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How to squeeze lemon juice. How to get lemon juice

Getting lemon or lime juice is not that difficult. But we - life hackers - are used to taking from life, and in in this case, from citrus fruits, everything! And if you want to squeeze a lemon from cover to cover and get the most out of it, then there are several tricks to avoid losing a drop of juice.

1. Lemons and limes need to be rolled

This is a classic but effective trick for extracting lemon juice. Roll the citrus fruits on a cutting board or directly on the countertop, pressing firmly with your wrist. As a result, the membranes around the capsules inside the fruit, which contain the juice we need, will collapse. If you are going to squeeze citrus fruits by hand, and you do not have special tools for this, then this method will significantly facilitate and speed up the process of obtaining juice.

2. Microwave the citrus fruits for a couple of seconds.

Try placing them in the microwave for literally 10 seconds before squeezing citrus juice, and the result will amaze you! The process is somewhat reminiscent of the rolling-in method. Why is this happening? One explanation is that the microwave accelerates the water molecules in the fruit pulp so that they rupture the membranes around the juice capsules. As a result, the fruit becomes like a ball of juice, and when cut, the liquid pours out without any problems.

Another explanation for effectiveness this method, which is more likely: heat and mobile water molecules make the membranes around the capsules with juice and the peel of the fruit softer and more pliable to deformation - cutting or squeezing.

3. Freeze citrus, then reheat in the microwave

Water expands when it freezes. It is a fact. Accordingly, the thin membranes around the juice capsules will rupture or become quite fragile. And later, when heated in the microwave, they will burst even more easily. Then you will definitely get a juicy ball covered with zest, which is super easy to squeeze and get the necessary juice to the last drop.

The only drawback of this method is time. If the microwave does its job quickly - 30-60 seconds, then it takes hours to freeze lemons and limes. So for a sudden desire to taste refreshing lemonade, this technique is not suitable. However, it is very effective.

What do you think of the above juicing techniques - are they effective? Your own tricks and know-how left in the comments are welcome! Suddenly you know special secrets about how to squeeze the maximum juice out of citrus fruits that no one else even knows about...

Avitaminosis, that is, a lack of vitamins, can be diagnosed quite easily even by a person far from medicine. If you are constantly attacked by colds, your skin is peeling, there are always pimples on your body, your nails have become brittle, your hair is splitting and falling out, you feel constant fatigue and nervousness, which means it’s time to take a closer look at your health and replenish the vitamin deficiency.

Based on materials from the encyclopedia “Healing Plants”:

Benefits of Lemon Juice

The body reacts extremely painfully to a deficiency ascorbic acid or vitamin C. This fact is indicated by a number of signs: swollen, bleeding gums, joint pain, slow healing of wounds, the appearance of bruises with any touch to the body, etc. If at least some of these symptoms occur, immediately turn on add zucchini, radish, green onions, chokeberry, strawberry, wild strawberry. They will come to your aid in winter sauerkraut and sprouted grains of wheat or rye, but the record holders for vitamin C content are undoubtedly citrus fruits, and, in particular, lemon, or rather - lemon juice.

Lemon juice has long been used for vitamin deficiency: sometimes in pure form, sometimes diluting with water and honey. Experts in herbal medicine recommend drinking 5 to 35 ml of lemon juice (1-2 tablespoons) daily for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency caused by a lack of vitamin C.

But, attention! This remedy may be dangerous for those who have problems with stomach acidity. In this case, it is recommended to first consult with a doctor: perhaps he will advise replacing the lemon with some of its close “relatives”.

Well, if everything is fine with acidity, stock up on citrus fruits at the nearest grocery store - we’ll cook lemon juice. But first…

To getting lemon juice does not turn into an overly complex and time-consuming procedure for you, remember:

  • if you hold the lemon for just a few minutes hot water, then the juice will be squeezed out much faster and more completely;
  • You should not squeeze the lemon with all your might: this will damage the inside - inner part peel, and the juice will have an unpleasant bitter taste;
  • If you need just a little lemon juice (for example, for dressing a salad), you don’t have to cut the lemon: just pierce the rind with a toothpick and squeeze lightly. Then plug the hole with a toothpick or a pointed match. Store lemon in the refrigerator - it will preserve its freshness and medicinal properties for a long time.

Well, if you need a lot of juice at once, then knowledge about how to get lemon juice quickly and, if possible, without losses.

Lemon tricks

We have already discovered one trick - warm the lemon. You can do this not only in hot water, but also by placing the lemon in the microwave for 10 seconds - after that the juice will be squeezed out much easier.

Want even more juice? Then put your lemon in the refrigerator, wait until it is completely frozen, and then microwave it for about a minute. The juice is squeezed out almost without any residue.

Tip for the lazy: just roll the lemon on the table, pressing hard on it, and then cut it. Now the juice is squeezed out without any effort.

