Western Union - it is better to top up the account in advance, since the money can take up to 5 days to arrive in the account, and it is easy to be late without wanting to.

The exact conditions for using a credit card are specified in the agreement with the card.

Conditions for withdrawing cash from a credit card

Please note that the grace period only applies to certain payments. Thus, such operations include:

  • payments in retail stores;
  • shopping in online stores;
  • payments for rent and other similar payments in Sberbank online.

But the Grace period does not apply in the following situations:

  • if there was an internal transfer from a credit card to a debit card;
  • if the client has replenished a virtual wallet (for example, Yandex.Money or Webmoney);
  • When withdrawing cash from a Sberbank credit card, the grace period not only does not apply, but the bank takes an additional commission for “cash out” and also charges an increased interest (usually +1-2 percentage points).

Therefore, when using a credit card, it is better not to make unrecommended transactions in order to avoid additional costs.


So, the grace period on a Sberbank credit card is 50 days long and consists of two components. The first 30 days are a “step” from the report date, the last 20 days are “spare”. At the same time, spend funds throughout this period. To ensure a longer grace period, it is recommended to pay in the coming days after the report date. The Sberbank website has a special service that will help you make accurate calculations. You can also rely on these extracts. The grace period is not activated when performing operations not related to settlements, for example, when withdrawing or transferring credit funds.

Credit cards from each institution differ somewhat in their functions, capabilities and advantages, but most of them have a so-called grace period - this is a period during which you are not charged interest for using the bank’s money. Let's look at what features a Sberbank credit card has and how to use the grace period.

Almost any bank provides the opportunity to use borrowed resources on a credit card without accruing interest if the payment is made at a specially established time. Regardless of class and type, any Sberbank credit card has a grace period of 50 days.

Definition from Wikipedia (preferential, interest-free or grace period)

The interest-free period consists of two parts:

  • The first 30 days - you are allowed to use money within the permitted limit.
  • 20 days after its end is the time to pay the debt.

Moreover, during the second part of the term, the client can again spend the limit allowed for the month. It is because of this “overlapping” of deadlines that confusion arises and not everyone understands how to correctly calculate the time without paying interest on the card.

End of the grace period of a Sberbank credit card

If the client does not meet the payment deadline, interest rates will be applied to his debt. For credit cards they are very significant:

  • Instant: 25.9%;
  • Classic, Gold, Platinum: 25.9-33.9%;
  • Youth: 33.9%.

When delay is possible

For delay, an additional penalty is imposed - 36%. In order not to incur extra costs, it is worth finding out in advance how long interest may be waived and the principles of payment. The penalty applies only if the payment date is missed. If you pay the minimum required amount (indicated in the report), then no fine is applied, but interest is charged.

Debt report

After every 30 days, the client receives a report for using a Sberbank credit card during the grace period, in which the following parameters are noted:

  • Dates of purchases.
  • Loan amount;
  • The total amount to be refunded for the specified time period.
  • Amount of payment (also includes debt for previous borrowings, if any).

It is worth remembering that the end of the grace period occurs almost in the middle of the next term. Therefore, new costs (at the new stage) are not included in this report. They'll get into the next one.

How much do you need to pay?

The rules for using a Sberbank credit card take into account the grace period, and therefore the client only needs to repay the amount stated in the report. It arrives at the e-mail specified by the borrower in the agreement.

To pay your card debt on time, you should use the online service

Everyone is advised to use Mobile Banking to use additional tools to control accounts, and to see the grace period of a Sberbank credit card:

  • In Sberbank Online, in the “Cards” subsection, you can view the entire history of your expenses, repayment dates, current amounts of debt, and generate a report yourself.
  • When Mobile Banking is connected, notifications are received for each expense transaction, as well as reminders indicating the amount and deadline for the return of funds.

If no expenses have been incurred, the report does not arrive either by e-mail or by SMS, which indicates that there are no debts.

Grace period calculation

You can calculate the interest-free period yourself. To do this, you need to count 30 days from the beginning and calculate how much was spent, or view this information in the online service. This amount must be paid within 20 days. Let's look at this situation using an example.

Rules for paying interest for using a credit card


  • The end of the reporting period is June 4.
  • Receipt of the report – June 4.
  • The deadline for payment is June 23.
  • New reporting period: June 4 – July 4.
  • New grace period: June 4-July 23.

Calculator on the bank's website

If you were unable to figure out your expenses, Sberbank credit card and grace period, a special service will help you understand how to calculate:

Possibility of calculating the grace period on the bank’s website

This is a kind of calculator where you will need to enter the amounts and dates of your purchases. The service will provide an answer: the amount to be returned, cut-off dates, deadline sizes and will mark these indicators on the calendar for convenience.

