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Metropolitan Mstislav. The prayerful spirit and majestic voice of Hieroschemamonk Valerian (Dyachina)

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July 8, 2016, on the eve of the celebration of the Tikhvin Icon Mother of God, the manager of the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga Barsanuphius, performed all-night vigil in the Assumption Cathedral of the Tikhvin Assumption Monastery of the Mother of God.

Among the hierarchs who concelebrated the service were: Metropolitan Lev of Novgorod and Staraya Russia; Archbishop of Chicago and Central America Peter (Russian Church Abroad); the representative of the Patriarch of Serbia to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', Bishop Anthony of Moravich; Abbot of the monastery, Bishop of Tikhvin and Lodeynopol Mstislav; Bishop Paul of Chicago (Orthodox Church in America); Bishop of Armavir and Labinsk Ignatius.

On July 9, on the very day of the holiday, at the Divine Liturgy Metropolitan Barsanuphius was concelebrated by: Metropolitan Lev of Novgorod; Archbishop Peter of Chicago; Rector of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, Archbishop of Peterhof Ambrose; Bishop Anthony of Moravich; Bishop of Kronstadt Nazariy; Bishop of Tikhvin Mstislav; Bishop Paul of Chicago; Bishop of Armavir Ignatius; Secretary of the Diocesan Administration Archpriest Sergiy Kuksevich; the clergy of the St. Petersburg Metropolis and the dioceses of America; brethren of the monastery in holy orders.

Abbesses and nuns prayed during the service convents St. Petersburg Metropolitanate.

A prayer service was performed before the miraculous image of the Mother of God.

Metropolitan Barsanuphius conveyed to the worshipers the congratulations of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill on the occasion of the holiday and addressed those present with an archpastoral word. “Today we came with great joy to this monastery of the Mother of God, as we usually come to our own mothers to celebrate important dates in the lives of our parents,” noted Bishop Barsanuphius. “We celebrate the appearance of the icon, which occurred back in the 14th century, and remember the miracles from it, noted in all subsequent centuries.”

Recalling how many times in the history of the Fatherland the Mother of God interceded for the Russian people, especially during years of difficult trials, the hierarch said: “Today we glorify Her image, through which for many centuries the Mother of God showed Her love, Her care for us. Thank God that this image has returned to Russia! We can kneel and open our hearts before the Queen of Heaven, offer prayers to Her, read akathists, sing troparia. What She has done for us is for our salvation. Therefore, I wish everyone God’s help through the prayers of the Mother of God.”

Metropolitan Barsanuphius thanked Bishop Mstislav for his hospitality.

In his response, the abbot of the monastery said: “Today the city of Tikhvin rejoices - today a host of bishops, many priests, hundreds of pilgrims worship the icon of the Mother of God, called “Tikhvin”. The icon was far from here for sixty years. She stayed in Chicago for many years, and today our guests from Chicago are present here - Bishop Pavel, Bishop Peter and Father Alexander, the son of Archpriest Sergius Garklavs, the long-time custodian of the Tikhvin icon. The icon returned to the place where it was found many centuries ago. We pray before her and ask the Mother of God for help from the monastery, the entire Russian Church, and all our people.”

The abbot of the monastery said that guests from America brought a piece of earth as a gift to the monastery from the place where the temple stands Life-Giving Trinity, built by the first holy martyr of the St. Petersburg land, Archpriest John Kochurov, with the blessing of St. Tikhon, the future Patriarch.

Bishop Mstislav presented Metropolitan Barsanuphius with a commemorative medal dedicated to the celebration of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God.

Brief information

The Tikhvin Monastery was founded in 1560 for the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, miraculously found in 1383: the image appeared to fishermen over Lake Ladoga, near Staraya Ladoga. In the mid-1920s, the monastery was closed and ruined. During the war, the Nazis took the icon away. It came to the Baltic states, then to Germany, and from there to the USA. In 1995, the monastery was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church, the restoration of the Assumption Cathedral began. Main shrine The monastery was returned to Russia in 2004.

On April 12, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' congratulated Bishop Mstislav of Tikhvin and Lodeynopol on 15th anniversary of service in the priesthood.

In his message, the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church prayerfully wished His Eminence “strength from above in mental and physical strength, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (see Rom. 14:17).”

Most of the life of His Eminence Mstislav, Bishop of Tikhvin and Lodeynopol, is connected with St. Petersburg, where he received seminary and academic education, was ranked among the clergy, took his first steps on the pastoral path and was promoted to suffragan bishop.