And finally, you can just buy a juicer!

Making drinks with lemon juice

Well, the lemon juice is ready! God, what sourness, it hurts my cheekbones, how can I drink it? Let's prepare a vitamin drink based on it - it will be both tasty and healthy, even healthier than pure lemon juice. Here are a few recipes for adults and children based on:

Recipe 1: mix the juice of pomegranate, carrots and medium-sized beets, add the juice squeezed from a small lemon. Place the resulting cocktail in the refrigerator for about half an hour - this is necessary in order to remove substances contained in beet juice that can damage the gastric mucosa. Drink 2, maximum 3 tbsp an hour before meals. spoons.

Recipe 2: prepare a decoction of licorice root (2 grams of root per 50 grams of water, boil for about 10 minutes), add juice squeezed from the fruit of Schisandra chinensis (2 tsp), half a glass of orange juice, two tablespoons of lemon juice and 2 tsp honey Take 1 glass in the morning half an hour before breakfast, and in the afternoon before lunch.

Recipe 3: mix boiled water (300 ml), 2 large spoons of honey, juice of 1 medium-sized carrot and juice of 1 lemon. Drink during the day. An excellent vitamin drink for children (according to G. Lavrenova), if allergic reactions are not observed.

Recipe 4: Mix a glass of mineral water, juice from half a lemon, and honey to taste.

Wait until the lemon warms up to room temperature. Lemons that have been left at room temperature for a while are much easier to squeeze than cold lemons - this way you can squeeze out more juice. The low temperature causes the membranes inside the lemon to shrink and harden, making the fruit tougher. Lemon at room temperature, on the contrary, has a soft structure, and the juice from such a lemon is easier to squeeze.

Warm the lemon in a bowl of water. Warm lemons are even softer than room temperature lemons and will yield more juice. Fill a small to medium bowl with warm water. The water should be warm enough that you feel warm when you touch the bowl, but you don't need to bring the water to a boil. Place the lemon in the water and wait 30 seconds or a few minutes. Remove the lemon when the peel is hot and before the water cools.

Roll the lemon on the table before cutting it. Take a whole lemon and roll it on a hard surface. Press it harder so that its shape is slightly deformed, but try not to crush it. You need to roll the lemon in order to break the membranes in its pulp - this will make squeezing it out much easier.

Heat the lemon in microwave oven. You will get 30-40% more juice with this method. You can either heat it whole or cut it in half so the flesh is exposed, but keeping it whole will prevent any liquid from getting into the microwave. Microwave the lemon for 10–20 seconds. You need to remove it as soon as the lemon skin becomes warm to the touch. The lemon should not be too hot. The disturbed molecules of the lemon's liquid will soften and loosen the pulp, making it easier for you to squeeze out the juice and making it easier to break through the membranes containing the juice.

Freeze the lemon before putting it in the microwave. Very low temperatures cause the volume of water to expand and turn it into ice. Due to the increase in fluid volume, membranes containing lemon juice may weaken or even rupture. Since hard lemons cannot be crushed, they need to be heated. Microwave the frozen lemon for 30 to 60 seconds until soft enough to cut. Molecules of the liquid, disturbed by heating, will break out of the membranes almost without any effort.

Cut the lemon lengthwise, not crosswise. By cutting a lemon from top to tail, you will get three times more juice. If you cut a medium-sized lemon crosswise, you will only be able to squeeze out 2-3 tablespoons (30-45 ml) of lemon juice. A larger surface exposes more flesh. The juice may be in a dense layer of pulp, but if the entire pulp is visible, there will be less juice loss.

Squeeze out the lemon juice using a fork. After cutting the lemon in half, insert the tines of a fork into the flesh of one of the halves and squeeze out the lemon juice as you normally would. When the juice flow slows, twist the fork and continue squeezing. Twist and squeeze until the juice stops flowing, and repeat this procedure with the other half. This method is based on the same principles as when using a lemon squeezer. The pressure and sharp tines of the fork help pierce the membranes, causing more liquid to flow out.

Use a lemon squeezer. You don't need anything fancy; A simple hand lemon press will do the job by hand. Cut the fruit in half and place one half in the juicer with the cut side facing down. The pressure must be strong enough to burst more membranes and squeeze out more juice than you would expect from such a procedure.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice is an excellent addition to various dishes. But it is quite difficult to squeeze it out of the fruit completely, without any residue. Although, in order to squeeze out the juice as much as possible, you need to heat the citrus fruit and press on it as hard as possible. How to do it? This is discussed in detail in the article.

How to do it right First, wait for the fruit to warm up to room temperature. Then it is easier to squeeze juice from such a fruit. A cold lemon is more difficult to squeeze because the temperature causes the membranes inside the fruit to harden, making it tough. Lemons at room temperature, which have a soft texture, are easier to juice.