Cash withdrawals and credit card transfers

It is worth remembering that not all transactions are eligible for interest-free returns. These include only payment for goods at retail outlets or online. Borrowing money for transfers to friends or cashing out involves the accrual of interest. All features must be clarified in advance with the bank when applying for a credit card.

How to pay a debt

When making a payment, please remember that some transactions may take up to 3 days. To avoid delays, you need to do this in advance using any option:

  • At the branch (in cash) through the cashier;
  • At the branch, transfer from another account;
  • Send funds from another card yourself via an ATM or remote control service.

The grace period of a Sberbank credit card for , Classic, etc. ceases to be valid if the card is overdue. Interest starts to apply. But if you fulfill your obligations on time in the new period of time, the rate does not apply to them (0%). If there is a delay, the client still has the opportunity to use resources at a new stage of payment.

Paid more than necessary - no big deal

If you pay more than the amount due, there is no need to worry. The excess will remain in the account, and the client can spend it on his needs. When paying, this part will be spent first and will not be subject to the rules for using borrowed funds (they will not need to be repaid).

Banks often add a grace period to the credit cards they issue (aka grace period). This is an additional service that allows you to use bank funds for free for a certain period of time. But the cardholder must comply with the procedure for calculating the grace period and other conditions for its provision.

Many cardholders misinterpret the terms of the grace period, which leads to interest and sometimes penalties. Before using the benefit offered by the bank, be sure to study the information about it and the instructions for use.

The essence of the grace period and terms

Grace period - a time period established by the bank during which no interest will be accrued for the use of borrowed money. The period is usually set at 50 or 55 days (usually 55 days). But in the credit market you can find offers that suggest a grace period of up to 100 days.

If the card has a long grace period, then be sure to pay attention to whether such a benefit can be used constantly. It is quite possible that a long grace period is presented only once, and then it will be standard, equal to 50-55 days. Or even a grace period is provided as a one-time function.

If the grace period is 50-55 days, the service is renewable. After the first benefit period, the cardholder can enjoy the next one.

Key conditions for the grace period:

  1. To prevent the bank from charging interest, you must pay off the debt in full. before the end date the duration of the grace period. If the required amount is not in the account on this date, the bank will charge interest.
  2. Most often, banks set restrictions on the types of transactions for the grace period. It applies only if non-cash transactions are made using the card. If you cash out your account, the grace period is reset to zero and is no longer valid. But you can find offers where the benefit applies to all operations.

Borrowers' standard error

When issuing a credit card, bank employees do not particularly bother themselves with the need to talk in detail about the principles for calculating the grace period. This leads to credit card holders interpreting it incorrectly and, out of ignorance, violating the validity period of the benefit. As a result, the bank charges interest, and the borrower does not understand why this happened, since, in his opinion, he performed transactions within the grace period.

If the bank says that the grace period is “up to 50 days,” then pay attention to what exactly BEFORE 50 days, not specifically 50 days. That is, the benefit can be valid for 49, 35, or any other number of days.

As it happens most often. A citizen receives a card with a grace period, for example, 55 days. He makes an expense transaction and believes that in order for interest not to accrue, he needs to close the debt within 55 days. On the 55th day after the debt was incurred, he deposits the amount of money spent on the card, believing that he met the grace period. Only after some time the bank begins to make claims for non-payment of the debt. Borrowers in such a situation begin to blame the bank for all sins, but in fact, the card holder himself is to blame for the current situation, because he does not know how the grace period is calculated correctly.

Rules for calculating the grace period

Banks use several options for calculating the exact terms of the grace period. Therefore, first of all, you need to find out the specific procedure from the bank.

Option #1.

It is used most often by banks. This is the calculation of the grace period, starting from the settlement date. The settlement date is the calendar date on which the bank reports the results of transactions completed over the past month. For example, the results for using a credit card in April will be summed up by May 20.

Principle of calculation. The reporting period is from April 1 to April 30. During this period, the card holder made expenditure transactions in the amount of, for example, 30,000 rubles. In order not to pay interest to the bank, you need to close this debt in the amount of 30,000 rubles before May 20.

A graph of this calculation principle:


  1. The citizen made his first spend on a credit card on April 25, and his total expenses until the end of the month amounted to 20,000 rubles (reporting period - April 1-April 31).
  2. As a result, the benefit is applied only to transactions made from April 25 to April 30. Expense transactions made after May 1 fall into the next reporting period from May 1 to June 1.
  3. The debt for the reporting period must be closed by the 20th of the next month. It turns out that if a citizen spent 20,000 rubles from the card in April, then this amount must be deposited into the account before May 20.

The maximum declared benefit period of 50 days will be relevant only if the citizen made the first expense in the reporting period on the 1st day of the month. Then the benefit covers 30 days of the month and 20 days of the payment period in the next month. If, as in the example, the first expense occurred on the 25th, then in the reporting period the benefit is valid only for 6 days until the end of the month plus 20 days of the payment period, which is 26 days.