Now you must carry out hierarchal labors in the newly formed Tikhvin diocese, taking care of the comprehensive development of parish life and monastic work, spiritual enlightenment and social work. - the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church noted in his congratulations.

Let us recall that the Tikhvin diocese was O formed by the decision of the Holy Synod of March 12, 2013 by separation from the St. Petersburg diocese, vicar bishop Mstislav was appointed to the newly formed department. The Synod decided to have the title “Tikhvin and Lodeynopolsky” for the ruling bishop. The Tikhvin diocese unites parishes within the administrative boundaries of Boksitogorsk, Volkhov, Kirishi, Kirov, Lodeynopolsky, Podporozhsky and Tikhvin districts Leningrad region. The new diocese was included in the St. Petersburg Metropolis.

Our information.

Bishop of Tikhvin and Lodeynopol Mstislav (in the world of Dyachin Mikhail Valerianovich), born November 11, 1976 in Ukraine. After graduating from school, he served in the ranks of the Soviet army in 1985-1987.

He began his service in the Church as a subdeacon of Archbishop of Pskov and Porkhov Vladimir (Kotlyarov). In 1988 he entered the Leningrad Theological Seminary, from which he graduated in 1992. In 1996 he graduated from the St. Petersburg Theological Academy and was appointed head of the office of the St. Petersburg diocesan administration.

On March 26, 1998, he was tonsured a monk with a name in honor of the blessed Prince Mstislav the Brave of Novgorod. On April 12, 1998, he was ordained a hierodeacon by Metropolitan Vladimir of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, and on December 4 of the same year - a hieromonk.

From July 18, 1999 to 2001, he directed the Konevsky Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery. He was a full-time priest of the St. Nicholas Cathedral of the Epiphany in St. Petersburg. By Easter 2007 he was elevated to the rank of abbot. In 2007, he was appointed secretary of the St. Petersburg diocese.

On October 28, 2011, he was appointed dean of the Lodeynopol district of the St. Petersburg diocese and acting rector of the Holy Trinity Alexander-Svirsky Monastery while retaining the position of secretary of the diocese.

On March 16, 2012, he was appointed rector of the Alexander-Svirsky Monastery, and elected Bishop of Lodeynopol, vicar of the St. Petersburg diocese.

On April 1 of the same year, he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite with the presentation of the abbot's staff by Metropolitan Vladimir of St. Petersburg and Ladoga in the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in the village of Vyritsa, Gatchina district, Leningrad region.

On April 23, 2012, he was named, and on May 22 of the same year, he was consecrated Bishop of Lodeynopol, vicar of the St. Petersburg diocese.

On March 12, 2013, he was appointed ruling bishop of the newly formed Tikhvin and Lodeynopol diocese.

In preparing the material, the following were used: official websites of the Moscow Patriarchate and the St. Petersburg Metropolis, the open Orthodox encyclopedia "Tree", photo by Artemy Kostrov.

The material was prepared especially for the Ladoga newspaper by Vitaly Tikhonov.



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Bishop of Tikhvin and Lodeynopol (Dyachina Mikhail Valerianovich)

Date of birth: November 11, 1967
Date of ordination: May 22, 2012
Date of tonsure: March 26, 1998
Angel Day: June 27


Dear brothers and sisters!

I cordially welcome you to the ancient city of Tikhvin in the holy Assumption monastery, chosen Holy Mother of God for the storage of one of the greatest shrines of the Christian world - the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, miraculously who came here in 1383.

At the site of the appearance of the Miracle-Working Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, a wooden Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary was built, which became the storage place for the Shrine. This temple was repeatedly destroyed by fire, but the Icon miraculously remained unharmed. In 1507-1515 in Tikhvin, by decree and at the expense of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily Ioannovich, a stone Assumption Cathedral was built as a majestic ark for the Tikhvin icon, consecrated in 1515, on the Feast of the Dormition, by Saint Serapion, Archbishop of Novgorod.

In the 16th century, Tikhvin became the place of the sovereign's pilgrimage. In 1560, Novgorod Archbishop Pimen, by decree of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible, founded here one of the most significant monastic monasteries in Rus', which became not only a prominent place of pilgrimage, but also the center of the spiritual life of the Russian North-West, which had important political and economic significance. For over six centuries, prayer has not stopped at the Miraculous Image of the Lady, and the flow of pilgrims to the Tikhvin shrine has not dried up.