How to reheat

Before squeezing the lemon, you need to warm it up. How to do it? You can warm it up in a bowl of warm water. Warm fruits are even easier to squeeze. Place in water. Wait approximately thirty to sixty minutes. After this, remove the lemon. Its peel should be warm.

What to do next?

After this, roll the fruit on the table. Press it harder so that the shape becomes slightly deformed and the partitions inside burst. But be careful not to crush the fruit. After this simple procedure, you can cut the lemon into pieces and squeeze the juice out of them with your hands.

Warm up lemon in the microwave

So, we found out that before squeezing the lemon, it must be heated. Citrus prepared in this way will yield 40% more juice. If you are in a hurry and the warm water method is not suitable for you, then use the microwave. Place the lemon in it for just twenty seconds. The skin should be warm to the touch, but not hot. Don't overheat the fruit.

Let us add that before putting the fruit in the microwave, it can be frozen. For what? Very low temperatures increase the volume of water, turning it into ice. The pressure will cause the membranes to rupture or weaken. After you warm it up. You can do this in the microwave. The process will take about forty to fifty seconds. As a result, the citrus fruit will become warm. What to do next? How to squeeze a lemon correctly? We are all accustomed to cutting a fruit into two halves crosswise and then diligently squeezing the juice out of them. It turns out that you don't need to do that. Cut the fruit lengthwise. This is how you will squeeze out more juice. By cutting lengthwise, you will expose more surface area of ​​the flesh.

Squeeze out the juice using a fork. How to act correctly?

How to squeeze a lemon? You can use a fork. To do this, cut the fruit in half. Then insert the tines of a fork into the flesh of one half. Next, squeeze out the juice as you usually do. When you notice that its flow has slowed down, crank the fork. Then continue squeezing out the juice. Repeat with the second half. This method is based on the operating principle of a citrus fruit juicer. The sharp tines of the fork and pressure help rupture the membranes, causing more juice to flow out.

Special juicer

How to squeeze lemon at home? You will need a special juicer. There is nothing fancy about the process. A simple manual lemon press will do the job. First, cut the fruit in half, then place one of the halves on top of the juicer. Place with the cut side down. Next, press on the citrus fruit. Note that the pressure must be strong enough so that more membranes burst and more juice is squeezed out.


When you squeeze the juice, be careful. Since lemon juice gets into the eyes, it causes a strong burning sensation. Therefore, after all procedures with citrus fruit, wash your hands.

A little conclusion

Now you know how to squeeze a lemon. We have reviewed effective methods. Choose the one that suits you and drink delicious and healthy lemon juice.

Lemon elixir is more in demand than nectars of other fruits. This is due to the composition of citrus, the variety useful properties and a wide range of its applications. The sour drink will relieve fatigue, replenish the lack of vitamins in the body, save you from colds, provide effective care for skin, hair and nails, and also give dishes an exquisite taste. And this is not the whole list of his abilities. Another advantage of this fresh juice is the ease of its preparation. Find out how to prepare lemon juice below.

How to squeeze juice from a lemon

Lemon is the most acidic citrus fruit, but it is also very healthy. The yellow fruit is rich in a number of vitamins: A, B2, C and P. Its slices are used to decorate many dishes and drinks, and are also added during the cooking process to add flavor. And lemon nectar is simply a treasure trove of vitamins. It is used in cooking, cosmetology and in everyday life. How to get the most of this golden liquid? There are several ways.

Using a juicer

The simplest method of extraction is to use special equipment, namely a juicer. They come in both electric and manual.

TO modern methods include mechanical devices. There are different models. From the simplest juicers to sophisticated combines equipped with many additional functions. Depending on the power of the device, you can add fruits with or without peels.

The resulting juice may have to be strained through a sieve, as there is a high probability that seeds, pulp and peel will get in. As a rule, one medium-sized lemon yields about 50-60 ml of liquid.

Using manual devices also produces a lot of juice. True, it will be necessary to make an effort. But the process won’t take much time and there will be significantly less dirty dishes. Next, let's figure out how to squeeze lemon juice without using a juicer?

Without using a juicer

If you don’t have special devices at hand, it doesn’t matter. Once upon a time there was no technology at all, so you can completely cope without it. How to squeeze juice out of lemons without using a juicer? We offer several methods:

  1. Using forks and spoons. Rinse the citrus and cut it in half. Insert a spoon into the middle of one part so that it pierces the pulp. Turn ½ of the fruit over the bowl with the spoon facing down. Start squeezing the juice until it all flows into the container. To get the remaining nectar, turn the device clockwise and back.

You can also mash the peeled fruit with a fork. To do this, cut the fruit into 4 parts and place everything in a deep bowl.