Option #2.

The second method is more complex because there is no clear framework for the reporting period. The first date of the reporting period can begin from the fact of making the first purchase using the card or from the date the credit card was issued. You definitely need to find out this date from the bank. For example, in Sberbank the reference date is the date of issue of a credit card to a citizen.

Calculation example:

  1. For example, the first counting date is the 7th day of each month (let’s say this is the card issuance date, as is practiced at Sberbank). It turns out that the reporting period for this card lasts from the 7th of this month to the 7th of the next.
  2. After the end of the reporting period, the payment period begins, which lasts 20 days (if the grace period is up to 50 days).
  3. It turns out that for transactions made, for example, between March 7 and April 7, you need to pay on April 27, then a grace period will apply.

Example graph:

And do not forget that the presence of a grace period does not cancel the obligation to make monthly payments. On the date specified by the bank, the borrower must deposit into the card account an amount not less than the minimum established by the lender.

Knowing how to use the grace period of a Sberbank credit card will help you avoid getting into debt. This will allow you to spend borrowed funds for free or with minimal overpayment.

How to calculate grace period - example

Regardless of the status (Classic, Gold, Platinum) and payment system, everything .

Grace period is the time during which borrowed money can be repaid under favorable conditions. To use it correctly, it is enough to learn how to calculate it. It is divided into two:

  • Reportable. Equal to 1 month (30 days). Designed for shopping.
  • Settlement. 20 days. For payment without interest.

The first period is not always 30 days. Example: if February has 28 or 29 days, the reporting period is reduced by 1-2 days. It is worth considering that the maximum period of 50 days is provided only for purchases made on the first day of use.

Example: if a purchase with a card is made on the 10th day, then the time for an interest-free return is reduced from 50 to 40 days. If you pay with a card on the last day of the month, there are only 20 days left for payment.

The grace period begins from the day of activation of the Momentum, Gold, etc. credit card, which occurs automatically the next day after issue.

Each subsequent grace period of a Sberbank credit card is superimposed on the previous one and is also 50 days. Example: start using the product on November 24th. The period for using the loan lasts until December 23, and you can pay under preferential terms until January 12.

The second period for spending the loan begins on December 24 and ends on January 22, and the 50 days ends on February 11. If the credit limit is not completely exhausted in the first period, you can continue to use it in the second, regardless of whether the debt is paid. You can calculate the grace period for your card on the Sberbank website using a special calculator.

The Report arrives on the last day of the reporting period. For the above examples, these are December 23 and January 22, respectively.

How to use the 50 day grace period

No overpayment, i.e. Only borrowed money can be paid back in 50 days or less, depending on the date you started spending.

To do it right, you need to clarify the rules for repayment.

If payment is not made or not made in full, the debt will be subject to interest rate. It is calculated for each purchase separately, starting from the moment it is made. They are assigned individually to each client, based on his category and other characteristics. The following tariffs apply today:

  • Instant: 23.9%;
  • Classic and Gold: 27.9% (23.9% for some existing customers under a separate offer);
  • Platinum: 21.9%;
  • Signature visa, incl. Aeroflot, and MasterCard World Black Edition: 21.9%.

If you do not take advantage of the grace period of a Sberbank card (Gold, Standard, etc.), the borrower is required to make a minimum payment before it ends. The mandatory minimum is 5% of the current debt. After that, the interest rate is applied and the remaining debt with accruals is carried forward to the next period.

If the borrower has previous unpaid loans on the payment date, they must also be paid, otherwise a fine will be applied. A penalty of 36% is charged if the minimum amount or the entire borrowed amount is not paid within the grace period.

Unpaid loans are included in the report for the next month, taking into account accrued penalties.

Information about debt in Sberbank

  • Formation period;
  • Information about the client's product: type (example: ), allowed limit, interest, available amount (if available);
  • Payment deadline;
  • Total debt, obligatory payment. The first must be paid to take advantage of the interest-free period, the second - so that no penalty is charged;
  • Account movements: total amount all receipts, expenses (purchases from the card), cash withdrawals, interest and commissions paid in the previous period;
  • Explanation of mandatory payment: calculated amount, previous debts, penalties, etc.;
  • Details of transactions performed: indicate the day, size and type of transaction (in a store, online, cash withdrawal, deposit of money, wire transfer).

If there are many operations, then an additional sheet is attached where they are listed.

If you find a discrepancy in the provided list of transactions, you need to submit an appeal to Sberbank. This must be done in a timely manner - before the expiration of 30 days from the date of receipt of the letter. The claim is reviewed and, if necessary, adjustments are made.