During the years of revolutionary hard times and subsequent tragic events national history, including the years of the Great Patriotic War, Tikhvin Mother of God Assumption Monastery was subject to destruction. But by the inscrutable Providence of God, our main shrine - the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God - was sent to the worldwide preaching of Orthodoxy through the Pskov land and further to Latvia, Germany and the United States of America.

The now revived Tikhvin Dormition Mother of God Monastery, which solemnly welcomed the Tikhvin shrine back from forced emigration in 2004, again welcomes under its hospitable shelter all those seeking spiritual consolation and healing from Miracle-working icon Mother of God. We are always glad to see pious pilgrims and, with God's cooperation, we do everything possible so that your stay at the Tikhvin shrine leaves an indelible mark on your souls and hearts, so that you can bring into your homes spiritual joy from prayerful communication with the Most Holy Theotokos, who guards the Russian Church and The Russian Fatherland under Its blessed cover!


Born November 11, 1967 in Ukraine. In 1985-1987 served in the Armed Forces.

In 1992 he graduated from the St. Petersburg Theological Seminary, in 1996 - the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. Appointed head of the chancellery of the St. Petersburg diocese.

On March 26, 1998, he took monastic vows with the name Mstislav in honor of the blessed Prince Mstislav, in the holy baptism of George the Brave, of Novgorod.

On April 12, 1998, Metropolitan Vladimir of St. Petersburg and Ladoga was ordained a hierodeacon, and on December 4, 1998, a hieromonk.

In 1999-2001 - Abbot of the Konevsky Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery.

In 2007, he was appointed secretary of the St. Petersburg diocese.

In 2011 he was elevated to the rank of abbot. Appointed dean of the Lodeynopolsky district of the St. Petersburg diocese and acting. rector of the Holy Trinity Alexander-Svirsky Monastery in the village of Staraya Sloboda, Lodeynopolsky district, Leningrad region. while retaining the position of secretary of the diocese.

By decisions of the Holy Synod of March 16, 2012, he was appointed (Journal No. 16) to the position of rector (abbot) of the Holy Trinity Alexander-Svirsky Monastery and elected (Journal No. 19) Bishop of Lodeynopol, vicar of the St. Petersburg Diocese.
On April 1, 2012, he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

He was ordained bishop on April 23, 2012, in the Church of All Saints, in the Land of Russia, the Patriarchal Residence in the Danilov Monastery in Moscow.

He was consecrated on May 22 during the Divine Liturgy in the St. Petersburg St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral. The services were led by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of March 12, 2013 (journal No. 16), he was appointed to the newly formed Tikhvin See.


  • 1992 - St. Petersburg Theological Seminary
  • 1996 - St. Petersburg Theological Academy

Bishop of Tikhvin and Lodeynopol
(Dyachina Mikhail Valerianovich)

Born November 11, 1967. Ordination date: May 22, 2012. Consecrated as a monk on March 26, 1998. Country: Russia


Born November 11, 1967 in Ukraine. In 1985-1987 served in the Armed Forces.

In 1992 he graduated from the St. Petersburg Theological Seminary, in 1996 - the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. Appointed head of the chancellery of the St. Petersburg diocese.

On March 26, 1998, he took monastic vows with the name Mstislav in honor of the blessed Prince Mstislav, in the holy baptism of George the Brave, of Novgorod.

On April 12, 1998, Metropolitan Vladimir of St. Petersburg and Ladoga was ordained a hierodeacon, and on December 4, 1998, a hieromonk.

In 1999-2001 - Abbot of the Konevsky Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery.

In 2007, he was appointed secretary of the St. Petersburg diocese.

In 2011 he was elevated to the rank of abbot. Appointed dean of the Lodeynopolsky district of the St. Petersburg diocese and acting. rector of the Holy Trinity Alexander-Svirsky Monastery in the village of Staraya Sloboda, Lodeynopolsky district, Leningrad region. while retaining the position of secretary of the diocese.

By decisions of the Holy Synod of March 16, 2012, he was appointed (magazine No. 16) to the position of rector (abbot) of the Holy Trinity Alexander-Svirsky Monastery and elected (magazine No. 19) Bishop of Lodeynopol, vicar of the St. Petersburg diocese.

He was ordained bishop on April 23, 2012, in the Church of All Saints, in the Land of Russia, the Patriarchal Residence in the Danilov Monastery in Moscow. He was consecrated on May 22 during the Divine Liturgy in the St. Petersburg St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral. The services were led by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of March 12, 2013 (journal No. 16), he was appointed to the newly formed Tikhvin See.


1992- St. Petersburg Theological Seminary.
1996- St. Petersburg Theological Academy.

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