  1. Heat treatment. How to squeeze liquid out of citrus quickly and easily? Place the lemon in boiling water and leave it there for one minute. Then refrigerate the citrus. This will make it easier for you to extract as much acidic liquid as possible by hand.
  2. Using gauze. Finely chop the fruit pulp and wrap it in gauze and squeeze out the juice. You can use a regular bandage.

Now we know how to squeeze lemon juice without using a device such as a juicer. However, there are several varieties of citrus drink. For example, using citric acid or concentrate.

How to make lemon juice from citric acid or concentrated lemon juice

Citrus juice is most often needed in cooking and marinating dishes. What to do if you don’t have lemon on hand, and if you only need a couple of drops and it’s a shame to spend a whole fruit on it? Everything is very simple. The drink can be obtained from either citric acid or concentrate.

We use citric acid

Making this juice is very simple. The standard recipe requires only two ingredients. Namely:

  • Water;
  • Lemon acid.

The ideal proportion of lemon juice from citric acid is one part powder to two parts liquid. Its ratio to lemon juice is 1 to 6. The preparation technology is simple. The concentrate is diluted with water. To make the drink correctly, it is better to let the product steep for at least 30 minutes. This will be required for better dissolution of the crystals in water.

This method has its advantages:

  • Acid powder has a longer shelf life;
  • She is not picky about storage conditions;
  • You won't need to use a whole lemon for just a few ml;
  • The juice is made quickly and easily;
  • There is no need to put any effort into squeezing the citrus.

And disadvantages:

  • Lack of natural ingredients;
  • The drink should be consumed with caution, in small quantities.

If you still have lemon zest, add it to the lemon juice and let it brew for half an hour. This will give the artificial drink a pleasant aroma.

We use concentrate

Almost all juices that we see on retail shelves are obtained from a concentrated product. In other words, concentrated lemon juice is a preparation for a future drink. This also applies to other fruits.

Such raw materials are obtained after harvesting. Fruits and vegetables are squeezed out, then this liquid is evaporated. Thus, concentration is obtained. The consistency is thick and viscous. It is produced in special conditions, in which everything is not lost useful material fetus

Why make juice from the preparation yourself if store-bought drinks are made in the same way? The fact is that factory production involves adding various preservatives, flavors and flavor enhancers to nectars. At home, only two components are taken. The main thing is to know the proportion. The recipe indicates how much liquid and concentrate is required.


  • Water – 3 l.;
  • Concentrated lemon juice – 600 gr.


The juice must be diluted in water. The components are thoroughly mixed together in the correct ratio. Natural delicious nectar is ready.

The concentrate is measured in kilograms due to its dense consistency. It is possible to purchase the product at retail. Usually on the boxes with it they write: “reconstituted juice.”

Sweet lemon juice: recipes

The drink made from yellow citrus is sour, so not everyone can drink it in its pure form. This product is mainly used as an additive to various dishes, or used in cosmetology.

At the same time, almost everyone loves lemonade. This is because in such a drink the acidity and bitterness are softened by the addition of additional ingredients. It ends up being sweet rather than sour. How to prepare such a fruit drink at home? There are several recipes.

Natural lemonade

No preservatives or other harmful substances that have negative impact on the body. And most importantly, the drink is prepared quickly, easily and from affordable ingredients.


  • Sugar – 3 tsp;
  • Juice of one lemon – 50 ml;
  • Water – 150 ml;
  • Fruit zest.


  1. Put the water on the fire, throw in the zest and bring to a boil.
  2. Boil for 2–3 minutes.
  3. Pour in the sugar and stir here until it is completely dissolved.
  4. Pour in lemon juice and mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Cool the drink.
  6. Homemade healthy lemonade is ready.

You can add a few slices of citrus to a vessel with juice to enrich the taste and add aesthetics to the drink.

Lemonade “For colds”

A tasty treatment for cold symptoms. Take note of the prescription, and you will no longer have to run to the pharmacy at the first moment.


  • Dry chamomile (flowers) – 1 tsp;
  • Lemon juice - a glass;
  • Honey – 1 tbsp;
  • Water – 350 ml.

Cooking technology:

  1. Steam the chamomile with one glass of boiling water and leave to infuse. Preferably for 2–3 hours. If time is short, then 15-30 minutes will be enough.
  2. Prepare lemon juice.
  3. Pour the strained herbal drink into it.
  4. Add honey.
  5. The drink is ready. Enjoy it warm.

Honey can be replaced with sugar or jam. This lemon tea contains many vitamins and nutrients. It is not necessary to drink it only for colds. The drink is suitable for preventive purposes, as well as for everyday use.

Despite wide application lemon nectar, it is difficult to find on sale. Therefore, it is easier to make the product yourself. There are a lot of ways, as you can see in our article. You can make a drink even if you don’t have a juicer or the fruit at hand.

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