You can obtain similar information yourself in Sberbank Online. The Cards, Accounts section displays all the user's products. You will need to select the one you need. Next to its name there is a short description:

  • Available amount to borrow;
  • Next payment date;
  • Amount for depositing into Sberbank;
  • Brief description of characteristics: card validity period, interest rate, credit limit, grace period for Sberbank card, etc.

In Internet banking you can also generate a statement to view transactions made for any period.

To avoid penalties being applied to the client, it is enough to pay the monthly amount indicated in the received report. It is not so easy to calculate it yourself, since from the moment of its formation, the borrower could still use up borrowed resources, which will be taken into account in the next period.

How to Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Repayment can begin at any time, starting from the day of the loan. This will be taken into account by Sberbank when generating the statement. It is not difficult to calculate how much you need to pay during the grace period, taking into account how much money has been spent from the loan provided.

There are several ways to pay with a Sberbank credit card with a grace period. Non-cash options include:

  • Through Sberbank Online. Transfer from an existing debit card through the Payments and transfers item - Between your cards. You need to indicate the card numbers and the amount of sending. The transaction is confirmed with a password sent via SMS.
  • By SMS. Type TRANSFER, last 4 characters debit card, 4 credit and size in numbers. Send a message to 900. Available for persons who have activated.
  • Through an ATM. Insert the plastic card from which the payment is sent, select Payments, write down the credit card number and amount.
  • Through third party services.

You can also use the cash desk of Sberbank or another institution, as well as a terminal to pay in cash.

If you use Sberbank services, money is usually credited instantly, maximum the next day, without charging a commission. Through third-party organizations, enrollment takes longer, with a maximum of 3 days. The commission is set by the relevant bank and averages about 1%.

When transferring a larger amount than the borrower owes to Sberbank, the money remains in the credit card account as if it were their own. When paying by card, they will be debited first, and then borrowing from the available limit will begin. At the same time, for withdrawing your own funds from a credit card, the same tariffs apply as for debit cards.


The grace period on a Sberbank credit card allows you to repay only the loan amount. Sberbank has an interest-free repayment period of 50 days for all loan products. If it is impossible to repay the borrowed funds on time, you must pay the mandatory minimum during the same period, after which a rate is applied to the balance. If one of the rules is not followed, Sberbank charges a penalty.

The grace period of a Sberbank credit card is the period during which you can use credit funds from the card without paying interest. It is also called the interest-free period or grace period.

It is important to find out in detail about the grace period for lending before you apply for a Sberbank credit card and start using it. Otherwise, there is a high probability of making late payments and ending up paying quite high interest rates.

The grace period for a Sberbank credit card is 50 days. It would seem that this is a lot. But the catch is that the interest-free period on a credit card does not start from the date of purchase, that is, the actual spending of money from the card.

Grace period for a Sberbank credit card: how to calculate

At Sberbank, the grace period for a credit card is divided into two unequal parts - the “reporting period” and the “payment period”.

The reporting period is 30 days during which the client makes purchases using a Sberbank credit card. At the end of this period, a report on payments is generated - when and how much was spent.

The next 20 days are the payment period. During this time, the client must fully repay the loan debt, that is, deposit money on a Sberbank credit card. In this case, you will not have to pay interest on the loan.

In total, these 50 days constitute the grace period of the Sberbank credit card.

See also:

Sberbank credit card 50 days without interest: conditions and limits >>

Tinkoff Bank credit card: is it worth opening >>

Grace period for a Sberbank credit card: calculation example

Let's give a simple example of calculating the grace period of a Sberbank credit card.

Let's say the reporting period began on May 8 and the purchase was made at the same time. In this case, the cardholder has 50 days to repay the debt at 0 percent interest - until June 27.

If the purchase was made not on May 8, when the reporting period began, but on May 22, then until June 27 there are only 35 days left to repay the full amount of the debt at 0 percent (15 days of the reporting period and 20 days of the payment period).

Accordingly, from 20 to 50 days are always available to repay the debt without interest.

Reporting period for a Sberbank credit card: when does it start?

How to find out when the reporting period begins on a Sberbank credit card? A similar question arises for everyone who is going to use a Sberbank credit card. Since the deadline for debt repayment depends on the start date of the reporting period, it is better not to guess here, but to clarify this with the Sberbank employee who issues the credit card.

And in order not to get confused later, immediately after receiving a credit card, you need to connect the Sberbank Online Internet bank, and also check whether you have connected the Mobile Bank SMS service.

In Sberbank Online you can not only manage your card account, but also receive all the necessary information on it:

  • - date of report generation,
  • - debt,
  • - date of payment,
  • - card expiry date…

Mobile Bank will report via SMS about all transactions carried out on the card. In addition, Mobile Bank will warn you about the date and amount of the upcoming obligatory payment, including the amount of the full debt in order to comply with the terms of the grace period for lending on a Sberbank card.

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